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Crime Report........................................8 Business News
PAGE 10 | AUGUST 25 - 31, 2022
The Smile You Want The Attention You Deserve
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Falls Church Business News & Notes
Five Falls Church Companies Make Inc. 5000 List
This year, 258 Virginia companies made the annual Inc. 5000 list of the nation’s 5,000 fastestgrowing privately held companies with several in the Falls Church Area. Sierra7 in Falls Church ranked 457 on the list with a growth rate of 1,362 percent. Sierra7 is a service-disabled veteranowned small business providing information technology and consulting services to federal agency clients. Other Falls Church area companies on the list include public relations firm Pinkston at 4,039 (119 percent growth), information technology consulting firm Alesig Consulting at 4,070 (118 percent growth), business management consultant Evans Consulting and information technology company Agil3 Technology Solutions. Virginia companies on this year’s list collectively added 31,171 jobs and 167 are repeat winners. The top 500 companies on the Inc. 5000 list will be featured in Inc. magazine’s September issue.

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Fall Health & Wellness Guide
The Health Guide features advertisers and editorial content speci cally targeted to promoting better health practices. This is a GREAT place for your message and we havea new opportunity for you to be a part of this featured section.
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Session on eCommerce for Modern Retail
In 2021, retail e-commerce sales amounted to approximately 4.9 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide. While ecommerce is expected to grow at a slower pace over the next few years, ecommerce share of retail sales is expected to increase to 23.6 percent by 2025. However, as competition explodes, customer expectations evolve at a rapid pace and questions revolve around DTC profitability, eCommerce companies must evolve. Sponsored by Microsoft, The Center for Retail Transformation at George Mason University and Small Business Development Center (SBDC) will host a virtual panel that examines the drivers for eCommerce success in the modern, post-pandemic retail era. The session will be on Monday, August 29 at 12 p.m. Participants must complete registration to receive the Zoom link at gmu.zoom.us/webinar/ register/WN_Kom7MXPmSKuG4_jX0gHwFg.
Grant Opportunity for Black-Owned Businesses
Jack Daniel’s is accepting applications for its ”New Beginnings: Make It Count” small business grant competition. This is the third cycle of the competition, which offers $40,000 in grants to Black-owned businesses in the Washington DC, Philadelphia and Richmond, Virginia areas. Interested entrepreneurs can learn more and apply on Jack Daniel’s website by August 31, 2022.
Local Band to Perform at Hilton Garden Inn Tonight
Hilton Garden Inn Falls Church is hosting music night again today, Thursday, August 25th at 7 p.m. featuring the Blue Ridge Sky Band (a NOVA-based ‘70s — ‘00s country rock cover band).
Nominations Due for Best Workplace in Falls Church
Virginia Business Magazine is accepting nominations for the 2023 Best Places to Work in Virginia. This comes from Best Companies Group, a research-driven program that examines companies’ practices, programs and benefits and also surveys employees for their perspective. Organizations must be publicly or privately held, can be a for-profit, not-for-profit or government entity, have a facility in Virginia, have a minimum of 15 full-time or part-time employees working in Virginia and be in business for a minimum of one year. The deadline for applications is August 26. More information can be found at bestplacestoworkva.com.
Balanced Female Fitness Anniversary
Balanced Female Fitness (BFF) is celebrating two years in business. BFF offers group exercise classes and nutrition courses for women and was the FCNP 2021 winner for Best Gym/Fitness and Best New Business and is an FCNP 2022 nominee. BFF will have a mash-up class of HIIT, Strength and Yoga from 8 — 8:50 a.m. on Sunday, August 28 at Oak Street Elementary. After class there will be light refreshments and raffle prizes spotlighting other local women-owned businesses such as Borek-G, Vegetable + Butcher, The Toy Nest, The Studio, Watercolor Cookies and Little City Blooms. The celebration is open to all women, but space is limited, and pre-registration is required. Email info@balancedfemalefitness.com to register.
Business News & Notes is compiled by Elise Neil Bengtson, Executive Director of the Greater Falls Church Chamber of Commerce. She may be emailed at elise@ fallschcurchchamber.org.