Falls Church News-Press 4-11-2024

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Virginia’s Republican Gov. Glen Youngkin has refused to provide the agreed upon Richmond share of a subsidy needed to keep Metro bus and rail services functioning in the region, which now confronts the City of Falls Church with the burden of an added $1 million as its share to make up the difference.

Deputy City Manager Cindy Mester explained the situation to the News-Press yesterday following the governor’s decision on Monday.

Hopes of reversing this action now lie with the special reconvened session of the State Legislature next Wednesday, April 14 when votes will be taken in efforts to override the governor’s veto and amendment moves.

If that session fails to get the


A suggestion was strongly rejected Monday night that the City of Falls Church budget planning for the coming fiscal year provide for the option of raising the tax rate in the event the burden on the City to subsidize Metro is greater than initially thought (see our story today on the Metro funding, left).

Mayor Letty Hardi, attending the meeting remotely from Cleveland, Ohio, made it very

clear that the Council should not deviate from City Manager Wyatt Shields’ recommended FY25 budget that lowers the real estate tax rate by a penny to $1.22 per $100 of assessed valuation.

That view received unanimous support when the Council voted unanimously on three “first reading” budget measures Monday. Now, the Council by law cannot raise the tax rate further without a major disruption of its procedures. It can lower it, however, and Council members

Connelly both suggested a two cent rate cut may be in order, instead of just a penny.

Hardi noted that with an eight percent revenue growth in the last year, the Council can find a way to make more program cuts if needed to keep the goal of a tax cut for citizens this year, and even if it means the City is the only jurisdiction in the region to do so, which seems likely.

In this context, City Manager Wyatt Shields admitted that in past years the City “has been a bit too careful in its projections of revenue growth,” resulting

in large year-end surpluses. He said his current budget recommendations are now “more aggressive,” though they “run the risk that revenues will not come in to cover them.”

But Shields reported a number of new developments occurring in the City including the design for a new mural on the currently-blank side of the parking garage that faces the City. Hoffman Associates have solicited entries for the work that will be shared with the City’s

City of Falls Church’s Independent, Locally-Owned Newspaper of Record, Serving N. Virginia Falls Church, Virginia • www.fcnp.com • Free Founded 1991 • Vol. XXXIV No. 9 Continued on Page 5 Falls
in Lower
Rate Cost to F.C. Taxpayers May Be Extra $1 Million Continued on Page 4 Youngkin
N. Va. April 11 - 17, 2024 FALLS CHURCH ELEMENTARY school students looked skyward on Monday to see the solar eclipse unfold above them. To think that such an event happened right here in the Little City!!! (Photo: Chrissy Henderson)
Church City
Dumps Metro
on F.C.,
News-Press Senior Living Pages 9-16
Nicholas F. Benton


Meridian High’s Musical Showcase in the Big Apple

The Meridian High School Instrumental Music Department showcased its talents at prestigious New York City venues including Carnegie Hall, the School of Rock, and Edward Murrow High School during the students’ three-day trip from April 1 to April 3.

At Carnegie Hall, the MHS wind ensemble performed with distinguished ensembles from across the country The ensemble presented three selections: “Abram’s Pursuit,” “Khan,” and “A Mother Of A Revolution.” The culmination of their performance was met with a standing ovation.

The Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, and Guitar Ensemble from Meridian High also presented an exchange concert and enjoyed lunch with musicians from Edward Murrow High School in Brooklyn, NY. The MHS and EMHS symphonic bands collaborated on a performance of “Into the New Light” and “Knights of Dunvegan” as well as performances from the both schools wind and guitar ensembles

At the School of Rock, the Contemporary Rock Bands featured dynamic performances of Led Zeppelin’s “The Oceans” and The Beatles’ “While My Guitar Gently Weeps.”

F.C.’s Painter Reprises Region’s Development History

On Thursday, April 4, at George Mason University’s Ballston campus, local Falls Church zoning attorney and Chamber of Commerce Legislative Chair Andrew Painter presented a three-hour talk, “Rise of a Region,” which provided a survey of the region’s major settlements, roads, and land developments over time.

The event, which attracted more than 200 attendees, was co-sponsored by GMU’s Center for Real Estate Entrepreneurship and Virginia Housing, a not-for-profit organization created by the Commonwealth of Virginia to help Virginians attain quality affordable housing.

Among other things, Painter covered Falls Church’s initial colonial-era settlement, the opening of Arlington Boulevard to Hillwood Avenue in the 1950s (which resulted in substantial suburban growth), the battle over extending Interstate 66 inside the Beltway in the 1970s, and the City’s W. Broad streetscape project in the late 1980s. He also discussed

more recent mixed-use projects, including the redevelopment of the high school and West Falls Church Metro Rail site.

“We should all recognize the tremendous success of our region and our place within it,” Painter said. “Truthfully, it was fun and challenging coming up with a chronological narrative that blends the land development and transportation history of the region into a coherent story. I have had the good fortune of giving the lecture several times over the past five years, and it continues to evolve as people give me suggestions, corrections, and their own memories and experiences.”

Creative Cauldron Seeks ‘Bold New Voices’ Submissions

Falls Church’s Creative Cauldron theatre troupe announced that it is now accepting submissions for its “Bold New Voices” initiative. “Bold New Voices” was established in 2019 with a goal of providing a platform for women and women-identifying playwrights and composers to present their works. Through this initiative, Creative Cauldron supports the development of new plays or musicals written by women, especially women of color, who are often underrepresented in the industry.

Creative Cauldron has produced four original premieres. “Chicks in Heaven” by Carol Campbell which is premiering this month, “Girls of Madison Street” and “Diagnosed” which were written by Helen Hayes Award winner Iyona Blake, and “Audrey: The New Musical” written by Danielle Moore along with one regional premiere: “Monarch, A Mexican American Musical,” written by Mayu Molina Lehmann and Alfonso Molina. Three of these productions were Helen Hayes recommended and the fourth, “Audrey,” was the top grossing show in Creative Cauldron history.

For the 2024-25 season, the initiative will be focused on works written by Latiné artists. Works should reflect first or second generation Latiné immigrant stories. Submissions will be accepted through May 5, 2024

A committee composed of a diverse group of women, headed by Artistic Associate Lenny Mendez includes Fabiolla Da Silva, Gabby Wolfe, Luz Nicolas, Carol Campbell, Danielle Moore, Laura Connors Hull, Elena Velasco, and Mayu Molina Lehmann. The committee will have annual meetings to review submitted pieces and choose new works for the 2024-25 season and beyond.

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Youngkin Unloads Another $1 Million for WMATA on F.C.

Continued from Page 1

votes needed to override the governor, then the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), which operates both the Metro rail and bus public transit systems, will meet on April 25 to consider either asking regional governments to pick up the difference, or to drastically cut its services.

For the City of Falls Church, the City Council has already voted to advertise a budget for the coming fiscal year that includes an additional $1 million as its earlier-negotiated share of the effort to address WMATA’s current $433 million shortfall. Since the Council by law cannot now raise the tax rate (fixed at $1.22 per $100 assessed valuation, or a one cent cut from this year) before adopting its final budget for the next fiscal year next month, it would have to find somewhere else to get the second $1 million they’d need if all else fails.

Mester would not speculate to the News-Press on why the governor chose not to fund the

agreed-upon Richmond share of the WMATA subsidy, many are speculating that it constitutes a form of “pay back” for the region’s refusal to go along with his now-dashed arena plan to move both the Wizards (professional basketball) and Caps (professional hockey) out of downtown D.C. to the Potomac Yards in Alexandria.

Falls Church’s representatives in the Richmond General Assembly, Del. Marcus Simon and Sen. Saddam Salim, have both agreed to go to bat in an effort to override the governor’s action next week, but no one is speculating yet whether the effort can be successful.

Mester said, however, that as the House parliamentarian, Del. Simon told her that overriding an amendment, as contrasted to a veto, needs only a simple majority vote.

This session, Youngkin has set a new record for the number of bills he has vetoed coming from the narrowly-Democraticcontrolled House. While most of the public attention has been on higher-profile issues – such

as access to contraception in the wake of the overturning of Roe V. Wade, and Confederate heritage – the WMATA funding is one of the more substantial moves from the standpoint of citizen pocket books, and he also torpedoed a measure that would allow a local option for a one percent sales tax earmarked for new school construction.

(He did sign the charter amendment bill for the City of Falls Church that allows participants on volunteer City advisory boards and commissions to have primary residences outside the City limits.)

On contraception, he took the extraordinary step of canceling two laws passed to insure access to contraception by changing their wording from legal guarantee to a mere “expression of the sentiment of the legislature.”

He was also particularly soft on the Confederacy question, vetoing a ban on further issuance of state license plates commemorating the Sons of the Confederacy or Confederate Gen. R.E. Lee.

On the WMATA subsidy, Mester noted to the News-Press that when it looked like the transit authority would face a more draconian deficit of $750,000, it proposed remedies that included the shutting of 10 Metro rail stations and a reduction in bus service of 57 percent.

Mester said that for now, the City of Falls Church and its allied jurisdictions in the Northern Virginia region are “having to assume the worst” in terms of impacts on service and added local financial burdens.

The governor’s explanation for his proposed cuts stated that the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission can tap its $98 million set aside in 2022 for Covid relief if need be. However, as Mester pointed out, almost all of that reserve money has already been spent to make up for the Covid-induced reductions in revenue the last few years.

Meanwhile, in a late development yesterday, officials representing the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) Board of

Directors and the Metro Board of Directors announced they will convene the two bodies to launch a new joint initiative to develop a unified vision for transit service in the region. The meeting will be held on May 1. It will, according to a WMATA statement, “continue monthslong discussions about how to efficiently provide, fund, and govern public transit, which is central to the region’s transportation, economic, and sustainability goals.”

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New WMATA Subsidy Cost Won’t Result in F.C. Tax Rate Hike

Arts and Humanities Council before coming to the City Council for its “seal of approval.”

He said that work is beginning on crossings over the W&OD Trail in the City at Great Falls, Little Falls and Spring Streets with a fourth at West Street to commence later. The interruption of vehicular traffic that may occur will be temporary, he said.

Shields acknowledged the designation of the Aurora House’s Rachel Kendall as the City’s Employee of the Year.

In a work session on the City’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) the issue of $30 million for a new building on the Property Yard was discussed at length, even though work on it is not planned to begin for three years.

Shields said that a “more efficient use” of the valuable six acres at the west end of the City is being sought, and that the entire six acres may not be needed by the Department of Public Works, which would open some remaining land for a public private development partnership.

Councilmember Lian noted that the City’s homeless shelter and recycling centers are also on the land and noted that the City may not be getting a lot for a $30 million expenditure.

Caitlin Sobsey made the City Planning Department’s presentation of the CIP for the coming fiscal year. She noted that there are 22 projects included in work for the coming year, and 31 for the five years beyond that.

The recommendation is for three new full time positions to “unclog the CIP” backlog with a budget of $191 million up from last year’s $153 million.

Hardi noted that even with the plan to draw down City reserves to fund it, “We are still very healthy from a fiscal perspective.”

But Hardi said she was “disappointed” that with the necessary new hires to handle the City’s aggressive economic growth, the newly renovated City Hall is already running out of space, as staff was reporting. The Gage House annex to City Hall is also jammed to capacity, she noted.

Hardi urged her colleagues to focus priorities more on sidewalk and street light improvements, noting that the plan to delay improvements on Noland Street is unsatisfactory and may be more of a priority than expanding the concession stand on the Meridian High School sports fields.

Work is also commencing on the roundabout slated for the intersection of Annandale and S. Maple and improve -

She also questioned the use of $800,000 for improvements to the Kaiser parking garage, even though the garage is opened at nights for public parking adjacent numerous restaurant and entertainment destinations in that immediate area.

ments at the Annandale intersections with S. Washington and Hillwood Avenues.

Councilmember Marybeth Connelly said that more attention needs to be paid to the City’s role at the Vietnamese retail center at the Eden Center.

Continued from Page 1 The SMILE you want. The attention you deser ve. Currently accepting new patients 703.532.3300 | ww w.dougher tyDDS.com 200 Little Falls Street #506, Falls Church VA 22046 Bestoffc.com Winner A hot bowl of pho at Eden Center. Voted best shopping center in the DMV! Visit us at fcnp.com

That Awesome Solar Eclipse

Monday’s solar eclipse was spectacular by any measure. Sadly, in today’s AI world, almost everything is becoming two dimensional as the distinction between what one sees on a computer screen and in the outside world are made to seem almost indistinguishable. Humanity is losing touch with a three-dimensional, real, colorful tactile world in favor of what shows up in front of us through computer glasses or TV screens. Why ever go and spend money to see a live sporting event if you can see it on TV complete with close ups and endless commentaries by “experts,” especially with a fridge close at hand. Arguments in favor of seeing things “live” are made to appear so quaint and old fashioned that the younger generations simply don’t relate to them. So to be “hip,” we’re told, so should we.

This is Trump’s post-truth world. Reality is so confusing. It is indistinguishable from fantasy, and the latter can produce much better states of feeling. Storming the Capital was so much fun. Facing the consequences was not, but that latter reality factor was just a “bummer” laid on us by lizard-men, anyway.

Humanity’s enemies, yours and mine whether or not you acknowledge it, are eager for us to sink into fantasy worlds of ease and good feelings, especially as they perfect ways to draw us in that are increasingly cost-effective for them. Since the 1960s, we’ve replaced costly brick-and-mortar institutions that are dedicated to mental health, for example, with drive-through drug dispensaries that keep problem cases stoned and away from the public, relegated to tents on streets and in parks where their social costs, except for underpaid police officers, are minimal. Big cities are rife with these.

Alas, what does a spectacular solar eclipse have to offer in this context? For many caught up in this, nothing at all. Just another spectacular visual effect. For their two-dimensional reality, many people saw it as nothing more than yet another excuse for not showing up for life, for yet another party. Whoa, look at that! Almost as good as the action movie I saw last night! What’s next?

So we have to say that the impact of the eclipse is contingent on what the viewer brings to it, be it 8 billion viewers, or a dozen, which would be more than the number who showed up for Thomas Paine’s funeral in 1809. For those with minds focused on reality in today’s world, the eclipse was a mammoth object lesson teaching us all about our place in the cosmos, and in that context, the vital importance of life, our lives, in contrast to the shallow two-dimensional view that says it all just makes us seem so infinitely small.

Life, and the capacity of that which is behind our eyes to see and think about what’s in front of them, is such an incomparable gift in this amazing universe of which we are apart, that the best valid reaction may simply be pure gratitude.


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In the late 1990s, as the City was exploring ways to expand its commercial economic base, it hired a consultant to study the possibilities of a large new development in the Gordon Road area. He proposed a radical new idea for the City called the Technology Triangle that would create a campus for technology companies in addition to apartments on land now owned predominantly by the Beyer family and including the City’s Property Yard (although this idea never came to fruition, it did stimulate activities that ultimately led to the creation of the Special Exception Ordinance). The City, eager to expand its tax base, jumped on the idea and began to scout the area for places to relocate the property yard and its many functions. Falls Church soon discovered to its dismay that no neighboring jurisdiction looked favorably on encumbering its valuable land with the City’s industrial uses, nor was there any available land within City lim-

its that could house the facility. In addition, it was determined that moving the yard outside the City would result in large inefficiencies requiring extra time and costs commuting to and from the site.

Now the City is once again facing a situation that pits the property yard upgrades against a potential large new development.

When reviewing the issue and the request for a $30 million renovation project, the Council needs to focus on the importance of the services provided by the property yard facility and its staff, and the difficulties involved in moving it. Unless we can discover an efficient and cost-effective solution for relocating the yard, common sense dictates that it stay where it is.

Upgrades are necessary, but perhaps the best approach is to begin discussions with all stakeholders to find creative solutions that can tastefully and functionally combine the two competing needs. If we are serious about addressing the property yard deficiencies, it would be valuable to begin discussions soon.

EDITORIAL FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS | FCNP.COM PAGE 6 | APRIL 11 - 17, 2024 Since 1991, an award-winning LGBT-owned general Interest community newspaper. Vol. XXXIV, No. 9 April 11 - 17, 2024 • City of Falls Church ‘Business of the Year’ 1991 & 2001 • • Certified by the Commonwealth of Virginia to Publish Official Legal Notices • • Member, Virginia Press Association • Nicholas F. Benton Owner & Editor-In-Chief nfbenton@fcnp.com Nick Gatz Managing Editor ngatz@fcnp.com Sue Johnson Advertising Sales sjohnson@fcnp.com Brian Reach News Reporter Breach@fcnp.com IN MEMORY Charlie Clark Columnist Ted White Copy Editor Julio Idrobo Circulation Manager delivery@fcnp.com To Contact the News-Press phone: 703-532-3267 email: fcnp@fcnp.com display advertising sjohnson@fcnp.com 703-587-1282 classified & Legal ads classads@fcnp.com letters to the editor letters@fcnp.com News & Notes newsandnotes@fcnp.com Obituaries obits@fcnp.com subscriptions distribution & delivery delivery@fcnp.com www.fcnp.com The Falls Church News-Press is published weekly on Thursdays and is distributed free of charge throughout the City of Falls Church and the Greater Falls Church area. Offices are at 105 N. Virginia Ave.., #310, Falls Church, VA 22046. Reproduction of this publication in whole or part is prohibited except with the written permission of the publisher. ©2024 Benton Communications Inc. The News-Press is printed on recycled paper.
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Meserve Some Property Yard History Letters to Editor Upcoming Issues Health & Wellness • 4/18 • RE/Home Improvemnet • 4/25 Contact: sjohnson@fcnp.com NATION’S GUN SHOW 1300 TABLES! Buy! Sell! Trade! FRI: 1 - 8 | SAT: 9 - 5 | SUN: 10 - 5 4320 Chantilly Shopping Center Chantilly VA 20151 VPN APRIL 19, 20 & 21 www.TheNationsGunShow.com | www.ShowmastersGunShows.com Get Your Supplies W hile You Still Can!!! All CDC & VA GOVERNOR GUIDELINES MUST BE FOLLOWED! The NRA National Firearms Museum presents a Collection of Arms from one of America's most extraordinary chief executives, Nobel Prize and Medal of Honor recipient Theodore Roosevelt. TICKETS SOLD ONLINE ONLY and Utah Concealed $10 Saturday or Sunday FirearmTrainingStore.com Largest Gun Show in Metro DC! Guns, Knives & Accessories! 1300 TABLES! DULLES EXPO VA & Utah Concealed Expert Professionals, Enormous Selection & Training! Expert Professionals, Enormous Selection & Training! Low StartyourNewYear withaBang! The NRA's Na onal Firearms M se m pr personal firearms incl ding his Sharp's Rifle fr a set of c stom Colt pistols from Magn m P ExpertKnowledge &Training!Low Prices! Low Prices! Expert Vendors & Training StartyourNewYear withaBang! Huge Selection, Low Prices, Expert Dealers! Training! Last Nation’s Gun Show Before Christmas!!! NRA Museum presents every WW I & WW II manufacturer represented. Includes a North American & a Singer Over $100,000 worth of 1911's. Join or Renew your NRA membership at the show and get in FREE! Larry Vickers - Meet & Greet!!!! VA & Utah CCW Courses | (571) 237- 9138 CelebrityHangout!CrispyAvila BEAT THE TRAFFIC!! NEW HOURS FRIDAY 1PM - 8PM NEW HOURS! TRFAUCTIONS Torrence, Read, & Forehand APR 19 TRFAuctions.com VAAF501 LAND AUCTION 285 Wooded Acres Near Virginia Tech Montgomery County, VA Scenic acreage, big timber, views, valley fields, seclusion, & bountiful hunting just 11mi from Tech campus. Call Mike at 434-847-7741

This past Monday marked Governor Youngkin’s deadline to act on all bills passed in this year’s General Assembly. Unfortunately, the Governor vetoed a record 153 bills, many of which had bipartisan support and represented broadly popular policies. Among the headlines were bills prohibiting the Virginia Board of Medicine from taking action against a doctor who provides abortion, and another bill aimed at preventing extradition from Virginia for doctors who provide abortion care deemed illegal in another state. Additionally, bipartisan reforms to our criminal justice system, paid family medical leave, legalized recreational cannabis sales, a minimum wage increase, and the creation of a Prescription Drug Affordability Board were also among the vetoed bills.

authorizing a study on the effects of gun violence on Virginia’s communities. Other bills of mine that were vetoed included measures requiring signage identifying invasive plants at stores where they are sold and a bill protecting 4th amendment rights in plea agreements.

Despite the setback of numerous vetoed bills, progress was made this session. The governor signed bipartisan bills protecting same-sex marriage, banning legacy admissions at public colleges and universities, and creating new penalties for parents who allow children deemed threats access to firearms. Additionally, the Governor approved a few of my bills, including one raising death benefit payouts for firefighters who die of occupational cancers and other occupational diseases.

cuts for the wealthy, the Governor has criticized the budget. Let’s be clear — we need to prioritize school funding, not tax cuts for the wealthy and a stadium for a billionaire. Notably, a concerning budget amendment removed additional funding for Metro to keep the system operating smoothly. I remain committed to advocating for Metro funding and our other priorities in the final budget. While the Governor can propose amendments, the budget ultimately requires final approval by the General Assembly, and we will not let him unilaterally remove our priorities.

Just a week after defending his veto of criminal justice reform bills on Fox News, citing public safety as his priority, the Governor vetoed almost every gun safety bill passed this year. This included a Virginia assault weapons ban, legislation to close loopholes allowing domestic abusers to buy guns, a bill requiring waiting periods for firearm purchases, as well as my bills prohibiting teenagers from purchasing assault weapons and

Although the budget was not vetoed, the Governor returned a record 233 budget amendments. This session, the Democratic-led General Assembly passed a budget with record investments in public K-12 education, higher education, and mental health. Our budget was both serious and structurally balanced. Because it did not include authorization for the Governor’s proposed “Glenn-Dome” Arena in Alexandria and his proposed tax

City of Falls Church CRIME REPORT

Week of April 1 — 7, 2024

while playing basketball, and multiple transactions were attempted on their credit cards.

Trespassing, Wilson Blvd, Apr 3, 11:17 PM, a white male, 47, of no fixed address, was arrested for Trespassing.

Driving on Suspended License, Ridge Pl, Apr 4, 7:49 AM, a black female, 43, of Fairfax County, was arrested for Driving on Suspended License.

Shifting focus, the 2024 election looms near. Last week, it was officially announced that Rep. Don Beyer and Sen. Tim Kaine are the Democratic Nominees appearing on our ballots this fall, as no other candidates filed in the primary against them. While our region is expected to remain a Democratic stronghold, statewide races are likely to be competitive. I urge everyone to become involved in our community, as this is an incredibly important election year.

Lastly, I would like to extend warm wishes and Eid Mubarak to all those who celebrate. Thank you for the honor of allowing me to serve as our State Senator. Senator

Shoplifting/Counterfeiting - Uttering, S Washington St, Apr 4, 11:35 PM, an unknown suspect used counterfeit currency to purchase merchandise, receiving change back in the process. When the currency was discovered to be counterfeit, the suspect left with the change and merchandise in tow. The suspect is described as a white female, wearing dark clothing, a pink headband, and dark hair in a ponytail.

No Valid Operator’s License, Haycock Rd, Apr 5, 9:53 PM, a white male, 19, of Fairfax County, was arrested for No Valid Operator’s License.

Public Intoxication, N Washington St, Apr 6, 12:37 AM, a white male, 36, of Woodstock, MD, was arrested for Public Intoxication.

Continued on Page 8

Other Jurisdiction Warrant Service, Park Ave, Apr 4, 1:49 PM, a male, 20, of the City of Falls Church, was arrested on an outstanding warrant from another jurisdiction.

CALL NOW 877.460.5348 YOUR BATHROOM. YOUR WAY. IN AS LITTLE AS ONE DAY SPECIAL OFFER Waiving All Installation Costs Add’l terms apply. Offer subject to change and vary by dealer. Expires 6/30/2024. TRFAuctions.com 434-847-7741 101 Annjo Court, Forest, VA | VAAF501 1074 Berrys Ferry Rd, White Post, VA Fri, Apr.26 Clarke Co., VA 86Ac Country Estate Premier Property Auction TRFAUCTIONS Torrence, Read, & Forehand PREVIEW DATES ONLINE Real Estate/ Home Improvement Issue Coming Soon! sjohnson@fcnp.com For Advertising April 25, 2024 Fraud – Credit Card, W Broad St, Mar 30, 9:30 AM, victim reported multiple fraudulent transactions made with their debit card, which was still in their possession. (Delayed report) Graffiti, W Annandale Rd, Apr 1, 7:59 AM, a report for graffiti was taken. Larceny from Building/Fraud – Credit Card, Little Falls St, Apr 1, 2:30 PM, victim’s wallet was taken from their unsecured backpack while playing basketball, and multiple transactions were attempted on their credit card. No Valid Operator’s License, Haycock Rd, Apr 2, 9:13 PM, a male, 34, of Fairfax County, was arrested for No Valid Operator’s License. Fraud – False Pretenses, Hillwood Ave, Apr 3, 11:28 AM, victim’s wife requested victim to purchase multiple gift cards per the instruction of her coworker. After purchasing and providing the gift card codes, the victim and his wife learned the coworker’s phone had been hacked. Larceny from Building/Fraud – Credit Card, Little Falls St, Apr 3, between 7:30 PM and 9:30 PM, victim’s wallet was taken from their unsecured hoodie
Saddam Salim’s

Our Social Divisions Are Vertical, Not Horizontal

CNN Sunday morning commentator Fareed Zakaria has a fascinating new book out, entitled, “Age of Revolutions, Progress and Backlash from 1600 to the Present.” Fareed has always been one of my favorite political commentator types, along with Christiane Amanpour, since the time I encountered him directly speaking at a New Yorker festival a dozen years ago or more when his first book, “The Post American World,” came out.

Zakaria has a kind of refreshing combination of humility and laserlike focus on discerning the truth. It doesn’t mean he gets it right all the time, of course, and he has his regular battery of guests often with links to the Council on Foreign Relations that sometimes take issue with his assessments.

Recently, Zakaria got caught up unproductively in the debate over NBC’s swift dismissal, just weeks after hiring her, of the former Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel under pressure of a massive protest of other commentators on that network that included some at MSNBC. Zakaria contended that the network should have kept her on as an indicator of a commitment to a better balance among Democrats and Republicans in opinionating.

But if well-meaning, Zakaria was flat wrong, and in ways that bely the fundamental, flawed premise in his new book, as well. In the introduction to his book, Zakaria explains that “all modern politics around the world has been characterized as a contest between the Left and the Right.”

Wrong. The Left-Right split, as the author actually explains later, was between sides of the French parliament in the late 1700s. But that is prior to the onset of a modern capitalist hegemony, and instead is the product of a feudal order.

Ironically, if you take that “LeftRight” horizontal filter off what Zakaria writes about in his otherwise quite useful book, one can see that with the onset of our capitalist last

century and a half, roughly, the divisions among us are in fact now much more vertical than horizontal.

Actually it is ironic in this respect that Zakaria opens his book with a quotation from the Marx-Engels “Communist Manifesto” of the 1840s about the fluidity of history, about conditions which “melt away” such that “man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life and his relations with his kind.”

Well, man’s inhumanity to man is far more accurately described as the result of tensions between the super-rich and the rest of us, we the average families.

In our current capitalist system, what defines our society is the utter demand that capital continue to grow, and when it runs into barriers to its unfettered growth, it shatters all real and perceived obstacles to its continued ascendancy.

In our current “modern” world, it is astounding how little this is appreciated or even acknowledged. The whole “Left-Right” thing is a massive dodge, a trick of deception aimed at deceiving and misdirecting us to identify and focus attention on false enemies.

Persons (like me) who attempt to point to the real social contradictions behind this facade are thoroughly denounced as communists and enemies of the capitalist state. Yet, conceding to this fiction serves no genuine social purpose to even the best of intending persons other than to contribute to the nasty game at hand.

Now, the choice is not in reality between the insatiable capitalists and communists, as brutal in their own right as they may be. We learned most recently from the four-term administration of FDR that there is a very happy alternative, which is to balance capital and labor, if we want to call those alternatives by those names, to the enormous benefit of us all.

There can be no doubt that the Biden administration is steeped in that approach and making huge beneficial gains for the American people by way of it.

What was wrong with NBC’s hiring of McDaniel is that she, like Trump, is not part of that matrix at all. She is from the fringe world of Steve “Burn It All Down” Bannon, not a real Republican player in our system, but a wild anarchist who peddles lies to gain political advantage.

Zakaria should have known better.

A Penny for Your Thoughts News of Greater Falls Church

What do roads, bridges, walkways, cell towers, telephone and electric poles, and culverts have in common? They are all part of infrastructure –the system of facilities and services needed for the functioning of modern society. “Infrastructure” may not be a daily crossword or Wordle answer, but when infrastructure is operating as designed, few give it a second thought. We travel easily from place to place. Cell phones or landlines connect daily conversation and business. Electricity powers homes, businesses, and traffic signals. Stormwater is whisked away. It’s when infrastructure breaks down or is impaired, even for a few minutes or hours, that we realize how much we depend on visible and invisible infrastructure. We expect our daily journeys to be routine, so when a roadway, or even a lane or two, is closed for planned maintenance, tempers flare, and patience is tested. That goes double for a water main break or a tree that takes down power lines, emergencies that require special crews to be summoned, sometimes from a great distance.

Infrastructure sounds like bureaucratic governmental terminology, a catchall for many services, but the responsibility for building and maintaining infrastructure is divided among many entities, public and private. Most roadways in Fairfax County are maintained by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), a state agency, not Fairfax County. Conveyances for electricity are built and maintained by Dominion Energy, which is regulated by the State Corporation Commission, not Fairfax County. Telephone service, whether landline or cell, is provided by multiple companies. Fairfax County regulates the location of cell towers, not the service, in its land use process. Responsibility for storm drainage conveyances and sidewalks usually is shared between the state agency (VDOT) and Fairfax County, depending on the location and outfall of the structure. The many components of infrastructure can be confusing to the taxpayer/ ratepayer, which is why constituents often call their district Supervisor when a problem occurs. The Supervisor’s office can

City of Falls Church CRIME REPORT

age, approximately 5’5” to 5’6” in height, about 130 to 140 pounds, wearing a pink silk and nylon hat, black jacket, white shirt underneath the jacket, black sweat pants, and white slippers or sandals.

Trespassing/Public Intoxication, Wilson Blvd, Apr 6, 2:45 PM, a white male, 47, of no fixed address, was arrested for Trespassing and Public Intoxication.

Shoplifting, Hillwood Ave, Apr 6, 2:58 PM, an unknown suspect took merchandise without paying. The unknown suspect is described as a light skinned black female, approximately 25 to 30 years of

Larceny – Pocket Picking, W Broad St, Apr 6, 4:20 PM, victim reported two unknown suspects approached them while shopping; one suspect distracted the victim with conversation

locate the correct agency and report the issue but does not have direct oversight for most infrastructure repair and maintenance.

Above-the-ground infrastructure is easy to see; it’s what is below that may be the most fascinating. Water and gas pipes, some electric lines, and fiber optic cable, are underground, creating a tangle of mains, conduits, and pipes. Modern building codes mandate how and where lines are installed so that an electric line and water main are appropriately spaced for safety and service. Unfortunately, records sometimes are faulty for pipes installed decades ago. A routine maintenance issue at the busy intersection of Little River Turnpike and Braddock Road had to be re-engineered several years ago when the workers discovered that the underground water main and gas line were too close together. Even Miss Utility can be wrong! It is not unusual for a homeowner to find that the lateral (the pipe that runs from the main in the street to the home) was not where they thought it was, adding trenching time and expense to their project since the lateral is on the “private side” of the meter, and not the responsibility of the water or sewer provider. A reader suggested this infrastructure discussion, and a future column will discuss water and sewer service in greater detail. Some interesting things are going on underground!

No Valid Operator’s License,
St N, Apr 6, 8:32 AM, a white male,
of Fairfax County, was
for No Valid
Operator’s License.
while the other removed money from the victim’s purse. The first unknown suspect is described as a white male with black hair, dark eyes, wearing a bright orange jacket and tan pants. The second unknown suspect is described as a black female with brown eyes wearing glasses, a knitted navy hat, and a navy jacket. Reckless Driving, E Broad St, Apr 6, 9:56 AM, an Asian female, 51, of Fairfax County, was arrested for Reckless Driving. Shoplifting, Wilson Blvd, Apr 7, 12 PM, an unknown suspect took merchandise without paying. The unknown suspect is described as an Asian male wearing a dark colored Washington Wizards Hat, white shirt with black designs, red hooded sweatshirt, grey jeans, and white and black shell-tow Adidas shoes. Continued from Page 7 Got Beef? Send us a letter and let us know what you think. The deadline for Letters to the Editor is 5 p.m. Monday each week of publication Letters should be 350 words or less. Email letters@fcnp.com | Mail 105 N. Virginia Ave. #310, Falls Church, VA 22046

Local Non Profit Provides Emotional Support To The Bereaved

“Everyone can master grief but he that has it,” said William Shakespeare. These words written hundreds of years ago by The Bard ring as true today as when he wrote them. Who amongst us has not experienced the loss of a loved one and had to deal with their own personal ensuing grief?

Fortunately, in Annandale, there has been a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization in operation since 1976, whose purpose is to provide emotional support to the bereaved, the seriously ill, the dying and their families and friends. This organization is called Haven of Northern Virginia. It is aptly named for a haven can be defined as a place of safety or refuge. From its nestled in the woods home on Ravensworth Road in Annandale, this is just what Haven offers to its clients. As its founder, Dorothy Garrett, said, Haven is a place where “someone could be able to talk out their feelings and may be given help and support.”

Haven’s services are free, provided by a cadre of some 30 volunteers as no one associated with Haven is paid. It offers a variety of pro-

grams, such as a four-week widow/ widower/partner group, on-going inperson and Zoom suicide loss support groups, and workshops dealing with parental loss and an upcoming one designed for those who have experienced a loss of a sibling.

Since its inception almost 50 years ago, Haven has provided its free services to thousands of residents of the DMV. One such resident is Susan from Springfield. She was married for nine years to George. It was the second marriage for both. They had a shared interest in sailing. He was 13 years older than she, and while they always understood it was quite likely he might die before she, his passing was totally unexpected as he died suddenly, 24 hours after the onset of pneumonia.

Susan did not get a chance to say goodbye and the suddenness of George’s loss was “a blow to the gut with a startling impact.“ Susan was 65 when she lost George in the spring and by the following fall she learned of Haven which was promoting a program on how to deal with loss involving widow/widower/ partner. She joined the group, which numbered eight, for a six-week session. She was provided concrete sug-

gestions about dealing with her grief, with handouts, readings, exchanges of ideas about how to cope with the holidays. Susan describes Haven as a “lifeline … totally non-threatening.” Waves of grief would envelope Susan the first year after George’s death. As the years passed, Susan cried for George’s loss at holidays, birthdays, wedding anniversaries or when she heard music they both loved. As the crying has decreased, she sees the joy in their faces in framed photographs and feels the happiness of the moment. She will always feel his absence yet is grateful for having George in her life. She observes that “when you are grieving, you are vulnerable, and you need to reach out to people you trust such as you find at Haven.”

Haven services are provided by volunteers, not therapists, who have been vetted and gone through a rigorous training process. One such volunteer is Joni Greene of Potomac Falls. She is Haven‘s longest serving volunteer, having started with Haven in 1989. Thirty-five years later, she is still quite enthusiastic about Haven and its mission, serving the bereaved. Joni has filled a variety of roles at Haven over the years, seeing cli-

ents, answering the phone, a member of the staff, unofficial historian,and even Executive Director. She does it because “I enjoy helping the client”. She has devoted a good portion of her life to Haven, because she sees the need for it in the community. Joni has seen the benefits of Haven’s work. Joni stresses how important the volunteers are to Haven’s purpose. Joni believes that when speaking with someone who has suffered

a loss, no matter how recent or far in the past it has been, the most important question to ask someone is “How are you doing, today? “

So, if you are grieving over the loss of a loved one recently, or in the past, know that there is an organization devoted to assisting you with your grief – Haven of Northern Virginia.

To learn more about Haven please vist havenofnova.org.

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Your years of service taught you the importance of physical fitness and keeping your body ready for action. At Falcons Landing this idea lives on, but we replaced the obstacle course with walking trails, drill sergeants with personal trainers and PT in the dirt with a state-of-the-art fitness center, including a Junior Olympic indoor swimming pool. You’ll still break a sweat, but now it will be with a smile on your face.

CALL 703- 810 -7307 TO SCHEDULE A TOUR TODAY! FALCONSLANDING.ORG Falcons Landing welcomes any person who has served in the uniformed services or as an employee of the United States government, with at least four (4) years of service, as well as employees of government agencies and government contractors associated with the defense community. Others are welcome to apply to be considered on a case-by-case basis. All are welcome in our short-term rehab, long-term care, assisted living and memory care facilities, with no military or government background required. A NON-PROFIT LIFE PLAN COMMUNITY Independent Senior Living | Potomac Falls, VA

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Send an email to:

Jodie.Rasch@AccessJCA.org to register for Session #6.

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Upcoming Expos: May 14 and June 18, Montgomery County, MD and May 30, Howard County Virtual 50+ Employment Expo

Kensington Honors Louise Terwilliger, a Living Legend

Louise tended to the sick and wounded with compassion and skill.

In a heartfelt ceremony held last Sunday, April 7th, The Kensington Falls Church proudly celebrated the extraordinary life of Louise Terwilliger, a remarkable woman whose service to our nation during World War II has left an indelible mark on history. At the age of 106, Louise Terwilliger was honored as a Living Legend by the Women In Military Service For America Memorial Foundation.

Originally from Boston, Louise Terwilliger joined the Navy Reserve at the young age of 24, receiving her commission as a Navy Nurse in August 1941. Throughout her years of service, she displayed unwavering commitment and courage, serving at various naval hospitals across the country. From the Naval Training Center in Norman, Oklahoma, to the Naval Hospital on Mare Island near San Francisco, and even at Naval Base Hospital No. 8 in Pearl Harbor,

The presentation of the Living Legend Proclamation at The Kensington Falls Church was a momentous occasion, attended by residents and honored guests alike. Military Women’s Memorial Ambassador, retired Air Force Senior Master Sergeant Carol Rhan, had the privilege of formally presenting Louise Terwilliger with this well-deserved recognition.

The Kensington’s Spring Fling Champagne Brunch provided the perfect backdrop for this special event, bringing together community members to pay tribute to a true trailblazer whose legacy will inspire generations to come.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Louise Terwilliger, a living testament to the courage and resilience of our nation’s military women. Her story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who have the privilege of knowing her.

Courtesy Kensington Falls Church Military Women’s Memorial Ambassador, retired Air Force Senior Master Sergeant Carol Rhan, presenting Louise Terwilliger with the Living Legend award. (Photo: Courtesy Kensington )
SENIOR LIVING FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS | FCNP.COM APRIL 11 - 17, 2024 | PAGE 13 Call 1-888-511-1419 or visit EricksonSeniorLiving.com for a free brochure from the community of your choice. At Greenspring® in Springfield, or Woodleigh Chase℠ in Fairfax, you gain more than a stylish senior living apartment home; you gain a community filled with extraordinary amenities and services—at a value that may surprise you! • Resort-style amenities • Delicious dining with chefprepared entrees • Services to enhance your well-being Get more out of your retirement! GREENSPRING WOODLEIGH CHASE 1207155

Hearing Aids May Extend Life, New NIDCD Study Finds

Fifty million American adults (15 percent) report some trouble hearing, with 30 million (13 percent) Americans over age 12 having hearing loss in both ears, according to the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). Globally, 1.6 billion are affected by hearing loss.

As age increases, so does the prevalence of disabling hearing loss (when one cannot hear sounds below 35 decibels, roughly the sound level of a refrigerator hum), with the NIDCD finding that five percent of U.S. adults ages 45-54 years old (2 million) have disabling hearing loss, compared to 10 percent of those ages 55-64 (4.2 million), 22 percent of those ages 65-74 (7.5 million), and 55 percent of those ages 75 and older (13.2 million).

Though the NIDCD calculates that 28.8 million Americans could benefit from hearing aids, it also finds that, of those, only 30 percent of those 70 and older, and only 16 percent of those ages

20-69, have ever used them. This suggests that over 20 million Americans are missing out on the benefits of hearing aids — about six percent of the population.

But what are the benefits of hearing aids — and what are the consequences of passing on using them? Previous studies have identified hearing loss as an independent factor that contributes to mortality, as well as multiple other negative health outcomes such as depression and dementia, however the benefits of hearing aids — and whether they can reduce the increased mortality and ailments associated with hearing loss — have remained largely unknown.

A new study from Keck Medicine of USC (Caruso Department of Otolaryngology) published this year in The Lancet Healthy Longevity journal, finally analyzes the benefits of hearing aid use. Their data shows that not using hearing aids, for those who would benefit from using them, increased mortality risk by a whopping 24 percent, consistent even after adjusting for age, severity of hearing loss, and other demographics (sex, race, ethnic-

ity, education, poverty-to-income ratio, marital status, health insurance, smoking, BMI, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and stroke).

At Hearing Doctors, Principal and Founder Dr. Ana Anzola and her team of optometrists have provided the DMV with hearing health care for over 25 years. Speaking to us about the study, she says the effects of hearing loss (and the benefits of hearing aids) are deeper than meets the eye (ear, perhaps, in this case).

“After [struggling to hear] a while, the brain doesn’t have the capacity to decode and decipher anymore,” Anzola said, explaining that the burden of “extracting additional resources from the brain diminishes executive functioning, and makes you tired from the cognitive overload and background noise,” which she says can ultimately lead to depression, anxiety, and social isolation — all risk factors for early cognitive decline. She recommends that those with hearing loss wear hearing aids for at least eight to ten hours per day.

Anzola, who has lived in McLean for the last 25 years

along with her husband Sean, two daughters and a wonderful English goldendoodle named Prada, emphasized how far hearing aid technology has come, with improvements she says many are unaware of. “Today’s [hearing aid] technology is efficient, lightweight, and almost invisible,” she said, adding that today’s hearing aids often utilize artificial intelligence (A.I.) and directional mics to increase speech while decreasing background noise, which “takes a load off your brain,” improving cognitive function, and general quality of life. In addition to hearing aids, good ear hygiene can improve hearing. Anzola recommends an ear cleaning with your doctor every six months to clear excess wax — a service one may request from their general practitioner, typically without charge. In between cleanings, she says, those wishing to clear wax buildup may add a few drops of 50 percent hydrogen peroxide, 50 percent water into the affected ear and allow it to bubble for a few minutes before draining. Because excessive hydrogen peroxide use can cause irritation and

dryness, she recommends doing so every-other month.

The most significant barrier to hearing aid use is cost — hearing aids are expensive, averaging over $4,000 a pair, and not usually covered by health insurance plans. Basic Medicare won’t pay for them either, and only roughly half of state Medicare programs will. Additionally, up until recently, a prescription was required to purchase a hearing aid, adding significantly to the cost. In July 2021, President Biden issued the “Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy,” which required the Secretary of Health and Human Services to “promote the wide availability of low-cost hearing aids” to Americans, and prompted the FDA to make hearing aids available over the counter, without a prescription — which, as of August 2022, is now a reality.

Hearing Doctors has one location in Maryland and four in Northern Virginia, including the City of Falls Church (300 N. Washington St., Falls Church) with The Little City’s own audiologist Dr. Travis Stehouwer.

SENIOR LIVING PAGE 14 | APRIL 11 - 17, 2024 FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS | FCNP.COM Personal Care • Home Helper • Companion • Transportation Alzheimer's and Dementia Care • Hospice Support Live Well with In-Home Care Serving Falls Church • McLean • Arlington • Alexandria 103 W Broad Street, Suite 300, Falls Church, VA 22046 (703) 533-7368 – Answered 24/7
News-Press School News & Notes APRIL 11 - 17, 2024 | PAGE 17 SCHOOLS
JESSIE THACKERY preschoolers enhanced skills with blocks and trains. (Photo: Chrissy Henderson) OAK STREET third graders were thrilled to receive letters back from student pen pals in Cambodia. (Photo: Shay Roedemeier) THE MERIDIAN GIRLS Soccer Team picked up another win against Wakefield High School at a home game last week. (Photo: Art Binkowski) 57 SOPHOMORES AT MERIDIAN earned individual recognition from reviewers during their Personal Project showcase presentations just before Spring Break. (Photo: Rory Dippold)
Check out more School News & Notes pictures and stories online at fcnp.com FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS | FCNP.COM
THE MERIDIAN INSTRUMENTAL music department showcased their talents at Carnegie Hall during a three-day trip to New York City in early April. (Photo: Mary Jo West) MUSTANG TRACK broke three school records last week, with three regional qualifiers. (FCCPS Photo)




Chamber Networking Breakfast

Stop by for an informal gathering to meet fellow Chamber members. No agenda and no cost other than the cost of your breakfast. The Original Pancake House (7395 Lee Hwy., Falls Church), 8:00 a.m. — 9:00 a.m.

City Closures

Most City facilities close from 1:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. for an employee event. Online services will still be available. The Mary Riley Styles Public Library will remain closed after 1:15 p.m., reopening Friday. The Community Center will remain open. (City Buildings, Falls Church), 1:15 p.m. — 5:00 p.m.

Historical Commission Meeting

Historical Commission meets. Virtual (Link, Passcode, Cost), 7:00 p.m. — 9:00 p.m.

Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting

Board of Zoning Appeals meets. City Hall (300 Park

Ave., Council Chambers/Court Room, Falls Church), 7:30 p.m.



Ukulele Baby Lap Time

For ages 0-24 months with a caregiver, older siblings are welcome. Join Ms. Ingrid Christina for a short lapsit with a story, songs on the ukulele, and rhymes. Stay and play with toys designed just for babies and mingle with other families. Mary Riley Styles Public Library (120 N. Virginia Ave., Lower Level Conf. Rm., Falls Church), 10:30 a.m. — 11:00 a.m.

Webster's B***h

When the editor-in-chief gets caught using unexpected profanity, employees of Webster’s Dictionary find themselves at the center of an internet uprising over gender and obscenity in the age of social media. As office politics collide with ambition, morality, and lexicography, the future of the English language hangs in the balance. A comedy about vulgar words and people who define them. On stage through May 5; tickets at keegantheatre.com.

Keegan Theatre (1742 Church St. NW, Washington, DC), 8:00 p.m.



Falls Church Farmers Market

Shop the award winning market every Saturday, year-round! City Hall Parking Lot (300 Park Ave., Falls Church), 9:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.

F.C. Arts at the Park: World Art Day

Second annual Arts at the Park event, A wonderful opportunity to showcasee artist work among the scenic City Hall grounds. Free and open to the public. City Hall (300 Park Ave., Dogwood A-B, Falls Church), 9:00 a.m.

Bully Prevention Workshop for Kids

Kids learn how to stand up for themselves against bullies and self-defense lessons. Free registration at tinyurl.com/FCNP0424bp.

Life Champ Martial Arts of Lorton & Fairfax Station (8900 Village Shops Dr., Fairfax Station, VA), 11:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.

The Artistry of Clara Schumann

Little City Concerts presents fortepianist David Kim and Friends

performing "The Artistry of Clara Schumann: Composer and Performer," a program that celebrates the artistry of Clara Schumann, including two of her finest pieces: the three violin "Romances," played by David Kim and violinist Lauren Basney, and the g minor "Piano Trio," where they will be joined by cellist John Moran. 50 percent of ticket sales will be donated to Doorways. Tickets and information at littlecityconcerts.org. The Falls Church Episcopal (115 E. Fairfax St., Falls Church), 7:30 p.m.

Martha Graham Dance Company

The Martha Graham Dance Company performs a program of iconic classics and new work, opening with a special performance of one of Graham’s earliest works, "Steps in the Street," danced by Mason Dance Company students. Next, the Martha Graham Dance Company performs Agnes de Mille’s "Rodeo," followed by a new Jamar Roberts commission. The program concludes with "Maple Leaf Rag," Graham’s last choreographic work. Tickets at cfa.calendar.gmu.edu. GMU Center for the Arts (4373 Mason Pond Dr., Fairfax, VA), 8:00 p.m.


Last Chance: Images

Last day to view the FCA fine photography exhibit "Images," featuring 60 pieces from 47 local photographers. Artworks may also be viewed online at fallschurcharts.org. All pieces may be purchased at the gallery or on the website. Falls Church Arts (700-B W. Broad St., Falls Church), 11:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.

Accordion Society Concert and Workshop

The Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society hosts virtuoso accordionist Elena Stenkina in a concert and workshop. A reception will follow. $8 donation requested from nonmembers, children under 12 free. For more information contact peter@musicisforever.com or 703-919-5701. Artist details at youtube.com/user/lenastenkina.

Sleepy Hollow United Methodist Church (3435 Sleepy Hollow Rd., Falls Church), 4:00 p.m.

Brian Ganz Enchants with Beethoven

The McLean Art Society has partnered with the Virginia Chamber Orchestra for their premier performance in Tysons, featuring the works of Beethoven, Mozart, Vaughan Williams and Mendelssohn with guest artist Brian Ganz, regarded as one of the leading pianists of his generation. This unique event combines classical chamber music with local art; guests are encouraged to arrive early to view original art by talented local artists available for purchase starting at 3:00 p.m. Tickets at capitalonehall.com. Capital One Hall (7750 Capital One Tower Rd., Tysons, VA), 4:00 p.m.

Tatiana R. Mann: The Magic of the Miniature

Internationally acclaimed pianist Tatiana R. Mann performs a program titled "The Magic of the Miniature," with pieces by Beethovin, Schubert, Chopin, and Gershwin. Free to attend ($20 suggested donation to defray costs). Wine and cheese reception will follow the concert. Tickets at odeonchambermusicseries.org. St. Patrick's Episcopal Church (3241 Brush Dr., Falls Church), 4:00 p.m.

The Vivaldi Project

The Vivaldi Project, a periodinstruments chamber music ensemble founded and led by F.C. resident Elizabeth Field, performs a program, "Discovering the Classical String Trio," featuring composers including Haydn, Boccherini, and 18th century violin virtuosa Maddalena Lombardini Sirmen. Free and open to the public, with donations requested. For more information, visit tinyurl. com/FCNP0424hc. Church of the Holy Comforter (543 Beulah Rd. NE, Vienna, VA), 4:00 p.m.


City Council Work Session

City Council Work Sessions are held the first and third Monday of the month, with the exception of August and December when only one meeting is held. These meetings are open to the public and are conducted to allow Council Mem-

PAGE 18 | APRIL 11 - 17, 2024
FABIOLLA DA SILVA, Irene Hamilton, and Andres F. Roa in "Webster's B***h," on stage at Keegan Theatre through May 5. (Photo: Cameron Whitman)


bers to discuss legislation and policy issues; the public is not generally invited to speak. Watch live or ondemand at fallschurchva.gov/CouncilMeetings or on FCCTV (Cox 11, RCN 2, Verizon 35). City Hall (300 Park Ave., Dogwood A-B, Falls Church), 7:30 p.m. — 11:00 p.m.



Networking Luncheon

Monthly networking lunch and presentation. Tickets include your meal, available at fallschurchchamber.org. Italian Café (7161 Langston Blvd., Falls Church), 11:30 a.m. — 1:15 p.m.

School Board Office Hours

Parents, students, teachers, staff, and community members may drop by to ask questions and offer feedback in a casual, public environment. Those who prefer a private exchange with the School Board should contact the members via email to set up a meeting. Roll Play (944 W. Broad St., Falls Church), 6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.

Welcoming F.C. Screening: "Desperate"

Welcoming Falls Church holds a screening of the documentary "Desperate," with a presentation by the filmmakers: two remarkable young women who came to the U.S. from Afghanistan. The eight-minute "Desparate" was produced and directed by Zara Rahimi, an Alexandria City High School senior. Free to attend. Meridian High School (121 Mustang Alley, Falls Church), 7:00 p.m.

Citizens Transportation

Adv. Cmte. Meeting

Citizens Transportation Adv. Cmte. meets. City Hall (300 Park Ave., Dogwood A-B, Falls Church), 7:00 p.m.

Accessory Dwelling Unit Discussion

Experts lead a free community discussion to explore ADU zoning experiences in Alexandria and Fairfax, and suggest issues for F.C. residents to consider as the city navigates this potential change. F.C. Community

Center (223 Little Falls St., Falls Church), 8:00 p.m. — 9:30 p.m.



Fairfax Arts Advocacy Day

ArtsFairfax hosts a reception, with light refreshments, speakers, and a performance by members of the Fairfax Jubil-Aires. Fairfax County Government Center Lobby (12000 Government Ctr. Pkwy., Fairfax, VA), 4:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.

Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Library Board of Trustees meets. Mary Riley Styles Public Library (120 N. Virginia Ave., Upper Floor Conf. Rm., Falls Church), 6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.

Planning Commission Meeting

Planning Commission meets. City Hall (300 Park Ave., Council Chambers/Court Room, Falls Church), 7:30 p.m. — 10:00 p.m.

Urban Forestry Commission Meeting

Urban Forestry Commission meets. City Hall (300 Park Ave., Dogwood A-B, Falls Church), 7:30 p.m. — 9:00 p.m.



Arts and Humanities Council Meeting

Arts and Humanities Council meets. City Hall (300 Park Ave., Dogwood A-B, Falls Church), 9:30 a.m. — 11:00 a.m.

Electoral Board Meeting

Electoral Board meets. City Hall (300 ParkAve., DogwoodA-B, Falls Church), 3:30 p.m. — 5:00 p.m.

Climate Change: Our Response as Activists

As the climate crisis quickly rises to the top of world concerns, different sectors scramble

to figure out ways to respond to its impending pressures. The elephant in the room puts the onus on governments and corporations, but we all have a vital role to play. This panel will explore ways in which artists can use their voices to push the needle on political, economic, social and cultural questions at the root of this global concern. Held on the third-level Monson Grand Tier. Free registration required at cfa.calendar.gmu.edu. GMU Center for the Arts (4373 Mason Pond Dr., Fairfax, VA), 4:00 p.m.

Human Svcs. Advisory Council Meeting

Human Services Advisory Council meets. City Hall (300 Park Ave., Laurel Room, Falls Church), 6:30 p.m. — 8:30 p.m.

Chicks In Heaven: Pride Night

Creative Cauldron hosts an LGBTQ+ Pride night for their production of Chicks in Heaven, on stage through April 28. Use code "Pride" during checkout for a $10 discount on tickets for the performance. Performance details and tickets at creativecauldron.org.

Creative Cauldron (410 S. Maple Ave., Falls Church), 7:30 p.m.

Envir. Sustainability Council Meeting

Environmental Sustainability Council meets. City Hall (300 Park Ave., Council Chambers/ Court Room, Falls Church), 7:30 p.m. — 9:30 p.m.

YOUR EVENT HERE! Send Us Your Calendar Events! Want us to include your event in next week's Calendar? Email your event title, description, date and times to calendar@fcnp.com by noon on Tuesday each week, and we'll do our best to include it! Space is limited; submission does not guarantee inclusion. Other press releases, pictures from past events, or other community news should be sent to newsandnotes@fcnp.com.
MARTHA GRAHAM Dance Company performs at GMU's Center for the Arts on Saturday. (Courtesy Photo)

on June 6, 2024: (51-116-041) 6936 N 36TH ST FALLS CHURCH (51-117-002) 6947 N

RUN DR (51-116-042) 6935 N 26TH ST FALLS CHURCH (51-116-018) 6933 N 26TH ST FALLS CHURCH (51-101-012) 214 W JEFFERSON ST (51-101-010) 114 W JEFFERSON ST (51-101-019) 537 N WASHINGTON ST (53-101-120) GRESHAM PL (52-205-017) 402

the Zoning Code and the floodplain district boundaries of the Zoning Map to meet the floodplain standards and boundaries set by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and National Floodplain Insurance Program (NFIP). This action would add the following properties to the floodplain district on June 6, 2024: (51-116-041) 6936 N 36TH ST FALLS

CHURCH (51-117-002) 6947 N FOUR MILE RUN DR (51-116-042) 6935 N 26TH ST FALLS

CHURCH (51-116-018) 6933 N 26TH ST FALLS

CHURCH (51-101-012) 214 W JEFFERSON ST (51-101-010) 114 W JEFFERSON ST (51-101-019) 537 N WASHINGTON ST (53-101-120) GRESHAM PL (52-205-017) 402 TIMBER LN (53-101-073) 500 E JEFFERSON ST (53-101-005) 507 E COLUMBIA (52-402-039) 219 W CAMERON RD (52-312-100) 410 S MAPLE AVE

This action would remove the following properties from the floodplain district on June 6, 2024: (52-106-007) 1013 KENNEDY ST (52-608-030) 310 KENT ST (52-608-029) 309 KENT ST (52-608-028) 308 KENT ST (52-608-005) 600 RANDOLPH ST (52-206-025) 139 LEA CT (52-206-054) 212 S OAK ST (52-302-281) 146 REES PL (52-602-020) 519 S SPRING ST (52-602-019) 521 S SPRING ST (52-302-276) 156 REES PL (52-302-036) 211 S LEE ST (52-302-012) 422 SHERROW AVE

All public hearings will be held in the Council Chambers, 300 Park Avenue, Falls Church, Virginia. Remote participation information at www.fallschurchva.gov/publiccomment. Comments may also be sent to cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov. For copies of legislation, contact the City Clerk’s office at (703-248-5014) or cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov or visit www. fallschurchva.gov/councilmeetings. The City of Falls Church is committed to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability, call 703-248-5014 (TTY 711).


The FY2025 proposed budget and Capital Improvements Program (CIP) includes:

$138,317,769 for the General Fund revenues and expenditures.

$9,506,129 for the Sewer Fund revenues and expenditures.

$1,923,000 for the Stormwater Fund revenues and expenditures.

$254,588 for the Cable Access Fund revenues and expenditures.

$1,648,000 for the Affordable Housing Fund revenues and expenditures.

• $65,386,238 for the School Operating Fund revenues and expenditures.

• $2,310,700 for the School Community Service Fund revenues and expenditures.

$1,519,553 for the School Food Service Fund revenues and expenditures.

The proposed FY2025 budget and appropriation for the CIP includes $8,515,000 for the General Government and Schools, $9,769,799 for the Special Transportation Fund, $3,307,129 for the Sewer Fund, and $5,000,000 for the Stormwater Fund. The FY2025 CIP is funded with $11,370,252 in grants, $2,645,000 of General Fund revenues, $9,159,547 of General Fund Capital Reserves, and $3,307,129 of Sewer Fund revenues and fund balance; and $110,000 is unfunded.

The proposed FY2025-FY2030 CIP includes $57,622,900 for the General Government and Schools, $82,691,591 for the Special Transportation Fund, $36,896,925 for the Sewer Fund, and $14,050,000 for the Stormwater Fund for a total of $191,261,416 to be funded with $63,280,978 in grants, $14,070,000 of General Fund revenues, $20,125,777 of General Fund Capital Reserves, $8,949,894 of Sewer Fund revenues and fund balance, and $60,147,031 of debt proceeds; $24,687,736 is unfunded.

The FY2025 budget and appropriation for the West Falls Community Development Authority Fund includes $919,150 in expenditures and revenues from special assessments of $919,150 which will be levied and collected by the City in accordance with the request from the West Falls Community Development Authority (CDA) at its meeting of March 29, 2024, pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding dated July 1, 2022 between the City, CDA, and other parties. (TO24-04)

Under the legal authority granted by VA §15.22119, Sewer rates and fees are proposed as follows: an increase to the sewer commodity rate from $10.48 per thousand gallons of water billed (billing unit) to $10.86 is proposed, effective July 1, 2024, which would constitute an increase of 3.6% per billing unit.

• an increase to sewer availability charges from $8,860 to $9,746 for single-family dwellings and detached and semi-detached duplexes or townhouses; from $7,088 to $7,797 for apartment or condominium buildings; from $2,215 to $2,437 for motel, hotel units; and from $443 to $487 for each drainage fixture unit for commercial, industrial, and other uses.

All public hearings will be held in the Council Chambers, 300 Park Avenue, Falls Church, Virginia. Remote participation information at www.fallschurchva.gov/publiccomment. Comments may also be sent to cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov.

PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF FALLS CHURCH, VIRGINIA The following was given first reading at the March 11, 2024 City Council meeting. A public hearing and possible Planning Commission recommendation to City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. (TO24-02) ORDINANCE TO REPEAL IN ITS ENTIRETY CHAPTER 48 “ZONING,” ARTICLE IV “DISTRICTS,”, DIVISION 14 “FLOODPLAIN DISTRICT,” OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FALLS CHURCH; TO ENACT A NEW CHAPTER 48 “ZONING,” ARTICLE IV “DISTRICTS,” DIVISION 14 “FLOODPLAIN DISTRICT;” AND TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF FALLS CHURCH TO MEET THE FLOODPLAIN STANDARDS AND BOUNDARIES SET BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY AND THE NATIONAL FLOODPLAIN INSURANCE PROGRAM This action would be a recommendation by the Planning Commission to City Council on an amendment to the floodplain district regulations of the Zoning Code and the floodplain district boundaries of the Zoning Map to meet the floodplain standards and boundaries
by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
and National Floodplain Insurance Program (NFIP).
the floodplain district
422 SHERROW AVE All Planning Commission public hearings will be held in the Council Chambers, 300 Park Avenue, Falls Church, Virginia. Remote participation information at www.fallschurchva.gov/ planningcommission. Comments may also be sent to jtrainor@fallschurchva.gov. For copies of legislation, contact the City Clerk’s office at (703-248-5014) or cityclerk@fallschurchva. gov or visit www.fallschurchva.gov/councilmeetings. The City of Falls Church is committed to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability, call 703-248-5014 (TTY 711). NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF FALLS CHURCH, VIRGINIA The following was given first reading at the March 11, 2024 City Council meeting. A public hearing, second reading, and possible City Council action is scheduled for Monday, April 29, 2024 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. (TO24-02) ORDINANCE TO REPEAL IN ITS ENTIRETY CHAPTER 48 “ZONING,” ARTICLE IV “DISTRICTS,”, DIVISION 14 “FLOODPLAIN DISTRICT,” OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FALLS CHURCH; TO ENACT A NEW CHAPTER 48 “ZONING,” ARTICLE IV “DISTRICTS,” DIVISION 14 “FLOODPLAIN DISTRICT;” AND TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF FALLS CHURCH TO MEET THE FLOODPLAIN STANDARDS AND BOUNDARIES SET BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY AND THE NATIONAL FLOODPLAIN INSURANCE PROGRAM This action
amend the floodplain district regulations of
City Council action would add the following properties to the
TIMBER LN (53-101-073) 500 E JEFFERSON ST (53-101-005) 507 E
(52-402-039) 219 W
RD (53-208-014) 613 E
(52-312-100) 410 S
AVE City Council action would remove the following properties to
on June 6, 2024: (52-106-007) 1013 KENNEDY ST (52-608-030) 310
(52-608-029) 309
(52-608-028) 308
ST (52-608-005) 600
ST (52-206-025) 139
CT (52-206-054) 212 S
ST (52-302-281) 146
PL (52-602-020) 519 S
ST (52-602-019) 521 S
ST (52-302-276) 156
PL (52-302-036) 211 S
ST (52-302-012)
The ordinances referenced below were given first reading on April 8, 2024. Public hearings are scheduled for Monday, April 29, 2024 and Monday, May 13, 2024, with second reading and final Council action scheduled for Monday, May 13, 2024 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matters may be heard. (TO24-03) ORDINANCE FIXING AND DETERMINING THE BUDGET OF EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2025: GENERAL FUND; SCHOOL OPERATING FUND; SCHOOL COMMUNITY SERVICE FUND; SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE FUND; CABLE ACCESS FUND; SEWER FUND; STORMWATER FUND; COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY; AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUNDS; AND TO ADOPT THE FY2025-FY2030 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM
SETTING THE RATE OF TAX LEVY ON REAL ESTATE FOR TAX YEAR 2025 AND ON PERSONAL PROPERTY, MACHINERY AND TOOLS AND ALL OTHER PROPERTY SEGREGATED BY LAW FOR LOCAL TAXATION IN THE CITY OF FALLS CHURCH VIRGINIA FOR TAX YEAR 2024 The proposed real estate tax rate for the tax year beginning July 1, 2024 is: • $1.22 upon each $100.00 of assessed value of real estate in the City of Falls Church, which is a $0.01 (0.80%) decrease from the current tax rate. The proposed tax rate for tangible personal property, and machinery and tools, and all other property segregated by law for the tax year beginning January 1, 2024 are: $5.00 upon each $100.00 of assessed value on tangible personal property, and machinery and tools, and all other property segregated by law for local taxation within the City, including the property separately classified by § 58.1-3500 et seq. of the Code of Virginia, which is no change from the current rate; $4.80 upon each $100 of assessed value for vehicles classified under § 58.1-3506.A.48.a through 58.1-3506.A.48.d shall be levied at a rate of $4.80 upon each $100 of assessed value, which is no change from the current rate; • and pursuant to § 58.1-2606 of the Code of Virginia, a portion of assessed value of tangible personal property of public service corporations shall be taxed at the real estate rate. (TO24-05) ORDINANCE TO SET THE STORMWATER UTILITY BILLING UNIT RATE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 42, ARTICLE VII OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FALLS CHURCH, VIRGINIA AS OF JULY 1, 2024 Under the legal authority granted by VA § 15.22114, an increase to the City stormwater utility unit billing rate from $20.05 per 200 square feet of impervious surface (billing unit) to $20.77 per billing unit annually is proposed, effective July 1, 2024, which would constitute an increase of 3.6% per billing unit. (TO24-06) ORDINANCE TO AMEND, REENACT AND RECODIFY CHAPTER 42, “UTILITIES,” TO REVISE SEWER RATES AND FEES AS OF JULY 1, 2024
City Clerk’s office
(703-248-5014) or cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov or visit www. fallschurchva.gov/councilmeetings. The City of Falls Church is committed to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability, call 703-248-5014 (TTY 711). CELESTE HEATH, CITY CLERK ABC NOTICE 700 West Broad, LLC, trading as Cafe Zevian, 700 West Broad Street #A, Falls Church VA 22046 is applying to the Virginia ABC board for a Mixed Beverage Restaurant License. Mehmet Kaplan - Owner as Officer/Authorized Signatory. NOTE: Objections to the issuance of this license must be submitted to ABC no later than 30 days from the publishing date of the first of 2 required newspaper legal notice. Objections should be registered at www.abc. virginia.gov or 800-552-3200-3200 MUSIC GOT JAZZ? Develop your creative self in an established studio for Piano, Bass and Drums. www.PianoJazz.com 703-489-8704 FOR SALE Two gravesites w/vaults for sale. “Lilac” section of National Memorial Park Cemetery, Falls Church, VA. Current total price for both $8,995. Sale price $4,995. Call 703-431-9106 or paphipps@plexar.net EMPLOYMENT Restaurant NVA Corp. in Falls Church seeks FT Rest. Mgr. with Bachelor’s & 6+ yrs. rest. mgt. exp. Oversee ops, costs, staff, inventory, finances, guest/vendor relations, & health/safety standards. Send resume masonlobsterjobs@gmail.com AUCTIONS Commercial Foreclosure Auction. 341 E. Market St. Leesburg, VA 20176. 2,719 sq ft Income Producing, Long Term Tenant. Live Auction April 11th 11:00 AM at Loudoun Co Courthouse. DudleyResources.com for info Marina Auction. 5.29 AC - Deepwater Access - Income Producing. Online Auction April 25th @ 2:00 PM. 107 Dockside Dr, Deltaville, VA 23043. DudleyResources.com for info ATTN. AUCTIONEERS: Advertise your upcoming auctions statewide and in other states. Affordable Print and Digital Solutions reaching your target audiences. Call this paper or Landon Clark at Virginia Press Services 804-521-7576, landonc@vpa.net HOME IMPROVEMENT Vinyl Replacement Windows Installed! Starting at $350 Call 804-739-8207 for More Details! Ronnie Jenkins II Windows, Siding, Roofing and Gutters! FREE Estimates! Call 804739-8207 for More Details! American Made Products! Continued on Page 22 FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS | FCNP.COM PAGE 20 | APRIL 11 - 17, 2024 classads@fcnp.com CLASSIFIEDS Other ServiceS House Cleaning Ser vice Avaliable 7 days a week Weekly - B Weekly - Monthly or One time Jobs Move out - Move in 28 years Experience • Good references • Free Estimates For Information Call Susy 703-901-0596 Doug's Handyman Service Interior/Exterior Repairs FREE Estimates Licensed, Bonded & Insured Call: 703-556-4276 www.fallschurchhandyman.com Gagnon’s Gutterworks CLEANING/INSTALLATION/REPAIR LICENSED & INSURED POWER WASHING WWW.GAGNONSGUTTERWORKS.COM New Gutter Installation, Gutter Cleaning and more Lawn Care Services Mowing, Weed Control, Seeding Power Washing - Whole House Roof Cleaning, Concrete, Siding and Decks Free Estimaes Licensed and Insured, ALL Work Guaraneed Senior Citizen Discount $5.00 O for First Time Customers (Mention This Ad) SERVING NORTHERN VIRGINIA TGGUTTERS@YAHOO.COM 703-716-0377 OR 571-421-3663 LAWN & LANDSCAPE SERVICE Call Gabriel - 703-546-6383 References • Free Estimates Complete Lawn and Landscaping Service Spring Cleanup, Flowers and Mulching Lawncare Service • Tree Sevice • Leaf Removal cleaning ServiceS handyman gutterwOrkS landScaping
of legislation, contact the

Community News & Notes

MEH & MHS Bands to Perform Rock and JazzFest April 21

Join the MEH & MHS jazz and rock band ensembles for their Rock and Jazz Fest concert on Sunday, April 21 from 3:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. at the Mary Ellen Henderson School Cafe (105 Mustang Alley, Falls Church). Guests will be treated to an afternoon of live jazz and rock music along with tasty mocktails and nibbles, and a special swing dancing instruction for all ages! Admission is free to this special springtime concert, with donations accepted to help fund FCCPS music programs.

F.C. Ranks Second in Top 10 Virginia Cities for Pickleball

Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in America, and Virginia is ranked no. 10 in the nation for pickleball courts (boasting 428 across the Commonwealth).

TeachMe.To compiled data from every pickleball lesson in Virginia to identify not just where it is played, but where it is flourishing.

Alexandria leads the state in pickleball enthusiasm, accounting for 49.4 percent of pickleball lessons in the state.

Falls Church came in second, representing a 20.8 percent share of all pickleball lessons in Virginia. TeachMe.To notes The Little City’s “status as a closeknit community where pickleball is more than just a game; it’s a way to connect, engage, and foster friendhips. The city’s dedication to creating spaces for pickleball is evident in its thriving scene and the growing interest amont residents.”

Arlington came in third, accounting for 7.8 percent of pickleball lessons, followed by Richmond and Fairfax each at 6.5 percent, Vienna and Henrico each at 2.6 percent, and Virginia Beach, Glen Allen, and Annandale each at 1.3 percent.

Arlington Author Wins International Writing Contest

Arlington resident Jack Nash is a winner in the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest, earning him a trip to Hollywood for a week-long master-class workshop and his winning story

will be published in the international bestselling anthology, “L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40.” In addition, he’ll be honored along with his fellow writers and illustrators on April 25 at the Taglyan Complex in Hollywood, CA.

The Contest is currently in its 41st year and is judged by some of the premier names in speculative fiction.

In the 39 years of the Writers of the Future Contest, there have been 547 winners and published finalists. The past winners of the Writing Contest have published 2,000 novels and nearly 6,300 short stories. They have produced 36 New York Times bestsellers, and their works have sold over 60 million copies.

The Writers of the Future Award is the genre’s most prestigious award of its kind and has now become the largest, most successful, and demonstrably most influential vehicle for budding creative talent in the world of speculative fiction. Since its inception, the Writers and Illustrators of the Future contests have produced 39 anthology volumes (with this event) and awarded upwards of $1 million in cash prizes and royalties.

For more information, please visit writersofthefuture.com.

FCA Celebrates World Art Day with First Finissage April 13

Celebrate World Art Day when Falls Church Arts hosts its first Finissage (closing reception) for “Images,” a fine art photography exhibit, on Saturday, April 13 from 6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. World Art Day commemorates the artistry of Leonardo DaVinci. It also honors the contributions of artists worldwide and recognizes the importance of art in our personal lives and the environment. The Finissage will give visitors an opportunity to mingle with participating artists, and see the award-winning photographs “Vietnamese Hill Tribe Woman” and “The Yellow Pot” before the exhibit closes. The reception is free and is open to the public.

Artwork can viewed or purchased online at fallschurcharts.org or in the FCA gallery.

F.C. Democrats Announce Caucus for Delegate Selection

On Tuesday the Falls Church City Democratic Committee (FCCDC) announced an unassembled caucus to be held on April 22 from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the F.C. Community Center (223 Little Falls St., Falls Church) to elect Delegates to the 8th Congressional District and State conventions.

The 8th CD convention will be on Saturday, May 18 at Alexandria City High School, and the State convention will be on June 22 in Richmond. The purpose of this caucus is to elect Delegates who will represent the 8th Congressional District at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August. It will also elect the Elector who will also represent the district in the Electoral College vote in December.

The FCCDC invites all Democrats from the 3rd Congressional District to participate in this important event. The caucus is an opportunity for local Democrats to have a say in who will represent them at the state and national level.

The FCCDC is committed to ensuring a fair and transparent selection process. All participants must be registered to vote in the 3rd Congressional District and must declare their intention to support the nominees of the Democratic Party in the upcoming elections. The deadline to register is Monday April 15 at 5:00 p.m.

For more information about the caucus, please visit our website or contact the FCCDC directly at fallschurchdems@gmail.com.

F.C. Resident Wins Capital Area Magician of the Year

Drew Owen, a resident of Falls Church since 2010, has won the Dan Lacey Memorial Contest, which carries the title “Ring 50 Magician of the Year.” The contest was held at the April meeting of Ring 50, the largest chapter of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, the largest organization in the world.

Owen outscored seven other magicians to win the contest, named in memory of former Ring 50 president Dan Lacey, who died in 2000. He was also presented with a magic book copy once owned by Lacey. For more information, visit DrewMagic.com.

COMMUNITY MEMBERS planted pinwheels in F.C. Gardens for National Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month. (Photo: City of Falls Church) FALLS CHURCH residents enjoyed safely viewing Monday’s partial solar eclipse. (Photo: Olivia Jeffers) STUDENTS RECEIVED a special presentation from NBC4’s Doug Kammerer last week at Mt. Daniel. (Photo: Christine Stillwagoner)

Continued from Page 20

C ritter C orner

MEET STANLEY, who is quite at home in Falls Church so far, where he enjoys his family, who adores him. (Courtesy Photo)

Just because you’re not famous doesn’t mean your pet can’t be! Send in your Critter Corner submissions to crittercorner@fcnp.com.

In an electrifying pitcher’s duel that kept fans on the edge of their seats, Team TBD (yes, that really is their team name; coached by Chris McCormack, sponsored by Evergreene Homes) faced off against the Clouds (coached by Anthony Verdi, sponsored by RPJ Advisors) securing a hard-fought 2-1 victory in extra innings. The game ended with Team TBD clinching a hard-fought 2-1 victory in the 7th inning.

TBD’s victory was anchored by stellar pitching, starting with Kellan McCormack’s commanding performance as the team’s starting pitcher. Recording 7 outs over two and onethird innings, Kellan allowed only one hit and no runs while striking out an impressive four batters, setting the tone for his team’s defensive dominance. Matthew Miller continued TBD’s strong pitching display, surrendering just one hit and striking out a batter to maintain the team’s momentum on the mound. Benji Zelenka also came in to get two key outs to keep the score tied at 0-0.

For the Clouds, Finn Thompson took the mound as the starting pitcher, delivering a solid performance by allowing only two hits and no runs over two innings while striking out one batter. Adam Dunbar and Calvin

McEwen also made valuable contributions to the Clouds’ pitching effort, combining for three strikeouts, while Anthony Verdi’s three strikeouts highlighted his pitching prowess.

As the game progressed, the score remained deadlocked at 1-1 until the top of the seventh inning, when a passed ball allowed TBD to score the winning run. Pitcher Bobby Lynch played a crucial role in securing the victory for TBD, delivering a composed and determined performance on the mound. Lynch held firm, allowing only three hits and one run over two innings, ultimately earning the well-deserved win for his team.

Offensively, leadoff hitter Kellan McCormack led the charge for TBD with two hits in three at-bats, while Theo Jones’ run batted in proved to be pivotal in securing the victory.

Matthew Miller, Lucas Berthiaume,

and Carter Moore also contributed hits to propel their team to victory.

For the Clouds, Adam Dunbar scored their lone run after recording one hit, while Anthony Verdi’s two hits, including an RBI, showcased his offensive prowess. James Owen and Calvin McEwen also contributed with a hit each, demonstrating the depth of the Clouds’ lineup.

FCKLL Majors Season Standings (as of April 7)

Expos (sponsored by Load Side Electric) 2-0. Commandos (sponsored by NDI Custom Homes) 1-1. TBD (sponsored by Evergreene Homes) 1-1. Little City Legends (sponsored by Kirk’s Army) 1-1. We Show Speed (sponsored by Beyer Volvo) 1-1. Clouds (sponsored by RPJ Advisors) 0-2.

After a week off due to Spring Break, school was back in session this week at Meridian High School and so was sports season for many of the Mustang programs. Both soccer and tennis teams saw action this past week, and baseball, softball, and lacrosse are set to join them as spring season is now in full swing.

The boys’ soccer team continues to adjust to the mass exodus of graduates from last season’s state championship team, and dropped a pair of home matchups by falling 4-2 against Wakefield on Friday and then 2-1 against John Lewis the following Monday. Meanwhile the girls played Wakefield last Tuesday and won 2-1, improving them to 3-2 on the year while the boys are 2-5. Both teams’ next chance to get back in the win column will be against Kettle Run this Friday, the girls at home and the boys on the road.

Both tennis squads had success upon their return to the court, with the boys defeating Brentsville 7-2 on the road Monday, bouncing back from a loss by the same score

to Georgetown Day last Friday. The girls on the other hand swept Brentsville 9-0, and both groups will play another district foe in Kettle Run this Friday, with the boys on the road and the girls at home in conjunction with the soccer teams.

Baseball and softball also both have a busy week ahead, with contests at Brentsville on Monday already completed as the boys fell 4-0 and the girls lost 9-0. They’ll both also face Manassas Park at home on Thursday and then Kettle Run on the road on Friday, as baseball looks to improve upon its 4-3 record while softball sits at 1-7.

Neither lacrosse team was in action this week, as the boys’ only scheduled contest (against Sidwell Friends on Wednesday) was postponed due to inclement weather. They’ll play at Alexandria City on Tuesday and then against John Handley back at home Thursday, while the girls are off until they compete in a tournament next weekend, where they’re scheduled to face both Langley and Oakton at Centerville High School.

Ryan McCafferty by Erika Toman Mustangs Return From Spring Break In High Gear This Week’s FCKLL Report AUCTIONS Commercial Foreclosure Auction. 341 E. Market St. Leesburg, VA 20176. 2,719 sq ft Income Producing, Long Term Tenant. Live Auction April 11th 11:00 AM at Loudoun Co Courthouse. DudleyResources.com for info Marina Auction. 5.29 AC - Deepwater Access - Income Producing. Online Auction April 25th @ 2:00 PM. 107 Dockside Dr, Deltaville, VA 23043. DudleyResources.com for info ATTN. AUCTIONEERS: Advertise your upcoming auctions statewide and in other states. Affordable Print and Digital Solutions reaching your target audiences. Call this paper or Landon Clark at Virginia Press Services 804-521-7576, landonc@vpa.net HOME IMPROVEMENT Vinyl Replacement Windows Installed! Starting at $350 Call 804-739-8207 for More Details! Ronnie Jenkins II Windows, Siding, Roofing and Gutters! FREE Estimates! Call 804739-8207 for More Details! American Made Products! Prepare for power outages today with a Generac Home Standby Generator. Act now to receive a FREE 7-Year warranty with qualifying purchase. Call 1-844-947-1479 today to schedule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move. Replace your roof with the best looking and longest lasting material steel from Erie Metal Roofs! Three styles and multiple colors available. Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited Time Offer up to 50% off installation + Additional 10% off install (for military, health workers & 1st responders.) Call Erie Metal Roofs: 1-844-902-4611 Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. Plus 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-877-614-6667 The bathroom of your dreams in as little as 1 day. Limited Time Offer - $1000 off or No Payments and No Interest for 18 months for customers who qualify. BCI Bath & Shower. Many options available. Quality materials & professional installation. Senior & Military Discounts Available. Call Today! 1-844-945-1631 Safe Step. North America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-theline installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-877-591-9950 Jacuzzi Bath Remodel can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, we’re cutting installation costs in half and offering a FREE safety upgrade! (Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. Offer ends 3/31/24 Call 1-877-460-5348 LIVESTOCK SALE The Virginia Beef Expo is April 18-21, 2024, at Rockingham Co. Fairgrounds. Enjoy Cattle Sales, Industry Trade Show & Youth Events. Learn more at www.vabeefexpo.com SERVICES DIVORCE-Uncontested, $475+$86 court cost. WILLS-$295.00. No court appearance. Estimated completion time twenty-one days. Hilton Oliver, Attorney (Facebook). 757-4900126. Se Habla Espanol. BBB Member. https:// hiltonoliverattorneyva.com. Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and longlasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 888-608-4974 DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-888-550-3083 www.dental50plus. com/virginia #6258 Become a Published Author. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for Your Free Author`s Guide 1-888-366-7596 or visit dorranceinfo.com/vapress Get your deduction ahead of the year-end! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous year-end tax credit. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-541-3198 today! CLASSIFIEDS
Pictured is Team TBD (Photo: Erika Toman)

The LGBTQ+ Reach

Bomb Threat at Arlington LGBTQ+ Bar

On Saturday, Freddie’s Beach Bar (555 23rd St., Arlington, VA), the only LGBTQ+ bar in Northern Virginia (since 2001) a family-friendly story hour was hosted by awardwinning drag queen Tara Hoot, “Family Fun Story Time Brunch.”

The brunch, which included a drag show “perfect for kids and kids at heart” and promised songs, stories, puppets, and bubbles was disrupted by anti-LGBTQ+ protesters and a bomb threat that forced an evacuation of the venue just before the event began.

After police cleared the venue, with the help of a bomb-sniffing dog from the nearby Pentagon, the families in attendance were able to enjoy the show.

Earlier this week I spoke to Tara Hoot about her show, and the incident at Freddies. Hoot says she created the Family Fun Story Time Brunch in early 2022 at Crazy Aunt Helen’s in D.C. During the show, she reads books like “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” sings about butterflies and unicorns, and performs numbers that are completely age-appropriate. “Think Mr. Rogers in drag,” Hoot said.

Hoot estimates that bomb threats have targeted the event eight separate times, at venues in D.C., Maryland, and now Virginia. Despite this, she isn’t backing down, adding “I won’t let misguided hate and ignorance stop me from doing these shows that bring light and love to so many.”

Similar protests have taken place on at least two separate occasions at Clare and Don’s Beach Shack, in opposition to local drag queen Evita Peroxide holding a monthly family-friendly story hour.

“They are trying to scare us and intimidate us,” said Freddie Lutz, owner of Freddie’s. “We cannot allow them to do that.”

Lutz says the Arlington Police Department has offered to inspect Freddie’s ahead of future events and leave a police cruiser parked in front of the building.

The event returns to Freddie’s on May 4 at 12:00 p.m., and Hoot says “the best way people can support and show they care is by attending the events. They can also be a part of the [counterprotest] group outside, Rainbow Defense Coalition,” which creates a barrier of rainbow umbrellas and positive music between protesters and LGBTQ+ venues.

Safety At Pride Prom

Given the threat at Freddie’s, I feel it important to remind parents and students that NOVA Pride has hired the F.C. Police Department to provide multiple uniformed officers to ensure a safe and fun evening at NOVA Pride Prom (prideprom.org), April 27 at the F.C. Community Center, which also shares a parking lot with the police station.

If You Aren’t At The Table

On Sunday I attended the National Champagne Brunch, an event raising money for the LGBTQ+ Victory Fund, which seeks to elect LGBTQ+ candidates across all levels of government.

The event, held at the Grand Hyatt

Washington, was sold out, attended by approximately 1,000 pro-equality activists from around the country — including Virginia Sen. Danica Roem (D-Manassas); Virginia Delegates Joshua Cole (D-Fredericksburg), Rozia Henson Jr. (D-Woodbridge), Marcia Price (D-Newport News), and Mark Sickles (D-Springfield); former Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims (D); Capital Pride President Ashley Smith and Past-President Bernie Delia, and so many more.

The LGBTQ+ Victory Fund’s mission to elect LGBTQ+ leaders is simple, but the result is powerful. Since 2018, they have endorsed 1,509 LGBTQ+ candidates for public office from all 50 states. 975 of those candidates (65 percent) won their general elections.

Included among those delivering moving testimonials were Victory Fund board chair Wade Rakes, President and CEO Annise Parker, U.S. Senator Laphonza Butler (D-CA), Delaware state Senator Sarah McBride (D), D.C. Board of Education Member Allister Chang, and Minneapolis city council member Andrea Jenkins (D).

Parker, who made history in 2010 when she was elected mayor of Houston, TX — the first out LGBTQ+ mayor of a major U.S. City — was surprised with an appreciation video from the many leaders she has worked with over the year, including President Bill Clinton, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, and a veritable “who’s who” of LGBTQ+ politicians whose elections were supported by Victory Fund efforts under her leadership.

In this area, being around politicians is a part of life. Having grown up here, and being an LGBTQ+ activist for some time, I’ve had my fair share (and then some) of fundraisers, galas, and speeches. I’ve had speakers inspire me before, and I’ve left many events fired up with enthusiasm, but this event was different. Speaker after speaker, the reality of LGBTQ+ rights in 2024 — and the accomplishments and struggles that accompany their pursuit, was presented in a surprisingly humble, relatable, reverent, and realistic manner.

Representation is important. Since 1789, Sen. Butler noted, there have been 2,003 U.S. Senators — but she’s only the 60th woman, 12th Black person, third Black woman, and the first ever out LGBTQ+ Black person to serve in the U.S. Senate.

Having a seat at the table is important, Butler said, because “if they aren’t talking with you, they’re probably talking about you.”

Sen. McBride, who is currently running to become the first Trans member elected to U.S. Congress, had a similar message: “If you aren’t at the table, you’re on the menu.”

The ‘Anti-Woke’ Problem

The “anti-woke” movement we’re seeing among certain conservative groups, in particular Trump supporters, has me truly stumped. How exactly do you reason with someone who’s expressing pride in their cruelty?

The “compassionate conservativism” that George W. Bush once promoted has been abandoned. Instead, kindness and empathy are now antagonized by a group of hateful, cynical, and quite frankly obnoxious rightwing charlatans.

Falls Church Business News & Notes

Call for Nominations: Women in Leadership Awards 2024

Virginia Business is seeking nominations for our fourth annual Women in Leadership Awards. Winning executives will be featured in the July 2024 issue of Virginia Business . Nominations are due by 11:45 p.m. tomorrow, April 12 at surveymonkey.com/r/WomenLeaders2024.

RetirePath Employer Registration

The Commonwealth’s new retirement savings program, RetirePath Virginia, is mandatory for certain Virginia employers and a way to support their employees. The registration deadline for employers eligible in 2023 was February 15, 2024. Businesses that fail to respond may face an annual state penalty of up to $200 per eligible employee. The steps to register your business are simple and there are no employer fees or fiduciary responsibilities. This helpful video previews the onboarding process. tinyurl.com/FCNP0424rp. If you received a RetirePath registration notification but your business is not eligible, respond online to self-certify your exemption. For more information, visit retirepathva.com/employers.

Washington Sinfonietta

Saturday, April 20, 7:30 p.m. at Falls Church Episcopal, The Washington Sinfonietta performs “The Romantic Cello.” The program features Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges: Symphony No. 2, in D major, Op. 11, No. 2; Cherubini: Symphony in D major; and Schuman: Cello Concerto in A minor, Op. 129 with Eric Kutz on cello. Tickets are available online and at the church and youth under 18 are admitted free. Visit washingtonsinfonietta.org for full details and information about the orchestra.

Women in Wellness Event

Thursday, April 18, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m., Dr. Sarah Yang of LP Dental and Olivia Jeffers of Karma Yoga and two other female business owners are hosting Building Ourselves Back Up: Women in Wellness, a happy hour celebration of women’s health and wellness. There will be a panel discussion to raise awareness of services and foster a supportive network where professional women learn best practices. Participants will network over drinks and appetizers at NUE Elegantly Vietnamese. Tickets are available now at tinyurl.com/FCNP0424ww.

Scramble Wine Tasting

Scramble is hosting another wine tasting inspired by spring tomorrow, April 12, 5:30 p.m. — 7:30 p.m. This overlaps with the weekly Friday Bonanza Deal, 4:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. where all children enter at $12 each and one accompanying adult is free. From 5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m., the happy hour prices give $2 off glasses of wine and tall cans of beer. The tasting features a signature Wine Cocktail inspired by the Cherry Blossom Festival: a flower wine topped with an Elderflower Syrup and fancy garnish. This will be offered through the end of the month. Those who RSVP by April 11 will get five raffle tickets upon entry and let the desk know if you RSVP’d on Facebook. Additional raffle tickets will be on sale that evening.

Local Cookie Surprise

A dining critic with Arlington Magazine spotlighted Jessica Ogle for the cookie business that she runs out of her home in Falls Church. The cookies tend to be about 4 ounces with surprise fillings. For example, the Birthday Party made with cake batter dough is filled with a bright pink birthday cake pop. She also makes gluten free and dairy free cookies. Cookies may be ordered online and either shipped or picked up at her home.

 Business News & Notes is compiled by Elise Neil Bengtson, Executive Director of the Greater Falls Church Chamber of Commerce. She may be emailed at elise@fallschurchchamber.org.
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