FCCS Urban Innovations

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French Chamber Singapore




French Chamber Singapore A project initiated by the French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, this portfolio showcases 150+ French smart city solutions awaiting to be pioneered, implemented, and exported with Singapore.

Our Vision


Collective Stories For A Smart Nation


Living – An Autonomous and Healthy Pioneer


Working and Learning – A Well-Connected Professional


Playing – A Family Visiting Singapore


French Solutions Across 7 Sectors


Better Planned and Integrated Cities


Virtual City: Planning and Urban Modelling


Real-Time City: Urban Management


Green and Energy-Efficient Buildings


Building Construction or Renovation


Smart Building Management


Smart Urban Mobility


Green Transportation


Intelligent Transport Systems


Safe and Secure Cities


Identification and Risk Detection Solutions


Public Safety and Security


Digital Networks


Ultra-Broadband Cities


Cloud Computing


Internet of Things


Energy Networks


Renewable Energy


Smart Grids


Environmental Networks







Our Vision Parisians walking, running, and cycling on a car-free zone along the Seine


n a city-state where the Prime Minister is a mathematician whose hobby is to write C++ Sudoku solvers and to share the code on social networks, it is no surprise that the ambition is to become a “smart nation”. This initiative reinforces Singapore’s position as a major financial, transport, and communications hub, successfully competing with other world cities for resources, talents, and knowledge.

Interdependent world cities are the key units of today’s globalised world. The double trend of globalisation and urbanisation drives innovation needs for cities including in developed countries like France and Singapore.

Such innovation goes beyond a country’s administrative boundaries. By leveraging the government’s institutional support such as Franco-Singaporean ties, underscored by the 2012 Joint Declaration on a Strategic Partnership, the French business community aims to forge more effective global collaboration in urban innovations.

This is why the French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore established a dynamic cluster of around 50 large and small companies and two research partners, with the support of Vivapolis, the French export brand on sustainable cities. Our goal is to address Singapore governmental agencies’ priorities and challenges with an open and inclusive innovation approach, calling for all talents to imagine new technologies and business models that put the well-being of people first. Beyond the technological challenge, developing smart cities is a matter of will and entrepreneurial culture. We believe that our public-private partnership will be mutually beneficial in generating knowledge, drive, and creativity in Singapore and for Singapore.

Looking further ahead, we are ready to work with Singapore to stretch its influence on urban innovations across the region and the world. Before considering adding “smart layers”, developing smart cities in Asia involves basic infrastructure development to address opportunities and threats associated with rapid urbanisation. From Chandigarh, the first planned city of independent India designed by the French architect Le Corbusier, to Amaravati, the new capital city of Andhra Pradesh, whose master plan will be created by Singapore, we believe that smart planning based on worldwide expertise will be a decisive factor to develop 100 smart cities in India. A partnership at the regional level will 2


DISTRIBUTION OF THE 150+ SOLUTIONS FEATURED IN THE PORTFOLIO make it possible to influence Asian cities in a way that is economically efficient, socially inclusive, and sustainable, taking into account the larger ecological footprint of urban growth.

To achieve this vision, we offer strong know-how on proven solutions in all city segments as well as early-stage innovations developed in partnership with Singapore. Our solutions integrate seamlessly with a track record of collective adventures in Singapore, France, and abroad, where we helped cities plan ahead, react in real time, and decrease resource usage. Among us, several companies act as integrators to shape consolidated solutions. Like a smart and sustainable city that needs to integrate various systems, our shared technical and business language ensures smooth management between teaming partners when it comes to implementation.

We are enthusiastic about the prospect of engaging in a structured discussion with Singapore agencies to collectively envision novel solutions that ensure the happiness and wellbeing of tomorrow’s citizens. In particular, we are willing to bring in some of the ingredients of the French “savoir-vivre”, which makes our cities elegant, charming, culturally rich, and so pleasant to live in. Back home, French companies are pushed towards sustainability and stakeholders’ consultation. We strongly believe that those are key drivers of the French touch. We also have a strong double culture of engineering and service, engaging clients to develop solutions that integrate cutting-edge technologies, aesthetics, and social interactions.

This portfolio showcases 150+ solutions awaiting to be pioneered, implemented, and exported with Singapore. Three stories illustrate how a sample of these solutions could address smart nation priorities in Singapore, from an end-user perspective. The seven chapters thereafter describe each solution individually and demonstrate how they can integrate with each other, from a technological perspective. This portfolio is meant as a basis for discussion with Singapore to step up our collaboration by sharing and learning from each other.

Percentage by smart city actor

20% 28%



End-to-end project integrators bring together various sectors of the smart city through pre-packaged platforms

Network service providers offer collaborative networks, data analytics and enterprise working solutions that connect people, assets, systems and products

Pure-play product vendors provide “hard assets”, such as smart meters and distribution devices that operate as the main nodes of connectivity

Managed service providers offer round-the-clock monitoring, complete management, compliance monitoring, and on-site consulting According to the typology of smart city actors defined by Frost & Sullivan

Number by sector and size MNC



With the support of







Urban Innovations in Singapore The French Actors



Collective Stories for a Smart Nation


eople are the protagonists of a smart city. The three following stories illustrate how French companies and research laboratories could work together and with Singaporean partners to make the life of a pioneer, of a professional and of tourists smarter. Increasingly sophisticated technologies, while remaining invisible for

end-users, have the potential to make everyday life easier and richer, as long as they integrate with each other and are backed by resilient ICT and power infrastructure. The solutions mentioned in the stories constitute a sample of the solutions presented and described in the seven chapters hereafter.

LIVING An Autonomous and Healthy Pioneer By 2030 one in five Singapore residents will be 65 years or older. Transforming this challenge into an opportunity, the silver economy offers new products and services for housing, accessibility and caring for seniors. This story of a pioneer illustrates how French technological and community-based solutions enable the elderly to age at home despite age-specific barriers such as limitations of mobility and high disease susceptibility, and to enjoy an active life in the community.

WORKING AND LEARNING A Well-Connected Professional Singapore’s ambition to be recognised for its trusted data marketplace and its “moving bits� capacity goes hand in hand with the development of an increasingly powerful workforce. This story of a professional illustrates how integrated technologies, for instance in IT and predictive transport, significantly improve productivity and worklife balance by making it possible to work safely anywhere anytime.

PLAYING A Family Visiting Singapore The Lion city is a major regional touristic hub. Singapore also provides qualitative entertainment for residents, contributing to the community spirit. Through the story of a family of tourists attending a pan-Asian sport event, we highlight how French companies could work with Singapore to develop future mobility, moving connectivity, and entertainment facilities.




An Autonomous and Healthy Pioneer

Mr Tan is an active pioneer. His social activities and exercising are recorded and gamified through healthrelated competitions with friends.

Out from home, remote management of sensors throughout the city and video analysis ensure safety of frail people like Mr Tan, for instance by predicting risky situation and notifying to take a different route.

As it may rain fall shortly, Mr Tan is advised to take the electric mini shuttle of his neighbourhood to go back home. The very low floor is convenient for people of reduced mobility.

The rain begins to fall. Fortunately no flash flooding happens. Flood risks are monitored based on video cameras with a 50 meters range and software analysis.

Mr Tan is back in his elderly block. He suddenly does not feel well. Non-intrusive video and audio sensors installed with his agreement have detected abnormal movements and parameters compared to usual habits.

the GPS tracker on his daughter’s mobile (his main care taker) indicates that she is not in the vicinity. an alert is automatically sent to a home care platform developed in collaboration with HDB and accessible to Community Centre staff and relatives on their mobile devices.




An Autonomous and Healthy Pioneer

A neighbour, who confirmed through mobile apps that he will take care of the situation, opens the door with a code sent to his mobile and confirms the need to call for an ambulance. A centralised emergency dispatcher handles the call and sends the nearest available ambulance to Mr Tan’s home. His daughter is notified of the situation and can follow the actions through sensing data provided from the home.

2 minutes later the ambulance arrives. There is traffic on the road but the ambulance moves fast as it is equipped with a real-time traffic management system to benefit from green waves. A platform integrates meteorological forecast and real-time traffic data thanks to sensors embedded in roads.

During transportation Mr Tan gives his electronic ID card to the ambulance staff. Produced with a high quality card printer, the card contains his full health record, which the ambulance staff can access while being automatically transmitted to the hospital before their arrival.

The operation is conducted with the use of ultrapure water for sterilisation. A remote consultation with a specialist is conducted via video conferencing to guide the resident doctor with the operation.

Mr Tan can enjoy the clean and pleasant environment of the green and well-ventilated hospital that benefits from an integrated facility management. The building has been rehabilitated with recycled material and certified Green Mark Platinum. Solar panels have been installed on the roof with solar leasing. The new building management system has reduced energy consumption by 30%.




Mr Tan can take control of connected devices from his tablet to call the nurse or control the temperature. The connected devices proactively monitor themselves for potential malfunctions and automatically make a service appointment should there be a need for a check-up.

An Autonomous and Healthy Pioneer

Mr Tan is discharged from hospital. An energy-efficient data centre equipped with compact back-up power lithiumion batteries ensures proper storage and integrity of hospital and patient information. medical experts located outside the hospital access and analyse Mr. Tan’s exams on a cloud-based tele-imaging and telemedicine platform.

Mr Tan pays for his hospital bill with a secured mobile payment system. The paperless invoice is processed by the hospital with a cloud-based document process automation solution.

Mr Tan does not need to return to hospital for followup visits. He can take advantage of the virtual medical consultation at home with a physician.

Mr Tan uses a health kit to take blood tests at home and sends the readings to the doctor through his smartphone. alerts are sent to his smartphone if he misses a test and to the doctor’s if there is an anomaly.

Mr Tan can go back to his daily activities with peace of mind: he will receive reminders to take his medicine from a medicine dispenser alarm. A notification will be sent to his daughter if he does not follow his medication regime.



Solutions presented in “An Autonomous and Healthy Pioneer“ and where to find them in the portfolio

* Currently in R&D phase

Health-related competitions*


Remote management of city sensors and video analysis

40, 42

Electric mini-shuttle


Video cameras and software analysis for flood monitoring


Non-intrusive video and audio sensors


Home care platform*


Centralised emergency dispatcher


Real-time traffic management system


Sensors embedded in roads


Electronic ID card and smart card printer


Automatic transmission of data from smart card


Ultrapure water




Integrated facility management


Building rehabilitation


Green Mark certification


Solar leasing


Building management system


Connected devices control at hospital


Service appointment


Data centre


Lithium-ion batteries


Cloud-based tele-imaging and telemedicine platform


Mobile payment system


Cloud-based document process automation solution


Virtual medical consultation at home


Health kit*


Medicine dispenser alarm*





A Well-Connected Professional

6am Karen is a young professional. Every morning the quality of the water she uses is monitored in real-time by a water management system processing data from an urban network of sensors. Clean water is produced from sea water in a desalination plant, whose master plan was designed by specialists of reverse osmosis.

6:30am Time to wake her daughter up. LED lighting and fans activate automatically thanks to smart meters paired with batteries. There is no need to activate the air conditioning to reach the ideal temperature.

7am Karen’s neighbour is driving Karen’s daughter to school, together with other children picked up on the way. The families are registered in the school community of a journey planner app.

8am Karen works from home every early morning to avoid peak hours. She can access and share her data in a secure manner as her company assets are protected with data encryption.

9am After breakfast, she throws leftovers into a double centralised chute connected with a pneumatic collection system that transports waste at high speed through underground pneumatic tubes.



A Well-Connected Professional 10am Time to go to work. Karen consults her realtime multimodal transport app. The crowd monitoring system has detected that the MRT is overcrowded because of a passenger incident. She is advised to take a different itinerary. Karen informs her journey planner app community of the incident and gets vouchers for sharing this information.

10:05am First Karen rents a bike at the shared public bicycle station, purchasing a pass from her mobile. There are always enough bikes: a fleet management system adjusts the supply according to demand forecast.

10:10am Karen stops 5 minutes later and parks her bike at a station located next to an electric car-sharing station. She opens the car with fingerprint recognition.

10:30am Karen arrives at her office in Jurong Gateway. She remembers how the neighbourhood looked like 10 years ago. URA and HDB developed a smart town with the help of 3D planning simulation.

People living and working in the district act as “prosumers�: the electricity coming from the solar panels on the office rooftop and from the MRT brakes is injected into an autonomous microgrid or temporarily stored in rechargeable lithium-ion batteries including the ones of shared electric vehicles. Local energy production and consumption are balanced with an integrated distribution energy resources system.




A Well-Connected Professional Karen’s office is cabled with energy-saving and secure passive optical LAN technologies that deliver video, data and voice to the desktop in one fiber cable. Employees have access to significant IT capacity to develop their applications with cloud computing empowerd by software-defined networking.

12:30pm During lunch At the food court leftovers are segregated on site, collected and transformed via an anaerobic digestion facility into electricity for the microgrid.

3pm PROJECT MEETING Karen develops a 3D virtual prototype of a new vehicle based on a stereoscopic view display. To work on this complex project, the team is coached by system architects.

4pm the screen blinks faintly for a second. Meanwhile, a hacker intrusion has been detected on the twoway communication architecture of the microgrid. The security operation centre isolates the affected node before the attack spreads. The demand-response mechanism of the grid has not been disrupted.

8pm Back home, Karen follows an online course from ESSEC Business School and NTU using audio-web-video collaboration. The cloud-based solution allows remote students to share presentations using tablets, mobile devices or laptops.


Solutions presented in “A Well-Connected Professional“ and where to find them in the portfolio

Water management system


Desalination plant’s master plan


Smart meters for home


Journey planner app


Data encryption


Pneumatic waste collection system


Real-time multimodal transport app


Bike-sharing station


Fleet management system


Electric car-sharing station


Fingerprint recognition


3D planning and visualisation


Rooftop solar panels


Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries


Integrated distribution energy resources system


Passive optical LAN technologies


Cloud computing


Software-Defined networking


Anaerobic digestion facility


Stereoscopic view display


Coaching on industrial complex projects


Two-way communication architecture of the microgrid


Security operation centre


Audio-web-video collaboration solution




A Family Visiting Singapore

An Indian family arrives at Changi. An Airport Operation Control Centre monitors passenger movements, logistics, and security systems in real time.

At the immigration counter they show their ePassports containing a chip that allows automated reading of identity, reducing the waiting time.

The father receives details on his smart phone on exactly where and when the highly connected and partially automated car will be waiting for the family at the airport.

Even when the car enters tunnels, they can access highspeed connectivity provided by small cells.

As the car leaves the expressway, the father takes control of the car. He later parks in an underground automated parking lot geo-located by the Car Easy Apps.

At the hotel family members drink tap water produced thanks to reverse osmosis filtration membranes.



A Family Visiting Singapore

In the afternoon the family visits a French luxury shop. They learn that products are delivered by an electrichybrid shuttle that recovers energy during braking, allowing the vehicle to recharge during use.

The following day the family enjoys a short cruise to the Kusu Island. A coastal surveillance system ensures their safety and optimises vessel movement between the port and the cruise vessels in real time.

This is now time to go to the stadium for the Asian Football Cup: India-Singapore! At the bus stop, a LED display provides real-time traffic information.

The family sits down on air-cooled seats, which use less than 15% of the energy required for similar conventional air-conditioned stadiums. From air conditioning systems to movable roof through sports lighting control, an interface allows maintenance teams to ensure the full control of the stadium.

A grid of discreet cameras associated with a video analytics system detects and manages abnormalities. As the game is going to start the command and control centre is raising an alarm because of threats detected by video streams and social network intelligence. Decision is taken to cancel the game.



A Family Visiting Singapore

The stadium is evacuated smoothly Even though it was running at full capacity of more than 50,000 people. Crowd management video analytics is conducted based on video sensors that count spectators anonymously. The stadium was designed to avoid crowd bottlenecks with 3D event simulation incorporating security and energy parameters. Another entertainment for the evening is offered to spectators thanks to the interconnection of platforms supported by end-to-end 5G network.

The MRT train is not that crowded as the frequency is adjusted to the number of passengers, thanks to an onboard communications solution for the train platforms and inside the trains. The family arrives at Sentosa, where they enter the Universal Studios using the same e-ticket.

The following day the family goes back to Changi Airport. They check in their luggage with an easy self-service baggage drop-off. This visit to Singapore was the first, but certainly not the last.


Solutions presented in “A Family Visiting Singapore” and where to find them in the portfolio

Airport operation control centre




Connected and partially automated car*


Small cells


Underground automated parking lot


Tap water


Electric-hybrid shuttle


Coastal surveillance system


LED display with real-time traffic information


Air-cooled seats


Command and control centre


Crowd management video analytics


Video sensors for people counting


3D event simulation

21, 42

Interconnection of platforms*


5G network


Onboard communications solution


Self-service baggage drop-off



French Solutions Across Seven Sectors Better Planned and Integrated Cities • Green and Energy-Efficient Buildings Smart Urban Mobility • Safe and Secure Cities Digital Networks • Energy Networks • Environmental Networks


ur solutions cover the seven sectors identified by the Economic Development Board for smart cities. They address priorities outlined in the Sustainable Singapore Blueprint 2015 and in Singapore’s Smart Nation initiative piloted by the Smart Nation Programme Office. Being a smart city is to find intelligent solutions to common urban problems. The “smartness” does not always lie in the technology itself but in the way it is implemented in space and time. This sectorial presentation reveals that citizens


can actively benefit from new services mostly based on the existing infrastructure, thanks to two major components: a new physical layer made of sensors embedded in existing infrastructure and which collect data flowing through broadband networks and analysed in real-time by powerful software; and a dominant business model, the sharing economy, which transforms fixed costs into variable costs for the end-user. This combination increases the quality of life without building new infrastructure or consuming land and resources: the decoupling strategy is what makes smart cities, ultimately, sustainable.



Cloud Compu

Sensors Platforms




Cyber Securit






BETTER PLANNED AND INTEGRATED CITIES The city is a complex living system with a high degree of inertia. In order for a smart city not to become rapidly outdated, any technological improvement needs to anticipate major trends and take citizens’ aspirations into account, while keeping the “soul” of the city. French advanced simulation and engineering solutions help make the urban fabric adaptive and resilient, and to ease decision-making in the framework of Singapore’s long-term vision.




Bottom-up planning Multifunctional land use

Greater Paris Region

Walkable city


2030 Master Plan 20% of France’s urban population occupies 2% of the nation’s surface area 70,000 new homes per year

Significant migration in Myanmar’s history

20+ public consultations

VIRTUAL CITY Planning and urban modelling Energy, water, waste models

3D data on buildings

Decision-making plaftorms

City master plans

3D visualisation

REAL-TIME CITY Urban management Data from city sensors

Data crowdsourcing from citizens’ devices

Converged ultra-broadband network for public agencies

Urban management platforms

Influence on urban planning


SAMPLE EXPORT TARGET 10 million new urbanites by 2030, equivalent of 2 new cities the size of Yangon and 10 new cities the size of Mandalay

Smart lighting systems


Integrated decision-making modelling tools to allow long-term sustainable planning based on different scenarii such as technology change.

Modelling and optimisation of urban or industrial infrastructure, taking into account the different layers of the cities (water, waste, cooling/heating networks and grid) as a global entity to define optimal solutions for customers.

3D sustainable city simulator at different scales (territory, city, building) that displays appropriate technical solutions resulting from a systemic diagnosis related to eco-mobility, local energy mix, construction, and urban ecosystems. This solution comes along with a large expertise in urban master planning.

3D city digital data based on satellite imagery with 1 meter resolution covering more than 700 cities in the world (e.g. in Asia: Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand) and over 400 sq km in Singapore (equivalent to 80% of urban land).

3D Visualisation

Consulting and Training

The three following solutions are complementary: Techviz’s software can integrate Dassault Systèmes’ platform, and 3D content can be displayed with depth on Alioscopy’s screens.

“My city by Egis”: consulting and design engineering to create new towns or regenerate the existing urban fabric with specific expertise on mixed urban programs, end-to-end mobility, landscape design, geotechnics for underground structures, and urban ecology. Urban planning is not only about planning way ahead, but also about looking closely at social equality and liveability, in particular by giving back space to citizens (e.g. pedestrian space, green corridors).

The 3DEXPERIENCity Platform: a cloud-based platform that provides analytics (dashboard) on holistic urban city model to experience the insights of the 3D city model in terms of traffic, noise, disaster management (e.g. flood simulation), security, transportation and other factors affecting day-to-day city life; it enables a collaborative approach between townships, businesses, and citizens.

3D applications software that displays virtual prototypes and stereoscopic views of city plan (scale 1:1) in real time, directly from the desktop 3D application without any data conversion and any limitation for resolution, size, and shape.

Glass-free 3D display for realtime applications, including latest generation 4K (ultra HD) display for a comfortable multi-viewer experience. The set of auto-stereoscopic software development kits allows visualisation with depth, providing an immediate sense of perspective and proportion to data and visualisation tools.

Training and consulting services to help companies and agencies to master the complexity of their transformation and technological projects, including master plans for smart cities, through onthe-job training programs and system expertise based on world-class Enterprise and Systems Architecture methods. Organisation of the annual international Complex Systems Design and Management conference, held in Paris since 2010 and in Singapore since 2014 on smart cities and smart nation.


» Mixed-use development in Myanmar (left) Egis designed the master plan for the New Yankin Business District in Yangon, a 70 acre district to live, work, stay, and play in a burmese style. » Virtual Singapore National Research Foundation will deploy Dassault’s 3DEXPERIENCity Platform to develop a realistic and integrated 3D model of Singapore to be used by citizens, businesses, government and research community to develop tools and services that address the complex challenges Singapore faces. BETTER PLANNED AND INTEGRATED CITIES 21

» 3D planning in India The Indian construction multinational Larsen & Toubro is using TechViz’s 3D visualisation software to develop its infrastructure planning in virtual reality (e.g. airport and road construction).

REAL-TIME CITY: URBAN MANAGEMENT Urban Management Platforms and Networks

Smart Lighting Systems

Cit’Ease: a collaborative software for real-time and global city management. The system gathers and offers a panoramic view, combining a wide range of data on energy, water, waste, transport, security, living conditions and urban services performance. Through an end-user interface, local authorities interact with citizens and receive feedback.

Portfolio of high performance products and innovative system solutions that enable remote activation and dimming control of lamps for energy saving. Smart sensor nodes embedded in lighting system also enable new services like traffic monitoring, weather station and improved security.

Control tower to manage urban services remotely. Providing a 360° view of the city, the solution enables national and local authorities to optimise intervention scheduling, to manage crisis or environmental disasters (decision-making, impact control), and to improve the operational efficiency of all urban services.

Layered architecture for a holistic approach on smart cities, based on a converged services infrastructure or an end-to-end communication network solution. It enables multiple public agencies to operate on a single ultra-broadband network, eliminating duplications, reducing costs (leased fiber) and enhancing safety. It supports high-speed smart city applications for real-time analytics, data access and collaboration (e.g. CCTV, social media, traffic monitoring). It also brings network elasticity to data centres through Software Defined Networks capabilities and offers a M2M platform that can benefit multiple smart city applications.

FeelEgis: a crowd sourcing application that enables residents to rate urban comfort based on pre-defined indicators related to noise, smell, pollution, wind, and light at a given time and location; these open data may produce useful statistics for urban strategies. 22 URBAN INNOVATIONS

Operation and maintenance of public lighting and tunnel equipment for cars and pedestrians in Singapore. Street lighting systems are energyefficient and adaptive to the customer’s requirements.

Streetlight management system that increases light levels while saving energy through innovative technologies and partnerships, and that integrates the lighting system in the global security management.


 French simulation platform to support decision-making Since 2013 EDF, with the participation of Veolia, collaborates with the Housing and Development Board (HDB), with support from the Economic Development Board (EDB), to develop a computer-based complex system modelling tool that simulates built environments. Delivered to HDB in 2015, the decision-making tool will first be used in Jurong and Punggol to shape a good quality living environment for residents. This virtual testing platform is useful for town planners in land scarce Singapore as it reduces the risk of physical trial and error. For example, the computer model can simulate new urban solutions to drive energy efficiency, waste management, water recycling, rainwater collection, and thermal comfort (reduction of heat island effect). HDB can also test out housing typologies and determine how best to site the new flats to optimise wind flow, or how best to orientate buildings to maximise solar gains for the solar panels on the rooftops. Besides modelling hardware initiatives, understanding the behaviour of the residents is another important aspect of the project. The implementation of the project relies on a research collaboration agreement between HDB, EDF and Veolia and on two subcontractors: EDF and Veolia provide energy and environmental models, Computamaps 3D data of buildings (roofshape and inclination) and Dassault Systèmes the 3D visualisation system. The continuous improvement of the tool by EDF will associate local universities.


GREEN AND ENERGYEFFICIENT BUILDINGS We deliver building projects that contribute to a sustainable living environment, ensure well-being for users and allow them to get involved in energy management. In Singapore, 50% of all electricity is consumed by buildings, in particular malls, offices, and hotels. The amount of new building construction as a percentage of all buildings in Singapore is typically less than 5% per year according to Singapore’s Building & Construction Authority. To meet Singapore’s target of greening at least 80% of Singapore’s buildings by 2030, we provide strong know-how in upgrading existing buildings for increased energy efficiency, taking into account technical constraints, the character of the buildings, and the need to reduce the use of raw materials.




Comfort at home

The first European solar green data centre

Reduced energy bill Architectural heritage



Naturally cooled building with ground water pumped at temperature of 14°C and powered by rooftop solar panels

Adoption of the Green Building Index rating system Move towards construction sustainability illustrated by major projects such as the Perdana Putra renovation

MEASURE Baseline: detailed energy audit and targets



20% of the life cycle cost of the building

Environmental sustainable design 3D modelling on the building throughout its lifecycle

IMPLEMENT OPERATE 80% of the life cycle cost of the building

Foundation strengthening Construction or renovation works Energy performance contracting and energy efficiency



Consultancy for Green Mark certification

Smart meters Building and residential energy management systems Integrated facilities management



• Contractor Work: Design, Construction or Renovation, Maintenance, and Financing of All Kinds of Buildings

Callisto: a completely virtual room in which clients can visualise the rooms of their future buildings in 3D and down to the smallest details.

Specific know-how in re-using the existing urban fabric: - To adapt the building to its new use: foundation strengthening to hold more weight and/or adding of basement levels, with Bachy-Soletanche branch. - To perform a deep update of buildings regarding environmental standards, accessibility, urban renewal, and radical use shift (e.g. electric production facility turned into a cinematographic centre): repair and strengthening of superstructures, with Foreva solutions by Freyssinet branch; complex project management and expertise integration with numerous partners (urbanists, planners, architects, prescribers, end-users, cost controllers).

Sustainable Design and Modelling

Energy Efficiency

Design performed by environmental sustainable design consultants in the areas of building physics, sustainable building engineering and energy. Consulting services for internationally recognised building rating schemes such as BCA Green Mark in Singapore.

Design, consultancy and project implementation (one-stop solution) to install new systems with up to 20% energy savings compared to conventional solutions or previous systems: - Detailed energy audits performed as an accredited Energy Services Company (ESCO) in Singapore; - Energy performance contracting (EPC) performed as an accredited EPC company in Singapore: design, operation and maintenance of new equipment for an agreed period; by including the operation into the design model, owners have clear information on the building cost and the monthly bills are based on the savings shared with Cofely.

Building information modelling (BIM) simulates in 3D all information about the building and its lifecycle (design/build/ operation), using integrated tools. BIM enables the building team to share data, to coordinate parties (architects, designers, materials providers and builders) from the very beginning of the project, to get economies of scale and time savings. BIM is one fundament of a global re-thinking of the whole construction process for exceptional projects as well as all-day buildings. In particular, Vinci Construction’s “Primmea” programme aims at providing 30%-cheaper housing by taking advantage of BIM to partner with developers, sellers, and partners.

Daylight and glare analysis; computational fluid dynamics to optimise natural ventilation and human comfort; energy modelling; solar modelling and shadow analysis to confirm the efficiency of building shapes and shading devices.

Advanced 3D modelling to incorporate large spans, complex forms, lightweight, flexible, tensile, and arch-shaped structures.


Set of cost-efficient closed loop solutions at the building scale for a better management of energy consumption (methanisation, wastewater network based heating system, waste recovery).

End-to-end energy management services that address the whole energy efficiency ecosystem for smart homes, buildings, neighbourhoods, and cities. Services are based on three pillars: consulting to set targets and develop improvement strategies; transformation by supporting teams in the development and use of energy analytical tools to deliver financial gains from 10% in year one in traditional buildings to 30%; managed services such as procurement, invoice processing, multi-dimensional reporting, and records of consumption.


» Consulting for an energy-efficient warehouse in Singapore Green & Global Consulting conducted a study for the green warehouse of SDV Logistics (42,000 m2, 4 levels), aiming at ensuring the comfort of people and the integrity of stored cosmetics products while reducing energy consumption. » Renovation of the Swissotel Merchant Court in Singapore Cofely conducted the initial energy audit and issued technical recommendations to optimise the chiller plant (1.7 GWh of electricity saved per year) and hot water system (200 MWh of electricity saved per year) of this hotel, which is certified Green Mark Platinum and was selected for the International Green Building Conference 2014. » Rehabilitation of the Boulevard Macdonald warehouse in Paris (below) Vinci Construction turned the former biggest building in Paris (550m long, 70m wide) into 15 diversified programs of private and public housing, retail, office, business incubator, schools with as much respect to the existing frame as possible. This project illustrates the capacity of Paris to transform itself while maintaining its heritage and soul.

SMART BUILDING MANAGEMENT Building Management Systems

Performance Manager: an all-in-one product for monitoring, maintaining, and measuring the performance of installations. The assets of the installation are being monitored in real time.

SmartStruxure: a single user-friendly interface built on open protocols, which monitors and controls heating, ventilating, and air conditioning, lighting, access control and other critical building systems. It can be accessed anytime and anywhere via web and mobile devices with up to 30% energy reduction.

Energy management systems that can interface with Delta Dore and many other brand devices. The software are “GreenMark ready” and allow full data compliancy with BCA GreenMark standard. The solution offers a holistic approach to energy as all trades and utilities are concerned (chiller plant, solar panel monitoring, metering strategy, etc). A user-friendly tabletbased interface allows to manage, control and monitor the full installation.

Range of solutions for smarter building management. For example powerline communications products enable to connect existing wiring to smart systems in the building; intelligent programmable lighting solutions optimise lighting management according to external lighting conditions and room occupancy.

Smart energy management platform that gathers data in real time, floor by floor, office by office, recording energy production and consumption by type of use and making adjustments. It offers a threefold analysis encompassing habits, comfort, and the weather. It integrates and secures consumption, renewable forms of production, storage capacity and demand response capability. This solution builds on Steria’s energy-positive Green Office® facilities in France.

PowerZ: an application that optimises the operation of the University Campus of Nanyang Technological University, using end-users feedback and public awareness to involve students in the reduction of energy and water consumption. Through the phone game, the energy management and monitoring system collects feedback from the 2,000 students and teachers. It is part of the 2020 challenge of NTU to cut its energy and water consumption by 35% by 2020. GREEN AND ENERGY-EFFICIENT BUILDINGS 27


» Singapore Sports Hub In June 2014 Singapore celebrated the opening of the Singapore Sports Hub, Asia’s first integrated sports, leisure, entertainment and lifestyle destination, located on a 35-hectare waterfront site. At the heart of the SGD 1.3 billion Sports Hub is the new National Stadium, a 55,000 seat sports venue certified BCA Green Mark Gold Plus. The Singapore Sports Hub is a Public-Private-Partnership project where Dragages Singapore was responsible for the design and construction work for the complex. The project was entirely developed with Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology. Digital modelling made it possible to anticipate changes requested by the architects and the customer as the project progressed. For instance, it helped to design an elegant and effective solution for incorporating the enormous block of reinforced concrete, essential for supporting the huge arches forming part of the roof. Dragages Singapore called on ten French small businesses specialists. In particular, Delta Dore developed a unique bowl cooling system, where cool air of 23° C is pumped from underneath all seats, using less than 15% of the energy required for similar conventional air-conditioned stadiums. Placed end-to-end, the pipes that carry the chilled water would stretch all the way round a marathon course. Delta Dore also designed and built the fully integrated software and hardware solution to control all building and energy services. The company now controls and monitors more than 6,500 devices, regardless of the brands and communication open protocols.

SMART BUILDING MANAGEMENT Residential Energy Management Systems

Integrated solution for smart homes that combines home-based smart energy gateways and cloud-based energy services such as energy saving monitoring, remote energy home control, and demand response. Residential customers are able to understand, measure, control their consumption, and improve their energy efficiency with intuitive and personalised tools. This solution is jointly commercialised with the French SME IJENKO.

Wiser: a wireless two-module residential energy management system. The energy awareness module allows to visualise global and main loads, to estimate electricity bill, to compare to prior periods and to track every appliance. The comfort module provides temperature control room by room and enables demand management.


Smart metering solutions that optimise energy management, based on dynamic energy tariffs related to peak-time and real-time power consumption, resulting in energy saving for the user. The portfolio includes solutions for applications where high computation performance is required, such as consumer Home Area Networks.

Smart meters and IoT technologies that enable residents to monitor their water and energy consumption on their mobile devices. For the asset manager, the solution includes an environmental dashboard (KPIs, data analytics and energy purchasing tools).

Intensium® Home: home compact lithium-ion battery (535 mm width, 700 mm height, 520 mm depth, 85 kg) associated with a residential or office energy management system, to store solar energy and make it available when needed, thus maximising selfconsumption and ensuring non-stop energy supply.

SMART URBAN MOBILITY From 1965 onwards, numerous French companies have participated in the development of Singapore’s transport infrastructure. Today, we offer proven and innovative public transport infrastructure and green vehicles for the full range of mobility services matching Singapore’s urban development vision and air quality targets. We also provide intelligent transport systems and sharing solutions to ensure efficient, clean and safe travel experience, while making better use of the existing infrastructure. This combined offer enables flexible transit options and fluid modal transfers for the end-user, and helps the city to organise the urban shift from private to public transport.



BENEFITS Strasbourg

Air quality Improved commuter experience Active and healthy transport modes

Accessible and shared infrastructure

Rail infrastructure

Successful bikesharing system


Chronic traffic congestion in Jakarta

Pedestrian priority zones

2/3 of the population in peripheral areas not connected to the centre by public transport

Number one tramway network in France

Need for a mass transportation system and better traffic management

Road improvement and infrastructure monitoring sensors

For the city: Design and consultancy on mobility Car-sharing

Clean vehicles

Train systems

Catenary-free trams


Electric autonomous bus

3D design and manufacturing of autonomous and connected cars


Smart bikes

Green delivery

Fluid traffic

Traffic management systems Traffic sensors Fleet management

Real-time multimodal planner

Sustainable power for transportation

Substation to capture breaking power

Ground-level power supply

For the passenger: Information displays Eco-mobility apps

Charging stations and vehicle to grid

Batteries for traction, back-up, and regenerative power




Singapore plans to achieve a peak hour mode share of 75% for public transport by 2030, up from 64% in 2013. By 2030 Singapore MRT network will increase to 360 km, up from 178 km in 2015. Public Transportation

• Design and Engineering Services

• Power and Recharging Infrastructure for Trains and Trams

End-to-end consultancy services (feasibility study, design, project management and construction supervision) with a strong focus on project efficiency and durability. The team integrates architects, transport planners, engineers, and economists to provide cities with the full expertise needed to develop a long-term transportation service for citizens, with a strong expertise on trains and trams (100+ projects).

HESOP: an inverter sub-station for harnessing regenerated power from the trains when braking, converting kinetic energy into electrical energy. Alstom’s system eliminates the need for on-board storage (batteries or DLC) and braking resistors.

Consultancy on planning, design and construction of transport infrastructure, with a multi-disciplinary expertise and an integrated approach embracing the social, economic, and environmental aspects of complex projects. Specific know-how in multimodal transportation and linear transport infrastructure.

Mobility network studies for the development of suburban areas. Studies aim to improve the accessibility and mobility between the establishments and districts of the area, making it attractive from the perspective of transit and mobility connections. They cover engineering, technology solutions, and economic development.

NiCd batteries for trackside signalling, traction, engine starting, and back-up power (instead of diesel generator). They have optimised weight and volume, low maintenance and low total cost of ownership, and withstand demanding environmental conditions such as wide temperature variations or strong vibrations. Lithium-ion batteries used as hybrid energy storage systems to capture, store and re-use “regenerative energy” created by the braking of thousands of daily train stops at stations.

• Road and Rail Infrastructure

Trains, systems, and services for passenger and freight transportation including trains, components, services, track and electrification infrastructure.

Electric autonomous bus and catenary-free tram transporting passengers along a fixed route, with projects undergoing in Singapore.

APS: a ground-level power supply system for trams that works safely and avoids the use of high visual impact overhead contact line systems.

Bluetram: a disruptive technology based on supercapacitors that recharge the tram in 30 seconds at each station while passengers board and alight the vehicle. Bluetram requires no rails nor catenaries. The first prototype will be implemented in Singapore in 2016.

Robotic Car Parking: construction of the underground structure and system management for automated parkings with multiple levels stacked vertically. This innovative and safe way to park cars is designed to minimise the land surface and/or the material quantities required for parking cars.



» Consultancy services for the metro of Riyadh (left) Egis Rail delivers the most ambitious metro project ever carried in one go with six fully automatic lines over 177km (underground and viaducts) and 92 stations. Egis delivered the feasibility stage (2004) and design studies (2009), specification for design and build (2012) and was recently awarded the project management and construction. » Contractor for the Circle Line driverless MRT system in Singapore Alstom Transport provided a total of 64x3 cars of driverless Metropolis trainsets, a communication-based train control system (CBTC), Automatic Train Supervision (ATS), trackwork and traction power supply systems. Alstom trains are equipped with Saft batteries to deliver back-up power for up to 45 minutes for lighting, air conditioning, door operation, ventilation, and communication systems. GREEN TRANSPORTATION Personal Electric and Autonomous Vehicles

Electric vehicles (EV) are well-suited for urban traffic, characterised by short distances and frequent braking, which is how EV generate electricity. The charging infrastructure will power shared or personal EV but also contribute to smart grids by storing excess solar energy from rooftop systems. • Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

• Charging Infrastructure

3DEXPERIENCE industry solution: 3D and Product Lifecycle Management solution that enables real-time collaboration among all stakeholders involved in the development of an electric or hybrid vehicle, reducing costs while encouraging innovation on energy efficiency.

Smart charging stations that provide cities with dashboards to better monitor energy usage and manage the EV charging. The solution also allows electrical aggregators to expand their demand response portfolio to cover fleets. It is commercialised in partnership with G2mobility.

Bluecar®: a four-seater electric car with a range of 250 km in urban use. It is equipped with a rechargeable lithium metal polymer battery that can run for up to 200,000 km before needing to be replaced and that can store five times more energy than a traditional lithium battery. The car is made exclusively from non-polluting materials and is dismantled at the end of its life, with all its components being recycled or reused.

Use of the first hybrid electric-diesel Mitsubishi truck for local deliveries. This service helps cities reduce pollution associated with the final leg of goods delivery, by reducing noise and atmospheric emissions of CO2, particle matters and nitrogen oxides by up to 30%. 32 URBAN INNOVATIONS

Car Plug: a smart charging system supplying electricity to the EV and reporting consumption with a remote monitoring capability available via an app or a website. The solution is compatible with all types of rechargeable vehicles. 3 charging options (slow, semi-fast or fast) can be selected, with the faster one enabling to drive up to 200 km after just 1 hour of recharging (60% faster than conventional charging station).

EVlink: a complete range of efficient charging solutions for residential, commercial and fleet, fast-charging and parking market accommodating different socket types, power requirements and for users with or without identification. All these solutions are supported by infrastructure management solutions including smartgrid interface, remote monitoring and reporting.

Complete solution for charging, driving motors and energy recovery to meet the power management requirements in EV systems.

Lithium-ion battery solutions for transport applications: commercial and industrial vehicles; mild hybrid systems for passenger vehicles to reduce CO2 emissions and fuel consumption with stop-start and regenerative braking. Innovative Saft battery for Ferrari F1 provides best performance (2012 Innovation Award).


» Electric car development Dassault Systèmes provided Tesla Motors with its 3DEXPERIENCE industry solution for transportation and mobility, enabling the company to achieve aggressive goals in innovation, quality and time-to-market. » Sustainable delivery in Singapore (left) SDV Logistics uses a hybrid truck to deliver luxury goods to three shops in Marina Bay and Orchard Road. The service could be extended to other brands willing to implement ecoresponsible supply chain solutions. Autonomous and Connected Vehicles

By 2018, PSA Peugeot Citroën will be marketing vehicles with autonomous driving features that are “monitored by the driver”. By taking the hard work out of driving on congested motorways and when parking, customers will be given more freedom to enjoy the ride. In a second phase, completely autonomous driving features will be introduced: the driver will be able to give the car full control without any further involvement and without compromising on safety. Autonomous vehicles will be connected to road infrastructure and to each other to optimise travel times, reduce fuel consumption and proactively manage potentially hazardous road incidents. PSA Peugeot Citroën is currently designing clear, intuitive and user-friendly interfaces that allow drivers to interact effortlessly with their vehicles and take back control whenever they wish. PSA Peugeot Citroën pioneered emergency call and assistance systems in 2003 and is now doing the same with connected services. The Peugeot Connect Apps and Citroën Multicity Connect service platforms, for example, have been reinventing the driving experience since 2012, offering assistance, communication and information. These apps are paving the way for the next generation of connected services, this time aimed at optimising customer mobility and offering a seamless user experience with more comfort, services and safety.

Technologies for smart connected cars enable a safer, more efficient and greener journey. In particular, traditional passive security systems are enhanced by powerful Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. These systems rely on an array of sensory inputs, with camera vision and radar complementing motion sensors, and use sophisticated processing technologies to recognise situations where actions are required. For example vehicle to vehicle communication provides information to cars and their drivers when it is safe to overtake (eliminating blind spots), estimating the distance between vehicles and the speed of their travel. SMART URBAN MOBILITY 33


Singapore currently uses 12% of its land for transport infrastructure. The city plans to better interconnect existing road lanes, without building new ones, so that commuters get the feeling that 40% of the land is covered. • Railway Traffic Systems

Transport information solutions including all railway traffic control systems (signalling and information systems).

Green SelTrac® Communications Based Train Control (CBTC): a pioneering and complete solution that reduces energy consumption by up to 15% on railway networks. Energy savings are achieved through a combination of intelligent scheduling and new approaches to real-time supervision, for instance by minimising energy-intensive stop/start cycles and supporting regenerative braking. The solution also results in fewer stops and cooler temperature in tunnels. • E-payment and Check-in Systems

Easytrip: a mobility service solution that expands the concept of electronic tolling to other payment services useful for any car, truck driver or fleet manager. These services include parking payment, fuel payment in gas stations, electric charging payment (Kiwhi Pass), VAT clearance, ferry booking, access control to dedicated lanes or real-time traffic information.

uDrop: an end-to-end self-service check-in process, enabling the passenger to complete the entire checkin process without having to queue at the desk. The solution includes a touch screen and hand-held scanner, mounted on standard check-in workstations. Implemented in Montreal airport with derogation to relax the regulations governing the handling of passenger luggage, uDrop has reduced the average processing time per passenger to 35 seconds.

• Road Traffic Systems to Reduce Congestion in Dense Cities

Wise Cow: a wireless, autonomous, multi-point, and low-cost data acquisition systems that can be configured for vehicle dynamic detection (traffic applications, traffic lights management) or vehicle static detection (parking applications for cars or trucks). Sensors can be placed within the road pavement in a few minutes and come with a battery lasting up to 10 years.

EcoTrafiX: a solution that gathers traffic data into a real-time dynamic visualisation approach, enabling cities and highways to optimise traffic and proactively respond to incidents and events. The solution participates in travel time reduction, traveller safety improvement and CO2 emissions reduction.

Traffic expert solutions that deliver real-time traffic information via interoperable systems for all transport modes. For the road network, taxi expert solutions are used to collect data from GPS devices fitted in taxis; the real-time traffic report is automatically sent to the control centre and the public via a geographic information system accessible over the Internet to road users. Parking management systems and real-time SMS parking availability.

Segur: a real-time urban traffic management solution that performs monitoring via city sensors and crowd sourcing, ensures global and localised traffic management, comprises traffic light optimisation, and delivers information to citizens about the traffic situation or major events. The solution is designed to fully integrate with Urban Security of Smart City platform.

Fleet Performance: a fleet management solution provided on a software-as-a-service model, comprising on-board vehicle tracking devices and a web interface for managing vehicles, tracking the fleet in real time, and optimising transport resources. The solution is designed for companies who operate deliveries to end-customers (e.g. e-commerce) or their own fleet. For instance, PSA Peugeot Citroën uses Orange’s solution to equip the vehicles ordered by fleet managers. 34 URBAN INNOVATIONS


» Expressway traffic management in Singapore (left) Steria provides its Monitoring and Advisory System for open and tunnel expressway to ensure driver safety, improve the level of service, reduce operational costs and reaction time to events. Steria also helps to track 20,000 taxis with a monitoring and tracking solution incorporating real-time GPS data collection, using statistical sampling and neural algorithms (e.g. average speed calculation, queues detection), and geographical information display on a web portal for road users. » Urban traffic management in Strasbourg Thales provides a traffic management control room, an expert system for anticipating traffic jams, a system of road traffic light priority provision, traffic lights and loops management (530 intersections, 1600 detectors, 40 retractable bollards), 110 traffic cameras, and tunnel management. Citizens access information through 100 information panels, web portal, and apps. » Bus traffic management in Quebec, Canada ENGIE installed an intelligent transport system covering 624 buses servicing 200 crossroads with priority signalling. My NavIneo guarantees traffic regulation, optimisation of travel time, statistic tools to optimise bus operation, computation and real-time information of bus location and timing. At every stop, passengers can check on digital screens the waiting time and interconnection information. » Urban street parking management in Denmark Hikob provided several Danish cities with a network of Multi Hop 2.4 GHz wireless sensors embedded in street parking places, to detect vehicles in real time. » Taxi optimisation in Singapore (left) Quividi provided the taxi company Comfort Del Gro with a proof-of-concept on Taxi Queue Counting, based on a system of cameras detecting people waiting for taxis and triggering alerts to taxis drivers.


» Signalling for the Singapore Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Thales has been awarded for the new re-signalling solution of the North-South and East-West lines (141 trains and 20 locomotives), aiming at reducing the headway (time between trains) from 120 to 90 seconds, resulting in more frequent service and reduced waiting time for users. Thales selected Cofely (company approved by Singapore Land Transport Authority and its operator SMRT) for the installation, testing and commissioning of the new Communication Based Train Control (CBTC): the wireless telecommunication between the train and track equipment provides the exact position of the train and thus improves the railway traffic management, the train capacity on the line, and infrastructure control. To ensure a smooth operation of the new system without disrupting the service, Cofely operates both existing and new signalling systems during two years, before removing the old solution. Cofely is the first company installing and operating trains with this dual system. SMART URBAN MOBILITY 35


Eco-mobility relies on smooth multimodal transportation, enabling citizens to play an active role in reducing their carbon footprint. Eco-mobility also relies on sharing transport services, which optimise the use of vehicles for frequent and shortdistance urban trips and enable government to control the number of electric vehicles and charging stations. • Applications and Information Systems for Multimodal Journeys

• Transport Sharing Systems Deployment and Operation of CarSharing Systems

Smart mobility platform to optimise time travel based on real-time information on public transport traffic and timing. Delivered on a smartphone app, the service could suggest public transport route as well as the route timing.

Multi-modal transportation application under Research & Technology: it helps users plan their multi-modal journey from one point of the city to another, using all available public and private transportation (e.g. bus, MRT, private car, car pooling, car- or bike-sharing). The application tracks and monitors each traveller individually. The itinerary is adapted in real-time to context and events such as delays, traffic jams, train disruption or car-sharing appointment about to be missed. Based on historical data and real-time monitoring (crowdsourcing), the application can also forecast the filling rate of public transport for better management.

Design and marketing of applications to stimulate and reward citizens, transportation companies, communities, and businesses for using sustainable mobility such as walking, cycling, public transport or carpooling. 4 applications are offered in Singapore and can be white labeled: Soleillos: loyalty program; GoToo: ecomobility services; FeelWay: carpooling and travel groups; Passenger: information on schedules, itinerary plan, and statistics management interface connecting all users.

Passenger information systems for rail and bus public transportation including on-board or on ground destination displays and voice announcement system; real-time information displays (LED, LCD, TFT, solar panels); route planning and scheduling software; mobile apps. Those solutions can be deployed in a bus, on ground or in a bus terminal for multimodal transportation.

Connected Transit: an onboard communications solution for train and bus enabling communication between the transit control centre, drivers, and passengers. It consists of digital signage on the train allowing the control centre to push out information to passengers; realtime surveillance system; public announcement; emergency intercom enabling passengers to communicate with the driver or control centre; and onboard Internet.


Service using electric Blue cars tailored to the city where it is implemented (location, infrastructure, client interface). In Singapore the service would complement public transportation in densely populated areas that are not well connected (first and last miles), in order to foster intermodal transport (MRT, bus, LRT).

One-stop solution that comprises electric cars manufactured in France by mia enterprise and charging stations manufactured by Schneider Electric. It can be provided in an integrated package including car-sharing and individual electric car users. The car-sharing solution, can provide multimodal services such as a single transport pass used both for car rental and bus public transport. Deployment and Operation of BikeSharing Systems

Complete hardware and software solution including smart bikes with an onboard lock and communication system where users have direct access using the eZlink RFID card or any contactless solution; electric assisted bikes enabling effortless riding in a hot and humid environment; traditional and e-charging stations; multimodal information and registration kiosks provided in stations located in densely populated areas. The software solution can be integrated in public transit IT architecture such as LTA mobility IT architecture in Singapore.


» Car-sharing in Paris (below) Blue Solutions operates Autolib’, the world’s largest electric car-sharing service. The service comprises 3,000 cars spread over 900 stations, with 1 car rented 10 times a day on average. Autolib’ solution costs 90% less than owning a car in Paris (about €500 vs. €5,000 annually). By 2023, Autolib’s fleet of cars is expected to have replaced more than 25,000 privately-owned cars. Autolib’ harnesses streams of data, enabling to better predict customer behaviour and to optimise car utilisation. Innovative services have been developed, such as free service for customers who park cars where they are needed.

» Bike-sharing Smoove has equipped 21 cities with bike-sharing systems, both in France (e.g. Montpellier, Avignon, Grenoble, Strasbourg, Clermont-Ferrand) and abroad (e.g. Bangkok, Moscow, Astana, Bangkok, Slough, Vicenca). » E-payment in transportation Qantas, the Australian flag carrier, used secure microcontrollers from STMicroelectronics to deploy its loyalty card for passenger and baggage airport check-in as well as for multi-currency cash transactions. The card boasts virtual wallets accommodating as many as 9 currencies for a multi-country trip.


SAFE AND SECURE CITIES We guarantee citizens’ safety and security by providing advanced sensing technologies, video analysis, and data analytics to detect and anticipate incidents, coordinate stakeholders, and improve response to emergencies and major crisis. While Singapore wants to increase the capacity of the city’s port by about 50 per cent over the next years, we also offer integrated solutions for coastal security and land border control together with resilient ICT infrastructure to support operations.




Safe environment

Dedicated safety system for interagency collaboration and crowd management during the annual light festival, with four million visitors every year

Citizen protection


Personal privacy

The new capital city of Andhra Pradesh: master plan to be created by Singapore Security to be included from the conceptual stage


Detect and Recognise


Identify and Authenticate

Biomimetic Video surveillance, radio, software to radar, electro-optics simulate events sensors, satellites

Smart cards with ID chips and encrypted data



100 smart cities by 2022


Coordinate and dispatch

Data fusion and video analytics platforms

Command and control systems



First French airport to inaugurate an Operations Command Centre


Broadband network and converged network for multimedia and interagency collaboration

Mobile radio networks for missioncritical voice

Lithium-ion batteries for the continuity of missioncritical loads



IDENTIFICATION AND RISK DETECTION SOLUTIONS Identification and Authentication Solutions

We produce secure ID documents as well as contact or contactless, single or multipurpose smartcards e.g. for transport, driver’s licenses, education, voting or health.

Complete printing system that is capable of printing, encoding, laminating and laser engraving to produce customised and highly secure plastic cards. The Evolis solution allows instant issuance and decentralised printing operations of cards for greater efficiency without compromise on security.

Sealys MultiApp ID: a Global Platform smart card solution for eID, eDriving License and eHealthcare. The cards support public key infrastructure (PKI) and biometrics and bring higher security assurance and agility to multi-service ID programs, including mGovernment to enable citizens to use their mobile for authentication and digital signing. Sealys cards also offer the highest levels of protection against counterfeiting, with state-of-the-art security of polycarbonate ID Card, combining colour picture, light reflection, movement and tactile effects.

Smart cards that contain a chip reading fingerprints or retinal scans to prevent security breaches. Lasink is the very first technological solution that allows printing a colour photo with laser engraving on a card fully made of polycarbonate, preserving the durability and security of this material to prevent fraud.

Secure cryptographic inverted circuits (ICs) for smart cards: the ICs offer the optimum combination of security and functionality for governments and industry partners in areas such as health care, driving licenses, and ID. The products dedicated to e-government applications meet the growing demand for security, high-speed interfaces, and large memory capacity.

Fingerprint Image Transmission (SteriaFIT): it enables immigration services and police to reproduce and transmit all types of fingerprints from a remote site to a central or international site in a quick, safe and intuitive manner; the system helps to improve border control and to combat illegal immigration and organised crime.


Detection Systems

Design, installation, operation and financing of a global solution comprising video-monitoring of buildings and public spaces that can integrate existing video infrastructure and be connected to centralised systems such as public lighting or police stations; intelligent detection system (e.g. suspicious behaviour detection, face recognition, movement detection, access control, call centre management); events security and sensitive sites (e.g. deployment of exceptional resources, portable camera, acoustic detection, drones).

Video management systems (VMS). Scalable to accept thousands of high-definition IP cameras, the Endura IP VMS (proprietary of Schneider) is an intelligent, yet easy-to-use approach to video security that provides greater control, enhanced operational flexibility, centralised management, cost-effective recording, and integration capabilities. Digital Sentry (open system) offers the flexibility and convenience of a video management system optimised to drive HD, IP, and hybrid recording from one high-performance platform.

Smart counting system based on real-time video analytics, providing anonymous people counting and classification (gender, age, emotion) in indoor or outdoor environments, as well as queue and crowd management. The solution triggers targeted messages based on passer-by behaviour and ensures anonymity as no images are stored but only metadata on gender and age classification. The solution can be used more widely for the monetisation of highly frequented public places.


» Multi-applicative smart cards In Oman, Gemalto developed the world’s first multi-applicative National eID scheme, which currently includes drivers licence, immigration, and digital signature. In India, Evolis provided 5,000 mobile printers that produced 35 million personalised cards for access to free healthcare. Personal data (ID key, picture, and fingerprints) is embedded in the chip and replicated on both the local servers and the centralised server. With this fraudproof process, healthcare organisations are given a guarantee of payment, while the insurance companies can track all provided healthcare services and related expenses. » Border control In Europe, Steria deployed the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II). The system enables the exchange of information among national border control authorities, customers and police authorities on crime, national security, and immigration matters. SIS II streamlines border control processes in the region and transforms the way the 29 Schengen States share information on 400 million Europeans.


PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY Command and Control Systems for Emergency Situations

Mission-critical software applications for the receipt, processing and prioritisation of emergency calls including call-taking, radio dispatching, geographic information system, management information system, emergency notification and alerting. All applications are designed to meet specifications for next-generation control rooms and to integrate all types of information seamlessly for a smooth co-operation from local to national level. The solution covers 70% of the call-taking market in the United States.

SteriaSTORM: a command and control solution that gives emergency services access to a reliable and resilient support infrastructure. It innovates in terms of mobile access to incident information in the field, integration with vehicle navigation for enhanced dispatch, integration with contact management solutions to provide more joined up handling of citizen interactions, and the ability for services to collaborate for more joined up emergency services.

Multi-agency coordination system using integrated communications, automated decision support (Standard Operating Procedures), situation awareness and resources localisation and dispatch.

Counter unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) solution (drones): characterised by a high degree of autonomy and low visible, thermal, acoustic and electromagnetic signatures, small UAS are proliferating around the globe. Thales has developed a global protection approach aimed at countering the emerging threat of these systems. The company’s intricate knowledge of UAS and their mission systems appears to cut both ways as it has helped Thales to develop effective countermeasures against these same systems. 42 URBAN INNOVATIONS

Collaborative and Data Fusion Platforms for Public Safety and Health

• Public Safety

Crisis centre equipped with an overview of the city-wide system, integrating maritime and city/land picture with the city video surveillance. The synthesised city picture is composed of the fusion of data coming from databases and sensors (RADAR, SONAR, EO, RDF, AIS, Weather/Hydro, etc.), drawing the attention of the operators to the most important alerts. Data can be displayed on different maps including maritime, GeoTIFF, Shape Files, and high definition satellite pictures. A voice communication control system can be interfaced to handle different forces.

Urban security platform based on Thales Hypervisor open architecture. With smart management of thousands of cameras, plate recognition systems, and various sensors, video analysis and data fusion allow to forecast and identify issues or threats, and to trigger proper response. The platform ensures real-time security and operation management of infrastructure, transportation systems and cities. It provides real-time management of events with integrated decision support, and multi-agency coordination system. Confidentiality is ensured at system level through a secured platform, from user access rights to data transport and storage.

Airport Operation Control Centre (AOCC): an integration platform that combines operations management and security systems to manage complex airport environments and to enhance global situation awareness. The AOCC can promptly identify and manage events and alarms thanks to the integration of all airport systems, including security, airport IT, airside systems and technical monitoring. • Elderly and e-Health Platforms

UbiSmart (Ubiquitous Service MAnagement and Reasoning archiTecture): a context-aware service provisioning platform to monitor and assist dependent aged people in their daily life, so they can remain autonomous and socially active. UbiSmart provides personalised assistive services such as medicine reminders or itineraries, which are selected according to the elderly profile (pattern recognition, risk assessment) and the context information generated by non-invasive sensors embedded in the environment. Services are then delivered through familiar devices such as nurse console or mobile in a seamless way. This proof of concept is experimented with Khoo Teck Puat Hospital.

Healthmate: an e-health solution (R&D) comprising a medical device to take blood samples, a smartphone application to send the medical information to a healthcare back office, and a web portal for care givers to access collected information. Healthmate can track diabetes, heart failure pathology and hypertension. It is designed to be integrated with any Personal Health Record and is based on a secured platform. It can be used for tele-monitoring in a hospital environment, for self-management by patients, and for peer-to-peer monitoring where users can remotely track their relatives.


» Safe City initiatives In Singapore, Airbus conducted the Safe City Test Bed in Little India (left) from January to August 2014 around innovative principles and solutions. The group provided safety agencies with smart city sensors, e-sensing and advanced video analytics to improve incident preparedness. For instance, the monitoring of tweets and camera footage enabled the detection of a construction site fire in March 2015 within 6 minutes. The data fusion of physical sensors (cameras, audio sensors) and e-monitoring data (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, websites) has been implemented for the first time. In Mexico, Thales provided a unified commandand-control system with a platform integrating data from sensors (video cameras, license plate recognition system, and emergency call points), an incident management and a dispatch system, a call centre, government databases and reporting tools. The platform reduced criminality by 35%, insurance fees by 30%, and response time from 12 minutes to 2 minutes 49 seconds. In France, the surveillance of the entire coast is managed by the SPATIONAV system designed by Airbus and Signalis: it enables the collaboration between four ministries, using the same sensors (80+ radars) and a central software that provide a holistic view of the maritime and coastal security. Some critical sites will be protected by Airbus Defence and Space from the emerging threat that is small UAS overflight: Airbus’ counter-UAV system solution allows for the detection and identification of such low visible and small unmanned aerial vehicles and associated counter-effectors. Also in France, Cofely contributed to the safety of the G20 summit in Cannes by installing 100 new cameras including 30 portables cameras with 3G technology for suspiscious behaviour detection and licence plate automated reading, acoustic detection, and drones. PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY Resilient Communication and Power Infrastructure

End-to-end ultra-broadband IP network solution supporting mission-critical voice, data and video-centric applications. It connects multiple agencies (police, fire, emergency services) to improve coordination amongst first responders; it provides real-time rich multimedia information, enabling 360° situation awareness, ensuring everywhere a broader view for a sharper response. The solution addresses the explosion of the Internet of Things and sensors by enabling device lifecycle management, data acquisition and brokerage.

Nexium resilient network system pursuing three objectives: to support the design and deployment of advanced communication infrastructure; to make networks reliable and available to users at all times and under all circumstances; to significantly improve the resilience of the network services that are vital for critical missions.

Mobile and fixed satellite communication solutions for application at sea, on land and in the air. Professional mobile radio networks and terminals, TETRA, TETRAPOL and P25 standard.


» Telecommunication network for the French Defence agency Alcatel-Lucent and ENGIE have signed a 16-year public-private partnership with the French defence agency to update Air Force’s communication networks. Internet Protocol (IP)-based networks are deployed to cover 106 sites, more than 36,000 access points and around 1,500 to 2,000 buildings. The solution uses standard high-tech civilian equipment that meets military security requirements. Moving to all-IP technology provides compartmentalisation and security for different network components as well as more flexibility to handle changes in speed and topology. SAFE AND SECURE CITIES 43

DIGITAL NETWORKS Our solutions process the massive amount of data generated by smart cities by combining high bandwidth connectivity and network solutions. They help governments to provide quality public services and release public data sets; companies to build strong customer relationships and unlock innovation; citizens to access e-services seamlessly and develop an “i-kampong� community. A 2015 agreement between the French Agency of Security of Information Systems and the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore reinforces collaboration on cyber security, a major issue given the increased usage of mobile devices, connected objects, and cloud computing.




Ubiquitous connectivity

Winner of the IBM smarter cities challenge

Data safety


Network scalability


First city in Europe to use Near Field Communication, enabling residents to pay for transport tickets using their phones

All communes covered by broadband network by 2020 Internet education for farmers who represent 70% of the population Smart phone sales increased by 37% between 2011 and 2016


Platforms and connectivity management City machine-to-machine communication Organise the dialogue of connected objects

Station for low-data-rate communication

Green Data Centres Infrastructure: design, building, operation, maintenance Cloud Network virtualisation

Cybersecurity solutions

Government-cloud City cloud Deliver superior digital services

Unified communications solutions

Shared capacity: IP/Multiprotocol label switching

4G City shared network Manage traffic and unify the IP network

Virtual private network for additional level of security

Telecom lithiumion batteries

Heterogeneous network for seamless broadband access

Ultra-Broadband Network Infrastructure building Network deployment in the city Routers for public-private network connection City-wide access Expand pipes to enable data to flow

3D geodata for network design



ULTRA-BROADBAND CITIES Telecom Infrastructure

Network Solutions

End-to-end deployment and management of ultra-broadband wireless and fixed network: - Macro wireless network: 4G LTE and Wi-Fi. - Micro wireless network: small cells to add capacity and coverage in high traffic and hard-to-reach areas; they can be integrated into street furniture based on a partnership with JCDecaux. - Wired network: fibre solutions to bring ultra-broadband to any user; the passive optical LAN (local area network) solution brings fibre to the desktop for 50+ years with high performance and secure broadband (no electronic magnetic signals that could be intercepted by hackers) at a fraction of the cost of traditional copper-based Ethernet LAN configurations, while reducing power consumption by 40% and IT floor space by 90%.

Internet Protocol (IP) enhanced with Multiprotocol label switching (MPLS): it improves the bandwidth efficiency of the network based on traffic engineering. The Alcatel-Lucent management platform reduces operational costs by automating and simplifying commissioning and operations management.

Deployment of high-speed wired networks (ADSL, cable, optic fibre) and wireless networks (3G, 4G) in the city; specific solution for secured and high-throughput telecom networks.

Design, development and marketing of compact and powerful multi-service routing platforms (4G, Internet of Things, Machine-to-Machine, satellite) for service providers to deliver advanced high-speed managed services to their customers.

Range of innovative batteries that deliver efficient and reliable backup power to telecom networks, including in very hot climates and urban settings. For instance, Evolion is a lithium-ion compact and light battery that delivers the maximum energy backup possible in the limited space and weight available within telecom cabinets (e.g. cabinets mounted on street lamps); its high volumic energy means that it only needs 50% of the space required by a conventional telecom battery, freeing up space for revenue-generating equipment.

Creation and delivery of 3D geodata for the design of telecom networks. For instance geodata help to identify obstacles related to the height of buildings.


Heterogenous network (HetNet): it provides unified seamless access through various access broadband technologies (LAN, Wifi, mobile 4G, small cells), enabling high bandwidth content like video using best available network without disruption for the end-user.

Business VPN: a flexible and integrated solution for supporting IP telephony, video, cloud transformation, IPv6 migration and very high broadband through the largest MPLS-based VPN solution in the world, with availability in more than 180 countries. Security is guaranteed by the Virtual Private Network architecture and use of MPLS technology, which isolates a user’s communications traffic from that of others.


Consulting and training services: governance and risk management, audits and compliance, activity recovery and continuity. Security operation centres (SOC), detection of threats, and crisis management.

Specific solutions for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) networks, which contain computers and applications that perform key functions in providing essential services and commodities (e.g., electricity, natural gas, gasoline, water, waste treatment, transportation).

Comprehensive range of security services to prevent and manage risks spanning the entire IT infrastructure, from the workstation to the network to the cloud and even to the mobile workspace. Orange runs a global network of 8 Security Operations Centers (SOCs) operating worldwide alongside a CyberSOC operating in Europe and APAC that collects, aggregates, and analyses security events from the infrastructures managed by Orange.


End-to-end data centre solutions: physical infrastructure and holistic management software (StructureWare) with up to 30% of savings in capital and operational expenditure including energy. Intensium Flex: lithium-ion batteries that ensure the continuity of mission-critical loads, bridge to standby power and safeguard computer data.

Software as a Service Applications

Telephony-enabled Unified Communications as a Service that converges voice, video and web-based conferencing, chat, presence and virtual workspaces into a single interface, facilitating information sharing anytime, anywhere. Our portfolio of award winning Unified Communications as a Service solutions is hosted on Arkadin’s private and secure global cloud platform to provide maximum scalability, the highest quality of service and full data protection.

Energy audit, design, building, operation, and retrofitted maintenance of data centres. Infrastructure as a Service Solutions

• Networked Cloud Infrastructure Services

Software-defined networking (SDN): software to virtualise networks end-to-end, removing the need of hardware components (routers, firewalls, etc.) and manual intervention. In particular, SDN meets the dynamic nature of cloud-based consumption models by empowering customers to deliver on-demand network services quickly, profitably, and at great scale. SDN solutions can also improve data centre and branch networking.

Flexible Computing: cloud solution to meet security, performance and availability needs with 99.95% monthly uptime. Businesses can lower their cost of ownership as they scale up and down IT resources according to their needs. The solution can be used with a Multi-cloud Orchestration Platform to scale both within and across Clouds. • Cloud Security Solutions

Nowadays users access organisation data and applications from different devices and locations which open door to threats. Cloud-based authentication that enables organisations to easily apply strong authentication onto multiple access points. It also helps in authorising genuine user to access corporate network, application and database from remote locations or on-premises. Cloud Security Passport: security due diligence, testing, risk assessment and bridge between legacy and cloud information security solutions.

Business Together as a Service and Open Videopresence: communication solutions that enable effective collaboration between colleagues, partners and suppliers, using desktop, mobile devices or videoconferencing and telepresence rooms. Business Together as a Service is a Unified Communications as a Service delivered from the Orange cloud with various features (e.g. telephony, unified messaging, Web and video conferencing, etc.) grouped according to profiles, so that organisations can select and pay for the ones needed. Open Videopresence is a videoconferencing solution that incorporates network, video infrastructure, end points and services.

Cloud-based tele-imaging solutions for exchanging and analysing medical images (e.g. PET, CT, MRI, Echo). They enable physicians to access and analyse medical images remotely; improve patient care by facilitating access to expert medical advice and decreasing consultation turnaround times; protect patient data and ensure confidentiality. Solutions are vendorneutral (compatible with all image modalities/formats), applicable to all therapeutic areas, and compliant with international standards. Cloud-based Electronic Patient Reported Outcome (ePRO) solution for ambulatory surgery is under development: it will enable patients to report health information, and nurses to manage and avoid potential post-ambulatory surgery complications based on patients’ reported information.

Cloud-based document-process automation solution: it enables companies and government to automate the processing and exchange of documents such as customer and supplier invoices, allowing for paperless workflows.



» Broadband network in China Alcatel-Lucent provides China Mobile with IP networking and 4G TD-LTE technology enabling all-IP ultra-broadband network transformation, future network functions virtualisation, and open mobile cloudbased services. » IoT connection (left) DCN (Device Cloud Networks) selected Oberthur Technologies’ M-Connect solution to remotely manage the mobile connectivity of IoT devices for its OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and enterprise customers, such as smart meter manufacturers.

» Cyber security in Singapore (right) SopraSteria houses a new generation Cyber Security Centre that provides real-time monitoring and advanced threat prevention in connection with other Cyber Security Centres around the globe. SopraSteria houses a new generation Cyber Security Centre that provides realtime monitoring and advanced threat prevention in connection with other Cyber Security Centres around the globe. » e-Health in California (left) TeleMed2U physicians practice telemedicine using Arkadin’s cloud-based HD video conferencing for routine or intensive consultations involving medical diagnosis and treatments. Up to nine video endpoints can be accessed simultaneously. Encryption and biometric devices guarantee secure sharing of patient information and images. » e-Health in Europe Keosys’ tele-expertise platform is used by a European public institution to improve breast cancer detection by enabling remote medical imaging collaboration. Medical centres that request second opinions log onto this cloud-based platform to centralise mammograms/ultrasound exams, and to input the corresponding medical reports. Second-opinion experts log onto the same platform to read exams and reports, and to validate or not the conclusions of radiologists from the aforementioned centres. » Medical devices for home care Orange provided Weinmann, a leading provider of medical devices for home care, with its M2M expertise and Intelligent Apps Enabler to remotely check that patients were using a sleep therapy device properly. The enhanced device capability enabled Weinmann to meet compliance regulations and to secure payment by the French government. The sleep therapy device sits in the patient’s home and sends data to the Orange cloud. Homecare providers access data via a web portal with a dashboard identifying the patient’s level of compliance.



Smart cities are characterised by a high density of connected objects such as traffic sensors, connected vehicles or health devices. For the Internet of Things (IoT) to provide new services for citizens, solutions need to be deployed to enable highspeed secure communication and data exchange between connected objects. Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communication

A typical M2M solution encompasses several core elements: a device for capturing data from remote equipment, a secure network to transmit this critical information, a strong systems integration capability, a business application to help make sense of the data for action, and a reliable service management framework to ensure a coherent end-to-end service.

Remote management of M2M and sensors throughout the network for security and control. The solution can be dimensioned as needed with scalable components and open, stable Application Program Interfaces (APIs) to transport data and manage sensors. It significantly reduces operational costs and time to market of smart applications.

Intelligent Apps Enabler: a software platform that connects any M2M devices, manages their different message types and flows and the devices themselves, and enables data analytics. It also provides application-level support, such as software development kits, to speed up and simplify M2M solution implementation. The platform works with numerous device suppliers, technologies and protocols. It is part of Orange’s end-to-end M2M solution portfolio.

Long Range IoT Station: the LoRa™ wireless technology enables a two-way and low data rate communication among thousands of connected objects over long distances (several kilometres). In comparison to 4G cellular networks, LoRa technology is far more scalable and cost effective for embedded applications (e.g. street lights, traffic sensors, smart meters) and consumes less power. Installed on top of buildings, the station can withstand demanding environments such as strong wind or humidity levels.

Security in IoT

End-user multi-factor authentication devices and modules ranging from One Time Password solution (using the same system designed for managing bank account holder data in credit card production), USB devices, to mobile-based authentication such as SIM-based solutions.

M-Trust: a solution that provides the end-to-end security between connected devices and servers, ensuring authentication of the connected devices, and confidentiality and integrity of the data exchanged.

Unique product portfolio covering all IoT functions (intelligence, security, sensing, power, and communications). In particular, ST’s secure microcontroller product portfolio covers mobile and secure applications and offers compliance with the latest security standards, with a record of success in security: e.g. an encryption scheme devised by ST was chosen by the US National Institute for Science and Technology for its new state-of-the-art Secure Hash Algorithm.


ENERGY NETWORKS Cities will become less energy-consuming and eventually energy-positive. We facilitate this energy transition in two ways: first by producing renewable energy adapted to the territory, such as solar energy in Singapore and in the Asian tropical sunbelt; second by adding an intelligence layer to existing power grids, in order to integrate intermittent and dispersed renewable energy and new uses such as electric vehicles. The French expertise covers the whole energy chain, from production to distribution.




Air quality

35 million smart meters deployed by 2020 across 95% of the country

Affordable and available energy

Whole Territory

Consumer-producers of local electricity


Strong year-round solar radiation

â‚Ź5 billion investment

Target of 3,000 MW of installed photovoltaic capacity

Data volume from smart meters multiplied by 30,000 within the next 10 years

Government plan to support rooftop solar power through feed-in tariffs

Grid storage systems, electric vehicle charging stations, lithium-ion batteries

Planning and construction of solar plants

Smart homes, industrial and commercial buildings

Energy storage

Solar financing and leasing solutions

+Solar energy producer

Connection to the grid

CostefďŹ cient energy consumer

Electric vehicles






BALANCE DATA HUB Energy distribution by utilities

Microgrid solutions

Digital substation

Detection and anticipation of cloud overcast

Smart metering Real-time two-way communication to balance electricity supply and demand

Smart meters to import or export electricity with variable tariffs

Demand response system to perform load shedding with voluntary consumers



While Singapore currently generates 95% of its power from natural gas, the city plans to reach 350 MWp (megawatt-peak) of photovoltaic capacity installed by 2020, up from 25-30 MWp in 2015. This target will be mostly met by photovoltaic panels installed through innovative business models on HDB rooftops, also contributing to reduce the heat island effect locally. Solar Plants and Connection to the Grid

Offer ranging from complete turnkey solar power plants to individual components. The technology can be adapted to work for all project types and sizes, including both hybrid power generation and all-solar power plants.

Complete solution for photovoltaic integration and connection including power conversion, electrical distribution and supervision (inverters, transformers, and switchgear).

Portfolio of photovoltaic ICs: cool bypass switches designed to improve the reliability of panel electronics, and DC-DC converters to maximise power conversion of solar panels independently of temperature and the amount of solar irradiation. ST is also developing new technologies like Silicon Carbide to create power solutions with excellent switching performance, translating into more efficient and compact systems.

Financing and Leasing of Rooftop Solar Plants

Solar financing solutions replicate the economic model of conventional electricity: the consumer produces the green electrons and pays for the green energy consumed, but not for the solar modules. The energy not consumed locally can be exported to the grid.

Solar PV systems built, owned and operated by a Solar Independent Power Producer for commercial, industrial and public sites in the Asia Pacific region. Full range of solar services to install solar photovoltaic systems on the unused rooftops and sites spaces of customers, through a Power Purchase Agreement. Without spending any resources, customers benefit from lower and more predictable utility costs, and enjoy stronger sustainability branding.

Other Renewable Energies Other renewable energies may be experimented in Singapore on a small-scale with the intent of exporting the technology to Asian countries (cf. example of Semakau Landfill infra): onshore and offshore wind, hydro, geothermal, biomass, biogas, wave and tidal power. Together we offer solutions at all stages of the development process: project management, financing, design, building, operation, and maintenance.


 Rooftop solar plants in Singapore LYS Energy is deploying roughly 4 MW of solar photovoltaic projects in Singapore, producing green electrons that are mainly consumed locally by the clients: 81 kWp in Woodlands, 226 kWp in Buena Vista, and a 3.1 MWp solar photovoltaic system comprising a rooftop installation and a solar carport under construction in Seletar. Solar photovoltaic installations reduce the temperature below the roof by 15°C in average.



Integrating renewable energy into the grid implies to manage intermittent and decentralised power. A smart grid aims to ensure a stable and consistent power supply through energy management and storage systems. It consists of an electricity network equipped with digital automated controls and bidirectional communication technologies, ideally in all areas (generation, transmission, distribution, customer level). Smart Energy Metering

Energy Management Systems

Smart meters are the first brick of a smart grid, collecting data in real-time along the value chain. They enable energy providers to reduce manual meter reading cost, consumers to better understand and manage their energy consumption at the electrical device level, and grid operators to optimise power distribution and outage management.

An energy management system optimises production and consumption, and automates operations at different levels. Grid maintenance is based on preventive measures and automatic response to system incidents, ensuring self-healing network.

Titanium Smart Metering Platform: vendor agnostic robust, flexible platform to support smart metering rollout and operation services. Full data collection, supervision, and remote management of meters.

Complete set of semiconductor products to implement energy, water, heat and gas meters, as well as concentrators or multi utility-controllers.

Remote metering based on long range technology. The solution’s fixed network architecture allows consistent remote metering, ensuring the reliability of collected data and the billing of actual consumption.

Cloudboard®: a video camera solution that monitors and supplies information on a region’s current cloud cover in order to optimise renewable energy production. It provides a short term forecast of how the cloud cover will evolve using an estimate of how fast the cloud is moving: this helps grid operators to anticipate a decrease in the solar energy production.

• Microgrid

Community Energy Management System: a software that monitors, analyses and optimises energy usage within territories; it integrates a software simulation engine combining big data, complex systems and predictive analytics, developed by CoSMo, a French and Silicon Valley based software editor. e-terraODM platform and SystemX (R&D): real-time and cloud-based big data analytics platform to support decision-making by handling connected objects in energy and transportation, including smart meters, distributed photovoltaic systems, electric vehicles, distributed storage, and new distributed generation.

Energy management for off grid area multi-fluid systems (electricity, hydrogen, biogas, cooling), and using different storage capacities. • Energy Automation for Substations that Distribute Electricity

DS Agile Smart Digital Substation: it transforms traditional power substations by installing optical sensors and Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) to enhance the electricity analysis and automatically respond to current faults and risks detected; it provides network reliability, reduction in carbon footprint and better safety. DS Agile Digital Substation Solutions are highly scalable in terms of equipment, functions, architectures and services.

PACiS (Digital Control System for Substation Automation): a scalable and customisable solution dedicated to energy automation that includes protection devices, measurement centres, bay controllers, communication devices, analysis tools such as a disturbance analysis viewer, IED setting and engineering tools. • Demand Response Management to Control Peak Electricity Demand

DRBizNet platform: it enables intentional modifications to consumption patterns, by shifting or mitigating peak demand, in order to reduce electricity use at times of high wholesale market prices or when system reliability is jeopardised. ENERGY NETWORKS 53

SMART GRIDS Energy Storage Systems

Energy storage solutions can be installed at all levels of the power grid to better control and integrate the energy from intermittent renewable sources. Batteries make the grid more predictive by scaling up or down to absorb short-term (e.g. cloudy weather), daily (e.g. evening) or seasonal fluctuations.

Alstom’s MaxSineTM eStorage solution, connected to Saft’s Intensium® Max 20M storage system: a complete energy storage and conversion system that optimises energy efficiency, enables more flexible grid management and controls energy balance across the energy supply chain. It uses battery storage through conventional and renewable power for functions that include demand response for industries, peak shaving, generator hybridisation, regulating frequency and load levelling to reduce the required capacity for power generation. It is the only solution able to handle megawatt-scale storage.

Blue Zone: batteries of 180 kWh to 1 MWh that store renewable energy and provide continuous and sustainable power in areas where electricity is difficult and expensive to bring through a cable. Blue Zone allows the production of drinkable water as well as education, sport, and healthcare infrastructure.


» A test-bed to develop a hybrid micro-grid Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is implementing a hybrid micro-grid called Renewable Energy Integration Demonstrator Singapore (REIDS), with the support of the Economic Development Board (EDB) and the National Environment Agency (NEA). The hybrid micro-grid will be located at NTU’s EcoCampus and subsequently offshore at Semakau Landfill. Its main goal is to test the integration of solar, wind, tidal-current, diesel, energy storage, and power-to-gas technologies. The micro-grid solution can also be used to power small islands and rural communities off the national grid or may function as a back-up solution during emergencies within urban areas. Overall the test-bed provides a unique platform to develop and commercialise energy technologies suited for the tropical climate, positioning Singapore to meet the growing demand in Asia. 10 top industry partners participate in the REIDS initiative, including: - ENGIE develops the SPORE project (Sustainable Powering of Off-grid REgions) to enable the management of multifluid systems (electricity, hydrogen, biogas, and cooling) and different storage capacities on islands. The project also includes the demand side management of semi-industrial building bricks (desalination, cold storage, electric vehicles). In 3 years the project will result in a showcase solution for Southeast Asia. - Alstom develops a unique MicroGrid Power Mix Management solution based on its Digital Automation Platform, to manage power exchanges within the microgrid both when it is connected to or separated from the main grid. - Schneider Electric provides its Advanced Distribution Management System to integrate different decentralised energy sources and also supports solar solutions (bidirectional inverter) and smart grid solutions.



» IssyGrid®, France’s first operational district smart grid France is actively looking for energy innovative solutions. In 2014 a call has been issued for new smart grid demonstrators including one at the regional scale. Located in the south-west of Paris, Issy-les-Moulineaux is the first city in France with a smart grid network in operation. Development started in 2011 and extends over 5 years. Starting with a business district of 160,000 m2, it will be extended to the whole city. IssyGrid® is developed by a consortium of 10 companies led by the French group Bouygues (Dragages). 1+1 = 3








So far, the IssyGrid platform manages in real-time generation of renewable energies (target of more than 1,000 m2 of photovoltaic installations), consumption (housing, office buildings, shops, street lighting), and storage (batteries, electric vehicle charging stations). IssyGrid has connected more than a hundred homes, three commercial buildings, a dozen electric vehicles and smart streetlights in two streets in the neighbourhood. Several thousands of people contribute and participate in this testing ground by providing energy data. Getting inhabitants’ confidence on data protection is essential for the efficiency of smart grids. The collect of energy data started in April 2015 with the agreement of public authorities. Data visualisation tools are now being developed as a basis for implementing communication actions. Companies and individuals can control their consumption and avoid peaks in demand through monitoring on their mobile devices, remote management of their appliances, personalised recommendations, and display of financial savings. IssyGrid’s consortium partners, working to interconnect energy between items (electric vehicles, washing machines, air conditioning of large buildings, etc.), offer steering advice to occupants to optimise their energy costs and their environmental impact. A cloud-based service has also been deployed at the city level to inform end-users about their carbon efficiency and link them to future demand-response programs and multimodal transportation services.


ENVIRONMENTAL NETWORKS High quality and affordable water, waste reduction and waste-to-resource strategy are key challenges of the circular economy. Singapore has long proven its capacity to use technology to overcome its physical constraints in this area. With more than hundred years of expertise in being partners to cities in environmental management, French companies can deliver innovative services tailor made to Asian cities, with the capacity to bridge water, waste and energy challenges.




Safe drinking water

Innovative wastewater system


Clean environment Sustainable quality of life


20% of the world’s population

Sludge production reduced by 30% thanks to a digestive process producing biogas

7% of the world’s freshwater reserves, under growing urban pressure

Zero smell achieved with electronic noses around the plant

The number one waste producer in the world



INFRASTRUCTURE Consultancy and modellisation

Collection, sorting, and catchment Operation of pneumatic waste systems Rainwater and wastewater harvesting

Surface-based collection with highly productive rear-end loader trucks

INTELLIGENT OPERATION SYSTEMS Real-time monitoring and management of the network Optimised collection such as interconnected sensors on bins and trucks

Underground infrastructure

Monitoring sensors, mapping, automated control

FACILITIES Treatment, recycling, and energy production Operation of sewage water treatment and desalination plants, powered by renewable energy

Operation of recycling plants, biomass plants, and incinerators

RECYCLED MATERIAL Paper, metal, plastic Solid fuel and gasoline

Electronics Precious and rare earth metal

Biogas Electricity

Civil engineering for plants

CLEAN WATER Drinking water

NEWater Recyled water for reuse on site (cooling, domestic use, Ultra-pure water on site (industry, health) parks)

Batteries for back-up power


WATER Water Facilities

• Plants and Networks

• Solutions for EnergyEfficient Treatment Facilities

Consultancy upstream (feasibility studies, front-end engineering design) and downstream (construction supervision, independent engineering), with specific know-how on desalination units for citizen consumption or industries (oil&gas).

Design and construction of underground structures for retention, storm water tanks, fresh water storage tanks or treatment water facilities. With Bachy-Soletanche, specific know-how in cellular underground structures that are adapted to a dense urban context, using circular shape (instead of rectangular) to take advantage of its structural stiffness to lower the ground displacements and the quantity of materials needed. With Geostock, specific ability to design deep storage or facilities like Jurong mined rock caverns.

Design, construction, operation, maintenance and/or equipment of facilities (plants and networks) for water and wastewater treatment.

From process design to turnkey installation and operation of facilities for outsourced management of water and wastewater services. The Green2biz program is designed to achieve cost savings by means of reduced operational expenses from an efficient water treatment infrastructure. Back-up energy batteries for control systems, switch gears, and pumps for water treatment facilities.


DegrĂŠs Bleus: innovative technologies that recover heat from urban wastewater systems to heat buildings economically and ecologically. The use of a heat pump allows the system to be reversible: it can be used for heating or cooling.

250 proprietary technologies including reverse osmosis filtration membranes that reduce the energyintensive process of depolluting and purifying water.

WATER Water Network Management and Monitoring

• Water Management Systems

• Water Quality Monitoring

RiverBoard®: a complete hydrologic solution combining video long-range cameras and an image processing software, to remotely monitor, forecast and manage water resources (4 in 1: water level, surface velocity, discharge, visual control). Images are captured by a surface-based device which is not submerged, meaning that it continues to function during extreme events such as flooding. This solution is used by Météo-France, the main French producer of meteorological data.

Intelligent water management system that enhances capability to integrate realtime information on water resources and to manage water operations across the entire water supply. It includes geospatial asset management system maps to display location of water incidents, and enhanced situational awareness via voice and video transmission.

OASyS DNA SCADA system: a platform that measures, collects and analyses network data to help operators manage water and wastewater infrastructure. It enables automated control and optimisation of network performance.

Control and management tools that continuously monitor and improve water network performance in real time, through general view of network performance with a user-friendly dashboard, event management and analytics to rapidly detect anomalies and identify risks of failure.

KAPTA™: in-line multiparameter water sensor that monitors the drinking water distribution network in real-time (24/7), with early and rapid warning detection of bacteria and chemical pollutants (sample to results time up to 80% faster than traditional methods).

Online and real-time monitoring systems, coupling hardware and software, to allow immediate detection and action for drinking water treatment plants and distribution networks. • District Cooling Systems

Design/modelling, finance, build, operation and maintenance of cooling networks; know-how in linking the system with waste water for heat exchange.

District systems using local and renewable energy, and generating savings from cogeneration or trigeneration system (cooling, heat, and electricity).

Global decision-making system that ensures optimal and transparent management of storm water and wastewater systems at a glance: weather forecasting, water quality, detailed real-time overview of the collection and treatment infrastructure, rainfall forecasts and real-time calculation of its impact, definition of management strategies.


» Cooling systems in Paris Cofely operates the Paris energy district network, the 3rd largest in the world, with the use of 49% of energy generated from household waste to energy recovery and a chilled water network serving 400 consumers; Bachy Soletanche realised special foundations and retaining structures for the construction of an air-conditioning plant under the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, lowering the floor of the existing basement by four metres and building pipes to draw water out of the Seine, while taking account of existing networks in a restricted space.



» Drinking water in Singapore Veolia designed, built and operated the NEWater plant at Kranji with a capacity of 40,000 m3/day. Steria, Saft Batteries, and Endetec-Veolia provide Public Utilities Board (PUB) respectively with an intelligent water management system, Ni-Cd based batteries for substations, and monitoring sensors for early detection of E. Coli and Total coliforms.

» Hong Kong (above) Veolia designed, constructed and operates a sewage sludge recovery plant that processes up to 2,000 metric tonnes per day. The site is independent in terms of electricity as the energy produced by the plant exceeds its own needs. A sea water desalination unit produces up to 600 m3 of drinking water per day for the site’s needs. The building is integrated into the landscape, with its shape inspired by the sea. » Cannes, France (opposite page) Suez Environnement operates the Aquaviva wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 300,000 inhabitant equivalents. Designed in line with high-quality environmental (HQE) standards, the plant represents a genuine technological and environmental achievement. It is carbon neutral as its own greenhouse gas emissions (i.e. 90% less than the previous facility) are offset using various techniques such as solar panels, wastewater sludge dried onsite and used as natural fertiliser for farming, and water reuse.



WASTE Solid Waste Collection and Sorting

• Pneumatic Waste Systems They convey waste by air suction through an underground network of concealed pipes to a central vacuum station. They reduce odours, pest infestations, truck traffic and associated emissions. The fully automated process also reduces manpower requirements and increases productivity. For users, the system is simple, practical and available 24 hours a day.

Operation of a pneumatic waste system that includes collection points with one terminal for household waste and another one for recyclable multi-materials.

Operation of a pneumatic waste system that segregates and transports waste at a speed of 70km/hour to a treatment plant.

• Smart Sorting

Remotely operated sorting is an industrial prototype that improves sorting performance and quality. At the Amiens (France) sorting centre, an additional 6% of household packaging is recovered for recycling compared with manual sorting. Two Veolia patented technologies are combined to sort plastic packaging: TSA2 (auto-adaptive sequential sorting) automatically sorts packaging according to its material and colour; then a sorting operator, sitting in front of a screen showing the image of the sorted waste, touches on the screen the unwanted items that are automatically ejected by a compressed air system (semi-automatic sorting process called I-SORT3RTM). The concept of remote operation could be adapted to suit a range of solutions, from packaging to fibers, industrial waste, hazardous waste and contaminated waste.

• Smart and Productive Surface-Based Collection

Market-ready solutions to create smart systems comprising sensing, processing (microcontrollers), wireless connectivity, and energy management. Such systems can be used to connect garbage containers in order to automatically trigger collection only when necessary, thus avoiding overfilled containers and improving garbage fleet management.

Solution for wireless data collection and transmission at voluntary drop-off points with near real-time remote monitoring of container levels and optimised management and emptying by collection services. Facilities for Waste Treatment and Valorisation

Mobile equipment and onboard computer for waste operators (planning, route optimisation, level of hazard). Management of incentive schemes for residents based on recycling bins equipped with RFID chips. Traditional refuse collection consists in daily removal of local compactors using a lifting truck and transportation to a central treatment facility. To increase productivity and reduce collection fees, an equipment called Minimatics enables the transfer of compacted waste from small collection trucks to a rear-end loader vehicle, using the power of the grid rather the truck’s engine. With Minimatics a single driver in Singapore collects the waste from up to 20,000 households in a single day, instead of 5,000 with the traditional collection.


Design, built and operation of biomass plants with direct combustion (heat, electricity or cogeneration) or gasification (for direct substitution of natural gas for industrial applications and for biogas production through methanation process). R&D projects are conducted to improve combustion and to use other resources than wood (e.g. vegetable oils, coffee grounds, sewage sludge).

Operation of waste treatment facilities enabling agronomic, material, energy recovery as well as hazardous waste stabilisation.


ÂťIntelligent monitoring of trashcans in Ghent, Belgium (left) OneAccess Networks participated in the European program called Greenwecan whose goal is to optimise waste collection. A wireless network of sensors are installed within the trashcans and communicate via Zigbee to access points and the OneAccess routers, informing if trashcans are full.

Âť Andrade, Brazil (below) ENGIE operates a 30 MW sugarcane biomass plant, which is economically viable for the region given that the sugarcane industry represents an important segment of the economy.


Photo Credits

Wikimedia Commons 02, 31, 35 top, 35 middle, 35 bottom; Egis 21, 32; TechViz 22; EDF 23; Vinci Construction 27, 58; Dragages 28; SDV Logistics 33 top; PSA Peugeot CitroĂŤn 33 bottom; Hikob 34 top; Cofely GDF Suez 34 bottom; IER Blue Solutions 37; Evolis 40; Gemalto 41; Singapore Tourism Board 43; Saft Batteries 46, 54 top; SopraSteria 48 top left; Arkadin 48 top right; Oberthur Technologies 48 bottom; Kerlink 49; LYS Energy 52; Tenevia 53, 59; ENGIE 54 bottom, 63 bottom; Veolia 60, 62; Suez Environnement 61; OneAccess 63 top left, 63 top right Comic strips by Lim Yu Shaun


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