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Critter Corner
PAGE 18 | OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022
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Falls Church News-Press
Vol. VII, No. 29 • October 2, 1997
President Will Show for Beyer Saturday Night
Falls Church News-Press
Vol. XXII, No. 31 • October 4, 2012
In F.C., Kaine Says Top Voter Concern Is For Lawmakers to Work Together
President Bill Clinton will show his support for Falls Church businessman Don Beyer’s bid to become Governor of Virginia by appearing at a Beyer fundraiser this Saturday night in Northern Virginia.
This Monday, former Virginia Governor and current Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Tim Kaine sat down for his second lengthy and exclusive interview with the NewsPress held on City of Falls Church turf, six months after the first time. FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS | FCNP.COM
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Falls Church City Public Schools have announced the passing of faculty member Torey Fay.
Torey Marie Fay passed away at the age of 40 on her birthday on September 22, 2022. She was born in Stewart, Florida on September 22, 1982.
In a recent statement, Falls Church City Public Schools stated: “The Falls Church City community continues to grieve the loss of Torey Fay, and we know her family is very appreciative of all the kindness shared.”
Ms. Fay’s funeral will be at St. Mary’s Church in Dansville, New York on October 8th at 11:00 a.m. Following the service will be a burial at Holy Cross Cemetery, followed by a wake. There is a viewing the day before (October 7th) at Hindle’s Funeral Home at 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
“Planning has begun for a local event for Ms. Fay. Coordination with the family is ongoing, and we will share more information as soon as it is available. The family has requested donations in Ms. Fay’s honor to the C.U.R.E Childhood Cancer Association. We know that some are interested in donations to a scholarship fund, and we are working with our partners at the Falls Church Education Foundation to shape this.”

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BAIA IS A 15 YEAR OLD BRITTANY AND GUS is a 6 month old Schnoodle, who tries very hard to get his older sister to play with him. Here are the two of them taking a stroll around the block in FCC.
Just because you’re not famous doesn’t mean your pet can’t be! Send in your Critter Corner submissions to crittercorner@fcnp.com.
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The deadline for obituaries is 5 p.m. Monday each week of publication. Should be 350 words or less.
Email obits@fcnp.com
FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS | FCNP.COM Putin’s Actions and The Consequences

Continued from Page 15

be surprised if he soon announces his willingness for a cease-fire — and a willingness to repair pipelines and resume gas shipments to any country ready to recognize Russia’s annexation.
Putin could then claim to his nationalist base that he got something for his war, even if it was hugely expensive, and now he’s content to stop. There is just one problem: Putin does not actually control all the territory he is annexing.
That means he can’t settle for any deal unless and until he’s driven the Ukrainians out of all the territory he now claims; otherwise he would be surrendering what he just made into sovereign Russian territory. This could be a very ominous development. Putin’s battered army does not seem capable of seizing more territory and, in fact, seems to be losing more by the day.
By claiming territory that he doesn’t fully control, I fear Putin is painting himself into a corner that he might one day feel he can escape only with a nuclear weapon.
In any event, Putin seems to be daring Kyiv and its Western allies to keep the war going into winter — when natural gas supplies in Europe will be constrained and prices could be astronomical — to recover territories, some of which his Ukrainian proxies have had under Russia’s influence since 2014.
Will Ukraine and the West swerve? Will they plug their noses and do a dirty deal with Putin to stop his filthy war? Or will Ukraine and the West take him on, head-on, by insisting that Putin get no territorial achievement out of this war, so we uphold the principle of the inadmissibility of seizing territory by force?
Do not be fooled: There will be pressure within Europe to swerve and accept such a Putin offer. That is surely Putin’s aim — to divide the Western alliance and walk away with a face-saving “victory.”
But there is another shortterm risk for Putin. If the West doesn’t swerve, doesn’t opt for a deal with him, but instead doubles down with more arms and financial aid for Ukraine, there is a chance that Putin’s army will collapse.
That is unpredictable. But here is what is totally predictable: A dynamic is now in place that will push Putin’s Russia even more toward the North Korea model. It starts with Putin’s decision to cut off most natural gas supplies to Western Europe. There is only one cardinal sin in the energy business: Never, ever, ever make yourself an unreliable supplier. No one will ever trust you again. Putin has made himself an unreliable supplier to some of his oldest and best customers, starting with Germany and much of the European Union. They are all now looking for alternative, longterm supplies of natural gas and building more renewable power. It will take two to three years for the new pipeline networks coming from the Eastern Mediterranean and liquefied natural gas coming from the United States and North Africa to begin to sustainably replace Russian gas at scale. But when that happens, and when world natural gas supplies increase generally to compensate for the loss of Russia’s gas — and as more renewables come online — Putin could face a real economic challenge. His old customers may still buy some energy from Russia, but they will never rely so totally on Russia again. And China will squeeze him for deep discounts.
In short, Putin is eroding the biggest source — maybe his only source — of sustainable long-term income. At the same time, his illegal annexation of regions of Ukraine guarantees that the Western sanctions on Russia will stay in place, or even accelerate, which will only accelerate Russia’s migration to failed-state status, as more and more Russians with globally marketable skills surely leave.
I celebrate none of this. This is a time for Western leaders to be both tough and smart. They need to know when to swerve and when to make the other guy swerve, and when to leave some dignity out there for the other driver, even if he is behaving with utter disregard for anyone else. It may be that Putin has left us no choice but to learn to live with a Russian North Korea — at least as long as he is in charge. If that is the case, we’ll just have to make the best of it, but the best of it will be a much more unstable world.

By Thomas L. Friedman © 2022 The New York Times
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Faces of Falls Church

ORIGINALLY FROM POLAND, NATALIA just completed her 1,000 hours of work experience to get her nutritionist certification in December of this year. She’s a resident of the Little City for the last 6 years. I bumped into her outside of Kinkos on West Broad St. When asked if she had any parting words she replied, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” (Photo: J. Michael Whalen)
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PAGE 20 |OCTOBER 6 - 12, 2022
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