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PAGE 20 |OCTOBER 27 - NOVEMBER 2, 2022
DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations for City of Falls Church, Virginia, Independent City
The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency has issued a preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), and where applicable, Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report, reflecting proposed flood hazard determinations within the Independent City of Falls Church, Virginia. These flood hazard determinations may include the addition or modification of Base Flood Elevations, base flood depths, Special Flood Hazard Area boundaries or zone designations, or the regulatory floodway. Technical information or comments are solicited on the proposed flood hazard determinations shown on the preliminary FIRM and/or FIS report for the Independent City of Falls Church, Virginia. These flood hazard determinations are the basis for the floodplain management measures that your community is required to either adopt or show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. However, before these determinations are effective for floodplain management purposes, you will be provided an opportunity to appeal the proposed information. For information on the statutory 90-day period provided for appeals, as well as a complete listing of the communities affected and the locations where copies of the FIRM are available for review, please visit FEMA’s website at https://www.floodmaps.fema.gov/ fhm/BFE_Status/bfe_main.asp or call the FEMA Mapping and Insurance eXchange (FMIX) toll free at 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877336-2627).
SMITH RIVER LAND AUCTION. Henry Co., VA. 1,244+/- acres with 20,500’ of Prime Smith River Frontage. These prime building and recreational tracts will be offered in 17 tracts, ranging from 18+/- acres to 144+/- acres, on November 17, 11 AM at Chatmoss Country Club – Martinsville, VA. The section of the Smith River north of Mitchell Bridge is known as the big trout waters! Property Location: 2900 Mitchell Road, Ridgeway, VA will put you in the middle of the property. For information, visit woltz.com or call Woltz & Associates, Inc. (VA#321), Real Estate Brokers & Auctioneers 800-551-3588.
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OCTOBER 27- NOVEMBER 2, 2022 | PAGE 21
Ichabod Star Finishes First Professional Performance
by Julianna Vandermark
Special of the News-Press
Falls Church News Press:
I’m curious, how did you get into acting in Falls Church and what was your path in acting and theater that led you to this role?
Colum Goebelbecker:
Where do I start? I started acting when I was in high school. I was very much a sports kid and only played sports until I saw my sister in a production of Cinderella. That was when I was in eighth grade, and I was like, ‘Whoa, she’s making people laugh on stage.’ I think there was just something about how she was expressing herself that really drew my attention, even even as an eighth grader. I did musicals throughout high school, but it was mainly just a hobby. I then went to Georgetown and got a degree in government. It was really during Covid that I realized I wanted to pursue acting. It just gave me a lot of time to really get in touch with my arts and how I wanted to serve the world, because I’ve been really thinking about wanting to do social impact work.
I kind of naively thought of theater as almost a narcissistic thing, which I’ve fully put aside, but just as a thing for me. But then, I found this company that I currently work for, the Lab for Global Performance and Politics, which has the mission to harness the power of performance to humanize politics. So they use theater for social change and academic context and performance contexts in their work with policymakers, and it just drew my attention.
I auditioned and thought nothing of it. Because I’ve been learning as an actor, you need to just audition and then forget the auditions because you do so many and more, even the most successful actors. I heard this from a person who recently got like three out of 10 auditions. And those are people who are working and successful. So you know, I auditioned and didn’t think anything of it, and then in mid-July, I got an email. And that’s what brought me to this show.
FCNP: Do you remember your first day of rehearsal for Ichabod: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow? Can you describe it to me?
CG: I do remember the first day of rehearsal. I was very nervous because I looked up at my fellow actors who are all phenomenal. I looked up their bios, and these people had acted in shows throughout DC and toured with Broadway companies. It was a bit intimidating to be walking in as the youngest person in the room, but also playing Ichabod and wanting to show people that I could do it and own it. The people were very welcoming from the start.
FCNP: What were your expectations about the theater and the experience going into it?
CG: I have a friend who I met at auditions who I told right away when I got cast, because I knew that he knew of the theater. But beyond that, I didn’t know much about the theater. I really like being able to really feel the audience. The actors were walking right in front of people in the front row throughout the show. So from the first day, when I walked in, I enjoyed realizing how tight the space was. Just how much magic you can create and how you just walk into this little space and it’s just like this whole world. Margie Jervis, our amazing set designer has just done some incredible art in there. and she has a beautiful art piece of trees. This is great energy to have in the theater.
FCNP: What was your exposure to, or knowledge of, the story of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow before the production?
CG: It’s America’s most famous ghost story. I had heard of it and I knew of the town. But, I really didn’t know much about the story. There’s a 1922 silent film that I watched to try and get in touch with some of the mannerisms that the people used back in the day.
FCNP: Is there kind of an idea or topic that you think The Legend of Sleepy Hollow represents as a symbol?
CG: I think it’s just an allegory for love and heartbreak. There’s so many similarities today to the urban rural divide, especially in our polarized political scene in DC.
FCNP: How has your background in government informed your experiences in theater and with this production?
CG: I work as a project associate for this program called In Your Shoes, which is essentially a performance methodology that’s all about cultivating empathy, across differences. I now work for the program and I’m doing like a different iteration. I’m working on a program in collaboration with Georgetown Center for US China dialogue, so it’s between Chinese students and Chinese American students and American students. And that, as I shared earlier has really just piqued my interest in the political ramifications of theater. I’m always thinking about how whatever show I’m in relates to political dimensions.
FCNP: What have you learned from your time so far in this production?
CG: I’ve learned to just cultivate an even deeper sense of gratitude. For collaborators who, especially like directors, who operate in a very horizontal way. I’m very passionate about theater and parks. But there’s something special about it since this is my first professional show in a theater. I’ve learned to appreciate it so much more from this show.
“Ichabod: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” is being performed at Creative Cauldron until October 30th. One can buy tickets for the show at https://www.creativecauldron.org/ ichabod.html.

COLUM GOEBELBECKER plays the lead role of “Ichabod” in Creative Cauldron’s performance of “Ichabod: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. (Photo:
Colum Goebelbecker)
F.C. School Board Submits Student Defense Policy to Richmond
Continued from Page 3
It goes on, “The model policies leave open a door for bullying and harassment of transgender students. The proposed model policies state that a district shall not compel personnel or students to refer to transgender students according to their chosen names or pronouns. But personal affirmation is essential for all students. To permit district personnel or other students to deliberately refer to students in a manner contrary to how they view themselves is bullying, plain and simple, and causes harm.”
“Further,” the F.C. policy states. “The proposed model policies could put students at risk.” The notion “that districts shall not conceal information from parents” runs counter to the need for “students often share information with teachers, counselors and other personnel that they do not share with their parents.”
While the Board acknowledges that “providing the complete range of accommodations for transgender and gender nonconforming students requires deep parental involvement,...situations occur in which students may feel unsafe revealing that they are transgender or gender nonconforming to their parents, so that in the best interests of the students, districts should not be compelled to reveal.
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors also formally opposed Youngkin’s proposed model policies, saying they would limit the rights of transgender and other gendernonconforming students.
In a letter approved at a Fairfax County board meeting Tuesday, board chair Jeff McKay said that the policies would have a negative effect on the county’s economic position and cites the human impact on students.
McKay stated, “Youngkin’s model policies – and the discrimination inherent to them – will have a chilling effect on our continued ability to attract the world’s most innovative companies to Fairfax County. To put it bluntly, discrimination is bad for business,”
McKay in his letter stated that Youngkin’s proposed policies “put the county’s children at risk by denying support and affirmation to transgender students.”
He noted, “A young LGBTQ person attempts suicide every 45 seconds in the United States. Key drivers of high rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide among transgender youth are the lack of social support and affirming experiences that they often face,” the letter states.
Meanwhile, the Fairfax County School Board passed, 7-4, a resolution on “inclusive education” at its meeting Tuesday, The resolution affirms the county’s support for teachers and administrators when it comes to “inclusive curriculum and instruction.” The resolution is symbolic and does not change county policy.