8 minute read
Guest Commentary: Delegate Kory Reflects on Women’s Healthcare
by Delegate Kaye Kory
A decade ago, I established the Virginia Women’s Health Care Caucus in the Virginia General Assembly. I created this caucus because I knew the obstacles women across Virginia had to go through in order to access the care they need and that change required coordinated efforts from lawmakers and advocates to get things done.
One focus of our caucus was improving access to affordable and quality healthcare, particularly through Medicaid. As Virginia began the year-long Medicaid unwinding process in April – which was incidentally Medicaid Awareness Month – it has become even more important to share how Medicaid has transformed the lives of women across Virginia and how we have strengthened the program over the last few years.
Many of us can remember the historic nature of 2020 when I joined my colleagues in electing my long-time friend Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn as Virginia’s 56th Speaker of the House of Delegates. She made history as the first woman and first JewishAmerican to hold the position in Virginia’s over 400 year legislative history. What some of us forget to mention is that, under her leadership, we passed one of the most transformative budgets in Virginia’s history that included many of the priorities the Virginia Women’s Health Care Caucus had been working to advance for years.
The budget approved in 2020 included funding to extend postpartum care for women in low-income women in Medicaid from 60 days to a full year. This is a transformative policy decision approved by the legislature that is currently improving health outcomes for new mothers and their children. That same budget also removed the harsh 40 quarter work requirement for legal permanent residents to be eligible for Medicaid. For many immigrant women, this additional barrier meant they would go without care for a minimum of 10 years and meant that at any moment, a health issue could lead to bankruptcy. We also finally added dental coverage, which many experts cite as important for maternal health because there is link between oral health and preterm birth. As a Delegate who represents a district with many new mothers and new Americans, I can see the impact these policy decisions continue to have on my constituents today.
Subsequent budgets passed by the legislature have continued that progress we started in 2020 of improving access to health care by increasing reimbursement rates for services coverage by Medicaid, expanding prenatal coverage regardless of immigration status, and more. In a few years, much of the legislative goals of the Virginia Women’s Health Care Caucus were achieved thanks to the tireless work of advocates and the legislative leadership of former Speaker Filler-Corn. I celebrate these victories and the role I played in laying the groundwork for many of these policy wins because I know that I have transformed the lives of many because of the votes I cast over the last few years. I also know that there is still much work to be done on protecting and strengthening Medicaid in Virginia and across the country.
Republicans in Congress are threatening to gut Medicaid and cut coverage for millions of families, including here in Virginia as they hold the budget hostage. Here at home, there is also a lack of planning regarding a 12 month Medicaid redetermination process known as Medicaid “unwinding” that could disproportionately impact immigrant women, Black women, and more. It is estimated that nearly 172,000 people will lose coverage, despite still meeting the eligibility requirements to stay enrolled in Medicaid. While the legislature has approved some funds for the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services and the Virginia Department of Social Services, the two agencies tasked with leading the unwinding process, to provide additional capacity we need a plan to provide targeted outreach to communities who may lose coverage, even though they remain eligible for Medicaid. Protecting Medicaid and keeping people enrolled is a women’s rights issue. It is a vital tool in our efforts to combat the maternal mortality crisis we are experiencing in Virginia. As I finish my final term in the Virginia House of Delegates over the next few months, I am laser-focused at keeping Governor Youngkin’s administration accountable to ensure my constituents do not lose coverage, particularly those with language or economic barriers that make it harder to stay enrolled in the program.
On Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 7:30 PM, the City of Falls Church Planning Commission will hold a public hearing during their regularly scheduled meeting, in the City Council Chambers, 300 Park Avenue, Falls Church Virginia 22046, on the following:
Interested persons may appear and present their views on the proposed legislation. The plan is available on the City’s website at: www. fallschurchva.gov/EastEndSAP.
The materials for the above item will be available on the city’s webpage prior to the public hearing: http://www.fallschurchva.gov/PC.
The City of Falls Church is committed to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability, call 703-248-5014 (TTY 711).
The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) of the City of Falls Church, Virginia will hold a public hearing on June 15, 2023 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers, located at 300 Park Avenue, for consideration of the following items:
Variance application V1640-23 by 127 Broad Street, LLC, applicant and owner, for the following variances: - Section 48-1265(1) to allow wall sign area and quantity above the maximum (50 square feet and two signs per tenant) permitted in the zoning district; - Section 48-1265(1)(b) to allow a sign placement higher than 20 feet maximum above grade; - Section 48-1265(2) to allow projecting sign area and quantity above the maximum (10 square feet and one sign per tenant); - Section 48-1269(b) to allow aggregate sign area and quantity above the maximum (125 square feet and four signs) permitted, for the Broad and Washington mixed-use building and Whole Foods Market located at premises known 111 E Broad Street, RPC #53-104-037 of the Falls Church Real Property Records, zoned B-2, Central Business.
Variance application V1641-23 by Joe Larson and Ann Marie Rosas, applicants and owners, for a variance to Section 48-238(3)a. to allow a front setback of 24 feet instead of 30 feet minimum to construct a second story addition, located at premises known as 310 Shadow Walk, RPC #51-110-083 of the Falls Church Real Property Records, zoned R-1A, Low Density Residential.
Variance application V1642-23 by David and Phoebe Hilde, applicants and owners, for a variance to Section 48-238(3)a. to allow a side setback of 10 feet instead of 15 feet minimum to construct a second story addition with an open porch over the existing garage, located at premises known as 312 Forest Drive, RPC #53-207-026 of the Falls Church Real Property Records, zoned R-1A, Low Density Residential.
Public comments and questions may be submitted to zoning@fallschurchva.gov until 4:30 pm on June 15, 2023. Agenda and application materials will be available the week prior to the scheduled hearing at: http://www. fallschurchva.gov/BZA
Information on the above application is also available for review upon request to staff at zoning@fallschurchva.gov.
Volunteers who live in the City of Falls Church are needed to serve on the boards and commissions listed below. Contact the City Clerk’s Office (703-248-5014, cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov, or www.fallschurchva.gov/BC) for an application form or more information.
Positions advertised for more than one month may be filled during each subsequent month.
Architectural Advisory Board (alternate)
Arts & Humanities Council of Falls Church Board of Equalization
City Employee Review Board
Historical Commission
Human Services Advisory Council
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Regional Boards/Commissions
Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services
Board Health Systems Agency of Northern Virginia Long Term Care Coordinating Council Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Commission
Virginia Career Works Northern Region
Ad Hoc Committee Sold Waste Management Plan Advisory
Committee: This Committee will advise the City Council in the development of the City’s 20-year Solid Waste Management Plan.
3plus1 Llc trading as Afghan Kabob Restaurant, 6357 Rolling RD, BLDG, Springfield 22152 . The above establishment is applying to the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC)
Authority for a Retail Restaurant or Caterer
Application - Restaurant, Wine, Beer, Mixed Beverages, Consumed On and Off Premises
License. Massouda Kohistani, Managing Member 3plus1 Llc. NOTE: Objections to the issuance of this license must be submitted to ABC no later than 30 days from the publishing date of the first of two required newspaper legal notices. Objections should be registered at www.abc.virginia.gov or 800-552-3200
Virginia Brass LLC trading as Aurora Nail Spa, 4000 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite B, Arlington VA, 22203. The above establishment is applying to the VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL (ABC)
AUTHORITY for a Marketplace license to sell or manufacture alcoholic beverages.
Hai Trieu Bach-Huynh, Owner
Note: Objections to the issuance of this license must be submitted to ABC no later than 30 days from the publishing date of the first of two required newspaper legal notices. Objections should be registered at www.abc.virginia.gov or 800-552-3200.
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Complete the game so that each large triangle and each horizontal and diagonal line contains numbers between 1 and 9, with no two numbers repeating.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once.
Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line.
You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3x3 box.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once.
Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line.
You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3x3 box.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once.
Find the two identical pizza slices.
Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line.
You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3x3 box.