8 minute read
The Weekly Diplomatic Reach St. Patrick’s Day In Nova
by Brian Reach Falls Church News-Press
2023 Democrat Scorecard
The Virginia Progressive Legislative Action Network (VAPLAN) released its 2023 VAPLAN Virginia Legislators Progressive Scorecard, rating our elected officials on their level of support for progressive values across a variety of issues.
Scoring a nearly perfect score overall, and at the very top of the list, was our own Delegate Marcus Simon, who has represented the City of Falls Church for nearly ten years.
Redistricting has put Simon into the same district as Kaye Kory (D-Annandale), meaning the Little City will be choosing between the two well-established Democrats in June, unless one chooses to resign.
Idaho Attempts What West Virginia Failed
Folks in Idaho are trying to annex half of Oregon, in another sign that polarization has become fairly ridiculous. Most see this as a silly attempt, but it has gained some attention, though the slippery slope we could find ourselves on if it were to succeed make it almost certain to fail.
West Virginia similarly tried to “lure” conservative Virginia counties to the state in 2020.
First Woman Speaker Portrait
Unveiled in Richmond
Eileen Filler-Corn (D-Fairfax), in a tweet on Wednesday, expressed humility after unveiling, alongside her daughter, her portrait as Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates.
“It was humbling to see my daughter Alana grab that piece of fabric and help me unveil the first but certainly NOT the last woman’s portrait on these walls.” said Filler-corn, the first female and first Jewish Speaker in
Virginia’s history who is resigning this year to pursue the Governorship.
Tennessee Lt. Gov. Takes Instagram Break
In a true “you can’t make this stuff up” moment, antidrag, anti-trans Republican Lieutenant Governor Randy McNally is taking a break from social media after posting fire and heart emojis and cringeworthy comments on nearly-nude photos from a gay 20-year-old on Instagram.
At first, he said he “had no intention of stopping,” saying he was just being broadly encouraging of people online. McNally, who has been in office for 45 years, has since decided to make his account private. Bless his heart.
Florida is Raising an Army!?
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has asked the state legislature for just under one hundred million dollars towards a 1,500 troop Florida State Guard, just over one year after receiving ten million to raise 400 troops to revive the body, which was essentially replaced by the formation of the National Guard.
Democrats in Florida have criticized it as everything from a “vigilante militia” to a “secret police,” which the Governor has said would only “serve and protect” Floridians.
Unlike the National Guard, which the President controls, the Florida State Guard would answer to the Governor. Though seen as a stunt to many, any real-life consequences would likely be squarely aimed at immigrants and people of color. DeSantis is expected to run for President, however he has not yet announced.
Some Healthy Diplomacy
After some feedback regarding last week’s coverage of Tennessee’s ban on drag queens and life-saving healthcare for trans youth, I’d like to revisit some of the misinformation being spread around conservative circles.
First (again, as it was explicitly stated last week), there is no “child mutilation” being debated. Nobody is advocating for kids to get sex changes.
There is one very important medication that has a critical impact on the quality of a trans teen’s life. These are hormone blockers, which “push pause” on puberty to defer medical procedure decisions to adulthood.
To further explain, puberty is irreversible, and has a major physiological effect on the body. A trans girl who is able to push pause won’t have to develop a deep voice or Adam’s apple; a trans boy won’t develop breasts that need to be surgically removed. These features are sources of stigma for trans folks that transition later in life.
To further belabor the point, any suggestion to force a trans person through the wrong puberty is suggesting actual lifelong physical harm.
Still, as I said last week, this isn’t about actual concerns. It isn’t about child safety. There isn’t an epidemic of trans folks stealing kids out of bathrooms, and there aren’t kids lined up for sex changes to catch a racy glimpse of their classmates.
There is no actual emergency. This is an age-old ritual of folks not letting go of other people’s business.
Also, drag queens and trans folks are not the same. Some drag queens are straight, cisgender men that are just really good at impersonation. Drag is a profession, not an identity. In addition, because most drag queens are cisgender males, their performances have far less exposed skin than most folks (because the padding will fall out remember, it’s an illusion).
Finally, sexuality and gender identity are not the same, and should not be conflated. Trans kids know they’re trans before they know all their words. Stop sexualizing trans.
Continued from Page 21
Sing and Play with “Ms. Katie” to honor all things Irish in a family style class of almost an hour on Friday (3:45 or 5:15 p.m.) or Saturday (9:30 or 11 a.m.)
$27 per child (babies free with registered sibling). Advanced registration required and more information at littlecirclesongs@ gmail.com. 115 E Fairfax St, Nicholson Hall at Falls Church Episcopal Church.
For those who like to dance, Crown Dance Studio, 2820 Dorr Avenue,Fairfax,VA, 22031 features “Royal Ritmo,” a St. Patrick’s Day special on Saturday, March 18 with a class at 7 p.m. and social dancing until 2 a.m. Ph. 703-663-8363, crowndance2820@gmail.com.
And to top it off, be sure and stop by U.S. Congressman Gerry Connolly’s annual St. Patrick’s Day fete where $50 will get you a Gerry handshake, drinks, a hearty meal and music at the Ernst Cultural Center, Northern Virginia Community College, 8333 Little River Turnpike, Annandale, 7 - 9:30 p.m. Email Ronell@gerryconnolly.com to reserve or call 703-375-9374. Since leprechauns may be running around Gerry’s bash, guests are advised to wear green to make them invisible to the little green men pinching those not wearing their favorite color.
Back In The Day
25 & 10 Years Ago in the News-Press
Falls Church News-Press Vol. VII, No. 52 • March 12, 1998
Holmes: City is ‘Getting a Bum Rap’ From Untrue Rumors of High Taxes
The City of Falls Church “is being given a bum rap on business taxes,” and when “the truth comes out,” the City may be able to offer newcomers a lower net tax than surrounding jurisdictions.
C ritter C orner
Falls Church News-Press

Vol. XXIII, No. 3 • March 14, 2013
1st Annual ‘Falls Church Restaurant Week’ Touts 31 Local Participants
The first ever F.C. Restaurant Week kicks off Monday and an impressive number of 31 local establishments are taking part. Diners from this area will have the opportunity to sample the best items on the menus.
In Memoriam: Jennifer Lynn Loi

With deep sorrow, the Loi family announces the passing of our courageous, loving, and adventurous wife and mother, Jennifer Lynn Loi (Moore). Jen passed peacefully on March 11, surrounded by her family, due to complications from metastatic breast cancer, a disease she bravely fought for 16 years. She had been a resident of Falls Church since 2016.
Jen was born in Walla Walla, WA to Richard and Marilyn Moore on June 9, 1967. She graduated in 1985 from DeSales Catholic High School in Walla Walla and the University of Puget Sound (UPS) in Tacoma, WA in 1989. She was an accomplished finance professional who started her career in Seattle’s burgeoning high-tech sector. She went on to serve in senior positions at startups, established firms, non-profits, and more recently in education.
She met her future husband, Jim, in 1990 when he was a young naval officer. Married in 1994, they shortly thereafter embarked on a two-decade plus international adventure when Jim joined the Foreign Service during which the couple were posted to Romania, South Africa, China, and Singapore. Along the way they welcomed their three amazing children, Caitlin, Mackenzie, and Noah. Throughout her long can- cer battle Jennifer never allowed her illness to dictate her life choices and ambitions. She lived on four continents, traveled to an additional two, visited 32 countries and drove across the United States six times, hitting all but three states. Over half of that took place during her cancer years. Through her love of family and commitment to work and volunteerism Jennifer lived a life of purpose, always focused on making her patch of the world a better place. She leaves behind a rich legacy through the many women she mentored, her rich friendships, and her children.
Jennifer is survived by her husband, Jim Loi of Falls Church; children, Caitlin of New York, NY, Mackenzie of Falls Church,
VA, and Noah of Honolulu, HI; parents, Richard and Marilyn Moore of Coeur d’Alene, ID; and siblings, MaryAnn Merrill of Bellingham, WA, Stephen Moore of Post Falls, ID, Michael Moore of St. Maries, ID, and Meegan Moore of Melbourne, FL. She was predeceased by her brother, Rick Moore of St. Maries, ID. Family and friends are welcome to attend a memorial service at St. James Catholic Church in Falls Church on March 24 at 10:00 am and a celebration of life immediately thereafter at the family home. In lieu of flowers please consider a donation to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (https://www.bcrf.org) or Goodwin House Hospice (https:// goodwinliving.org/giving/).
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Potential Increase to Assessments
The Foundation for Community Association Research released a new survey Monday reflecting increased expenses. “Rising Costs in Community Associations” reveals that 91 percent of community association managers, professionals, and homeowners’ surveys report seeing unexpected increases in expenses due to rising costs and inflation. In turn, residents living in condominiums, homeowners’ associations, and housing cooperatives could face increased assessments. The feedback comes from international community association board members, managers, and business partners, including accountants and service providers. When asked how they plan to address the unexpected costs, 73 percent of respondents report they plan to raise assessments, and 41 percent say they plan to reduce expenses, and 15 percent will lower their reserve funding contributions.
Sierra7 Hires Kemp
Susan Kemp has joined Falls Church-based Sierra7 as director of consulting and analytics. She will be responsible for expanding client relationships and providing continuous support for the Veterans Health Administration and assisting health care leaders improve business management. She looks forward to continued modernization and making organizational improvements. Kemp comes from Booz Allen Hamilton and was formerly a senior manager at Prometheus Federal Services.
Body Dynamics Open House
Body Dynamics Inc. is hosting an open house on Wednesday, March 22, 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Light refreshments will be provided and new clients who attend the Open House and sign-up for services will receive 50 percent off their first fitness, massage, or nutrition session or 10 percent off their first PT session! Guests may sample everything from physical therapy to nutritional counseling and ask questions of the staff.

Jake’s Ice Cream is Expanding
Robin Rinearson, founder of Jake’s Ice Cream, is expanding the business by opening Jake’s Gourmet Popcorn in Seven Corners next to Michaels. Of the 25 employees at Jake’s Ice Cream, 21 have disabilities. The idea behind the popcorn business is to employ people with disabilities who may not be able to perform the ice cream parlor duties. She was inspired by the commercial popcorn makers in Chicago where she attended graduate school. She’s hiring employees and hopes to open in April.
Introduction to Schedule C and Business Recordkeeping
The Virginia SBDC is hosting a free session on tax planning and the importance of good recordkeeping next Thursday, March 23, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. During the presentation, there will be an overview of Schedule C and recordkeeping timeframes. Participants will learn how to calculate gross profit and gross income, how to calculate net profit or loss, how to identify and deduct expenses, how to document income and expenses, and discuss recordkeeping for your Schedule C. Anika Pompey, the local Senior Stakeholder with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the presenter. Once registered at https:// clients.virginiasbdc.org/workshop.aspx?ekey=900430015 the Zoom link will be emailed.
Malloy Joins BAE Leadership Team
BAE Systems, Inc. has named Lisa Malloy as Senior Vice President of Communications, reporting to President and CEO Tom Arseneault. She will lead the company’s external and internal communications and the community investment activities. She comes to BAE from Intel Corporation where she was the head of Global Government and Manufacturing Communications.
Business News & Notes is compiled by Elise Neil Bengtson, Executive Director of the Greater Falls Church Chamber of Commerce. She may be emailed at elise@fallschurchchamber.org.