Special Memorial Day Parade Edition

According to News-Press sources, residential real estate prices have gone up 9 percent in the City of Falls Church just since January, and 50 homes have already sold in the City since then, with another 20 in the process of selling. This compares to 80 homes which sold all of last year here.
This stunning news came forth at Tuesday’s monthly luncheon of the Falls Church Chamber of Commerce, where Dr. Keith Waters of the George Mason University Center for Regional Analysis spoke about what he called “an existential crisis” facing the region now, even though he acknowledged that the City of Falls Church is “crushing it” in terms of economic development right now.
But the biggest issue facing the region, which Falls Church may not be able to avoid eventually, is the fact that the kinds of jobs that attract and retain a skilled workforce of professionals, centered on federal government jobs, may be leaving.
In the past, even during the Great Recession of 2008 and during the Great Covid-19 Pandemic of 2020-22, the jobs and workforce lost in the region were on the lower end of the economic spectrum, less skilled and lower paying. But now, the job losses in this region since the pandemic have been of a higher skilled and better edu
A number of weeks earlier than usual, the Class of 2024 of Falls Church’s Meridian High School will be graduated in a ceremony on the turf of the school’s main athletic field next Tuesday, May 28.
It was a particularly remarkable year for students in the school’s instrumental music program led by the Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Award-winning and Fulbright Award recipient Mary Jo West, in her 26th year as director of the program. It was made dou-
bly special by the visit of scores of Meridian students performing as a wind ensemble to the historic stage of one of the world’s most iconic spaces, the Carnegie Hall in New York City in early April. In the program handed out to the Carnegie Hall audience, the 14,500 souls constituting the City of Falls Church community were highlighted for their “unwavering commitment to educational excellence” and “robust support from boosters, the administration and the community.” West’s instrumental music achievements at Meridian High have been augmented by the work
of drama instructor Shawn Northrup and choral instructor Jamie Sample.
Far from merely an “extracurricular” offering of the Falls Church school system, those programs are central to the educational goals of the system, and that has nowhere been better expressed than the new 550-page compendium entitled “Music and the Mind: Harnessing the Arts for Health and Wellness” edited by the famous soprano Renee Fleming, who is currently performing with the New York Metropolitan Opera’s production of the groundbreaking new production of “The Hours.”
This epic work consists of dozens of important essays kicked off by Fleming’s own essay, “Music and the Mind.”
In it, she cites the National Institutes of Health’s new “brain initiative” that identifies the brain as “the most complex known object in the universe,” the “biological need to express and create,” and music as “more than just a distraction that has long-lasting effects on the brain.” It is about the evolution of “the power of art to affect our minds and bodies.”
As the Creative Cauldron prepares to move to its new home, an as-yet-unfinished, donorpowered location, the final show of the theater’s 2023 — 2024 season is a testament to the necessity for live theater and its power to bring people together. “The Bubbly Black Girl Sheds Her Chameleon Skin,” written by Kirsten Childs and directed by Angelisa Gillyard, is a timely, boisterous, Technicolor blast of joy and music, and a major coup for the Cauldron.
Orchestrated with boundless energy, charm, and empathy, the level of talent both on and off the stage is absolutely staggering. With only a few weeks to rehearse (both the musical itself and all the trimmings, such as lights and sound), “The Bubbly Black Girl Sheds Her Chameleon Skin” is undoubtedly a product of great love, passion, and artistic skill.
With character-driven direction by Gillyard, frenetically intricate choreography by Maurice Johnson, and consistently effective, head-bopping music courtesy of music director Amy Conley, the 90-minute musical flies by, leaving one hoping the cast and crew magically re-do the entire spectacle.
The Creative Cauldron stage, a comparatively sparse, minimalist space, is used to full effect as gorgeous costumes, by Margie Jervis, and the projection and lights, by Lynn Joslin, evocatively resurrect bygone decades with speed and aplomb.
The swinging 1960s are brought to life with eye-popping color, ‘70s New York City cool is stark and tough, and even a little girl’s dream world is ushered in with total abandon and dedication. The musical’s combination of dancing, dialogue, ecstatic sights and sounds, elevates every aspect of the story, capturing the senses and lifting the heart.
Christen Young, who portrays Viveca Stanton, the eponymous “Bubbly,” is a revelation, dauntlessly leading the way and balancing out the weight of the story’s themes with the levity and high-energy nature of many of the dance sequences. Trenton McKenzie Beavers, as Gregory, is Viveca’s long-time friend — someone she grows up with and who experiences an important journey of his own. Indeed, “journey” may be a key word for this musical.
Viveca’s story starts in the sunny L.A. of
Continued on Page 7
It was finally formally announced Wednesday that the Grocery Outlet will occupy the space vacated by the closing of the small Target store on S. Washington Street in Falls Church.
According to Wikipedia, the Grocery Outlet Holding Corp. is an American discount closeout retailer consisting exclusively of supermarket locations that offer deeply discounted, overstocked, and closeout products from name-brand and private-label suppliers. The company has stores in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, and Delaware.
The majority of Grocery Outlet’s stores are independently operated by locally based, married couples. Each store has flexibility in its product offerings to serve local tastes and demand. The Read family founded the company in 1946. The formal name is Grocery Outlet Bargain Market.
Inventory comes primarily from overstocks and closeouts of name-brand groceries, as well as private-label groceries. Grocery Outlet buys mostly closeout or seasonal merchandise, so particular brand names change often. The company’s stores also carry food staples such as fresh meat, dairy and bread. All products sold by Grocery Outlet are purchased directly from manufacturers, never from other retail stores. One of the most popular sections in Grocery Outlet is labeled NOSH (natural, organic, specialty and healthy). Mainly because of this section, Grocery Outlet has attracted followers who want to buy ethical items (often vegan and/or plant-based) on a budget.
F.C. Education Foundation Cites Huge Gala Results
The executive director of the Falls Church Education Foundation, Susan Hladky, reported this week that the organization’s annual gala at the Washington Golf and Country Club was a great success.
She wrote, “It was a big night for the Little City. Thank you to everyone who helped the Falls Church Education Foundation celebrate 20 years of supporting schools at our annual gala. A record number of parents, teachers, administrators, and community members came together for a truly memorable night. For this milestone anniversary, we added a few special touches like the Reverse Raffle that raised thousands for our schools, with the big winner, FCCPS School Board Member Amie Murphy; the FCEF friendship bracelets handmade by a Henderson Middle School student; the abundance of plant party favors
cultivated by Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School’s Sustainability Club; the picture frames and one-of-a-kind chess board created by Meridian High School’s Design II Class; the buttons worn by past and present FCEF Board Members, as well as FCCPS award winners; the student volunteers who brought positive energy to their tasks and their dance break; Mary Jo West and the Meridian Jazz Band who performed for the recordsetting crowd.”
F.C. School Board Seeks Special Election Nov. 5
At the FCCPS School Board meeting on May 14, Dr. David Ortiz announced that he would be resigning from his seat effective June 15, 2024. It was announced this week that next month the School Board plans to file a Petition for Writ of Election with the Circuit Court for the County of Arlington, asking the Court to schedule a special election for Dr. Ortiz’s seat. The Board will ask for the election to be held on the next general election date, Nov. 5, 2024.
Any qualified voter and bona fide resident of Falls Church City who wants to learn about serving on the School Board is invited to contact a current School Board member or visit office hours with Chair Gould and Vice Chair Tysse on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, 6-8:00 p.m. at the Dogwood Tavern. Additional information regarding how to qualify for ballot access will be provided following issuance of the Writ of Election by the Court. Meridian Foreign Service Club Hosts Special Event
The Meridian High School Foreign Service Youth Club, led by Meridian seniors Julia Wolf and Kaylah Curley, hosted the Foreign Service Spring Community Night last Friday, their second event this year.
Foreign Service and State Department families, as well as families with other international backgrounds, were invited to connect and enjoy food, and take part in a student-run trivia game. With 56 members at Meridian, the club’s mission is to welcome new students and families and create a community around values of adaptability and open-mindedness.
cated sort as the federal government’s job growth is happening outside this region.
As a result, he noted, the D.C. region’s economy, having always been highly sensitive to federal policy changes, is now stalled. He added that an administration change in November “will make a big difference,” and it will not be good.
While earnings have been flat throughout the region, costs have gone up four percent, mostly due to housing costs, he said.
The most important way local jurisdictions can buck this trend, he said, is to relax zoning laws enough that will allow for the construction of sufficient new housing of all types.
At Monday’s meeting of the Falls Church City Council, discussion of zoning changes to permit more Auxiliary Dwelling Units (ADUs) was held in what was considered a kickoff for more than a year before any actual votes to make such housing lawful will be taken.
The extensive discussions
and delays that accompanied Arlington County’s zoning changes to permit some multiple dwelling units in areas previously limited to single family homes, and Falls Church’s similar delays in making changes to its Transitional Zones regulations are cited as cases in point of the delays that are preventing sufficient housing from getting built in the region. The existing home sales are down four percent, with the radical exception of Falls Church on this score mitigating that, but for how long, he suggested, is not clear.
Dr. Waters pointed to other regions of the country that are building their housing stock faster, areas such as parts of Texas, Arizona and California, for example, where jobs and the skilled professional workforce that are filling them are beginning to migrate.
Even though the national economy is advancing, there are still five million fewer jobs than before the pandemic, he noted, and the bulk of them are in the areas of leisure and hospitality.
In this area, “We are bumbling
along for a couple of years, but the general sense is that nobody knows anything and there should be no more certain forecasting.”
Total jobs, he added, have been down the last three months in Maryland, and the outlook is not clear for Northern Virginia, “which has always been the star performer in the region.”
The number of federal contracts being let in Lexington Park, California (on the San Francisco peninsula) compared to here “is freaking me out,” Waters said. He said that with home prices skyrocketing as they are now, “we may be peaking in terms of how much people can afford to spend there. We may be bumping up against the limit of what this region can do.”
Housing inventories are now “shockingly low”, and the age cohort of 35 to 44 years is shrinking in Northern Virginia. “There is no place to put more people compared to, for example, Dallas where 500,000 new workers have shown up.”
As the Falls Church City Council prepared to begin its dive into the issue of Accessory
Dwelling Units Monday, the City’s Planning Director Paul Stoddard and senior planner Jack Trainor suggested changes to make ADUs more attractive here “will be only one tool in the tool kit” to address the housing shortage locally.
At the meeting Monday, members of the Planning Commission, Housing Commissioner and Public Utilities Commission were invited to participate.
“The staff recommends Council review and provide
feedback on the proposed scope of work, policy goals and public engagement schedule,” a staff brief to the Council stated. “Accessory dwelling units have become popular in cities across the country as a tool for increasing housing availability and reducing housing costs while having limited impacts on community character and sense of place.”
Final consideration of any plans on this is not expected to come before the first quarter of next year.
Citing Dan Levitin’s best selling book, “This Is Your Brain on Music,” it touches on “the power of music to create and sustain community, to make us feel connected to something greater than ourselves.”
In an essay in the Fleming book, “The Sound Connects Us” by Northwestern University’s Nina Kraus, the power of music is contrasted to the effect of concussive blows to the head. “Making sense of sound is one of the hardest jobs we ask our brain to do,” she writes. “The ingredients of sound – pitch, timing, timbre, loudness – occur simultaneously, and the brain has to make sense of what is said with microsecond precision. A concussive blow to the head can disrupt this delicate processing.” She presents ways in which music can contribute to a healing process for concussion victims.
An incredible program was held on May 9 in the Meridian High School auditorium that featured a wide array of performanc-
es by the incredibly high percentage of the total student body at the school who are in the instrumental music program in one form or another.
Music was performed by contemporary rock bands performing the Beatles’ “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” and more, followed by jazz ensembles doing the likes of “Two Seconds to Midnight” and “Girl From Ipanema,” some IB creative music challenges, the symphonic band doing soundtrack highlights from the “Guardians of the Galaxy” films, and the wind ensemble doing George Gershwin’s “Porgy and Bess,” “Adagio for Flute,” and more.
In addition to Carnegie Hall, Meridian’s instrumental students performed this year for the School of Rock in New York City, the Edward Murrow High School in Brooklyn, the high school musical, “Ruthless,” the Meridian’s Got Talent show, the Rock Jazz Fest, numerous athletic events and at performances around Falls Church, including at the Ireland’s Four Provinces restaurant, the Falls Church Craft Fair, the
Farmer’s Market and the Falls Church Education Foundation gala. Jazz groups performed for the National Honor Society, the Superintendent’s Convention in Williamsburg, Solace Outpost, Jazz Rock Fest, Chantilly Jazz Festival, and at various awards ceremonies.
Additionally, students auditioned for district and state band, received private lessons, and rehearsed after school.
Among the scores of remarkable students who took advantage of the instrumental music program at Meridian, those who will be graduating next week include Alessio Azimipour, Colleen Carpenter, Megan Carpenter, Jonathan Gideon, Will Hahn, Jeremy Katen, Carson King, Ruby Jones, Campbell Michael, Carlos Ortiz, Jon Talka, David Ting, Bella Villano, Lucy Wellons and Luke Whitacre.
Earlier this month, the Outstanding Instrumental Music Senior Awards were given to Colleen Carpenter (euphonium), Megan Carpenter (clarinet), William Hahn (clarinet), Jon
Talka (saxophone), and David Ting (clarinet). Senior Jeremy Katen (clarinet) received the Unsung Hero Award. Alessio Azimipour (alto saxophone) was awarded the Louis Armstrong Jazz Award. The Semper Fidelis Award from the US Marine Corp was presented to Bella Villano (flute).
In the Contemporary Rock Band category, Jonathan Gideon was recognized with the Outstanding Guitarist and Ruby Jones received the Outstanding Singer Songwriter Award. Carlos Ortiz was honored with both the John Philip Sousa Award and the FCC Band Booster Scholarship.
Puccini’s final opera, “Turandot,” is currently being performed by the Washington National Opera at the Kennedy Center with a world premiere ending by Christopher Tin (composer) and Susan Soon (librettist). While the story is set in ancient China, Puccini’s source was an Italian translation of “Turandot, Princess of China” by Friedrich Schiller, itself based on previous sources.
In the opera, Turandot is a cruel princess who rejects suitors by a brutal mechanism. Borrowing the words of Schiller: “The Princess poses three riddles to any suitor proposing himself to be her husband; should he be unable to unravel them, his head shall be struck off with an axe and exposed on the city-gate of Peking; should he unravel them, the Empress Turandot shall become his lawful bride, and together they shall inherit the throne of the celestial empire.”
The opera opens with the Prince of Persia being led to execution after failing Turandot’s sphinxlike riddle test. Meanwhile, her aged father is despondent, for the throne has no heir. An unknown prince comes upon the scene and is horrified by Turandot’s cruelty; yet he, too, is smitten with her and accepts the
challenge of the three riddles. Will he prove successful, or will his head fall under the ax as well?
The Washington National Opera version of “Turandot” has a muchpublicized new musical ending, as Puccini died before completing the end of the work. This new completion to the opera sounds somewhat less like Puccini, but it does contain Puccini elements and may also be more accessible to a modern audience. In a sense, this innovation complements the modernized setting of this production, which contains many stylized references to modern China. Many of the sets — thanks to the fine efforts of set designer Wilson Chin — embrace an unexpected industrial aesthetic. Even more striking is the use of color: during the first portion of the opera, the merciless Princess Turandot is garbed and spotlighted in red; further, her palace guards are costumed as Red Guards of the Cultural Revolution era, armed with red-tasseled spears. There are also ballet segments modeled after Peking revolutionary (communist didactic) operas such as “The Legend of the Red Lantern” promoted during Mao’s “Cultural Revolution.” Later in the production, as Turandot becomes more merciful and humane, the People’s Republic
of China symbolism and Cultural Revolution allusions are replaced with a white color theme, most especially the white sun, commonly associated in Chinese history with the Republic of China of Sun Yat-sen and the democratic Taiwan of today.
The music is stunning, especially the chorus’ rendition of “Jasmine,” a place in the score in which Puccini celebrates the aesthetics of Eastern music. Turandot is sung and acted wonderfully by soprano Ewa Płonka, especially in the melodic and yet pleasingly dissonant solo “In questa Reggia, or son mill’anni e mille.”
Tenor Yonghoon Lee, who plays the Unknown Prince, sings a very passionate “Nessun Dorma,” one of the great arias of this opera and, indeed, all of Western opera. Soprano Masabane Cecilia Rangwanasha renders a poignant performance of the tragic Liù, especially in her aria “Signore, ascolta!” The lush score is conducted superbly by Speranza Scappucci. The music of this production of “Turandot” flows from piece to piece, but parts of the show are so powerful that the audience during the performance we witnessed periodically broke into spontaneous applause.
We found the political allegory embedded in the staging to be
fascinating, though one detail left this reviewer perplexed. Ethan Vincent, Sahel Salem, and Jonathan Pierce Rhodes perform wonderfully as, respectively, Chancellor, Majordomo, and Head Chef, especially when singing of the placid lakes and beautiful mountains far from the political turmoil of the oppressive Communist-style state under Turandot. However, while presented as apparatchiks of a people’s Communist regime, they are costumed as conservatively dressed Western businessmen, an odd choice of costume that appears to upset the symmetry of the allegory.
This quibble aside, direc-
er Amith Chandrashaker, and cochoreographers Jessica Lang and Kanji Segawa all work together brilliantly to bring this opera to a new generation, with an accessible score and an intriguing political allegory. This is all part of the Washington National Opera’s mission to expand the interest of opera with innovations relevant for our time.
“Turandot’s” final performances are on May 24 and 25, and the production is highly recommended. For more information, please visit: Turandot | Kennedy Center (kennedy-center.org)
tor Francesca Zambello, costume designer Linda Cho, lighting design-FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS
In news that shouldn’t surprise anyone paying attention, former journalist Leonard Downey Jr.’s commentary in this week’s Washington Post is titled, “A Second Trump Presidency Would Be a Disaster for the News Media.”
Attacks on the press were a staple of Trump’s four years in the White House that began on Day One when he marched his press secretary into the press briefing room to force the press corps there to swallow an incredible lie, that the crowds at the inauguration and parade were in the millions when clear photograph evidence contradicted that wildly false claim. Trump has spent his entire career in presidential politics demeaning and trying to discredit the press, often opening remarks at rallies, for example, by pointing his finger menacingly at the press assigned to them with the exclamation that they are “the enemies of the people.”
For all the sorry souls who continue to support Trump to this day and who buy his con that they, themselves, somehow are “patriots,” the Apple TV series that aired this month about Founding Father Benjamin Franklin should help to correct that pathetic claim. Followers of Trump are far, far from being “patriots” in the American revolutionary cause, maybe of Putin’s but definitely not in ours.
Actor Michael Douglas did an Emmy Award-worthy job of portraying a realistic picture of Franklin, who was perhaps the most important of all the Founders and an amazingly seminal figure in the advancement of the human race and democracy, overall. The TV series is roughly based on the important scholarly and highly readable work of Stacy Schiff, author of “A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France and the Birth of America” (2005).
Douglas’ portrayal of Franklin is uniquely commendable, depicting him as the titanic scientist and wise negotiator who truly single-handedly brought the French into the American revolution as indispensable contributors at all levels to the
fight to establish the independence of the American colonies from the British.
The series focuses on Franklin’s years in Paris convincing the leaders there of the need to back the American revolution. It does not go into his earlier life when his role as an inventor discovering how electricity works, to that of working on and founding newspapers, philosophical societies, libraries, hospitals and a postal service that linked the colonies were critical in setting a context where the American revolution was possible.
Franklin was in France during almost the entire duration of the fighting in the colonies, starting in the earliest days of 1777, six months after the Declaration of Independence was signed but before the insurgent Americans had any real means of achieving their independence.
A highlight of the TV series shows how news of the first American victory in combat at Saratoga in September and October (two phases) of 1777 turned the tide of French support for the revolution, leading to the signing of the French Treaty of Alliance of Amity and Commerce with the American insurgency signed in February 1778. Until Saratoga, no one thought the insurgency would succeed, much as few thought England could survive Hitler in the early days of World War II.
If there is any shortcoming in the Franklin TV series, it might be in the lack of sufficient connection of Franklin to other leaders of the Enlightenment and the influence of their ideas on the emergence of democracy. The Ken Burns series on Franklin that ran in recent years on PBS does a better job of that, except that Franklin was not merely associated with the Enlightenment, he was the Enlightenment to a large degree.
What came through in the Apple TV series (where the actor portraying Franklin’s grandson, Temple Franklin, the young British actor Noah Jupe, is also deserving of an Emmy) was the humanist basis of Franklin’s motivation. It comes through in one of the final scenes, where prospects of the American victory have been established, and the Franklin character says the basis of the new nation would be founded in “virtue, honesty, education of the people and the rule of law.”
In fact, in all his writings throughout his long life, the essential role of “virtue” was central to everything Franklin stood for.
Government and politics have no place in the examination room or the delivery room, but the furor over political decisions that affect women’s reproductive health often masks other women’s health issues. Health decisions are the purview of the patient and her doctor, but those decisions are made more difficult if health care is hard to find or to access.
A recent report on “Gains, Gaps and Goals: The Status of Women and Girls in Fairfax County,” issued by the county’s Commission for Women, focuses on three key indicators that impact women and girls: economics, health, and work-life balance. In this column, I will focus on the health gains and gaps outlined in the report, which is available at tinyurl.com/FCNP0524pg.
Fairfax County’s 1.2 million people are racially and ethnically diverse, and roughly 38 percent of residents ages five or older speak a language other than English at home. Data used for the report was gathered via Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMA) in all nine magisterial districts as well as community conversations conducted virtually and in person. Women participants ranged in age from 25 to 74 years of age; teen participants were ages 14 to
17. Mental health concerns, including isolation and feelings of depression, were reported as priorities. Not surprisingly, women in caregiving roles felt immense responsibility to provide and take care of their families, often causing mental distress. Data also revealed that, compared to men, women experience poor mental health and arthritis more often. Also not surprising, preventive care is a challenge for many women, especially in high poverty areas. Keeping up to date on preventive health services is more difficult in poverty areas that have high rates of uninsured individuals. Despite the frustrations expressed, bright spots noted by women were the reward and joy of succeeding in their careers, raising their families, and creating a home.
Digging further into the responses, the report noted that lack of transportation via a personal vehicle or a robust public transportation system made routine tasks more difficult. Getting to medical appointments with small children and no car can take the better portion of a day, often requiring multiple bus transfers. Approximately nine percent of women aged 18 to 64 in Fairfax County are uninsured, also
Week of May 13-19, 2024
No Valid Operator’s License, E Broad St, May 13, 1:22 AM, a male, 33, of Clinton, Maryland, was arrested for No Valid Operator’s License.
Breaking and Entering/Destruction of Property, W Columbia St, between 9:30 PM on May 12 and 6 AM on May 13, unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the building, and proceeded to deface and destroy property once inside. Incident is under investigation.
Embezzlement, W Broad St, May 13, 8:04 PM, a male, 42, of Fairfax County, was arrested for Embezzlement.
Violation of a Learner’s Permit, N Maple Ave, May 14, 9:05 AM, a male, 53, of Fairfax County, was arrested for Violation of a Learner’s Permit.
Larceny, W Greenway Blvd, May 14, victim reported between December 25, 2023 and April 15, unknown suspect(s) took wooden planks and a chain link fence from the
victim’s yard. (Delayed report)
Trespassing, S Washington St, May 15, 3:28 AM, a female, 26, of the City of Falls Church, was arrested for Trespassing.
Abduction, Villa Ridge Rd, May 15, 9:33 AM, a male, 24, of Alexandria, was arrested for abduction. The offender picked the victim up in Arlington and were driving through the City. The victim was able to escape from the vehicle and notify workers in the area to call the police. The victim and offender are known to each other.
Reckless Driving, E Broad St, May 16, 2:03 PM, a female, 72, of Triangle, was arrested for Reckless Driving.
No Valid Operator’s License, W Broad St, May 17, 12:36 AM, a male, 45, of Manassas, was arrested for No Valid Operator’s License.
Public Intoxication, W Broad St, May 17, 2:28 AM, a male, 42, of no fixed address, was arrested for Public Intoxication.
Larceny from Building, W Broad St, May 17, between 1 PM and 1:05 PM, an
the least likely to be eligible for government assistance programs. Mason District had the highest rates of uninsured women and girls, followed by Sully and Mount Vernon Districts. Recommendations included continuing to examine the correlation between economic vulnerability, health care access, and health outcomes in particular geographic areas of the county.
A follow-up panel of providers and educators last week noted that the report invites additional conversation, and I was pleased that three male members of the Board of Supervisors — Bierman, Rusk, and Walkinshaw — attended the afternoon event. Federal and state funding would help address identified challenges, but local coordination and programs are crucial to improving outcomes. Expanding non-profit partner organizations would add capacity to address challenges, especially mental health. One speaker suggested offering yoga and mindfulness instead of gymnastics for seventh grade physical education requirements, an “aha” moment for attendees. Data about education, civic participation, and domestic interpersonal violence is missing from the report, acknowledged by the Commission which plans additional research in coming months. The study emphasizes the need for ongoing monitoring and protective measures to address the challenges faced by women and girls to promote a more inclusive and equitable community.
unknown suspect took a phone. The victim reported leaving their phone in a meeting room, and upon returning five minutes later, discovered their phone was gone.
Larceny from Motor Vehicle, S Washington St, May 17, 6:33 PM, a female, 23, of the City of Falls Church, was arrested for Larceny from Motor Vehicle.
Domestic Assault and Battery, W Broad St, May 17, 9:33 PM, victim reported being assaulted by their partner. A male, 41, of Fairfax County, was arrested the following day by Fairfax County Police.
Threats, S Washington St, May 18, 5:35 PM, victim reported an unknown suspect gesturing as if they were going to shoot the victim. The suspect is described as a black male wearing an army hat.
Shoplifting/Identity Theft to Avoid Arrest/ Other Jurisdiction Warrant Service, W Broad St, May 19, 11:11 PM, a female, 21, of Arlington, was arrested for Shoplifting, Identity Theft to Avoid Arrest, and an outstanding warrant for another jurisdiction.
23 - 29, 2024
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Vol. XXXIV, No. 15 May 23 - 29, 2024
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With the FY25 Falls Church operating budget approved almost unanimously, this Monday’s annual Memorial Day Parade in the Little City expected to draw 10,000 or more from outside the City, and the latest Class of 2024 at Falls Church’s Meridian High School set to graduate in what forecasters say will be sunny weather next week, what could be a better kick off to a pleasant summer of 2024 in Falls Church.
But we can’t help but be reminded of Helen Simonson’s best selling 2017 novel of events on the eve of World War I in 1914, “The Summer Before the War,” characterized in Women’s Day as “What begins as a study of a small-town society becomes a compelling account of war and its aftermath.”
Yes, if not World War 3, we are nonetheless on the brink of a November U.S. presidential election that could easily be the most consequential in American history. Already, things that would have been considered unbelievable only a few years ago, such as a national abortion ban, a former president and presidential candidate on the verge of being convicted of a series of high crimes and misdemeanors, and the leadership of one of the nation’s two major political parties saying almost in unison that they might not accept the outcome of the November election if it does not go their way. Then there has been the effort at withholding the funds needed to thwart the brutal aggression of a Russian tyranny against a sovereign neighbor and the terrible conditions of war in Gaza, where the butchers of Hamas have drawn their Israeli targets into a dirty fight that is turning a large section of the U.S. population against them.
On top of this are the warning signs of a coming deep recession in the U.S. for reasons not unlike what led to the crash of 2008, with interest rates remaining high and home values making it almost impossible for any average American to afford a home. The inflation of food prices is also squeezing the public, and the vast chasm between the super rich one percent and the rest of us has widened to a record level.
In this context, we have two candidates who could not be more different. The Democratic incumbent Joe Biden is doing everything in his power to mitigate these deadly conditions, and his Republican counterpart is doing everything in his power to foment them, talking like an autocrat with no intention of abiding by the maxims of a democratic society no matter the outcome of the November election.
We are at a point where, as in the early days of World War II when Hitler was on the march, people are beginning to believe that a horrible outcome to all this is veritably inevitable.
Who will stand up and say “No” to all this? Who is willing to pledge this Memorial Day weekend to never accept a descent into tyranny?
Continued from Page 2
the ‘60s where, as a young girl, she aspires to fit in and be white. At the outset, the lightning-strong dance interludes bely a serious intent and the beginning of crucial journeys for several of the characters. As news about the real-world 1963 Birmingham church bombing filters into the story’s fictional veneer, Viveca finds herself caught between the realism of her mother (Bianca Lipford) and the smiling optimism of her father (Carl L. Williams).
As Viveca grows older, moving from junior high into high school and beyond, her story is punctuated with make-believe conversations with her doll (who, at one point, provides one of the musical’s funniest and profound moments), sojourns with friends and would-be lovers, and even a surreal, brilliantly-executed dream sequence with Harriet Tubman leading a group of slaves to freedom. Tubman, who comes across a sleeping Viveca in the woods, becomes a sort of portent of the inner conflict to come.
If this coming-of-age story featuring historically-accurate depictions of racial hatred, cultural tension, a dream Harriet Tubman, talking dolls, and a breezy trip through four different decades (beautifully recreated with minimal on-set detail) seems like it may be attempting to cover a lot of ground, that would of course be right. Part of the wonderful excitement of “The Bubbly Black Girl Sheds Her Chameleon Skin” is that this musical, start to finish, wholly succeeds.
As the world continues to spin, eras give way to change and new zeitgeists — laid-back hippies and Black Power college students are brought back with pitch-perfect clarity — “Bubbly” continues to persevere through the New York theater scene (under the watchful, patronizing eye of “Director Bob,” a supremely entertaining reincarnation of Bob Fosse, particularly as he appears in the 1979 film “All That Jazz”).
By the time Bubbly’s story ends, what the audience has witnessed is a synthesis of personal realization and the blessing (and occasional curse) of self-expression — the joyful, sometimes isolating nature of being an artist. A musical about a dancer, a story about a little Black girl who is not quite sure what she wants but finds herself anyway, and an energetic, vivid time capsule of the good and bad in the American experience, “The Bubbly Black Girl Sheds Her Chameleon Skin” is a musical that deserves to be seen. And seen again.
Memorial Day 2024 Holiday Operating Schedule
Saturday, May 25
• OPEN: Farmers Market, 8:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.
• OPEN: The Mary Riley Styles Public Library, 10:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.
• OPEN: Community Center, 8:30 a.m. — 11:00 p.m. Sunday, May 26
• CLOSED: Mary Riley Styles Public Library
• OPEN: Community Center, 2:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. Monday, May 27
• CLOSED: City Hall and all City government offices (including the Commissioner of the Revenue, Treasurer’s Office, and Permits Counter)
• CLOSED: Mary Riley Styles Public Library
• CLOSED: Courts and Court Clerk
• REDUCED HOURS: The Falls Church Community Center is open, 8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.
• Electric car charging stations will be turned off from Sunday, May 26, at 1:00 p.m. through Monday, May 27, at 7:00 p.m.
• Compost collection will occur on
May 30. Other recycling service schedules are normal.
FCCPS Unanimously Approves Final 2024-2025 Budget
The Falls Church School Board unanimously approved its final 2024-2025 school year budget following city council’s approval of local funding for the school division the night before by a 6-1 vote.
The approved budget incorporates the proposed enhancements, including adding five new elementary teachers, two half-time paraprofessionals, and a new teacher for the secondary campus, preparing FCCPS for an anticipated enrollment increase. Additionally, the budget introduces a new position for an Elementary Reading Specialist, underscoring the district’s focus on strengthening literacy and foundational learning skills.
The FY 2025 Approved Budget supports a comprehensive compensation plan for FCCPS staff. The plan includes a Step increase for employees and a 3.5 percent Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), resulting in an average pay increase of 6 percent. The budget also pro-
vides a new retirement contribution match for employees up to one percent of their salary.
With the School Board’s approval, the final budget becomes part of the broader General Government budget plan. The community is encouraged to stay engaged and informed by visiting the FCCPS Budget website at fccps.org/budget.
VDOT To Hold Public Hours for 495 NEXT Revegetation Plan
The state and developing partners will hold drop-in public hours discussing the 495 NEXT Revegetation Conceptual Plan, intended to naturalize areas along a 2.5 mile extension to the existing 495 express lanes, providing a connection with the George Washington Memorial Parkway, scheduled to open in 2025.
Community members interested in receiving information or providing feedback on the plan are encouraged to visit the McLean Governmental Center community room (1437 Balls Hill Rd., McLean, VA) on Thursday, May 23 from 4:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. and Thursday May 30 from 1:00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m.
Monday, May 27, 2024
Falls Church, Virginia
Page 10 Veterans Ceremony Information
Page 14 Parade Grand Marshal
Page 19 Letter from the Mayor
Page 20 Memorial Day Schedule
Page 22 Parade & Festival Map
Page 23 Memorial Day Vendor List
Page 24 Parade Lineup
Monday, May 27th at 11:00am
City of Falls Church Veterans Memorial 223 Little Falls St., Falls Church, VA 22046
Master of Ceremonies
Harry Shovlin, American Legion Post 130
Posting of Colors
Color Guard from American Legion Post 130
Posting of MIA Flag
Richard Anton, American Legion Post 130 National Anthem
City of Falls Church Concert Band Under the direction of Robert Little Vocals by Sgt. Major Robert Petillo (Retired), US Army Band Invocation
Rev. Mike Gutzler, Pastor, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Welcoming
Marybeth Connelly, City Council, City of Falls Church Remembrance of the POW/MIAs
Travis Hafner, Commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9274
Presentations, Announcements, & Remarks
Jerome Gibbon Chairman, Greater Falls Church Veterans Council Presentations & Announcements
Maj. David Hatcher, United States Army (Ret.), West Point 1968
Keynote Address
Maj. David Hatcher, United States Army (Ret.), West Point 1968 Presentation of Wreath in Memory of Departed Veterans
Sara Madden, Daughters of the American Revolution, Falls Church Chapter Escorted by Richard L. Anton, American Legion Post 130, and Howard Chatham, LCDR, United States Navy (Ret.)
Reading of Names
Harry Shovlin, Vice Chairman, Greater Falls Church Veterans Council, American Legion Post 130
Prayer for the Departed Veterans
Rev. Mike Gutzler, Pastor, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Taps
MGySgt. John Abbracciamento, United States Marine Band (Ret.)
Retiring of Colors
Color Guard, American Legion Post 130
God Bless America
City of Falls Church Concert Band Under the direction of Robert Little Vocals by Sgt. Maj. Robert Petillo, United States Army Band (Ret.)
This program was prepared by representatives of the Greater Falls Church Veterans Council including
is committed to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a
Welcome to the City of Falls Church’s annual Memorial Day Parade and Festivities! We are pleased that you’ve chosen to spend this special day in The Little City. Besides the official kickoff of summer, the Memorial Day event is one of our most beloved traditions and an annual reminder of why I’m thankful for our community.
As we gather on Memorial Day, it is important to remember the purpose of this holiday. Today we celebrate the military service members who have given their lives for their country. We pay tribute to these American heroes and their families and friends whose lives are forever changed, and we celebrate their legacy by honoring their commitment and sacrifices for our freedoms.
I hope you’ll join the Greater Falls Church Veterans Council for the Memorial Day Ceremony at 11:00 a.m. outside of the Community Center to honor fallen military service members, celebrate veterans, and recognize those who continue to serve in our Nation’s military. United States Army Major David Hatcher (Ret.) will be the keynote speaker for the ceremony.
At 2:00 p.m., join us for the 42nd annual Memorial Day parade along Park Avenue. The parade Grand Marshal is former Falls Church Police Chief Mary Gavin, who was selected based on her remarkable career in public safety, particularly the 16 years of dedicated service with the City of Falls Church Police Department before her retirement in early 2024.
I encourage you to make this day an annual reminder of the good we can do in our communities and the world in honor of those who gave their lives in service.
Letty Hardi, Mayor City of Falls Church, VirginiaAfter 38 years of dedicated service in law enforcement, including 16 with the Falls Church Police Department and 11 years as its chief, Mary Gavin is now embracing retirement and the welldeserved freedom it brings. The Little City isn’t done showing its appreciation for the lifelong public servant however, honoring Gavin with the prestigious role of Grand Marshal for this year’s Memorial Day Parade, one of Falls Church’s most celebrated events.
Gavin’s transition to retirement has been filled with travel, having recently returned from a two-week tour of Italy and Austria with a group of friends. “For me, 38 years is enough. I’m ready to start relaxing and playing,” Gavin said. “Police work, or any public safety role, can be all-consuming. You’re always on call; you always have two phones on you; your thoughts are always on the city. Now I can concentrate on me and my family, which is kinda fun.”
Gavin’s selection as the Grand Marshal came as a pleasant sur-
prise — she’s been in the Memorial Day Parade for 16 years, but never in such a prominent capacity.
During Monday’s festivities, she is most excited about enjoying carnival food, reconnecting with first responders, and showing appreciation to the community. She looks forward to engaging with the community from a new perspective — no longer as a city employee, but now as “an appreciative retiree.”
Gavin emphasized the importance of festive gatherings like the parade. “Moments celebrated by the community: the Memorial Day Parade, July 4 fireworks... they define a community, just like the Farmer’s Market or the News-Press do,” she said.
During her tenure, Gavin felt “exceedingly blessed” to have been a part of the Falls Church Police Department, which she praised for its dedication to serving the community’s needs and wants. Her time in Falls Church was marked by significant accomplishments and a strong bond with the city’s residents. Gavin credits the department’s success to its mission of community service and the collaborative efforts of its
officers and staff.
Looking ahead, Gavin expressed confidence in the future of the Falls Church Police Department under the leadership of the new police chief, Shahram Fard. Having known Fard previously, Gavin described him as excellent and expressed excitement for the new chapter the department is entering. She believes the transition has been fantastic and is optimistic about the department’s continued success in serving the community.
Gavin’s decades of service have left a lasting impact on Falls Church, and her presence as Grand Marshal at the Memorial Day Parade has her appropriately leading the festivities while embodying the spirit of dedication and community that has defined her career. Her journey from a dedicated police chief to a celebrated retiree and community figure demonstrates the enduring connection between public service and community well-being.
With her duties now transitioned to chief Fard, Gavin is now enjoying the fruits of her labor. On Monday, the community she has helped to shape and protect will recognize her service as she continues her well-deserved Golden Years.
For over 30 years, Alloy Personal Training has offered a premier personal training system that delivers proven results for people focused on healthier, more active lifestyles.
Our functional strength training system is designed for clients of ALL fitness levels who want to get stronger and live life to the fullest! We know that people do better with coaching, encouragement, support, and accountability -- and we’re here to help with that!
We just opened our doors in Falls Church and are seeking Founding Members of ALL fitness levels & ages (especially folks in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s) to make us a part of their health & fitness journey!
We are located in “The Shops at West Falls Church” shopping center along with The Original Pancake House and many other great small businesses. Thanks for reading and we hope to meet you soon!
The first woman to lead the Falls Church post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars has been elected to serve the office for the coming year.
Heather Lampkin, a former Marine, has been elected commander of VFW Post 9274 for the term beginning June 1 and is emphatic that “it’s not about me, but it’s about serving veterans.
“The VFW has always drawn me in because of my dad,” she said, “and I think of that and helping serve the veterans. To give them a place where they can go where they may not fit in other places, but at the VFW, we share a sense of community and camaraderie.
“My goal is to create that kind of environment and a place where we can feel like family,” she said in a telephone interview.
Lampkin grew up with a sense of duty and purpose “to do something to help the greater good,” following in the footsteps of her father who served in Vietnam and her grandfather in World War II.
In her small hometown in northeast Texas, she observed how much the VFW meant to her dad “who left a piece of himself in Vietnam.”
When they were children, he would take her and her sister to family friendly events at the VFW where she “could just see what [the VFW] did for him, giving him a sense of belonging and boosting his morale, being around people of similar mindsets.”
Lampkin was only a sixth grader when the tragedy struck on 9/11. When she graduated from high school, she joined the Marines, never giving a thought to any other military branch because the Marines “spoke to me.”
She spent three months in boot camp at Parris Island, S.C. known for its treacherous environmental conditions, like high temperatures, humidity, and “sand fleas” not to mention the renowned Marine training, but she soldiered through, serving three deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan and other places in the Middle East.
When she later came to this area for her assignment at the Marine base at Quantico, the size and traffic in Northern VIrginia and “moving to the big city” made her feel “a little uncomfortable. It was a very different environment,” from what she knew, but the allure and magnetism of the Little City where she visited friends, made an impact and it was almost love at first sight, including the VFW building which, once she spied it on Shreve Road, took only two days for her to join after she moved here.
In 2015 she left northern Virginia for Camp Pendleton, CA, her last post and her exit two years later from active military service as a staff sergeant. Returning to this area, she resumed college at George Mason University where she got her degree in criminology and now works for the State Department.
The Falls Church VFW will participate in the city’s Memorial Day parade on May 26, handing out flags and hosting an open house
for the community at the Shreve Road post from 4 to 10 p.m. with yard games, activities for children, hot dogs and hamburgers.
There is no charge.
The VFW is a non-profit organization which receives funding from rentals of the post facility for parties, weddings, baby showers and other special events, and it is the home of the “canteen” on Tuesdays through Sundays since “veterans have still got to have their Bud Lights,” Lampkin laughed. The VFW is always open to the community, she emphasized.
She credited the VFW Auxiliary for its hours devoted to the organization, helping attract members and families, hosting Christmas parties, making cookies and other treats, and inviting Santa Claus to come for a visit, among many activities the auxiliary performs.
Membership in the VFW is limited to those who have served the military overseas while the auxiliary is open to most relatives of a qualifying veteran.
The post’s website gives a brief history of the VFW which “was founded in 1899 to assist the neglected veterans of the SpanishAmerican War. Membership grew to 5,000 by 1915, 200,000 by 1936, and to over 1.5 million by today. Now there are some 9,000 posts in the nation and more than 200 in Virginia.”
The Falls Church post was chartered in 1947 and named the Martin Leppert Sipes Post in honor of four soldiers killed in action during World War II: R. Jacques Martin, US Navy, killed when torpedoed off Iceland; his brother, Paul F. Martin, US Army, killed in France; Norman E. Leppert, US Marine Corps, killed in the South Pacific and James E. Sipes, US Navy, killed in the Western Pacific.
“It’s important to make sure that Memorial Day is focused on remembering all the veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice,’’ Lampkin said. “We’re here to remember what this holiday is all about.”
VFW Post, 7118 Shreve Road, Falls Church 22043. Ph. 703-241-9274. vfwpost9274.org
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
Monday, May 27, 2024
City Hall Grounds (300 Park Avenue)
Beyer Auto Group 3K Fun Run • Start Line at Great Falls Street & Little Falls Street Intersection Runners Only, Rollerblades and Bikes Not Permitted
Festival • Kids Rides & Inflatables, Vendor Booths, Food and Crafts for Sale
Live Music on the Main Stage • Coozies - 9:15 a.m. City of Falls Church Concert Band - 12:30 p.m.
Memorial Day Ceremony • Veterans Memorial, Outside the Community CenterKeynote Speaker: Major David Hatcher, United States Army (Ret.), West Point 1968
INOVA Blood Drive • Appointments at the INOVA Bloodmobile, Outside Community Center on Little Falls Street
Parade, Led by Grand Marshal Mary Gavin
Five Reasons KiPS KamP is THE BEST
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Index Coffee Roasters
Asian Taste
Anita's Frozen Cotton Candy
Sweet Frog
LB Concessions
E-san Thai Food & Drinks
Papa's Kettle Korn
Johnson Family Funnel Cakes
Midnite Express
International Grill
Mom's Momo
Sara Festival
Bigwifes Mac N Cheese
Anita's Frozen Cotton Candy
Virginia Vendor Food Services
TK Grill
Beyer Kia
Prince William Home Improvement
Patient First
Renewal by Andersen
Kitchen Saver
Passanante's Home Food Services
Social Justice Committee of FC Vicinity
Tinner Hill Heritage Foundation
Falls Church Public Access
Conscious Planet Save Soil
Friends of Falls Church Homeless Shelter
The Kensington Falls Church
Falls Church Community Service Council
Baroody Camps
The Falls Church Episcopal
Falls Church Chamber of Commerce
Falun Dafa
Lions Club
Blended Desserts
Family of Nuts
Temalle Ltd
Courtney Lapenta, LLC
Nature's Essentials
True Honey Teas
Alejandra Jewelry
Paint Me! Paint Me!
Milena Guro Designs
Fahrenheit99 & Co.
Roots of Development
Zana De Mexico
C. Logan Wheeler Art
Cocoa Cottage Studio
Grandma Mary's Buttons & Bows
Alyssa Bazaar
Amaryllis Author LLC
Alyssa Mae Crafts
Cutco Cutlery
Night Watch Pediatric Urgent Care
Goldfish Swim School
Sweet Promise
Happy Henna Guy
League of Women Voters Falls Church
Concerned Citizens Against Gun Violence
Falls Church Democratic Committee
Welcoming Falls Church
Dulin Cooperative Preschool
The Toy Nest
Hometown Go
Everybody Loves Ramen
Mark Cottman Gallery
Minda S Fashion
Sumak Art
Mam Jam's Candle Company
Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club
1. Falls Church City Sheriff’s Department
2. City of Falls Church Police Department
9. Greater Falls Church
10. Martin Leppert Sipes VFW Post 9274
11. Rhode Island Military
Vehicle Collectors Club (RIMVCC)
12. Falls Church Volunteer Fire Department
13. Falls Church Recreation and Parks Department
14. Falls Church News-Press
15. Centro Cultural Bolivia
16. Commonwealth Attorney’s Office of Arlington & Falls Church
17. Nokesville 4-H Equestrian Club
18. Mini Moke
19. Friendship Woodridge International Marching Eagles
20. Girl Scouts of Service Unit 50-14 in Falls Church
21. Falls Church Kiwanis Little League
22. Scout Troop 1996
23. Blue Ivy Dance Team
24. Underdog
25. The DC Wheels
26. Tinkus San Simon Filial Virginia
27. 1947 Dodge Deluxe Club Coupe
28. Cub Scout Pack 681
29. Operation EarthWatch
30. McKinley Tech High School JROTC Phoenix
31. Falun Dafa of Washington DC
32. Concerned Citizens Against Gun Violence
33. Temple Rodef Shalom
34. Filthy’s Garage Creative
35. Alma Boliviana
36. Kena Shriners
37. Dogtopia of Falls Church
38. Cub Scout Pack 657
39. C-Ryderz and Xtreme Corvette Club
40. John F Nicoll Pipe Band
41. Citizens for a Better City (CBC)
42. Falls Church City Democratic Committee
43. Bikenetic Bike Shop
44. Cheer DC
45. Maha Yoga
46. Girls Scout Service Unit 50-12
47. NOVA Parks
48. Tinkus Bolivia USA
49. VIGEO Physical Therapy
50. Cub Scout Pack 1127
51. Falls Church City 4-H Community Club
52. Northern Virginia Women’s Rugby Football Club
53. TriPoint Our Little Miss
54. Anointed to Praise Drill Team & Drumline
55. Save Soil
56. Welcoming Falls Church
57. Elite Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
58. The Kensington Falls Church
59. Tinkus Tiataco USA
60. City of Falls Church Public Works Dept
In a thrilling finale to their regular season campaign, the Commandos, led by Nick Toman and sponsored by NDI Custom Homes, emerged victorious against rival Team TBD, coached by Chris McCormack and sponsored by Evergreene Homes, with a final score of 7-4.
The Commandos wasted no time making their mark on the scoreboard, securing an early lead in the first inning when a dropped third strike allowed them to notch their first run of the game.
However, Team TBD quickly responded, with Theo Jones delivering a crucial single to tie the game at one apiece in the bottom of the first inning.
Undeterred, the Commandos surged ahead again in the second inning, thanks to an error that allowed another run to cross the plate, giving them a 2-1 lead.
Yet, Team TBD continued to fight back, with Kirin Hsu launching the first home run of
his career to right field in the third inning, leveling the score once again to 2-2.
The seesaw battle continued into the later innings, with the Commandos pulling ahead yet again in the fourth inning following a sacrifice bunt by Paul Thiede. However, Theo Jones came through for Team TBD with a crucial double in the bottom of the fourth, knotting the score at 3-3.
In a decisive sixth inning, the Commandos capitalized on key hits by Evan Toman and Lincoln Thor to break the deadlock and secure a commanding lead over Team TBD.
Will Schiffer and Logan Pinkerton’s combined stellar performance on the mound sealed the victory for the Commandos, delivering nine total strikeouts.
The Commandos’ offense was firing on all cylinders, amassing a total of 11 hits in the game.
Evan Toman led the charge with two runs batted in, while Caleb Edel, Thor, Hayes Vaughan, Connell Henderson, Dante
Wiltz, Schiffer, and Pinkerton each contributed with hits of their own. Though Team TBD fought valiantly, managing to collect hits from Jones, Matthew Miller, Kellan McCormack, and Bobby Lynch, they ultimately fell short in their bid to overcome the Commandos’ lead.
The game concluded in dramatic fashion, with Toman
showcasing his defensive prowess by executing a 4-3 double play to record the first two outs in the bottom of the sixth. The final out came when Team TBD attempted to score on a passed ball, only for catcher Thiede to recover the ball and make a swift throw to Pinkerton, who applied the tag.
As the regular season draws
to a close for both teams, the players, coaches, and fans alike eagerly anticipate the upcoming Little League playoffs. The photo capturing all of the league age 12-year-old players for both teams serves as a poignant reminder of the camaraderie and competitive spirit that define this beloved pastime.
FCKLL Majors Season Team Standings
(as of May 19, 2024)
Expos 9-5
sponsor: Load Side Electric Commandos 5-9
sponsor: NDI Custom Homes TBD 9-5
sponsor:Evergreene Homes
Little City Legends 8-6
sponsor: Kirk’s Army
We Show Speed 8-6
sponsor: Beyer Volvo Clouds 3-11 sponsor: RPJ Advisors
For over three decades, the Challenger division of Little League (coached by Amanda Springmann and sponsored by the Falls Church News-Press ) has been a beacon of inclusivity, offering children with special needs the opportunity to experience the joys of baseball. The Falls Church Kiwanis Little League has proudly embraced this ethos, providing unwavering support to its own Challengers team, where the spirit of camaraderie and the love of the game converge.
Established in 1989, the Challengers division of FCKLL was conceived as a haven for special needs children who might not have otherwise had the chance to participate in organized league sports.
This season, FCKLL boasts 13 Challenger players ranging from ages 6 to 13, each bringing their unique energy and enthusiasm to the diamond.
These team members are: Harley Alsup, Bo Ellis, Vincent Fan, Colin Flinter, Johnathan
Huang, Ethan Jeschke, Rachel Li, Angel Lopez, Eliza Moore, Kai Nolen, Luci Reynolds, Arthur Roach, and Talin Vaghela.
Every week, these young athletes gather for a noncompetitive, scrimmage-style baseball game with the FCKLL Majors team.
The players showcase their budding baseball skills while embodying the values of teamwork and sportsmanship. It’s not just about hitting home runs or making dazzling plays; it’s about supporting one another, and celebrating every small victory along the way.
But the magic of the Challengers extends beyond the players themselves.
Behind the scenes, a dedicated roster of teen volunteers lend their time and encouragement to the team, enriching the experience for everyone involved. Included among these volunteers is Abby Ashbrook, a Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School student and longtime Challengers player — turned assistant coach.
Ashbrook’s decision to transition to the FCKLL coaching staff this spring exemplifies the enduring spirit of community and service that defines the Challengers program.
Reflecting on the season, Challenger coach Amanda Springmann expressed gratitude for FCKLL’s steadfast commitment to the program. “Challengers is baseball at its best,” she remarked, “and I’m so glad FCKLL continues to lend such strong support to the program. We are lucky to have had such a terrific season.”
Indeed, the meaning of success for the Challengers team transcends wins and losses; instead it’s about fostering an environment where every child — regardless of ability — feels welcomed, valued, and empowered.
As this year’s season draws to a close, the memories created on the baseball diamond will endure, serving as a testament to the transformative power of sportsmanship, resilience, and the unwavering spirit of inclusion.
Gov't. Operations Committee Meeting
Government Operations Committee meets. City Hall (300 Park Ave., Oak Room, Falls Church), 3:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m.
Tech Scams & Fraud
Protection Event
An informative presentation focusing on the do's and don't's of technology, followed by a Q&A session. The Kensington Falls Church (700 W. Broad St., Falls Church), 4:30 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
Historic Architectural Review Board Meeting
Historic Architectural Review Board meets. City Hall (300 Park Ave., Dogwood A-B, Falls Church), 7:00 p.m. — 9:00 p.m.
Bubbly Black Girl Sheds
Her Chameleon Skin
A coming-of-age story spanning four decades and the confusing worlds of racism, sexism and showbiz. Tickets at creativecauldron. org. Creative Cauldron (410 S. Maple Ave., Falls Church), 7:30 p.m.
Keegan Theatre: Expecting
Shauna and Robbie are expecting… different things. Encountering financial difficulties alongside the arrival of baby Aisling and the barriers Shauna faces, Robbie spirals. Break down barriers with this accessible new show as Shauna and Robbie plunge into parenthood. On stage through May 25; tickets at keegantheatre.com. Keegan Theatre (1742 Church St. NW, Washington, DC), 8:00 p.m.
MAY 25
Falls Church Farmers Market
Shop the award winning market ev-
ery Saturday, year-round! City Hall Parking Lot (300 Park Ave., Falls Church), 8:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.
Spring Fest
A vibrant celebration of FilipinoAmerican heritage, community, and philanthropy, filled with cultural enrichment, performances, culinary delight, and local vendors showcasing unique crafts. Free to attend. Details at filamfestdc.org. Citylight Church (2929 Graham Rd., Falls Church), 9:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.
MAY 26
Flora and Fauna:
Thriving or Threatened
FCA exhibit "Flora and Fauna: Thriving and Threatened," an allmedia exhibit of works that celebrate the beauty and diversity of the natural world... or explore the challenges it faces. Free to attend. On display through June 9; view/ buy in the FCA gallery or online at fallschurcharts.org. Falls Church Arts (700-B W. Broad St., Falls Church), 9:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.
Saturday through Monday, enjoy festival vendors, rides, entertainment, food and more! Free shuttle to/from Vienna Metro throughout event. Free to attend. Church St. (between Lawyers Rd. and Mill St., Vienna, VA), 10:00 a.m. — 10:00 p.m.
MAY 27
F.C. Memorial Day
Parade & Festival
Enjoy vendors, food, inflatables, live entertainment, and more! Beyer Auto Group 3K Fun Run at 9:00 a.m., Memorial Ceremony at 11:00 a.m., and Parade at 2:00 p.m. Free and open to the public. Falls Church Community Center (223 Little Falls St., Kenneth R. Burnett Bldg., Falls Church), 9:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.
Memorial Day Closures
City government, schools, courts
and court clerk are closed Monday; library closed Sunday and Monday. Community Center is open 8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. FCCPS schools also closed Tuesday, May 28 for graduation. Throughout Falls Church (City Buildings, Falls Church), all day.
MAY 28
Economic Dev. Committee Meeting
Economic Development Committee meets. Oak Street Elementary School (601 S. Oak St., Falls Church), 1:00 p.m. — 2:30 p.m.
City Council Meeting
The City Council meets the second and fourth Monday of the month. The public is welcome to speak during the public comment period by signing up at fallschurchva. gov/publiccomment. Watch live or on-demand at fallschurchva.gov/ CouncilMeetings and on FCCTV. City Hall (300 Park Ave., Council Chambers/Court Room, Falls Church), 7:30 p.m. — 11:00 p.m.
Chamber Networking Mixer
Enjoy a free networking mixer among fellow chamber members, with appetizers and raffle prizes. Rowells Court (900 Block, W. Broad St., Falls Church)
MAY 29
Arlington Community Chorus Spring Concert
The Arlington Community Chorus presents its spring concert, "Earth Songs: Celebrating Our Beautiful World." Free and open to the public. Yorktown High School Auditorium (5200 Yorktown Blvd., Arlington, VA), 7:30 p.m.
MAY 30
Tysons Library Book & Media Sale
Thursday through Sunday, shop a large selection of books and
media for all ages and interests. Proceeds benefit library and related activities. Volunteers and donations appreciated; contact tysonslibraryfriends@gmail. com. Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library (7584 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church), 10:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.
Enjoy an evening filled with live music, delicious food, and good vibes. Part of the Founders Groove concert series, Thursdays through
July 25. Free to attend. This week's performer: Diamond Alley. Founders Row (109 Founders Ave., Falls Church), 6:30 p.m. — 8:30 p.m. FCCPS and W&OD Connection Meeting Public community meeting in the MEHMS Cafetorium to discuss the east/west pedestrian and bicycle connection between the W&OD trail and FCCPS secondary campus. Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School (105 Mustang Alley, Falls Church), 7:00 p.m. — 8:30 p.m.
The following was given first reading at the April 29, 2024 City Council meeting. A public hearing, second reading, and possible City Council action is scheduled for Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.
This action would amend the City’s floodplain district boundaries of the Zoning Map to meet the floodplain boundaries set by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and National Floodplain Insurance Program (NFIP).
This action would add the following properties to the floodplain district on June 6, 2024:
(51-116-041) 6936 N 26TH ST (51-117-002) 6947 N FOUR MILE RUN DR (51-116-042) 6935 N 26TH ST
(51-116-018) 6933 N 26TH ST
(51-101-012) 214 W JEFFERSON ST
(51-101-010) 114 W JEFFERSON ST (51-101-019) 537 N WASHINGTON ST (53-101-120) GRESHAM PL
(52-205-017) 402 TIMBER LN
(53-101-073) 500 E JEFFERSON ST
(53-101-005) 507 E COLUMBIA
(52-402-039) 219 W CAMERON RD
(52-312-100) 410 S MAPLE AVE
(53-208-015) 408 VAN BUREN ST
This action would remove the following properties from the floodplain district on June 6, 2024:
(52-106-007) 1013 KENNEDY ST
(52-608-030) 310 KENT ST
(52-608-029) 309 KENT ST
(52-608-028) 308 KENT ST
(52-608-005) 600 RANDOLPH ST
(52-206-025) 139 LEA CT
(52-206-054) 212 S OAK ST
(52-302-281) 146 REES PL
(52-602-020) 519 S SPRING ST
(52-602-019) 521 S SPRING ST
(52-302-276) 156 REES PL
(52-302-036) 211 S LEE ST
(52-302-012) 422 SHERROW AVE
All public hearings will be held in the Council Chambers, 300 Park Avenue, Falls Church, Virginia. Remote participation information at www.fallschurchva.gov/publiccomment. Comments may also be sent to cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov. For copies of legislation, contact the City Clerk’s office at (703-248-5014) or cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov or visit www. fallschurchva.gov/councilmeetings. The City of Falls Church is committed to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability, call 703-248-5014 (TTY 711).
The following was given first reading at the May 13, 2024 City Council meeting. A public hearing, second reading, and possible City Council action is scheduled for Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.
This ordinance would add eligibility requirements to the board and commission section of the City Code and make practical edits in relation to the addition.
All public hearings will be held in the Council Chambers, 300 Park Avenue, Falls Church, Virginia. Remote participation information at www.fallschurchva.gov/publiccomment. Comments may also be sent to cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov. For copies of legislation, contact the City Clerk’s office at (703-248-5014) or cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov or visit www. fallschurchva.gov/councilmeetings. The City of Falls Church is committed to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability, call 703-248-5014 (TTY 711).
Invitation For Bids (IFB) IFB 0618-24-BPTC
Berman Park Trail Crossings Project City of Falls Church
PASSWORD PROTECTED ELECTRONIC BIDS (SEALED) will be accepted by the City of Falls Church by electronic submission to the Purchasing Agent, James Wise, jwise@ fallschurchva.gov (email) for the provision of Berman Park Trail Crossings Project.
Due date for the electronic submission of Bids is Tuesday, June 18, 2024 @ 11:00
AM. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams on May 21, 2024 (see the IFB for details). A copy of the IFB which includes all details and requirements may be downloaded from the City of Falls Church’s procurement website: www.fallschurchva.gov/Bids. Notice of the IFB may also be accessed via eVA, the Commonwealth of Virginia’s electronic procurement portal for registered suppliers, www. eva.virginia.gov. For more information and/or questions regarding this IFB contact the City’s Purchasing Agent; (703) 248-5007; jwise@ fallschurchva.gov. To request a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability, call 703 248-5007 (TTY 711).
A public hearing and possible City Council action is scheduled for Monday, June 10, 2024 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.
All public hearings will be held in the Council Chambers, 300 Park Avenue, Falls Church, Virginia. Remote participation information at www.fallschurchva.gov/publiccomment. Comments may also be sent to cityclerk@ fallschurchva.gov. For copies of legislation, contact the City Clerk’s office at (703-248-5014) or cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov or visit fallschurchva.gov/councilmeetings. The City of Falls Church is committed to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability, call 703-248-5014 (TTY 711).
On June 5, 2024, at 7:30 p.m., the City of Falls Church Planning Commission will hold a public hearing during their regularly scheduled meeting, in City Council Chambers at City Hall, 300 Park Avenue, Falls Church Virginia 22046, on the following: (TR24-10) RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO UPDATE CHAPTER 2, “PEOPLE, HOUSING, AND JOBS: DEMOGRAPHICS CHAPTER OF THE CITY’S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN
Meeting agenda and materials will be available on the following page prior to the public meeting: http://www.fallschurchva.gov/PC. Information on the project can also be found at on the project webpage: www.fallschurchva. gov/DemographicsChapter. The City of Falls Church is committed to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability, call 703-248-5040 (TTY 711).
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pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753.
On May 1, 2024, Virginia Electric and Power Company d/b/a Dominion Energy Virginia (“Dominion” or “Company”), pursuant to § 56-585.1 A 4 (“Subsection A 4”) of the Code of Virginia (“Code”), filed an application (“Application”) with the State Corporation Commission (“Commission”) for approval of a revised increment/decrement rate adjustment clause designated as Rider T1. Pursuant to § 56-585.1 A 7 of the Code, “the Commission’s final order regarding any petition filed pursuant to [Subsection A 4] . . . shall be entered not more than three months . . . after the date of filing of such petition.”
Subsection A 4 deems to be prudent, among other things, the “costs for transmission services provided to the utility by the regional transmission entity of which the utility is a member” and “costs charged to the utility that are associated with demand response programs approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [(“FERC”)] and administered by the regional transmission entity of which the utility is a member.”
The Company has been a member of PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (“PJM”), a regional transmission entity that has been approved by FERC as a regional transmission organization, since 2005. Dominion, as an integrated electric utility member of PJM, obtains transmission service from PJM and pays PJM charges for such service at the rates contained in PJM’s Open Access Transmission Tariff approved by FERC. The Company states that it also pays PJM charges for costs associated with demand response programs approved by FERC and administered by PJM.
In this proceeding, Dominion seeks approval of a revenue requirement for the rate year September 1, 2024, through August 31, 2025 (“Rate Year”). This revenue requirement, if approved, would be recovered through a combination of base rates and a revised increment/decrement Rider T1. Rider T1 is designed to recover the increment/ decrement between the revenues produced from the Subsection A 4 component of base rates and the new revenue requirement developed from the Company’s Subsection A 4 costs for the Rate Year.
The total proposed revenue requirement to be recovered over the Rate Year is $1,169,592,808, comprising an increment Rider T1 of $638,238,346, and forecast collections of $531,354,462 through the transmission component of base rates. This total revenue requirement represents an increase of $249,440,612, compared to the revenues projected to be produced during the Rate Year by the combination of the base rate component of Subsection A 4 (the Company’s former Rider T) and the Rider T1 rates currently in effect. Implementation of the proposed Rider T1 on September 1, 2024 would increase the total monthly bill of a typical residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt-hours per month by $3.81.
TAKE NOTICE that the Commission may adopt rates that differ from those appearing in the Company’s Application and supporting documents and may apportion revenues among customer classes and/or design rates in a manner differing from that shown in the Application and supporting documents.
The Commission entered an Order for Notice and Hearing that, among other things, scheduled public hearings on the Company’s Application. On June 17, 2024, at 10 a.m., a Hearing Examiner appointed by the Commission will hold a telephonic hearing for the purpose of receiving the testimony of public witnesses. On or before June 11, 2024, any person desiring to offer testimony as a public witness shall provide to the Commission (a) your name, and (b) the telephone number that you wish the Commission to call during the hearing to receive your testimony. This information may be provided to the Commission in three ways: (i) by filling out a form on the Commission’s website at scc.virginia.gov/pages/Webcasting; (ii) by completing and emailing the PDF version of this form to SCCInfo@scc.virginia.gov; or (iii) by calling (804) 371-9141. This public witness hearing will be webcast at scc.virginia.gov/pages/Webcasting.
Beginning at 10 a.m., on June 17, 2024, the Hearing Examiner will telephone sequentially each person who has signed up to testify as provided above.
On June 17, 2024 at 10 a.m., or at the conclusion of the public witness portion of the hearing, whichever is later, in the Commission’s second floor courtroom located in the Tyler Building, 1300 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, a Hearing Examiner appointed by the Commission will convene a hearing to receive testimony and evidence offered by the Company, any respondents, and the Commission Staff.
To promote administrative efficiency and timely service of filings upon participants, the Commission has directed the electronic filing of testimony and pleadings, unless they contain confidential information, and has required electronic service on parties to this proceeding.
An electronic copy of the Company’s Application may be obtained by submitting a written request to counsel for the Company: David J. DePippo, Esquire, Dominion Energy Services, Inc., 120 Tredegar Street, RS-2, Richmond, Virginia 23219, or david.j.depippo@dominionenergy.com. Interested persons also may download unofficial copies from the Commission’s website: scc.virginia.gov/pages/Case-Information.
On or before June 11, 2024, any interested person may submit comments on the Application electronically by following the instructions on the Commission’s website: scc.virginia.gov/casecomments/Submit-Public-Comments. Those unable, as a practical matter, to submit comments electronically may file such comments by U.S. mail to the Clerk of the State Corporation Commission, c/o Document Control Center, P.O. Box 2118, Richmond, Virginia 23218-2118. All comments shall refer to Case No. PUR-202400071.
On or before June 4, 2024, any person or entity wishing to participate as a respondent in this proceeding may do so by filing a notice of participation with the Clerk of the Commission at: scc.virginia.gov/clk/efiling. Those unable, as a practical matter, to file a notice of participation electronically may file such notice by U.S. mail to the Clerk of the Commission at the address listed above. Such notice of participation shall include the email addresses of such parties or their counsel, if available. A copy of the notice of participation as a respondent also must be sent to counsel for the Company. Pursuant to 5 VAC 5-20-80 B, Participation as a respondent, of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (“Rules of Practice”), any notice of participation shall set forth: (i) a precise statement of the interest of the respondent; (ii) a statement of the specific action sought to the extent then known; and (iii) the factual and legal basis for the action. Any organization, corporation or government body participating as a respondent must be represented by counsel as required by 5 VAC 5-20-30, Counsel, of the Rules of Practice. All filings shall refer to Case No. PUR-2024-00071.
On or before June 4, 2024, each respondent may file with the Clerk of the Commission, at scc.virginia.gov/clk/efiling, any testimony and exhibits by which the respondent expects to establish its case. Any respondent unable, as a practical matter, to file testimony and exhibits electronically may file such by U.S. mail to the Clerk of the Commission at the address listed above. Each witness’s testimony shall include a summary not to exceed one page. All testimony and exhibits shall be served on the Staff, the Company, and all other respondents simultaneous with its filing. In all filings, the respondent shall comply with the Rules of Practice, including 5 VAC 5-20-140, Filing and service, and 5 VAC 5-20-240, Prepared testimony and exhibits. All filings shall refer to Case No. PUR-2024-00071.
Any documents filed in paper form with the Office of the Clerk of the Commission in this docket may use both sides of the paper. In all other respects, except as modified by the Commission’s Order for Notice and Hearing, all filings shall comply fully with the requirements of 5 VAC 5-20-150, Copies and format, of the Commission’s Rules of Practice.
The Commission’s Rules of Practice, the Company’s Application, the Commission’s Order for Notice and Hearing, and other documents filed in this case may be viewed on the Commission’s website at: scc.virginia.gov/pages/Case-Information.
Porky’s pen
VA Attorney General, 25 Others Sue Biden Administration over LGBTQ+ Protections
Remember Betsy DeVos, the Education Secretary under the Trump Administration? Well, on April 19 the Biden Administration rolled back some of the (terrible) changes made to Title IX regulations under her leadership. Title IX provides protection against sex discrimination in education programs receiving federal funding.
The changes rolled back include an attempt — justified apparently by estimated cost-savings — to reduce the number of investigations into sexual assaults by about half. This was to be done not by reducing the prevalence of sexual assault, but by limiting the definition of sexual assault itself, limiting liability for educational institutions, and even allowing the accused to cross-examine their victims.
The Biden regulations restore and strengthen protection from sexual violence and harassment; prohibit discrimination against LGBTQ+ students and employees based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex characteristics; and protect from discrimination based on reproductive care or pregnancy status.
The lawsuit filed April 29 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky, brought against the U.S. Dept. of Education and Education Sec. Miguel Cardona, was filed by five state attorneys general: Tenessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Virginia, and West Virginia.
The lawsuit says adding “gender identity” and “sex characteristics” to the interpretation of Title IX protections, which it calls “sweeping and unlawful,” will hamper student privacy, fair competition in women’s sports, and “punish states for following their laws.”
What exactly do they mean by “punish states for following their laws?” Are existing discriminatory laws too embarrassing to change? Do we just decide to punt it to another generation, then? Is justice that subjective?
This reminds me of the unfortunate number of times I’ve heard someone say, seemingly disappointed, “I just don’t think the country is ready for a Black President,” or “I just don’t think people are ready for a Woman President.”
It is akin to the suggestion that granting LGBTQ+ people equal rights may just be too shocking, and may incite protest. Nobody ever finishes the sentence, but it’s pretty clear: equality should wait until everyone’s ready.
This is a cynical, victim-blaming way to mask one’s own prejudices. Justice isn’t about timing. Also, last time I checked, America aspired to be a leader, not a feckless bystander. Right? At least we try to be, right?
Florida Creates “Freedom Summer” Event to Prevent Pride Month Rainbows
This time of year, it’s normal for Florida to feel a little gross and swampy, but Gov. DeSantis (R) took it to extremes last week, when he announced that “we’re kicking off
summer the right way in Florida — enjoy the Summer of Freedom.”
Under a new directive issued by DeSantis, throughout “Freedom Summer,” from Memorial Day through Labor Day (May 27 through September 2), the Bob Graham Sunshine Skyway Bridge will be lit in red, white, and blue every night.
For years during Pride Month every June, the bridge has been illuminated in rainbow colors. This year a county commissioner complained, and seems to have successfully convinced DeSantis to create a mockery of Freedom through the move.
Florida Department of Transportation Secretary Jared Perdue said he hopes other bridges across the state follow suit.
For freedom, am I right? Checkmate, libs. DeSantis and Perdue are among Florida officials being sued in connection with the flights of migrants out of Texas to more liberal states. Apparently, these officials used some of the state’s $12 million budget to transport undocumented immigrants from Florida, and used it instead fo fund the flights from Texas. This (fairly clearly) isn’t what the funds were allocated for, and Florda Democrats say that’s against the law.
This includes sending undocumented migrants via charter planes from San Antonio to Martha’s Vineyard, under the false premise that jobs and housing were waiting for them there.
Pope Speaks Out Against ‘Anti’ Ideologies in ‘60 Minutes’ Interview
Over the weekend, Pope Francis was interviewed by CBS News reporter Norah O’Donnell on “60 Minutes.”
The Pope had a lot to say about peace, justice, and equality. Asked about the conflict in Israel/Palestine, he said “all ideology is bad, and antisemitism is an ideology, and it is bad. Any ‘anti’ is always bad… you can criticize one government or another… all you want, but not [be] ‘anti’ a people.”
Asked about the state of Texas attempting to shut down a Catholic charity providing undocumented migrants with humanitarian aid, he said “that is madness. Sheer madness. To close the border and leave them there, that is madness. The migrant has to be received. Thereafter you see how you are going to deal with him. Maybe you have to send him back, I don’t know, but each case ought to be considered humanely. Right?”
Reminded of his previous comment, “Who am I to judge? Homosexuality is not a crime,” he replied “No. It is a human fact.”
Asked about conservative criticism, he said “[a] conservative is one who clings to something and does not want to see beyond that. It is a suicidal attitude. Because one thing is to take tradition into account, to consider situations from the past, but quite another is to be closed up inside a dogmatic box.”
He continued that the church is for everyone, “Everyone, everyone, everyone... If the Church places a customs officer at the door, that is no longer the church of Christ.”
The Entrepreneurship 101 workshop is intended for start-up entrepreneurs who want to launch or grow a business in Fairfax County. The topics that will be covered include doing business in Fairfax County, business registration, business and property taxes, financing programs, licensing and certifications, local, state, and federal business resources, and other general topics related to starting and growing a business. The workshop is free, and registration is required. Note that this session will be held on Thursday, May 30, 8:30 a.m. — 11:30 a.m. at Mason District Government Center, 6507 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA, where Supervisor Jimenez will be the guest speaker. Visit tinyurl.com/FCNP0524en for more information.
Local real estate professional, Ross Litkenhous, has formed a company with Nick Over in response to the demand for data centers. Oasis Digital Properties LLC was formed earlier this month and is working on eight deals in King George and Wise counties, among others. They intend to pursue new ‘green’ technologies like liquid emersion cooling systems and will work to establish data center operations degree and certification programs with local community colleges and universities to advance job placement. Litkenhous will continue as managing partner of Calvary Real Estate Advisors while pursuing this venture.
Women in Technology (WIT) recognized Beth Coleman of General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT) in Falls Church as the Unsung Hero at the 25th Leadership Awards event. Toni Townes-Whitley, CEO of SAIC in Reston, was honored with the first WIT Lifetime Achievement Award. The recipients were recognized for “success in entrepreneurial, STEM, government and corporate industries while inspiring colleagues, partners, and their community.”
The business unit of General Dynamics, General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT), has been awarded a $185 million recompete task order to provide cybersecurity services for the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC). GDIT will research and develop new strategies to mitigate cybersecurity risks and build automation, life safety, utility monitoring and airfield control.
Upon the announcement of two executive retirements, Northrop Grumman is restructuring its leadership. CFO Dave Keffer and President of Mission Systems, Mark Caylor, have announced their retirements as vice presidents under CEO Kathy Warden. As a result, Kenneth Crews, the current VP of business management and CFO for Northrop’s space systems sector, will become the company’s corporate VP of finance on July 1 and assume Keffer’s role on October 1. Roshan Roeder, corporate VP and president of Defense Systems, will replace Caylor as president of mission systems on July 1. In turn, it was announced that Ben Davies, a corporate VP and general manager of Northrop’s strategic deterrent systems division within the space systems segment, will succeed Roeder as head of defense systems.
Business News & Notes is compiled by Elise Neil Bengtson, Executive Director of the Greater Falls Church Chamber of Commerce. She may be emailed at elise@fallschurchchamber.org.