5 minute read
Approved School Budget Includes Benefits To Significantly Impact Staff
Board is pleased with the new budget as it aligns with our strategic plan. It also includes pay scales that reflect data from our recently conducted salary study and standardization of our extra pay for extra duty pay rates. We remain committed to competitive benefits, salaries, and hourly wages to recruit and retain the best talent and experience in the Northern Virginia region.”
One of the significant actions taken in the FCCPS Strategic Plan, ‘Investing in Our People,’ is designed to ensure the district offers market-competitive compensation and the best working conditions in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the schools’ statement noted.
In April, the School Board received the results of a compensation study conducted with the Segal consulting group. The study indicated that the cost to bring all employees to the new salary structures is approximately $2.1 million — or 6 percent of payroll — and can be completed in the coming fiscal year.

Moreover, the approved budget includes benefits that will significantly impact staff.
Falls Church Chamber Networking Luncheon
Join us for a conversation with Keith Waters, GMU Center for Regional Analysis, about the latest economic and housing trends for our region.

Tuesday, May 16 11:30 to 1:15
Italian Cafe | 7161 Lee Highway REGISTRATION IS RECOMMENDED.
Use the QR code or visit our website. $30 members | $35 non-members

These include: six weeks of paid parental leave for employees with a new child, an increased payout of sick leave upon separation from FCCPS from under $3 an hour to under $16 an hour, providing the same employer-paid health benefits that full-time employees receive for permanent employees who work less than full-time, continuing significant investments to support teaching and learning through one-time and pandemic funding, and instructional materials for the Meridian High School Sustainability Academy.
“I would like to thank Superintendent Dr. Peter Noonan, our Chief Operating Officer, Kristen Michael, and our Director of Finance, Mechelle Coppock, for their countless hours dedicated to this thoughtful budget,” Ms. Downs said. “I would also like to acknowledge the City Council, the Falls Church City General Government staff, and City Manager Wyatt Shields and thank them for their sup - www.FallsChurchChamber.org/events/calendar/

Falls Church Chamber Networking Mixer

Join us for delicious food, refreshments, raffle prizes, and great networking with local business leaders and chamber members. Hosted by Mark Werblood, Esq. This event port of our schools and commitment to our revenue-sharing agreement.”
The School Board conducted three budget work sessions and three public hearings before the final vote on the budget. The Approved FY 2024 Budget exemplifies the School Board’s dedication to investing in its staff and supporting student learning.
At Tuesday’s meeting, in addition to approving the budget, the School Board recognized numerous City-based businesses for their role in supporting the schools. The recipients of the Virginia School Boards Association’s “Business Honor Roll” included 30 North Studio, Moore Architects, and the Biscuit Factory.

Honored as partners of the Business In Education (BIE) Partnership were Balanced Female Fitness, Integrity Tire and Auto Repair, the Pimmit Hills Pollinator Company and Ryan and Wetmore PC, and as “Rookie of the Year,” Harvey’s Restaurant.

by Parisa Dehgani-Tafti
Four years ago, I ran for Commonwealth’s Attorney on the simple idea that we could build a more fair and just legal system while still keeping our community safe. I am proud to say that since I took office, we have made that idea into a reality. I have kept every promise
I made to implement criminal justice reform here in the City of Falls Church and County of Arlington, helping to make our community one of the safest in the country.
As promised, I have expanded opportunities for diversion for lower level crimes and non violent crimes.
I helped create a mental health docket and expanded our drug court, quadrupling the number of people served by it. These diversion programs get people the treatment they need rather than simply incarcerating them and ignoring the underlying issue. This both makes our community safer, and is the right thing to do.
I have also worked to make the legal process easier on victims and survivors. I reorganized the office to implement a victim-centered prosecution model. This means that only one prosecutor or team is assigned to each case so that victims aren’t being shuffled around between different prosecutors at every stage. Further, I have helped empower victims by creating a restorative justice program for appropriate cases.
I have used my lobbying power as a prosecutor to advocate for safer gun laws and criminal justice reforms. I supported Red Flag laws, ending the death penalty, decriminalizing marijuana, and many other legislative efforts. More than once, I have convinced VACA (the statewide Commonwealth’s Attorneys’ lobbying group) to see the other side of an issue and refrain from opposing reforms. That’s why I’ve earned the endorsement of local progressive legislators like Delegate Marcus Simon.
Of course, my office aggressively prosecutes serious crimes like rape, murder, and gun violence. Under my supervision, the office’s trial conviction rates on violent felonies have nearly doubled over those of my predecessor. The overall trial conviction rate is also significantly higher. And we have achieved these increases even as we take a higher percentage of cases to trial. My focus on addressing serious crime is why I have earned the endorsement of Senator Dick Saslaw, who has written some of Virginia’s toughest sentencing laws for violent crimes.
As you may know, before becoming the Commonwealth’s Attorney, I spent many years working at the Mid-Atlantic Innocence Project. In doing so, I saw the harm that results—both to the accused and to crime victims—when the system gets it wrong. That’s why I created a conviction review unit to review old convictions for mistakes. That unit has already helped overturn one wrongful conviction.
To prevent errors going forward, I have also made strides to even the playing field with the defense and make sure trials are a fair fight. Immediately upon taking office, I ended my predecessor’s outdated policy requiring defense attorneys to hand-copy documents and began providing open-file electronic discovery. And, I was one of the first offices in the country to stop using peremptory strikes in jury trials except in limited circumstances. This is a commonsense way to prevent discrimination in jury selection.
Many of these accomplishments have been possible because of the broad discretion I enjoy as a prosecutor. If that discretion falls into the wrong hands, the work can be undone. For example, on day one of my tenure, my office stopped asking for cash bail. That policy could be reversed just as quickly. That’s why this race is so important.
I am the only person in this race who has the balanced perspective that comes from being on all sides of the criminal justice system—I’ve been a public defender, a reform prosecutor, and an innocence protection attorney. I am the only one who has years of experience managing
Monday, May 29, 2023 Falls Church, Virginia offices of attorneys. I am the only one who has dedicated my career to making our system more fair and just, and the only one with a record of reform. It’s why people like Congressman Don Beyer and Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan have endorsed me. They know that I don’t just talk the talk, I actually walk the walk. We’ve come so far in three-anda-half short years, and we can’t afford to go backward. I hope I can count on your support for re-election to protect our progress on June 20th or before via early voting.
Memorial Day Parade Program 2023
Reserve by 5/17 for Early Discount
To Appear In this Section: Call: Sue Johnson • sjohnson@fcnp.com • 703-587-1282
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