1 minute read

Ambitious 6-Year CIP Agenda for F.C. Proposed

by Nicholas

The Falls Church City Council is mulling dipping into its abundant capital reserves to help fund its annual Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the first time ever this year,


Creative Cauldron Alum Makes

Broadway Debut

James Madison High School student and Creative Cauldron alum Sophia Manicone recently made her Broadway debut in the musical “Parade.” Read about how she got her start and F.C.’s impact on her theater career.

See Page 8 although the fund will not dip below official City policy levels and will be fully restored within just a few years, it was told this week.

The anticipated drawdown will be $860,000 in the coming fiscal year, and an additional $10.6 million will be extracted in the next five years. But additions to the fund are projected to roughly equal the drafts so that by Fiscal Year 2030, the fund’s ending balance should be $12,630,377 compared to $12,930,927 now.

In a presentation by Deputy City Manager Cindy Mester and

Holy Week Observances in F.C.

Millions around the world will be celebrating the holidays this week. The NewsPress has a breakdown of what obsevances will be held locally in Falls Church. Don’t miss this section for the dates and times of these services.

See PageS 10-11

City Grants Manager Caitlin Sobsey, a six year CIP plan through Fiscal Year 2029 will come in at $154 million, including $25 million for work funded by the General and School funds, $93 million for transpor-

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