Higher english course outline pupil

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Higher English Entrance Qualifications: Intermediate 2 at A or B. Standard Grade 2 at Reading and Writing. Anyone waiting for an Appeal may provisionally join the class. If the entrance standard is not achieved at the Appeal stage, candidates may be advised that they will be accepted for internal units only in S5, with presentation in S6. Pupils in S6 will be judged on a case by case basis, following discussions with parents and Guidance. INTERNAL ASSESSMENTS Unit 1: Language Study 1 Close Reading 1 Essay ( Discursive or Creative) Unit 2: Literary Study 1 Textual Analysis

External Examination Paper 1

50 Marks


testing understanding, analysis and evaluation skills in response to two thematically linked prose passages


Paper 2

50 Marks


testing critical analysis skills through two critical essays in response to two questions from different genres



25 Marks


INTERNAL ASSESSMENTS Unit 1: Language Study Learning Outcome 1: Close Reading

two pieces of writing must be submitted (one Creative and one Discursive)

In response to a series of questions, you are required to show that you can understand, analyse and evaluate an unseen passage. There will be one internal assessment using National Assessment Bank (NAB) materials. You must complete the work within a double period. You must pass this assessment in order to be presented for the External Exam. This Outcome will be assessed in the Preliminary Exam and reassessed by the end of February

Learning Outcome 2: Compose a piece of writing in a particular genre You are required to write one piece of writing for this assessment. This must be either Creative or Discursive. Creative writing includes Personal/ Reflective writing or a piece of poetry, drama or prose fiction. Discursive includes an essay that is Persuasive, Argumentative or in the form of a Report. This piece of writing, poetry excepted, must be 650-1300 words. (Pieces which exceed the upper limit will be penalised.)

You will plan and draft one Creative essay and one Discursive essay by the end of September. Following advice from your teacher you will redraft one of these essays for you Language NAB by the end of December. (This will also be used as the first piece for your Writing Folio.) By the end of February, the second piece for your Writing Folio should be completed. The Folio is sent away to the SQA to be assessed. The work for this is mainly done at home. Authenticity Preparation time will be given in class prior to assessment of each type of writing. Candidates should submit an Assessment Cover Sheet with their draft title and proposal / outline plan. First drafts will be undertaken in class and this copy handed in and retained by the teacher, along with the second draft. Two copies of the second draft should be submitted to the class teacher for assessment – one to be sent to the SQA, and one to be retained on file along with the first draft. General comments for redrafting will be given by the class teacher along with a submission date for assessment. The assessed draft should be word-processed.

Following assessment, only one further reassessment / redraft is permitted.

Unit 2: Literary Study Outcome: Textual Analysis of an unseen text In response to a series of questions, you are required to show that you can understand, analyse and evaluate a piece of unseen fiction. There will be one internal assessment using NAB materials. This assessment must be done without assistance, under supervised conditions in class. You must complete the work within a double period. You must pass this Outcome in order to be presented for the External Exam. Please note: The final date for completion of any outstanding units is May 18th. Any work submitted after this date will not count as a pass for the academic year.

EXTERNAL EXAM There are two Papers : Paper 1: Close Reading (1 hour 30 minutes) Paper 2: Critical Essay (1 hour 45 minutes) You are required to write two Critical Essays, each on a different genre. Interpretations and Critical Essays are graded as A, B, C, D or Fail A

70% and above


60% - 69%


50% - 59%


40% - 49%

Class Assessments and Prelim Exams will be marked as above, in line with SQA Grade Related Criteria. Failure to meet deadlines for homework or assessments may result in non-presentation. Progress Concern Letters will be sent if the standard of the work is too poor or homework is not done.

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