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25 & 10 Years Ago in the News-Press

Falls Church News-Press Vol. VII, No. 46 • January 29, 1998


Snyder to Seek Endorsement of CBC & ‘Others’

Falls Church Vice Mayor David Snyder announced to the News-Press yesterday that he will attend the nominating convention of the Citizens for a Better City (CBC).

C ritter C orner

Falls Church News-Press Vol. XXII, No. 49 • January 31, 2013

F.C. Real Estate Values Grew at 1/2 National Average in ‘12 Says Assessor

In a dramatic contrast from what was reported as a robust rebound in the nation’s real estate markets, overall real estate markets in the City of F.C. reported as formal assessments grew by less than 3 percent.

Professor Moon: Educating Oneself is Key

Continued from Page 3 dice,” said Clarke, who is African American. “It’s a fairly diverse neighborhood,” he added, citing at least one other black family and neighbors of Middle Eastern and Chinese descent. “It’s a good sample of red and blue signs when politics comes along. Everyone gets along.”

A similar reaction came from Jenny Girard, vice president of the Greenway Downs Citizens Association—one of Falls Church’s oldest and most active neighborhood social groups. “Our neighborhood is fortunate to have a well-documented history on our website, but I believe there are a lot of residents who may still not know about this unfortunate part of our history.”

Moon agrees that modern-day homeowners aren’t responsible for social policies of long before their time. “But we can educate ourselves and take advantage of a 2020 law passed by the Virginia General Assembly that makes it easier to remove offensive language from deeds.

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