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Business News
NOVEMBER 24 - 30, 2022 | PAGE 19
Falls Church Business News & Notes
New Opportunity to Live Local and Shop Local
November has been proclaimed Live Local Month to promote the support of Falls Church neighbors and friends who own or work at local businesses. Living local benefits local schools and projects and adds job opportunities through your local taxes. Moving towards the holidays, the Falls Church Chamber encourages Shopping Local which is easier than ever with a new promotion. Kicking off Small Business Saturday, November 26, the City of Falls Church is offering a way to further support local businesses with the sale of the Little City Gift Card program. The digital gift card will carry a match for your first three cards purchases, for use in participating businesses. These include entertainment, fitness, healthcare, retail and salons. For more information, visit https://www.fallschurchva.gov/2168/The-Little-City-Gift-Card.
Falls Church Innovation – Artemis
Falls Church-based Northrop Grumman played a role the first flight of NASA’s Space Launch System rocket as part of the Artemis I mission on November 16. The company’s two solid rocket boosters helped launch the flight from Kennedy Space Center. Northrop Grumman has been pioneering in space for over 50 years and will continue providing support for Space Launch System and the Artemis missions through 2031.

Local Businesses Highlighted
The latest issue of Arlington Magazine has featured Dominion Jewelers for Rachelle Barimany’s specialty of updating family heirlooms. The publication named Café Kindred and Bakeshop to the Top 9 Coffee Shops.
Cyber Crimes and Crypto Tax Webinar

The IRS Security Summit will host a new webinar on Tuesday, November 29 at 2:00 p.m. as part of its programming on National Tax Security Awareness. Entitled Deeper Dive into Emerging Cyber Crimes and Crypto Tax Compliance, the webinar will cover business email compromise and/or data breaches, identifying the Dark Web and its role in cybercrime and identity theft, general understanding of virtual currency, and the IRS efforts to combat cyber criminals and illicit activity. Participants who qualify will receive a certificate of completion and tax professionals will earn up to 1 CE credit. To register, visit https://www.webcaster4.com/ Webcast/Page/1148/47098.

Proposed Restructuring of Workforce Programs
Virginia Secretary of Labor, Bryan Slater, has proposed a new, central department to manage the state’s efforts to connect employers and employees. The goal is to streamline access to job market information for those seeking work or training, as well as facilitating policy making and data sharing. The new Department of Workforce Development and Advancement would take over 13 separate programs from eight agencies and move management of some federal programs to the new department. The restructuring plan will require General Assembly approval and would let the state set standard goals and measurements on how well the programs perform.
CBP Session on Preparing for Funding
The Community Business Partnership asks: Have you ever applied for a loan and been denied because you were not prepared? Would you like to apply for a loan but have no clear idea what documentation is needed or why they’re important to the financing process? Do you need to prepare a loan package and need guidance in preparing it? This training session will help you understand the fundamentals of preparing for funding learning what lenders look for on key financial documents including your personal financial statement, debt scheduled, balance sheet, cash flow, forecasts, and other key financial components of a solid loan package. The free virtual session will be held on Thursday, December 1 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm with Community Business Partnership speaker, Karlene Sinclair-Robinson, Asst. Director, Business Finance Center. For more information, please visit http://www.cbponline.org. Register at https://wbcnova.centerdynamics.com/reg. aspx?mode=event&event=10420108
Business News & Notes is compiled by Elise Neil Bengtson, Executive Director of the Greater Falls Church Chamber of Commerce. She may be emailed at elise@ fallschcurchchamber.org.
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