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PAGE 20 | JULY 15 - 21, 2021




The ordinance referenced below was given first reading on July 12, 2021. Public hearing, second reading, and final City Council action is scheduled for Monday, August 9, 2021 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.


This ordinance would create and establish a Community Development Authority for the West Falls District of approx. 9.78 acres for the purpose of issuing bonds to pay for public infrastructure in the district and administering a special assessment on property in the district to pay the debt service for those bonds, plus eligible administrative expenses associated with the district.

Public hearings will be held electronically. To speak on a public hearing item, complete a speaker form at www.fallschurchva.gov/ PublicComment before noon on the day of the Council meeting. Following submission of the form, you will receive emailed instructions to join the virtual Council meeting. Written public hearing comments may be sent until noon on the day of the meeting to cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov. Council members will attend the meeting through electronic means and members of the public may view the meeting at www.fallschurchva. gov/CouncilMeetings and on FCCTV (Cox 11, RCN 2, Verizon 35). Video will be available after the meeting both online and on FCCTV. For copies of legislation, contact the City Clerk’s office at 703-248-5014 or cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov. The City of Falls Church is committed to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability, call 703-248-5014 (TTY 711).



In anticipation of the creation of a West Falls Community Development Authority and establishment of the West Falls District, the Falls Church City Council invites interested City residents to apply for the resident position on the 5-member Authority. Candidates with knowledge of finance or commercial real estate preferred. Visit www.fallschurchva.gov/BCapply for a link to the application and more information about the CDA, including the background and anticipated schedule for establishing the Authority. Application deadline has been

extended to July 31, 2021.

Celeste Heath, City Clerk cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov 703-248-5014

DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations for the Independent City of Falls Church, Virginia The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency has issued a preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), and where applicable, Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report, reflecting proposed flood hazard determinations within the Independent City of Falls Church, Virginia. These flood hazard determinations may include the addition or modification of Base Flood Elevations, base flood depths, Special Flood Hazard Area boundaries or zone designations, or the regulatory floodway. Technical information or comments are solicited on the proposed flood hazard determinations shown on the preliminary FIRM and/or FIS report for the Independent City of Falls Church, Virginia. These flood hazard determinations are the basis for the floodplain management measures that your community is required to either adopt or show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. However, before these determinations are effective for floodplain management purposes, you will be provided an opportunity to appeal the proposed information. For information on the statutory 90-day period provided for appeals, as well as a complete listing of the communities affected and the locations where copies of the FIRM are available for review, please visit FEMA’s website at https://www.floodmaps. fema.gov/fhm/BFE_Status/bfe_main.asp, or call the FEMA Mapping and Insurance eXchange (FMIX) toll free at 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627).



Bep Viet LLC, Trading as: Bep Viet, 3000 Annandale Rd, #102 Falls Church, VA 22042. The above establishment is applying to the VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL (ABC) for a Wine & Beer On Premises; Mixed Beverage On Premises. Michael Phan owner , Authorized Signatory Bep Viet LLC., the Operating Member of Bep Viet. NOTE: Objections to the issuance of this license must be submitted to ABC no later than 30 days from the publishing date of the first of two required newspaper legal notices. Objections should be registered at www.abc.virginia.gov or 800-552-3200. Mi Cay Tung Corp. , Trading as: PHO 95 Mi Cay Tung, 6795 Wilson Blvd, suite 18,20,22,41 Falls Church, VA 22044 .The above establishment is applying to the VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL (ABC) for a Wine & Beer On Premises; Mixed Beverage On Premises. Steven Phan, Chief Legal Officer, Authorized Signatory PHO95 Mi Cay Tung Restaurants, Inc., the Operating Member of MI CAY TUNG Corp. NOTE: Objections to the issuance of this license must be submitted to ABC no later than 30 days from the publishing date of the first of two required newspaper legal notices. Objections should be registered at www. abc.virginia.gov or 800-552-3200.


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