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An initiative by:
TABLE OF CONTENTS French Ambassador's Foreword ..............................................................................6 FCCIB President's Foreword .....................................................................................7 Why Bahrain ?.............................................................................................................8 CCEF President's Testimonial ...................................................................................9 Bahrain Fact Sheet ..................................................................................................10 Advantages and Business Attributes of Bahrain .................................................11 FCCIB Executive Director's Presentation of the guide ........................................13 Success Stories ........................................................................................................14 Economic Guide: Directory of French Companies & Institutions in Bahrain....40 Commercial Guide: Directory of French Brands in Bahrain ...............................68 Special thanks.........................................................................................................142
DISCLAIMER: Whilst every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the information presented, neither the FCCIB, its members nor its agents may be held liable for any errors of omissions. FCCIB shall not be held responsible for the character and integrity of any of the listed companies or brands. This guide is designed to evolve in time and companies and brands might be updated, added or removed accordingly.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
His Excellency Jérôme CAUCHARD French Ambassador to Bahrain
The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Bahrain innovates once again.
La chambre de commerce et d’industrie francobahreïnienne innove une fois encore.
This first Guide to the French economic presence in Bahrain, “Made in France à Bahrain” is a great initiative that I welcome with pleasure. It reports on the breadth of the economic and commercial relationship between France and the Kingdom of Bahrain. It also illustrates the diversity and variety of the links that enrich the French presence in Bahrain on a daily basis.
Ce premier « Guide de la présence française à Bahreïn » est une belle initiative que je salue avec grand plaisir. Il rend compte de l’ampleur de la relation économique et commerciale qui unit la France et le Royaume de Bahreïn. Il illustre aussi la diversité et la variété des liens multiples qui enrichissent au quotidien la présence française à Bahreïn
By listing all the actors, all the sectors and all the brands that contribute to the richness of this relationship, this guide innovatively completes the range of tools put in place to support both unlisted and listed companies, to advance the cooperation and nurture exchanges between the two countries. Everyone can usefully find in it the contacts they need, with the justified feeling of belonging to a vast business community whose members, being French or not, share the same commitment to the service of the bilateral relationship and the economic profile of France. This guide is therefore particularly welcome, and I know that it is here to stay. It is a tool for the present and an investment for the future.
En recensant tous les acteurs, tous les secteurs et toutes les marques qui contribuent à la richesse de cette relation, ce guide complète de manière innovante la panoplie des outils mis en place en appui aux entreprises, individuelles comme cotées en bourse, pour faire progresser les coopérations et nourrir les échanges entre les deux pays. Chacun pourra utilement y trouver les contacts dont il a besoin, avec le sentiment justifié d’appartenir à une vaste communauté d’affaires dont les membres, Français ou non, partagent le même engagement au service de la relation bilatérale et du rayonnement économique de la France. Ce guide est donc particulièrement bienvenu et je sais qu’il s’inscrit dans la durée. C’est un outil pour le présent et un investissement pour l’avenir.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Jean-Christophe DURAND President French Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Bahrain, FCCIB The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Bahrain, FCCIB, has become one of the most active foreign business institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain. After a sustained period of growth since its launch in 2016, when it officially joined the CCI France International global network of 125 Chambers across the globe, it regroups today around 100 Corporate Members, French and Bahrainis.
La Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Française à Bahreïn, FCCIB, est l'une des institutions commerciales étrangères les plus actives au Royaume de Bahreïn. Après une période de croissance soutenue depuis son lancement en 2016, date à laquelle elle a officiellement rejoint le réseau mondial CCI France International, composé de 125 Chambres à travers le monde, elle regroupe aujourd'hui une centaine d’entreprises membres, françaises et bahreïniennes.
The rapid development of the FCCIB is a proof that the economic and business relationship between the two countries is growing and diversifying. It also confirms that the Bahrain market offers a very favorable environment for foreign companies to establish a local presence, thanks to its strategic location, its quality of life, the welcoming business facilities, and the very qualified workforce.
Le développement rapide de la FCCIB est la preuve que la relation économique et commerciale entre les deux pays se développe et se diversifie. Il confirme également que le marché de Bahreïn offre un environnement très favorable aux entreprises étrangères pour s'implanter localement, grâce à son emplacement stratégique, sa qualité de vie, ses conditions d’installation accueillantes et sa main-d'œuvre très qualifiée.
The FCCIB and its dedicated team of professionals constantly look for new projects, ideas and partnerships which could benefit the business community interested to contribute to the relationship between the two countries. We aim at promoting systematically the French expertise in the Kingdom of Bahrain and demonstrate the continued attractiveness of the Kingdom of Bahrain for our French companies.
La FCCIB et son équipe dédiée de professionnels sont constamment à la recherche de nouveaux projets, idées et partenariats qui pourraient bénéficier à la communauté d’affaires, et ceci dans l’intérêt de contribuer au développement des relations entre nos deux pays. Notre objectif est de promouvoir systématiquement l'expertise française au Royaume de Bahreïn et de démontrer l'attractivité continue de Bahreïn pour nos entreprises françaises.
In this guide, the first in its kind in Bahrain, you will discover the French flagship companies which chose Bahrain to establish their regional hubs or establish their business and some testimonies of their leaders on the country and its potential as a base for the GCC. You will also discover the diversity and depth of the French business presence in Bahrain as well as a large selection of French Brands which are represented and available in the country.
Dans ce guide, qui est une première à Bahreïn, vous découvrirez les entreprises françaises phares qui ont choisi Bahreïn pour implanter leurs hubs régionaux ou implanter leur entreprise et quelques témoignages de leurs dirigeants sur le pays et son potentiel comme porte d’entrée pour le Golfe. Vous découvrirez également la diversité et la profondeur de la présence commerciale française à Bahreïn ainsi qu'une large sélection de marques françaises représentées et disponibles dans le pays.
On behalf of the FCCIB Board and management team, we wish you all great success, enjoy the “Made in France à Bahrain Guide “and help us to further extend the range of French companies represented in the country.
Au nom du Conseil d'Administration de la FCCIB et de son équipe, nous vous souhaitons à tous beaucoup de succès, et une bonne lecture de ce guide « Made in France à Bahreïn » et nous comptons sur vous pour nous aider à élargir encore plus la gamme des entreprises françaises représentées dans le pays.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
CCEF PRESIDENT'S TESTIMONIAL Jacques MICHEL President Bahrain's Committee for Foreign French Trade Advisors (CCEF) The Bahrain CCEF chapter, which I have the privilege to chair, includes a group of French business managers and independent entrepreneurs, representing different sectors. Their knowledge of the local and regional economic environment, coupled with their sectoral expertise is available to France and to French companies or entrepreneurs who plan to set up or export to Bahrain. Our Chapter works very closely with the Embassy of France and its economic department. It has also established constructive relations with the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Bahrain as well as the public and private economic institutions in the Kingdom. The Kingdom of Bahrain has a strategic location at the heart of the Gulf and offers a favorable environment for business, which makes it a destination of choice for French companies wishing to establish themselves in the Gulf region. Bahrain’s economy is already one of the most diverse in the region. It is undergoing a vigorous transformation with the goal of further reducing the Kingdom’s fiscal dependence on oil revenues and diversifying its economy. Several large industrial projects are part of this strategy. Bahrain is also leading a series of initiatives to make its environment even more welcoming to foreign investors. Bahrain’s key strengths include a stable economy; easy access to the region, including to Saudi Arabia; a skilled talent pool; competitive pricing; a favorable tax environment; and a good social climate. Bahrain should definitely be a location for consideration for French companies as they consider their expanding, or setting up in the Gulf countries.
Le comité CCEF de Bahreïn, que j'ai l'honneur de présider, est constitué d’une quinzaine de responsables d’entreprises ou entrepreneurs indépendants, représentants différents secteurs d’activité. Leur connaissance de l’environnement économique local et régional ainsi que leur expertise sectorielle sont mises à la disposition de la France et des entreprises ou entrepreneurs français, qui envisagent de s’implanter ou d’exporter au Bahreïn. Notre comité collabore très étroitement avec l’Ambassade de France et son service économique, il a noué également des relations constructives avec la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Française à Bahreïn ainsi que les institutions économiques publiques et privées du pays. Bahreïn, en raison de sa taille et de son poids économique relatif au sein de l’espace CCG est encore trop souvent méconnu alors même que le Royaume offre un environnement très propice à la vie des affaires, qui en fait une destination de choix pour les entreprises françaises désireuses de s’implanter dans la région du Golfe. L’économie de Bahreïn est déjà l’une des plus diversifiées de la région et sous l’impulsion du Leadership local, elle est en voie de transformation vigoureuse, dont l’objectif est de réduire davantage la dépendance budgétaire du Royaume aux revenus pétroliers. Plusieurs grands projets industriels s’inscrivent dans cette stratégie. Bahreïn conduit aussi une série d’initiatives pour rendre son environnement encore plus accueillant pour les investisseurs étrangers. Sa position de Gateway de l’Arabie Saoudite qui demeure le marché le plus important de la région, son avantage comparatif en termes de prix, sa population jeune, bien formée et désireuse de travailler sont autant d’atouts sur lesquels le pays est en train de capitaliser. Le choix de Bahreïn devrait constituer pour nos entreprises françaises une option à privilégier dans leur plan d’expansion ou simplement d’installation dans les pays du Golfe.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
BAHRAIN FACT SHEET Official name of the country: Kingdom of Bahrain
Nom officiel : Royaume de Bahreïn
Area: 760sqm, an archipelago of 33 islands
Superficie: 760 m2, un archipel de 33 îles
Capital: Manama
Capitale: Manama
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Gouvernement: Monarchie
Population: 1,749,250 (2021)
Languages: Arabic is the official language. English is
Population: 1 749 250 d'habitants (2021)
also used, particularly as a business language
Langues: L'arabe est la langue officielle.
Religion: Islam (70.2% of the population and the state
L'anglais est également utilisé, en
religion). Christian, Hindu, Jewish and other religious
particulier comme langue des affaires.
groups enjoy freedom of religion. Currency: Bahraini Dinar (BHD) pegged to US$ (US$ 1 = BHD 0.376) GDP: 38.57 billion dollars (Trade Economics - Q2 2020) GDP Growth rate: -5.8% (Ministry of Finance - Q4 2020) Inflation rate: -2.3% (Ministry of Finance - Q4 2020) Visa: on arrival for visitors from 66 countries (including France) and access to e-visas for another 143 countries. Accessibility: Bahrain is accessible by air, sea and land. Driving is permitted on a valid French license and will automatically be transferred after relevant documents have been issued (work/residence permit, Time Zone: GMT + 3 Hours Country Code: +973 Weekly holidays: Friday and Saturday
groupes religieux chrétiens, hindous, juifs et autres jouissent de la liberté de religion. Devise: Dinar bahreïni (BHD) indexé sur le dollar américain (1 $ US = 0,376 BHD) PIB: 38,57 milliards de dollars (Trade Economics - Q2 2020)
Unemployment rate: 4.9% (IMF - 2020)
CPR cards)
Religion: Islam (70,2% de la population et religion d'État). Les
Taux de croissance du PIB: -5,8% (Ministère de la Finance Q4 2020) Taux de chômage: 4.9% (FMI - 2020) Taux d'inflation: -2,3% (Ministère des Finances - Q4 2020) Visa: à l'arrivée pour les visiteurs de 66 pays (dont la France) et accès aux visas électroniques pour 143 autres pays. Accessibilité: Bahreïn est accessible par voie aérienne, maritime et terrestre. La conduite est autorisée sur un permis français valide et sera automatiquement transférée après la délivrance des documents pertinents (permis de travail / séjour, cartes CPR) Fuseau horaire: GMT + 3 heures Code du pays: +973 Vacances hebdomadaires: vendredi et samedi
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
ADVANTAGES & BUSINESS ATTRIBUTES OF BAHRAIN Strategic location: Bahrain is the best market access to the growing Gulf economies and a natural gateway to the Middle East, with particularly favorable access to Saudi Arabia, the region’s single largest market and economy. A direct access to 36 million consumers across the GCC’s US $1.5-trillion market. 0% tax: No corporate income tax or personal income tax. Cost competitive, value-oriented: Bahrain offers the best value for money-with the lowest taxes and operating costs for businesses which base their operations in the Kingdom. Cost of setting up and operating businesses is 20%-35% cheaper than in other GCC countries. Unlike elsewhere in the region, Bahrain permits 100% non-Bahraini workforce if necessary. Bahrain is the only country in the region that offers 100% foreign ownership in manufacturing and distribution without free-zone restrictions. Middle East’s freest market: businesses can operate freely, with minimal foreign ownership restrictions. Exceptional quality of life: Bahrain ranks as one of the best places to live in. Bahrain is an open, tolerant and welcoming society that has long respected people of all cultures, ethnicities, denominations and genders. Talented human capital: Bahrain has the most educated and skilled Gulf workforce. Tamkeen, a semi-government organization bolstering the private sector, offers salary and training subsidies as well as grants to cover other costs (equipment, IT infrastructure and marketing)
Emplacement stratégique: Bahreïn est le meilleur accès au marché pour les économies en croissance du Golfe et une porte d'entrée naturelle vers le Moyen-Orient, avec un accès particulièrement favorable à l'Arabie saoudite, le plus grand marché de la région. Un accès direct à 36 millions de consommateurs sur un marché de 1,5 billion de dollars américains du CCG. 0% d'impôt: pas d'impôt sur les sociétés ni d'impôt sur le revenu des personnes physiques. Coût compétitif, axé sur la valeur: Bahreïn offre le meilleur rapport qualité-prix - avec les taxes et les coûts d'exploitation les plus bas pour les entreprises qui basent leurs opérations dans le Royaume. Le coût de création et d'exploitation des entreprises est de 20% à 35% moins cher que dans les autres pays du CCG. Contrairement aux autres pays de la région, Bahreïn autorise 100% de main-d'œuvre non bahreïni si nécessaire. Bahreïn est le seul pays de la région à offrir une participation étrangère à 100% dans les secteurs de la fabrication et de la distribution sans restrictions de zone franche. Le marché le plus libre du Moyen-Orient: les entreprises peuvent opérer librement, avec des restrictions minimales en matière de propriété étrangère. Qualité de vie exceptionnelle: Bahreïn est l'un des meilleurs endroits pour vivre. Bahreïn est une société ouverte, tolérante et accueillante qui respecte les personnes de toutes cultures, ethnies, dénominations et sexes. Capital humain talentueux: Bahreïn possède la maind'œuvre la plus instruite et la plus qualifiée du Golfe. Tamkeen, une organisation semi-gouvernementale qui soutient le secteur privé, offre des subventions salariales et de formation ainsi que des subventions pour couvrir d'autres coûts (équipement, infrastructure informatique et marketing)
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
PRESENTATION OF THE GUIDE Rim JALALI Executive Director French Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Bahrain, FCCIB
Welcome to the “Made in France à Bahrain” Guide, an initiative from the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Bahrain, and the first comprehensive directory showcasing the French Presence in the Kingdom. Through this guide, we are highlighting the strong relationship between France and the Kingdom of Bahrain, and promoting the presence in Bahrain of French companies, including startups, SMEs and large corporates, integrated in the local environment. We are also paying tribute to Bahraini investors and entrepreneurs who are representing French Brands or leading French companies in Bahrain. “Made in France à Bahrain” is also an opportunity to discover French brands in Bahrain. From Fashion to Beauty, from Luxury to Lifestyle, from Dining & Restaurants to Hospitality, we tried to showcase the majority of your preferred French Brands and to help you find them by sharing some of their locations and contact details in Bahrain. This Guide is directed towards not only the businesses and individuals already established in Bahrain, but also to the newcomers and prospectors, hoping to inspire them and initiate new business opportunities. This Guide, which will be constantly updated and enriched, is an exclusive platform to support, promote and showcase the French know-how, and the French lifestyle in Bahrain. We dedicate this first edition to all the advertisers, leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals, who supported this initiative and participated in its realization. Enjoy “Made In France à Bahrain Guide”, and make the best use of it!
Bienvenue dans le guide « Made in France à Bahrain », une initiative de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Francaise à Bahreïn, et le premier répertoire complet de la présence française dans le Royaume. Ce guide, qui sera constamment mis à jour et enrichi, est une plateforme exclusive pour soutenir, promouvoir et mettre en valeur le savoir-faire français et le mode de vie à la française. En parcourant ses pages, nous constatons l’importance des relations entre la France et le Royaume de Bahreïn, en énumérant les entreprises françaises, dont des startups, des PME et des grandes entreprises, intégrées dans le paysage économique local depuis plusieurs années. Nous rendons également hommage aux investisseurs et aux entrepreneurs bahreïnis qui représentent des marques françaises ou qui dirigent des entreprises françaises à Bahreïn. « Made in France à Bahrain », c’est aussi l’occasion de découvrir les marques françaises qu’on peut trouver à Bahreïn. De la mode à la beauté, du luxe au style de vie, de la restauration à l’hôtellerie, nous avons essayé de répertorier l’essentiel de vos marques françaises préférées et de vous aider à les trouver en partageant certains de leurs emplacements et leurs coordonnées. Ce guide s’adresse non seulement aux entreprises et aux individus déjà établis à Bahreïn, mais aussi aux nouveaux arrivants et aux prospecteurs dans l’espoir de les inspirer et de créer de nouvelles opportunités d’affaires. Nous dédions cette première édition à tous les annonceurs, leaders, entrepreneurs et professionnels, qui ont soutenu cette initiative et ont participé à sa réalisation. Bonne lecture et profitez-en au mieux !
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
SUCCESS STORIES TABLE OF CONTENTS LEADERS OF FRENCH COMPANIES IN BAHRAIN ......................................16-26 Jacques MICHEL, Chairman, BNP Paribas MEA ....................................................16 Pascal BATEMAN, Chief Executive Officer, Vinci Energies...................................18 Pierre SFEIR, General Manager , Unanime Architectes Gulf ...............................20 Mehdi HANAYEN, General Manager, Sofitel Zallaq .............................................22 Jérôme AKEL, Country Manager, Carrefour Bahrain ...........................................24 Richard DE SUREMAIN, Chief Executive Officer, Daniele Décor .........................26 BAHRAINI LEADERS INVESTING IN FRENCH BRANDS .............................28-34 Mona ALMOAYYED, Managing Director, YK Almoayyed (Renault)......................28 Fadhel AL SHEHABI, Local Partner, Mazars ..........................................................30 Abdulrahman JUMA, Chairman, UNEECO (Schneider Electric) ..........................32 Basim ALSAIE, Managing Director & Partner, Installux Gulf...............................34 FRENCH ENTREPRENEURS IN BAHRAIN ...................................................36-38 Vincent PLUCHET, Managing Partner, Blue Dot Planet ......................................36 Ségolène CRETAUX, Founder, Café Ségo...............................................................38
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
SUCCESS STORIES: LEADERS OF FRENCH COMPANIES IN BAHRAIN Jacques MICHEL Chairman, BNP Paribas MEA "BNP Paribas is a leading foreign bank and trusted advisor to the Kingdom of Bahrain. As the regional hub, Bahrain’s key strengths are a stable economy, a strong regulatory framework governed by the Central Bank of Bahrain; a pool of local talent; access to regional markets and good social climate."
"BNP Paribas est une banque internationale de premier plan et un conseiller de confiance du Royaume de Bahreïn. En tant que centre régional, les principaux atouts de Bahreïn se résument en une économie stable, un cadre réglementaire solide régi par la Banque centrale de Bahreïn, un vivier de talents locaux, un accès aux marchés régionaux et bon climat social."
BNP Paribas’ mission is to contribute to a responsible and sustainable economy by financing and advising clients, with presence in 68 countries and over 193,000 employees.
La mission de BNP Paribas est de contribuer à une économie responsable et durable en finançant et conseillant ses clients, avec une présence dans 68 pays et plus de 193 000 collaborateurs.
In the Middle East, the Bank has been operating for over 45 years, and is active in the fields of Corporate & Institutional Banking and International Financial Services. With presence in five of the Gulf countries, the Bank has unparalleled presence in the region: Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.The network enjoys a leading position in many areas including fixed income, debt capital markets, capital markets, cash management, trade finance and advisory services.
Au Moyen-Orient, la banque opère depuis plus de 45 ans et est active dans les secteurs des services bancaires aux entreprises et institutionnels et des services financiers internationaux. Avec une présence dans cinq des pays du Golfe, la Banque a une présence inégalée dans la région : le Bahreïn, le Koweït, le Qatar, l'Arabie Saoudite et les Émirats Arabes Unis. Le réseau occupe une position de leader dans de nombreux domaines, notamment les marches du crédit, les marchés de capitaux d'emprunt, les marchés de capitaux, la gestion de liquidité, le financement du commerce et les services de conseil.
BNP Paribas enjoys strong partnerships with Sovereigns, and Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs). Moreover, the Bank works closely with strategic corporate and financial institutions, and is well positioned to support them to deliver on their strategies. BNP Paribas also remains the bank of choice for multinationals (MNCs) in the region. Sustainable Finance is a unique strength of the Bank, and underscores its commitment to accompanying clients on their energy transition journey.
BNP Paribas a développé de solides partenariats avec les Souverains et les Fonds Souverains. De plus, la banque travaille en étroite collaboration avec les institutions financières et corporatives stratégiques et est bien placée pour les aider à mettre en œuvre leurs stratégies. BNP Paribas reste également la banque de choix des multinationales de la région. La Finance Durable est une force singulière de la banque et souligne son engagement à accompagner ses clients dans leur parcours de transition énergétique.
BNP Paribas is a leading foreign bank and trusted advisor to the Kingdom of Bahrain. As the regional hub, Bahrain’s key strengths are a stable economy, a strong regulatory framework governed by the Central Bank of Bahrain; a pool of local talent; access to regional markets and good social climate. The Bank supports the arts and culture in Bahrain with BNP Paribas Foundation, through sponsoring musicians, art initiatives and climate exhibitions.
BNP Paribas est une banque internationale de premier plan et un conseiller de confiance du Royaume de Bahreïn. En tant que centre régional, les principaux atouts de Bahreïn se résument en une économie stable, un cadre réglementaire solide régi par la Banque centrale de Bahreïn, un vivier de talents locaux, un accès aux marchés régionaux et bon climat social. La Banque soutient les arts et la culture à Bahreïn avec la Fondation BNP Paribas, à travers le parrainage de musiciens, d’initiatives artistiques et d’expositions sur le climat.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
SUCCESS STORIES: LEADERS OF FRENCH COMPANIES IN BAHRAIN Pascal BATEMAN Chief Executive Officer Vinci Energies "Bahrain is Vinci Energies’s oldest establishment in the GCC, for more than 50 years, and is represented by the company Comsip Al Ali, which has participated in numerous projects for the development of the Island over the past decades." Bahrain is Vinci Energies’s oldest establishment in the GCC, for more than 50 years, and is represented by the company Comsip Al Ali, which has participated in numerous projects for the development of the Island over the past decades. Bahrain has always presented opportunities, both in activities related to the oil & gas sector and in its structuring projects. Bahraini customers have remained loyal to the company's local roots. Recognized initially for its skills in electricity and instrumentation, Comsip Al Ali has been able to adapt to the demands of its customers and evolve towards more global offers integrating automation, energy efficiency or the construction of solar farms which is an axis of strong development for Bahrain. Vinci Energies hopes, in the coming years, to be able to offer other know-hows of the Group, specially through its ACTEMIUM and OMEXOM brands, to better assist its partners at the forefront of innovation and the digitization of their process. Actemium helps its industrial customers improve their performance and competitiveness by offering customised solutions to address the issues raised by technological change in the industrial environment. As an actor in the Power & Grid Infrastructures market, Omexom offers an entire range of engineering, construction, and maintenance services to its customers.
"Bahreïn est la plus veille implantation de Vinci énergies dans le golfe, depuis plus de 50 ans, et est représentée par la société Comsip Al Ali qui a participé à de nombreux projets pour le developpement de l’Ile au cours des dernières décennies." Bahreïn est la plus veille implantation de Vinci Energies dans le golfe, depuis plus de 50 ans, et est représentée par la société Comsip Al Ali qui a participé à de nombreux projets pour le développement de l’Ile au cours des dernières décennies. Bahreïn a toujours présenté des opportunités à la fois dans les activités liées au secteur oil & gas mais aussi dans ses projets structurants. Les clients Bahreïniens sont restés fidèles à l’ancrage local de l’entreprise. Reconnus initialement pour ses compétences en électricité et instrumentation, Comsip Al Ali a su s’adapter aux demandes de ses clients et évoluer vers des offres plus globales intégrant l’automatisme, l’efficacité énergétique ou la réalisation de fermes solaires qui est un axe de développement fort pour Bahreïn. Vinci Energies espère dans les années futures pouvoir proposer d’autres savoir-faire du Groupe, notamment par l’intermédiaire de ses marques ACTEMIUM et OMEXOM, ceci pour mieux accompagner ses partenaires à la pointe de l’innovation et de la digitalisation de leur process. Actemium accompagne ses clients industriels dans l'amélioration de leurs performances et de leur compétitivité en proposant des solutions sur mesure pour répondre aux problématiques soulevées par l'évolution technologique dans l'environnement industriel. Acteur du marché des Infrastructures Power & Grid, Omexom propose à ses clients une gamme complète de services d'ingénierie, de construction et de maintenance.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
SUCCESS STORIES: LEADERS OF FRENCH COMPANIES IN BAHRAIN Pierre SFEIR General Manager Unanime Architectes Gulf "In GCC, Unanime started in Bahrain back in 2011, our activities are led by our local expert team built throughout the years around multiple nationalities and fully integrated in the social fabric of the kingdom."
"Dans le Golfe, Unanime a démarré à Bahreïn en 2011, nos activités sont dirigées par notre équipe d'experts locaux construite au fil des années autour de multiples nationalités et pleinement intégrée dans le tissu social du royaume."
Unanime is one of the fifty largest architectural firm in France, our success in France pushed us to spread internationally across Europe and the Arabian Gulf area. In Europe we are based in Paris, Lyon and Aix-les-Bains, while our international presence now spreads through our offices in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.
Unanime est l'un des cinquante plus grands cabinets d'architectes en France, notre succès en France nous a poussé à nous implanter à l'international à travers l'Europe et la région du Golfe Arabe. En Europe, nous sommes basés à Paris, Lyon et Aix-les-Bains, tandis que notre présence internationale s'étend désormais à travers nos bureaux à Bahreïn et en Arabie Saoudite.
Each project of ours is different in relation to its surrounding environment; as we do not focus only on the design itself, but we take into consideration the local identity correspondent to each social environment in different regions of the world. With our solid European experience and our local team, we combine knowledge, efficiency with the local cultural and social specificity. In GCC, Unanime started in Bahrain back in 2011, our activities are led by our local expert team built throughout the years around multiple nationalities and fully integrated in the social fabric of the kingdom. Since day one our hard work led us into achieving local recognition and opened up opportunities for projects such as the “Sharq residence” in the Dilmunia island, landmark commercial projects like the “Wadi Al Sail Mall “ and pilot healthcare project for the region with the mental health hospital in Al Jasra. We also has been expanding to neighboring countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE through the first healthcare center to be built in NEOM, the tech4 research building in Doha and Orpea rehabilitation hospital and headquarters in Dubai.
Chacun de nos projets est différent par rapport à son environnement, car nous ne nous concentrons pas uniquement sur la conception elle-même, mais nous prenons en considération l'identité locale correspondant à chaque environnement social dans différentes régions du monde. Forts de notre solide expérience européenne et de notre équipe locale, nous allions savoir et efficacité à la spécificité culturelle et sociale locale. Dans le Golfe, Unanime a démarré à Bahreïn en 2011, nos activités sont dirigées par notre équipe d'experts locaux construite au fil des années autour de multiples nationalités et pleinement intégrée dans le tissu social du Royaume. Depuis le premier jour, notre travail acharné nous a conduit à obtenir une reconnaissance locale et a ouvert des opportunités pour des projets tels que la «résidence Sharq» sur l'île de Dilmunia, des projets commerciaux phares comme le «Wadi Al Sail Mall» et un projet pilote de santé pour la région avec l’hôpital de santé mentale à Al Jasra. Nous nous sommes également étendus aux pays voisins comme l'Arabie Saoudite, le Qatar et les Émirats Arabes Unis grâce au premier centre de santé à être construit à NEOM, le bâtiment de recherche tech4 à Doha et l'hôpital de réadaptation Orpea et son siège à Dubaï.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
SUCCESS STORIES: LEADERS OF FRENCH COMPANIES IN BAHRAIN Mehdi HANAYEN General Manager Sofitel Bahrain Zallaq Thalassa Sea & Spa "I was part of Sofitel Bahrain Zallaq Thalassa Sea & Spa pre-opening team, in 2011, and I must say that this were one of the most fulfilling days of my life as a hotelier"
Accor has an illustrious history and witnessed continued success in Bahrain with eight hotels currently being managed by the group in the Kingdom. The group has ambitious plans to unveil a one of its kind, Raffles in Bahrain in 2021 along with Fairmont and Mama Shelter to be added to their growing inventory very soon. This remarkable growth and its growing hotel inventory within Bahrain indicates Accor’s success due, in the one hand, to continued enhancements, constant adaptability owing to changing demands and the group’s sheer commitment to its global sustainability program; Planet 21, and on the other hand, to the welcoming locals, expert workforce from various industries and bustling tourism economy, of the Kingdom of Bahrain. I was part of Sofitel Bahrain Zallaq Thalassa Sea & Spa pre-opening team, in 2011, and I must say that this were one of the most fulfilling days of my life as a hotelier. This exclusive resort that caters to both leisure and business travelers looking to unwind amidst views of crystal clear turquoise waters of the Arabian Gulf, is surrounded by Bahrain's national landmarks such as Bahrain International Circuit, Gravity Indoor Skydiving, Al Areen Wildlife Park & Reserve and the Lost Paradise of Dilmun Water Park. The French décor blended with traditional Arab flair highlights this five-star hotel’s dedication to creating an exceptional haven from the bustling city. Currently, I am serving my 3rd year as a Cluster General Manager of the leading hotel resort in Bahrain - Sofitel and Mercure Grand Hotel Seef with the never-ending support of its Owning Company. I admire the adventure behind my entire hotel industry journey, in particular in Bahrain.
"J'ai fait partie de l'équipe de pré-ouverture du Sofitel Bahrain Zallaq Thalassa Sea & Spa, en 2011, et je dois dire que ce fut l'un des jours les plus épanouissants de ma vie professionnelle"
Accor se distingue par sa célèbre histoire et connaît un succès continu à Bahreïn, avec un total de huit hôtels actuellement gérés par le groupe dans le Royaume. Le groupe a des projets ambitieux, comme par exemple celui de dévoiler un 'Raffles' unique en son genre à Bahreïn en 2021, ainsi que 'Fairmont' et 'Mama Shelter', qui s'ajouteront très prochainement à la liste des hôtels du groupe Accor présents à Bahreïn. Cette croissance remarquable et cet inventaire hôtelier grandissant à Bahreïn témoignent du succès d’Accor dû, d’une part, à des améliorations continues, à une adaptabilité constante répondant à l’évolution des demandes et à l’engagement absolu du groupe dans son programme mondial de développement durable; Planet 21, et d'autre part, aux habitants accueillants, à la main-d'œuvre experte de diverses industries et à l'économie touristique animée du Royaume de Bahreïn. J'ai fait partie de l'équipe de pré-ouverture du Sofitel Bahrain Zallaq Thalassa Sea & Spa, en 2011, et je dois dire que ce fut l'un des jours les plus épanouissants de ma vie professionnelle. Ce complexe unique qui s'adresse aussi bien aux voyageurs d'affaires qu'aux touristes souhaitant se détendre au milieu de la vue sur les eaux turquoises cristallines du golfe Persique, est entouré par des endroits emblématiques de Bahreïn tels que le circuit international de Bahreïn, le parachutisme intérieur Gravity, la réserve animalière 'Al Areen Wildlife Park' et le parc aquatique 'Lost Paradise of Dilmun'. Le décor français allié à une touche arabe traditionnelle souligne le dévouement de cet hôtel cinq étoiles à créer un havre de paix exceptionnel loin de la ville animée. J'effectue actuellement ma 3ème année en tant que directeur général du cluster de la principale station hôtelière de Bahreïn Sofitel et Mercure Grand Hotel Seef avec le soutien sans fin de sa société propriétaire. J'admire l'aventure derrière tout mon parcours dans l'hôtellerie, en particulier à Bahreïn.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
SUCCESS STORIES: LEADERS OF FRENCH COMPANIES IN BAHRAIN Jérôme AKEL Country Manager Carrefour Bahrain "Carrefour was launched in the region in 1995 by UAE-based Majid Al Futtaim, which is the exclusive franchisee to operate Carrefour in over 30 countries across the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, and fully owns the operations in the region."
"Carrefour a été lancé dans la région en 1995 par Majid Al Futtaim, basé aux Emirats Arabes Unis, qui est le franchisé exclusif pour les opérations de Carrefour dans plus de 30 pays à travers le Moyen-Orient, l'Afrique et l'Asie, et qui détient pleinement les opérations dans la région"
Carrefour was launched in the region in 1995 by UAEbased Majid Al Futtaim, which is the exclusive franchisee to operate Carrefour in over 30 countries across the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, and fully owns the operations in the region. Today, Majid Al Futtaim operates over 350 Carrefour stores in 17 countries, serving more than 750,000 customers daily and employing over 37,000 colleagues.
Carrefour a été lancé dans la région en 1995 par Majid Al Futtaim, basé aux Emirats Arabes Unis, qui est le franchisé exclusif pour les opérations de Carrefour dans plus de 30 pays à travers le Moyen-Orient, l'Afrique et l'Asie, et qui détient pleinement les opérations dans la région. Aujourd'hui, Majid Al Futtaim gère plus de 350 magasins Carrefour dans 17 pays, au service de plus de 750 000 clients par jour et employant plus de 37 000 collaborateurs.
Carrefour operates different store formats, as well as multiple online offerings to meet the growing needs of its diversified customer base. In line with the brand’s commitment to provide the widest range of quality products and value for money, Carrefour offers an unrivalled choice of more than 50,000 food and nonfood products, and a locally inspired exemplary customer experience to create great moments for everyone every day. Across Carrefour’s stores, Majid Al Futtaim sources over 80% of the products offered from the region, making it a key enabler in supporting local producers, suppliers, families and economies.
Carrefour opère différents formats de magasins, ainsi que de multiples offres en ligne pour répondre aux besoins croissants de sa clientèle diversifiée. Fidèle à l'engagement de la marque à proposer la plus large gamme de produits de qualité et au meilleur rapport qualité / prix, Carrefour propose un choix inegalé de 50 000 produits alimentaires et non-alimentaires, et une experience client exemplaire d’inspiration locale avec comme slogan: Great Moments for Everyone Everyday (De grands Moments pour tous – tous les jours). Dans les magasins Carrefour, Majid Al Futtaim s'approvisionne à plus de 80% des produits proposés dans la région, ce qui en fait un catalyseur clé pour soutenir les producteurs locaux, les fournisseurs, les familles et les économies.
Carrefour first opened in the Kingdom of Bahrain in 2008. Today Carrefour operates 13 hypermarkets and supermarkets in Bahrain and employs over 1,200 employees with direct and indirect job opportunities. By supplying 90% of its products from Bahrain and the region, Carrefour Bahrain works with 400 local suppliers and partners from across the region, which contributes to providing support to the local economy.
Carrefour a ouvert ses portes au Royaume de Bahreïn en 2008. Aujourd'hui, Carrefour est en charge des opérations de 13 hypermarchés et supermarchés à Bahreïn et emploie plus de 1 200 salariés avec des opportunités d'emploi directes et indirectes. En se fournissant à 90% à Bahreïn et dans la région, Carrefour Bahreïn travaille avec 400 entreprises partenaires, ce qui contribue à soutenir l’economie locale.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
SUCCESS STORIES: LEADERS OF FRENCH COMPANIES IN BAHRAIN Richard DE SUREMAIN Chief Executive Officer Daniele Décor "Our presence in Bahrain and the GCC since 1983 has enabled us to forge intimate and privileged bonds with our clients [...] we listen to them attentively with sensitivity to their tastes, and offer daily support and solutions that are fully tailored to best meet their needs."
"Notre présence à Bahreïn et dans le Golfe depuis 1983 nous a permis de tisser des liens intimes et privilégiés avec nos clients. [...] Nous sommes à leur écoute avec une sensibilité à leurs goûts, et offrons un accompagnement quotidien et des solutions entièrement adaptées pour répondre au mieux à leurs besoins."
Our companies Daniele Décor & Atelier CL specialize in bespoke interior decoration for prestigious homes and high-end projects.
Nos sociétés Daniele Décor & Atelier CL sont spécialisées dans la décoration intérieure sur mesure pour des maisons de prestige et des projets haut de gamme.
Within our carpentry, tapestry and decorative painting workshops, our teams of craftsmen apply exclusive French know-how with passion and precision.
Au sein de nos ateliers de menuiserie, tapisserie et peinture décorative, nos équipes d'artisans appliquent un savoir-faire français exclusif avec passion et précision.
Our designers are committed to uniting these three specialties into unique tailored handmade sets, playing with the magic of shapes, colors and materials.
Nos designers s'engagent à réunir ces trois spécialités dans des ensembles uniques faits à la main, jouant avec la magie des formes, des couleurs et des matières.
The wide range of our products and finishes allow us to offer our clients the largest part of their interior: custom-made furniture, hand-carved wood, wood marquetry and straw marquetry, curtains, stretched wall fabrics, cushions, decorative and ornamental painting, gilding, stucco stone, painted glass...etc.
La large gamme de nos produits et finitions nous permet d'offrir à nos clients la plus grande partie de leur intérieur: mobilier sur mesure, bois sculpté à la main, marqueterie de bois et marqueterie de paille, rideaux, tissus muraux tendus, coussins, peinture décorative et ornementale, dorure, stuc, verre peint...etc.
Our presence in Bahrain and the GCC since 1983 has enabled us to forge intimate and privileged bonds with our clients. Through these close relationships and our experience, we listen to our clients attentively with sensitivity to their tastes; and offer daily support and solutions that are fully tailored to best meet their needs.
Notre présence à Bahreïn et dans le Golfe depuis 1983 nous a permis de tisser des liens intimes et privilégiés avec nos clients. A travers ces relations étroites et notre expérience, nous sommes à l'écoute de nos clients avec une sensibilité à leurs goûts, et offrons un accompagnement quotidien et des solutions entièrement adaptées pour répondre au mieux à leurs besoins.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
SUCCESS STORIES: BAHRAINI LEADERS INVESTING IN FRENCH BRANDS SUCCESS STORIES Mona ALMOAYYED Managing Director, Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons "Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons has been the exclusive distributor for Renault across Bahrain since 2003. [...] We are very proud to have achieved all the huge milestones with Renault. Our team has worked very hard to make all these achievements possible."
"Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons est le distributeur exclusif de Renault à Bahreïn depuis 2003. Nous sommes très fiers d'avoir franchi tous les grands jalons avec Renault. Notre équipe a travaillé très dur pour rendre toutes ces réalisations possibles."
Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons has been the exclusive distributor for Renault across Bahrain since 2003.
Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons est le distributeur exclusif de Renault à Bahreïn depuis 2003.
The Renault Group is an international company with French roots and a history stretching back more than 115 years. With a presence in 128 countries.
Le Groupe Renault est une entreprise internationale aux racines françaises et à l'histoire de plus de 115 ans. Avec une présence dans 128 pays.
Thanks to the unique Alliance with Nissan and a strategic partnership, Renault is the fourth largest car manufacturer worldwide. Today, they employ more than 120,000 employees around the world, all driven by a shared automotive passion. So, it is with great pride that we have developed such a strong partnership with this alliance.
Grâce à l'alliance unique avec Nissan et à un partenariat stratégique, Renault est le quatrième constructeur automobile au monde. Aujourd'hui, ils emploient plus de 120 000 collaborateurs dans le monde, tous animés par une passion automobile commune. C'est donc avec une grande fierté que nous avons développé un partenariat aussi fort avec cette alliance.
Even more recently, we have forged a new chapter in their story with the launch and opening of Renault’s newest state-of-the-art showroom. The new showroom was inaugurated in Sitra on 21 January 2017, with the rollout of the new Renault store – a new visual space identity concept, in line with Renault’s leading global standards and specifications.
Plus récemment encore, nous avons ouvert un nouveau chapitre de leur histoire avec le lancement et l’ouverture du tout nouveau showroom ultramoderne de Renault. Le nouveau showroom a été inauguré à Sitra le 21 janvier 2017, avec le déploiement du nouveau magasin Renault - un nouveau concept d’identité visuelle d’espace, conforme aux principales normes et spécifications mondiales de Renault.
We are very proud to have achieved all the huge milestones with Renault. Our team has worked very hard to make all these achievements possible. YKA is proud to be able to continually deliver and innovate superior brand experience with Renault.
Nous sommes très fiers d'avoir franchi tous les grands jalons avec Renault. Notre équipe a travaillé très dur pour rendre toutes ces réalisations possibles. YKA est fier de pouvoir continuellement offrir et innover une expérience de marque supérieure avec Renault.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
SUCCESS STORIES: BAHRAINI LEADERS INVESTING IN FRENCH BRANDS SUCCESS STORIES Fadhel ALSHEHABI Local Partner, Mazars "Present in over 90 countries and territories, we work together as one team across borders and functions to deliver exceptional and tailored services."
"Présents dans plus de 90 pays et territoires, nous travaillons ensemble comme une seule équipe à travers les frontières et fonctionnons pour fournir des services exceptionnels et sur mesure."
We are an international audit, tax and advisory firm committed to helping our clients confidently build and grow their businesses. We always seek to understand our clients and their environments, adjusting our recommendations and support accordingly.
Nous sommes un cabinet international d'audit, de fiscalité et de conseil engagé à aider nos clients à développer et à étendre leurs activités en toute confiance. Nous cherchons toujours à comprendre nos clients et leur environnement, en ajustant nos recommandations et notre assistance en conséquence.
Present in over 90 countries and territories, we work together as one team across borders and functions to deliver exceptional and tailored services. We combine our skills and expertise with both a global perspective and local knowledge to provide clients with a broad array of professional services in audit and accounting, as well as tax, financial advisory, consulting and legal services. We empower our people to help clients make the most of opportunities, operate with conviction, and give confidence to their stakeholders.
Présent dans plus de 90 pays et territoires, nous travaillons ensemble comme une seule équipe à travers les frontières et fonctionnons pour fournir des services exceptionnels et sur mesure. Nous combinons nos compétences et notre expertise avec une perspective globale et des connaissances locales pour fournir à nos clients un large éventail de services professionnels en audit et comptabilité, ainsi que des services fiscaux, financiers, de conseil et juridiques. Nous habilitons nos employés à aider nos clients à tirer le meilleur parti des opportunités, à agir avec conviction et à donner confiance à leurs parties prenantes.
Mazars opened its office in Manama in April 2011 through a cooperation agreement with myself as the Resident Partner. Since September 2011, the firm has joined fully the international partnership of Mazars. Mazars in Bahrain specialize in audit, accounting, tax and advisory services and has a large knowledge of the market. *where permitted under applicable country laws
Mazars a ouvert son bureau à Manama en avril 2011 à travers un accord de coopération, je représente leur Partenaire Résident. Depuis septembre 2011, le cabinet a rejoint pleinement le partenariat international de Mazars. Mazars à Bahreïn est spécialisé dans l’audit, la comptabilité, la fiscalité et les services de conseil et possède une grande connaissance du marché. *lorsque cela est autorisé par les lois nationales applicables
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
SUCCESS STORIES: BAHRAINI LEADERS INVESTING IN FRENCH BRANDS SUCCESS STORIES Abdulrahman JUMA Chairman, UNEECO (Schneider Electric) "We have been long-term partners with Schneider Electric (Middle East, UK, France), with which we signed a Franchise agreement and to which we are a Platinum Partner."
'’Nous sommes partenaires de longue date avec Schneider Electric (Moyen-Orient, Royaume-Uni, France) – parmi d’autres marques internationales - avec lequel nous avons signé un accord de franchise et dont nous sommes un partenaire Platinum.’
UNEECO, established by me in 1976, is a leading manufacturer of Low Voltage (LV) Switchgear Products.
J’ai créé UNEECO en 1976, et c’est désormais l'un des principaux fabricants de produits de commutation basse tension (BT) à Bahreïn.
We also market High Voltage (HV) equipment such as Vaccum Switchgear, SF6 Ring Main Units & Oil/Dry Type Transformers, Joints & Terminations. In the early ‘80s, UNEECO implemented the industry’s standards in the international markets which were just being designed then. We have been long-term partners with Schneider Electric (Middle East, UK, France) - among other international brands - with which we signed a Franchise agreement and to which we are a Platinum Partner. UNEECO started Low Voltage Panel Manufacturing in 1991, in association with Merlin Gerin of France, now known as Schneider Electric. The first plant was in Salmabad. Then it was moved to Mina Salman Industrial Area and operated for 15 years from there. Presently we are in BIIP Al Hidd Industrial Area. Schneider Electric, as a leader in Distribution Network Products, introduced SF6 Switchgear Technology Vis Oil in Bahrain. The 1st order to Schneider from UNEECO was a modest Euro 11,000/- in 1978. This year, Schneider Electric’s Business with UNEECO is Euro 6.8 Million from Trading and Local Manufacturing.
Nous commercialisons également des équipements haute tension (HV) tels que des appareillages à vide, des unités principales à anneau SF6 et des transformateurs, joints et terminaisons de type huile / sec. Au début des années 80, UNEECO a implémenté les normes de l’industrie qui venaient d’être élaborées sur les marchés internationaux. Nous sommes partenaires de longue date avec Schneider Electric (Moyen-Orient, Royaume-Uni, France) – parmi d’autres marques internationales - avec lequel nous avons signé un accord de franchise et dont nous sommes un partenaire ‘Platinum’. UNEECO a lancé la fabrication de panneaux basse tension en 1991, en association avec Merlin Gerin de France, maintenant connue sous le nom de Schneider Electric. La première usine était à Salmabad. Ensuite, elle a été déplacée dans la zone industrielle de Mina Salman et a été exploitée pendant 15 ans à partir de là. Actuellement, nous sommes dans la zone industrielle BIIP Al Hidd. Schneider Electric, en tant que leader des produits de réseau de distribution, a introduit la technologie de commutation SF6 Vis Oil à Bahreïn. La première commande de UNEECO passée à Schneider a été effectuée en 1978 et s’élevait à la modeste somme de 11 000 euros / -. Cette année, l’activité de Schneider Electric avec UNEECO a atteint les 6,8 millions d’euros, provenant du commerce et de la fabrication locale.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
SUCCESS STORIES: BAHRAINI LEADERS INVESTING IN FRENCH BRANDS SUCCESS STORIES Basim ALSAIE Managing Director & Partner, Installux Gulf "Many people ask me why I established a partnership with a French company? My history of working with French companies started in 1990, and I always found French companies innovative and having great products."
"Beaucoup de personnes me demandent pourquoi j'ai établi un partenariat avec une entreprise française? Mon histoire de collaboration avec des entreprises françaises a commencé en 1990, et j'ai toujours trouvé les entreprises françaises innovantes et ayant de bons produits."
Many people ask me why I established a partnership with a French company? My history of working with French companies started in 1990, and I always found French companies innovative and having great products. Many SMEs in France have fantastic knowhow and technologies, but unfortunately, they are not very comfortable dealing with foreign languages, markets, and exports. Finding the right partner is the key to long-term success.
Beaucoup de personnes me demandent pourquoi j'ai établi un partenariat avec une entreprise française? Mon histoire de collaboration avec des entreprises françaises a commencé en 1990, et j'ai toujours trouvé les entreprises françaises innovantes et ayant de bons produits. Beaucoup de PME en France ont un savoir-faire et des technologies fantastiques, mais malheureusement, elles ne sont pas très à l'aise avec les langues étrangères, les marchés, et les exportations. Trouver le bon partenaire est la clé du succès à long terme.
I continue to be impressed at the pace of French innovation and how the eco-system of education, research, and business work together in France. Embracing exports is what French companies need to expand their global presence, but having the correct mindset of foreign markets and their needs is vital for long-term growth. As the world is more connected than at any time in history, technology is making it easier for small companies to reach global markets, thus creating more French innovation opportunities to get to the world.
Je continue d'être impressionné par le rythme de l'innovation française et par la manière dont l'écosystème de l'éducation, de la recherche et des entreprises travaillent ensemble en France. Accueillir les exportations est ce dont les entreprises françaises ont besoin pour étendre leur présence mondiale. Mais avoir le bon état d'esprit des marchés étrangers et de leurs besoins, est vital pour une croissance à long terme. Le monde étant aujourd’hui plus connecté qu’il ne l’a jamais été auparavant, la technologie permet aux petites entreprises d'accéder plus facilement aux marchés mondiaux, créant ainsi plus d'opportunités d'innovation françaises.
Promoting products through exhibitions has traditionally been the only option. While it is still the best venue to see products and technologies, the internet also makes it easier to promote products. Virtual exhibitions are growing, and this area is becoming the new medium to reach larger potential customers and consumers.
La promotion des produits par le biais de salons professionnels a toujours été la seule option. Bien que ce soit toujours le meilleur endroit pour découvrir les produits et les technologies, Internet facilite également la promotion des produits. Les expositions virtuelles se développent et ce domaine est en train de devenir le nouveau moyen d'atteindre des clients et des consommateurs potentiels plus importants.
In the end, the keyword is promotion, and here is where FCCIB can play a significant role in connecting potential partners to suppliers in the various sectors.
En fin de compte, le mot-clé est la promotion, et c'est là que FCCIB peut jouer un rôle important dans la mise en relation de partenaires potentiels avec des fournisseurs dans les différents secteurs.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
SUCCESS STORIES: FRENCH ENTREPRENEURS IN BAHRAIN SUCCESS STORIES Vincent PLUCHET Managing Partner, Blue Dot Planet "Incorporating a company in Bahrain is easy and can be done in a matter of weeks. [...] Bahrain is therefore for me an excellent base from which to address other markets. The island is not only a costefficient location, but also a very pleasant place to live."
"Créer une entreprise à Bahreïn est facile et peut être fait en quelques semaines. [...] Bahreïn est pour moi une excellente base pour aborder d’autres marchés. L'île n'est pas seulement un endroit économique, mais aussi un endroit très agréable à vivre."
“Bahrain is business friendly”. These words are not just used locally to promote Bahrain’s attractiveness: they represent a reality.
« Bahreïn est Business Friendly ». Ces mots ne sont pas utilisés seulement localement pour promouvoir l’attractivité de Bahreïn: ils représentent une réalité.
Incorporating a company in Bahrain is easy and can be done in a matter of weeks. 100% foreign ownership is allowed for many activities. A lot of information can be found on the EDB website.
Créer une entreprise à Bahreïn est facile et peut être fait en quelques semaines. La propriété étrangère à 100% est autorisée pour de nombreuses activités. De nombreuses informations sont disponibles sur le site Internet de l'EDB.
Once the company is formed, regular subsequent interactions with MOICT, for instance, are straightforward and essentially done online through the efficient Sijilat system. LMRA requirements are also managed online.
Une fois la société formée, les interactions ultérieures régulières avec MOICT, par exemple, sont simples et essentiellement effectuées en ligne via le système efficace de Sijilat. Les exigences LMRA sont également gérées en ligne.
My company’s activity is around data science, financial analysis and strategic consulting. This activity can typically be carried out remotely. Bahrain is therefore for me an excellent base from which to address other markets. The island is not only a cost-efficient location, but also a very pleasant place to live, thanks to the warmth and hospitality of the local population, as well as the dynamic expatriate community.
L’activité de mon entreprise se situe autour de l’analyse de données, de l’analyse financière et du conseil stratégique. Cette activité peut généralement être réalisée à distance. Bahreïn est donc pour moi une excellente base pour aborder d’autres marchés. L'île n'est pas seulement une place aux coûts abordables, elle est aussi un endroit très agréable à vivre, grâce à la chaleur et à l'hospitalité de la population locale, ainsi qu'à la communauté d'expatriés dynamique.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Blue Dot Planet Financial Consulting Blue Dot Planet is a boutique consultancy company which provides financial services to your business: business plans, profitability studies, feasibility studies, capital adequacy, data analysis, review of your finance set-up, strategic studies and board representation.
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SUCCESS STORIES: FRENCH ENTREPRENEURS IN BAHRAIN SUCCESS STORIES Ségolène CRETAUX Founder, Café Ségo "On top of the opportunities Bahrain represents for Entrepreneurs, I was also gladly surprised by the business-friendly environment Bahrain had to offer, and how it could support local and foreign entrepreneurs in the creation of their business."
"En plus des opportunités que Bahreïn représente pour les entrepreneurs, j'ai également été agréablement surpris par l'environnement propice aux affaires que Bahreïn avait à offrir, et le soutien apporté aux entrepreneurs locaux et étrangers dans la création de leur entreprise."
I decided, a few years ago, to move to Bahrain and to establish my business, representing the love of French Food and culture, in response to the interest the Bahraini local market has towards French products.
J'ai décidé il y a quelques années, de m'installer à Bahreïn et de créer mon entreprise pour mettre à l'honneur l'amour de la cuisine et de la culture françaises, en réponse à l'intérêt du marché bahreïnien pour les produits français.
After settling in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and due to my tremendous passion for the country, I decided to share the real French experience, by establishing the restaurant « Café Ségo » in coalition with my friends here.
Après m'être installé au Royaume de Bahreïn, et en raison de ma grande passion pour le pays, j'ai décidé de partager la vraie expérience française, en créant le restaurant «Café Ségo» en collaboration avec mes amis sur place.
My restaurant is a business with fewer than 25 employees, located in Diplomatic Area. It develops at a fast pace and we are striving to bring our customers a little piece of France. At Café Ségo, we also pride ourselves with unique antiques which were hand-picked from different areas of France, with some pieces dating back to the early 17th century, making our restaurant a unique French Experience. It is this mix of French culture, history and food that we were willing to bring to Bahrain. I am fascinated by the island with its generous inherent population who are open to all peoples and cultures. On top of the opportunities Bahrain represents for Entrepreneurs, I was also gladly surprised by the business-friendly environment Bahrain had to offer, and how it could support local and foreign entrepreneurs in the creation of their business.
Mon restaurant est une entreprise de moins de 25 employés, située à Diplomatic Area. Il se développe à un rythme rapide et nous faisons de notre mieux pour apporter à nos clients un petit bout de France. Au Café Ségo, nous sommes également fiers d'afficher des antiquités uniques qui ont été dénichées dans différentes régions de France, certaines pièces datant du début du 17e siècle, faisant de notre restaurant une expérience française unique. C'est ce mélange de culture, d'histoire et de gastronomie françaises que l'on a voulu apporter à Bahreïn. Je suis fasciné par l'île, par sa population généreuse qui est ouverte à tous les peuples et toutes les cultures. En plus des opportunités que Bahreïn représente pour les entrepreneurs, j'ai également été agréablement surprise par l'environnement propice aux affaires que Bahreïn avait à offrir, et le soutien apporté aux entrepreneurs locaux et étrangers dans la création de leur entreprise.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Café Ségo French Atmosphere Restaurant & Café After settling in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and due to my tremendous passion for the country, I decided to share the real French experience in Diplomatic Area, by establishing the restaurant « Café Ségo ». Through this café, I am not just sharing our French Food and Beverage but I am also willing to illustrate French history, culture and civilization.
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Diplomatic Area, Dragon City TEL +973 1721 1115 EMAIL WEBSITE
DISCLAIMER: Whilst every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the information presented, neither the FCCIB, its members nor its agents may be held liable for any errors of omissions.
ECONOMIC GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS FRENCH COMPANIES SET UP IN BAHRAIN A .........................................43-44 ADP INGÉNIERIE BAHRAIN....43 AIR FRANCE - KLM ..................43 ATELIER C.L .............................43 AXA GULF ................................44 AXENS ......................................44 B..........................................44-45 BANZ GEODIS .........................44 BASICHEM ...............................45 BNP PARIBAS ..........................45 BUREAU VERITAS ...................45
F................................................54 FIVES ........................................54
TECHNIP................................................62 THALES .................................................63
G ...............................................54 GRID SOLUTIONS ...................54
U ...........................................................64 UNANIME .............................................64
I ...........................................54-56 IDEMIA .....................................54 IFP TRAINING ..........................55 IMERYS.....................................55 IPSOS .....................................55 INSTALLUX ..............................56
V.......................................................63-65 VÉOLIA .................................................63 VINCI ENERGIES ...................................65
C..........................................47-50 CARREFOUR ............................47 CITROËN..................................47 CLÉ MILLET INTL.....................47 COMSIP - AL AALI ...................48 CMA-CGM................................50
J.................................................60 JCDECAUX................................60
D..........................................50-51 DANIÈLE DÉCOR .....................50 DÉJAMOBILE ...........................50 D'HONDT THERMAL SOLUTIONS.............................51
P ...............................................60 PEUGEOT.................................60 PROVULCO MIDDLE EAST......60
E ..........................................51-52 EDF...........................................51 ENGIE ......................................51 EGIS .........................................52
M ........................................57-58 MAZARS ...................................57 MICHELIN ................................58
R ...............................................61 RENAULT .................................61 S ...............................................62 SOLIOS ....................................62 T ..........................................62-63 TECHNAL..................................62
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
FRENCH INSTITUTIONS IN BAHRAIN A............................................................67 ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE.........................67 F ............................................................67 FRENCH ARABIAN BUSINESS SCHOOL, FABS ....................................67 FRENCH EMBASSY ..............................67 FRENCH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ...............................................67 V............................................................67 VATEL HOSPITALITY SCHOOL............67
logo in front of a company name: Member of the French Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Bahrain in 2021
ADP Ingénierie Bahrain Engineering, Airports Website : Telephone : +973 7739 3901 E-mail : Address : Flat / Shop No. 66, Building 114, Road / Street 383, Block 316, Manama Center, P.O. Box 1766
Air France - KLM Aviation Website : Telephone : +973 1721 3787 E-mail : Address : P.O Box 565, Manama
Atelier C.L.
Painting, Decorative Painting, Gilding Website : Telephone : +973 1773 1873 E-mail : Address : Shaikh Jaber A. Al Subah Highway, Road 611, Sitra
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
AXA Gulf Insurance, Reinsurance Website : Telephone : +973 8000 1060 E-mail : Address : Bahrain Bay Axa Headquarter Building
Axens Oil & Gas Website : Telephone : +973 1721 6373 E-mail : Address : Almoayyed Tower, Office 2004, 29th Floor, Road 2832, Seef District
Banz Geodis Wilson W.L.L Logistics
Website : Telephone : +973 1781 6086 E-mail : Address : Building 110, Road 4425, Block 342, Juffair
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Basichem Construction Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Manufacturing Website : Telephone : +973 1782 2069 E-mail : Address : Building 2051, Block 115 Flat / Shop No. 15, Street 1528 Hidd
BNP Paribas Banking Website : Telephone : +973 1786 6666 E-mail : Address : Bahrain Financial Harbour, West Tower, King Fahad Causeway, Manama
Bureau Veritas Training, Certifications Website : Telephone : +973 1787 7574 E-mail : Address : Building 574, Road 111, Block No. 711, Tubli
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Carrefour (MAF Retail) Retail, Mass Distribution Website : Telephone : +973 8000 8899 E-mail : Address : Offices in Bahrain Mall, Avenue 28 Building 184, Block 410 Sanabis , Manama
Citroën Automotive Website : Telephone : +973 1773 6222 E-mail : Address : Motor City B.S.C, Building No. 4018, Road No. 469, Block No. 604, Al Qarya
Clé Millet International Architecture Website : Telephone : +973 1753 0016 E-mail : / Address : Office 33-35, Building 19, Block 318, Road 1802, Al Hoora P.O. Box 21684, Manama
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Comsip - Al A'ali Electrical, Oil & Gas Comsip was established in Bahrain in 1971, the company has become a well-known name in Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering & Contracting Business in Bahrain. Comsip’s presence in Bahrain has been ongoing ever since receiving its first contract there. Actemium helps its industrial customers improve their performance and competitiveness by offering customised solutions to address the issues raised by technological change in the industrial environment. The brand lends its expertise in the fields of electrical, mechanical and thermal engineering, process control and monitoring, industrial robots, Manufacturing Execution System... As an actor in the Power & Grid Infrastructures market, Omexom offers an entire range of engineering, construction, and maintenance services to its customers. As an integrator in the energy sector, Omexom supports them with complex project management and turnkey solutions in 5 business lines : Generation, Transmission, Transformation, Distribution and Territories. Approved as grade A EPC Contractor for EWA, OMEXOM Bahrain have already delivered 6 MW solar plants in the past 3 years. 'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Building No. 277, Road No. 41, Block 939, East Riffa TEL +973 1777 3006 EMAIL WEBSITES bahrain
CMA - CGM Transportation, Logistics Website : Telephone : +973 1782 7900 E-mail : Address : Al Sharfa Tower, Office 91, 9th Floor, Building 743, Road 3616, Block 436, Seef District
Daniele Decor
Interior Design, Upholstery, Carpentry, Curtaining Website : Telephone : +973 1774 1040 E-mail : Address : Shaikh Jaber A. Al Subah Highway, Road 611, Sitra P.O. Box 20739 Manama
Déjà Mobile
Website : Telephone : +33 2 1474 7508 E-mail : Address : LeBooster Incubator by FCCIB, Y.B.A. Kanoo Tower, Bldg No. 155, Road 1703, Block 317, Diplomatic Area
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
D'Hondt Thermal Solutions Energy, Oil & Gas, Chemical, Heavy Industry Website : Telephone : +973 1751 8772 E-mail : Address : Flat / Shop No. 618, Building 247, Road / Street 1704, Block 317, Diplomatic Area
EDF Electricity Website : Telephone : +973 1616 1575 E-mail : Address : Bahrain World Trade Center, Level 9, West Tower, Office 927, Isa Al Kabeer Avenue, Road 365
Industry, Water, Power Website : Telephone : +973 1756 1888 E-mail : Address : Al Dur Power & Water Plant BSC, Sh Abdulla Ave, Manama
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Egis Transport Engineering A major international group in the construction engineering and mobility services sectors. Egis creates and operates intelligent infrastructure and buildings capable of responding to the climate emergency and addressing the major challenges of our time by helping to achieve more balanced, sustainable and resilient territorial development. A 75%-owned subsidiary of Caisse des Depots, with the remaining 25% held by partner executives and employees. Egis places its multiple fields of expertise at the disposal of the community and makes cutting-edge innovation accessible to all projects throughout their lifecycle: consulting, engineering, operation. Through its wide-ranging fields of activity, Egis is a central player in the collective organisation of society and the living environment of its inhabitants all over the world.
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Office 606, Entrance 3, Manama Centre, Building 114, Road 383, Block 316 P.O. Box 2296, Manama TEL +973 1728 0212 EMAIL WEBSITE
€1.07 Bn turnover in 2020. 16,000 employees.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Fives Aluminium, Industry Website : Telephone : +973 1783 1183 E-mail : Address : Building 775, Road 4811, Lhassay 948, Manama
Grid Solutions Energy, Power Website : Telephone : +973 1716 5435 E-mail : Address : Flat / Shop 53, Building 737, Road / Street 1510, Block 115, Hidd
IDEMIA Technology Website : Telephone : +973 1720 0025 E-mail : Address : Flat / Shop 84, Building 44, Road / Street 1701, Block 317, Diplomatic Area
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
IFP Training Oil & Gas, Education Website : Telephone : +973 1721 1150 E-mail : Address : P.O Box.No: 65168 , Manama
Imerys Fused Minerals Mining (Minerals) Website : Telephone : +973 1666 9101 E-mail : Address : Establishment building, Building No. 1860, Road 1730 Block Hidd 117
IPSOS Surveys, Consulting Website : Telephone : +973 1782 7344 E-mail : Address : Building 92, Road 36, Block 334, Al Mahooz 'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Installux Aluminum, Industry Installux Aluminum is a leading aluminum system supplier that seeks to lead with innovative environmentally efficient solutions for Aluminum Facade, windows, and doors. Installux Gulf the local subsidiary in the Middle East based in Bahrain was established in 1997. Since its inception its main focus was to bring a new level of service and latest products and solutions to the building and construction sector. Innovation and a clear focus on the customer needs is the main driver for the company. Providing the most efficient and practical solutions, backed by impeccable service and support.
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Building 1366A, Road 80, Al Maqsha, Block 450 TEL +973 1759 0589 EMAIL WEBSITE
Installux Aluminium, part of French Group Installux was establish in St-Bonnet-de-Mure in 1923. Today the group is vertically integrated with industrial and commercial companies spread between France, Spain, and Bahrain.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Mazars Audit, Tax, Advisory Mazars is an international audit, tax and advisory firm committed to helping our clients confidently build and grow their businesses. We always seek to understand our clients and their environments, adjusting our recommendations and support accordingly. Present in over 90 countries and territories, we work together as one team across borders and functions to deliver exceptional and tailored services. We combine our skills and expertise with both a global perspective and local knowledge to provide clients with a broad array of professional services in audit and accounting, as well as tax, financial advisory, consulting and legal services*. We empower our people to help clients make the most of opportunities, operate with conviction, and give confidence to their stakeholders.
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Jeera 3 Building, Seef District, Manama TEL +973 1758 0079 EMAIL WEBSITE
Mazars is a multicultural and united partnership with shared goals, values and service standards across the world. We take pride in our technical expertise and the quality of our work. We have the skills and the scale to serve clients of all sizes, across all sectors, while remaining agile, personal and distinct in our approach. We approach every piece of work with integrity, independence, accountability and a social conscience, and we take responsibility for shaping a sustainable industry as well as helping build the economic foundations of a fair and prosperous world. *where permitted under applicable country laws. 'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Michelin Automotive, Tyres Michelin is a French multinational tyre manufacturing company based in Clermont-Ferrand in the AuvergneRhône-Alpes région of France. It is the largest tyre manufacturer in the world before Bridgestone and larger than both Goodyear and Continental. In addition to the Michelin brand, it also owns the Kléber tyres company, Uniroyal-Goodrich Tire Company, SASCAR, Bookatable and Camso brands. Michelin is also notable for its Red and Green travel guides, its roadmaps, the Michelin stars that the Red Guide awards to restaurants for their cooking, and for its company mascot Bibendum, colloquially known as the Michelin Man.
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Ebrahim K. Kanoo B.S.C (c) Building No. 1176, Road 233, Block 702, Salmabad TEL +973 3231 6194 EMAIL WEBSITE
In Bahrain, Michelin is represented Ebrahim K. Kanoo B.S.C (c).
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
JCDecaux Advertising Website : Telephone : +973 3990 3263 E-mail : Address : 4th Floor, Al Jasrah Tower
Peugeot Automotive Website : Telephone : +973 1773 6222 E-mail : Address : Motor City BSC, Building 4018, Road 469, Block 604, Al Qarya
Provulco Middle East Conveyor Belts Website : Telephone : +973 3223 4329 E-mail : Address : Sanabis – Seef Area – Manama 'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Renault Automotive The Renault Group is an international company with French roots and a history stretching back more than 115 years. With a presence in 128 countries, we design, manufacture and sell personal and commercial vehicles under three brands: Renault, Dacia and RSM. Thanks to their unique Alliance with Nissan and our strategic partnerships, they are the fourth largest car manufacturer worldwide. Today, they employ more than 120,000 employees around the world, all driven by a shared automotive passion. In Bahrain, Renault is represented by Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons. After sixty years and with thousands of satisfied customers, Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons BSC(c) is on the threshold of a new era. Building on the laurels earned during six decades of successful corporate enterpreneurship, YKA, today, sports a new outlook, a new management structure and a renewed commitment to its vast customer base.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Renault Showroom – Sitra (YK Almoayyed) TEL +973 1770 5705 EMAIL WEBSITE
(represented by Fives)
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Website : Telephone : +973 1783 1183 E-mail : Address : Building 775, Road 4811, Lhassay 948, Manama
(By Hydro Building Systems Middle East)
Architecture & Building Materials Website : Telephone : +973 1722 5777 E-mail : Address : Building 102, Government Avenue, Block 318, Manama
Technip Oil & Gas, Energy Website : Telephone : +973 1770 4040 (Bapco) E-mail : Address : Office 1229, Sitra Mall 'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Thales Defense Website : Telephone : +973 1311 9911 E-mail : Address : Bahrain Financial Harbour, West Tower, King Fahad Causeway
Veolia Power & Utilities Website : Telephone : +973 1663 9400 E-mail : Address : Building 178, Road 4607, Bahrain bay
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Unanime Architectes Architecture Wherever we are, we move forward, unanimously. For more than 25 years, Unanime's architects, urban planners, draughtsmen, and work leaders have practiced architecture and engineering derived from a multidisciplinary philosophy. Their design are based on personal journeys, experiences and the skills of each of their employees. This wealth is revealed in the relevance and diversity of their architecture. Each of their project is developed with the same attention and nourished by their reflective, operational, and collaborative approach. Their commitment in the fields of residential, commercial, industrial, healthcare and research facilities allow them to maintain their ambitions in finding the balance between practicality and creativity.
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Euro Tower, Office 72, 7th Floor, Building 485, Road 1010, Block 410, Sanabis TEL +973 1725 0822 EMAIL WEBSITE
Their ability to design complex project and embrace new challenges allow them to learn about various subjects and develop new territories every day
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Vinci Energies Energies, Water, Electricity
In a world undergoing constant change, VINCI Energies focuses on connections, performance, energy efficiency and data to fast-track the rollout of new technologies and support two major changes: the digital transformation and the energy transition. Keeping pace with market change, VINCI Energies supports its customers by offering increasingly innovative solutions and services, from design to implementation, operation and maintenance. With their strong regional roots and agile organizational structure, VINCI Energies’ business units boost the reliability, safety and efficiency of energy, transport and communication infrastructure, factories, buildings and information systems.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Adliya P.O. Box 26949 TEL +973 1777 3006 EMAIL WEBSITE
FRENCH INSTITUTIONS French Embassy in Bahrain Embassy Website : : +973 1729 8660 E-mail : Address : Villa 51A, Road 1901, Manama Town 319
Alliance Francaise Education Website : Telephone : +973 1768 3295 E-mail : Address : Building 51, Road 4109, Isa Town (Educational Area), Block 841
French Arabian Business School, FABS (Partner with ESSEC) Education Website : Telephone : +973 1723 9999 / +973 1723 9454 E-mail : Address : Road 2904 Building 293 Manama, 329
French International School of Bahrain Education
Website : Telephone : +973 1732 3770 E-mail : Address : Avenue 8, Al Ghous Highway, Busaiteen
Vatel Hospitality School Education, Hospitality
Website : Telephone : +973 1761 6061 E-mail : Address : Road 318 Building 441 Al, Al Jasra 1003 'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
DISCLAIMER: The locations of the brands listed in this commercial guide might not be exhaustive and might not be limited to the locations mentioned.
TABLE OF CONTENTS BY SECTOR DINING & FOOD......................70-78 ANGELINA PARIS............................72 BRASSERIE ROYALE .......................72 CAFÉ CHANTILLY............................72 CAFÉ LILOU.....................................73 CAFÉ SÉGO .....................................73 CHEZ ALAIN....................................73 CHEZ SOPHIE..................................74 COLUMBUS CAFÉ ..........................74 COMPAGNIE COLONIALE..............74 LA FONTAINE..................................75 LA VANILLE PATISSERIE.................75 LE CHOCOLAT.................................75 LILOU ARTISAN PÂTISSERIE..........76 MACARON CAFÉ ............................76 MY CAFÉ .........................................76 PALAIS DES THÉS...........................77 PAUL ...............................................77 THE ORANGERY..............................78 FRENCH CHEFS .......................79-84 CHEF YANN ....................................80 CHEF PAUL GARDIN ......................82 CHEF GUILLAUME .........................84 HOSPITALITY & LEISURE .......86-90 AL AREEN PALACE & SPA BY ACCOR ............................................88 GOLDEN TULIP ..............................88 IBIS ..................................................88 IBIS STYLES.....................................89 MERCURE .......................................89 NOVOTEL .......................................89 SOFITEL ..........................................90
BEAUTY & COSMETICS ........92-105 BOURJOIS ......................................94 CHANEL BEAUTY...........................94 CLARINS .........................................94 L’OCCITANE ...................................94 DIOR BEAUTY...........................96-97 L’ORÉAL .........................................98 LAROCHE POSAY...........................98 LANCÔME ......................................98 PARISIS PARFUMS.........................98 SEPHORA .......................................99 THOMAS KOSMALA ......................99 VICHY..............................................99 YVES SAINT LAURENT...................99 MONTALE ............................100-101 MUGLER...............................102-103 SIGNATURE BY SILLAGE D'ORIENT .............................104-105 FASHION & LUXURY...........106-115 BELL & ROSS........................108-109 CARTIER .......................................111 CELIO............................................111 DIOR.............................................111 HERMÈS .......................................112 KENZO .........................................112 LACOSTE......................................112 LODING PARIS ............................113 LOUIS VUITTON ..........................113 VAN CLEEF & ARPELS .................113 PIERRE CARDIN ...................114-115
DANIELE DÉCOR .......................................118 DESSANGE.................................................119 MAISONS DES FLEURS .............................119 ROCHE-BOBOIS ........................................119 BERNARDAUD ...................................120-121 CHRISTOFLE.......................................122-123 GAUTIER.............................................124-125
OTHER COMPANIES REPRESENTING FRENCH BRANDS.............................126-138 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE.................................128 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE FRENCH BRANDS .............................................130-131 A LA MODE FRENCH BRANDS .................132 AL HAWAJ FRENCH BRANDS............133-134 CARREFOUR FRENCH BRANDS ...............135 FINE FOODS CO FRENCH BRANDS .........136 GROUPE TRIANON FRENCH BRANDS ....137 PHOENICIA DECOR FRENCH BRANDS ...138 INTERCOL FRENCH BRANDS ...................139
logo in front of a company name: Member of the French Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Bahrain in 2021
INTERIORS DECOR & LIFESTYLE ...........................116-125 ATELIER CL ..................................118 AU NOM DE LA ROSE .................118
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Angelina Paris Tea House, Restaurant, Café Website : Telephone : +973 1700 1336 E-mail : Address : Adliya, The Avenues Mall, YBA Kanoo Tower
Brasserie Royale French atmosphere restaurant and bar Website : Telephone : +973 7770 7070 E-mail : Address : Lobby Level, Jumeirah Royal Saray
Café Chantilly French atmosphere restaurant and café Website : Telephone : +973 1720 0071 E-mail : Address : Villa 1842 Rd No 3374, Al Markh, Saar
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Café Lilou French atmosphere restaurant and café Website : Telephone : +973 1771 4440 (Adliya Branch) / +973 1758 3939 (Al’Aali Mall branch) +973 6677 8800 (Riffa Branch) E-mail : Address : Adliya, Al’Aali Mall, Riffa
Café Ségo French atmosphere restaurant and café Website : Telephone : +973 1721 1115 E-mail : Address : Diplomatic Area, Dragon City
Chez Alain French atmosphere restaurant Website : Telephone : +973 1332 0615 E-mail : Address : Emerald Building, Reef Island
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Chez Sophie French atmosphere restaurant Website : Telephone : +973 1603 0912 / +973 3332 4560 E-mail : Address : Road 5715 Block 257, Amwaj Islands
Colombus Café Coffee shop Website : Telephone : +973 1717 2324 E-mail : Address : Ground Level, Bahrain City Center
Compagnie Coloniale Coffee beans Website : Telephone : +973 1721 1152 E-mail : Address : Shop 1, Building, 265 Rd No 1704, Diplomatic Area / Dragon City
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
La Fontaine French atmosphere restaurant, contemporary art centre Website : Telephone : +973 1723 0123 E-mail : Address : 92 Hoora Avenue Manama 306
La Vanille Patisserie French atmosphere café and pâtisserie Website : Telephone : +973 1748 3348 E-mail : Address : Hala Plaza, Zinj
Le Chocolat French atmosphere restaurant and pâtisserie Website : Telephone : +973 3664 0022 E-mail : / Address : Diplomatic Area, Saar, Adliya, Seef, Riffa
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Lilou Artisan Pâtisserie French atmosphere pâtisserie Website : Telephone : +973 1771 5370 E-mail : Address : Road 3815, Adliya / Riffa Palms
Macarons Café French atmosphere pâtisserie Website : Telephone : +973 1718 1718 / +973 3227 0494 E-mail : Address : Janabiyah
My Café French atmosphere restaurant and pâtisserie Website : Telephone : +973 7734 4444 E-mail : Address : Building 1078, Road 3832, Block 338, P.O. Box No. 15013, Adliya, Manama
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Palais des thés Teas and herbal teas Website : Telephone : +973 3833 7979 E-mail : Address : 7T House, Seef District
PAUL Bakery French restaurant and café Website : Telephone : +973 1717 2321 E-mail : Address : Bahrain City Center / Seef Mall
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
The Orangery French atmosphere restaurant Taking its name from the conservatories built in European fashionable residences from the 17th to the 19th century, the Orangery is an elegant tea room and patisserie which is located on the grounds of the Palace Boutique Hotel in Bahrain.
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: 382 Palace Boutique Hotel, Shaikh Isa Ave, Manama, and Avenues Mall TEL +973 1736 9696 EMAIL WEBSITE
FRENCH CHEFS TESTIMONIALS Chef Yann Bernard Lejard Executive Chef The Ritz-Carlton Born in Paris, expatriate chef for 25 years, the Kingdom of Bahrain is my second working experience in the Middle East, after having also spent two years in Saudi Arabia and having been invited to many gastronomic events in the Emirates. Having traveled to more than 20 countries, Bahrain remains, in my opinion, incomparable, it is the pearl of the Middle East, far from the Emirati splendor or the Saudi tradition, this country has been able to open up to various nationalities, it is cosmopolitan and proud of it. Since 2014 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Bahrain, I have successively represented our dear French gastronomy and excellence in hospitality and catering as Chef, Executive Sous-Chef, Executive Chef, and today Director of Culinary and F&B. The welcome given by the Bahrainis to our know-how is invaluable, I was able to initiate, and still appreciate, numerous collaborations with the local population, during culinary events such as, among others, the Bahraini farmers' market organized every spring in our hotel with our Ladies & Gentlemen, but also many events organized by the government to which we are regularly invited. Bahrainis love to eat it is part of their entertainment, part of their culture. Finally, Bahrain brought me continuity in my professional career thanks to the support of the Ritz Carlton and its owners, a culinary but also artistic fulfillment which is essential for my creativity, thanks to an overflowing Bahraini artistic scene and to the international network. Business trips to other exotic destinations are easy to do from Bahrain, so I was able to export this know-how to more than 10 additional destinations in a short time. This island undeniably offers a place of choice for French people abroad thanks to an unparalleled security and sweetness of life, a French school, and an often underestimated modernity, I am proud and feel privileged to be resident in this country.
Né à Paris, chef expatrié depuis 25 ans, le Royaume de Bahreïn est ma seconde expérience en poste au Moyen Orient, après avoir passé également deux ans en Arabie Saoudite et avoir été invités à maints évènements gastronomiques dans les Émirats. En ayant voyager dans plus de 20 pays, pour ma part le Bahreïn reste incomparable, c’est la perle du Moyen- Orient, loin des fastes émiratis ou de la tradition saoudienne, ce pays a su s’ouvrir aux diverses nationalités, il est cosmopolite et fier de l’être. Depuis 2014 au Ritz Carlton Hôtel de Bahreïn, j’ai successivement représenté notre chère gastronomie française et l’excellence en hôtellerie restauration au poste de Chef de cuisine, d’Exécutif SousChef, d’Exécutif Chef, et aujourd’hui Directeur Culinaire et Restauration. L’accueil réservé par les bahreïnis à notre savoir-faire est inestimable, j’ai pu initier, et apprécie encore de nombreuses collaborations avec la population locale, lors d’évènements culinaires comme entre autres, le marché des fermiers bahreïnis organisé chaque printemps dans notre hôtel avec nos Ladies & Gentlemen, mais aussi de nombreux évènements organisés par le gouvernement auxquels nous sommes régulièrement sollicités. Les bahreïnis aiment manger cela fait partie de leur divertissement, de leur culture. Enfin, Bahreïn m’a apporté, une continuité dans ma carrière professionnelle grâce au soutien du Ritz Carlton et de ses propriétaires, un épanouissement culinaire mais aussi artistique ce qui est primordial pour ma créativité, grâce a une scène artistique bahreïni débordante et au réseau international. Les voyages professionnels vers d’autres destinations plus exotiques y sont facilités, ainsi j’ai pu exporter ce savoir-faire dans plus de 10 destinations supplémentaires en peu de temps. Cette ile offre indéniablement une place de choix pour les français de l’étranger grâce à une sécurité et une douceur de vivre sans pareil, une école française, et une modernité souvent sous-estimée, je suis fier et me sent privilégié d’y être résident.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
FRENCH FRENCH CHEFS CHEFS TESTIMONIALS Chef Paul Gardin Executive Pastry Chef My Café, Mahonia & Iris
I grew up in Normandy France, the center of food culture. My interest in food began at a very young age, when I was following my father's visits to pastry shops and cooking for my family and friends on weekends. I started my apprenticeship with Michelin stars establishments in Paris. After that, I joined Le Meurice Palace in 2007 run by a Michelin star chef Yannick Alléno. I then joined Les Hetres, which is also a Michelin Star restaurant as a 'Chef de Partie' the following year. Opportunities to work overseas brought me all over the world, working with Michelin star restaurants and rising ranks. Bahrain is definitely one of my favourite countries to work in. The country is full of kind people and great opportunities. I’ve learned a lot in my line of work as an Executive Pastry chef here in Bahrain. As we know, the island is a beautiful melting pot of many different cultures, and in every culture, we have our own sweets and flavors. This expanded my perspective and gave me creativities. After a few missions here, I find that in general, people tend to appreciate my work, my creation as well as my persistence in maintaining high quality traditional and modern French pastries which makes it a pleasure for me to be working here.
J'ai grandi en Normandie France, le centre de la culture alimentaire. Mon intérêt pour la nourriture a commencé à un très jeune âge quand je suivais mon père dans ses visites des pâtisseries et que je cuisinais pour ma famille et mes amis le week-end. J'ai commencé mon apprentissage dans des établissements étoilés Michelin à Paris. Puis rejoint Le Meurice Palace en 2007 dirigé par un chef étoilé Michelin Yannick Alléno. Puis rejoint l'année suivante, Les Hêtres, également un restaurant étoilé Michelin, en tant que Chef de Partie. Les opportunités de travail à l'étranger m'ont amené partout dans le monde, travaillant avec des restaurants étoilés Michelin et grimpant des échelons. Bahreïn, est définitivement l'un de mes pays préférés pour travailler. Ce pays regorge de gens gentils et de grandes opportunités. J’ai beaucoup appris dans mon métier en tant que chef pâtissier exécutif ici à Bahreïn. Comme nous le savons, cette ile est un magnifique mélange de nombreuses cultures, et dans chaque culture, nous avons nos propres sucreries et saveurs. Cela a élargi ma perspective et m’a donné de la créativité. Après quelques missions ici, je trouve qu'en général les gens apprécient mon travail, ma création, ma persévérance à garder une pâtisserie française traditionnelle et moderne de grande qualité, ce qui fait que c'est un plaisir de travailler ici.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
FRENCH FRENCH CHEFS CHEFS TESTIMONIALS Chef Guillaume Executive Chef Swiss-Belhotel, Seef “The scent, taste and texture of food has mesmerized me at a very young age, I find cooking for others extremely fulfilling”. My experience started from working at a 1 Michelin Star Restaurant – Connaught Hotel in London, a well-acclaimed fine dining restaurant at a Disney Cruise Line to a number of luxury hotels in Norway, Thailand and Middle East. My customer’s preference is always a top consideration – giving a little twist to popular local dishes is something that I quiet mastered. Every meal that leaves the kitchen carries the name of Swiss-Belhotel International and its standard so I focus on not just the taste, but the presentation and food safety preparation. In the effort to adapt to the current situation, I make sure that my team has the highest level of food standard basics and the strictest personnel safety while the quality of our food remains consistent. I have also used this time to train my team and share experiences to create a more diverse menu that is pleasing to the eyes and palate. Being a French Chef in Bahrain has been quiet an adventure for me because of the diverse melting pot of many nationalities. I can somehow compare it to my experience while I was working at InterContinental BoraBora where the locals have been really welcoming to me and are very open to my cooking style. Bahrain is like a big food festival – from the rising of the food trucks to home-made sweets and pastries delivered right to your doorstep, Bahrain definitely has a strong food culture. I feel that this country has given me the opportunity to redefined local dishes, create a more Instagram-worthy plating while adding a little French esprit!
Le parfum, le goût et la texture des aliments m'ont fasciné dès mon plus jeune âge, je trouve que cuisiner pour les autres est extrêmement enrichissant. Mon expérience culinaire a commencé en travaillant dans un restaurant 1 étoile au guide Michelin - Connaught Hôtel à Londres, un restaurant gastronomique réputé dans des croisières Disney à un certain nombre d'hôtels de luxe en Norvège, en Thaïlande et au Moyen-Orient. La préférence de mon client est toujours une considération primordiale - donner une petite touche aux plats locaux populaires est quelque chose que je maîtrise. Chaque repas qui quitte la cuisine porte le nom de Swiss-Belhotel International et sa norme, je me concentre donc non seulement sur le goût, mais aussi sur la présentation et la préparation de la sécurité alimentaire. Dans l'effort de m'adapter à la situation actuelle, je m'assure que mon équipe dispose du plus haut niveau des normes alimentaires de base et de la sécurité du personnel la plus stricte, en maintenant une qualité de nos aliments constante. J'ai également profité de ce temps pour former mon équipe et partager des expériences pour créer un menu plus diversifié qui soit agréable aux yeux et au palais. Être un chef français à Bahreïn a été une aventure tranquille pour moi en raison de la diversité du melting-pot de nombreuses nationalités. Je peux en quelque sorte le comparer à mon expérience lorsque je travaillais à l'InterContinental Bora-Bora où les habitants m'ont été très accueillants et sont très ouverts à mon style de cuisine. Bahreïn est comme un grand festival gastronomique - de la montée des camions restaurants, aux desserts et pâtisseries faits-maison livrés directement à votre porte, Bahreïn a définitivement une forte culture culinaire. J'ai le sentiment que ce pays m'a donné l'opportunité de redéfinir les plats locaux, de créer un plat plus digne d'Instagram tout en ajoutant un peu d'esprit français!
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Al Areen Palace & Spa by Accor 5-star hotel (Soon to be: Raffles) Website : Telephone : +973 1784 5000 E-mail : Address : Building 2046, Road 6232, Block 1062, Manama
Golden Tulip 5-star hotel Website : Telephone : +973 1753 5000 E-mail : Address : Building No. 5, Road 339, Block 317, Diplomatic Area, Manama
Budget Hotel Website : Telephone : +973 1738 6020 E-mail : Address : Building 456, Road 1010, Block 410, Sanabis
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Ibis Style Budget Hotel Website : Telephone : +973 1723 3310 E-mail : Address : Building 511, Road 1706, Block 317, Diplomatic Area
Mercure 4-star hotel Website : Telephone : +973 1758 4400 E-mail : Address : Road 2827, Seef District, Manama
Novotel Al Dana Resort 4-star hotel Website : Telephone : +973 1729 8008 E-mail : Address : Shaikh Hamad Causeway, Manama
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Sofitel Zallaq Thalasssa Sea & Spa 5-star hotel Perched on the pristine beaches of Zallaq overlooking the Arabian Gulf on Bahrains west coast, this 5-star luxury hotel in Bahrain boasts the only Thalassa Sea and Spa in the GCC countries. This spectacular new seawater spa hotel and resort blends French art de vivre with traditional Bahraini styles. 262 luxurious rooms and suites boast balconies and sea views. Sofitel Zallaq also has a stunning ballroom and a private island to host superb corporate events and weddings.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: 105 Zallaq Highway,Building 2015 Block 1055, Zallaq, Manama TEL +973 1763 6363 EMAIL WEBSITE n.shtml
Bourjois Boots Pharmacy, Nasser Pharmacy, Bahrain City Center, Seef Mall
Chanel Beauty Saks Fifth Avenue, Bahrain City Center, Sephora, The Avenues Mall, Seef Mall
Clarins Sephora, Bahrain City Center, Seef Mall, The Avenues
L'Occitane en Provence The Avenues Mall, Bahrain City Center
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Dior Beauty Perfume, Makeup, Cosmetics Christian Dior described himself as a fashion and perfume designer. The House of Dior, founded in 1946, changed the face of ladies’ style forever when its New Look was unveiled in the halls of 30 Avenue Montaigne on February 12th, 1947. The revolutionary look was accompanied by a fragrance, Miss Dior, the finishing touch designed to “leave a trail of desire in a woman’s wake”. This timeless perfume was the first fragrance created by a visionary brand which invented the concept of global beauty with its Rouge Dior and subsequent cosmetic lines. The current-day trustees of this legendary expertise – François Demachy, Dior Perfumer-Creator, and Peter Philips, creative and image director of Christian Dior make-up – are the heirs to Christian Dior’s perfectionism.
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Jashanmal & Sons Co., Al Aali Mall TEL +973 1758 2424 EMAIL WEBSITE
In Bahrain, Dior Beauty is represented by Jashanmal & Sons BSC.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
L'Oréal Saks Fifth Avenue, Bahrain City Center, Sephora, The Avenues Mall, Seef Mall
Laroche Posay Nasser Pharmacy
Lancôme Saks Fifth Avenue, Debenhams City Centre, Sephora (City Centre, The Avenues, Seef Mall), Vavavoom The Avenues, Faces Seef Mall, Jashanmal store, Parfume store
Parisis Parfums Gate 4, Seef Mall (pop-up store)
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Sephora The Avenues Mall, Bahrain City Center, Seef Mall
Thomas Kosmala Jashanmal & Sons, Al Aali Mall
Vichy Bahrain City Center, Seef Mall, The Avenues Mall, Nasser Pharmarcy
Yves Saint-Laurent Saks Fifth Avenue, Debenhams City Centre, Sephora (City Centre, The Avenues, Seef Mall), Vavavoom The Avenues, Faces Seef Mall, Jashanmal store, Parfume store
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Montale Paris Perfumes As the French Ambassador of Oud, Pierre Montale had a date with destiny 20 years ago in the far reaches of the Kingdom of Arabia. Inspired by the beauty and hidden secrets of the Eastern world, between learning process and pure marvel, he composes with confidential and millennial olfactory materials such as rose, incense, amber, cedar, precious woods and a thousand other wonderful scents like happy ointments or love potions. On the range of Pierre Montale's most popular scents rises the spirit of the oud, keeper of traditions at the gates to the east. Pierre Montale will become the first ambassador for the West. Subjugated by his infinite combinatorial properties, Pierre Montale became the first ambassador of oud for the west.
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Seef Mall - Ground Floor TEL +973 1616 0077 EMAIL WEBSITE
Back to his homeland in 2003, he presents his first creations under the aegis of the new eponymous house. A unique olfactory immersion revealing a perfection only accessible with our eyes closed. In Bahrain, Montale is represented by Al Hawaj & Sons Co WLL. 'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Mugler Perfumes Much more than simply creations, MUGLER produces works of art, from Fashion to Fragrance, that are accessible to everyone. MUGLER defies the laws of space and time through its sculptural and versatile works. A powerful act of creation with vast possibilities. A fusion of opposites, the MUGLER universe is an experimental laboratory. Inspired by imagination and curated by culture, we cultivate an avant-garde approach. The constant search for innovation combines both old and new technologies, with the belief that traditional expertise can be transcended into contemporary creations. Alternative cultures, art, and humor serve to turn away from existing codes, with the goal of democratizing fashion and fragrance and making them a platform for individuality and personal fulfillment.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Products available in: - Saks Fifth Avenues - Debenhams City Centre - Sephora (City Centre, The Avenues, Seef Mall) - Vavavoom The Avenues - Faces Seef Mall - Jashanmal store - Parfume store TEL +973 1711 2727 EMAIL WEBSITE
Signature by Sillage D’Orient Perfumes For some, the power of a perfectly formed gem lies in its beguiling luster. Others are drawn in by a brilliant hue. However a stone speaks to you, it does so without words. It’s a sensation, a vibration, an energy that connects somewhere inside you. Like a soulmate, intuition binds you to the gem, and the gem to you. The Sillage d’Orient Signature Collection is a celebration of this unspoken connection. In each fragrance - as in that special gem - we find a piece of ourselves. In Bahrain, Signature by Sillage represented by Jashanmal & Sons Co.
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Jashanmal & Sons Co., Al Aali Mall TEL +973 1758 2424 EMAIL WEBSITE
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Bell & Ross Watches Bell & Ross was founded in 1992 as a university project between two lifelong friends, Bruno Belamich (Bell) and Carlos A. Rosillo (Ross), both of whom shared a vision of producing functional and durable timepieces. With their simple idea of ‘function shapes form’, they changed the world of horology as we know it today. Bell & Ross have supplied pilot watches to the French air force since 1992, and is the official watch supplier to the Escadron de Chasse 2/4 La Fayette and the French space program. Bell & Ross have also collaborated with French automaker Renault since 2016 to create watches that are inspired by the visual appearance of Formula 1 racing cars.
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Bahrain Jewellery Center TEL +973 1752 0053 EMAIL WEBSITE
In Bahrain, the brand is represented by Bahrain Jewellery Center, established in 1978.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
In 1911, Jacques Cartier, accompanied with his sales assistance, Maurice Richard, travelled to the Gulf in pursuit of the world's most precious and exquisite pearls. During this trip to Bahrain, he had a prosperous meeting with the sheikhs and pearl experts. Jacques met with Mugbil Al Thukair and Yusuf bin Ahmed Kanoo, who welcomed and introduced him to the pearl diving tradition of Bahrain. Al Thukair and Kanoo were the only ones who spoke English at that time, and guided him towards the right people in the industry. During the trip, Jacques even paid a visit to Sheikh Issa bin Ali Al Khalifa while dressed in a traditional Arabic dress. "As a result of this visit, some of Cartier's magnificent pearl jewellery were inspired and created."
Cartier Jewellery Website : Telephone : +973 1753 3333 E-mail : Address : Moda Mall
Celio Men's clothes & accessories Website : Telephone : +973 1717 9684 E-mail : Address : Seef Mall, Bahrain City Center Mall
Dior Luxury clothing and accessories Website : Telephone : +973 1606 0601 E-mail : Address : Moda Mall
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Hermès Luxury clothing and accessories Website : Telephone : +973 1606 0601 E-mail : Address : Moda Mall
Kenzo Kids, men and women clothing and accessories Website : Telephone : +973 1711 2716 E-mail : Address : Saks Fifth Avenue (Bahrain City Center), Bahrain City Centre
Lacoste Luxury clothing and accessories Website : Telephone : +973 1711 2714 E-mail : Address : City Centre Mall Bahrain, Seef Mall
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Loding Paris Clothing and accessories Website : Telephone : +973 3333 5846 E-mail : Address : Moda Mall, Seef Mall
Louis Vuitton Luxury clothing and asccesories Website : Telephone : +973 1753 7540 E-mail : Address : Moda Mall
Van Cleef & Arpels Jewellery Website : Telephone : +973 1713 1122 E-mail : Address : Moda Mall
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Pierre Cardin Clothing and accessories Pierre Cardin’s Haute Couture workshops were created in 1950, in an attic located at 10 de la rue Richepanse with only 20 000 francs. These workshops were intended for design of masks and costumes for the theater. In 1952, Pierre Cardin launched his first Haute Couture collection. This first attempt has greatly impacted the closed world of Haute Couture and gave his ambitious work visibility at an International level. As his Fashion house grew quickly, new spaces were needed, and Pierre Cardin moved to a 6-storey building located at 59, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré where he brought all his activities. To this day, Pierre Cardin creates new Haute Couture pieces there every day. You can find them at the Haute Couture store downstairs. In Bahrain, Pierre Cardin is represented by Sharif Group (A La Mode).
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: In A La Mode Boutiques: Bab Al Bahrain Lulu Hidd Enma Mall Moda Mall Bahrain City Centre Seef Mall Seef Mall Muharraq Oasis Juffair Mall TEL +973 1774 8999 EMAIL WEBSITE
Atelier CL Paintings, Decorative Paintings, Wallpaper Website : Telephone : +973 1773 1873 E-mail : Address : Shaikh Jaber A. Al Subah Highway, Road 611, Sitra
Au nom de la rose Flower Shop Website : Telephone : +973 1756 1616 E-mail : Address : Seef Mall- Gate 6
Daniele Décor Curtain Manufacturing, Furniture Website : Telephone : +973 1773 0546 E-mail : Address : Shaikh Jaber A. Al Subah Highway, Road 611, Sitra
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Dessange Spa, Salon & Health Club Website : Telephone : +973 1771 3999 E-mail : Address : Adliya
Maison des Fleurs French Atmosphere Flower shop
Website : Telephone : +973 1784 0005 E-mail : Address : Al Maro Shops, Bldg 642, Road 1509, Block 915 Riffa Al Shamali
Roche Bobois High-end furniture Website : Telephone : +973 1758 2901 E-mail : Address : Shop no.268, Road 2804, AlSeef 428 King Mohamed VI avenue
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Bernardaud Luxury Limoges Porcelain Bernardaud’s great industrial and artistic adventure began in 1863 in Limoges, a region possessing kaolin, fresh water and forests, which are all needed to make porcelain. And the adventure is ongoing! The company has already successfully navigated some of the technical and creative challenges of the 21st century and is facing the third millennium with great resolution. In 1979, Pierre Bernardaud asked his son Michel if he would like to join the company and help develop the brand worldwide. Michel Bernardaud, heir to five generations of porcelain manufacturers, took over in 1994.
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Jashanmal & Sons Co., Al Aali Mall TEL +973 1758 2424 EMAIL WEBSITE
His aim was to grow the porcelain company, one of the last to be owned by the founding family, while perpetuating the objectives set by his predecessors: to preserve valuable technical skills, encourage a taste for innovation and continue to emphasize creativity.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
Christofle Silver Flatware, Dinnerware, Home Accessories The Art of Living is indeed an Art. Inventing a universe, taking pleasure in decorating a house, setting a table, sharing the good and the beautiful, cultivating the happiness of each moment. Since 1830, Christofle creates with elegance and know-how, an exceptional table art, refined jewelry and home accessories. Maison Christofle uses entirely handmade manufacturing. The precious trades of spinning, embossing, carving, engraving, perpetuated by its craftsmen immortalize the qualities of elegance and excellence. It is this irreplaceable know-how perpetuated by highly qualified craftsmen transmitted from teacher to student that constitutes the living heritage of Christofle. True "Living Treasures", the Master Goldsmiths are the guardians of the sustainability and quality of Christofle knowhow.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Jashanmal & Sons Co., Al Aali Mall TEL +973 1758 2424 EMAIL WEBSITE
Gautier Contemporary Furniture Shop Founded in 1960 by Patrice Gautier and his wife Annick, the company rapidly grew in size. With the baby boom in full swing in France, Patrice Gautier - a visionary - was already imagining the first children's bedrooms. This enabled the company to become the leader in the junior market in only a few years.The originality and quality of Gautier furniture has since built the brand's reputation. This creativity remains Gautier's strong point in its development and diversification. The official agent of GAUTIER in Bahrain is Phoenicia Decor.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Seef District, facing Ritz Carlton Entrance - Palace Palms Building, Manama TEL +973 1756 4444 EMAIL WEBSITE
Saks Fifth Avenue Department Store Company Saks Fifth Avenue Bahrain is a luxury department store for women, men and kids opened in 2008 in the City Centre Bahrain shopping mall. Saks Fifth Avenue Bahrain is renowned for its superlative designer collections, its expertly edited assortment of handbags, shoes, accessories, cosmetics and fragrances, and the first-rate expertise and exemplary client service of its Associates. The shopping experience is unparalleled in Bahrain, starting with the private entrance and valet parking service, private fitting suites equipped with waiting areas, private beauty room, complimentary alteration services and same day delivery. With a portfolio of over 150 brands across all categories and exclusive designer and beauty brands, Saks Fifth Avenue Bahrain is the shopping destination on the Island.
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
GET IN TOUCH GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: GF & Level 1, City Centre Bahrain TEL +973 1717 2000 EMAIL WEBSITE
French Brands at Saks Fifth Avenue Department Store Company
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: GF & Level 1, City Centre Bahrain TEL +973 1717 2000 EMAIL WEBSITE
French Brands at Saks Fifth Avenue Shoes, Handbags & Ready-to-wear for Women, Men and Kids
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: GF & Level 1, City Centre Bahrain TEL +973 1717 2000 EMAIL WEBSITE
French Brands at A La Mode Fashion brands distributed by Sharif Group GET IN TOUCH
WHERE TO FIND US: A La Mode Boutiques: Bab Al Bahrain Lulu Hidd Enma Mall Moda Mall Bahrain City Centre Seef Mall Seef Mall Muharraq Oasis Juffair Mall TEL +973 1774 8999 EMAIL WEBSITE
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
French Fashion Brands at Al Hawaj Watches, Accessories FRENCH ACCESSORIES BRANDS
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: - Bahrain Mall - Bahrain City Center Mall - Seef Mall - Al A'ali Shopping Complex - Riffa - Salmaniya - MCA - Muharraq TEL +973 1723 0088 EMAIL WEBSITE
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: - Bahrain Mall - Bahrain City Center Mall - Seef Mall - Al A'ali Shopping Complex - Riffa - Salmaniya - MCA - Muharraq - The Avenues (Niche Garden) TEL +973 1723 0088 EMAIL WEBSITE
Al Hawaj also owns Niche Garden Perfume Shop, distributing French Perfumery Brands
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: - Bahrain Mall - Bahrain City Center Mall - Oasis Mall Juffair (Carrefour Market) - Isa Town (Carrefour Market) - Wadi Al Sail Mall Riffa (Carrefour Market) - Saar Mall (Carrefour Market) - Seef Mall Muharraq (Carrefour Market) TEL +973 8000 8899 EMAIL WEBSITE
French brands at Fine Foods Co Food Service Company FRENCH BRANDS AVAILABLE AT FINE FOODS CO
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: P.O Box 302 - Manama TEL +973 1772 5353 EMAIL WEBSITE
WHERE TO FIND US: Office#704, Orchid Business Center Al Seef District, P.O. Box 17258, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
TEL +973 1767 3467
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
French Brands at Phoenicia Decor Interior and furniture FRENCH BRANDS AVAILABLE AT PHOENICIA DECOR
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Seef District, facing Ritz Carlton Entrance Palace Palms Building, Manama
Elitis Etamine Gautier Houles Lelièvre Linder
TEL +973 1756 4444 EMAIL WEBSITE
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
French brands at Intercol International Shipping Company FRENCH BRANDS AVAILABLE AT INTERCOL CONSUMER PRODUCTS
Fromageries Bel Lesieur Alimentaire Doux S.A. Andros SNC (Bonne Maman) Danone eaux Malongo
Figa Bohn Int
HOME APPLIANCES Group Seb Moulinex S.A.
HEALTHCARE ISIS Pharma Laboratorie Dermatologique (ACM)
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
GET IN TOUCH WHERE TO FIND US: Ali Al Wazzan Building 131 Al-Khalifa Avenue., P.O.Box 584, Manama TEL +973 1722 8855 EMAIL WEBSITE
SPECIAL THANKS Special thanks to the companies and brands that supported the 'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide through advertising INSTALLUX GULF..............................................................................................................SECOND COVER ALPHA FIRE SERVICES (AFS WLL)........................................................................................THIRD COVER BELL & ROSS (BAHRAIN JEWELLERY CENTER)....................................................................................109 BERNARDAUD........................................................................................................................................121 BLUE DOT PLANET...................................................................................................................................37 BNP PARIBAS ...........................................................................................................................................17 CAFÉ SÉGO ...............................................................................................................................................39 CARREFOUR .............................................................................................................................................25 CHRISTOFLE...........................................................................................................................................123 COMSIP AL A’ALI......................................................................................................................................49 DIOR .........................................................................................................................................................97 EGIS...........................................................................................................................................................53 GAUTIER (PHOENICIA DÉCOR).............................................................................................................125 INTERCOL .......................................................................................................................................140-141 MAZARS....................................................................................................................................................31 MICHELIN .................................................................................................................................................59 MONTALE...............................................................................................................................................101 MUGLER .................................................................................................................................................103 PIERRE CARDIN......................................................................................................................................115 RENAULT (Y K ALMOAYYED)...................................................................................................................29 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE .............................................................................................................................129 SIGNATURE BY SILLAGE D’ORIENT......................................................................................................105 SOFITEL ....................................................................................................................................................23 THE ORANGERY .......................................................................................................................................78 UNANIME ARCHITECTES.........................................................................................................................21 UNEECO (SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC)...........................................................................................................33 VINCI ENERGIES.......................................................................................................................................19 'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
If you are a company or a brand and think that you should be listed in 'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide, kindly get in touch with us and we will be pleased to include you in the next edition. If this is the case, kindly contact: +973 17 422 000
'Made in France à Bahrain' Guide
e nc
F n i r a e d
B a h r ai n EDITION 2021
An initiative by:
The French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCIB) Address: Y.B.A Kanoo Tower, 17th Floor, Office 177 Road 1703, Block 317, Diplomatic Area, Bahrain P.O. Box 10691 Tel: +973 17 422 000 Fax: +973 422 018 WhatsApp. +973 34 335 665 Email: Website: