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PAGE 20 |FEBRUARY 3 - 9, 2022
Variance application V1630-22 by Priya Krishnan, applicant and owner, for a variance to Sections 48-238(3)a. to allow a rear setback of 19 feet instead of 40 feet for the purpose of constructing a new signal family dwelling on premises known as 608 Laura Drive, RPC #52-605-005 of the Falls Church Real Property Records, zoned R-1A, Low Density Residential.
Public hearing on the above matter is scheduled for February 17, 2022, 7:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the item may be heard. All participating members of Board of Zoning Appeals will be present at this meeting through electronic means. Public comment and questions may be submitted to zoning@ fallschurchva.gov until 4:30 pm on January 13, 2022. Virtual meeting link, agenda and application materials will be available the week prior to the scheduled hearing at: http://www. fallschurchva.gov/BZA
Information on the above application is also available for review upon request to staff at zoning@fallschurchva.gov. Volunteers who live in the City of Falls Church are needed to serve on the boards and commissions listed below. Contact the City Clerk’s Office (703-248-5014, cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov, or www.fallschurchva.gov/BC) for an application form or more information. Positions advertised for more than one month may be filled during each subsequent month.
Architectural Advisory Board (Alternate) Board of Equalization Board of Zoning Appeals (Alternate) Citizens’ Advisory Committee on Transportation City Employee Review Board Environmental Sustainability Council Public Utilities Commission Recreation and Parks Advisory Board Retirement Board Urban Forestry Commission

Regional Boards/Commissions
Long Term Care Coordinating Council Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Commission
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We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753.
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1. President’s ____ Office 5. Hunger 9. Felon’s flight 12. Italian money, once 13. Drive away 14. Hatchet 15. River barriers 16. Period preceding
Easter 17. Scramble (for) 18. Haste 20. Final 21. Jacket features 24. Certain poem 26. In flames 27. Former: hyph. 31. Kind of music 32. South
American range 34. Uncooked 35. Clad 37. Cream of the crop 39. Pod dweller 40. Springs up 41. Flat bread 44. Goes on and on 46. Grape or orange drink 47. Ice mass, for short 48. So long, in
London: 2 wds.
1. Out-of-date 2. Passing through 3. Limb 4. Lower 5. The British
____ 6. Biblical pronoun 7. Pardon FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS | FCNP.COM
1. Buck 5. Supportive 8. Nibble 12. Kojak’s lack 13. Captain’s record 14. Strong cord 15. Wheel shaft 16. Piercing tool 17. Had creditors 18. Utter unhappiness 20. Generation 22. Brief message 24. Finished 28. Colony insect 31. Shy 33. Wood cutter 34. Plural pronoun 35. Alter 36. Vegetable drawer 37. Chunk of eternity 38. Strained 39. Pig’s place 40. Glide 42. Deep-____ pie 44. Classifieds 46. Purl, e.g. 50. On the crest 53. Perform 55. Long stick 56. Queue 57. Gloom 58. Diamond shape 59. Nasty look 60. Lawn material 61. Bookie’s concern
1. Farce 2. Cab 3. Feels unwell 4. Envy’s color 5. School recess 6. Scrap 7. Eye rudely 8. Creak 9. Here’s partner 10. Chimpanzee, e.g. 11. Elope 19. Turned

1. Face shape 5. Tease 9. Duo 12. Line 13. Adept 14. Word of inquiry 15. Bleaters 16. Dampness 18. Whisk 20. Employed 21. Canyon sounds 24. Wordplay 26. Plain-spoken 27. Color again 31. Hair knot 32. Eye drops 34. Dove call 35. Section 37. Doglike mammal 39. Auction buy 40. Composed 41. Graceful bird 44. Peeved 46. Dali’s boards 48. Etna output 52. Become sick 53. Pub offerings 54. Hid the gray 55. Hog enclosure 56. Printer’s term 57. Garden starter

Copyright © 2022, Penny Press
1. Colliery find 2. Pledge 3. Chimpanzee 4. Instruction 5. Actor Dean 6. A woodwind 7. Ballet ____ 8. Stags 9. Therefore 10. Deteriorated 11. Unpaid 17. Albacore 19. More damp 21. Diminishes 22. Hint 23. Suspended 25. Outcome 27. Lab animal 28. Sorbets 29. Naught 30. Frog’s relative 33. Name 36. Horsehair 38. Produces 40. Outdated 41. Baths 42. Tarry 43. Supporter 45. Movie spool 47. Small child 49. Mariner’s yes 50. 22nd letter 51. Say further

SPORTS QUIZ By Ryan A. Berenz
1. What city in Norway hosted the 1994 Winter Olympic Games?
2. At the 2006 Turin Winter Olympics, what U.S. snowboarder blew a three-second lead and settled for the silver medal in the snowboard cross final after a method grab caused her to fall?
3. East Germany’s Ulrich Wehling won three consecutive Olympic gold medals from 1972-80 competing in what sport?
4. At the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, South Korean short track speed skater Kim DongSung was disqualified in the men’s 1,500-meter final. What U.S. Olympian won the gold medal as a result?
5. Name the Heisman Trophy winner who competed for the U.S. bobsled team at the 1992 Albertville Winter Olympics.
6. In 2000, NHL and U.S. Olympic hockey player Bret Hedican married what U.S. Olympic figure skating gold medalist?
7. As of the 2018 Winter Olympics, what country has won the most total medals in skeleton?

Last Week’s Answers
1. Wendell Scott • 2. Laffit Pincay Jr. • 3. The New Orleans Saints. 4. Dave Righetti • 5. The Chicago Packers • 6. Chess 7. Doug Moe
(c) 2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc
1. Molecule part 5. To’s opposite 8. Wound covering 12. Baby’s father 13. Small boy 14. Record 15. Discontinues 16. Not deserved 18. Tease 20. Hazel and
Alice 21. Ranch 24. Evergreen shrubs 25. Removers of weeds 26. Swindle 27. Duet number 30. Pale 31. “The Flying ____” 32. Gather crops 33. Gosh! 34. Cooking vessel 35. Worth 36. Out of range 38. Midriffs 39. Undress 41. Ache 42. Tag incorrectly 44. Urgent want 48. Verbal 49. United 50. Roofline detail 51. Hair products 52. TV promos 53. Attracted
1. Summer cooler 2. Light brown 3. Different 4. Command 5. Liquid 6. Go on and on 7. Verse form 8. Drinking aid 9. Flour holders 10. Imitated 11. River bottoms 17. Pulpit word 19. Used to be 21. Rug style 22. Model 23. Play practice 24. Hither and ____ 26. Mowed 28. Linger 29. Picks 31. Neither’s mate 32. Ruled 34. Mama’s fellow 35. Guy 37. Occupies 38. United
Kingdom region 39. Air pollution 40. Get sleepy 41. Hang fire 43. Large scarf 45. Corn spike 46. Cain’s mother 47. Dawn moisture
Copyright © 2022, Penny Press