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Falls Church NEWS BRIEFS


Snyder: 2.5 Hours for a Covid-19 Test Last Weekend

Falls Church City Council member David Snyder reported to Tuesday’s virtual meeting of the F.C. Council that he went to one of two regional locations last weekend where free Covid-19 virus tests were being administered by the Virginia Department of Health, and said it took him and wife Edith two and a half hours of waiting in line to be administered a test. The location was the Annandale High School last Saturday and tests were also being conducted at the Bailey’s Elementary School in Bailey’s Crossroads on Sunday. He said that “the infrastructure for wide public testing is clearly not there now. It is incomplete.” He noted that the availability of widespread testing will be key to decisions the schools will need to make concerning the resumption of classes in the fall. Currently, both Covid-19 and Covid-19 antibody tests are available from private physicians in Falls Church but so far public testing sites have been limited to regions where generally lower income populations are densely living.

MAY 28 - JUNE 3, 2020 | PAGE 9

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Court Set to Begin at F.C. City Hall on July 10

Falls Church City Manager Wyatt Shields reported Tuesday that the Arlington Circuit Court, which covers the City of Falls Church, will hold forth for the first time in the newlyrenovated F.C. City Hall on July 10. Lingering upgrades to the facility will be completed by then, and it will mark a long-awaited resumption of court services there since it was deemed the old City Hall was insecure and inadequate from a courtroom point of view.

Whitfield to Leave Public Works Post in F.C.

Mike Whitfield, director of Public Works for Falls Church, will be leaving his post this month to accept a position in the private sector on the West Coast next month, it was reported Tuesday. His tenure in F.C. will end June 19, City Manager Wyatt Shields said, and while there is a hiring freeze for the coming year in the City, an interim replacement will be found in this case and Shields said it will likely come from within the department.

F.C. Public Tennis Courts Opening This Weekend

F.C. City Manager Wyatt Shields announced this week that the City’s public tennis courts will be opened for use this weekend, with provision for ensuring the use will be for tennis and not skateboarding.

F.C. Business Tax Deadline Extended to July 6

The June 5 deadline for City of Falls Church business tax payments has been extended to July 6, the City Council confirmed Tuesday. The Council also passed legislation waiving certain zoning regulation requirements to make it easier for local businesses to offer services in their parking lots and on sidewalks in front of their establishments.

F.C. Library Catching Up With Public Requests

At the temporary digs of the Mary Riley Styles Public Library in trailers at the Thomas Jefferson Elementary School, the library staff is beginning to catch up to the unusually high volume of requests from citizens for books and other products. It was quipped at Tuesday’s Council meeting that the rate of requests is the highest in the region. Meanwhile, the renovation and expansion of the main library building at the corner of N. Virginia and Park Avenue is proceeding apace.

Appointments Confirmed to Key F.C. Boards. Commissions

Key appointments of citizen volunteers to City of F.C. boards and commissions were confirmed by the F.C. City Council Tuesday. They included Andrew Young to the Environmental Sustainability Council, Christina Goodwin to the Board of Equalization, Charles Moore to the Historic Architectural Review Board (a reappointment), Chrystie Swiney as the Library Board of Trustees’ representative on the Arts and Humanities Council of F.C., Amy Crumpton (a reappointment) and Kathleen Philpott Costa to the Urban Forestry Commision.


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