League Of Women Voters 2021

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FALL 2021 VOTERS’ GUIDE GENERAL ELECTION ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2021 POLLS OPEN 6:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. This Voters’ Guide is published by the League of Women Voters. The League has a long tradition of publishing the verbatim responses of candidates to questions important to voters. Go to VOTE411.org to get personalized information about your ballot. The League of Women Voters does not support or oppose any candidate or political party. VOTER INFORMATION For more specific voter information, contact the City of Falls Church Voter Registration and Elections Office at (703) 2485085 (TTY 711) or email: vote@fallschurchva.gov regarding voter identification requirements, absentee voting by mail or in-person, and sample ballots. Online, go to www.fallschurchva.gov/vote. ELECTION DAY VOTING: Registered voters who live in the City of Falls Church are eligible to vote at the appropriate polling place for their residences. Ward 1: Oak Street (formerly Thomas Jefferson) Elementary School, 601 South Oak Street, Oak Street gym entrance (park on Oak Street, Fellows Court, Parker Avenue, or Timber Lane) Ward 2: Falls Green (formerly Oakwood) Apartments, 501 North Roosevelt Boulevard Ward 3: Falls Church Community Center, 223 Little Falls Street (park in Community Center lot or on Little Falls Street) IDENTIFICATION REQUIRED TO VOTE: Virginia law requires all in-person (early and Election Day) voters to provide either an acceptable form of ID or sign an ID Confirmation Statement at the polls. Voters arriving at the polls without an acceptable form of ID will be required to either sign an ID Confirmation Statement or vote a provisional ballot. If a voter

votes a provisional ballot, they will have until noon on the Friday following the election to deliver a copy of identification to their locality’s electoral board or sign an ID Confirmation Statement in order for their provisional ballot to be counted. The following forms of identification may be used to vote: • Valid Virginia driver’s license or special identification card issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (may be expired) • Valid employer-issued photo identification card • Military identification card • Valid student identification card issued by any higher education institution in Virginia • Valid student identification card with a photo issued by any higher education institution in the United States • Valid student identification card issued by any public or private high school in Virginia • Valid US Passport • Any federal, Virginia state, or local government-issued identification with photo • Virginia voter identification card issued by the Virginia Department of Elections • Voter confirmation documents • Valid tribal enrollment or other tribal ID from any of the 11 tribes recognized by Virginia • Nursing home resident ID if issued by a government facility • Current utility bill, bank statement, government check, or paycheck containing the name and address of the voter • Any other current government document containing the name and address of the voter • Signed ID Confirmation Statement (available at the polling place) ABSENTEE VOTING: In Virginia, all registered voters may vote by absentee ballot, in-person, or by mail. No excuse is necessary.

ABSENTEE VOTING BY MAIL requires the completion of a Virginia Absentee Ballot Application Form online or by mail. Your request for an absentee ballot by mail must be received by the Voter Registration and Elections Office by 5:00 p.m. Friday, October 22, 2021. You will be mailed the absentee ballot, which must be mailed back in time to reach the electoral board by noon on Friday, November 5. NOTE: A witness signature is required on the absentee ballot envelope. ABSENTEE VOTING IN PERSON (Early Voting) began September 17, 2021. You may vote in-person at the Office of Voter Registration and Elections (300 Park Ave, Center Level, Suite 206) from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays, and on Saturdays, October 23 and 30, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The last day to vote in-person absentee is on Saturday, October 30. ABOUT THIS GUIDE This guide is produced by the League of Women Voters of Falls Church, which includes both women and men. LWVFC is a nonpartisan organization founded in 1951, whose purpose is to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation in government. Please visit www.lwvfallschurch.org for more information, and go to VOTE411.org to enter your address and compare candidates’ responses to the questions the League asked them. In addition to the local races highlighted here, this year’s ballot includes races for Virginia Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General as well as the contest for Member, House of Delegates, 53rd District, Candidates: Sarah White (Rep), Marcus Simon (Dem), and three uncontested races for Sheriff, Metin A. “Matt” Cay; Commissioner of the Revenue, Thomas D. Clinton; and Treasurer, Jody P. Acosta. NOTE: Candidates are listed here in the order they appear on the ballot as determined by the Virginia State Board of Elections of the City of Falls Church Electoral Board.

FALLS CHURCH CITY COUNCIL THE OFFICE The City Council enacts ordinances and resolutions, approves budgets, sets tax rates, and establishes policy. The seven Council Members are elected at-large for four-year terms and are not affiliated with any national political party. The annual salary for Council Members is $9,200; the salary for Mayor is $9,800.

THE QUESTIONS: 1. Tell us about yourself and WHY ARE YOU RUNNING for Falls Church City Council in 2021. 2. How long have you lived in Falls Church City, and in WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED with the city and community during your time here? 3. What is the TOP ISSUE currently facing the Falls Church City Council, and, if elected, what will you do to address it?


David F. Snyder

Attorney, administrative law, international trade BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Falls Church City activist and City Council member; regional representative on transportation, environment, and emergency preparedness bodies; EMT; vaccine trial volunteer; and fortunate husband, father, and father-in-law. WEB SITE https://davidfsnyderforcitycouncil.com/ EMAIL ADDRESS davidflemingsnyder@gmail.com TELEPHONE 703-241-0419 QUESTIONS: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING: I grew up in a small town in the coal region of Western Pennsylvania where I learned from my parents the importance of service and working with everyone. My mother and father were community activists and profesPAGE 1

sionals who gave back to their community and church. They taught me through example what it means to live in and contribute to the community for the benefit of all. In addition to my parents, I was influenced by my town’s longtime fire chief and other volunteer firefighters, who ingrained in me a life-long commitment to public safety. I am running for City Council in 2021 because I want to continue to contribute the experience I have gained to meeting the challenges Falls Church faces. WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED: We have lived in Falls Church, first from 1978-1980 and then from 1987 to the present. I began community service here as a co-leader of a citizen group that successfully opposed off-track betting parlors and as President of the Falls Church Housing Corporation, which then owned and managed the Winter Hill affordable apartments. Since 1994, I have served on City Council, with stints as Mayor (1998-2000) and Vice Mayor (1996-1998, 2010-2015). I currently chair the National Capital Region

Emergency Preparedness Council and the City Council’s Legislative Committee. I have chaired and now serve on the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission, the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (currently as Vice Chair and Chair of NVTA’s Technology Group), and the Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee. Our son, daughter, and son-in-law attended and graduated from Falls Church City Public Schools. TOP ISSUE: This summer U.S. News & World Report ranked Falls Church City third in the country for the high quality of our community, schools, and government. This did not happen by accident or overnight. Rather, this distinction is the result of hard work by citizen volunteers, taxpayers, our businesses and nonprofits, professional City staff, and elected officials. Our greatest challenge is to maintain our community’s many great qualities and then to address new challenges as they arise, always with a willingness to hear all voices and assure inclusiveness in everything we do.


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Debora “Debbie” Schantz-Hiscott Executive Director, Falls Church Education Foundation

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Executive Director- Falls Church Education Foundation; Sr. Mgr - Business Dev/Corporate Finance, MCI/Verizon UNC-Chapel Hill, B.A., Economics, Psychology, Industrial Relations; London School of Economics - Labor Economics WEB SITE debbiehiscott.org EMAIL ADDRESS debbiehiscottforcitycouncil@gmail.com TELEPHONE 703-786-6622 QUESTIONS: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING: A long-time Falls Church City resident, I have served the community in both a professional and volunteer capacity for nearly three decades and the past year as a City Council member. I raised three children in Falls Church City Public Schools, have led the Falls Church Education Foundation for the past nine years, and have worked to ensure schools and community are a healthy, welcoming environment that we are all proud to call home.

Marybeth D. Connelly

FCCPS Community Outreach Director BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Running for 3rd term; 27year resident of FC; With her husband, Michael, raised family here and is committed to a thriving Falls Church community. M.Ed. University of Virginia; B.A. Villanova University; 16 years in FCCPS Community Outreach role WEB SITE MarybethConnelly.com EMAIL ADDRESS mbforcitycouncil@gmail.com TELEPHONE 703-200-2426 QUESTIONS: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING: After serving two terms on Falls Church City Council, I am running because I am committed to serving the people of Falls Church. We’ve made much progress in the past 8 years, and there is still work to do. I’m proud of the Capital Projects we’ve completed: Meridian High School, Mary Riley Styles Public Library, City Hall, parkland acquisition and improvements. That’s the most ambitious financing and construction program in the City’s history and we managed to reduce the tax rate. Because of these

Stuart M. Whittaker

Own and operate a Prius car share business BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Born in IL to a social worker and a librarian, family moved to WA, NY, and back to IL where I finished high school. AB and MBA from U Chicago. Lived in CA and TN. Have worked in private sector most of my career, established my own business in 1986. WEB SITE StuartMWhitaker.com EMAIL ADDRESS StuartMWhitaker@gmail.com TELEPHONE (703) 863-1289 QUESTIONS: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING: My parents taught that we had an obligation to contribute to the community. At nineteen I worked as a volunteer in five states in the first presidential election campaign after eighteen year olds won the right to vote. I am a strong believer in capitalism and in democracy but believe that both capitalism and democracy must be carefully regulated to prevent excesses. Out of school I joined a technology manufacturer in silicon valley that was instrumental in eliminating AT&T’s monopoly control in telecom-

I have learned what is important to the residents and how to best use my skills to meet those needs. I am running for re-election so that I can continue to build on the important work we have started, including seeing through the business development plans on the 10-acre site in West Falls Church. For nearly 15 years, I advocated for a new public high school and was a founding member of the political action committee that promoted the bond referendum to construct the new facility that welcomed students last spring. I have both a personal and moral obligation to ensure city leaders keep the promises we made to voters to retire the debt with strong new commercial development. I also want to reduce our environmental impact, provide more affordable housing and equity, and support local businesses. WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED: As a City Council member, I have served on the Legislative Committee, Environmental Sustainability Council, Architectural Advisory Board, and Library Oversight Board and was elected chair of the Community Development Authority. During my tenure, I have worked with my colleagues to mitigate pandemic impacts, support local businesses, address racial inequities, pursue affordable

housing opportunities, work towards a climate action plan and lower the tax rate. Prior to serving on City Council, I spent 25 years working, volunteering, and raising my family in the city, while developing deep relationships with a broad cross-section of the community. I’ve been a youth and high school coach for 15 years, served in leadership in the PTA for 17 years, volunteered with Women’s History March, Tinner Hill Music Festival, Homestretch and the Falls Church Homeless Shelter. I also draw on the business development, strategy, and budgeting skills gained through a career in corporate finance. TOP ISSUE: The American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) provides the city with unprecedented funds for city improvements. It is imperative that the Falls Church City Council identifies and pursues opportunities to direct these funds toward projects and programs that benefit all members of our community in both the short and long term. If re-elected, I will work to spend these funds on stormwater and infrastructure projects that will enable our community to better withstand the impact of climate change while decreasing the debt financing that we would otherwise incur to complete these projects. This savings will allow us to support other city programs and keep our tax rate low.

projects, the City is a better place to live, work, play, and go to school. My campaign slogan remains the same in each election: “Connect with Connelly” because I believe that bringing people together is the only way the City can successfully navigate our unique challenges. The City succeeds because the people who live and work here understand the importance of working together. Local businesses, civic organizations, schools, and families form the City’s foundation. We thrive when our leadership cultivates all parts. Both longtime and new residents need to engage in living locally through community volunteerism, neighborhood activity, relationshipbuilding. I am committed to strengthening Falls Church by cultivating key connections. WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED: My husband, Michael, and I arrived in Falls Church in 1995. We didn’t expect to stay for 26 years, but we realized that this is the perfect place for us. We raised our three children, Brian, Andrew, and Julie in Falls Church. In addition to 8 years on City Council, I’m in my 17th year working for Falls Church City Public Schools as the Community Outreach Director, which means I am deeply embedded in the community, working closely with local businesses, school employees, and volunteers. I’ve

held volunteer leadership positions in community organizations like Village Preservation & Improvement Society, Falls Church Chamber of Commerce, Falls Church Kiwanis Little League, Falls Church Elementary PTA and more. I volunteered in August at the Tinner Hill Music Festival, and was so happy to get back to doing some of my favorite things: welcoming people to Falls Church and taking pictures of them in the LOVE sculpture. I will do whatever is needed to help out in the City that I call home. TOP ISSUE: Four years ago I would have said, “We’ve got to build this high school!” Now I am focused on sustaining the community we treasure. We need to keep the West Falls Church development on track because it is a key part of the high school plan of finance. As a Council member that is a top priority. Caring for the land, water, and people who live here is a big concern. The growth of the City in the past 20 years is directly related to increased commercial development, and we can’t stop now. When making decisions, there are always tradeoffs. As a Councilmember I will strive for balance - the right kind of development, in the right places, benefitting the City as a whole, the people who live and work here, and respecting the environment.

munications and in stimulating innovation. I have worked as a consultant in the areas involving technology, finance, and regulation in the US, Europe, Africa, and Asia, with a continued interest in promoting competition and innovation. In 2008 I became aware of the climate crisis and the disparate impact that this crisis has on different demographics. I began to focus on the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, which was transportation. This election is about far more than just the City Council--it is also for representation on powerful regional bodies whose decisions affect citizens of the City. I am running for the City Council to help pursue policies that reduce emissions in a just and equitable manner. WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED: I have lived and been involved in the Northern Virginia community--first in Fairfax County and later in Falls Church City--since 1983. During that time I have been involved in a myriad of organizations and activities. I am a member of VPIS and have contributed to the Falls Church Education Foundation’s annual fundraiser. My two children went K through twelve here, both graduating from George C Marshall High School. I was a long time boys and girls soccer coach and commis-

sioner of an adult coed soccer league. I have worked with community organizations including the Sierra Club and the Coalition for Smarter Growth on transportation and climate issues. I am a graduate of the Transportation Planning Board’s Community Leadership Institute. I now own and operate a small business in the City. I was president of my homeowner’s association. I have been president of my local alumni association. I am a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington. TOP ISSUE: The top issues are equity and the environment. Black Lives Matter means more than ending police shootings of Black citizens and the #MeToo movement means more than respect in the workplace for women. It means a transportation where the length of your commute and your personal safety don’t depend on how wealthy you are, and it means housing that everyone can afford. The environment requires an allhands-on deck effort. The Biden administration is doing its best to reduce emissions but it can’t do it alone. Infrastructure design, most of which is controlled at the local level, has a tremendous effect on transportation emissions and on equity. I will work to make sure equity and environmental considerations are given top consideration.







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Caroline S. Lian FreddieMac

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: 15 yr city resident, proud wife and Mom. 26 years of professional experience in investment banking, consulting, DC govt, education. Implemented affordable lending programs and currently responsible for enterprise third party risk at FreddieMac WEB SITE carolinelian.org EMAIL ADDRESS carolinelianfcc@gmail.com TELEPHONE 703-980-7542 QUESTIONS: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING: I was born in Bogor, Indonesia and immigrated to the US in 1979 with my mother and younger brother. I attended public schools in Alexandria, Prince William County, and graduated from UVA with a BA in Biology. I have been married for 18 yrs and have 2 sons ages 10 and 12. I have 26 years of professional work experience that spans consulting, investment banking, public education, local government, and government sponsored enterprises (GSE’s).

Scott C. Diaz

Department of Defense Civilian Employee EMAIL ADDRESS scott.c.diaz@gmail.com TELEPHONE 703-400-0350 QUESTIONS: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING: I have spent a career serving my nation at home and abroad and now I want to to serve my community. I have not run for public office before, but my work experience within the Department of Defense has prepared me for service on the city council. I have more than two decades of experience engaging with people from around the world, from a variety of cultures and experiences, working with them on relevant issues, achieving consensus on goals, and taking action to see them through. Our

This is my first time running for public office. I would like to apply my experience in management, operational execution, policy development and implementation to serve our community and help navigate challenges and opportunities. I am passionate about excellent public education, preserving, protecting and expanding affordable housing, and supporting economic development that improves quality of life and the future of the community while preserving green space. I am a full time working mother who believes that diversity in public office is important. I also hope to encourage today’s youth, especially my children, to participate civically and give back to the community. WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED: My husband, Andrew, and I moved into the city in 2006. Andrew’s family has roots in the City that started in 1946. Second, third and fourth generation family have graduated from FCCPS and still live in the city today. A summary of my community involvement includes: PTA Room parent for both of my sons every year since 2013 and a volunteer at multiple PTA events, Odyssey of the Mind Coach 3 consecutive school years, Science Olympiad Coach 2 consecutive school years,

Cubscout Pack 657 Den volunteer for both sons 6 consecutive years, Member Falls Church Chamber of Commerce, Tinner Hill Music Festival Volunteer, Board Member Elsie Whitlow Stokes PCS, DC (2016 – 2020), Advisor Next Step Network, sustainable homeownership nonprofit (2016 – 2020), Board Member Students First (2013 – 2016), Board Member Hugh O’Brian Youth Foundation Mentorship Director (2010 - 2013). TOP ISSUE: Our city needs more affordable housing - it supports our community values of diversity and inclusion. The ability for people at all income levels to live here is also important to meeting our full economic development potential. Affordable housing is an exercise in community sustainability and requires a multi-prong approach to address, including: increasing our set aside target, having collaboration from public/ private/nonprofit actors, ensuring federal and state resources complement local funding sources, piloting preservation and tenant protection policies, having strong developer capacity that meets complexity of community needs for green space preservation, carbon neutrality, resident services, and meeting special needs of residents.

desirable location and school system drive others to want to be part of our community. Unfortunately, our city is small, with no place to go but up. Development plans for the next decade call for many hundreds of apartments and condominiums to be built along the development zone of Broad and Washington Streets. This will expand our population by thousands and hopefully bring dozens of small businesses to the city. This expansion will place a growing burden on our infrastructure. WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED: We have lived in Falls Church for two years. To our great fortune, the day after we moved in, our street held its annual welcome BBQ where we were able to meet most of our neighbors; we immediately felt accepted and part of the community. We took advantage of the nearby tennis courts, the library, and walked the neighborhood with our dog. We enjoyed casual shopping

and dinners in the city. We became season ticket holders at the Creative Cauldron and enjoyed their shows. Six months later COVID restrictions were put in place. For the next year and a half we took advantage of physically distanced citywide events. We love the State Theater and spent many evenings under a propane heater enjoying great local musicians, Cherry Hill park was our favorite summer concert outing, and the Farmer’s market was a great weekend escape. Most importantly, Falls Church was where my son cast his first ballot. TOP ISSUE: Growing our city shouldn’t be at the expense of our families, community, and small businesses. Our development should be managed to maintain the characteristics of our community. As our population expands, we should be looking for ways to maintain the quality and level of city services without increasing the individual tax burdens of our residents.

FALLS CHURCH SCHOOL BOARD THE OFFICE The School Board’s primary responsibilities are to set policy for the school division, approve the annual budget, develop a strategic plan, and hire a superintendent to operate the school division in accordance with board policy. The seven School Board Members serve four-year terms and are not affiliated with any national political party. The annual stipend for School Board Members is $3,600; for the Vice Chair, $4,800; and for the Chair, $6,000

THE QUESTIONS: 1. Tell us about yourself and WHY ARE YOU RUNNING for Falls Church School Board. 2. How long have you lived in Falls Church City, and in WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED with the city and community during your time here? 3. What is the TOP ISSUE currently facing the Falls Church School Board, and, if elected, what will you do to address it?


Ilya Shapiro

Constitutional Lawyer BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Ilya Shapiro is vice president and director of constitutional studies at the Cato Institute. An immigrant twice over (from Russia and Canada) and a national renowned scholar, he works to advance liberty & give all kids the opportunities he’s had. WEB SITE https://shapiro4fallschurch.org/ EMAIL ADDRESS shapiro4fallschurch@gmail.com TELEPHONE 202-577-1134 QUESTIONS: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING: I’m running for school board to ensure that the Little City maintains excellent schools while providing accountability, responsiveness, transparency, and diversity of thought. I learned the importance of education from my parents. They made tremendous sacrifices to get me out of the Soviet Union because they didn’t want me growing up under Communism. We immigrated to Canada, settling in Ontario, where I had a typical small-town childhood, full of sports and Boy Scouts, working hard

and dreaming big. I came to the United States for college (Princeton) and law school (University of Chicago), moved to D.C. in 2004, and became a U.S. citizen in 2014. I’m now a vice president of the Cato Institute, where I regularly file briefs before the Supreme Court and testify before Congress and state legislatures. Like most immigrants, I do a job that most native-born Americans won’t: defending the Constitution. I’m also a member of the Virginia Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, chairman of the advisory board of the Mississippi Justice Institute, on the board of the Tony Patiño Fellowship (giving scholarships to law students), and on the board of fellows at the Jewish Policy Center. I want to give back to the community. WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED: This is my first time running for office. As I filed my paperwork, I thought of nothing but my two sons, ages 5 and 3. My oldest is a kindergartener at Mount Daniel and my youngest is at Dulin Cooperative Preschool (where my wife Kristin is the president). We moved here in 2014 to give the kids we hoped to have the best educational opportunities possible. Our tiny school district continues to lead the region, not just in overall quality but in addressing the past year’s challenges, and I’m

thankful for the parents, teachers, staff, and board members who made that happen. Still, on pandemic response we were toward the bottom of the league nationally, always a step behind best practices. And at a time when parents were most concerned about education loss and getting back to in-person school, the board repeatedly deferred to the superintendent and instead debated whether to change school names. Those mistaken priorities are why I’m running, and the theme of my campaign is accountability. TOP ISSUE: Accountability. That means responsiveness and representation: I will represent community members and respond to your concerns. Accountability means transparency: if elected, I will explain my votes and official decisions online. Accountability means independence: I will not go along with groupthink or the path of least resistance, but will bring a fresh perspective that our board lacks. The community has expressed a desire for having a diversity of opinion and experience. If elected, I’d represent and engage all constituents—and that includes non-parents. I take the school board’s role in governance seriously, and want to make sure that the superintendent and district leadership are ultimately accountable to the community.



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Lori K. Silverman Political Consultant

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: I’m from Chicago, but I’ve been in the DMV since 2000.I grew up in a very political family, and continued working in politics first on Capitol Hill and then as a political consultant (I’m also a lawyer). I moved to FCC in 2016, and love it here. WEB SITE www.lorisilverman4fcc.com EMAIL ADDRESS loriforfccsb@gmail.com TELEPHONE 202-361-8895 QUESTIONS: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING: Communication. Collaboration. Community. Those three pillars are what I focus on during my campaign in order to maintain our exceptional schools. I believe in strong leadership so we can have the best schools for our children and the community. I pride myself in being a

Jerrod F. Anderson Health Statistician

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Falls Church resident for 5 years. Married. Father of 2 boys (4 and 6 years old). Experience in educational technology in Memphis, TN, economic development in rural Arkansas, and national health surveys. WEB SITE https://andersonforfccschoolboard.com/ EMAIL ADDRESS andersonfccschoolboard@gmail.com TELEPHONE 202-306-3583 QUESTIONS: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING: Like many parents, I spent much of last year helping with my oldest son’s kindergarten education. That was a unique opportunity to be intimately involved with my child’s education. As Covid restrictions loosened and he spent more time at school, I wanted to find ways that best used my skills and experience to further contribute to the schools in this community. My experiences working in rural economic development, on a large survey, and in education technology implementation have

Courtney C. Mooney Medical Sales (diagnostic testing)

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Born/raised in Asheville, NC. Oldest of three. Father is a pediatric dentist and mother, a high school English teacher. Attended UNC-Chapel Hill on full athletic scholarship for basketball, was a 2yr team captain. Communications degree. WEB SITE www.Mooney4fccsb.com EMAIL ADDRESS Courtneymooneyforfccsb@gmail.com TELEPHONE 571-414-7924 QUESTIONS: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING: As an 8yr FCC resident and a Mom with a student who is now in 4th grade I was paying very close attention to our board over the past 18months… particularly because I was very involved and on-site from almost day one in medical facilities in DC helping roll out COVID testing and protocols. The pandemic and creating safe environments is very in my wheelhouse as is crisis management. I ended up digging in very deeply as to what conversations were and were

good listener, an advocate, and someone who can work with people even if we have different opinions. I will be a thoughtful and reasonable voice in these uncertain times as we navigate ahead together. I want to ensure our schools remain open full time to our families and teachers in a safe and responsible way, with as few disruptions as possible. I will ensure our children feel secure and receive any additional resources they may need to continue personal growth to become the best versions of themselves. I want the teachers, staff,parents and community to have an authentic voice, feel truly heard, and that everyone receives the respect they deserve. I promise I will always have an open-door policy and be accessible to the community throughout my term. While I know I won’t agree with everyone I speak with, I promise I will consider all information, listen to all voices, and final decisions will come from being committed to do what is right for our children WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED: I’ve lived in Falls Church City since 2016. We moved here for the schools when

my daughter started at Jessie Thackrey. Before the pandemic, I was a frequent volunteer in the schools, whether it was recess duty, chaperoning field trips, or helping the teachers with holiday parties. Since the reopening of the schools, that involvement is obviously much more limited, however I still found opportunities during the spring to volunteer outdoors at the schools. I participate in fundraising events sponsored by FCEF to help support the schools. During March and April 2020, I volunteered by driving meals to the elderly. I’ve offered pro bono services at my work to some candidates who I truly believe in. TOP ISSUE: Currently, the top issue is still, unfortunately, the pandemic. I will work hard to ensure the schools stay open, full time, with as few disruptions as possible. In order for this to happen, I strongly support every mitigation strategy outlined by Dr. Noonan. And even if there comes a time when the mitigation measures aren’t mandated by the state, I will still implement them if Center for Disease Control/American Association of Pediatrics guidance recommends it.

all involved taking input from multiple stakeholder groups (with a variety of concerns) to come to a final decision. While working in the Memphis public schools, in particular, I gained a great appreciation for the necessity of teachers’ ability to provide feedback on the administration’s policies and priorities. In addition to allowing for more effective implementation and targeting of educational technology, creating the space for feedback increased teacher buy-in for the program. My experience lends itself well for productively engaging with members of the school community and allowing the appropriate space for them to provide feedback and express concerns. WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED: I have lived in Falls Church for five years. I have attended many of the annual events (outside of pandemic times) such as the Falls Church Festival and the Memorial Day celebrations. I have “attended” every school board meeting since June of 2020, and I put my name in for each of the two vacancies on the school board this past year. I have also benefited from the community’s amazing network of parents to find (after much time searching and a few false starts) the appropriate services for my son. I have found

that the schools act as an excellent information source for opportunities to get involved that I would not have known about otherwise. As a school board candidate, I have provided the community updates on school board meetings and the Virginia Standards of Learning results (which I plan on continuing after the election). I was also very happy to sponsor the Run For Schools event this year, and I look forward to more opportunities to serve. TOP ISSUE: Last year highlighted the uncertainty of the future. We are still dealing with the pandemic and its effects, not least of which has been the mental and emotional strain on our students. Next year, we may be dealing with something completely different. Creating processes for systematic community feedback will ensure we know what is working and where opportunities for improvement are. From the final equity report in 2019: “FCCPS must do more to ensure that all voices are represented, not just the loudest and most fervent.” We should not just listen to only the loudest, but we should also strive to give those who are seen as silent the opportunity to have their voices heard and to allow them to represent themselves in their own words.

not taking place and the decisions happening around that and I simply did not see the leadership, nuance, and clear vision that I thought was needed and necessary from the board to be as effective and nimble as we could have been to best serve our students and families this past year. Our board was in a very tough spot but it highlighted to me that we need people willing and able to take up the mantle of leadership and be effective and proactive communicators so everyone in our community feels heard, validated, and their questions and concerns addressed appropriately. We also need strong management by our board of our SuperIntendent so he can continue to develop and be as effective as possible in his role. WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED: I am an 8yr resident and have been very involved in kids sports. I’ve coached youth basketball and during the pandemic started a free basketball clinic for kids in our area that ran several days a week from August-March so kids got critical peer interaction and structure they needed. Also, I led the Falls Church City Parents for Schools group to give families struggling a place to be heard. The goal was to consolidate the many voices inundating our school system for help to provide better bandwidth for our

schools, present a clear resource of info, open better lines of communication, and get families the option for in-person learning. Many people saw the signs but that was the smallest part. I created an advisory board of experts to guide us, met w the mayor, city council, superintendent, board members, PTA, and teachers. I wrote weekly newsletters, created a website w information, answered emails. I tried to be an effective empathetic representative for families that needed it. TOP ISSUE: We need to examine how we can be forward thinking in safety while minimizing disruptions when it comes to COVID in school. We need to be transparent around examining learning loss. While students may be meeting baseline goals, that doesn’t look at where they are vs where they could have been or where we anticipated they should be. Many children did not make the strides they should have last year and we can’t just look at SOL or STAR data (not in the way we’ve opted to use those numbers) and have a clear picture on learning loss and how to address it. Curriculum updates in math means we will need to be thinking critically about how to best incorporate those changes and what resources are needed to drive/support our academic excellence.




OCTOBER 7 - 13 , 2021 | PAGE 15


David S. Ortiz

Federal Office Deputy Director BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: David Ortiz has dedicated his career to public policy and service. He is a proven leader with over 20 years of experience executing the core functions of the School Board: planning, budgeting, policy making, and performance oversight. WEB SITE https://ortiz4fccps.info EMAIL ADDRESS david@ortiz4fccps.info TELEPHONE (202)549-2880 QUESTIONS: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING: I have dedicated my career to public policy and service, and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the Falls Church City community. After completing my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, I worked at the RAND Corporation for 15 years. There I built a multimillion-dollar program of policy research in energy and the environment. Since 2013, I have been a leader in the federal government, directing organizations funding research in electric grid technologies and overseeing electric reliability.

Kathleen E. C. Tysse BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: WEB SITE www.kathleentysse.com EMAIL ADDRESS ktysseforfccps@gmail.com QUESTIONS: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING: I’m a former teacher and the mother of four children in three different FCCPS schools who is passionate about public education and literacy. I believe in Falls Church City Public Schools. I’m grateful for the excellent education they provide and am ready to use my experience and skills to work hard for our students, families, and teachers. I understand what makes schools great, and I believe our schools truly deserve their reputation for excellence. But we should always strive to be better. During a time of so much social and political turmoil, we’re being

Tate O. Gould

CEO of AnLar, LLC. President of Otis Educational Data Systems, Inc. Co-owner of Triskelle Software Solutions, LLC. BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Grew up in Beaufort, SC. Attended UNC (B.A., Ph.D.) and Harvard Graduate School of Education (Masters). First/best job was HS math teacher, varsity soccer coach. Married to Laura; two kids at Oak Street, MEHMS. Founder and currently CEO of AnLar. WEB SITE www.tategould.org EMAIL ADDRESS tate@tategould.org TELEPHONE 202-441-9672 QUESTIONS: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING: I am both a career educator with more than 25 years of experience in the field of education and a father to an Oak Street ES third grader and a Henderson MS eighth grader. I am running to help ensure our school system remains a forward-thinking and -acting district — not just for my two children, but for our entire community. This requires introspection, accountability, and measured leadership

I am running for a seat on the Falls Church City School Board to build on my family’s personal experience of excellence with the Falls Church City Public Schools. I have over 20 years of experience executing the core functions of the School Board: strategic planning; budgeting; setting policy; and performance oversight. I know how to work with communities to develop a shared vision for the future and put it into practice. I look forward to working with my colleagues on the School Board and the community to help all students achieve their dreams, develop a vision for the future of our schools, and perform effective oversight of the administration of our schools. WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED: In 2013, we moved to Falls Church City because of its excellent schools and supportive community. When we arrived, The Little City welcomed us with open arms made us feel at home. The commitment to education was apparent in the resources and programs at the library, and in our engagement with FCCPS. Our children thrive in the school system: our son (10th grade) received the coveted Henderson Husky Award twice. Our daughter (7th grade) was student body President at Oak Street Elementary and was Secretary of the Student Council at

Henderson. My sister and her family moved here in 2020 and their children (2nd and 4th grade) attend FCCPS. I believe in community service. I am on the Creative Cauldron board and an Assistant Scoutmaster with Boy Scout Troop 681. When we lived in Pittsburgh, I led a group of 50 young leaders that brought attention to an underserved community. I was also a member of a committee overseeing grants for interactive public art designed to engage children. TOP ISSUE: The School Board must lead the emergence of our schools and community from COVID-19, which amplified two existing challenges: (1) Mental health. Promoting the mental health of our children is an essential aspect of preparing them for adulthood. Child depression and anxiety were issues before COVID-19 and the isolation and suffering last year has made them worse. For younger children, being away from peers affected their social and emotional development; (2) Equity. We were lucky: we worked from home and took time to help with homework and technical issues during virtual school. Many families suffered. Parents worked outside the home or lost their jobs. Some struggled with English. Others had special needs that could not be met virtually.

forced to make countless difficult decisions about our safety, our priorities, and our values. Falls Church City deserves a leader who can make those decisions for our schools rooted in experience and strong relationships, who brings a balanced perspective on our community’s many strengths, and who commits to serving the greater good.. WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED: I have lived in Falls Church City since 2012 and have served the community in many ways: -President-elect (2018-2019) and President (2019-2020) of the Falls Church Elementary PTA As part of my role as PTA President, I served on the 2020-2021 Calendar Committee and the Superintendent’s Advisory Council, Summer 2020 -PTA room parent for all of my four children while they were in elementary school -FCCPS Gifted Education Advisory Committee (2020-current) -Mary Riley Styles Public Library Board of Trustees (2018-current) -Mary Riley Styles Public Library Foundation Development

Committee (2019-current) -Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Volunteer (2017-current) -Gun Legislation Working Group member, advisory to Falls Church City Council (2020) TOP ISSUE: The top issue facing our school board is reuniting the community as we emerge from the pandemic. Through my continued service in the schools, I have seen the strength of character and dedication of our leaders, teachers, and families. The foundation of our community is strong and I believe that we can build from there to heal from the collective trauma and sometimes divisive energy of the past 18 months. I support increased mental health services in our schools. I believe in teachers having safe and clear opportunities to have a voice. I want to refine the communication strategies between the School Board and the community. I believe this can be done in a positive way that leans on our community’s strengths and makes our schools stronger.

from the School Board. Eight years ago, I founded a successful education company where I currently serve as CEO, and also led the merger and acquisition of three others. I began my career as a high school math teacher and later became an education researcher and policy analyst at the state and federal levels. I have a parent’s perspective of the strengths and opportunities at Mt. Daniel, Oak Street and Henderson and, within a year, will also have personal experience as a parent of a Meridian student. These experiences in education, from various angles and viewpoints, make up the skill set I want to offer to Falls Church City, a community that has given us so much in the time we have lived here. I strongly feel that my unique skills and experience would be beneficial as a FCCPS School Board member. WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED: My wife, Laura, and I chose to move our family to Falls Church City just over five years ago after living in the area for 10 years. Like most, we were drawn to the Little City’s excellent school system and small-town, close-knit community feel. In that spirit, as a family, we give our time and talents back to this special community in both formal and informal ways. I volunteer my time

through my kids’ various activities, including coaching Recreation and Parks soccer teams and various roles in Cub Scouts. We support the Falls Church Education Foundation and enjoy participating in city-sponsored environmental clean up events. I also particularly enjoy being a neighborhood resource as a jack-of-all-trades. I’ve built great relationships with neighbors over the years, jumping at the chance to use my power tools to repair things or helping them troubleshoot their various home IT issues, as well as being on the receiving end of support and help when needed. TOP ISSUE: Recovering from COVID does not simply mean ensuring kids are in school buildings full-time. We want our students to love learning, to thrive and to be successful in the “new normal.” As a School Board member, I will work to ensure we have a thorough understanding of all students’ academic, social and emotional needs; we identify learning gaps from the past two school years and execute plans to close them; and collect and leverage the right data to empower teachers and staff. Our various test scores will continue well above state and national averages, but standardized tests are not the measure we should use to define our success.

The Fall 2021 Voters’ Guide was prepared, using monies from the LWV Education Fund, by: Like us on Facebook League of Women Voters of Falls Church PAGE 5

League of Women Voters of Falls Church P.O. Box 156 Falls Church, VA 22040 https://my.lwv.org/virginia/falls-church

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