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Critter Corner
PAGE 22 | JANUARY 27 - FEBRUARY 2, 2022
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Falls Church News-Press
Vol. VI, No. 45 • January 23, 1997
President Sets Foot in City of Falls Church
Falls Church News-Press
Vol. XXI, No. 46 • February 2, 2012
Obama Visits Falls Church to Spell Out Housing & Mortgage Reforms
The President of the United States crossed into the City of Falls Church early Sunday morning to attend services with his wife at the Columbia Baptist Church.
President Clinton’s former pastor, Dr. Rex M Horne, was the guest preacher at all three Sunday servicess.
With five members of City Council sitting in the front row, President Barack Obama bounced onto the podium at the James Lee Community Center on Annandale Road yesterday morn ing to a standing, cheering reception from 400 people, waved and proclaimed, “It is great to be back in Falls Church!”
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I BUMPED INTO ADAM in the final days of The Complete Stategists existence in Falls Church as the city makes way for Whole Foods. A long time resident of the city, Adam started working in the shop in 2013. By the time 2015 rolled around he was managing the shop. When asked if he had any parting words, he summed up everything pretty succinctly by saying, “I can’t find the energy to be sad about any of this. I’ve enjoyed wasting a lot of time here.”(P����: J. M������ W�����)

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DENNIS is a fun loving English Chocolate Labrador. He loves exploring the leafy streets of Falls Church City on long walks, having play dates with his friends Kovey and Boomer and socializing with his many fun neighbors around Whittier Park.
Just because you’re not famous doesn’t mean your pet can’t be! Send in your Critter Corner submissions to crittercorner@fcnp.com.