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Crime Report ...................................... 8 Business News
PAGE 12 | MAY 19 - 25, 2022
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Falls Church Business News & Notes
SBA webinar
IRS is hosting a joint webinar for small business owners to address SBA programs and services. Other topics under discussion are business recordkeeping, employees vs. independent contractors, applying for exempt organization status and more. This event is hosted by your local Stakeholder Liaisons in Washington, DC & Virginia is on Wednesday, May 25, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm virtually via Microsoft Teams. It is free and the link will be shared upon registration on the SBA site (https://www.eventbrite. com/e/irs-sba-sba-overview-recordkeeping-exempt-org-employee-contractor-tickets-337238307857).
The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) hosted its FY2022-2027 Six Year Program (SYP) Public Hearing May 12 on the 26 candidate projects submitted by the nine Northern Virginia jurisdictions for regional funding consideration at more than $1.2 billion. Falls Church has submitted one, the Northern Washington Street Multimodal Improvements Project estimated at $22.5 million which would commence in FY2026. This project includes sidewalk widening, improved intersection geometry, signal improvements, crosswalks, utility undergrounding, lighting, and landscaping between Great Falls Street and Gresham Place. This would connect economic areas, neighborhoods, parks, new commercial developments and cultural amenities. The public comment period is open through May 22, allowing one comment submission per person by email at SYPcomment@TheNoVAAuthority.org, by voicemail at 571-354-0065; by mail at Northern Virginia Transportation Authority, 3040 Williams Drive, Suite 200, Fairfax, VA 22031; or on the NVTA’s online submission form https://thenovaauthority.org/syp-comment/.
Tinner Hill Heritage Music Festival
The 28th Annual Tinner Hill Heritage Musical Festival, honoring the local African American legacy, will take place on June 11th from 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. in Cherry Hill Park! The 2022 line up includes: Rebirth Brass Band, Marcia Ball, Carly Harvey’s Kiss & Ride, and more! Tickets are available and volunteers are needed! Volunteers receive free entry to the full Festival day and a meal voucher. Corporate sponsorships are also available. Please visit TinnerHill.Org for more information.
Smart City Challenge
Fairfax County Government, Refraction, the Community Foundation for Northern Virginia, Virginia Tech, and others will host the Smart City Challenge — an innovation competition for innovative solutions to the most pressing issues facing regions in transportation, health care, housing, infrastructure, public safety, and more. Running May 2 – June 16, all entrepreneurs and students are welcome to join to win prizes, including cash, pilot opportunities (with Fairfax County, Dominion Energy, and Virginia Innovation Partnership), participation in Smart City Works and Dominion accelerator programs, membership at Refraction’s innovation hub, and business coaching. Register at smartcityworks.org (https://www.smartcityworks.org/scc-2022/?utm_campaign=E-Bird%20 FY22&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=212593492&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_jUPEEF3mDzoVipcXdRAkS3NOeyIJhwT115cIwPYSk2JHZeU2SaItkeBNhLdpvKsYQFWvv73Y4FZjVFKBlmf3TqX2PsxKs4iTwa2apCAbYf5NM-cs&utm_content=212593492&utm_source=hs_email)
Data on Residential Sales
The Northern Virginia Association of Realtors reports that the average price of a single-family detached house that sold in the region in April was almost $1.1 million. The average price for all home types, including condos, townhouses and single-family homes was $776,162. NVAR agents cover Fairfax and Arlington counties, the cities of Alexandria, Fairfax and Falls Church and the towns of Vienna, Herndon and Clifton. And a report on May 11 based on data provided by MarketStats by ShowingTime based on listing activity from Bright MLS reflects a year-over-year increase for the first four months of 2022 ranges from 7 percent to 18 percent among six local jurisdictions. Overall, homesellers across the area are getting more per square foot from buyers than a year before. Arlington led with a per-square-foot sales price of $496 for the January to May period, up 6.7 percent; Falls Church followed at $465, up 12.6%, and Alexandria at $438, up 6.8 percent a year before.
Business News & Notes is compiled by Elise Neil Bengtson, Executive Director of the Greater Falls Church Chamber of Commerce. She may be emailed at elise@fallschcurchchamber.org.
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Devin Hume McIntosh, 32, of Falls Church died suddenly May 2, 2022 in Cherry Hill, NJ.
Devin was born June 2, 1989 in Alexandria. He was the son of Dennis and Susan McIntosh of Falls Church. He graduated from McLean High School in 2007. He was a member of Boy Scout Troop 1130 and became an Eagle Scout in 2006.
He attended the University of Texas at Austin and was a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. He graduated in 2011 with a major in economics and completed the Business Foundations certificate program. In 2015, he received a master’s degree in international commerce and policy from George Mason University.
Devin loved all kinds of sports. He was passionate about teaching sports to kids, especially those who really needed mentoring and wanted to improve their skills. He was particularly proficient in teaching swimming and basketball. He coached middle school girls’ basketball teams and was a referee for McLean Youth Basketball. He loved working with kids, and they adored him. As one neighbor said, he gave encouragement to those who were discouraged. He was part of a group that built a clean water supply system for a village in Guatemala, where he charmed the village’s children. He was a very caring individual.
He worked in the health and fitness industry. This year he decided to change careers and set his sights on becoming a defense trial lawyer, keeping with his desire to help those in need. He had been accepted at Duquesne University Law School in Pittsburgh, starting school in August.
Devin is survived by his parents and his brothers, Justin McIntosh (Elena) and their children, Joelle, Gabriel and John Pascal, of Charlottesville and his brother Jeffrey McIntosh of Chicago. Also, he is survived by his beloved rescue dog, Lulu.
Services and interment are Friday, May 20 at 11 AM at the Church of the Holy Cross, Dunn Loring, VA. Donations can be made to Spiritworks Foundation.

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Joseph “Joe” Dorsey, a resident of Falls Church City since 2002, passed away on 28 April 2022 at the age of 60, following complications from an illness. He never lost his strong sense of optimism and positive attitude up until the very end.
When Joe walked into the room, those in his company felt energy, an enthusiastic spontaneity. This was just one example of who Joe was and how he impacted those around him. Joe was a clever and gregarious person who always sought out the finest attributes in other people. It was as if Joe wanted to share all of their experiences, revel in their lives and celebrate their discoveries. Joe had boundless energy and enthusiasm that served him well throughout his life.
Born in Royal Oak, Michigan, Joe always stayed connected to his Michigan roots and his many close friends and family there. After graduating from the University of Michigan in 1984, Joe moved to D.C. where he honorably served his country for 33 years as a decorated CIA officer. He took great professional pride in his work and traveled across the world during his career. Joe loved to tell stories about the things he had seen, the food he ate, and the people he met during his international travel adventures. Upon retiring from the federal government in 2016, Joe pursued a second career as an Executive Leadership Coach and facilitator, leading seminars on organizational change and professional development and working one-on-one with individual clients. Outside of the office, Joe enjoyed riding his Waterford road bike, hiking at Great Falls, fishing with his sons and attending their football and baseball games, walking on the beach and going to yoga with his wife, and doting on his cats. Joe loved watching the Washington Nationals and Detroit Tigers, and listening to music spanning the decades from the 1960s up to today’s popular hits. He was also an avid reader of World War II history and British crime novels and enjoyed watching popular TV series.
Joe is survived by his wife, Stephanie, sons Alex Dorsey and Alex Gorman-Dorsey, and brother John Dorsey III and sister-in-law Kirsten Williams, and two nieces, Betty and Katie Dorsey. His family and friends miss his laughter, jokes, and sports commentary, and his memory will forever live on in our hearts and minds.

Natacia Gentrup passed away on September 16, 2021. She was a Graduate of George Mason High School and attended Rollins College. A Graveside service (ashes interned) will be held on Saturday, May 21, 2022 at 2 p.m. at Hillcrest Cemetery (1911 Forest Dr. Annapolis, MD).
She is survived by her mother, Teresa Swingle (Gentrup), her father Jeffery (Deb) Gentrup, a grandmother, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. MAY 19 - 25, 2022 | PAGE 13

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