September 14 - 20, 2023
F.C. Council Delays Vote on Contentious T-Zone Issue
Due to a Formality & Still No Evidence of Changed Minds
by Nicholas F. Benton Falls Church News-Press
The Falls Church City Council announced at its meeting this Monday that it would delay its final decision on contentious staff-recommended modifications to the City’s transitional zoning (“t-zone”) rules to Sept. 26.
City Manager Wyatt Shields made the announcement at the outset of the Sept. 11 meeting that became yet another marathon session on the subject. He said the legal notification requirements ahead of a vote were not met last week, triggering the latest postponement.
Since the 4-2 vote by the City’s Planning Commission to recommend passage of the measure came late the Wednesday night before, there was no way that result could be included in the required legal notice to the public announcing the Council’s plans to give its final vote this week. So, that vote has been postponed to the Council’s next regular public meeting Sept. 26.
The proposed “t-zone” changes were developed and approved by the City’s planning staff as part of an effort by the City to allow more options for development in the City’s narrow transitional zones.
This Monday, following another lengthy public comment period, more acrimony among Council members surfaced at the meeting, as Councilman David Snyder levied his extensive
Continued on Page 3
May We Never Forget
Interview: Chief Gavin Reviews Her Time in F.C.
by Kylee Toland Falls Church News-Press
After 16 years of working for the City of Falls Church Police Department (FCPD), 11 of those years as the police chief, Mary Gavin is saying goodbye to a “great ride” and “good journey.”
Last week, the City of Falls Church announced Chief Gavin’s retirement, highlighting her various achievements during her tenure with the FCPD. Before her official last day on January 6, 2024, the city will be launching a recruitment process this fall to find a new Police Chief.
Gavin, who was sworn in as a Major for the city’s police
department almost 16 years ago, said she was humbled by the reactions and responses to news of her retirement.
“I had some connections I’ve made throughout this community throughout the years that I didn’t remember but they certainly reminded me,” Gavin said. “It was pleasing to know that [the FCPD] made an impact.”
For almost 40 years, Gavin has been involved with the police force, serving the Arlington County Police Department for 22 years as a patrol officer before joining the FCPD in December of 2007. Gavin said her decision to retire came from wanting to leave the force being
“happy and healthy.”
“I think it’s the right time for me and the department because we’re in a good place,” Gavin said. “I think there’s a great foundation moving forward and it is one of the best times to be a police officer because of all of the opportunities with reform.”
When she first received a call from the FCPD 16 years ago asking if she was interested in being their deputy chief, Gavin said she was “taken aback” by the opportunity.
“[FCPD] called back and said, ‘Would you reconsider?’” Gavin said. “I just said, ‘Yeah, I’ll put my hat in the ring.’ This was just an absolutely wonderful opportunity.”
The transition from Arlington County to the Little City was “interesting,” with Gavin saying she prepared herself “mentally” to being an “outsider” by reading books about transitioning. Under the supervision of former FCPD chief Harry Reitz, who Gavin said she looked up to, she was able to understand how her leadership would impact the police department.
“It was really very humbling for me because I walked in [the FCPD] and I’m like ‘I’ve never done this before,’” Gavin said.
“As that evolved, what I learned is that it’s easier to turn around a small department in terms of
The City of Falls Church’s Independent, Locally-Owned Newspaper of Record, Serving N. Virginia F alls C hur C h , V irginia • www FC np C om • F ree F ounded 1991 • V ol . XXX iii n o . 31
Continued on Page 4
MERIDIAN SENIOR LUCAS HOLLINGER unveiled a special American flag-shaped memorial at the Mustang Stadium. A tribute to the all the victims of the September 11 attacks and those who tragically lost their life on 9/11/01 are remembered in the American flag. (Photo: Jessica Hollinger)
LOCAL PAGE 2 | SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2023 FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS | FCNP.COM since 1952 ince 1224 West Broad Street Falls Church, 22046 703.748.0700 224 VA Yo Your u Vi V Visi sion o Vision Our Expertise ur i n d e s i g n , r e m o d e l i n g & p r o j e c t m a n a g e m e n t e c a
Final T-Zone Vote Postponed by F.C. Council to Sept. 26
remarks against his colleagues, calling the proposed changes “unnecessary” and portending “the most disappointing outcome in my 24 years on the Council.”
Council members Marybeth Connelly and Caroline Lian took issue, with Connelly insisting the Council’s deliberations over almost two years of considering the issue have been “very thoughtful” as compared to those “who have not been telling the truth.” Lian said it was “disheartening to hear” some accusing her colleagues of “not listening” or taking the issue seriously. “I have great respect for my colleagues,” she said. “They are incredible individuals, a wonderful set of peers.”
Connelly said that amongst the disinformation being disseminated was the idea that the changes would result in another large-scale Spectrum-like project. “We have designed this ordinance specifically to prevent that kind of outcome,” she stressed, by allowing for smaller parcels, wider sidewalks, greater setbacks and more. Those who say this will result in another Spectrum
are not telling the truth.”
Monday’s meeting was another opportunity for a large number of citizens to show up and speak out against the measure, including for the first time roughly a dozen letters submitted by people associating themselves with the St. James Catholic Church in downtown Falls Church. News surfaced last week that the priest serving that parish, Fr. Paul Scalia (son of the late U.S. Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia) had issued an appeal for his parishioners to speak out against the proposed ordinance.
This Monday’s meeting followed a 3.5 hour session before the City’s Planning Commission the week before. The Planning Commission on Sept. 6 voted 4-2 to recommend passage of the proposed new t-zone ordinance. Voting to recommend the changes were commission chair Tim Stevens, Andrea Caumont, Robert Puentes and Sharon Friedlander. Voting ‘no’ were Brent Krasner and Derek Hyra.
In early August, the Council voted 5-2 to give a preliminary OK to the measure (Tarter and Snyder voting no and Duncan,
Lian, Connelly Hardi and ShantzHiscott voting yes). While there have been a Council work session and business meeting since, and a Planning Commission meeting since, there has been no indication that anyone on the Council has yet changed their mind. Four members of the Council attended the Planning Commission meeting.
Commenting at Monday’s meeting Council member Phil Duncan associated the hoped-for impact of a new t-zone ordinance would be a “miniature version” similar to what happened in 1947, the year before Falls Church became an official “independent city,” when the Tyler Corporation won approval for the construction of hundreds of affordable residential units the middle of what had been a farm area, designed to offer low income housing under the postWorld War II GI Bill. Known as Tyler Gardens, the units were converted to condos in the early 1970s and became known by their present names of Winter Hill and Cherry Hill.
Duncan said what he hopes comes out of the new t-zone
rules will be “35 or 40 700 square foot homes,” functioning as starter or lower income homes.
Council member Letty Hardi
said that, in practical terms, what the new rules would allow for is the redevelopment of no more than 10 of the 68 parcels that make up the t-zone districts.
Continued from Page 1 316 Van Buren Street Falls Church City, VA 22046 OPEN SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 | 1-4 PM Well-sited on a 14,000 square foot lot in the leafy Broadmont neighborhood, this renovated, expanded home is in pristine move-in condition. Features a stylish kitchen with high-end appliances and breakfast bar. Expansive patio and detached four-car garage with attic storage. Additional family room upstairs, wood floors, built-ins in the dining room, main level bedroom, and both family rooms. Updated bathrooms and a tall wine chiller with ladder. Conveniently walk to East Falls Church Metro and charms and attractions of the Little City. 4 Bedrooms | 2 Full Baths Offered at $1,375,000 Betsy Twigg, Associate Broker Licensed in VA | M. 703.967.4391 | 4720-D Langston Blvd, Arlington, VA 22207 Tel. 703.525.1900 | Equal Housing Opportunity
DURING A BREAK in Monday’s lengthy Falls Church City Council meeting, F.C.Chief Planner Paul Stoddard (left) chats with Planning Commission chair Tim Stevens (center) and Mayor David Tarter (right). (News-Press Photo)
Veteran Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne’s contribution this week has an intriguing title, “We Need a Truce in Our War Over Religion. Here’s a Glimmer of Hope.”
“Houses of worship and other religious institutions play an essential role in promoting social connectedness, mutual aid and community building,” he acknowledges, and in that context he writes about a “glimmer of hope” that, in that capacity, there may be a cooling off of our current “religious wars.”
Identifying himself as a liberal Catholic, the often insightful columnist speaks highly of Pope Francis, one of my favorites, but apart from noting a “widespread concern over the rise of loneliness and decline of forces that pull communities together,” Dionne backs up his “glimmer of hope” claim with very little evidence.
In fact, if anything, more dominant is the data being reported about a sharp decline in the numbers of ordained clergy. Not only are the numbers down, but even more so are the numbers of those who are dropping out of ministries within five years of ordination. Church attendance has been up slightly through the pandemic (when a lot of people started going to church more often because they could do it from their homes virtually), but that is a far from certain trend.
Also, the role of the most strident identifying with the so-called evangelical branch of Protestant Christianity has become more pronounced around the issues of abortion, LGBT rights and gender identity.
Any talk of a “truce” in this context would have to be premised on an essential, agreed upon focus that keeps in place essential tenets of faith for conflicting religious traditions. This same debate was very animated in the 1950s when the “ecumenical” movement was in its heyday. It led to many fruitful conversations and even some church mergers. An example was that of the Congregational and Evangelical and Reformed denominations that came together despite coming out of quite different backgrounds
to form the United Church of Christ (UCC).
But the largely destructive postmodernist current of thought switched the focus from the things that united to those that divided us, and it smashed the spirit of ecumenicism in the mid to late 1960s. As a seminarian myself, who aligned with the UCC during that period, I watched as the 1970s decade of radical self-centeredness and hedonism devolved into a rising Reagan revolution and a radical religious right, whose continued spread is bedeviling us to this day.
In those days, the relatively innocent hedonism of the Woodstock counterculture (“peace and love”) became radicalized (“sex, drugs and rock and roll”) into the political philosophy of Ayn Rand and others to become mantras for atomized and alienated activism. Meanwhile, elements of a softer, more humanist approach to the social changes of that decade were left incapable of reacting to the trends that were growing on the political right, including among Christian radicals.
It was the decade of the rise of domestic terrorism, the Weather Underground, the Symbionese Liberation Army, the Jonestown massacre and the assassination of Harvey Milk (those two earth shaking. paradigm shifting events emanating out of San Francisco coming within two weeks of each other), and, also domestically, an explosion in assaults on the personal health and well being of an entire generation of young people, triggering an AIDS pandemic that cost over 600,000 lives before a treatment to forestall automatic death could be found.
The ecumenical movement was completely destroyed in this context, with no serious effort to revive it since, due in large part to the fact that its original proponents were left with no idea of what had happened.
But today, if there is a “glimmer,” it can be found in a simple starting point that faith should not exclude, but include persons who are different from one another. The New Testament parable of the Good Samaritan delivers just such a basic and profound message. Such is the cornerstone of the teaching and life of that Jewish reformer known as Jesus.
Those who assert that true faith must separate us, that there is only one path to salvation, are espousing a falsehood. Our starting point may be as simple as just that.
Our Man in Arlington
By Charlie Clark
The nationwide movement to flesh out our history of slavery is coming to Reagan National Airport.
Specifically, the interpretive park on site of the 18th-century Abingdon Plantation, which history buffs access through parking garage 1 and 2, is due for new signage.
In much of 20th century historiography, the site was noted as the property of Alexandria’s namesake family the Alexanders (original mansion built 1740s), then the Custis family — Nelly was born there and George Washington slept there. Then came the Wise family, then the Hunters — one a Civil War memoirist — and finally a family of 20th-century owners — Vivian Thomas Ford, who was born there in 1912 — before the home was destroyed in a 1930 fire.
The 1980s-90s saw a battle to preserve the site against plans by the airport authorities to pave it over for more parking. It was led by Arlington Historical Society stalwarts Bernie Berne and Sherman Pratt, and required state legislation. Reconstructed ruins became a park.
But descriptions and credit to the enslaved workers who formed the majority of souls on that site were unheralded before Arlington historian and attorney George Dodge dug up records for the Arlington Historical Magazine in 1999.
Flash forward to 2023. The Arlington Historical Society-led “Memorializing the Enslaved” project has unearthed fresh documenta-
tion of the AfricanAmericans who toiled at Abingdon. Deep analysis was also just published by Howard University historian Thomas Foster.
The on-site action now underway reflects a joint effort by the Virginia State Historic Preservation Office, its Department of Historic Resources and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority. They are fulfilling a 1994 memorandum of agreement, executed in consultation with the Arlington Historical Society, Office of Historic Alexandria, Arlington County Planning and Preservation Arlington.
Planners have produced three draft interpretive exhibit panels to be added to the park, which have won approvals this month. They acknowledge that the existing signage dealt solely with the white property owners and so now offer “a more humanistic focus.”
The new texts, designed to blend in with the earlier panels, include:
“Becoming Visible: Meet the Enslaved at Abingdon Plantation” provides an overview of the lives of the plantation’s enslaved population and lists nearly 100 individuals (often first names only) derived from historical records.
“The Dress” tells the story of Charlotte, an enslaved seamstress who endured a difficult but ultimately positive experience associated with a particular dress.
“The Groom” tells the story of one enslaved individual, Peter Hardiman, who served at Abingdon and other proper-
ties who was a well-respected equestrian groom and mule breeder.
The modern additions should make the airport park worth a return visit.
Yet another twist in the tortuous tale of the two-decade-old “Monster House” at N. 27th and Sycamore Sts.
It began with a professor’s controversial, three-story-box-like design for a structure thought to have been intended as a group home. It changed ownership, was upgraded architecturally and rented to young singles. Then last year the nonprofit Pathway Homes worked a deal to turn the seven-bedroom unit into a group home for mentally ill adults.
This month, as I was tipped off by neighborhood activist John Seymour, Pathways withdrew the application long pending with the county. The renovation costs were too high, said President and CEO Dr. LambertWoodard, so the group purchased other properties for that mission. Current tenants, for now, can stay.
Before the Ballston horizon was lined with glass towers, an early and now beloved condo building was erected by Paramount Communities Inc.
This Sept. 10, the good residents of Hyde Park Condominiums (named for London’s famous urban retreat), next to the Harris-Teeter on N. Glebe Rd., celebrated the 50th anniversary of what originally was an apartment building. I was treated to their plaza cookout, trivia contest and music from the 1970s spun by chief engineer Ramon Wye. A good, vibrant community.
There a ‘Glimmer of Hope’ For a Religious Truce Today?
Sue Johnson Advertising Sales
Kylee Toland News Reporter
Brian Reach News Reporter
Charlie Clark Columnist
Ted White Copy Editor
Julio Idrobo Circulation Manager
They Heard You, They Don’t Agree
One of the most oft-repeated refrains from those citizens who came before the Falls Church City Council this Monday, was the charge that because a majority of the F.C. City Council hadn’t signaled a change in its position on the proposed changes in the City’s Transitional Zones ordinance, that somehow they weren’t listening.
Rightly, Council members Marybeth Connelly and Caroline Lian took umbrage openly with that view. With the scores of public meetings and hearings on the subject, indicating a willingness to “bend over backwards” to address citizen concerns, it is hard to stomach some of the cavalier criticisms of the Council that some citizens expressed. Some argue that the sheer number of citizens who’ve raised concerns over these two years should be enough to persuade a majority on the Council to tank the effort to open up the City’s tiny t-zoned strips to some alternative housing and small business options.
But the Council consensus on this after all this time seems based on what is best for the some 15,000 residents of the City, and not the few scores who turned up, some over and over again, to protest at Council and other meetings. Even at 15,000, of course, Falls Church is a tiny part of the wider DMV region, but its best leaders view much of what they do in the context of being exemplary for a much wider population. They also view themselves serving not just those who show up to “get in their faces” at public hearings, or even the vaster total population of even a small city, but they are also looking into the eyes, metaphorically, of those perhaps hundreds of potential new residents who may be striving to afford to live here.
Well over a decade ago, this is what proponents of more affordable housing, including senior housing, said motivated their efforts when the City Council majority then rejected millions of federal dollars, among other things, to dash a senior affordable housing project by a split vote and after at least two other viable sites for such a project were rejected due to protests by neighbors.
No, the fact remains that, after two years of this, the Council has heard loud and clear what the citizens have had to say, to the point of exhaustion. They apparently, with all due respect, simply do not agree with them.
As for the argument that the opponents of the t-zone modifications are acting out of something more noble than “not in my backyard” (NIMBY) sentiments, that may be true for a handful, but listening to what almost every opponent has had to say in letters or pronouncements before the Council, Planning Commission or some other body, their objections echo the same ones used to oppose more affordable housing, senior affordable housing and other plans they felt encroached on their neighborhoods, whether the excuse given was to object to too much traffic or parking or just plain people.
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7. Make the paper show a profit if you can, but above all keep it clean, fearless and fair.
Letters to E ditor
Early Days in the City Schools
I was struck by the last lines of your September 7 editorial about how, in its early years as a city, students here were “subjected to acts of vandalism and violence” from the students of other schools.
I attended the first year of George Mason High School as a freshman and graduated in 1956. I well remember the vandalism and violence. Most of it came from students of Falls Church High School, then a Fairfax County school but still located at Hillwood Avenue and Cherry Street, here in the City. When Falls Church became a city in 1948 the schools were more or less split between the county and the city. The county got our high school, but we kept the two elementary schools (Madison and Oak Street) and the Jefferson school (once the Jefferson Institute), a Civil War era building where I spent my 8th grade, on Cherry Street. The Jefferson was torn down the following year, after George Mason Jr.-Sr. High opened.
I don’t believe that we felt any enmity for the students at Falls Church High. Because that school had a proper auditorium, we put on our annual school plays there. (George Mason had only a “cafetorium” then.)
I recall our shock when several kids from Falls Church High invaded our school. They ran down the main hallway, punching out the acoustic ceiling tiles in the relatively low hallway ceiling.
But that was nothing, compared with subsequent events in the following years. In my sophomore year two kids from Falls Church high came into our school one morning and poked their noses into the girls’ gym dressing room. As it happens two rather tough GM students (one of whom was rumored to have killed a man in a barroom brawl over the summer) were hall monitors that period — and their girlfriends were at that time taking gym class. So they pursued and grabbed the FCH boys, and threw them out — violently. They pitched them out through an open entrance door. But the first kid ejected kicked the open door and it swung shut just as the second was being thrown through it. He — or some part of him — went through the glass in the door. That glass was laminated, with chicken wire or something like it, between the layers of glass. When I
walked past it at the end of the period, there was a lot of blood and broken glass in the entrance way. An hour or so later, FCH’s principal came to our school, very angry about what had happened to his boys. Our principal asked him why his boys weren’t in their own school, sending the other man away somewhat chastened and no longer blustering angrily.
These things continued, in lesser ways. I once went over to Falls Church High to meet a friend there. While I was waiting for him in a hallway, an older and bigger FCH kid came up to me. “You from George Mason?” he asked me. I said I was, and without warning he threw a punch at me. I just avoided it, and his fist put a hole in the hallway bulletin board behind me.
A year or two after I graduated GM, there was the first (and only) football game between the two schools. I’m told the adults there were holding their breaths, just dreading potential violence from the opposing teams’ student fans. Luckily, the game ended in a 6-6 tie.
I never understood the reasons for this enmity.
Speed Cameras Change Behavior
Ted White Editor,
I’m writing to express my support for recent initiatives involving speed cameras around schools in our community. It’s heartening to see the focus on the safety of our children as they walk and bike on their commute to school each day. Two weeks ago, NYC’s DOT released its largest-ever report and dataset on speed camera impact, revealing a 25 percent reduction in deaths and a 30 percent decline in speed violations within camera zones over the past year. Put another way, there are people that are alive today, who wouldn’t be otherwise without speed cameras. The data is clear: speed cameras change dangerous driver behavior and create safer streets.
Unfortunately, Virginia state law limits the hours of operation and distance from schools that speed cameras can be. They can’t even operate during the school day, only during drop off and pickup times. I hope our city will support state legislation to prioritize pedestrian safety, so speed cameras can operate at all hours that kids are at school.
Joseph Schiarizzi
award-winning LGBT-owned general Interest community newspaper. Vol. XXXIII, No. 31 September 14 - 20, 2023 • City of Falls Church ‘Business of the Year’ 1991 & 2001 • • Certified by the Commonwealth of Virginia to Publish Official Legal Notices • • Member, Virginia Press Association • Nicholas F.
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& Notes Obituaries
Featuring Hand Crafted Chocolates for Sale by Scrummy Gorgeous
John Ballou David Barr
Dave Curtis Julia Bezgacheva
Barbara Greene Meaghan DeCelle
Mara Flynn Stuart Hindle
Zoe Hathaway Jenny Kanzler
Cynthia Miller Maureen Minard
Andrea Uravitch
Amanda Wood
Saaraliisa Ylitalo
Other Small Businesses and Artists:
BrainStorm Speech Therapy
BiBi Flooring Good Point Embroidery
Kian Furniture Zara González Hoang
Kelsea Hubel Viondette Lopez
Elisa Torres Molly McCracken
Casey Wait Shaun Van Steyn
Featuring: Julia Bezgacheva
Dave Curtis
Mara Flynn
Stuart Hindle
Molly McCracken
Andrea Uravitch
Other Small Businesses and Artists:
BiBi Flooring BrainStorm Speech Therapy
David Barr
John Ballou
Kian Furniture Meaghan DeCelle
Barbara Greene Good Point Embroidery
Zoe Hathaway Zara González Hoang
Kelsea Hubel Viondette Lopez
Jenny Kanzler
Cynthia Miller
Maureen Minard
Elisa Torres
Casey Wait Shaun Van Steyn
Amanda Wood Saaraliisa Ylitalo
LOCAL PAGE 8 | SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2023 FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS | FCNP.COM 307 E. Annandale Road Falls Church, VA 22042 307 E. Annandale Road Falls Church, VA 22042 It’s FUN! It’s FREE! Art and Frame of Falls Church 307 E. Annandale Road, Falls Church, VA 22042 artandframeo Home to 703-534-4202 at 307 .com PRESENTED BY: It’s FUN! It’s FREE! Art and Frame of Falls Church 307 E. Annandale Road, Falls Church, VA 22042 artandframeo Home to 703-534-4202 PRESENTED BY: Open House Sunday September 17, 2023 1-4pm tudios at 307 .com
Tour (AVAST)
11-5pm Arlington Visual Art
23, 2023
A Penny for Your Thoughts News of Greater Falls Church
By Supervisor Penny Gross
In all the cacophony surrounding assaults on democracy and the founding ideals of the United States of America, a recent op-ed in the Washington Post brought some suggested clarity to the battles for ideas, inclusion, and independent thought. The essay was by Eli Tillemann, a senior at the Thomas Jefferson High School of Science and Technology (TJ), who is president of both the Young Democrats Club and the Teenage Republicans Club at TJ. I am not sure how you can head two such disparate organizations in today’s political climate, but perhaps young Mr. Tillemann is learning how to navigate those rough seas. He certainly makes a case for more civil discussion in his August 29 essay.
The catalyst for the essay was the change to the admissions process at TJ, which has occupied some local and national headlines, and prompted an appeal to the United States Supreme Court. The essay included some brief ideas from students in both clubs, but the process was not the major point of the piece; learning how to debate issues constructively was, and the author pointed
out that the current curriculum is not preparing students to debate constructively, so they set out to write their own.
The two clubs worked with a professional team of experts and hosted lectures about a variety of subjects, including communication in the digital age and how to disagree.
Students want to fix problems, he said, and gain the skills to “tackle controversial problems constructively.” He added that the students hope that the adults involved in the turmoil at TJ will consider their examples.
It is not hard to understand that, if they are too mired into warring camps, there might not be an opportunity to cease the current squabbling. Mr. Tillemann posits that the “best outcomes in policy, business, and life usually emerge from a competition of ideas and a compromise on solutions.”
To learn and understand that at such a youthful age is refreshing, to say the least, and reflects what elected officials, especially at the local level, grapple with all the time in making decisions that can affect large numbers of people. It’s often difficult to find that “sweet spot” that will allow
everyone to come away with something important to them; not a winner take all approach, but a realistic approach to solving a problem. Not everybody gets everything they want, but not everybody leaves without getting anything at all. It’s an interesting balancing act that involves a lot of listening and respectful debate, patience, civility even when tempers flare (what yours never must do) and, ultimately, being able to explain and defend the decision(s) you make.
Mr. Tillemann concluded his essay by observing, correctly, that “it will take more than a handful of high schoolers to deal with the consequences of polarization” and adds that “constructive, respectful disagreement is vital to a functioning democracy.” That approach deserves to be recognized and replicated across our communities and our society, by youth and adults alike.
Penny Gross is the Mason District Supervisor, in the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. She may be emailed at
Shoplifting, S Washington St, Sept 5, 12:44 AM, five males in their 20’s and 30’s took items of value without paying. Three of the suspects were described as 1) wearing a black shirt with white stripes on the shoulder area, light colored pants 2) dressed in a green or blue polo shirt, with blue jeans, and 3), was dressed in a blue and red soccer jersey, with white letterings that read “TIGO”, and black pants.
Shoplifting, Hillwood Ave, Sept 6, 3:29 PM, unknown female suspect took items of value without paying. Suspect described as wearing an orange headscarf, blue shirt, blue jeans, glasses, and a facemask.
Wire Fraud, Little Falls St, Sept 6, 6:21 PM, an incident of wire fraud was reported.
Trespass, S Washington St, Sept 6, 9:18 PM, a male, 44, of no fixed address, was issued a summons for trespass.
Larceny from Vehicle, W Broad St, Sept 7, between 6:30 PM and 7:15 PM, unknown suspect(s) broke the rear passenger side window of a Range Rover and took items of value.
Shoplifting, S Washington St, Sept 9, 12 PM, two young males took items of value without paying. One suspect described as 5`05, 150 lbs, wearing a dark grey hoodie, black shorts, long black hair (pulled back), with a black drawstring backpack. The second suspect is described as 5`05, 125 lbs, wearing a red sweatshirt (with white writing), black medium length hair, black sweatpants, with one leg up, and black and white high top sneakers.
COMMENT SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2023 | PAGE 9
Week of September 4 -10, 2023 City of Falls Church CRIME REPORT FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS | FCNP.COM Your Paper Without the Paper See the News-Press Online Just Like you See it in Print With our E-Issue
Community News & Notes
THE EQUALITY CHAMBER Foundation of LGBTQ+ businesses made its first ever community awards presentations Sunday at Freddie’s in Arlington. Recipients were Former Arlington County Board mem ber Jay Fisette, Susan Borke, Dr. Albert DuPont and Edgar Ndjatou, shown here with Freddie’s host Freddie Lutz (center) and chamber executive Morgan Jameson (far right). Over 100 attended the End of Summer Social, which featured a drag show where performers donated their tips to the foundation. The foundation’s stated purpose is “enhance the LGBTQ+ community’s culture, evolve its economy and create safe spaces for the entrepreneurial spirit to thrive.” (News-Press Photo)
Art and Frame of Falls Church Open House at New Location
Art and Frame of Falls Church is holding an Open House on Sunday, September 17 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 307 East Annandale Road – its new, expanded location. Come see the shop in this two-story building, check out the exhibit in “The Eileen Levy & Andrzej Żmudzki Art Gallery,” and tour studiosat307, the 40+ artist studios and small business offices. Plenty of onsite parking! More information can be found at
AIA Features Local Architect
Robert E. Beach, of Robert E. Beach Architects LLC, was highlighted in American Institute of Architects (AIA) Northern Virginia Newsletter. The recognition was for the design of the Turning Point Suffragist Memorial and Gardens, the first national memorial designed to commemorate the American Suffragist Movement. The memorial embraces the site’s history, character, and context through form, symbolism, and representative elements. It is located in Lorton adjacent to the
workhouse where the women were imprisoned.
“Scenes in the City” Plein Air Festival Brings Art to F.C.
Artists from across the region will gather in historic Falls Church when the 2023 “Scenes in the City” Plein Air Festival begins on September 15. This unique event celebrates the art of plein air painting where artists work quickly outdoors to capture the ever-changing light and atmosphere.
Artists can register at To enter the com-
THE MIDVALE STREET neighborhood of Falls Church, hosted the “First Annual Midvale-Noland Street Pickleball Classic” at the Cherry Street courts this past Saturday. The format was a modified double elimination bracket so that each team could play a minimum of 2 games. The self-refereed matches were mostly for fun, but there was a prized trophy for the winners: Trace and Dave Meade.
petition, participants must have their canvas or papers stamped. The event concludes on Saturday, September 30 when art entered in the competition is judged beginning at 8 a.m.
The Plein Air Festival also includes a People’s Choice Award which is determined by the highest number of votes cast for a painting by the public on the closing day of the festival. Members of the public can attend the festival, vote for the People’s Choice Award, and browse the art on display. Paintings will be available for purchase and may
Chrissy Henderson)
be taken home at the conclusion of the event.
Annual Fall Festival and Taste of F.C. Coming Soon
The Little City is gearing up for the next festival on Saturday, September 23. The chamber is collecting members’ printed material and branded items to give away, and is registering volunteers to hand them out. Sign up to greet visitors and wear business shirts to promote businesses. The event happens, rain or shine.
A hot bowl of pho at Eden Center. Voted best shopping center in the DMV!
Volunteers Needed to Serve on Boards and Commissions
The City of Falls Church is proud to host 21 local boards and commissions and has representatives on 13 regional boards. City boards and commissions generally advise the City Council on community topics. Regional boards and commissions facilitate collaboration with neighboring jurisdictions on providing support services or managing
regional partnerships. A number of local and regional groups are seeking volunteers who live in the City to fill vacancies on their boards.
For a full list of vacancies as well as information on how to apply, check out the City’s website at
F.C. & Arlington County to Host Expungement Clinic
Arlington County and the
City of Falls Church will host an expungement clinic on Saturday, September 30 from 10:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. at The Arlington Presbyterian Church (918 S. Lincoln St., Arlington).
The filing fee coverage is $91, and will be covered on a first-come, first-serve basis while funds last. People are encouraged to bring Warrant of Arrest or Final Disposition for each charge sought to be expunged.
Criminal records must consist of Arlington County/City of Falls Church charges to expunge in this jurisdiction. If one has not pre-registered, please arrive no later than 10:30 a.m. to complete initial paperwork.
AAUW’s Fall Fundraiser Enters Second Week
The American Association of University Women’s (AAUW)
fall fundraiser with BloomBox enters its second week with only three weeks left to order. Remember, 15 percent of all sales come to the Falls Church branch of AAUW and will add to the scholarship fund for local 2024 high school graduates who aspire to higher education. Visit and shop for fall mums, flowers, shrubs, pumpkins, planters and porch décor.
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M&T 12-MONTH CD 4.50% Annual Percentage Yield (APY). $1,000 minimum deposit required to open.* M&T 15-MONTH CD 5.50% Annual Percentage Yield (APY). $1,000 minimum deposit required to open.* Today’s great rates Tomorrow’s savings ret030482 PUB_CD Print Ad Falls Church News Press - 9.7” x 5.45” CMYK LOCALS CELEBRATED Pimmit Hills Day 2023
Saturday, September 9 with a petting zoo, two inflatable play structures, superheros
princesses, food vendors and live music
by local music group the Pimmit Hillbillies (shown above). (Photo:
Tania Hossain Photography)
5K RUCK MARCH/WALK TO honor the victims of 9/11, first responders and military held this past Sunday at Meridian high school. (Photo: Cathy Soltys)
Sierra Club Endorses Hardi, Stevens & Underhill for Council
The Sierra Club Virginia Chapter announced today that it is endorsing Letty Hardi, Tim Stevens, and Justine Underhill for election to the City of Falls Church City Council in this Fall’s race. “Of the candidates seeking election, Letty Hardi, Tim Stevens, and Justine Underhill stand out for their support of policies that promote environmental stewardship, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, a transition to renewable energy, and a sustainable future,” said Dean Amel, Political Chair of the Sierra Club Potomac River Group, which includes Falls Church.
“In responses to our candidate questionnaire and in interviews, Hardi, Stevens, and Underhill demonstrate a clear understanding that climate change is our top environmental challenge. They agree that the City government and the Falls Church community must do their share to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” added Michael Trauberman, a member of the Sierra Club Potomac River Group Executive Committee.
Early voting for this November 7 election will begin next Friday, Sept. 22, at City Hall. Three of seven F.C. City Council and School Board seats will be on the ballot as well as the race for the State Delegate from the 53rd District, with incumbent Democrat Marcus Simon facing off with independent Dave Crance.
F.C. School’s Enrollment Now 71 Over Projection
Falls Church City Public Schools
Superintendent Peter Noonan reported at the first public business meeting of the school board Tuesday night that student enrollment numbers now show, with a total of 2,623, a total of 71 over projections.
He said the staff is still trying to identify why the numbers have come in so far ahead of expectations, and said the
City and Schools are jointly retaining a demographer from the Fuller Institute at George Mason University to do things like determine which sort of dwelling units students are coming from.
Anti-Trust Challenge to Google Gets Underway
Google has exploited its dominance of the internet search market to lock out competitors and smother innovation, the Department of Justice charged Tuesday at the opening of the biggest U.S. antitrust trial in a quarter century.
“This case is about the future of the internet and whether Google’s search engine will ever face meaningful competition,” said Kenneth Dintzer, the Justice Department’s lead litigator.
Over the next 10 weeks, federal lawyers and state attorneys general will try to prove Google rigged the market in its favor by locking its search engine in as the default choice in a plethora of places and devices. U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta likely won’t issue a ruling until early next year. If he decides Google broke the law, another trial will decide what steps should be taken to rein in the Mountain View, California-based company.
Musk Sues California Over Hate Speech Policy
Elon Musk’s social media platform, X, formerly known as Twitter, has sued the state of California over a law requiring social media companies to publish their policies for removing offending material such as hate speech, misinformation and harassment.
The first-of-its-kind legislation was signed into law a year ago by California Gov. Gavin Newsom. In a lawsuit filed Friday against state Attorney General Robert Bonta, X Corp. challenges the “constitutionality and legal validity” of the law, saying it violates the First Amendment.
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Mustang Field Hockey Rolls On, Volleyball Earns First Win
by Ryan McCafferty
Another week of sports has gone by at Meridian High School, and with it another week of mostly positive results. Let’s take a look at how each team fared.
The football team was off this past week and will return to action at Thomas Jefferson this coming Thursday. That leaves girls’ field hockey as the big headliner, as they continued their dominant ways with a 6-0 victory over Sidwell Friends on Thursday after their Tuesday matchup at Liberty-Bealeton was canceled. They have outscored their opponents by a combined 26-0 in five games this year, obviously all win.
On another positive note, the girls’ volleyball team picked up its first win, earning a hard-
fought victory over Fauquier in five sets on Thursday evening. They lost 3-0 at Dominion the previous night, which had dropped them to 0-6 before picking up the long-awaited win, and they’ll now look to maintain the momentum into a busy week in which they play at home against Manassas Park on Monday and then go on the road to play Brentsville on Thursday.
Cross country was also in action over the weekend, playing in the Great Meadows Invitational against dozens of other schools. The girls’ team placed 23rd overall while the boys were 15th, with Lydia Stugrill (74th) and Tucker Albaugh (41st) leading the way individually, while Joseph Ziayee (43rd) also ranked in the top 50 for the boys.
Golf was set to compete in a meeting at Fauquier this
past week but it was canceled. They’ll have a pair of matchups this week, though, playing at the
Shenandoah Valley Invitational on Tuesday and at Hidden Creek on Thursday.
Finally, competitive cheer is still a few weeks away from beginning its season at the end of September.
Falls Church School News & Notes
Students Rewarded for Positive Behavior
Henderson opened their PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) Store, the “MEH Market,” for the first time last week. Teachers positively reinforce students by awarding them Bark Bucks when they demonstrate IB (International Baccalaureate) Learner profile traits and safe, respectful, and responsible behaviors during the school day. The IB Learner Profile implies a commitment to help all school community members learn to respect themselves, others, and the world around them.
MHS Honors 9/11 With Unique Display
In a touching tribute to the victims of the September 11 attacks, a special American flag-shaped display has been unveiled at the Mustang Stadium created by Meridian senior Lucas Hollinger. Everyone who tragically lost their life on 9/11/01 is remembered in the American flagshaped display.
The display took months of planning and organization. From coding to creating individual name cards to the printing, cutting, and mounting of the names to mathematically calculating the size and distance of each
name, Lucas did it all.
MHS to Host Tag Day Soon
This year, the Meridian High School musicians will go to New York from April 1 to April 3. The wind ensemble has been selected to play at Carnegie Hall and the rock band and symphonic students will play in Brooklyn with an arts high school. To help fund their performance trip, Meridian musicians, the “Red Shirts,” will perform their way across Falls Church City for their annual TAG Day fundraising event
which will be held on September 23 from 9 a.m. to noon.
FCCPS School Board to Hold Office Hours
FCCPS School Board Chair Laura Downs and Vice-Chair Tate Gould will hold “office hours” at Cuates Grill (502 W Broad St) on September 19, from 6:00-8:00 pm. Parents, students, teachers, staff, and community members may drop by to ask questions and offer feedback in a casual environment.
Girls Volleyball Invites All to Breast Cancer Game
High School Girls
MERIDIAN HIGH SCHOOL musicians will go to New York to perform at Carnegie Hall, and to help fund this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the annual TAG Day event will be held on September 23. (Photo: Rathavary Duong)
Volleyball will host a Dig Pink Game on Thursday, October 5th, to raise funds for the Side-Out Foundation supporting people with Metastatic
Breast Cancer.
This game will be a pink out, so order a pink shirt by this Saturday, September 19th on fundraising/join-meridian-mustangvolleyball-and-support-the-side-outfoundation.
Food for Neighbors Benefits FCPS
On Saturday, September 9, neighbors filled red bags with food items from a grocery list, then taking them and sorting them at Jackson Middle School. This operative benefitted four nearby Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS): Jackson Middle School, Justice High School, Falls Church High School and Annandale High School.
27 volunteer drivers picked up from 300 homes, and 75 volunteers sorted the food and loaded it for the schools.
MUSTANG GIRLS VOLLEYBALL picked up its first win of the season, earning a victory over Faquier last Thursday evening. (Photo: Katie Rosenbusch)
FOOD FOR NEIGHBORS helped certain Fairfax City Public Schools by filling red bags with food items . (Photo: Paula Prettyman)
Stop by for an informal gathering to meet fellow F.C. Chamber members. No agenda or cost other than the cost of your breakfast. The Original Pancake House (7395 Lee Hwy., Falls Church), 8:00 a.m. — 9:00 a.m.
Electoral Board Meeting
Electoral Board meets. City Hall (300 ParkAve., DogwoodA-B, Falls Church), 9:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.
Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting
Board of Zoning Appeals meets. City Hall (300 Park Ave., Council Chambers/Court Room, Falls Church), 7:30 p.m.
Ukulele Baby Lap Time
For ages 0-24 months with a caregiver, older siblings are welcome. Join Ms. Ingrid Christina for a short lapsit with a story, songs on the ukulele, and rhymes. Stay and play with toys designed just for babies and mingle with other families. Mary Riley Styles Public Library (120 N. Virginia Ave., Lower Level Conf. Rm., Falls Church), 10:30 a.m. — 11:00 a.m.
The Mason Originals!
Visit GMU's TheaterSpace for an evening of original new works
(sign interpreted) featuring Mason School of Theater’s talented student playwrights and students. "The Originals!" offers Mason’s creative artists the chance to share their work in a variety of forms. Whether a musical or the traditional ten-minute play structure, explore the brilliant imaginations of GMU students as they present this year’s Originals! GMU Center for the Arts (4373 Mason Pond Dr., Fairfax, VA), 8:00 p.m.
Falls Church
Farmers Market
Shop the award-winning market every Saturday, year-round! City Hall Parking Lot (300 Park Ave., Falls Church), 8:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.
Fall ParkingCommunity Lot Sale
Got stuff? Need stuff? Find bargains and treasures at this outdoor community parking lot sale with 70+ community resident vendors selling household items. More details at
McLean Community Center (1234 Ingleside Ave., McLean, VA), 9:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m.
Mason Softball
Opening Game
Mason Softball begin its fall season when Towson comes to Fairfax for a ten-inning game. George Mason Softball Complex (4350 Banister Creek Ct., Fairfax, VA), 12:00 p.m.
Oktoberfest 2023
5th Annual Oktoberfest at SDE! Over 200 sovereign steins to use
and reuse at the F.C. and Oakton tasting rooms over the threeweek celebration, ending September 30. Settle Down Easy Brewing (2822 Fallfax Dr., Falls Church), 12:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.
Old Firehouse Block Party
Come out and celebrate the Old Firehouse's 33 years of serving the greater McLean community at this free event! Listen and dance to your favorite hits, enjoy free, delicious food, rock climbing, art projects and other free activities. Learn about OFC's after school program and the firehouse's rich history. McLean Old Firehouse Center (1440 Chain Bridge Rd., McLean, VA), 1:00 p.m. — 4:00 p.m.
Harvey's Yacht Club Fundraiser
Ten percent of proceeds benefit Welcoming Falls Church. Enjoy unlimited fire-roasted pig, local, fresh oysters on the half shell, and select bubbles, wine, and beer, while a DJ spins Yacht Rock records all afternoon long alongside a nautical themed photo wall. Tickets are $175 at harveysva. com. Nautcal attire is encouraged. Harvey's (513 W. Broad St., Falls Church), 1:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m.
Last Chance: SWEAT
Final performance! Filled with warm humor and tremendous heart, SWEAT tells the story of a group of friends who have spent their lives sharing drinks, secrets, and laughs while working together on the factory floor. But when layoffs and picket lines begin to chip away at their trust, the friends find themselves pitted against each other in a heartwrenching fight to stay afloat. Keegan Theatre (1742 Church St. NW, Washington, DC), 8:00 p.m.
Asher's Fundrive: Blood Drive Fundraiser
Join for the First Annual FUNDrive, a blood drive and fundraiser held in honor of 17 month old Asher, whose life was saved by the incredible care of Inova Children's Hospital earlier this year. Sign up in advance to donate blood at Come out to bid on amazing donations from your
favorite area restaurants and shops and visit with our community! All proceeds and blood donations will benefit Inova L.J. Murphy Children’s Hospital. Falls Church Community Center (223 Little Falls St., Kenneth R. Burnett Bldg., Falls Church), 10:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m.
Open House
Check out the new location of studiosat307 at an open house, featuring an exhibit in The Eileen Levy & Andrzej Zmudzki Art Gallery, and over 40 artist studios. Ample parking is available. Art and Frame of Falls Church (307 E. Annandale Rd., Falls Church), 1:00 p.m. — 4:00 p.m.
Falls Church Forward Meeting
Join Falls Church Forward, civic leaders and experts for bites and discussion about housing. Hear from Alex Horowitz, Project Director for Housing Policy at Pew, who will discuss his ground-breaking research on housing and affordability, as well as the chair of the FC Housing Commission about the current state of housing in Falls Church and affordable housing initiatives that are underway. RSVP requested at Founders Row Modera Club Room (110 Founders Ave., Falls Church), 4:00 p.m.
Bathing in Moonlight
Enter a world where love's forbidden allure leads to a relationship between Father Monroe, a devout Catholic priest, and a beguiling Havana pianist from his parish. This spellbinding drama explores the depths of passion, moral conflict, and sacrifice. Will they choose faith or surrender to the irresistible pull of their heartstrings? On stage through October 1. Gala Theatre (3333 14th St. NW, Washington, DC), 8:00 p.m.
Daytime Art GroupCritique
Join creative artists in a monthly discussion and critique group. Bring a piece of art for feedback — something new or
old, in progress or complete — and a community of artists will share their thoughts. Open to all, so join even if you don’t have a piece to share. Email info@ with questions. Falls Church Arts (700B W. Broad St., Falls Church), 12:00 p.m. — 2:00 p.m.
Arm Chair Travel: Armenia/Georgia
Visit The Silk Road: Armenia and Georgia and explore how traditional culture, arts, and trade have developed in the 21st century. Take a video road trip through the remote Caucasus Mountains and discover the Armenian capital of Yerevan. Falls Church Senior Center (223 Little Falls St., Falls Church), 1:00 p.m. — 2:00 p.m.
FCCPS School Board Office Hours
Parents, students, teachers, staff, and community members may drop by (no registration required) to ask questions and offer feedback in a casual environment. This is not a private setting, so community members who prefer a private exchange should contact the School Board via email to set up a meeting. Cuates Grill (502 W. Broad St. #5, Falls Church), 6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Library Board of Trustees meets. Mary Riley Styles Public Library (120 N. Virginia Ave., Upper Floor Conf. Rm., Falls Church), 6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.
Planning Commission meets. City Hall (300 Park Ave., Council Chambers/Court Room, Falls Church), 7:30 p.m. — 10:00 p.m.
Urban CommissionForestryMeeting
Urban Forestry Commission meets. City Hall (300 Park Ave., Dogwood A-B, Falls Church), 7:30 p.m. — 9:30 p.m.
PAGE 14 | SEPTEMBER 14 - 20, 2023
BATHING IN Moonlight explores passion, moral conflict, and sacrifice, at Gala Theatre through October 1. (Photo: Daniel Martinez)
Falls Church
Business News & Notes
AIA Features Local Architect
Robert E. Beach, of Robert E. Beach Architects LLC, received coverage in American Institute of Architects (AIA) Northern Virginia Newsletter. The recognition was for designing the Turning Point Suffragist Memorial and Gardens, the first national memorial designed to commemorate the American Suffragist Movement. The memorial embraces the site’s history, character, and context through form, symbolism, and representative elements. It is in Lorton adjacent to the workhouse where the women were imprisoned. The newsletter link is:
Best Local Oyster Happy Hours
DC Eater has several Falls Church restaurants in their guide to the best oyster happy hours. Dogwood Tavern was hailed for the Tuesday Raw Bar night where oysters are $1. It also noted their deals on steamed Alaskan snow crab legs, peel-and-eat shrimp, and white wine-steamed mussels. Chasin’ Tails was featured for their $1 oysters sold in sets of six on Mondays and Tuesdays, and 50-percent bottles of wine. Open Road was also highlighted for $1 oysters on Tuesday nights by the dozen or half-dozen from 4:00 p.m. to close.
Hilton Garden Inn Welcomes Honor Flight
The Hilton Garden Inn is hosting the San Antonio Honor Flight tomorrow, Friday, September 15 around 5:00 p.m. The public is invited to join them, welcoming the veterans as they arrive at the hotel by bus. The hotel is hosting a buffet dinner for them at 6:30 in the ballroom.
Open House: Art and Frame of Falls Church
Art and Frame of Falls Church is hosting an Open House on September 17, 1:00 – 4:00 pm at 307 East Annandale Road. The Open House features exhibits in The Eileen Levy & Andrzej Żmudzki Art Gallery and studiosat307 with over forty artist studios. Note the new address and ample parking is available. For more information visit the link.
The Arc Hosts an Open House
The Arc of Northern Virginia is hosting an Open House on Tuesday, September 19th, 4:00 – 7:00 at their new office. The Arc moved to the 3rd Floor of the Venture X office facility at 3060 Williams Drive, Suite 300, Fairfax. This is the CareFirst Building, near the former space. The public is invited to tour the office and learn more about their programs, services, and advocacy for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities of all ages and their families. Meet community members and businesses while enjoying light refreshments.
Fair for Employers & Job Hunters
Northern Virginia Community College hosts the Fall 2023 job and internship fair at the Alexandria Campus on Wednesday, September 20, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The fair will connect students and alumni with employers. Employers and organizations from all career fields are welcome to participate in person at the AFA building. Applications are open and more information is available via the link:
Government Contracting Certification
The SBA has recently taken over the certification of Veteran Owned Small Business/Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB/SDVOSB) for set aside opportunities with the government. The Virginia Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is hosting a class on Wednesday, September 20, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. to walk those pursuing certification through the application process. Participants will learn where to access the portal, how to manage the required data, learn what documents are needed and the eligibility guidelines. Lisa Wood of Virginia PTAC and George Mason University is the speaker. There is no fee, and the meeting link will be shared upon registration: clients.virginiasbdc. org/workshop.aspx?ekey=140430037
Business News & Notes is compiled by Elise Neil Bengtson, Executive Director of the Greater Falls Church Chamber of Commerce. She may be emailed at
REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS (844) 947-1479 7-year Extended Warranty* – A $735 Value! FREE Whether you are home or away, protect what matters most from unexpected power outages with a Generac Home Standby Generator. New orders only. Does not include material costs. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Minimum purchase required. Other restrictions may apply. This is an advertisement placed on behalf of Erie Construction Mid-West, Inc (“Erie”). Offer terms and conditions may apply and the offer may not available in your area. If you call the number provided, you consent to being contacted by telephone, SMS text message, email, pre-recorded messages by Erie or its affiliates and service providers using automated technologies notwithstanding if you are on a DO NOT CALL list or register. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on All rights reserved. License numbers available at VA License Number:†2705029944. MADE IN THE U.S.A. 1.844.902.4611 FREE ESTIMATE Expires 9/30/2023 Make the smart and ONLY CHOICE when tackling your roof! Before After TAKE AN ADDITIONAL Additional savings for military, health workers and first responders 10% OFF ON YOUR INSTALLATION 50% OFF Limited Time Offer! SAVE! ONE DAY CALL NOW 877.460.5348 Get a new shower or bath installed in as little as FREE INSTALLATION + NO INTEREST NO PAYMENTS FOR 12 MONTHS * Visit for complete terms and conditions.
•Virginia Electric and Power Company (“Dominion”) has applied for approval to revise its rate adjustment clause, Rider US-4.
•In this case, Dominion has asked the State Corporation Commission (“Commission”) to approve Rider US-4 for the rate year beginning June 1, 2024, and ending May 31, 2025 (“2024 Rate Year”).
•For the 2024 Rate Year, Dominion requests a revenue requirement of $14,185,401, which would decrease the bill of a typical residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per month by $0.04.
•A Hearing Examiner appointed by the Commission will hold a telephonic hearing in this case on February 14, 2024, at 10 a.m., for the receipt of public witness testimony.
•An evidentiary hearing will also be held on February 14, 2024, at 10 a.m., or at the conclusion of the public witness portion of the hearing, whichever is later, in the Commission’s second floor courtroom located in the Tyler Building, 1300 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, to receive the testimony and evidence of the Company, any respondents, and the Staff.
•Further information about this case is available on the SCC website at:
On August 1, 2023, Virginia Electric and Power Company (“Dominion” or “Company”) filed with the State Corporation Commission (“Commission”) an application (“Application”) for approval of its annual update filing, with respect to Rider US-4 for the Sadler Solar Facility, an approximately 100 megawatt utility-scale solar photovoltaic generating facility located in Greensville County, Virginia (“US-4 Solar Facility” or “Facility”).
On January 22, 2020, the Commission approved Dominion’s construction and operation of the US-4 Solar Facility. On April 13, 2020, Dominion also received approval of a rate adjustment clause, designated Rider US-4, for the Company to recover costs associated with the construction of the Facility. The Commission’s approval was subject to certain conditions and requirements, including a performance guarantee for the Facility, which were accepted by the Company. The US-4 Solar Facility began commercial operations on July 6, 2021.
The Company states that the capacity factor of the US-4 Solar Facility for calendar year 2022 was 21.5%, which does not include any force majeure events as defined by the Commission for purposes of the performance guarantee. Dominion further notes that the 21.5% capacity factor for calendar year 2022 is below the 22% target capacity factor under the performance guarantee for the Facility. The Company states that the total lost renewable energy certificate revenues for calendar year 2022 for the Facility are $11,749 and the total replacement power costs are $232,898. The Company states that it has developed a proration methodology due to the transition from a rate year to a calendar year for calculating the applicable performance guarantee credits.
In this proceeding, Dominion has asked the Commission to approve Rider US-4 for the rate year beginning June 1, 2024, and ending May 31, 2025 (“2024 Rate Year”). The two components of the proposed total revenue requirement for the 2024 Rate Year are the Projected Cost Recovery Factor and the Actual Cost True-Up Factor. The Company is requesting a Projected Cost Recovery Factor revenue requirement of $12,256,414 and an Actual Cost True-Up Factor revenue requirement of $1,928,987. Thus, the Company is requesting a total revenue requirement of $14,185,401 for the 2024 Rate Year.
If the proposed Rider US-4 for the 2024 Rate Year is approved, the impact on customer bills would depend on the customer’s rate schedule and usage. According to Dominion, implementation of its proposed Rider US-4 on June 1, 2024, would incrementally decrease the bill of a residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt hours per month by approximately $0.04 compared to the current Rider US-4. The Company indicates that it has calculated the proposed Rider US-4 rates in accordance with the same methodology as used for rates previously approved by the Commission.
Interested persons are encouraged to review Dominion’s Application and supporting documents in full for details about these and other proposals.
TAKE NOTICE that the Commission may apportion revenues among customer classes and/or design rates in a manner differing from that shown in the Application and supporting documents and thus may adopt rates that differ from those appearing in the Company’s Application and supporting documents.
The Commission entered an Order for Notice and Hearing in this proceeding that, among other things, scheduled a public hearing on Dominion’s Application. On February 14, 2024, at 10 a.m., the Hearing Examiner assigned will hold the telephonic portion of the hearing for the purpose of receiving the testimony of public witnesses. On or before February 7, 2024, any person desiring to offer testimony as a public witness shall provide to the Commission (a) your name, and (b) the telephone number that you wish the Hearing Examiner to call during the hearing to receive your testimony. This information may be provided to the Commission in three ways: (i) by filling out a form on the Commission’s website at; (ii) by completing and emailing the PDF version of this form to; or (iii) by calling (804) 371-9141. This public witness hearing will be webcast at
Beginning at 10 a.m. on February 14, 2024, the Hearing Examiner will telephone sequentially each person who has signed up to testify as provided above.
On February 14, 2024, at 10 a.m., or at the conclusion of the public witness portion of the hearing, whichever is later, in the Commission’s second floor courtroom located in the Tyler Building, 1300 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, the Hearing Examiner will convene a hearing to receive testimony and evidence related to the Application from the Company, any respondents, and the Commission Staff.
To promote administrative efficiency and timely service of filings upon participants, the Commission has directed the electronic filing of testimony and pleadings, unless they contain confidential information, and has required electronic service on parties to this proceeding.
An electronic copy of the public version of the Company’s Application may be obtained by submitting a written request to counsel for the Company: Elaine S. Ryan, Esquire, McGuireWoods LLP, Gateway Plaza, 800 East Canal Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, or Interested persons also may download unofficial copies from the Commission’s website:
On or before February 7, 2024, any interested person may submit comments on the Application electronically by following the instructions on the Commission’s website: scc. Those unable, as a practical matter, to submit comments electronically may file such comments by U.S. mail to the Clerk of the State Corporation Commission, c/o Document Control Center, P.O. Box 2118, Richmond, Virginia 23218-2118. All comments shall refer to Case No. PUR-2023-00138.
On or before November 17, 2023, any person or entity wishing to participate as a respondent in this proceeding may do so by filing a notice of participation with the Clerk of the Commission at: Those unable, as a practical matter, to file a notice of participation electronically may file such notice by U.S. mail to the Clerk of the Commission at the address listed above. Such notice of participation shall include the email addresses of such parties or their counsel, if available. A copy of the notice of participation as a respondent also must be sent to counsel for the Company. Pursuant to 5 VAC 5-20-80 B, Participation as a respondent, of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (“Rules of Practice”), any notice of participation shall set forth: (i) a precise statement of the interest of the respondent; (ii) a statement of the specific action sought to the extent then known; and (iii) the factual and legal basis for the action. Any organization, corporation or government body participating as a respondent must be represented by counsel as required by 5 VAC 5-20-30, Counsel, of the Rules of Practice. All filings shall refer to Case No. PUR-2023-00138.
On or before December 15, 2023, each respondent may file with the Clerk of the Commission, at, any testimony and exhibits by which the respondent expects to establish its case. Any respondent unable, as a practical matter, to file testimony and exhibits electronically may file such by U.S. mail to the Clerk of the Commission at the address listed above. Each witness’s testimony shall include a summary not to exceed one page. All testimony and exhibits shall be served on the Staff, the Company, and all other respondents simultaneous with its filing. In all filings, the respondent shall comply with the Rules of Practice, including 5 VAC 5-20-140, Filing and service, and 5 VAC 5-20-240, Prepared testimony and exhibits. All filings shall refer to Case No. PUR-2023-00138.
Any documents filed in paper form with the Office of the Clerk of the Commission in this docket may use both sides of the paper. In all other respects, except as modified by the Commission’s Order for Notice and Hearing, all filings shall comply fully with the requirements of 5 VAC 5-20-150, Copies and format, of the Commission’s Rules of Practice. The Commission’s Rules of Practice, the public version of the Company’s Application, the Commission’s Order for Notice and Hearing, and other documents filed in this case may be viewed on the Commission’s website at:
The following was given first reading at the August 7, 2023 City Council meeting. A public hearing, second reading, and final City Council action is scheduled for Monday, September 11, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. and Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.
All public hearings will be held in the Council Chambers, 300 Park Avenue, Falls Church, Virginia. Remote participation information at Comments may also be sent to For copies of legislation, contact the City Clerk’s office at (703-248-5014) or or visit www. The City of Falls Church is committed to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability, call 703-248-5014 (TTY 711).
The following was given first reading at the August 7, 2023 City Council meeting. A public hearing, second reading, and consideration of action is scheduled for Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.
The following was given first reading at the September 11, 2023 City Council meeting. A public hearing, second reading, and consideration of action is scheduled for Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.
All public hearings will be held in the Council Chambers, 300 Park Avenue, Falls Church, Virginia. Remote participation information at
Comments may also be sent to cityclerk@ For copies legislation, contact the City Clerk’s office at (703-248-5014) or or visit www. The City of Falls Church is committed to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability, call 703-248-5014 (TTY 711).
Seray, 160 Maple Avenue, Vienna VA, 22180. The Above establishment is applying to the Virginia ABC board for a Retail license to sell beer, wine and liquor.
NOTE: Objections to the issuance of this license must be submitted to ABC no later than 30 days from the publishing date of the first of 2 required newspaper legal notice. Objections should be registered at or 800-552-3200
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THIS IS RUSTICO (RUSTY) AND WESTLEY. Two best friends who enjoy walks on the W&OD trail and playing with neighborhood friends. Rusty is an Irish doodle, and Westley is a mini bernedoodle.
Just because you’re not famous doesn’t mean your pet can’t be! Send in your Critter Corner submissions to
ACROSS 1. Method of self-defense 5. Difficulty 9. Josh 12. It’s on the agenda 13. Granny 14. Poet’s output 15. High wind 16. Picks 17. Ocean 18. Black eye 20. Canoe’s kin 22. More soaked 25. Incorrect 29. Fed moisture to 33. Diner sign 34. Slit 35. Shade of blue 36. Records again 38. Person receiving money 39. Roof timber 41. Ladies 44. Procedure 49. “____ Got Sixpence” 50. Periods of light 53. In person 54. Farm enclosure 55. Neighborhood 56. Opera feature 57. Football position 58. Stick around 59. Hide DOWN 1. Lively dances 2. Mormon’s state 3. Lunchtime stop
Warning sign
Sleep noise
Short sleep
Social insect
Rubber ring
Pinkish red 10. Hunch 11. Bird’s bill 19. Female bleater 21. Sports building 23. Wring 24. Hit lightly 25. Supporting 26. Big monkey 27. Permit 28. Trap 30. Sunbeam 31. Abel’s mother 32. Coloring agent 34. Game official, shortly 37. Zoo attractions 38. Be nosy 40. Short paper 41. Dry with a cloth 42. Baking appliance 43. Set right 45. Affront 46. Become bored 47. Nastiness 48. Protein source 51. Cunning 52. Affirmative answer Copyright © 2023, Penny Press ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 202
PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING ACROSS 1. Back talk 5. Decreases 9. Yak 12. Farmer’s produce 13. Gator’s relative 14. House addition 15. Like suntan lotion 16. “I ____ a Symphony” 17. Workout site 18. Exercise 19. By what method? 20. “The Addams Family” actor 22. Beat 24. Protected 25. Frosty, e.g. 28. Copy 29. Bunch 31. Question 33. Not as tall 36. Current 38. Piece of property 40. Fuming 41. Lived 43. Honda, e.g. 44. Nothing 45. Put on guard 47. Nutmeglike spice 48. Heartbreaking 49. Santa’s transport 50. Selects 51. Subways’ cousins 52. Yearns 53. Chow hall DOWN 1. Information gatherer 2. Springs up 3. Serious 4. Agent 5. Yodeling sound 6. Beer 7. Feathered neckwear 8. Vamoose! 9. Take it easy: 2 wds. 10. Mountainous 11. Aircraft 19. Wail 21. Hurts 23. Trouser part 24. Division preposition 26. Necessity 27. Charcoal residue 30. Historical periods 31. Antenna 32. Burns 34. Getaway 35. Responds 36. Wash lightly 37. Full of current events 39. Ringlet 41. Little songbird 42. No ifs, ____, or buts 46. Beerlike beverage 47. Dad’s lady Copyright © 2023, Penny Press ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 204 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING ACROSS 1. Louts 5. Road-top covering 8. Pottery material 12. Popular stone 13. Drink cubes 14. Subtle air 15. Required 17. Actor Pickens 18. Ess follower 19. Constructs 21. Desirable quality 24. Endorse 25. Cuts 26. Hoops’ places 30. A Whitney 31. Fop 32. Yes vote 33. Competitions 35. “A Room With a ____” 36. Japan’s continent 37. Contains 38. Reunited German city 41. Broker’s advice 42. Kind of tradition 43. Luxuriousness 48. “Three Blind ____” 49. Vast expanse 50. Target 51. Milwaukee product 52. Prodigal ____ 53. Slips up DOWN 1. New England cape 2. Go ____ over 3. Hoover or Aswan 4. Roofing materials 5. Ocean motion 6. Get an A on 7. Cardinals 8. Gambling house 9. Pause in the action 10. Saharan 11. Sweet potatoes 16. Profit 20. “The ____ Duckling” 21. Actor Guinness 22. unaccompanied 23. ____ one’s wheels 24. Mr. Claus 26. Simpleness 27. Empty of water 28. Looked at 29. Uses a needle and thread 31. Bandleader Arnaz 34. Having more height 35. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 44. 45. 46. 47. Copyright © 2023, Penny Press CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING ACROSS 1. Otherwise 5. Picnic insect 8. Bungle 12. Do, re, or mi 13. Enemy 14. On a voyage 15. Entrance device 17. Hollow stalk 18. Remove paint from 19. Tidy 21. Positive responses 23. Decree 26. Hole-making tool 28. Cheerless 30. Nose 32. Fence bar 34. Baby beagle 36. “____ the Night” 37. Digs for ore 39. Clumsy one 41. Dine 42. Seeps 44. Opposite of right 46. Civil uprising 48. Texas shrine 51. Low cry 54. Took off a kimono, e.g. 56. Military assistant 57. High mountain 58. To boot 59. Appealed 60. Clever 61. Salty drop DOWN 1. Purposes 2. Ransack 3. Plot: 2 wds. 4. Ghostly 5. Fore’s counterpart 6. Midday 7. Conical abode 8. Drink with an olive 9. Utilize 10. Greens charge 11. Current craze 16. Vacation spots 20. TV airings 22. Watery juice 24. Peace officer 25. Ballet costume 26. Branch 27. Mournful cry 29. Musical twosome 31. Summit 33. Educated 35. Chum 38. Glide over snow 40. Anxiety 43. Bubbly beverages 45. 47. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 55. Copyright © 2023, Penny Press ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 205 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING PUZZLE NO. 202 PUZZLE NO. 205 PUZZLE NO. 203 ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 203 HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3x3 box. HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that every column and every the numbers 1 through Each 3x3 box is outlined You already have a few Remember: you must 1 through 9 in the same ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 938 LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: ADVANCED LEVEL: ADVANCED LEVEL: ADVANCED PUZZLE NO. 938 PUZZLE PUZZLE NO. 940 PUZZLE Critter Corner Snap a pic of your critter and email it to: CRITTERCORNER@FCNP.COM Make Your Pet a Star! Just because you’re not famous doesn’t mean your pet can’t be!
The LGBTQ+ Reach
by Brian Reach Falls Church News-Press
Hong Kong Court Orders Laws Changed to Recognize Same-Sex Couples
Hong Kong — which decriminalized homosexuality in 1991 — will soon follow Taiwan (in May 2019) and Nepal (in March 2023) in legally recognizing samesex unions. Last week a court ordered the government to create a plan to do so within the next two years. Hopefully they’re able to figure that out sooner (what is there to figure out that could possibly take two years?) — and drop the “separate but equal” civil unions idea and just legalize marriage regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
India’s Supreme Court Gay Marriage
Decision Imminent
Last week marked five years since India decriminalized homosexuality. This year — perhaps even in the coming days — the India Supreme Court is expected to rule on whether to legally recognize gay marriage. Representing a population of just under 1.5 billion, India is the largest country in the world, recently edging out China. This followed a massive cultural shift, with approval of gay marriage nearly tripling just since 2020, though the country remains fairly conservative.
Section 377, repealed unanimously on September 7, 2018, was put in place by British colonizers in 1861 — and wasn’t specifically about homosexuality. Instead, it gave the government vague authority to pick and choose what is sexually moral, and what should result in jail time (from ten years to life in prison, historically, if you were LGBTQ+).
Signs of Electoral Headwinds for 2024 Republican Nominee
Michigan, highlighted this week by, has fortified its laws against LGBTQ+ hate over the past year — one of several signs that the electoral favorability Republicans have exploited for decades… well, might be evaporating. LGBTQ+ protection was added to the state’s civil rights bill. Conversion therapy for minors is banned. The Michigan Supreme Court upheld LGBTQ+ protections. The nine anti-LGBTQ+ bills introduced by Republicans and advanced to committee in the spring have been gathering dust most of the year.
Pennsylvania — the only northeast state that hasn’t passed LGBTQ+ protections — now has several pieces of legislation introduced to do just that, though their fates are uncertain. And, similar to Michigan, the three anti-LGBTQ+ bills introduced by Republican legislators and advanced to committee in early March are still there.
An Interesting Coincidence
Notably, of just nine states with fulltime legislatures (whereas Virginia’s meets for just 30 or 45 days per year), five are swing states: Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. With the exception of North Carolina, the rest seem to be pushing the brakes on bigotry (to varying degrees).
What is Behind The Hate?
At this point, I’m pretty sure we’re not seeing a resurgence in pious “pearl-clutching” homophobia/transphobia. What I mean is, I don’t think these modern “antiwoke” people actually think being gay is a choice. And that’s perhaps a promising sign.
Today’s attacks are more reminiscent of playground taunts of bullies than the evangelical diatribes of decades past. And bullies are quickly silenced when folks stand up to them en-masse and confidently call them out. And this seems to have begun in the “purple” states from here to Wisconsin — though the plights of queer communities and their families across the south and midwest remain grim.
The extreme religious right does still exist — their bigotry is in the underpinnings everywhere — but they aren’t the visible part anymore, and the part that is visible… well, I don’t think they really care about the dogma.
It’s 2023. Society has seen that the promised consequences of LGBTQ+ equality were false. LGBTQ+ folks aren’t trying to turn anyone gay, heterosexual marriage certificates haven’t burst into flames, and few believe HIV is a punishment from God (instead, more and more realize it’s a symptom of willful neglect of officials during the Reagan administration).
So times have changed. The hate is back, but the religious fervor has been undermined — largely by visible and vocal gestures from churches that don’t subscribe to, frankly, the evangelical “fire and brimstone” version of religion.
Most now understand that selective morality is an agenda, not a belief. Then Why? What’s The Hold-Up?
If they don’t believe we’re faking it, what exactly is their issue? If they know LGBTQ+ people are mostly the children of heterosexuals, don’t think being gay is unnatural, and don’t have particularly dogmatic beliefs, what do they actually want?
To be continued…
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