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Critter Corner
PAGE 22 | NOVEMBER 18- 24, 2021
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Falls Church News-Press
Vol. VI, No. 35 • November 14, 1996
City Council Votes to Close Lane at Busy Intersection During Rush Hour
Falls Church News-Press
Vol. XXI, No. 36 • November 17, 2011
F.C.’s Citizens for a Better City May Vote to Withdraw from Historic Role
Despite their own warnings about potential hazards to public safety and traffic congestion, the Falls Church City Council voted Tuesday night to impose a one-week trial in early December of a plan to block off auto traffic lanes at the heavily-traveled intersection of Routes 7 and 29 (Broad and Washington).
In what could be the single most momentous change in Falls Church municipal politics in half a century, the premiere civic association, the Citizens for a Better City, is on the verge of dropping its long-held historic role of vetting, nominating and campaigning for slates of can didates running in local races. FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS | FCNP.COM
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ORIGINALLY FROM UPSTATE NEW YORK, Becky currently resides in Alexandria and works at Conte’s Bicycle Shop in Falls Church. When asked of her feelings about Falls Church, she very quickly expressed her happiness at seeing the improve-

ments to the W&OD Trail. (P����: J. M������ W�����)
WWW.FCNP.COM GWEN AND CALLIE are the best of friends. When they aren’t playing outside, they can be found napping together on the couch.
Just because you’re not famous doesn’t mean your pet can’t be! Send in your Critter Corner submissions to crittercorner@fcnp.com.