5 minute read
Crime Report
PAGE 8|DECEMBER 29, 2022 - JANUARY 04, 2023
A Penny for Your Thoughts
News of Greater Falls Church
By Supervisor Penny Gross
Happy New Year! A new year brings renewed hope for the future but doesn’t leave the past completely behind. If the past is prologue, as Shakespeare wrote in “The Tempest,” we have a lot to build on, and not necessarily all good. But perhaps that’s why New Year’s resolutions were created – an opportunity to accomplish goals that were set in the past, but never achieved, and establish new goals that might, but probably won’t, be achieved in full measure. Nonetheless, it is the nature of humankind to reach farther and further in whatever quest is identified, whether space travel or world peace.
Since most of us are not involved in space travel or world peace (although you could say that, living in the National Capital Region, some of our neighbors may be active participants in those arenas), resolutions frequently are more mundane, and achievable – lose weight, learn another language, get a new job or a dog, be nicer to so-and-so, etc. The slate is clean and ready for new lists of activities and challenges for 2023.
For Fairfax County, I hope that everyone will make a New Year’s resolution to travel more safely, whether driving, walking, bicycling, or even scootering. Drivers, slow down and pay attention to your peripheral vision. Remember to turn on your headlights at dusk or earlier. Sometimes you are closer to that pedestrian than you realize. Drivers and pedestrians alike need to stay off their devices. It’s a state law in Virginia for drivers, not for those walking, but we probably all have seen pedestrians talking on their phones or reading something on their screens at the same time they are crossing the street, totally oblivious to traffic. Use the crosswalk, wear something white or light at night (a scarf or cap works fine) so that drivers can see you, and pay attention to your surroundings. Even with headlights on, a driver may not see you until it’s too late. In all of 2021, there were 12 pedestrian deaths recorded in Fairfax County; as of last week, there were 23 pedestrian deaths in 2022, a statistic headed in the wrong direction. Death did not discriminate: the victims were male and female, of many ethnicities, and ranged in age from teen-aged students to long-retired senior citizens – almost a textbook cross-section of Fairfax County.
Another resolution may be easy to achieve, with many options to fit individual preferences. Use 2023 as an opportunity to explore the many parks in Fairfax County, as well as other parks in the region, including many national park facilities – we have a surfeit of great parks, and most are free. The newest Fairfax County Park is in the Bailey’s Crossroads area. The Boyd and Charlotte Hogge Park opened this fall after years of planning. The park is located at 3139 Glen Carlyn Road, just east of St. Katharine’s Greek Orthodox Church, with access to the parking area on Magnolia Avenue. The park construction, funded by the 2016 Park bond, features multiple play courts, including pickleball, a picnic shelter, playground, community garden plots, and an open activity area. A formal dedication is planned for the spring. Hogge Park is the 60th park in Mason District. Walking, hiking, team sports for all ages, golf, concerts, fishing, star-gazing – you can do it all at a Fairfax County Park in 2023!
Penny Gross is the Mason District Supervisor, in the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. She may be emailed at mason@ fairfaxcounty.gov.
City of Falls Church CRIME REPORT
Week of December 19- 25, 2022
Larceny from Vehicle, Poplar Dr, December 20, 5:40 PM, between 7 PM, December 10 and 10 AM, December 11, items of value were taken from an unsecured vehicle.
Drunk in Public/Carrying Concealed While Intoxicated, Wilson Blvd, December 21, 4:20 AM, a male, 59, of Chantilly, VA, was arrested for Drunk in Public and for Carrying a Concealed Weapon While Intoxicated.
Larceny of Vehicle Parts, N Washington St, between 7 PM, December 14 and 8:50 AM, December 23, unknown suspect(s) entered a parking garage and removed all four wheels from a 2020 Lexus.
Larceny from Vehicle, N Washington St, December 23, between 6:30 AM and 1 PM, unknown suspect(s) broke the passenger side window of a Honda Odyssey and removed items of value.
Motor Vehicle Theft, N Washington St, December 23, between 9 AM and 1:30 PM, unknown suspect(s) took a 2015 brown Toyota Rav 4 which had been left unsecured in a parking garage.
Larceny from Vehicle, W Broad St, December 23, 2:09 PM, unknown suspect broke the window of a 2021 Mercedes and removed items of value. Suspect described as a male wearing a gray hat, black jacket, blue jeans and white shoes. Last seen leaving in a red Ford vehicle.
Larceny from Building, S Washington St, December 24, 3:45 AM, unknown suspect entered an open business and after distracting the employee broke into a secured area and removed items of value. Suspect described as a male, 35-45 years old, black hair, brown eyes, a goatee, wearing a blue and black ski jacket, with blue jeans, a white beanie, a white face mask, that had been pulled down, and white flip flops with black socks. Suspect left the area in a light colored sedan.
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