British Diplomats Directory: Part 1 of 4

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A Directory of British Diplomats Compiled by Colin Mackie at

FCO Historians


Updated 3 February 2014

This Directory contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government License v2.0.


CONTENTS: Preface:

pages 3-4


pages 5-7

Select Bibliography:

page 8

Notes: Sections A and B:

pages 9-10

Section A: Alphabetical Directory of Diplomats, 1789-2005:

pages 11-541

Section B: Diplomatic Missions Overseas, 1789-:

pages 542-885

I: Commonwealth Countries: II: Foreign Countries: III: International Organizations:

pages 542-605 pages 606-867 pages 868-884

Notes: Sections C and D:

page 886

Section C: Foreign Office/Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1841-:

pages 887-998

Section D: Dominions Office/Commonwealth Relations Office/ Commonwealth Office, 1925-1968:

pages 999-1016

Notes: Sections E and F:

page 1017

Section E: Alphabetical Directory of Colonial Officials, 1850-:

page 1018-1137

Section F: Colonial Governors and Senior Officials, 1850-:

pages 1138-1207


Section G: Colonial Office, 1862-1966:

pages 1208-1232

Section H: Alphabetical Directory of Indian Governors and India Office Officials, 1850-1947:

pages 1233-1261

Section I: Indian Governors and Lieutenant-Governors, 1850-1947:

pages 1262-1270

Section J: India Office, 1858-1947:

pages 1271-1278



The material included in this Directory is the accumulation of decades of research. I recall watching the 1956 film “The Battle of the River Plate” and being entranced by the almost Ruritarian romanticism (as I saw it as an impressionable nine-year old) of the name of the British Minister in Montevideo-Sir Eugen Millington-Drake. My further interest in the Diplomatic Service originated from a Christmas present in 1959 of my first copy of “Whitaker’s Almanack”. I had been fascinated for some time by the names of, for example, Roman, Byzantine and Holy Roman Emperors and had been a compulsive ‘list-maker’ from a very early age. As a teenager I became increasingly fascinated by the identities of members the Diplomatic Service, senior officers in the Armed Forces and other public servants and in their career progression. Over the succeeding decades, during my spare time from teaching History in Scottish secondary schools, I tried to compile and to update paper copies of lists of these individuals. With the coming of the internet and the decision to put these lists online the project has grown and developed. Not only did developments in technology afford the opportunity to more systematically revise and improve the lists it suggested the possibility that others interested in these matters would be able to access the material. There is no shortage of sources for information on British Diplomatic representation overseas at the level of Heads of Mission. This project however goes beyond that level. It attempts to provide information on a wider range of positions within the Diplomatic Service, the Colonial Service and the India Office. As far as I am aware such an exercise has not been attempted before.

In recent months the welcome and invaluable co-operation and support of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in making copies of the Foreign Office and Diplomatic Service Lists available to me has ensured that the accuracy of the information provided has been much improved and has made it possible for me to extend the chronological coverage considerably. The interest shown in this project by the Historians’ section of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and by members of the Foreign and Commonwealth Association has been most gratifying. The support and encouragement I have received from the historians and from a number of exdiplomats has enabled me to make the material much more complete, more comprehensive and more accurate than would otherwise have been the case. In particular I would like to thank Mark Bertram, a former Head of the Overseas Estate Department at the FCO, without whose interest, help in facilitating access to the current FCO and encouragement the project would never have reached its current state.


This Directory cannot be fully comprehensive. A number of past and present organizations, departments and posts have been omitted. To those who may be aggrieved at particular omissions I can only offer my apologies. It is hoped however that the project will provide a reference tool for those engaged in research or study of British Diplomatic and Colonial History and will be of interest to those who have served or serve in the Diplomatic Service. It is obvious that I am an “outsider” attempting to chronicle the careers of senior diplomats and colonial officials. I am immensely proud that others are now of the opinion that this project is worthy of the official endorsement of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and worth preserving as a permanent record. It will, one day, become the responsibility of others to continue to update.

Colin A. Mackie, October 2013



SCOPE AND STRUCTURE This Directory includes senior British diplomats, and other British civil servants working in a similar capacity, who held posts overseas and in London. It is confined to individuals who worked at Counsellor/Assistant Secretary grades and above. The main part of the Directory(Sections A-D) relates to the Diplomatic Service since 1789 and to the Foreign Office since 1841. The starting point of the year 1789 in both Sections A and B was chosen because of the use made of the volume published by the Royal Historical Society: “British Diplomatic Representatives 1789-1852”(Bindoff, Malcolm Smith and Webster, 1934). It includes those who served in the succession of Offices which were merged with the Foreign Office in the later part of the twentieth century(the Dominions Office 1925-47, the Commonwealth Relations Office 1947-66 and the Commonwealth Office 1966-1968) to become the Foreign and Commonwealth Office(FCO) in 1968. Section A is an Alphabetical List of British Diplomats and their appointments from 1789 until the present. It includes all those individuals who held posts listed in Sections B, C and D but the appointments given for each individual are by necessity only those contained in the lists in subsequent sections. Section B is an alphabetical list of countries in which diplomatic missions and subsidiary posts have been established, with successive holders of senior posts in each.

Section C records the changing structure in London of the Foreign Office between 1841 and 1968 and of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office since then, and lists the successive holders of the titles described. (This Directory, as far as I am aware, is the first to attempt such a summary.) Section D is comparable to Section C, but deals solely with the Dominions Office, Commonwealth Relations Office and Commonwealth Office from their inception until their absorption by a successor Department. The remainder of the Directory(Sections E-J) relate to the Colonial Office and the India Office. Section E is an alphabetical list of Colonial officials from 1850 until the date of a colony’s independence and of Colonial Office senior officials, with the posts held by each.


Section F is an alphabetical list of Colonies with lists of Governors and the Colonial or Chief Secretaries in each. Section G covers the structure of the Colonial Office since 1854 and lists its senior officials until its merger with the Commonwealth Relations Office in 1966. Sections H, I and J relate to the India Office between 1858 and 1947 and provide coverage of both Indian Governors and the senior staff of the India Office in London.

SOURCES A Select Bibliography is provided on page 8. Initially the principal source used was the annual Foreign Office List(from 1965 the Diplomatic Service List). However publication of this invaluable source ceased in 2006. In addition, latterly the annual editions only provided complete lists of the names of Ambassadors for the previous twenty years or so. My access to these Lists (and to those of the Colonial Office, India Office and Commonwealth Relations Office-as the project expanded) was through very lengthy periods over many years spent working in the Reference Room of the Edinburgh Public Library. That library however does not hold copies of these lists from the earlier part of my chosen period. In the later stages of the exercise I had the advantage of being able to work at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Library and at the National Archives at Kew and to make use of the Lists unavailable in Edinburgh.

DIPLOMATS AND HOME CIVIL SERVANTS While the great majority of officials in this Directory would nowadays be called diplomats, thus justifying the title of this Directory, many of them were not defined as diplomats at the time of their service. The definition of a diplomat has widened significantly since the early twentieth century. Until 1919 a British diplomat was a member of the Diplomatic Service, which staffed missions overseas. It had been uncommon for such a diplomat to be employed within the Foreign Office in London although such employment had been increasing prior to the end of the First World War. When the Diplomatic Service and the Foreign Office were officially merged in 1919 all of the staff became members of the new Diplomatic Service. Foreign Office staff, in other words, became diplomats. Similarly, the Consular Service had been separate until it too was merged with the Diplomatic Service at the end of the Second World War. All former Commonwealth Relations Office and Colonial Office staff who joined the Foreign Office in the mid-1960s to create the Foreign and Commonwealth Office were transferred from the Home Civil Service to the Diplomatic Service, thereby becoming diplomats.



There are a few gaps in the lists of postholders overseas and in the succession of departments at home. Chief among the gaps are Colonial Office departments and postholders during the Second World War. The Colonial Office List was not published between 1941 and 1945 or in 1947. The cessation of publication of the Diplomatic Service List in 2006 has made it exceptionally difficult to identify a number of postholders beyond Heads of Missions overseas.

There will always be a certain amount of uncertainty regarding dates. It has not been possible for me to emulate the depth of research into each post carried out by Bindoff, Malcolm Smith and Webster or to consult the original documents and records available to them. The most common area of difficulty in relation to dates is that the individual’s appointment to a particular post and the actual assumption of duties may have occurred in successive calendar years. Where possible I have used the dates given in the Foreign Office Lists but for other appointments, particularly in the 19th century, where use has been made of, for example, the London Gazette, the date of commencement is clearly that when the appointment was announced in London. There can also be discrepancies between the information provided, for example, in an official publication and the information included in an individual’s entry in “Who’s Who”. Given that the latter represents the memory of an individual, which may demonstrably be fallible, such discrepancies have been resolved in favour of official publications where possible.

I have attempted to identify Acting appointments and to exclude those from the listings. Throughout the entire project no attempt has been made to include those honours and decorations held by an individual at the time of his or her occupation of a specific post. For each person the “final” honours awarded are provided. Honours or decorations awarded to diplomats by foreign governments or by Commonwealth countries are not included The research involved in compiling these lists has been of exceptional difficulty and there will without any doubt be some mistakes and inaccuracies, errors of transcription, typographical errors, errors transliterated from the sources themselves. I hope that users will not be slow to draw these to my attention. I can be contacted at The Directory will be updated at regular intervals and the FCO will arrange for the published version in their ISSUU series to be similarly updated.


SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY: “The Foreign Office List”, H.M. Stationery Office, London (annual editions from 1852 until 1965) “The Diplomatic Service List”, H.M. Stationery Office, London (annual editions from 1966 until 2006) “The Colonial Office List”, H.M. Stationery Office, London(annual editions from 1862 until 1966)(“The Dominions Office and Colonial Office List” from 1925 until 1952) “The Commonwealth Relations Office List”, H.M. Stationery Office, London(annual editions from 1951 until 1965) “The India Office List”(earlier “The India List”), H.M. Stationery Office, London(annual editions until 1947) “The London Gazette”, H.M. Stationery Office Bindoff, S.T., Malcolm Smith, E.F. and Webster, C.K., “British Diplomatic Representatives 1789-1852”, Royal Historical Society. London, 1934 Blakely, Brian L., “The Colonial Office 1868-1892”, Duke University Press, Durham N.C., 1972 Fiddes, Sir George V., “The Dominions and Colonial Offices”, Putnam’s, London, 1926 Gore-Booth, Paul (Lord), “With Great Truth and Respect”, Constable, London, 1974 Greenhill, Denis (Lord), “More by Accident”, Wilton 65, 1992 Hall, Henry L., “The Colonial Office”, Longmans, London, 1937 Jeffries, Sir Charles, “The Colonial Office”, Allen & Unwin, London, 1956 Jones, Ray, “The Nineteenth-Century Foreign Office: An Administrative History”, LSE/Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1971 Kirk-Greene, Anthony H.M., “A Biographical Dictionary of the British Colonial Governor, Vol. I: Africa”, The Harvester Press, Brighton, 1980 Kirk-Greene, Anthony H.M., “On Crown Service: A History of HM Colonial and Overseas Civil Services, 1837-1997”, I.B. Tauris, London, 1999 Kubicek, Robert V., “The Administration of Imperialism: Joseph Chamberlain at the Colonial Office”, Duke University Press, Durham N.C., 1969 Maisel, Ephraim, “The Foreign Office and Foreign Policy 1919-1926, Sussex Academic Press, 1994 Neilson, Keith and Otte, T.G., “The Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1854-1946”, Routledge, London, 2009 Steiner, Zara, “The Foreign Office and Foreign Policy 1898-1914”, Cambridge University Press, 1969 Strang, Lord, “The Foreign Office”, Allen & Unwin, London, 1955 Tilley, Sir John and Gaselee, Sir Stephen, “The Foreign Office”, Putnam’s, London, 1933 “Whitaker’s Almanack”, A & C Black, London (annual editions) “Who’s Who”, A & C Black, London (annual editions)


NOTES: SECTIONS A AND B Ambassadors are the Heads of Mission in foreign countries. Strictly speaking they are the representatives of the British Head of State in such countries. Until the twentieth century however Ambassadors were appointed only to those countries deemed of most importance to Britain. In other countries with which Britain had diplomatic relations, the Mission was of a lesser status and was generally called a Legation, headed by a Minister. The term Minister Resident was used for the representative in certain countries in, for example, South and Central America and in the Balkans, which might have only recently become independent or were regarded as of lesser international status. Post 1945 there was a steady increase in the number of Legations upgraded to Embassies and Legations died out altogether during the 1960s. Changes in the status of representation for specific countries are noted in the listings. In countries which are members of the Commonwealth the British Government is represented by a High Commissioner. The title of Minister also began to be accorded towards the end of the nineteenth century to the effective “second-in-command” of the largest Embassies. The first such accreditation of a diplomat as Minister within a major Embassy seems to have been to Paris in the 1860s. This practice became more common during the twentieth century. After 1945 some major embassies would also have a Minister(Commercial) with appropriate responsibilities. The changing nature of British diplomatic relations with particular countries might lead to commensurate changes in the staffing of Missions. Such changes will be evident from the listings. Missions were staffed, at the level below Ambassador or Minister, by Secretaries of Embassy or of Legation as appropriate. This title was replaced by the use of the word Counsellor from 1904. The lists contained in Section B therefore use the word “Counsellor” as a short-hand method of identifying such individuals. During the twentieth century the numbers of Counsellors in British missions multiplied, with Counsellors(Commercial) becoming relatively normal appointments in many countries and Counsellors with other designated responsibilities in the largest embassies. I have included in these lists as far as possible those Counsellors who could be identified as the ‘senior’ Counsellors or the Counsellor(Political) within an Embassy or High Commission. In some cases these individuals held the additional post of Head of Chancery(although the Head of Chancery might equally be a First Secretary-the grade below that of Counsellor). In more recent years the title of Deputy Head of Mission has apparently replaced that of Minister and has also encompassed the role previously taken by those Counsellors appointed to Embassies without a resident Minister. I have also attempted to provide lists of the Commercial Counsellors in at least the major British diplomatic missions abroad.


In the interests of continuity I have included some Secretaries of Legation during the decade prior to the outbreak of the First World War who were ranked as First Secretaries rather than the higher grade of Counsellor. At the Consular level Consuls-General have been appointed to major cities in overseas countries. I have attempted to provide lists of many of these appointments but it should be noted that there have been frequent changes in the designation of consular appointments in many such cities over the period covered by this Directory and in recent decades a number of Consuls-General posts have disappeared or downgraded to Consulates. The practice in some Commonwealth countries was to appoint a British Deputy High Commissioner in certain major cities. This appointment should not be confused with the Deputy High Commissioner within the British High Commission itself located in the country’s capital city. In Australia Deputy High Commissioners located in such cities have now been replaced by Consuls-General. This change has not, to date, been extended to India, Pakistan or Nigeria. Where possible years of birth and of death are given but it has not always proved possible to determine such information. As far as possible breaks in diplomatic relations with a country are noted and briefly explained. There were also occasions where, for particular reasons, British representation to a country might be downgraded, with the withdrawal of the Ambassador, Minister or High Commissioner but the retention of representation through a Charge d’Affaires. These too are noted where possible. In the Alphabetical Sections (A, E and H) persons appointed to be Heads of Mission or to Governorships who were not professional diplomats or civil cervants are included but only those posts are listed and no attempt has been made to give a list of their other various appointments. In a few cases however an appointment within, for example, the Cabinet Office might have been if it had some responsibility for foreign policy.



ABBOTT, ANTHONY J., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1941-

Consul-General, Perth, Australia, 1993-1997; Governor of Montserrat, 1997-2001

ABBOTT, ARTHUR, C.B.E. (1879-1955):

Consul-General, Sao Paulo, 1928-1939

ABBOTT, WILLIAM G., (18 -1917):

Consul-General, Rio de Janeiro, 1889-1895

ABBOTT-WATT, THORHILDA (THORDA) M.V.(1955Ambassador to Armenia, 2002-2006; Ambasador to Outer Mongolia, 2008-2009 and 2011-2012 ABERCROMBY, Hon. SIR RALPH, K.C.B. (later 2nd LORD DUNFERMLINE) (1803-1868):

Secretary of Legation, Prussia, 1831-1836; Minister Resident, Tuscany, 1836-1839; Minister to the German Confederation, 1839-1840; Minister to SardiniaPiedmont, 1840-1852; Minister to the Netherlands, 1852-1858

ABERDEEN, Rt.Hon. GEORGE, 4th EARL OF, K.G., K.T., G.C.B. (1784-1860):

Ambassador to Austria, 1813-1814


ACLAND, SIR ANTONY A., K.G., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. (1930Head of Arabian Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1970-1972; Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1972-1975; Ambassador to Luxemburg, 1975-1977; Ambassador to Spain, 1977-1980; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Defence and Intelligence), 1980-1982; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1982-1986; Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1986-1991 A’COURT, Rt.Hon. SIR WILLIAM, Bt.., G.C.B. (later 1st LORD HEYTESBURY) (1779-1860): Secretary of Legation, The Two Sicilies, 1801-1807; Minister to the Two Sicilies, 1814-1822; Minister to Spain, 1822-1824; Ambassador to Portugal, 1828-1832; Ambassador to Russia, 1828-1832 ACTON, RICHARD, 2nd LORD, K.C.V.O. (1870-1924): Secretary of Legation, the Netherlands, 1906-1911; Charge d’Affaires, Hesse-Darmstadt and Baden, 1911-1914; Secretary of Legation, Switzerland, 1914-1919; Minister to Finland, 1919-1920 ADAIR, ARTHUR R., C.V.O., M.B.E.(1913-1981): Deputy High Commissioner, Dacca, Pakistan, 1960-1964; Deputy High Commissioner, Cyprus, 1964-1968; High Commissioner in Brunei, 1968-1972 ADAIR, Rt. Hon. SIR ROBERT, G.C.B.(1763-1855): Ambassador to Turkey, 1809-1810 ADAM, C.F. FREDERICK (1852-1913):

Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1888-1892; Secretary of Legation, Belgium, 1892-1897; Secretary of Embassy, U.S.A., 1897-1898; Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), Spain, 1898-1905


ADAM, FREDERICK E.F., C.M.G.(1887-1969): Counsellor, Embassy, Portugal, 1929-1934; Minister to Panama and Costa Rica, 1934-1939 ADAMS, ALEC C.S.,C.M.G., C.B.E.(1909-2002): Consul-General, Houston, 1953-1955; Counsellor, Embassy, Thailand, 1956-1962; Deputy Commissioner, South-East Asia, 1962-1963; Political Adviser, Far East Forces, 1963-1967 ADAMS, ALEXANDER A., C.B.E.(1884-1955): Commercial Counsellor, Spain, 1933-1935; Commercial Counsellor, Romania, 1935-1941; Commercial Counsellor, Turkey, 1941 ADAMS, C. CHRISTIAN W., C.M.G. (1939-1996): Senior Trade Commissioner, Hong Kong, 1982-1985; Head of South-East Asia Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1986-1988; Ambassador to Thailand, 1992-1996 ADAMS, SIR FRANCIS O., K.C.M.G., C.B.(1825-1889): Secretary of Legation, Japan, 1868-1872; Secretary of Embassy, Germany, 1872-1874; Secretary of Embassy, France, 1874-1875; Minister, France, 1875-1881; Minister to Switzerland, 1881-1888 ADAMS, SIR GEOFFREY D., K.C.M.G.(1957Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Egypt, 1998-2001; Consul-General, Jerusalem, 2001-2003; Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 2003-2005; Ambassador to Iran, 2006-2009; Director-General, Political, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2009-2012; Ambassador to the Netherlands, 2013ADAMS, SIR PHILIP G.D., K.C.M.G.(1915-2001): Head of Security Department, Foreign Office, 1959-1963; Consul-General, Chicago, 1963-1966; Ambassador to Jordan, 1966-1970; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Middle East and North Africa), 1970; Deputy Secretary(Foreign Affairs), Cabinet Office, 1971-1972; Ambassador to Egypt,1973-1975




Head of European Integration (2) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1972; Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to the European Economic Community, 1973-1977; Economic Counsellor, Italy, 1977-1980; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Public Departments), 1980-1982; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Transport and Energy), 1982-1984; Ambassador to Tunisia, 1984-1987; Ambassador to Egypt, 1987-1992 -1852): Secretary of Legation, Colombia, 1835-1842; Charge d’Affaires, Peru, 1842-1852

ADAMSON, JOANNE, O.B.E.(1967- Deputy Permanent Representative to the Disarmament Conference, 2009-2011; Permanent Representative to the Diarmament Conference, 2011-2013 ADDINGTON, Rt. Hon. HENRY U. (1790-1870): Secretary of Legation, Switzerland, 1814-1818; Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1821-1822; Secretary of Legation, U.S.A., 1823-1825; Minister to the German Confederation, 1828-1829; Minister to Spain, 1829-1833; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1842-1854 ADDIS, SIR JOHN M., K.C.M.G. (1914-1983): Counsellor, Legation, China, 1954-1957; Head of Southern Department, Foreign Office, 1957-1960; Ambassador to Laos, 1960-1962; Ambassador to the Philippines, 1963-1970; Senior Civilian Instructor, Royal College of Defence Studies, 1970-1972; Ambassador to China, 1972-1974 ADDISON, SIR JOSEPH, K.C.M.G.(1879-1953):

Commercial Counsellor, France, 1918-1920; Counsellor, Embassy, Germany, 1920-1927; Minister to Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, 1928-1930; Minister to Czechoslovakia, 1930-1936; Ambassador to Chile, 1936 (did not proceed)


ADDISON, Brigadier LEONARD J.L., C.M.G., C.B.E. (1902-1975):

Deputy High Commissioner, Calcutta, India, 1949-1952

AGAR ELLIS, Hon. GEORGE A.W. (18 -1872): Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1866-1869 AGAR-ROBARTES, Hon. FRANCIS G., M.V.O. (later 7th VISCOUNT CLIFDEN) (1883-1966): Counsellor, Embassy, Spain, 1926-1927 AHMAD, ASIF A.(1956-

AIERS, DAVID P., C.M.G. (1922-1983):

Head of Commonwealth Co-ordination Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2004; Director, Asia, U.K. Trade and Investment, 2004-2008; Head of South-East Asia and Pacific Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2008-2010; Ambassador to Thailand, 2010-2012; Ambassador to the Philippines, 2013-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Far East Command, 1965-1968; Head of South-West Pacific Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1971; Deputy High Commissioner, Australia, 1971-1976; High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, 1976-1979; High Commissioner to Malta, 1979-1982

AINSLIE, SIR ROBERT, BT. (c.1730-1812):

Ambassador to Turkey, 1775-1794


Consul-General, Alexandria, 1919-1924

ALBAN, Major REGINALD G.E.W., O.B.E.: Counsellor, Legation, Afghanistan, 1939-1940 ALCOCK, SIR RUTHERFORD, K.C.B.(1809-1897): Minister to Japan, 1858-1865; Minister to China, 1865-1871



Consul-General, Lille, 2004-2006; Ambassador to Morocco, 2012-

ALDINGTON, SIR GEOFFREY W., K.B.E., C.M.G.(1907Head of Information Services Department, Foreign Office, 1947-1950; Political Adviser, Hong Kong, 1950-1953; Consul-General, Zagreb, 1954-1956; Consul-General, Philadelphia, 1956-1961; Ambassador to Luxemburg, 1961-1966 ALESSANDRI, MADELEINE K. (1965Counsellor(Political), Embassy, Japan, 2004-2007 ALEXANDER, SIR MICHAEL O’D. B., G.C.M.G.(1936-2002): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organizations, Geneva, 1975-1977; Head of Personnel Operations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1978-1979; Private Secretary (Foreign Affairs) to the Prime Minister, 1979-1981; Ambassador to Austria, 1982-1986, and Head of U.K. Delegation to Negotiations on Mutual and Balanced Force And Armaments Reductions in Europe, 1985-1986; Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 1986-1992 ALEXANDER, NICHOLAS:

ALEXANDER, THOMAS J. (1940-2012): ALISON, CHARLES, C.B. (1810-1872):

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Neherlands, 2011-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Sudan, 1982-1983

Secretary of Embassy, Turkey, 1857-1860; Minister to Persia, 1860-1872


ALLAN, Hon. SIR ALEXANDER C.S., K.C.B.(1951Principal Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1986-1989; Assistant Under-Secretary, Treasury, 1989-1992; Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, 1992-1997; High Commissioner to Australia, 1997-1999; Permanent Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs, 2004-2007; Chairman of Joint Intelligence Committee, 2007-2011 ALLAN, JAMES N. C.M.G., C.B.E.(1932-

ALLAN, KEITH R. (1968-

Head of Overseas Information Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1978-1981; High Commissioner to Mauritius, 1981-1985; Ambassador to Mozambique, 1986-1989; Senior Civilian Instructor, Royal College of Defence Studies, 1989-1992 Deputy High Commissioner, Trinidad and Tobago, 2003-2006; Ambassador to Turkmenistan, 2010-2013

ALLCHIN, SIR GEOFFREY C., K.B.E., C.M.G., M.C. (1895-1968): Head of Consular Department, Foreign Office, 1943-1947; Inspector-General, 1947-1949; Minister/Ambassador to Luxemburg, 1949-1955 ALLEN, DONALD G., C.M.G. (1930-2007): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to the O.E.C.D., 1974-1978; Home Inspector, 1978-1980 ALLEN, JONATHAN G.(1974- Ambassador to Bulgaria, 2012-


ALLEN, MARK E., C.M.G., C.V.O.(1917-2003):

Head of Defence Department, Commonwealth Relations Department, 1956-1957; Head of Ghana Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1957-1960; Deputy High Commissioner, Madras, India, 1960-1961; Counsellor, High Commission, India, 1961-1963; Inspector, 1964-1966; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Deputy Chief of Administration, 1966-1968; Minister(Economic and Social), U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1968-1971; Ambassador to Zaire and Burundi, 1971-1974, and to Congo, 1973-1974; Permanent U.K. Representative to the Disarmament Conference, 1974-1977

ALLEN, SIR RICHARD H.S., K.C.M.G.(1903-1996):

ALLEN, SIR ROGER, K.C.M.G.(1909-1972):

Head of South-East Asia Department, Foreign Office, 1946-1947; Counsellor, Embassy, Poland, 1948-1950; Minister, Argentina, 1950-1954; Minister to Guatemala, 1954-1956; Ambassador to Burma, 1956-1962

Head of United Nations(Political) Department, Foreign Office, 1949-1950; Head of African Department, Foreign Office, 1950-1953; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Middle East), 1953-1954; Deputy High Commissioner/ Minister, Federal Republic of Germany, 1954-1956; Ambassador to Greece, 1957-1961; Ambassador to Iraq, 1961-1965; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Middle East and Africa), 1965-1967; Ambassador to Turkey, 1967-1969


ALLEN, SIR W. DENIS, G.C.M.G. (1910-1987): Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1946-1949; Head of German Political Department, Foreign Office, 1949-1952; Head of Central Department, Foreign Office, 1952-1953; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Asia), Foreign Office, 1953-1956; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Chief Clerk, Foreign Office, 1956-1959; Deputy Commissioner-General for SouthEast Asia, 1959-1963; Ambassador to Turkey, 1963-1967; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Middle East, Africa and Asia/Middle East and North America), 1967-1969 ALLINSON, SIR W. LEONARD, K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1926Head of Permanent Under-Secretary’s Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1969-1970; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission, Kenya, 1970-1972; Deputy High Commissioner, Kenya, 1972-1973; Inspector, 1975; Minister and Deputy High Commissioner, India, 1975-1978; High Commissioner to Zambia, 1978-1980; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Africa), 1980-1982; High Commissioner to Kenya, 1982-1986 ALMOND, T. CLIVE, O.B.E.(1939-

Ambassador to the People’s Republic of the Congo, 1987-1988; Consul-General, Bordeaux, 1992-1998

ALSTON, SIR FRANCIS B., K.C.M.G.(1820-1905): Senior Clerk, Russian Department, Foreign Office, 1857-1859; Senior Clerk, Asiatic and U.S.A. Department, Foreign Office, 1859-1866; Chief, Clerk, Foreign Office, 1866-1890


ALSTON, Rt. Hon. SIR BEILBY F., K.C.M.G., C.B. (1868-1929): Acting Senior Clerk, Consular Department, Foreign Office, 1906-1907; Senior Clerk, Far East Department, Foreign Office, 1907-1916; Acting Counsellor, Embassy, China, 1912, 1913-1914 and 1916-1917; Minister to China, 1920-1922; Minister to Argentina, 1922-1925; Ambassador to Brazil, 1925-1927 ALSTON, ROBERT J., C.M.G.(1938-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to N.A.T.O., 1981-1984; Head of Defence Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1984-1986; Ambassador to Oman, 1986-1990; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Public Departments), 1992-1994; High Commissioner to New Zealand, 1994-1998

AMHERST, Rt. Hon. WILLIAM P., 1st LORD, G.C.B.(later 1st EARL AMHERST) (1773-1857): Minister to the Two Sicilies, 1809-1811; Governor-General of India, 1823-1828 AMORY, Rt.Hon. DERICK, 1st VISCOUNT, K.G., G.C.M.G., T.D. (1899-1981): High Commissioner to Canada, 1961-1963 AMOS, Rt. Hon. BARONESS (1954High Commissioner to Australia, 2009-2010 AMPTHILL (see RUSSELL) AMY, DENNIS O., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1932-

Head of Migration and Visa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1985-1986; Consul-General, Bordeaux, 1986-1989; Ambassador to Madagascar, 1990-1992


ANDERSON, DAVID H., C.M.G. (1937Deputy Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1987-1989; Second Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office,1989-1996 ANDERSON, GEORGE D., C.M.G. (1913-1983):

Counsellor, Embassy, Ireland, 1960; Head of Technical Assistance Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1960-1961; Deputy High Commissioner, Ceylon, 1961-1966; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission, Nigeria, 1967-1969; High Commissioner to Botswana, 1969-1973

ANDERSON, SIR H. PERCY, K.C.B., K.C.M.G.(1831-1896): Senior Clerk, German Department, Foreign Office, 1873-1883; Senior Clerk, Consular and African Department, Foreign Office, 1883-1893; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1894-1896 ANDERSON, JENNIFER E. (1968-

High Commissioner to Botswana, 2010-2013

ANDREWS, CYRIL F.W.(1892-1978): Minister to the Dominican Republic, 1943-1945; Consul-General, Lourenco Marques, 1947-1949; Consul-General, Algiers, 1949-1952 ANGLIN, ERIC J. (1923-1999):

Inspector, 1973-1976; Charge d’Affaires, Chile, 1978-1979; Consul-General, Melbourne, Australia, 1979-1983

ANGST, SIR HENRY, K.C.M.G. (1847-1922):

Consul-General, Zurich, 1896-1915


Consul-General, Milan, 2011-

ANNESLEY, GEORGE R.L. (18 - 1891):

Consul-General, Hamburg, 1880-1885

ANSTEY, SIDNEY H. (1910-1991): Consul-General, Bilbao, 1966-1967; Consul-General, Atlanta, 1968-1970


ANTROBUS, GIBBS C. (1793-1861):

Secretary of Legation, U.S.A., 1816-1821; Secretary of Legation. Sardinia-Piedmont, 1823-1824; Secretary of Legation, The Two Sicilies, 1824-1826

ANTROBUS, MAURICE E., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1895-1985): Political Secretary, High Commission, South Africa, 1935-1939; Official Secretary, High Commission, Australia, 1941-1944; Official Secretary, High Commission, New Zealand, 1944-1945; Head of General Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1952-1954; Head of Protocol Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1954-1955 APPLEYARD, SIR LEONARD V., K.C.M.G.(1938Financial Counsellor, France, 1979-1982; Head of Economic Relations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1982-1984; Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1984-1986; Ambassador to Hungary, 1986-1989; Deputy Secretary(Overseas and Defence), Cabinet Office, 1989-1991; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Political Director, 1991-1994; Ambassador to China, 1994-1997 ARBUTHNOT, Rt. Hon. CHARLES(1767-1850): Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1795-1799; Envoy to Sweden, 1802-1804; Ambassador to Turkey, 1804-1807 ARBUTHNOTT, HUGH J., C.M.G.(1936Head of European Integration(External), Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1975-1977; Economic Counsellor, France, 1978-1980; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, France, 1980-1983; Ambassador to Romania, 1986-1989; Ambassador to Portugal, 1989-1993; Ambassador to Denmark, 1993-1996



Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, South Africa, 1982-1986; Counsellor, Embassy, the Netherlands, 1986-1990; Head of Republic of Ireland Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1994; High Commissioner to Malta, 1995-1999


Head of North East Asia and Pacific Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2001-2002; Head of Near East and North Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2005; High Commissioner to Malta, 2005-2008; Ambassador to Denmark, 2008-2012

ARCHER, NORMAN E., C.M.G., O.B.E. (1892-1970): Official Secretary, High Commission, Canada, 1932-1936; Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for the Dominions, 1939-1940; Assistant Secretary, Dominions Office, 1941-1944; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations, 1948-1949 ARCHIBALD, SIR EDWARD M., K.C.M.G., C.B.(1810-1884): Consul-General, New York, 1871-1883 ARCULUS, SIR RONALD, K.C.M.G.(1923-


ARMITAGE, HENRY ST.J. B., C.B.E.(1924-2004):

Head of Science and Technology Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1970-1972; Minister(Economic), France, 1973-1977; Leader, U.K. Delegation to U.N. Conference on Law of the Sea, 1977-1979; Ambassador to Italy, 1979-1983 Counsellor(Political), U.K. Delegation to N.A.T.O., 2001-2005; Head of Counter-Proliferation Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2006-2009; Ambassador to the Netherlands, 2009-2013; Director, Multilateral Policy, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2013-

Consul-General, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 1974-1978



Counsellor and Head of Chancery/Deputy Head of Mission, Oman, 1991-1994; Consul-General, Dubai, 1997-2000; Head of North America Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2000-2003; Senior Civilian Instructor, Royal College of Defence Studies, 2003-2005; Consul-General, Toronto, 2005-2009; Director, International Group, U.K. Trade and Investment, 2009-2012

ARMSTRONG, SIR HARRY GLOSTER-, K.C.M.G., K.B.E. (1861-1938): Consul-General, Boston, 1919-1920; Consul-General, New York, 1920-1931 ARON, MICHAEL D. (1959-


Head of Management Consultancy and Inspection Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-1999; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Jordan, 1999-2002; Counsellor(Political), U.K. Permanent Representation to the European Union, 2002-2006; Ambassador to Kuwait, 2008-2009; Head of Middle East Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2010-2011; Ambassador to Iraq, 2011-2012; Ambassador to Libya, 2013Ambassador to Belgium, 2007-2010

ARRAN (see GORE) ARTHINGTON-DAVY, HUMPHREY A., L.V.O., O.B.E. (1920-1993): Deputy High Commissioner, Mauritius, 1968-1970; High Commissioner to Tonga, 1973-1980, and Western Samoa, 1973-1977


ARTHUR, SIR GEOFFREY G., K.C.M.G.(1920-1984):

ARTHUR, JAMES S., C.M.G. (1923-2010):


Counsellor, Embassy, United Arab Republic, 1959-1963; Head of Permanent Under-Secretary’s Department, Foreign Office, 1963-1966; Head of Defence Department, Foreign Office, 1966; Ambassador to Kuwait, 1967-1968; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Middle East and North Africa), 1968-1970; Political Resident, Persian Gulf, 1970-1971; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Defence and Intelligence), 1973-1975

Counsellor, High Commission, Kenya, 1967-1970; Deputy High Commissioner, Malta, 1970-1973; High Commissioner to Fiji, 1974-1978; High Commissioner to Barbados and British Government Representative to the West Indian Associated States, 1978-1982

Head of European Community(Internal) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1988-1993; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, France, 1993-1997; Director, Resources and Chief Inspector, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1997-1999; Minister, U.S.A., 1999-2000; Director, Economic, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2001Director-General, European Union and Economic, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 200 -2003; High Commissioner to India, 2003-2007; Ambassador to Germany, 2007-2010

ASHBURNHAM, Hon. CHARLES (1803-1848): Secretary of Legation, Mexico, 1835-1841 ASHCROFT, ANDREW R. (1961- Ambassador to the Dominican Republic and Haiti, 2002-2006


ASHE, SIR DERICK R., K.C.M.G. (1919-2000): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Ethiopia, 1962-1964; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Cuba, 1964-1966; Head of Security Department, Foreign Office, 1966-1969; Minister, Japan, 1969-1971; Ambassador to Romania, 1972-1975; Ambassador to Argentina, 1975-1977; Permanent Representative to the Disarmament Conference, Geneva, 1977-1979 ASHFORD, WILLIAM S., O.B.E.(1924-2006):


Consul-General, Adelaide, Australia, 1977-1980; High Commissioner to Vanuatu, 1980-1982 Head of Environment, Science and Energy/Environmental Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-2002

ASHTON-GWATKIN, FRANK T.A., C.B., C.M.G.(1889-1976): Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.S.R., 1929-1930; Head of the Economic Relations Department, Foreign Office, 1934-1939; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Chief Clerk, 1940-1944; Senior Inspector, Foreign Office, 1944-1947 ASHTOWN (see TRENCH) ASHWORTH, PATRICK(1950- High Commissioner to Belize, 2009-2013 ASPIN, NORMAN, C.M.G. (1922-2011):

Deputy High Commissioner, Sierra Leone, 1961-1963; Head of East Africa Political Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1963-1965; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Israel, 1966-1969; Head of Personnel Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1973; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth AffairsAfrica), 1974-1976; High Commissioner to Malta, 1976-1979; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(West and East Africa), 1979-1980


ASQUITH, Hon. SIR DOMINIC A.G., K.C.M.G.(1957Minister, Argentina, 1997-2001; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Saudi Arabia, 2001-2004; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Iraq, 2004; Director, Iraq, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2004-2006; Ambassador to Iraq, 2006-2007; Ambassador to Egypt, 2007-2011; Ambassador to Libya, 2011-2012 ASTBURY, NICHOLAS P.(1971ASTLEY, PHILIP S., C.V.O. (1943-

Ambassador to Eritrea, 2006-2008

Inspector/Head of Management Review Staff, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1984-1986; Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Pakistan, 1986-1990; Counsellor and Head of Chancery/Deputy Head of Mission, Denmark, 1990-1994; Head of Human Rights Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1994-1996; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Vice-Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps, 1996-1999; Ambassador to Denmark, 1999-2003

ASTON, SIR ARTHUR, G.C.B. (17 -1860): Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1826-1833; Secretary of Embassy, France, 1833-1839; Minister to Spain, 1840-1843 ASTON, THOMAS W., C.M.G. (1922-1981): Deputy High Commissioner, Uganda, 1964-1965; Inspector, 1969-1972; Senior British Trade Commissioner, Hong Kong, 1972-1974; Consul-General, Los Angeles, 1974-1981 ATKINSON, GILLIAN: ATKINSON, JAMES O., C.M.G.(1944-2006):

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Poland, 2012-

Deputy High Commissioner, Uganda, 1993-1997; Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2000-2004



Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Hungary, 1977-1980; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, China, 1980-1982; Head of Consular Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1983-1985; Ambassador to Ecuador, 1985-1989; Ambassador to Romania, 1989-1992



Commercial Counsellor, Belgium, 1988-1992; High Commissioner to the Bahamas, 1992-1996

Head of Home Estates Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1997-

AUCKLAND, Rt. Hon. WILLIAM, 1st LORD(1745-1814): Ambassador to Spain, 1788-1789; Ambassador to the Netherlands, 1790-1793 AUCKLAND (see EDEN) AUDLAND, SIR CHRISTOPHER J., K.C.M.G.(1926Head of Scientific Relations/Science and Technology Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1970; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Federal Republic of Germany, 1970-1973; Deputy Secretary-General, European Economic Community, 1973-1981; Director-General for Energy, European Commission, 1981-1986 AUST, ANTHONY I., C.M.G. (1942-


Deputy Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2000-2002

Ambassador to Panama, 2006-2011



Deputy High Commissioner, Kaduna, Nigeria, 1981-1984; Head of Communications Operations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1984-198 ; Commercial Counsellor, Sweden, 1989-1993; ConsulGeneral, Vancouver, 1993-1998

AVELING, ARTHUR F., C.M.G, C.B.E.(1893-1954): Counsellor, Embassy, Poland, 1935-1937; Counsellor, Embassy, Belgium, 1937-1940 AVERY, DAVID R., O.B.E. (1921-1983):

Head of Claims Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1978-1980


Joint Ambassador to Armenia, 2012-


High Commissioner to Guyana and Ambassador to Surinam, 2011-

BACHE, ANDREW P.F., C.M.G.(1939-

BACKHOUSE, JOHN (1784-1845): BACON, PETER J. (1941-

BANDINEL, JAMES (1783-1849):

BAGGALLAY, H. LACY, (1897-1943):

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Japan, 1981-1985; Counsellor, Embassy, Turkey, 1985-1988; Head of Personnel Services Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1988-1990; Ambassador to Romania, 1992-1996; Ambassador to Denmark, 1996-1999

Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1827-1842 Commercial Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Indonesia, 1992-1995; Consul-General, Houston, 1995-2001

Senior Clerk, Foreign Office, 1822-1845, and Superintendent of Slave Trade Department, 1824-1845

(Acting) Head of Eastern Department, Foreign Office, 1939-1940; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.S.R., 1941-1943


BAGGE, SIR J. PICTON, Bt., C.M.G.(1877-1967): Director, Foreign Division, Department of Overseas Trade, 1928-1937

BAGOT, Rt.Hon. SIR CHARLES, G.C.B.(1781-1843): Minister to the U.S.A., 1815-1820; Ambassador to Russia, 1820-1824; Ambassador to the Netherlands, 1824-1832; Governor-General of Canada, 1841-1843 BAILES, ALYSON J.K., C.M.G.(1949-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, China, 1987-1989; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Norway, 1990-1993; Head of Security Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1994-1996; Ambassador to Finland, 2000-2002

BAILEY, Lieutenant-Colonel FREDERICK M., C.I.E. (1882-1967): Minister to Nepal, 1935-1938 BAILEY, RONALD W., C.M.G. (1917-2010): Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1955-1957; Counsellor, Embassy, Sudan, 1957-1960; Consul-General, Gothenburg, 1963-1965; Minister, Iraq, 1965-1967; Ambassador to Bolivia, 1967-1971; Ambassador to Morocco, 1971-1975 BAILLIE, ALASTAIR T. (1932-2009):

BAILLIE, EVAN P. M. (1824-1874):

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Ethiopia, 1980-1981; Commercial Counsellor, Venezuela, 1981-1983; Governor of Anguilla, 1983-1987; Deputy High Commissioner, Calcutta, India, 1987-1991

Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1859-1861; Secretary of Legation, Wurttemberg, 1861-1871; Charge d’Affaires, HesseDarmstadt and Baden, 1871-1873

BAILLIE, JOHN G. (1896-1960): Minister to Liberia, 1949-1951; Consul-General, Gothenburg, 1951-1955



Secretary of Legation, Belgium, 1833-1835; Secretary of Legation, Prussia, 1835-1846; Minister to Tuscany, 1845-1850

BAIRD, NICHOLAS G.F., C.M.G., C.V.O. (1962Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Oman, 1997-1998; Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to the European Union, 1998-2002; Head of European Union(Internal) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2004; Ambassador to Turkey, 2006-2009; Director-General, Europe and Globalisation, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2009-2011; Chief Executive Officer, U.K. Trade and Investment, 2011BAKER. ANTHONY C., L.V.O., M.B.E.(1921-2008): Consul-General, Genoa, 1979-1981 BAKER, ANTHONY St.J. (1785-1854):

Secretary of Legation, U.S.A., 1811-1816

BAKER, FRANCIS R., O.B.E. (1961-

BAKER, GEOFFREY H., C.M.G. (1916-1999):

BAKER, GEORGE W, C.B.E., V.R.D.(1917-1996):

Head of Africa(Equatorial) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2000-2003; Counsellor(Politico/ Military), Embassy, U.S.A., 2003-2004; Counsellor (Foreign and Security Policy), Embassy, U.S.A., 2004-2007; Director, Iraq, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2007-2009; Ambassador to Kuwait, 2010-

Consul-General, Hanoi, 1954-1956; Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to E.F.T.A., 1960-1966; Consul-General, Munich, 1966-1971; Consul-General, Zagreb, 1971-1973

High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, 1975-1977



BAKER, NIGEL M., O.B.E., M.V.O. (1966-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Chile, 1986-1989; Head of West Indian and Atlantic Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1991-1994; High Commissioner to Belize, 1995-1998; High Commissioner to Barbados, 1998-2001

Ambassador to Bolivia, 2007-2011; Ambassador to the Holy See, 2011-


Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Austria, 2001-2006


Deputy Head U.K. Delegation to the O.E.C.D., 1978-1982; Deputy High Commissioner, Canada, 1982-1986; Senior Civilian Instructor, Royal College of Defence Studies, 1986-1989

BAKER-BATES, MERRICK S., C.M.G.(1939Commercial Counsellor, Japan, 1979-1982; Deputy High Commissioner, Malaysia, 1986-1989; Head of South American Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1990; Head of South Atlantic and Antarctic Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1992; Consul-General, Los Angeles, 1992-1997 BALDWIN, BRIAN P. (1944-

High Commissioner to the Solomon Islands, 2001-2004

BALDWIN, Colonel SIR JOHN G., K.C.M.G., C.B.(1867-1939): Consul-General, Lourenco Marques, 1904-1908; ConsulGeneral, Dakar, 1908-1909 BALFOUR, DAVID, C.B.E. (1903-1989):

Consul-General, Genoa, 1955-1960; Consul-General, Geneva, 1960-1963


BALFOUR, SIR JOHN, G.C.M.G. (1894-1983): Head of the American Department, Foreign Office, 1938-1941; Minister, Portugal, 1941-1943; Minister, U.S.S.R., 1943-1945; Minister, U.S.A., 1945-1948; Ambassador to Argentina, 1948-1951; Ambassador to Spain, 1951-1954 BALFOUR, RAYMOND L., L.V.O. (1923Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Libya, 1976-1979; Counsellor, Embassy, Kuwait, 1979-1983 BALFOUR-PAUL, H. GLENCAIRN, C.M.G.(1917-2008): Political Agent, Dubai, 1964-1966; Deputy Political Resident, Persian Gulf, 1966-1968; Ambassador to Iraq, 1969-1971; Ambassador to Jordan, 19721975; Ambassador to Tunisia, 1975-1977 BALL, ARTHUR B., O.B.E. (1923-2008):




Commercial Counsellor, Turkey, 1975-1978; ConsulGeneral, Perth, Australia, 1978-1980 Secretary of Legation, Argentina, 1839-1845

Commercial Counsellor, Denmark, 1956-1960; Commercial Counsellor, Turkey, 1960-1964; ConsulGeneral, Frankfurt, 1964-1969

Commercial Counsellor, the Netherlands, 1974-1978; Commercial Counsellor, Federal Republic of Germany, 1978-1981; Counsellor, Embassy, German Democratic Republic, 1982-1984; Consul-General, Los Angeles, 1985-1989 Senior Clerk and Superintendant of Slave Trade Department, Foreign Office, 1824-1845


BANKHEAD, CHARLES (1797-1859):

Secretary of Legation, U.S.A., 1826-1838; Secretary of Embassy, Turkey, 1838-1843; Minister to Mexico, 1843-1852

BANKS, ALAN G.(1911-2000):

Consul-General, Alexandria, 1967-1971

BANKS, SIMON J. (1966-

Deputy High Commissioner, Tanzania, 2000-200

BARBER, LESLIE C.S., M.B.E. (1894-1968):

Consul-General, Boston, 1950-1954

BARCLAY, CHRISTOPHER F.R., C.M.G.(1919Head of Information Research Department, Foreign Office, 1962-1966; Head of Personnel(Training and General) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1967-1969 BARCLAY, Rt. Hon. SIR COLVILLE A. de R., K.C.M.G., C.B., C.B.E., M.V.O. (1869-1929): Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), U.S.A., 1913-1918; Minister, Embassy, U.S.A., 1918-1919; Minister to Sweden, 1919-1924; Minister to Hungary, 1924-1928; Ambassador to Portugal, 1928-1929 BARCLAY, SIR GEORGE H., K.C.M.G., K.C.S.I., C.V.O. (1862-1921): Secretary of Legation/Embassy(Counsellor), Japan, 1902-1906; Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), Turkey, 1906-1908; Minister to Persia, 1908-1912; Minister to Romania,1912-1920


BARCLAY, SIR RODERICK E., G.C.V.O., K.C.M.G. (1909-1996): Head of Personnel Department, Foreign Office, 1946-1949; Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1949-1951; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Consular and Latin America), 1951-1953; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Chief Clerk, 1953-1956; Ambassador to Denmark, 1956-1960; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1960-1963; Ambassador to Belgium, 1963-1969 BARDER, SIR BRIAN L., K.C.M.G. (1934Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission, Australia, 1973-1977; Head of Central and Southern Africa/Southern Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1978-1982; Ambassador to Ethiopia, 1982-1986; Ambassador to Poland, 1986-1989; High Commissioner to Nigeria, 1988-1991; High Commissioner to Australia, 1991-1994 BARFF, STAFFORD E.D., O.B.E. (1909-1976): Consul-General, New Orleans, 1964-1969 BARING, Hon. SIR EVELYN, K.G., G.C.M.G., C.V.O. (later lst LORD HOWICK OF GLENDALE) (1903-1973): Governor of Southern Rhodesia, 1942-1944; High Commissioner to South Africa, 1944-1951; Governor of Kenya, 1952-1959 BARING, WALTER (1844-1915):

Secretary of Legation, Persia, 1879-1882; Secretary of Legation, Japan, 1882(did not proceed); Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1882-1885; Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1885-1886; Charge d’Affaires, Montenegro, 1886-1893; Minister Resident, Uruguay, 1893-1906



Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Venezuela, 1969-1971; Head of Information Research Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1975; Assistant Under-Secretary, Northern Ireland Office, 1975-1976

BARKER, SIR WILLIAM, K.C.M.G., O.B.E.(1909-1992): Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.S.R., 1948-1950; Counsellor, Embassy, Norway, 1951-1954; Consul-General, Boston, 1954-1955; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1955-1960; Minister, U.S.S.R., 1960-1963; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Information Research), 1965-1966; Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, 1966-1968 BARKLAMB, PETER R.(1951-

Consul-General, Amsterdam, 2002-2003

BARLTROP, ROGER A.R., C.M.G., C.V.O.(1930-2009): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Ethiopia, 1973-1977; Head of Commonwealth Coordination Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1977-1982; High Commissioner/Ambassador to Fiji, 1982-1989 BARNARD, CHARLES TOWNSHEND(17 -1878):

Secretary of Legation, Saxony, 1824-1866; Charge d’Affaires, Saxe-Coburg Gotha, 1842-1878

BARNES, SIR E. JOHN W., K.C.M.G., M.B.E.(1917-1992): Head of Western Organizations Department, Foreign Office, 1962-1969; Ambassador to Israel, 1969-1972; Ambassador to the Netherlands, 1972-1977 BARNES, RICHARD C.: (1912-1970):

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Indonesia, 1959-1961; Counsellor, Embassy, Greece, 1962-1964

BARNES JONES, DEBORAH E.V. (1956Ambassador to Georgia, 2001-2004; Governor of Montserrat, 2004-2007




Ambassador to Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1994-1995; Counsellor (Science, Technology and Environment), Embassy, Germany, 1995-1999; Head of Science and Technology Unit, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2001-2002

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Poland, 1998-2001; Head of U.K. Visas, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2006; Ambassador to Romania, 2006-2010; Ambassador to Poland, 2011-


BARRETT, EDMOND F., O.B.E.(1928-2011): BARRETT, SIR STEPHEN J., K.C.M.G.(1931-

Assistant Under-Secretary(Assessments Staff), Cabinet Office, 1991-1993

Consul-General Bilbao, 1981-1985

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Czechoslovakia, 1972-1974; Head of South-Western Europe Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1975; Principal Private Secretary to Foreign Secretary, 1975-1976; Head of Science and Technology Department, Foreign And Commonwealth Office, 1976-1977; Counsellor, Embassy, Turkey, 1978-1981; Counsellor, Iran, 1981; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Director of Communications, 1981-1984; Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, 1985-1988; Ambassador to Poland, 1988-1991

BARRINGTON, Hon. SIR B., ERIC E., K.C.B.(1847-1918): Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1885-1886, 1886-1892 and 1895-1905; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1906-1907


BARRINGTON, SIR NICOLAS J., K.C.M.G., C.V.O.(1934Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Japan, 1974-1976; Head of Guidance and Information Policy/ Information Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1976-1978; Counsellor, Embassy, Egypt, 1978-1981; Minister, Iran, 1981-1983; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Public Departments), 1984-1987; Ambassador/High Commissioner to Pakistan, 1987-1994 BARRINGTON, Hon. SIR WILLIAM A.C., K.C.M.G. (1842-1922): Secretary of Legation, Argentina, 1883-1885; Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1885 (did not proceed); Consul-General, Buda-Pest, 1885-1888; Secretary of Embassy, Spain, 1888-1892; Secretary of Embassy, Austria-Hungary, 1892-1896; Minister to Argentina, 1896-1902; Minister to Sweden, 1902-1904 BARRON, SIR HENRY P.T., Bt., C.M.G.(1824-1900): Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1958-1861; Secretary of Legation, Belgium, 1861-1866; Secretary of Embassy, Turkey, 1866-1871; Secretary of Legation, Belgium, 1871-1883 BARROW, TIMOTHY E. C.M.G., L.V.O., M.B.E. (1964-

Head of Common Foreign and Security Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2000-2003; Assistant Director, European Union External, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003-2005; Deputy Political Director, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2005-2006; Ambassador to Ukraine, 2006-2008; U.K. Representative to the Political and Security Committee of the European Union and the Western European Union, 2008-2011; Ambassador to Russia, 2011-

BARRY, THOMAS J.(1978-):

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Ireland, 2013

BARSON, JACQUELINE A., M.B.E.(1959High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, 2010-


BARTLETT, HENRY F., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1916-

Deputy High Commissioner, Brisbane, Australia, 1967-1969; Counsellor, Embassy, Philippines, 1969-1972; Ambassador to Paraguay, 1972-1975

BARTON, PHILIP R., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1963Deputy High Commissioner, Cyprus, 2000-2004; Deputy Governor, Gibraltar, 2005-2008; Director, South Asia, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2008-2009; Director, Afghanistan/Pakistan, Cabinet Office/National Security Council, 2009-2011; Minister, U.S.A., 2011-2013; High Commissioner to Pakistan, 2014BARTON, SIR SIDNEY, G.B.E., K.C.V.O., C.M.G. (1876-1946): Consul-General, Shanghai, 1922-1929; Minister to Ethiopia, 1929-1936 BASS, HARRY G.M., C.M.G. (1914-2002):

Head of Western and United Nations Department, 1957; of United Nations Department, 1957-1959, Commonwealth Relations Office, Deputy High Commissioner, Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1959-1961; Minister, South Africa, 1961-1962; Head of Southern Rhodesia Department, Commonwealth Office, 1964-1965; Deputy High Commissioner, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1965-1967; Head of Consular Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1967-1970; High Commissioner to Lesotho, 1970-1973

BATEMAN, SIR CHARLES H., K.C.M.G., M.C.(1892-1986): Counsellor, Embassy, Iraq, 1935-1937; Counsellor, Embassy, Portugal, 1937-1938; Minister, Egypt, 1938-1940; Head of the Egyptian Department, Foreign Office, 1940-1941; Minister/Ambassador to Mexico, 1941-1947; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Northern and Southern Europe), 1948-1950; Ambassador to Poland, 1950-1952



BATES, MICHAEL C., O.B.E. (1948-


Commercial Counsellor, Japan, 1998-2000; Ambassador to Bolivia, 2005-2007; Ambassador to Luxemburg, 2007-2011; Ambassador to Azerbaijan, 2011-2013

Ambassador to Slovakia, 1994-1995; Deputy High Commissioner, Bombay(Mumbai), India, 1996-2001; Consul-General, Atlanta, 2001-2005 Ambassador to Gabon, 1985-1986

BATES, WILLIAM S., C.M.G. (1920-1993): Deputy High Commissioner, Kaduna, Nigeria, 1963-1965; Head of Communications Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1967-1970; High Commissioner to Guyana, 1970-1975; Ambassador to South Korea, 1975-1980 BATHURST, BENJAMIN(1784-1809): Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1807-1808 BATSON, PHILIP D. (1968-

Ambassador to Moldova, 2013-

BATTERBEE, SIR HARRY F., G.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.(1880-1976): Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1916-1919; Assistant Secretary, Dominions Division, Colonial Office, 1923-1925; Assistant Secretary, Dominions Office, 1925-1930; Assistant Under-Secretary for the Dominions, 1930-1938; High Commissioner to New Zealand, 1939-1945 BATTISCOMBE, CHRISTOPHER C.R., C.M.G.(1940Commercial Counsellor, Egypt, 1981-1984; Commercial Counsellor, France, 1984-1986; Head of Permanent Under-Secretary’s Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1987-1990; Ambassador to Algeria, 1990-1994; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Public Departments)/Director, Public Services, 1994-1997; Ambassador to Jordan, 1997-2000



Consul-General, Lisbon, 1970-1975

Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for International Development, 2008-2009; Ambassador to Somalia, 2012-2013

BAX-IRONSIDE, SIR HENRY G.O., K.C.M.G. (1859-1929): Secretary of Legation, China, 1897-1900; Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1900-1902; Minister Resident, Venezuela, 1902-1907; Minister to Chile, 1907-1909; Minister to Switzerland, 1909-1911; Minister to Bulgaria, 1911-1915 BAXTER, CHARLES W., C.M.G. (1895-1969): Head of the Eastern Department, Foreign Office, 1938-1939 and 1940-1947; Minister to Iceland, 1947-1950 BAXTER, GEORGE H., C.M.G., C.I.E.(1894-1962): Joint Secretary, Financial Department, India Office, 1933-1943; Assistant Under-Secretary for India, 1943-1947; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations(Finance and General), 1947-1954 BAYLEY, CHARLES C. (1864-1923):

Consul-General, New York, 1915-1919

BAYNE, SIR NICHOLAS P., K.C.M.G.(1937Financial Counsellor, Embassy, France, 1975-1979; Head of Financial/Economic Relations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1979-1982; Ambassador to Zaire, Congo, Rwanda and Burundi, 1983-1985; Permanent Representative to the O.E.C.D., 1985-1988; Deputy UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Relations (Economic), 1988-1992; High Commissioner to Canada, 1992-1996 BEAK, GEORGE B. (1872 -1934): Consul-General, Boston, 1931-1933


BEALE, SIR LOUIS B.G.S., K.C.M.G., C.B.E.(1879-1971): Commercial Counsellor, China, 1932-1937 BEAMISH, SIR ADRIAN J., K.C.M.G.(1939Economic Counsellor, Federal Republic of Germany, 1981-1985; Head of Falkland Islands Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1985-1987; Ambassador to Peru, 1987-1989; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Americas), 1989-1994; Ambassador to Mexico, 1994-1999 BEATTIE, DAVID, C.M.G. (1938-

BEAUCLERK, WILLIAM N. (1849-1908):


Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to Mutual Forces and Armaments Reductions Negotiations, 1978-1982; Commercial Counsellor, U.S.S.R., 1982-1985; Head of Energy, Science and Space Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1985-1987; Deputy Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 1987-1992l; Ambassador to Switzerland, 1992-1997

Secretary of Legation, China, 1890-1896; Consul-General, Buda-Pest, 1896-1898; Minister Resident/Minister to Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, 1898-1908

Head of Protocol Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1994; High Commissioner to Botswana, 1994-1998

BEAUMONT, SIR HENRY H.D., K.C.M.G.(1867-1949): Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1905-1908; Charge d’Affaires, Montenegro, 1909-1910; Secretary of Legation(Counsellor), Greece, 1910-1913; Secretary of Embassy (Counsellor), Japan, 1913 (did not proceed); Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor),Turkey, 1914; Counsellor, Embassy, Italy, 1915-1916; Minister, Venezuela, 1916-1924


BEAUMONT, SIR RICHARD A., K.C.M.G., O.B.E.(1912-2009):

BEAVEN, JOHN L., C.M.G., C.V.O.(1930-2004):

Head of Arabian Department, Foreign Office, 1959-1961; Ambassador to Morocco, 1961-1965; Ambassador to Iraq, 1965-1967; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1967-1969; Ambassador to Egypt, 1969-1972

Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Nigeria, 1975-1977; Consul-General, San Francisco, 1982-1986; Ambassador to Sudan, 1986-1990

BECKETT, NOEL G.S. (1916-1990): Consul-General, Casablanca, 1973-1976 BECKETT, SIR W. ERIC, K.C.M.G., Q.C.(1896-1966):



Second Legal Adviser, Foreign Office, 1929-1945; Legal Adviser, Foreign Office, 1945-1953 Director, Joint Export Promotion, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-1999; Consul-General, Sydney, Australia, 1999-2004; Ambassador to the Philippines, 2004-2009; Deputy High Commissioner, Mumbai, India, 2010-

Inspector, 1988-1991

BEELEY, SIR HAROLD, K.C.M.G., C.B.E.(1909-2001): Counsellor, Embassy, Denmark, 1949-1950; Counsellor, Embassy, Iraq, 1950-1953; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1953-1955; Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, 1955; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Middle East), 1956-1958; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1958-1961; Ambassador to the United Arab Republic, 1961-1964; U.K. Representative to the Disarmament Conference, Geneva, 1964-1967; Ambassador to the United Arab Republic, 1967-1969


BEETHAM, ROGER C., C.M.G., L.V.O.(1937-2009):

Economic and Commercial Counsellor, India, 1981-1985; Head of Maritime, Aviation and Enironment Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1985-1990; Ambassador to Senegal, Cape Verde, Guinea, Guine-Bissau and Mali, 1990-1993; Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, 1993-1997

BEITH, SIR JOHN G.S., K.C.M.G. (1914-2000): Head of U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organizations, Geneva, 1949-1953; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, France, 1954-1959; Head of Levant Department, Foreign Office, 1959-1961; Head of North and East African Department, Foreign Office, 1961-1963; Head of Ambassador to Israel, 1963-1965; Assistant Secretary-General, N.A.T.O., 1966-1967; Assistant Under- Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Western Europe), 1967-1969; Ambassador to Belgium, 1969-1974 BELCHER, RONALD H., C.M.G. (1916-2002) Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 1953-1954; Head of Trade Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1954-1956; Deputy High Commissioner, South Africa, 1956-1959; Head of United Nations Department, Commonwealth Realtions Office, 1959-1960; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations (Economic and Trade), 1960-1961); Deputy High Commissioner, India, 1961-1965; Assistant UnderSecretary for Overseas Development, 1965-1975 BELL, DAVID M. (1939-

Consul-General, Lille, 1990-1995; Consul-General, Zurich, 1995-1997

BELL, SIR GAWAIN W., K.C.M.G., C.B.E.(1912-1995): Civil Secretary, Sudan, 1954-1955; Political Agent, Kuwait, 1955-1957


BELL, IAN W., C.B.E.(1913-1998): Counsellor, Saudi Arabia, 1956; Counsellor, High Commission, Australia, 1957-1960; Consul-General, Lyons, 1960-1965; Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, 1965-1969; Consul-General, Stuttgart, 1969-1973 BELL, JOHN (18 -1863):

Consul-General, Algiers, 1854-1863

BELL, JOHN E. (1886-19

Consul-General, Cologne, 1934-1939; Consul-General, Zurich, 1939-1942; Consul-General, Strasbourg, 1945-1946

BENDALL, DAVID V., C.M.G., M.B.E.(1920Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1965-1969; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Western Europe), 1969-1971 BENJAMIN, JON(1963-

Head of Human Rights Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2005; Counsellor(CounterTerrorism and Human Rights), Embassy, U.S.A., 2005; Ambassador to Chile, 2009-2014; High Commissioner to Ghana, 2014-

BENNETT, ANDREW P., C.M.G. (1866-1943): Consul-General, Zurich, 1918-1919; Minister to Panama and Costa Rica, 1919-1923; Minister to Venezuela, 1924-1927 BENNETT, BRIAN M.(1948-

Ambassador to Belarus, 2003-2007

BENNETT, SIR COURTENAY W., C.I.E.(1855-1937): Consul-General, San Francisco, 1901-1907; ConsulGeneral, New York, 1907-1915 BENNETT, JOHN S., C.V.O., C.B.E.(1911-1970):

Ambassador to Burundi and Rwanda, 1964-1966; High Commissioner to Barbados, 1966-1970


BENNETT, JOHN S., C.M.G. (1914-1990):


Head of International Relations Department, Colonial Office, 1946-1947; Head of Mediterranean Department, Colonial Office, 1947-1952; Head of Defence and General Department, Colonial Office, 1953-1956; Head of West African B Department, Colonial Office, 1956-1957; Head of Social Services B Department, Colonial Office, 1957-1961; Head of Social Services Department, Colonial Office, 1961-1963; Head of Economic General and Social Services Department, Colonial Office, 1963-1964; Head of Gibraltar and South Atlantic Department, Commonwealth Office/Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1970 High Commissioner to Namibia, 2007-2011; Ambassador to Ivory Coast, 2014-

BENTINCK, SIR CHARLES H., K.C.M.G.(1879-1955): Counsellor, Legation, Greece, 1920-1924; Consul-General, Munich, 1924-1925; Minister to Ethiopia, 1925-1928; Minister to Peru and Ecuador, 1929-1934; Minister to Bulgaria, 1934-1936; Minister to Czechoslovakia, 1936-1937; Ambassador to Chile, 1937-1940 BENTINCK, LORD W.GEORGE F.CAVENDISH (1802-1848): Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1822-1824 BENTLEY, SIR WILLIAM, K.C.M.G.(1927-1998):


Counsellor, Embassy, Yugoslavia, 1970-1973; Head of Permanent Under-Secretary’s Department, Foreign And Commonwealth Office, 1973-1974; Head of Far Eastern Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1974-1976; Ambassador to the Philippines, 1976-1981; High Commissioner to Malaysia, 1981-1983; Ambassador to Norway, 1983-1987

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Mexico, 1993-1996; Consul-General, Toronto, 2002-2005


BERGNE, A. PAUL A’C., C.B.E. (1937-2007):

Ambassador to Uzbekistan, 1993-1995, and to Tajikistan, 1994-1995

BERGNE, JOHN B. (1800-1878): Superintendent of Treaty Department, Foreign Office, 1854-1878 BERGNE, SIR J. HENRY G., K.C.B., K.C.M.G. (1842-1908):

Superintendent of the Treaty Department, Foreign Office, 1881-1893; Senior Clerk, Commercial and Sanitary Department, Foreign Office, 1894-1902

BERKELEY, SIR ERNEST J.L., K.C.M.G., C.B.(1857-1932): Consul-General, Tunis, 1899-1920 BERMAN, SIR FRANKLIN, (FRANK) D., K.C.M.G., Q.C. (1939Deputy Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1988-1991; Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1991-1999 BERNAL, FREDERIC, C.M.G.: Consul-General, Le Havre, 1883-1896 BERNAYS, LEWIS E., O.B.E. (1886-1972): Consul-General, Chicago, 1932-1942 BERTHOUD, SIR ERIC A., K.C.M.G.(1900-1989):

Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Economic and Commercial), 1948-1952; Ambassador to Denmark, 1952-1956; Ambassador to Poland, 1956-1960

BERTHOUD, SIR MARTIN S., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1931Commercial Counsellor, Finland, 1974-1977; Inspector, 1977-1979; Head of North American Department, Foreign and Commonwealh Office, 1979-1982; Consul-General, Sydney, Australia, 1982-1985; High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago, 1985-1991


BERTIE, Rt. Hon. SIR FRANCIS L., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. (later 1st VISCOUNT BERTIE OF THAME) (1944-1919): Acting Senior Clerk, Eastern Department, Foreign Office, 1882-1885; Senior Clerk, Eastern Department, Foreign Office, 1889-1894; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1894-1903; Ambassador to Italy, 1903-1905; Ambassador to France, 1905-1918 BERTIE OF THAME (see BERTIE) BERTRAM, MARK H.R., C.B.E. (1942-

Head of Overseas Estate Department, 1985-1997

BERWICK(see NOEL-HILL) BEST, SIR RICHARD R., K.C.V.O., C.B.E.(1933Deputy High Commissioner, Kaduna, Nigeria, 1984-1989; Ambassador to Iceland, 1989-1991 BETHAM, Lieutenant-Colonel SIR GEOFFREY L., K.B.E., C.I.E., M.C.(1889-1963): Minister to Nepal, 1938-1944 BETHLEHEM, SIR DANIEL, K.C.M.G., Q.C.(1960BETTS, KAREN:

Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2006-2011 Counsellor(Foreign and Security Policy), Embassy, U.S.A., 2012-2013



BEVAN, LEONARD(1926-1990):

Head of Africa(Equatorial) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-2000; Head of European Union(Internal) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2000-2001; Director, South-East Europe and Gibraltar, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2003; Director, Africa, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003-2006; Director-General Corporate Affairs/Chief Operating Officer, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2007-2011; High Commissioner to India, 2011Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Australia, 1970-1974; Head of South-West Pacific Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1974-1976; Economic Counsellor, Brazil, 1976-1979


Deputy High Commissioner, Jamaica, 1978-1981

BEYER, JOHN C.(1950-

Ambassador to Moldova, 2006-2009

BIDWELL, JOHN, Snr. (17 -1853):

BIDWELL, JOHN, Jnr. (18 -1873):

Senior Clerk, 1822-1851, and Superintendant of Consular Department, Foreign Office, 1826-1851

Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1858-1859; Senior Clerk, German Department, Foreign Office, 1859-1860; Senior Clerk, Consular Department, Foreign Office, 1860; Senior Clerk, German Department, Foreign Office, 1860-1872

BIDWELL, THOMAS(17 -1852): Senior Clerk, Foreign Office, 1822-1824; Chief Clerk, Foreign Office, 1824-1841 BILIOTTI, SIR ALFRED, K.C.M.G.(1833-1915):

Consul-General, Salonica, 1899-1903


BINGHAM, Hon. RICHARD C.(1801-1872):

Secretary of Legation, Bavaria, 1831-1839; Secretary of Legation, Sardinia-Piedmont, 1839-1852; Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1852; Secretary of Legation, Two Sicilies, 1852; Charge d’Affaires, Venenzuela, 1852-1858

BIRCH, ALEXANDER H., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1913-1995): Commercial Counsellor, France, 1962-1965; Commercial Counsellor, Iraq, 1965-1967; Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Ghana, 1967-1970; Deputy High Commissioner, Perth, Australia, 1970-1973 BIRCH, SIR JOHN A., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1935Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to the Comprehensive Test Test Ban Treaty Negotiations, 1977-1980; Counsellor, Embassy, Hungary, 1980-1983; Head of East European Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1983-1986; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1986-1989; Ambassador to Hungary, 1989-1995 BIRCH, JOHN H.S.(1883-1949): Counsellor, Embassy, Brazil, 1927-1931; Counsellor, Legation, Denmark, 1931-1933; Minister to the Central American Republics, 1933-1938 BIRD, CHARLES P.G.(1954-

Deputy High Commissioner, Nigeria, 2001-2003


Consul-General, Shanghai, 2003-2006

BISHOP, Major-General SIR WILLIAM H.A., K.C.M.G., C.B., C.V.O., O.B.E.(1897-1984): Head of Far East Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1951-1952; Principal Staff Officer to Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 1953-1957; Deputy High Commissioner, Calcutta, India, 1957-1962; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations(Information and Culture), 1962-1964; High Commissioner to Cyprus, 1964-1965



Consul-General, Lille, 1969-1973; Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Norway, 1973-1977


Deputy High Commissioner, Zimbabwe, 2003-2006; High Commissioner to Uganda, 2012-


Commercial Counsellor, Kuwait, 1988-1990; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy, Syria, 1991-1993

BLACKWELL, JOHN K., C.B.E. (1914-1986):

Consul-General, Hanoi, 1962-1964; Consul-General, Lille, 1965-1969; Senior British Trade Commissioner, Hong Kong, 1969-1972; Ambassador to Costa Rica, 1972-1974

BLAIKLEY, ROBERT M.(1916-2003): Head of Defence and Intelligence Department, Colonial Office, 1965-1966; Head of Aviation and Telecommunications Department, Commonwealth Office, 1966-1968; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission, Jamaica, 1968-1971; Counsellor, High Commission, Ghana, 1971-1973 BLAIR, OLIVER R.(1925-1975):

Head of Claims Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1972-1973; Head of Consular Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1975


Deputy High Commissioner, Pakistan, 2011-

BLAKE-PAULEY, ANTHONY F. (1932Deputy High Commissioner, Bangladesh, 1986-1987; Consul-General, Munich, 1988-1992 BLAKEMAN, NEIL:

Counsellor(Commercial), Embassy, China, 2004-2006

BLAKEWAY, JOHN D.(1918-1996):Counsellor, Embassy, the Netherlands, 1974-1975; ConsulGeneral, Istanbul, 1975-1978


BLAND, SIR G. NEVILE M., K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O. (1886-1972):

BLAND, GODFREY D. (1853-1899):

Counsellor, Embassy, Belgium, 1930-1935; Head of the Treaty Department, Foreign Office, 1935-1938; Minister/Ambassador to the Netherlands, 1938-1948

Secretary of Legation, Mexico, 1890-1894; Secretary of Legation, the Netherlands, 1894-1898; Secretary of Embassy, U.S.A., 1898-1899

BLATHERWICK, SIR DAVID E.S., K.C.M.G., O.B.E. (1941Head of Energy, Science and Space Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1983-1985; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1986-1989; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Principal Finance Officer and Chief Inspector, 1989-1991; Ambassador to Ireland, 1991-1995; Ambassador to Egypt, 1995-1999 BLECH(BLECK), EDWARD C., C.M.G.(1861-1919): Librarian of the Foreign Office, 1914-1918; Consul-General, Genoa, 1918-1919 BLIGH, Hon. SIR JOHN D., K.C.B.(1798-1872):

Secretary of Legation, Tuscany, 1829-1831; Secretary of Embassy, the Netherlands, 1831-1832; Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1832-1835; Minister to Hanover, 1838-1856

BLOOMFIELD, LieutenantGeneral the Rt. Hon. BENJAMIN, 1st LORD, G.C.B. (1768-1845): Minister to Sweden, 1823-1833


BLOOMFIELD, Rt. Hon. JOHN, 2nd LORD, G.C.B. (1802-1879):


BLUETT, HERBERT A.N., O.B.E.(1887-19

BLUNT, DAVID G., C.V.O. (1953-

BLUNT, SIR JOHN E., C.B. (1832-1916):

Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1826-1839; Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1839-1844; Minister to Russia, 1844-1851; Minister to Prussia, 1851-1860; Ambassador to Austria-Hungary, 1860-1871

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Algeria, 1990-1993; Counsellor(Political), Embassy, Italy, 1994-1996; Minister, Italy, 1996-1997; Head of Counter-Terrorism Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-2002; Ambassador to Nepal, 2002-2006

Commercial Counsellor, Finland, 1934-1940; Commercial Counsellor, Finland, 1944-1947

Inspector, 1994-1997; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Norway, 1997-2001; Deputy Governor of Gibraltar, 2002-2005; Ambassador to Kosovo, 2008; Ambassador to Croatia, 2008-2012

Consul-General, Salonica, 1879-1899; Consul-General, Boston, 1899-1902


Deputy Head of Mission, Romania, 2010-

BOAS, J. LESLIE, O.B.E. (1912-1988):

Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, 1969-1972

BOATENG, Rt. Hon. PAUL Y. (later LORD BOATENG) (1951High Commissioner to South Africa, 2005-2009 BOGGIS, EMMA:

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy, Spain, 2009-2012


BOLLAND, SIR EDWIN, K.C.M.G.(1922-2008): Head of Far Eastern Department, Foreign Office, 1965-1967; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1967-1971; Ambassador to Bulgaria, 1973-1976; Head of U.K. Delegation to Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions Negotiations, 1976-1980; Ambassador to Yugoslavia, 1980-1982 BONAR, ALFRED G.G. (1813-1886):

Secretary of Legation, Bavaria, 1849-1865; Secretary of Embassy, Austria/Austria-Hungary, 1865-1868: Minister to Switzerland, 1868-1874

BONAR, HENRY A.C., C.M.G.(1861-1935):

Consul-General, Kobe, 1908-1909

BOND, IAN A.M., C.V.O.(1962-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, 2000-2004; Ambassador to Latvia, 2005-2007; Counsellor (Foreign and Security Policy), Embassy, U.S.A., 2007-2012


High Commissioner to Guyana and Ambassador to Surinam, 2010-2011

BOND, WILLIAM L.(1892-1950): Consul-General, Casablanca, 1942-1943; Consul-General, Marseilles, 1948-1950 BONE, RICHARD M. (1934-

BONE, SIR ROGER B., K.C.M.G.(1944-

Head of Library and Records Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1995

Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1985-1989, and Head of Chancery, 1987-1989; Head of Economic Relations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1991; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Economic, Transport and Energy), 1991-1994; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Eastern and Central Europe), 1994-1995; Ambassador to Sweden, 1995-1999; Ambassador to Brazil, 1999-2004


BONHAM, SIR GEORGE F., Bt. (1847-1927): Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1885-1890; Secretary of Legation, the Netherlands, 1890-1893; Secretary of Embassy, Spain, 1893-1897; Secretary of Embassy, Italy, 1897-1900; Minister to Serbia, 1900-1903; Minister to Switzerland, 1905-1909 BOOKER, SIR WILLIAM L., C.M.G.(1824-1905): BOON, G. PETER R. (1942-

BOOTH, CHARLES L., C.M.G., L.V.O.(1925-1997):


Consul-General, New York, 1883-1894 High Commissioner to Cameroon and Ambassador to Chad, Central African Republic, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea, 1998-2002

Deputy High Commissioner, Uganda, 1969-1971; ConsulGeneral, Washington, 1971-1973; Counsellor, Embassy, Yugoslavia, 1973-1978; Ambassador to Burma, 1978-1982; High Commissioner to Malta, 1982-1985

Commercial Counsellor, Trinidad and Tobago, 1963-1966; Commercial Counsellor, Denmark, 1966-1969; Deputy High Commissioner/Consul-General, Sydney, 1971-1974; Consul-General, New York, 1975-1980

BOOTHBY, SIR BROOKE Bt. (1856-1913): Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1898-1901; Secretary of Legation, Japan, 1901-1902; Secretary of Legation, Belgium, 1902-1905; Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), Austria-Hungary, 1905-1907; Minister to Chile, 1907 (did not proceed)


BOOTHBY, E. BASIL, C.M.G. (1910-1990): Head of United Nations(Economic and Social) Department and Refugee Department,Foreign Office, 1949-1950; Counsellor, Embassy, Burma, 1951-1953; Head of the African Department, Foreign Office, 1953-1954; Counsellor, Embassy, Belgium, 1954-1959; Head of African Department, Foreign Office, 1959-1961; Head of West and Central Africa Department, Foreign Office, 1961-1962; Ambassador to Iceland, 1962-1966; Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, 1966-1969 BORDER, HUGH W.(1890-1981):

Consul-General, Havana, 1932-1934; Consul-General, Seville, 1945-1950


Secretary of Legation, Spain, 1824-1830

BOSANQUET, VIVIAN H.C. (1872-1943):

Consul-General, Frankfurt, 1924-1932

BOTTOMLEY, SIR JAMES R.A., K.C.M.G.(1920-2013) Head of Economic Policy Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1959-1961; Head of Common Market Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1961-1963; Deputy High Commissioner, Malaysia, 1963-1967; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth/Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Central and Southern Africa), 1967-1970; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Economic), 1970-1972; Ambassador to South Africa, 1972-1976; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organizations, Geneva, 1976-1978 BOURDILLON, SIR BERNARD H., G.C.M.G., K.B.E.(1883-1948): Counsellor, High Commission, Iraq, 1924-1929; Governor of Uganda, 1932-1935; Governor of Nigeria, 1935-1943 BOURKE, MARTIN(1947-

Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands, 1993-1996; Deputy High Commissioner, New Zealand, 2000-2004


BOURN, JAMES(1917-2012): Deputy High Commissioner, Zanzibar, Tanzania, 1964-1965; Deputy High Commissioner, Malawi, 1966-1970; Ambassador to Somalia, 1970-1973; Consul-General, Istanbul, 1973-1975 BOWDEN, JAMES (JAMIE) N.G., C.M.G.., O.B.E. (1960-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Kuwait, 2003-2004; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Iraq, 2004-2005; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Kuwait, 2005-2006; Ambassador to Bahrain, 2006-2011; Ambassador to Oman, 2011-

BOWERING, JOHN(1894-1973):

Minister to Liberia, 1946-1949


Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Belgium, 2004-2008

BOWKER, SIR R. JAMES, G.B.E., K.C.M.G.(1901-1983): Counsellor, Embassy, Spain, 1944-1945; Minister, Egypt, 1945-1947; High Commissioner/Ambassador to Burma, 1947-1950; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Middle East and North Africa), 1950-1953; Ambassador to Turkey, 1954-1958; Ambassador to Austria, 1958-1961 BOWLE, HORACE E.(1886-1978): Consul-General, Lourenco Marques, 1938-1940 BOWMAN, VICTORIA (VICKY) J. (1966Ambassador to Burma, 2002-2006; Head of Africa (Southern) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2006-2008; Joint Director, Global and Economic Issues, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2008-2011 BOXER, PETER J. (1971-):

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Iraq, 2011-2012



BOYD, SIR JOHN D.I., K.C.M.G.(1936-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Sweden, 1987-1990; Ambassador to Qatar, 1990-1993; Head of Environment, Science and Energy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1993-1996; Ambassador to Kuwait, 1996-1999; Ambassador to Egypt, 1999-2001

Economic Counsellor, Federal Republic of Germany, 1977-1981; Counsellor(Economic and Social), U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1981-1984; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Asia), 1984; Political Adviser, Hong Kong, 1985-1987; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Defence and Intelligence), 1987-1989; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Chief Clerk, 1989-1992; Ambassador to Japan, 1992-1996


Consul-General, Perth, Australia, 1988-1991

BOYLE, RANALD H.M., D.S.C.(1921-99):

Political Agent, Qatar, 1965-1968


Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Finland, 2012-


BRAHAM, HAROLD, C.B.E. (1907-1995):

Head of West Indian and Atlantic Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1997-1998; Commercial Counsellor, France, 1999-2002; Minister, China, 2002-2003; Consul-General, Hong Kong, 2003-2008

Commercial Counsellor, U.S.S.R., 1948-1950; Commercial Counsellor, Indonesia, 1951-1955; Consul-General, Barcelona, 1955-1959; Consul-General, Paris, 1959-1966


BRAIN, SIR H. NORMAN, K.B.E., C.M.G.(1907-2003): Head of Services Liaison/Permanent Under-Secretary’s Department, Foreign Office, 1948-1950; Inspector, 1950-1953; Minister, Japan, 1953-1955; Ambassador to Cambodia, 1956-1958; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Latin America and Consular),1958-1961; Ambassador to Uruguay, 1961-1966 BRAITHWAITE, JULIAN N. (1968-

Counsellor(Global Issues), Embassy, U.S.A., 2004-2008; Director, Consular Services, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2008-2011; Permanent Representative to European Union Political and Security Committee and Western European Union, 2011-



Head of European Integration(External) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1975; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Permanent Representation to the European Economic Community, 1975-1978; Head of Planning Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1979-1980; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Transport and Energy), 1980-1981; Minister(Commercial), U.S.A., 1982-1984; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Economic), 1984-1988; Ambassador to U.S.S.R./Russia, 1988-1992; Adviser on Foreign Affairs to the Prime Minister and Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, 1992-1993

Head of Education Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1960


BRANT, COLIN T, C.M.G., C.V.O. (1929-

Commercial Counsellor, Venezuela, 1971-1973; Counsellor (Energy), Embassy, U.S.A., 1973-1978; Ambassador to Qatar, 1978-1981; Consul-General, Johannesburg, 1982-1987

BRANT, RICHARD W., C.M.G. (1852-1934): BRASH, ROBERT, C.M.G. (1924-2007):


Librarian of the Foreign Office, 1905-1914

Head of East-West Contacts Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1970; Counsellor, Embassy, South Vietnam, 1971-1973; Counsellor, Embassy, Austria, 1974-1978; Consul-General, Dusseldorf, 1978-1982

Deputy High Commissioner, Sierra Leone, 1970-1973; Deputy High Commissioner, Ghana, 1977-1980; Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Canada, 1980-1985; Deputy High Commissioner, Bombay, India, 1985-1989


Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Venezuela, 2005-2009


Consul-General, Shanghai, 1899-1901

BRENAN, SIR JOHN F., K.C.M.G.(1883-1953):

Consul-General, Shanghai, 1937-1940

BRENAN, TERENCE V., C.B.E. (1887-1974):

BRENCHLEY, T. FRANK, C.M.G.(1918-2011):

Consul-General, Tunis, 1944-1946; Consul-General, Rabat, 1946-1947

Counsellor, Embassy, Sudan, 1960-1963; Head of Arabian Department, Foreign Office, 1963-1967; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Middle East), 1967-1968; Ambassador to Norway, 1968-1972; Ambassador to Poland, 1972-1974; Deputy Secretary(Foreign Affairs), Cabinet Office, 1975-1976




Deputy High Commissioner, Tanzania, 2004-2009; Deputy High Commissioner, Australia, 2012-

Head of United Nations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1990; Head of Environment, Science and Energy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1992; Economic Counsellor, Russia, 1994-1998; Director, Global Issues, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-2001; Minister, U.S.A., 2001-2004; Ambassador to Russia, 2004-2008

BRENTON, JONATHAN A. (1965-): Ambassador to Belgium, 2010-2014 BRETT, DAVID L. (1952-

Consul-General, Alexandria, 1992-1996; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Algeria, 2001-2003

BRETT, HENRY J., C.M.G. (1878-1963):

Commercial Counsellor, China, 1930-1932


Consul-General, Casablanca, 2005-


Joint Assistant Director, Personnel(Personnel Policy), Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1997-1998; Counsellor, High Commission, India, 1998-2001; Director, Global Issues, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2001-2002; Director-General, Regional Programmes, Department for International Development, 2002-2004; Director-General, European Union, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2004-2007; Chief Executive, Equality and Human Rights Commission, 2007-2009; High Commissioner to South Africa, 2009-2013


BREWIS, JOHN F., C.M.G., C.V.O. (1910-1986):

BRICKELL, DANIEL F.H., O.B.E. (1893-1967):

Counsellor, Embassy, Portugal, 1955-1959; Head of Information Executive Department, Foreign Office, 1959-1962; Inspector, 1962-1965; ConsulGeneral, Lyon, 1965-1967

Consul-General, Detroit, 1945-1949; Minister to El Salvador, 1949-1950; Consul-General, Philadelphia, 1951-1953


Permanent Representative to the O.E.C.D., 2011-


Counsellor, Embassy, Persia, 1920-1922




Ambassador to Cambodia, 2000-2005; Deputy High Commissioner, Bangladesh, 2005-2007; ConsulGeneral, Chicago, 2013-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, U.S.S.R., 1969-1971; Private Secretary(Foreign Affairs) to the Prime Minister, 1972-1974; Minister (Commercial), U.S.A., 1976-1979; Deputy UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Economic), 1979-1982; Ambassador to Italy, 1983-1987 Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Switzerland, 1989-1993; Consul-General, Frankfurt, 1993-1997; Head of Commonwealth Co-ordination Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-2002; ConsulGeneral, Lyon, 2004-2006


BRIGHTY, A. DAVID, C.M.G., C.V.O.(1939-

Head of Personnel Operations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1981-1983; Counsellor, Embassy, Portugal, 1983-1986; Ambassador to Cuba, 1988-1991; Ambassador to the Czech Republic and to Slovakia, 1992-1994; Ambassador to Spain, 1994-1998

BRIMELOW, SIR THOMAS, G.C.M.G., O.B.E. (later LORD BRIMELOW) (1915-1996): Commercial Counsellor, Turkey, 1954-1956; Head of Northern Department, Foreign Office, 1956-1960; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1960-1963; Minister, U.S.S.R., 1963-1966; Ambassador to Poland, 1966-1969; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Europe), 1969-1973, Senior Deputy, 1973; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1973-1975 BRIND, A. HENRY, C.M.G. (1927-

Deputy High Commissioner, Uganda, 1971-1973; High Commissioner to Mauritius, 1974-1977; Ambassador to Somalia, 1977-1980; High Commissioner to Malawi, 1983-1987

BRINKLEY, ROBERT E., C.M.G. (1954Counsellor(Political), Embassy, Russia, 1996-1999; Head of Joint Entry Clearance Unit, 2000-2002; Ambassador to Ukraine, 2002-2006; Ambassador/ High Commissioner to Pakistan, 2006-2009 BRINSON, DEREK N., C.M.G., M.C.(1921-1974):


Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Venezuela, 1965-1969; Head of Guidance Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1969-1970; Head of Guidance and Information Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1970-1974



Ambassador to Azerbaijan, 2004-2007; Minister, Russia, 2007-2010; Director, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2010-2012; Director, National Security, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2012-


Consul-General, Milan, 2007-2011

BRITTEN, Brigadier GEORGE V., C.B.E.(1909Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Switzerland, 1967-1971 BRITTEN RAE G., C.M.G. (1920-1997):


BROAD, PHILIP, C.M.G. (1903-1966)

Deputy High Commissioner, Peshawar, Pakistan, 1962; Deputy High Commissioner, Lahore, Pakistan, 1962-1964; Deputy High Commissioner, Jamaica, 1964-1968; Head of Trade Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1971; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Norway, 1973-1976; Head of South-West Pacific Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1976-1978 Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Nigeria, 1988-1992; Head of Commonwealth Co-ordination Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1992-1996

Counsellor, Embassy, Poland, 1946-1948; Head of North American Department, Foreign Office, 1948-1949; Head of European Recovery Department, 1949-1951; Political Adviser, Trieste, 1951-1954; Consul-General, Istanbul, 1955-1960


BROADLEY, JOHN K.E., C.M.G. (1936Counsellor, Embassy, Jordan, 1976-1979; Head of Personnel Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1979-1981; Head of Security Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1982-1984; Deputy Governor of Gibraltar, 1984-1988; Ambassador to the Holy See, 1988-1991 BROADMEAD, SIR PHILIP M., K.C.M.G., M.C.(1893-1977):

Counsellor, Embassy, China, 1938-1941; Counsellor, Embassy, Brazil, 1941-1944; Head of the American Department, Foreign Office, 1944-1945; Ambassador to Colombia, 1945-1947; Minister to Syria, 1947-1950; Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, 1950-1953

BRODERICK, SIR JOHN J., K.B.E., C.M.G.(1882-1933): Commercial Counsellor, U.S.A., 1920-1931; Minister to Cuba, 1931-1933; Ambassador to Argentina, 1933 (did not proceed) BROMLEY, PETER R.O.(1947-

Deputy High Commissioner, Trinidad and Tobago, 2000-2002

BROMLEY, SIR THOMAS E., K.C.M.G.(1911-1987): Counsellor, Embassy, Iraq, 1953; Head of African Department, Foreign Office, 1954-1956; Inspector, 1957; Ambassador to Somalia, 1960-1961; Ambassador to Syria, 1962-1964; Ambassador to Algeria, 1964-1965; Ambassador to Ethiopia, 1966-1969 BRONNERT, DEBORAH J., C.M.G.(1967-

BROOK, JOHN E. (1945-

Economic Counsellor, Russia, 2002-2005; Joint Director, Global and Economic Issues/Prosperity, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2008-2011; Ambassador to Zimbabwe, 2011Consul-General, Stuttgart, 1993-1997


BROOKE TURNER, ALAN, C.M.G.(1926-2013):


Counsellor, Embassy, Brazil, 1969-1971; Head of Southern Europe Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1972-1973; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Italy, 1973-1976; Minister, U.S.S.R., 1979-1983; Ambassador to Finland, 1983-1985 Deputy High Commissioner, Singapore, 2007-2011

BROOKS, ERIC A.S.(1907-19

Head of Claims Department, Foreign Office, 1960-1967

BROOM, PETER D. (1953-

Consul-General, Cape Town, 2000-2002

BROOMFIELD, SIR NIGEL H.R.A., K.C.M.G.(1937Political Adviser and Head of Chancery, British Sector, West Berlin, 1979-1981; Head of Eastern European Soviet Department/Soviet Department, 1981-1985; Minister, India, 1985-1988; Ambassador to German Democratic Republic, 1988-1990; Deputy UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Defence), 1990-1992; Ambassador to Germany, 1993-1997 BROUCHER, DAVID S. (1944-


Commercial Counsellor, Indonesia, 1985-1989; Economic Counsellor, Federal Republic of Germany/Germany,1989-1993; Head of Security Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1994-1995; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs/Director, Change Management, 1995-1997; Ambassador to Czech Republic, 1997-2001; Permanent Representative to the Disarmament Conference, 2001-2004

Senior Clerk, Foreign Office, 1822-1824


BROWN, ALAN J.(1921-2006):

Head of Information Policy Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1963-1964; Deputy High Commissioner, Cyprus, 1964; Head of Far East and Pacific Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1964-1966; Deputy High Commissioner, Malta, 1966-1970; Deputy High Commissioner/Consul-General, Karachi, Pakistan, 1971-1972; Ambassador to Togo and Benin, 1973-1976; Head of Nationality and Treaty Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1976-1977


Deputy High Commissioner, Zimbabwe, 2012-

BROWN, DAVID C., C.M.G. (1939-2010):

Deputy High Commissioner, Mauritius, 1977-1981; Inspector, 1981-1983: Head of Office Services and Transport/Home Estates Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1997

BROWN, DENYS D., C.M.G., M.M. (1918-1997): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Yugoslavia, 1962-1963; Head of General Department, Foreign Office, 1963-1967; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Sweden, 1967-1969; Minister (Economic), Federal Republic of Germany, 1970-1971 BROWN, DOUGLAS J., M.B.E. (1925-1989):


Inspector, 1971-1973; Commercial Counsellor, Algeria, 1973-1975; Consul-General, St. Louis, 1977-1980 Commercial Counsellor, U.S.S.R., 1988-1992; Counsellor(Management), U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, 1994-


BROWN, FRANCIS D.W., C.M.G. (1915-1967):

Inspector, 1955-1959; Counsellor, Embassy, Turkey, 1959-1961; Minister, Turkey, 1961-1962; Deputy Political Resident, Persian Gulf, 1962-1964; Minister(Trusteeship Affairs), U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1965-1967

BROWN, FRANK H., O.B.E.(1923- Deputy High Commissioner, Guyana, 1978-1980 BROWN, DAME GILLIAN G., D.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1923-1999): Head of General Department, Foreign Office, 1967-1968; Head of Aviation, Marine and Telecommunications Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1969; Head of Marine and Transport Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1969-1970; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Switzerland, 1970-1974; Assistant Under-Secretary, Department of Energy, 1975-1978; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Transport, Energy and Science), 1978-1980; Ambassador to Norway, 1981-1983 BROWN, HAROLD A.N., C.M.G., C.V.O.(1914-2004): Ambassador to Liberia, 1960-1963; Inspector, 1963-1966; Ambassador to Camboadia, 1966-1970; ConsulGeneral, Johannesburg, 1970-1973; Minister, South Africa, 1973-1974 BROWN, HERBERT G., M.B.E. (1942-

Consul-General, Cape Town, 1998-2000

BROWN, JOHN, C.M.G.(1931-

Consul-General, Toronto, 1898-1991


BROWN, J. MICHAEL, C.B.E. (1929Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Libya, 1973-1975; Head of Communications Operations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1976-1979; Ambassador to Costa Rica and Nicaragua, 1979-1983, and to El Salvador, 1980-1982; Consul-General, Geneva, 1983-1985 BROWN, SIR MERVYN, K.C.M.G., O.B.E. (1923Ambassador to Madagascar, 1967-1970; Inspector, 1970-1972; Head of Communications Operations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1974; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Director of Communications, 1974; High Commissioner to Tanzania and Ambassador to Madagascar, 1975-1978; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1978-1979; High Commissioner to Nigeria, 1979-1983 BROWN, ROGER H. (1937BROWN, SIR STEPHEN D.R., K.C.V.O.(1945-



Consul-General, Sao Paulo, 1992-1997

Consul-General, Melbourne, Australia, 1989-1994; Commercial Counsellor, China, 1994-1997; Ambassador to South Korea, 1997-2000; High Commissioner to Singapore, 2001-2002; Chief Executive, U.K. Trade and Investment, 2002-2005

Ambassador to Nicaragua, 2002-2004; Ambassador to Guinea, 2014Head of Human Rights Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1999-2002; Counsellor (External Relations), U.K. Permanent Representation to the European Union, 2002-2005; Ambassador to Azerbaijan, 2007-2011; Ambassador to Kazakhstan, 2013-


BROWNE, MERVYN E., C.B.E., E.R.D.(1916-2006):

BROWNE, SIR NICHOLAS W., K.B.E., C.M.G.(1947-2014):

Commercial Counsellor, Australia, 1968-1970; Commercial Counsellor, Philippines, 1974-1976

Counsellor(Press and Public Affairs), Embassy, U.S.A., 1990-1994; Head of Middle East Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1994-1997; Charge d’Affaires, Iran, 1997-1999; Ambassador to Iran, 1999-2002; Senior Civilian Instructor, Royal College of Defence Studies, 2002-2003; Ambassador to Denmark, 2003-2006


Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1824-1852


Deputy High Commissioner, Zimbabwe, 2006-2009





Ambassador to Turkmenistan, 2002-2005; Ambassador to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, 2005-2009; High Commissioner to Brabados, 2009-2013; Ambassador to Romania, 2014-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Cuba, 1983-1986; Ambassador to Panama, 1986-1989 Consul-General, Dusseldorf, 1985-1988; Assistant UnderSecretary, Department of Trade and Industry, 1989-1992

Head of Finance Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1982-1984; Consul-General, Munich, 1984-1988; Deputy High Commissioner, Kenya, 1988-1991; Consul-General, Zurich, 1991-1995

BRYCE, Rt. Hon. SIR JAMES, O.M., G.C.V.O. (later 1st VISCOUNT) (1838-1922): Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1907-1913


BRYSON-RICHARDSON, MARK E., M.B.E.(1976- ): Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Iraq, 2013BUBBEAR, THERESA B.(1962-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Hungary, 2011-

BUCHAN, ROBERT M.C. (18 -1935):

Consul-General, Amsterdam, 1934-1936

BUCHANAN, Rt. Hon. SIR ANDREW, Bt., G.C.B. (1807-1882):

Secretary of Legation, Tuscany, 1841-1844; Secretary of Legation, Russia, 1844-1852; Minister to Switzerland, 1852-1853; Minister to Denmark, 1853-1858; Minister to Spain, 1858-1860; Minister to the Netherlands, 1860-1862; Minister/Ambassador to Prussia, 1862-1864; Ambassador to Russia, 1864-1871; Ambassador to Austria-Hungary, 1871-1877

BUCHANAN, Rt. Hon. SIR GEORGE W., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. (1854-1924): Charge d’Affaires, Hesse-Darmstadt and Baden, 1893-1900; Secretary of Embassy, Italy, 1900-1901; Secretary of Embassy, Germany, 1901-1903; Agent and Consul-General, Bulgaria, 1903-1909; Minister to the Netherlands, 1909-1910; Ambassador to Russia, 1910-1918; Ambassador to Italy, 1919-1921 BUCK, JOHN S. (1953-

Deputy High Commissioner, Cyprus, 1996-2000; Head of Public Diplomacy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2000-2003; Head of Government Communications and Information Centre, 2003; Director, Iraq, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003-2004; Ambassador to Portugal, 2004-2007


BUCKLE, SIMON J., C.M.G. (1960-


Counsellor(Political), Embassy, South Korea, 1997-1998; Head of Research Analysts, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003-2004; Counsellor(Political), Embassy, Iraq, 2004-2005; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Afghanistan, 2005-2006; Counsellor(Global Issues), Embassy, France, 2006-2007 Ambassador to Belarus, 2012-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, West Germany/Germany, 1989-1992; Deputy Secretary (Overseas and Defence) and Chairman, Joint Intelligence Committee, Cabinet Office, 1996-1997; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, (European Union and Economic), 1997-2001; Ambassador to the Netherlands, 2001-2005

BUDDEN, ALEXANDER J. (1968- Consul-General, Vancouver, 2008-2012 BUDDEN, PHILIP M. (1965-

Consul-General, Boston, 2007-2012

BULLARD, SIR GILES L., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1926-1992): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission/ Embassy, Pakistan, 1969-1973; Inspector, 1974-1977; Consul-General, Boston, 1977-1980; Ambassador to Bulgaria, 1980-1983; High Commissioner to Barbados, 1983-1986 BULLARD, SIR JULIAN L., G.C.M.G.(1928-2006):

Political Agent, Dubai, 1968-1970; Head of East European and Soviet Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1975; Minister, Federal Republic of Germany, 1975-1979; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Europe and Political Director), 1979-1984, Senior Deputy and Political Director, 1982-1984; Ambassador to Federal Republic of Germany, 1984-1988


BULLARD, SIR READER W., K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.I.E. (1885-1976): Consul-General, Morocco(Rabat), 1934-1936; Minister to Saudi Arabia, 1936-1939; Minister/Ambassador to Iran, 1939-1946 BULLOCH, ROBERT:

Deputy High Commissioner, Sri Lanka, 2011-

BULLOCK, EDWARD A.W. (1926Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Cuba, 1969-1972; Head of Pacifiic Dependent Territories Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1974-1977; ConsulGeneral, Marseilles, 1978-1983 BULLOCK, GUY H.(1887-1956): Minister Resident, Ecuador, 1937-1941 BULWER, Rt. Hon. SIR W. HENRY L.E., G.C.B. (later 1st LORD DALLING AND BULWER) (1801-1872):

Secretary of Legation, Belgium, 1835-1837; Secretary of Embassy, Turkey, 1837-1838; Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1838 (did not proceed); Minister to Spain, 1843-1848; Minister to the U.S.A., 1849-1852; Minister to Tuscany, 1852-1854; Ambassador to Turkey, 1858-1865

BULWER-LYTTON, Rt. Hon. SIR EDWARD R.L., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E. (later 1st EARL OF LYTTON)(1831-1891):Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1863-1864; Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1864-1865; Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1865-1868; Secretary of Legation, Spain, 1868; Secretary of Embassy, Austria/Austria-Hungary, 1868-1872; Secretary of Embassy, France, 1872-1873; Minister, France, 1873-1874; Minister to Portugal, 1874-1876; Viceroy of India, 1876-1880; Ambassador to France, 1887-1891


BUMSTEAD, KENNETH, C.V.O., C.B.E.(1908-1987): Consul-General, Shanghai, 1950; Consul-General, Seattle, 1953-1956; Consul-General, Rotterdam, 1957-1961 BUNCH, ROBERT(1820-1881): Consul-General, Havana, 1865-1865; Charge d’Affaires /Minister Resident, Colombia, 1866-1878; Minister Resident, Venezuela, 1878-1881 BURDEN, DERRICK F. (1918-2012): Head of Claims Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1978

BURDESS, CHRISTOPHER P. (1942Deputy High Commissioner, Trinidad and Tobago, 1984-1987; Commercial Counsellor, Norway, 1987-1991; Inspector, 1991-1994 BURDETT, SCOTT L., C.B.E., M.C.(1897-1961): Consul-General, Shanhai, 1950-1951 BURGES WATSON, RICHARD E.G., C.M.G.(1930Economic Counsellor, Japan, 1972-1976; Commercial Counsellor, Belgium, 1976-1978; Head of Trade Relations and Exports Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1978-1981; Consul-General, Milan, 1983-1986; Ambassador to Nepal, 1987-1990 BURGESS, ANTHONY R.F., C.V.O.(1932-


Deputy High Commissioner, Bangladesh, 1982-1986; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Cuba, 1986-1989 Commercial Counsellor, Nigeria, 1992-1995; Consul-General, Munich, 1995-1999; Ambassador to Senegal, Cape Verde, Mali and Guinea Bissau, 2000-2004

BURNETT, ROBERT R., C.M.G., C.I.E., O.B.E.(1897-1975): Deputy High Commissioner, Pakistan, 19477-1952


BURNLEY, JOSEPH H. (18 -1904):

Secretary of Legation, Switzerland, 1858-1864; Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1864; Secretary of Legation, U.S.A., 1864-1867; Secretary of Legation, the Netherlands, 1867-1868; Minister/Charge d’Affaires to Saxony, 1867-1873

BURNS, DAVID A., C.M.G., C.B.E.(1937-2013): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Thailand, 1979-1983; Consul-General, Boston, 1983-1987; Head of North America Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1988-1991; Ambassador to Cambodia, 1991-1994; Ambassador to Finland, 1995-1997 BURNS, KEVIN F.X., C.M.G. (1930Counsellor, U.K. Mission to the United Nations Organizations, Geneva, 1973-1979; Head of South East Asia Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1980-1983; High Commissioner to Ghana and Ambassador to Togo, 1983-1986; High Commissioner to Barbados, 1986-1991 BURNS, SIR R. ANDREW, K.C.M.G.(1943-

Counsellor(Information), Embassy, U.S.A., 1983-1986; Head of South Asia Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1986-1988; Head of News Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1988-1990; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Asia), 1990-1992; Ambassador to Israel, 1992-1995; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Americas, Asia and Africa), 1995-1997; Consul-General, Hong Kong, 1997-2000; High Commissioner to Canada, 2000-2003


BURROUGHS, RONALD A., C.M.G.(1917-1980):

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Brazil, 1962-1964; Head of Information Executive Department, Foreign Office, 1964; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Portugal, 1964-1967; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Planning, Defence and Intelligence), 1968-1970; U.K. Representative in Northern Ireland, 1970-1971; Ambassador to Algeria, 1971-1974

BURROWS, SIR BERNARD A.B., G.C.M.G.(1910-2002): Head of Eastern Department, Foreign Office, 1947-1949; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1950-1953; Political Resident in the Persian Gulf, 1953-1958; Ambassador to Turkey, 1958-1962; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Defence), 1963-1966; Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 1966-1970 BURROWS, REGINALD A., C.M.G. (1918-2002): Head of Information Policy Department, Foreign Office, 1960-1961; Counsellor, Embassy, South Vietnam, 1961-1964; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, the Netherlands, 1965-1967; ConsulGeneral, Istanbul, 1967-1970; Minister, Pakistan, 1970-1972; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Transport, Energy and Science), 1975-1978 BURT-ANDREWS, STANLEY G., C.M.G., M.B.E.(1908-1990): BURTON, SIR GRAHAM S., K.C.M.G.(1941-

Consul-General, St. Louis, 1965-1967

Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Libya, 1981-1984; Head of Security Co-ordination Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1984-1986; ConsulGeneral, San Francisco, 1987-1990; Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, 1990-1994; Ambassador to Indonesia, 1994-1997; High Commissioner to Nigeria and Ambassador to Benin, 1997-2001



BUSHE, SIR H. GRATTAN, K.C.M.G., C.B.(1886-1961):

BUSHELL, JOHN C.W., C.M.G. (1919-1995):

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Kuwait, 1977-1979; Head of Maritime, Aviation and Environment Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1979-1981; Head of South Asia Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1981-1984; Minister, British Sector, West Berlin/Berlin, 1985-1993; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Middle East and North Africa), 1993-1994; Ambassador to Czech Republic, 1994-1997

Legal Adviser, Colonial and Dominions Offices, 1931-1941; Governor of Barbados, 1941-1946

Political Adviser, Middle East Command, 1961-1964; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to N.A.T.O., 1964-1968; Minister and Deputy Commandant, British Sector, Berlin, 1970-1974; Ambassador to South Vietnam, 1974-1975; Ambassador to Pakistan, 1976-1979

BUSK, SIR DOUGLAS L. K.C.M.G. (1906-1990): Counsellor, Embassy, Iraq, 1946-1948; Inspector, 1948-1952; Ambassador to Ethiopia, 1952-1956; Ambassador to Finland, 1958-1961; Ambassador to Venezuela, 1961-1964 BUTCHER, PETER R.(1947BUTE, Rt. Hon. JOHN, 1st MARQUESS OF(1744-1814):

BUTE, PAUL K. (1973-

Ambassador to Turkmenistan, 2006-2009

Minister to Piedmont-Sardinia, 1779-1783; Ambassador to Spain, 1795-1796 Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Thailand, 2012-

BUTLER, ALLAN G.R.(1933-2011): Ambassador to Outer Mongolia, 1984-1987



Head of Economic Relations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1999-2000; Director, Economic Policy, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2004-2006; Minister, India, 2006-2009

BUTLER, FRANK C., C.B.E. (1907-1984):

BUTLER, SIR FREDERICK G.A., K.C.M.G., C.B. (1873-1961):

Consul-General, Dakar, 1955-1956; Consul-General, Frankfurt, 1956-1960; Counsellor, Shanghai, China, 1960-1962; Consul-General Cape Town, 1962-1967

Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1912-1916; Head of East Africa Department, Colonial Office, 1916-1917; Director of Foreign Division, Department of Overseas Trade,1917-1920; Deputy Comptroller-General, Department of Overseas Trade, 1920-1922; Finance Officer, Foreign Office, 1922-1938 and Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1933-1939; Principal Establishment and Finance Officer, Foreign Office, 1939-1940


Ambassador to Costa Rica, 2002-2006

Consul-General, Seville, 1968-1969; Consul-General, Bordeaux, 1969-1974; Consul-General, Naples, 1974-1977

BUTLER, SIR MICHAEL D., G.C.M.G.(1927-2013): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organizations, Geneva, 1968-1970; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1971-1972; Head of European Integration Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1972-1973; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(European Community), 1974-1976; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Economic Affairs and Europe), 1976-1979; Permanent Representative to the European Communities, 1979-1985


BUTLER, SIR NEVILE M., K.C.M.G., C.V.O. (1893-1973):

BUTLER, SIR PAUL D., K.C.M.G.(1886-1955): BUTT, SIMON J. (1958-

BUXTON, ADRIAN C., C.M.G. (1925-


Counsellor, Legation, Iran, 1936-1939; Counsellor, Legation, Switzerland, 1939; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1939-1940; Minister, U.S.A., 1940-1941; Head of the North American Department, Foreign Office, 1941-1944; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Americas), 1944-1947; Ambassador to Brazil, 1947-1951; Ambassador to the Netherlands, 1952-1954

Consul-General, San Francisco, 1938-1941 Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Ukraine, 1997-2000; Head of Eastern Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2001-2004; Deputy High Commissioner, Pakistan, 2005-2008; Ambassador to Lithuania, 2008-2011

Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organizations, Geneva, 1969-1973; Head of Training Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1974-1975; Head of Maritime and General Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1975-1977; Ambassador to Bolivia, 1977-1981; Ambassador to Ecuador, 1981-1985 Consul-General, Dakar, 1928-1931; Consul-General, Havana, 1937-1940

BUXTON, PAUL W.J.(1925-2009): Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1967-1968, and Counsellor (Information), Embassy, U.S.A., 1968-1971 BYATT, SIR HUGH C., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1927-2011): Consul-General, Lourenco Marques, 1971-1973; Inspector, 1973-1975; Deputy High Commissioner, Kenya, 1977-1978; Ambassador to Angola, 1978-1981; Ambassador to Portugal, 1981-1986


BYATT, RONALD A.C.(ROBIN), C.M.G. (1930Head of Rhodesia Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1972-1975; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1977-1979; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Rhodesia and Southern Africa), 1979-1980; High Commissioner to Zimbabwe, 1980-1983; Senior Civilian Instructor, Royal College of Defence Studies, 1983-1984; Ambassador to Morocco, 1985-1987; High Commissioner to New Zealand, 1987-1990 BYNG, Hon. FREDERICK G. (1784-1871): BYRNE, TERENCE N. (1942-

CABLE, ERIC G., C.M.G. (1887-1970):

Senior Clerk, Foreign Office, 1824-1839 Deputy High Commissioner, Zambia, 1990-1993; Commercial Counsellor, Australia, 1993-1994; Deputy High Commissioner, Malaysia, 1994-1998; Consul-General, Auckland, 1999-2002

Consul-General, Cologne, 1939; Consul-General, Rotterdam, 1939-1940; Consul-General, Zurich, 1942-1947

CABLE, SIR JAMES E., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1920-2001): Head of South-East Asia Department, Foreign Office, 1963-1966; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Lebanon, 1966-1969; Head of Western Organizations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1970-1971; Head of Plannning Staff, 1971-1975, and Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Planning), 1972-1975; Ambassador to Finland, 1975-1980


CACCIA, SIR HAROLD A., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. (later LORD CACCIA) (1905-1990): Minister, Greece, 1945; Head of the Services Liaison Department, Foreign Office, 1945-1946; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Chief Clerk, Foreign Office, 1946-1949; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Chief Clerk, 1949; Minister/ Ambassador to Austria, 1949-1953; Deputy UnderSecretary for Foreign Affairs,1954-1956; Ambassador to the U.S.A.,1956-1961; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1962-1965 CADOGAN, Rt.Hon. SIR ALEXANDER G.M., O.M., G.C.M.G., K.C.B. (1884-1968):

Adviser on League of Nations Affairs, 1930-1934; Minister/Ambassador to China, 1934-1936; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1936-1938; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1938-1946; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1946-1951


CAHILL, SIR J. ROBERT, C.M.G. (1879-1953):

Ambassador to the Dominican Republican, 1979-1983; Consul-General, Melbourne, Australia, 1983-1987

Commercial Counsellor, France, 1921-1939

CAIE, ANDREW J.F. (1947-

Deputy High Commissioner, Pakistan, 1993-1996; Ambassador to Guatemala, 1998-2001; High Commissioner to Brunei, 2002-2005


Consul-General, Brisbane, Australia, 2001-2004


Deputy High Commissioner, Jamaica, 1991-199


CALLAN, SIR IVAN, K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1942-



Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Iraq, 1983-1987; Consul-General, Jerusalem, 1987-1990; Head of Permanent Under-Secretary’s Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1994; High Commissioner to Brunei, 1994-1998; Ambassador to Oman, 1999-2002

Head of Treaty and Nationality Department, Foreign Office, 1957-1960 Deputy High Commissioner, Karachi, Pakistan, 1994-1997; Consul-General, Frankfurt, 1997-2001

CALVERT, ALBERT S., O.B.E. (1897-1953): Consul-General, New Orleans, 1945-1949; Consul-General, Tunis, 1950-1953 CAMBRIDGE, ALAN J.(1925-


Head of Migration and Visa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1983-1985

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Finland, 1999-2003

Economic Counsellor, Italy, 1970-1973; Head of Financial Relations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1975; Counsellor, High Commission, Cyprus, 1975-1977; Ambassador to Kuwait, 1977-1982; Ambassador to Morocco, 1982-1985


Consul-General, Dakar, 1951-1954

CAMERON, DONALD A., C.M.G.(1856-1936):

Consul-General, Alexandria, 1909-1912


CAMPBELL, SIR ALAN H., G.C.M.G.(1919-2007):

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1961-1965; Head of Western Department, Foreign Office, 1965-1967; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, France, 1967-1969; Ambassador to Ethiopia, 1969-1972; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Africa), 1972-1975; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Europe), 1975-1976; Ambassador to Italy, 1976-1979


CAMPBELL, SIR FRANCIS A., K.C.M.G., C.B.(1852-1911):

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Philippines 2000-2003; Deputy High Commissioner, Singapore, 2003-2007; Deputy High Commissioner, Australia, 2008; High Commissioner to Brunei, 2013-

Senior Clerk, American and Asiatic Department, Foreign Office, 189 -1899; Senior Clerk, Far East Department, Foreign Office, 1899-1902; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1902-1911


CAMPBELL, SIR GERALD, G.C.M.G.(1879-1964):

Private Secretary(Foreign Affairs) to the Prime Minister, 2001-2003; Ambassador to the Holy See, 2005-2011; Deputy High Commissioner, Karachi, Pakistan, 2011-2013

Consul-General, Philadelphia, 1920-1922; Consul-General, San Francisco, 1922-1931; Consul-General, New York, 1931-1938; High Commissioner to Canada, 1938-1941; Minister, U.S.A., 1941; Director-General, British Information Services, U.S.A., 1941-1942; Minister, U.S.A., 1942-1945

CAMPBELL, JOHN D., C.V.O., C.B.E., M.C.(1921Consul-General, Naples, 1977-1981


CAMPBELL, JULIET J. d’A., C.M.G.(formerly COLLINGS) (1935Counsellor(Information), Embassyy, France, 1977-1980; Counsellor, Embassy, Indonesia, 1982-1983; Head of Training Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1984-1987; Ambassador to Luxemburg, 1988-1991 CAMPBELL, ROBERT P. (1957- Counsellor(Political), Embassy, Russia, 2005-2006; Counsellor(Political), Embassy, Israel, 2008-2011 CAMPBELL, Rt. Hon. SIR RONALD H., G.C.M.G. (1883-1953):

Head of the League of Nations and Western Department, Foreign Office, 1928-1929; Minister, France, 1929-1935; Minister to Yugoslavia, 1935-1939; Ambassador to France, 1939-1940; Ambassador to Portugal, 1940-1945

CAMPBELL, Rt. Hon. SIR RONALD I., G.C.M.G., C.B. (1890-1983): Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1928-1931; Counsellor, High Commission, Egypt, 1931-1934; Head of the Egyptian Department, Foreign Office, 1935-1938; Minister, France, 1938-1939; Minister to Yugoslavia, 1939-1941; Minister, U.S.A., 1941-1945; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Far East), 1945-1946; Ambassador to Egypt,1946-1950 CAMPBELL, SHARON I. (1962CAMPBELL, STAFFORD F., O.B.E.(1912-19 CANE, SIR CYRIL H., K.B.E. (1891-1960):

Ambassador to Costa Rica, 2011-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Peru, 1967-1972

Consul-General, Detroit, 1943-1945; Consul-General, San Francisco, 1945-1947; Consul-General, Rabat, 1948-1951

CANNING, Rt. Hon. GEORGE (1770-1827): Ambassador to Portugal, 1814-1815


CANNING, MARK, C.M.G. (1954-

Deputy High Commissioner, Malaysia, 2002-2006; Ambassador to Burma, 2006-2009; Ambassador to Zimbabwe, 2009-2011; Ambassador to Indonesia, 2011-

CANNON, NICHOLAS, O.B.E. (1958-): Counsellor(Political), Embassy, Pakistan, 2001-2002; High Commissioner to Rwanda and Ambassador to Burundi, 2008-2011; Ambassador to Albania, 2012CANTOR, ANTHONY J.J.(1946- Ambassador to Paraguay, 2001-2005; Ambassador to Armenia, 2006-2008 CAPE, DONALD P.M.S., C.M.G. (1923Head of Information Administration Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1970; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1970-1973; Counsellor, Embassy, Brazil, 1973-1975; Ambassador to Laos, 1976-1978; Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, 1978-1983 CAPEL CURE, SIR EDWARD H. (1866-1923): Commercial Counsellor, Italy, 1918-1922 CAPIE, RONALD R., M.B.E. (1936-

CAPPER, Major CHARLES F., C.M.G.(1902-1964)

Deputy High Commissioner, Trinidad and Tobago, 1987-1990

Minister/Ambassador to Liberia, 1951-1957

CARADON, Rt. Hon. HUGH, LORD, G.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.. O.B.E.(formerly SIR HUGH M. FOOT) (1907-1990): Governor of Jamaica, 1951-1957; Governor of Cyprus, 1957-1960; Ambassador to the United Nations Trusteeship Council, 1961-1962; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1964-1970


CARDEN, DERRICK C.(BILL), C.M.G.(1921-2006):

CARDEN, SIR LIONEL E.G., K.C.M.G.(1851-1915):


Consul-General, Muscat, 1965-1969; Director, Middle East Centre for Arab Studies, 1969-1973; Ambassador to Yemen, 1973-1976; Ambassador to Sudan, 1977-1979

Consul-General/Minister Resident, Cuba, 1898-1906; Minister to the Central American Republics, 1905-1913; Minister to Mexico, 1913; Minister to Brazil, 1914-1915 Consul-General, New Orleans, 1908-1916

CAREY-FOSTER, GEORGE A., C.M.G., D.F.C., A.F.C.(1907-1994):Head of Security Department, Foreign Office, 1946-1953; Counsellor, Embassy, Brazil, 1953-1955; Counsellor, Embassy, Poland, 1955-1959; Consul-General, Hanover, 1959-1961; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, the Netherlands, 1961-1964 CARLESS, HUGH M., C.M.G. (1925-2011):

Consul-General, Luanda, 1967-1970;Counsellor(Information), Embassy,Federal Republic of Germany, 1970-1973; Head of Latin American Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1977; Minister and Charge d’Affaires, Argentina, 1977-1980; Ambassador to Venezuela, 1982-1985

CARLISLE, TOM F.(18 -1941): Consul-General, New Orleans, 1916-1919 CARNEGIE, Rt. Hon. SIR LANCELOT D., G.C.V.O., K.C.M.G.(1861-1933):


Secretary of Legation(Counsellor), China, 1904-1907; Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), Austria-Hungary, 1907-1908; Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), France, 1908-1911; Minister, Embassy, France, 1911-1913; Minister/Ambassador, Portugal, 1913-1928



Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1978-1982; Head of Overseas Estate Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1982-1985; Consul-General Chicago, 1985-1988; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Economic), 1988-1990; Ambassador to Indonesia, 1990-1994; High Commissioner to Australia, 1994-1997

CARRINGTON, Rt. Hon. PETER, 6th LORD, K.G., G.C.M.G., C.H., M.C.(1919-

High Commissioner to Australia, 1956-1959; SecretaryGeneral of N.A.T.O., 1984-1988

CARRUTHERS, COLIN M., C.M.G.(1931-2003): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Ethiopia, 1977-1980; Head of South Pacific Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1980-1983 CARSE, WILLIAM M., C.B.E. (1899-1987): Deputy High Commissioner, Peshawar, Pakistan, 1948-1951; Consul-General, Sao Paulo, 1951-1956 CARTER, ANDREW, C.M.G. (1943-

CARTER, DAVID, C.V.O. (1945-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to N.A.T.O., 1986-1990; Deputy Governor, Gibraltar, 1990-1995; Minister, Russia, 1995-1997; Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, 1997-2003

Deputy High Commissioner, Zambia, 1986-1990; Inspector, 1990-1992; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, South Africa, 1992-1994; Deputy High Commissioner, South Africa, 1992-1996; Minister and Deputy High Commissioner, India, 1996-1999; High Commissioner to Bangladesh, 2000-2004


CARTER, PEERS L., C.M.G. (1916-2001):

CARTER, PETER A., C.M.G. (1914-1983):


Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1958-1961; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organizations, Geneva, 1961-1963; Inspector, 1963-1966; Chief Inspector, 1966-1968; Ambassador to Afghanistan, 1968-1972; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Ministerial Interpreter, 1973-1976

Counsellor, Embassy, Ireland, 1965-1968; Counsellor, Rhodesia, 1968-1969; Joint Head of Pacific and Indian Ocean Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1970; High Commissioner to Mauritius, 1970-1973 Head of North East Asia and Pacific Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-2001; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Israel, 2001-2005; ConsulGeneral, Milan, 2006-2007; Ambassador to Estonia, 2007-2012; Deputy High Commissioner, Lagos, Nigeria, 2012-

CARTER, SIR R.H. ARCHIBALD, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., K.C.I.E. (1887-1958): Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for India, 1924-1927; Joint Secretary, Political Department, India Office, 1931-1936; Assistant Under-Secretary for India, 1936; Secretary of the Admiralty, 1936-1940; Chairman of the Board of Customs and Excise, 1942-1946; Permanent Under-Secretary for India, 1947; Joint Permanent Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations, 1947-1948 CARTER, R.W. BERNARD C.M.G.(1913-2001):

Commercial Counsellor, Pakistan, 1961-1966; Minister (Commercial) and Deputy High Commissioner, Karachi, Pakistan, 1966-1968; Deputy High Commissioner/Consul-General, Melbourne, Australia, 1969-1973



Ambassador to Mongolia, 1969-1971

CARTER, THOMAS H. (1953- Joint High Commissioner to Zambia, 2008-2012 CARTER, WILLIAM S., C.V.O.(1915-1985):

Head of Hong Kong and West Indies C Department, Colonial Office/Commonwealth Office, 1965-1968; Head of Hong Kong Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1970

CARTLEDGE, SIR BRYAN G., K.C.M.G.(1931Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, U.S.S.R., 1972-1975; Head of East European and Soviet Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1975-1977; Private Secretary(Foreign Affairs) to the Prime Minister, 1977-1979; Ambassador to Hungary, 1980-1983; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Defence), 1983-1984; Deputy Secrretary(Overseas and Defence), Cabinet Office, 1984-1985; Ambassador to the U.S.S.R., 1985-1988 CARTWRIGHT, Rt. Hon. SIR FAIRFAX L., G.C.M.G., C.V.O. (1857-1928): Secretary of Legation, Mexico, 1899-1902; Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1902-1905; Secretary of Embassy (Counsellor), Spain, 1905-1906; Minister Resident, Bavaria and Wurttemberg, 1906-1908; Ambassador to Austria-Hungary, 1908-1913 CARTWRIGHT, SIR THOMAS (1795-1850):

Secretary of Legation, Bavaria, 1821-1829; Secretary of Embassy, The Netherlands, 1829-1830; Minister to the German Confederation, 1830-1838; Minister to Sweden, 1838-1850

CARTWRIGHT, SIR W. CHAUNCY, K.C.M.G.(1853-1933): Chief Clerk, Foreign Office, 1900-1913


CARVELL, JOHN E.M., C.B.E. (1894-1978):

CARY, ANTHONY J., C.M.G. (1951-

CARYSFORT, Rt. Hon. JOHN, 1st EARL OF, K.P.(1751-1828): CASAMAJOR, JUSTINIAN (c.1772-1821):

Consul-General, Munich, 1938-1939; Consul-General, Algiers, 1942-1945; Consul-General, Los Angeles, 1945-1947; Minister/Ambassador to Ecuador, 1947-1951; Minister to Bulgaria, 1951-1954

Head of European Union(Internal) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1993-1996; Counsellor(Political), Embassy, U.S.A., 1997-1999; Chef du Cabinet to European Commissioner for External Relations, 2000-2003; Ambassador to Sweden, 2003-2007; High Commissioner to Canada, 2007-2010

Minister to Prussia, 1800-1802

Secretary of Legation, Prussia, 1801-1802

CASAMAJOR, LEWIS D.(1785-1820): Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1809-1815; Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1816-1820 CASEMENT, SIR ROGER D., C.M.G.(1864-1916):

Consul-General, Rio de Janeiro, 1908-1913

CASEY, NIGEL P., M.V.O.(1969-

Counsellor(Political), High Commission, India, 2007-2009; Deputy High Commissioner, India, 2009-2011; Ambassador to Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2011-


Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Jordan, 2007-2009; Private Secretary(Foreign Affairs) to the Prime Minister, 2011-

CATHCART, General Rt. Hon. WILLIAM S., 1st EARL, K.T. (1755-1843):

Ambassador to Russia, 1812-1820


CATHCART, Colonel the Hon. FREDERICK(1789-1865):


CAVE, SIR BASIL S., K.C.M.G., C.B. (1865-1931):

Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1820-1824; Minister to the German Confederation, 1824-1827 Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Sweden, 1993-1996; Financial and Economic Counsellor, France, 1997-2001; Head of Environmental Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2004; Head of Climate Change and Energy Group, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2004-2006; Ambassador to Finland, 2006-2010

Agent and Consul-General, Zanzibar, 1904-1909; Consul-General, Algiers, 1909-1924

CAVENDISH-BENTINCK, VICTOR F.W., C.M.G. (later 9th DUKE OF PORTLAND) (1897-1990): Head of the Dominions Intelligence Department, Foreign Office, 1939-1942; Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, 1939-1945; Head of the Services Liaison Department, 1942-1945; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1944-1945; Ambassador to Poland, 1945-1947 CAVENDISH-BENTINCK, LieutenantGeneral Rt. Hon. LORD WILLIAM H., G.C.B.(1774-1839): Minister to the Two Sicilies, 1811-1814; GovernorGeneral of India, 1828-1835 CECIL, ROBERT, C.M.G.(1913-1994): Head of American Department, Foreign Office, 1951-1953; Counsellor, Embassy, Denmark, 1953-1955; Consul-General, Hanover, 1955-1957; Counsellor, Embassy, Federal Republic of Germany, 1957-1959; Director-General, British Information Services, U.S.A., 1959-1961; Head of Cultural Relations Department, Foreign Office, 1962-1967



Commercial Counsellor, Egypt, 1988-1992; Consul-General, Munich, 1992-1996

CHAD, GEORGE W.(178?-1849): Secretary of Embassy, The Netherlands, 1817-1824; Minister to Saxony, 1824-1828; Minister to the German Confederation, 1828-1830; Minister to Prussia, 1830-1832 CHADWICK, G.W. ST.JOHN, C.M.G.(1915-2001):

CHADWICK, SIR JOHN E., K.C.M.G. (1911-1987):

Counsellor, Embassy, Ireland, 1952-1953; Head of Far East Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1956-1957; Head of Constitutional Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1957-1960; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations (Political Division), 1957-1960; Assistant UnderSecretary for Commonwealth Relations(Africa and Political), 1960-1962; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations(West and East Africa and Far East), 1964-1965

Commercial Counsellor, Japan, 1953-1956; Head of Economic Relations Department, Foreign Office, 1956-1960; Minister(Economic), Argentina, 1960-1963; Minister(Commercial), U.S.A., 1963-1967; Ambassador to Romania, 1967-1968; Permanent Representative to the O.E.C.D., 1968-1971

CHALKLEY, SIR H. OWEN, K.C.M.G., C.B.E.(1882-1958): Commercial Counsellor, Argentina, 1928-1931; Commercial Counsellor, U.S.A., 1931-1941


CHALMERS, GEORGE B., C.M.G. (1929Head of Oil Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1972; Head of South Asian Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1975; Counsellor, Embassy, Iran, 1975-1976; Minister (Economic and Commercial), Iran, 1976-1979; ConsulGeneral, Chicago, 1979-1982 CHAMBERLAIN, KEVIN J., C.M.G.(1942-

CHAMPION, JOHN S., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1921-1994):


Deputy Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1999

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Jordan, 1971-1973; Resident Commissioner, New Hebrides, 1975-1978

Ambassador to the Congo, 1990-1991

Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organizations, Geneva, 1992-1996; Head of Middle East Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-1999; Ambassador to Jordan, 2000-2002; Director, Middle East and North Africa, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2004; Ambassador to Iraq, 2004-2005; Ambassador to Italy, 2006-2011

CHAPMAN, SIR ARTHUR (1851-1918):

Consul-General, Rio de Janeiro, 1901-1908

CHAPMAN, J.K.(BEN) (1947-

Commercial Counsellor, China, 1987-1990

CHAPMAN, MARK F., C.V.O. (1934-

Deputy High Commissioner, Zambia, 1976-1979; Inspector, 1979-1982; Counsellor, Embassy, the Netherlands, 1982-1986; Ambassador to Iceland, 1986-1989


CHAPMAN-ANDREWS, SIR EDWIN A., K.C.M.G., O.B.E.(1903-1980); Head of Personnel Department, Foreign Office, 1945-1946; Inspector-General, 1946-1947; Minister, Egypt, 1947-1951; Minister/Ambassador to the Lebanon. 1951-1956; Ambassador to the Sudan, 1956-1961 CHAPPELL, JULIE L.J., O.B.E. (1978CHARLES, SIR NOEL H.H., Bt., K.C.M.G., M.C.(1891-1975):

CHARLTON, ALAN, C.M.G., C.V.O. (1952-

Ambassador to Guatemala, 2009-2012

Counsellor, Embassy, Belgium, 1936-1937; Counsellor, Embassy, Italy, 1937-1939; Minister, Italy, 1939-1940; Minister, Portugal, 1940-1941; Ambassador to Brazil, 1941-1944; High Commissioner, Italy, 1944-1947; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign Affairs(South America and Consular), 1947-1949; Ambassador to Turkey, 1949-1951

Head of Eastern Adriatic Unit, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1993-1995; Counsellor (Political), Embassy, Germany, 1996-1998; Minister, Germany, 1998-2000; Director, SouthEast Europe, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2001; Director, Personnel/Human Resources Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2004; Minister, U.S.A., 2004-2008; Ambassador to Brazil, 2008-2013

CHARLTON, ARCHIBALD C., C.M.G.(1877-1952): Consul-General, Milan, 1925-1931; Consul-General, San Francisco, 1931-1938 CHASE, ROBERT J.(1943-

Commercial Counsellor, U.S.S.R., 1985-1988; Inspector, 1988-1989; Head of Resource Management/Resource and Finance Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1992; Consul-General, Chicago, 1992-1996; Consul-General, Milan, 1996-1997




Ambassador to Macedonia, 2004-2007; Joint Head of Counter-Terrorism Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2007-2010; Consul-General, Chicago, 2010-2013; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Afghanistan, 2013-

Head of Library and Records Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1969-1977

CHEETHAM, SIR J. MILNE C., K.C.M.G.(1869-1938): Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1907-1910; Counsellor, Egypt, 1910-1919; Minister to Peru and Ecuador, 1920; Minister, France, 1921-1922; Minister to Switzerland, 1922-1924; Minister to Greece, 1924-1926; Minister to Denmark, 1926-1928 CHEETHAM, SIR NICOLAS J.A., K.C.M.G.(1910-2002): Counsellor, Mission, Austria, 1947-1951; Head of Southern Department, Foreign Office, 1951-1952; Head of the Western and Southern Department, Foreign Office, 1952-1954; Deputy Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 1954-1959; Minister to Hungary, 1959-1961; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Consular, American and Central Europe), 1961-1964; Ambassador to Mexico, 1964-1968 CHEKE, DUDLEY J., C.M.G. (1912-1993):

CHEKE, SIR MARCUS J., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1906-1960):

Consul-General, Frankfort, 1953-1955; Consul-General, Osaka-Kobe, 1956-1958; Inspector, 1961-1963; Minister, Japan, 1963-1967; Ambassador to the Ivory Coast, Niger and Upper Volta, 1967-1970

Vice-Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps, 1946-1957; Minister to the Holy See, 1957-1960

CHELSEA, HENRY, VISCOUNT (1812-1873): Secretary of Embassy, France, 1858-1859



Deputy High Commissioner, New Zealand, 2006-2011

CHICK, HERBERT G., C.I.E., C.B.E.(1882-1951):

Consul-General, Salonica, 1930-1933

CHICK, JOHN S. (1935-


CHILD, CLIFTON J., O.B.E. (1912-1994): CHILSTON, Rt. Hon. ARETAS, 2nd VISCOUNT, G.C.M.G. (1876-1947):

CHILTON, SIR HENRY G., G.C.M.G.(1877-1954):

Commercial Counsellor, Argentina and Consul-General, Buenos Aires, 1978-1981; Head of Arms Control and Disarmament Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1981-1983; Head of South Pacific Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1983-1985; ConsulGeneral, Geneva, 1985-1989

Counsellor, External Relations, U.K. Permanent Representation to the European Union, 1998-2002; Director, Iraq Policy Unit, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2003; Director, European Union, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003-2006; High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, 2006-2007; Minister, U.S.A., 2007-2011; Ambassador to Iran, 2011; Ambassador to Ireland, 2012-

Librarian, Foreign Office, 1965-1969

Minister to Austria, 1921-1928; Minister to Hungary, 1928-1933; Ambassador to the U.S.S.R., 1933-1938

Counsellor, Embassy, Brazil, 1920-1921; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1921-1924; Minister, U.S.A., 1924-1928; Minister to the Holy See, 1928-1930; Ambassador to Chile, 1930-1933; Ambassador to Argentina, 1933-1935; Ambassador to Spain, 1935-1938


CHISHOLM, RONALD G., T.D.(1910-1972):

CHITTY, M. BERYL, C.M.G.(1917-2009):



CHRISTIE, WILLIAM D. (1816-1874):

Acting Deputy High Commissioner, Peshawar, Pakistan, 1951-1952; Acting Deputy High Commissioner, Dacca, Pakistan, 1952-1953; Deputy High Commissioner, Madras, India, 1957-1960; Deputy High Commissioner, Enugu, Nigeria, 1963-1965

Deputy High Commissioner, Jamaica, 1971-1975; Head of Commonwealth Co-ordination Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1975-1977

High Commissioner to Bangladesh, 2004-2008; Director, International Institutions, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2008-2011 Deputy Permanent Representative to the O.E.C.D., 1994-1998; Economic Counsellor, Indonesia, 1998; Head of African (Southern) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1999-2001; Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Canada, 2001-2006

Secretary of Legation, Switzerland, 1851-1854; Minister to Argentina, 1854-1859; Minister to Brazil, 1859-1863

CHRISTOFAS, SIR KENNETH C., K.C.M.G., M.B.E.(1917-1992): Counsellor, High Commission, Nigeria, 1961-1964; Head of Economic Department, Colonial Office, 1965-1966; Head of Aid Department, Commonwealth Office, 1966-1967; Head of Commonwealth Financial Policy Department, 1967-1968; Minister, U.K. Delegation to European Economic Community, 1969-1972; DirectorGeneral, Secretariat, European Council of Ministers, 1973-1982


CHRISTOPHER, SIR D. ROBIN C., K.B.E., C.M.G.(1944Deputy High Commissioner, Zambia, 1980-1983; Commercial Counsellor, Spain, 1987-1991; Head of Central and Southern Africa/Africa(Southern) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1991-1994; Ambassador to Ethiopia, 1994-1997; Ambassador to Indonesia, 1997-2000; Ambassador to Argentina, 2000-2004 CHUGG, DANIEL P. (1973-

Counsellor(Political), Embassy, China, 2010-

CHURCH, JOHN C, C.M.G., C.V.O., M.B.E.(1929Consul-General, Sao Paulo, 1978-1981; Consul-General, Naples, 1981-1986; Consul-General, Barcelona, 1986-1989 CHURCHILL, GEORGE P., C.B.E. (1877-19 Consul-General, Algiers, 1924-1937 CHURCHILL, HARRY L., C.M.G. (1860-1924):


CHURCHILL, SIDNEY J.A., M.V.O.(1862-1921):

CHURCHILL, WILLIAM A. (1865-1947):

Consul-General, Le Havre, 1907-1909; Consul-General, Genoa, 1922-1924 Consul-General, Beirut, 1862-1963(did not proceed); Consul-General, Algiers, 1863-1867

Consul-General, Naples, 1912-1918; Consul-General, Lisbon, 1918-1921

Consul-General, Milan, 1919-1922

CLANCARTY, Rt. Hon. RICHARD, 2nd EARL OF, G.C.B.(1767-1837): Ambassador to the Netherlands, 1813-1814 and 1817-1824 CLANRICARDE, Rt. Hon. ULICK, 1st MARQUESS OF, K.P.(1802-1874): Ambassador to Russia, 1838-1841


CLANWILLIAM, Rt. Hon. RICHARD, Minister to Prussia, 1823-1828 3rd EARL OF (1795-1879); CLARENDON, Rt. Hon. GEORGE, 4th EARL OF, K.G., G.C.B.(1800-1870): Minister to Spain, 1833-1839 CLARK, ALAN R.(1939-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Romania, 1986-1989; Consul-General, Montreal, 1990-1993; Senior Overseas Inspector, 1994-1996

CLARK, GERALD E., C.M.G. (1935-

Commercial Counsellor, China, 1981-1983; Head of Republic of Ireland Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1984-1986; Permanent Representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency, 1987-1992; Senior Civilian Instructor, Royal College of Defence Studies, 1993

CLARK, JAMES McADAM, C.V.O., M.C.(1916- 1995): U.K. Representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency, 1960-1964; Head of Scientific Relations Department, Foreign Office, 1964-1966; ConsulGeneral, Paris, 1970-1977 CLARK, JAMES F. (1963-

CLARK, SIR TERENCE J., K.B.E., C.M.G., C.V.O. (1934-

Ambassador to Luxemburg, 2004-2007; Consul-General, Chicago, 2007-2010

Counsellor(Information), Embassy, Federal Republic of Germany, 1976-1979; Counsellor, Embassy, Yugoslavia, 1979-1982; Deputy Leader, U.K. Delegation to Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1982-1983; Head of Information Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1983-1985; Ambassador to Iraq, 1985-1989; Ambassador to Oman, 1990-1994


CLARK, SIR W. ARTHUR W., K.C.M.G., C.B.E.(1908-1967): Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for the Dominions, 1942-1945; Head of Territories/Central Africa and Territories Department, Commonwealth Relations Department, 1950-1954; Assistant UnderSecretary for Commonwealth Relations,(Foreign Affairs Division), 1954-1956; Deputy High Commissioner, India, 1956-1958; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations(Foreign Affairs Division), 1958-1960; High Commissioner to Cyprus, 1961-1964; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations/ Affairs(Information and Culture), 1964-1967 CLARK, SIR WILLIAM H., G.C.M.G., K.C.S.I.(1876-1952): Comptroller-General, Department of Overseas Trade, 1917-1928; High Commissioner to Canada, 1928-1934; High Commissioner to South Africa, 1934-1939 CLARK KERR (see KERR) CLARKE, EDWARD A. WALDRON(1860-1913): Senior Clerk, African Department, Foreign Office, 1904-1909; Agent and Consul-General, Zanzibar, 1909-1913 CLARKE, FREDERICK S. (1855-1932): Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1898(did not proceed); Secretary of Legation, Argentina, 1898-1902; Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1902-1905; Consul-General, Buda-Pest, 1905-1909 CLARKE, GUY H., C.M.G. (1910-2004): Ambassador to Liberia, 1957-1960, and to Guinea, 1959-1960; Ambassador to Nepal, 1962-1963


CLARKE, SIR H. ASHLEY, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. (1903-1994): Head of the Far East Department, Foreign Office, 1942-1944; Minister, Portugal, 1944-1946; Minister, France, 1946-1949; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1949-1950, Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1950-1953 and Chief Clerk, Foreign Office, 1949-1953; Ambassador to Italy, 1953-1962 CLARKE, RICHARD I. (1955-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Ireland, 1996-1998; Head of Policy Planning Staff, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-2001; High Commissioner to Tanzania, 2001-2003

CLARKE-JERVOISE, SIR HARRY S.C., Bt.(1832-1911): Acting Senior Clerk, Turkish Department, 1878-1880; Head of the American and Asiatic Department, Foreign Office, 1880-1894 CLARKE-THORNHILL, THOMAS B.(1857-1934): CLAY, SIR EDWARD, K.C.M.G.(1945-

Secretary of Legation, China, 1897 (did not proceed)

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission, Cyprus, 1985-1989; Head of Personnel Operations/ Personnel Management Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1993; High Commissioner to Uganda, 1993-1997, and Ambasador to Rwanda, 1994-1995 and to Burundi, 1994-1996; Director, Public Services and Public Diplomacy, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1997-1999; High Commissioner to Cyprus, 1999-2001; High Commissioner to Kenya, 2001-2005


Secretary of Legation, Switzerland, 1868-1869


High Commissioner to Mozambique, 2010-2014


CLEARY, DENIS M., C.M.G.(1907-1997):

Counsellor, High Commission, India, 1949-1951; Head of Western and United Nations Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1951-1955; Deputy High Commissioner, New Zealand, 1955-1958; Head of Migration and General Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1958-1960; Head of General Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1960-1962; Deputy High Commissioner, Cyprus, 1962-1964; Head of Atlantic Department, Commonwealth Relations Office/ Commonwealth Office, 1964-1968


CLEMENS, CLIVE C., C.M.G., M.C.(1924-


Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1987-1989; Deputy Head, U.K. Delegation to Conventional Arms Control Negotiations, 1989-1992; Deputy High Commissioner, Malaysia, 1992-1994; Head of Non-Proliferation Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1995-1997; Deputy Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 1997-2001; High Commissioner to Malaysia, 2001-2006

Consul-General, Istanbul, 1978-1981; High Commissioner to Lesotho, 1981-1984

Deputy High Commissioner, Cyprus, 1990-1992

CLERK, Rt. Hon. SIR GEORGE R., G.C.M.G., C.B. (1874-1951): Acting Senior Clerk, Western Department, Foreign Office, 1912-1913; Senior Clerk, Eastern Department, Foreign Office, 1913-1914; Senior Clerk, War Department, Foreign Office, 1914-191 ; Minister to Czechoslovakia, 1919-1926; Ambassador to Turkey, 1926-1933; Ambassador to Belgium, 1933-1934; Ambassador to France, 1934-1937


CLEUGH, ERIC A., C.M.G., C.V.O., O.B.E.(1894- 1964): Consul-General, Los Angeles, 1943-1945; ConsulGeneral, Havana, 1945; Consul-General, Danzig, 1945-1945; Consul-General, Houston, 1946-1948; Consul-General, Washington, 1948-1950; Minister /Ambassador to Panama, 1950-1955 CLEVELAND (see VANE) CLIBBORN, DONOVAN H., C.M.G. (1917-1996): Economic Counsellor, Iran, 1962-1964; Counsellor, Embassy, Brazil, 1964-1966; Consul-General, Barcelona, 1966-1970; Ambassador to El Salvador, 1971-1975 CLIFF, IAN C., O.B.E. (1952-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Austria, 1996-2001; Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2001-2005; Ambassador to Sudan, 2005-2007; Permanent Representative to Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, 2007-2011; Ambassador to Kosovo, 2011-

CLIFT, RICHARD D., C.M.G. (1933Commercial Counsellor, China, 1974-1976; Head of Hong Kong Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1979-1984; High Commissioner to Sierra Leone, 1984-1986; Political Adviser, Hong Kong, 1987-1989 CLINTON-THOMAS, ROBERT A., C.B.E. (1913-1981): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Ethiopia, 1957-1959; Political Adviser, Near East Forces/Middle East Command,1959-1961; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Norway, 1961-1965; Head of Rhodesia Economic Department, Commonwealth/Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1965-1970; ConsulGeneral, Antwerp, 1970-1973



Acting Deputy High Commissioner, Peshawar, Pakistan, 1952

CLIVE, NIGEL D., C.M.G., O.B.E., M.C., T.D.(1917-2001): Head of Information Research Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1966-1969 CLIVE, Rt. Hon. SIR ROBERT H., G.C.M.G.(1877-1948):

CLOAKE, JOHN C., C.M.G. (1924-


Counsellor, Legation, China, 1920-1923; Consul-General, Munich, 1923-1924; Consul-General, Tangier, 1924-1926; Minister to Persia, 1926-1931; Minister to the Holy See, 1933-1934; Ambassador to Japan, 1934-1937; Ambassador to Belgium, 1937-1939

Head of Accommodation Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1967-1968; Commercial Counsellor, Iran, 1968-1972; Head of Trade Relations and Exports Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1976; Ambassador to Bulgaria, 1976-1980 Head of Science and Innovation Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2006; Head of South America Team, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2011-2014; Ambassador to Chile, 2014-

CLUTTERBUCK, SIR P. ALEXANDER, G.C.M.G., M.C. (1897-1975): Deputy High Commissioner, South Africa, 1939-1940; Assistant Secretary, Dominions Office, 1940-1942; Assistant Under-Secretary for the Dominions, 1942-1946; High Commissioner to Canada, 1946-1952; High Commissioner to India, 1952-1955; Ambassador to Ireland, 1955-1959


CLUTTON, SIR GEORGE L., K.C.M.G.(1909-1970):


Head of Egyptian Department, Foreign Office, 1948; Head of African Department, Foreign Office, 1948-1950; Counsellor, Embassy, Japan, 1950-1952; Minister(SIS Liaison), Foreign Office, 1952-1955; Ambassador to the Philippines, 1955-1959; Ambassador to Poland, 1960-1966

Counsellor(Political) and Deputy Head of Mission, China, 1989-1992; Head of Joint Assistance Unit (Entral and Eastern Europe), Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1993-1995; Head of Far East and Pacific Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1995-1998; Ambassador to Ivory Coast, 2004-2006

COBBOLD, THOMAS C., C.B.(1833-1883): Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1869-1873; Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1873-1876 COBDEN, ALAN(1954-

Consul-General, Alexandria, 2003-

COCHRANE-DYET, FERGUS J. (1965Deputy High Commissioner, Zambia, 2004-2007; High Commissioner to Seychelles, 2007-2009; High Commissioner to Malawi, 2009-2011; Ambassador to Liberia, 2013COCKBURN, ALEXANDER (1776-1852):

Minister to Wurtemberg, 1820-1823; Minister to Colombia, 1826-1827

COCKERELL, WILLIAM A. (1840-1919): Senior Clerk, Consular Department, Foreign Office, 1893-1906 COCKERHAM, DAVID, C.B.E. (1944-

Deputy High Commissioner, Madras, India, 1991-1994; Consul-General, Osaka, 1994-1998


COCKRAM, BEN, C.M.G., O.B.E.(1903-1981):

Political Secretary, High Commission, South Africa, 1939-1944; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1944-1949; Deputy High Commissioner, Australia, 1951-1954; Head of Information Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1954-1957; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations (Information and Culture), 1957-1962

CODRINGTON, RICHARD J. (1953Commercial Counsellor, France, 1995-1999; Deputy High Commissioner, Canada, 1999-2003; Head of Afghanistan Group, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2005-2008 COE, WILLIAM J. (1914COGHILL, JOHN P., C.B.E. (1902-1984):

COHEN, SIR EDGAR A., K.C.M.G.(1908-1973):

Counsellor, High Commission, Pakistan, 1963-1966

Consul-General, Shanghai, 1951-1952; Minister to Honduras, 1954-1955

Permanent Representative to the European Free Trade Association, 1960-1965

COKE-WALLIS, LEONARD G., C.M.G., C.I.E.(1900-1974): Deputy High Commissioner, Dacca, Pakistan, 1947-1952 COLE, SIR DAVID L., K.C.M.G., M.C.(1920-1997): Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 1957-1960; Head of Administration Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1960-1961; Head of Personnel Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1961-1963; Deputy High Commissioner, Ghana, 1963-1964; High Commissioner to Malawi, 1964-1967; Minister (Political), India, 1967-1970; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Deputy Chief Clerk, 1970-1973; Ambassador to Thailand, 1973-1978



Deputy High Commissioner, Zimbabwe, 2008-2012; Ambassador to Cuba, 2012-

COLEMAN, BERNARD, C.M.G. (1928-2009): Consul-General Bilbao, 1976-1978; High Commissioner to Tonga, 1980-1984; Ambassador to Paraguay, 1984-1986 COLES, SIR A. JOHN, G.C.M.G.(1937-

Counsellor(Developing Countries), U.K. Delegation to the European Economic Community, 1977-1980; Head of South Asia Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1980-1981; Private Secretary(Foreign Affairs) to the Prime Minister, 1981-1984; Ambassador to Jordan, 1984-1988; High Commissioner to Australia, 1988-1991; Deputy UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Asia and the Americas), 1991-1994; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1994-1997

COLES, AUGUSTUS L. (1 -1869):

COLLARD, DOUGLAS R. O.B.E.(1916-2007): COLLARD, IAN F. (1976-


Senior Clerk, American and Asiatic Department, Foreign Office, 1854-1859; Senior Clerk, Russian Department, Foreign Office, 1859-1860; Senior Clerk, Consular Department, Foreign Office, 1860-1866

Consul-General Bilbao, 1973-1976 Head of North America Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2011-2013; Ambassador to Panama, 2013-

Consul-General, Hamburg, 2004-2006




COLLINS, SIR ALAN S., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1948-


Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Indonesia, 1989-1993; Economic Counsellor, Embassy, Germany, 1993-1998; Director, Resources, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1999-2001; Deputy UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Chief Clerk, 2001-2004; Ambassador to Brazil, 2004-2008

Head of the Northern Department, Foreign Office, 1932-1941; Minister/Ambassador to Norway, 1941-1951

Commercial Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, The Philippines, 1990-1993; Head of Aviation and Maritime Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1993-1995; Ambassador to the Philippines, 1998-2002; High Commissioner to Singapore, 2003-2007; ConsulGeneral, New York, 2007-2011

Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to the O.E.C.D., 1978-1981; High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, 1982-1985

COLLINS, MICHAEL B., O.B.E. (1932Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Belgium, 1983-1988; Consul-General, Istanbul, 1988-1992 COLLIS, SIMON P. (1956-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Jordan, 1996-1999; Consul-General, Dubai, 2000-2004; Consul-General, Basra, 2004-2005; Ambassador to Qatar, 2005-2007; Ambassador to Syria, 2007-2012; Ambassador to Iraq, 2012-

COLNAGHI, SIR DOMINIC E. (1834-1908): Consul-General, Boston, 1896-1899


COLQUHOUN, SIR ROBERT G., K.C.B. (1803-1870):

Agent and Consul-General, Wallachia and Moldavia, 1851-1858; Agent and Consul-General, Egypt, 1858-1865

COLTMAN, SIR A. LEYCESTER S., K.B.E., C.M.G.(1938-2003): Counsellor, Embassy, Mexico, 1979-1983; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Belgium, 1983-1987; Head of Mexico and Central America Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1987-1991; Ambassador to Cuba,1991-1994; Ambassador to Colombia, 1994-1998 COLVIN, DAVID H., C.M.G. (1941Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Hungary, 1985-1988; Head of South-East Asian Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1988-1991; Minister, Italy, 1992-1996; Ambassador to Belgium, 1996-2001 COLVIN, JOHN H.R., C.M.G. (1922-2003): Consul-General, Hanoi, 1965-1967; Ambassador to Outer Mongolia, 1971-1974 COLVIN, KATHRYN F., C.V.O. (1945Head of Protocol Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Vice-Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps, 1999-2002; Ambassador to Holy See, 2002-2005 COMBS, SIR WILLIS I., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1916-1994): Commercial Counsellor, Iraq, 1959-1963; Inspector, 1963-1965; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Burma, 1965-1967; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Trade), 1968-1970; Ambassador to Indonesia, 1970-1975 COMFORT, ANTHONY F. (1920-

Inspector, 1965-1968


CONDON, DENIS D., O.B.E. (1910-

Head of News Department, Commonwealth Office, 1967-1968

CONNELLY, BRIAN N., O.B.E. (1941High Commissioner to Solomon Islands, 1996-1998; High Commissioner to Tonga, 1999-2001 CONNOR, MICHAEL H. (1942-

Ambassador to El Salvador, 1991-1995; Commercial Counsellor, Spain, 1995-1999

CONROY, ANNE(ANNELI) E., M.V.O.(1963Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Norway, 2005-2009 CONYNGHAM, Hon. ALBERT D. (later 1st LORD LONDESBOROUGH) (1805-1860): Secretary of Legation, Tuscany, 1828-1829; Secretary of Legation, Prussia, 1829-1831 COOK, BERNARD C.A., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1906-1985): Commercial Counsellor, Burma, 1953-1957; Commercial Counsellor, Mexico, 1957-1959; Consul-General, Barcelona, 1959-1966 COOK, ERIC W.(1920-1998): COOK, FRANK A.G., C.B.E. (1902-1973):

COOK, MICHAEL E., C.M.G. (1941-

Consul-General, Adelaide, 1974-1976

Counsellor, Embassy, Burma, 1947-1948; Consul-General, Antwerp, 1953-1957

Deputy High Commissioner, Trinidad and Tobago, 1981-1984; Deputy High Commissione, Tanzania, 1984-1987; Head of Central Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1990; Head of West Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1992; Consul-General, Istanbul, 1992-1997; High Commissioner to Uganda, 1997-2000


COOKSON, SIR CHARLES A., K.C.M.G., C.B.(1829-1906): Consul-General, Alexandria, 1891-1897 COOMBS, KAY, O.B.E.(1945-

Ambassador to Outer Mongolia, 1999-2001; Ambassador to Honduras, 2002-2004

COOPER, Rt.Hon. SIR ALFRED DUFF, G.C.M.G., D.S.O.(later 1st VISCOUNT NORWICH) (1890-1954): Ambassador to France, 1944-1948 COOPER, SIR ROBERT F., K.C.M.G., M.V.O.(1947- Head of Far East Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1987-1989; Head of Policy Planning Staff, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1993; Counsellor (Political), Embassy, Germany, 1993-1996; Minister, Germany, 1996-1998; Director, Asia, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-1999; Deputy Secretary (Defence and Overseas Affairs), Cabinet Office, 1999-2002; Director-General, External Affairs, European Union Secretariat, 2002-2010 COPE, EDMUND W.(1838-1886): Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1883-1886 COPE, WALTER(18 -1871):

Charge d’Affaires, Ecuador, 1854-1861


Consul-General, Alexandria, 1989-1992

CORBETT, EDWIN (1819-1888):

Secretary of Legation, Tuscany, 1858-1860; Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1860-1862; Secretary of Legation, German Confederation, 1862-1865; Secretary of Legation, Bavaria, 1865-1866; Charge d’Affaires, Central American Republics, 1866-1874; Minister to Switzerland, 1874-1878; Minister to Greece, 1878-1881; Minister to Brazil, 1881-1884; Minister to Sweden, 1884-1888


CORBETT, SIR VINCENT E.H., K.C.V.O.(1861-1936): Minister Resident, Venezuela, 1907-1910; Minister Resident, Bavaria and Wurttemberg, 1910-1914 CORDINER, WILLIAM L., O.B.E.(1935-2012):

High Commissioner to Tonga, 1990-1994

CORLEY SMITH, GERARD T., C.M.G.(1909-1997): Counsellor, UK Delegation to the United Nations Organization Economic and Social Council, 1949-1952; Counsellor(Information), France, 1952-1954; Ambassador to Haiti, 1960-1962; Ambassador to Ecuador, 1962-1967 CORMACK, ROBERT L.B., C.M.G.(1935-


Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Zaire, 1977-1979; Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Sweden, 1981-1985; Head of Information Technology Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1985-1987; Ambassador to Zaire, Rwanda and Burundi, 1987-1991; Ambassador to Sweden, 1991-1995 Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Berlin, 1994-1998; Deputy High Commissioner, Zimbabwe, 2001-2003; High Commissioner to Tanzania, 2009-2013; Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2013-

CORNISH, R. FRANCIS, C.M.G., L.V.O.(1942High Commissioner to Brunei, 1983-1986; Counsellor (Information), Embassy, U.S.A., 1986-1990; Head of News Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1993; Senior Trade Commissioner, Hong Kong, 1993-1997; Consul-General, Hong Kong, 1997; Senior Civilian Instructor, Royal College of Defence Studies, 1998; Ambassador to Israel, 1998-2001 CORNWALLIS, SIR KINAHAN, G.C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O. (1883-1959): Ambassador to Iraq, 1941-1945


CORTAZZI, SIR H.A. HUGH, G.C.M.G.(1924Commercial Counsellor, Japan, 1966-1970; Minister (Commercial), U.S.A., 1972-1975; Deputy UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Asia, Information and Culture), 1975-1980; Ambassador to Japan, 1980-1984 COSTAR, SIR NORMAN E., K.C.M.G.(1909-1995):

COSTLEY-WHITE, CYRIL G, C.M.G.(1913-1979):

Deputy High Commissioner, New Zealand, 1947-1948; Head of Constitutional Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1948-1953; Deputy High Commissioner, Ceylon, 1953-1957; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations(Economic Division), 1958-1960; Deputy High Commissioner, Australia, 1960-1962; High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago, 1962-1966; High Commissioner to Cyprus, 1967-1969

Deputy High Commissioner, Ceylon, 1949-1950; Head of Political Affairs Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1950-1954; Head of Communications Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1954-1965; Head of Political Affairs Department, Commonwealth Office, 1965-1968

COTTON, SIR JOHN R., K.C.M.G., O.B.E.(1909-2002): Commercial Counsellor, Spain, 1951-1954; Consul-General, Leopoldville, 1955-1957; Commercial Counsellor, Belgium, 1957-1962; Consul-General, Sao Paulo, 1962-1965; Ambassador to the Congo and Burundi, 1965-1969


COULSON, SIR JOHN E., K.C.M.G.(1909-1997):

Head of Economic Relations Department, Foreign Office, 1945-1946; Counsellor, Embassy, France, 1946-1948; Deputy Permanent Representative to the O.E.E.C., 1948-1950; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1950-1952; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Economic and Commercial), 1952-1955; Minister, U.S.A., 1955-1957; Ambassador to Sweden, 1960-1963; Deputy UnderSecretary for Foreign Affairs and Chief Clerk, 1963-1965; Chief of Administration, Diplomatic Service, 1965; Secretary-General of E.F.T.A., 1965-1972

COULTAS, FREDERICK G., C.M.G.: (1888-1961): Minister to Costa Rica, 1945-1948 COURT, ROBERT V. (1958-

Deputy High Commissioner, Australia, 2001-2005

COVERLEY-PRICE, A. VICTOR (1901-1988): Head of Dominions Intelligence Department, Foreign Office, 1944-1946 COWELL, A.J. HAMISH(1965-

Ambassador to Tunisia, 2013-


Consul-General, Beirut, 1946-1949


Ambassador to Latvia, 2013-



Consul-General, Rio de Janeiro, 1999-2002; Consul-General, Barcelona, 2002-2005 High Commissioner to Lesotho, 1992-1996; Consul-General, Barcelona, 1996-1999


COWPER, Hon. CHARLES S. (1816-1879) Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1835-1840; Secretary of Legation, Tuscany, 1840-1841; Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1841-1843 COWPER, HENRY A.: COWPER-COLES, SIR SHERARD L., K.C.M.G., L.V.O (1955-

COX, NIGEL J. (1954-

COX, NORMAN E., C.M.G. (1921-2008):

Consul-General, Havana, 1876-1879

Head of Hong Kong Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1994-1997; Counsellor(Political), Embassy, France, 1997-1999; Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1999-2001; Ambassador to Israel, 2001-2003; Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, 2003-2007; Ambassador to Afghanistan, 2007-2009; Special Representative in Afghanistan and Pakistan, 2009-2010 Counsellor(Political), Embassy, China, 1992-1996; Head of South-East Asia Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-1999; Minister, China, 2000-2002; Director, Asia-Pacific, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003-2005

Commercial Counsellor, U.S.S.R, 1969-1972; Inspector, 1973-1974; Ambassador to Ecuador, 1974-1977; Ambassador to Mexico, 1977-1981

CRABBIE, CHRISTOPHER D., C.M.G.(1946Head of Finance Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1987-1989; Head of Resource Management Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1990; Deputy Permanent Representative to the O.E.C.D., 1990; Counsellor(Financial), Embassy, France,1990-1994; Ambassador to Algeria, 1994-1995; Ambassador to Romania, 1996-1999; Permanent Representative to the O.E.C.D., 1999-2003


CRACKANTHORPE, DAYRELL E.M., C.M.G., M.V.O. (1871-1950): Counsellor, Embassy, Greece, 1917-1918; Counsellor, Embassy, Spain, 1918-1919; Minister to the Central American Republics, 1919 (did not proceed) CRADDOCK, TIMOTHY J. (1956CRADOCK, SIR PERCY, G.C.M.G. (1923-2010):

Ambassador to Estonia, 1997-2000

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Legation, China, 1966-1968; Charge d’Affaires, China, 1968-1969; Head of Planning Staff, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1969-1971; Assistant Under-Secretary(Assessments Staff), Cabinet Office, 1971-1975; Ambassador to German Democratic Republic, 1976-1978; Ambassador to China, 1978-1983; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1984; Adviser on Foreign Affairs to the Prime Minister and Chairman, Joint Intelligence Committee, 1984-1992

CRAIG, SIR A. JAMES M., G.C.M.G.(1924-


Political Agent, Dubai, 1961-1964; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Saudi Arabia, 1967-1970; Head of Near East and North Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1975; Deputy High Commissioner, Malaysia, 1975-1976; Ambassador to Syria, 1976-1979; Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, 1979-1984 Deputy High Commissioner, Sri Lanka, 2005-2008

CRAIGIE, Rt. Hon. SIR ROBERT L., G.C.M.G., C.B.(1883-1959): Head of the American Department, Foreign Office, 1928-1937; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(American), 1935-1937; Ambassador to Japan, 1937-1941


CRAMPTON, SIR JOHN F.T., Bt., K.C.B.(1805-1886):

CRANSTON, WILLIAM P., C.M.G.(1913-1967):


CRAWFORD, DAVID G. (1928-1981):

CRAWFORD, JOSEPH T. (18 -1864)

Secretary of Legation, U.S.A., 1845-1852; Minister to the U.S.A., 1852-1856; Minister to Hanover, 1857-1858; Minister to Russia, 1858-1860; Minister to Spain, 1860-1869

Commercial Counsellor, Kuwait, 1960-1963; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Saudi Arabia, 1966-1967

Secretary of Legation, Wurtemberg, 1843-1851

Counsellor(Political), Russia, 1993-1996; Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1996-1998; Deputy Political Director, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1999-2000; Director, South-East Europe, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2000; Ambassador to Yugoslavia/ Serbia and Montenegro, 2001-2003; Ambassador to Poland, 2003-2007

Consul-General, Muscat, 1969-71; Head of Accommodation and Services Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1974; Ambassador to Qatar, 1974-1978; Consul-General, Atlanta, 1978-1981; Ambassador to Bahrain, 1981

Consul-General, Havana, 1842-1864


CRAWFORD, SIR R. STEWART, G.C.M.G., C.V.O.(1913-2002):

CRAWLEY, DESMOND J.C., C.M.G., C.V.O.(1917-1993):

CREEK, MALCOLM L., L.V.O., M.B.E.(1931-2003):


Head of German Education Department, Foreign Office, 1947-1948; Head of German Finance Department, Foreign Office, 1948-1952; Head of Mutual Aid Department, Foreign Office, 1952-1954; Counsellor, Embassy, Norway, 1954-1956; Counsellor, Embassy, Iraq, 1957-1959; Minister, Iraq, 1959; Deputy Head, U.K. Delegation to the O.E.C.D., 1959-1961; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Middle East), 1961-1965; Political Resident, Persian Gulf, 1966-1970; Senior Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Defence and Intelligence), 1970-1973

Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 1952-1953; Head of Economic Policy Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1955-1958; Deputy High Commissioner, Lahore, Pakistan, 1958-1962; High Commissioner to Sierra Leone, 1963-1966; Ambassador to Bulgaria, 1966-1970; Minister to the Holy See, 1970-1975

High Commissioner to Vanuatu, 1985-1988; ConsulGeneral, Auckland, 1988-1990 Consul-General, Geneva, 1999-2003

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to N.A.T.O., 1990-1994; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Czech Republic, 1995-1998; Senior Civilian Instructor, Royal College of Defence Studies, 1998; Head of European Union(Bilateral) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-2001; Minister, Germany, 2001-2005; High Commissioner to Jamaica and the Bahamas, 2005-2009


CRESWELL, SIR MICHAEL J., K.C.M.G.(1909-1986):

Counsellor, Embassy, Iran, 1947-1949; Counsellor, U.K. Commission, South-East Asia, 1949-1951; Minister, Egypt, 1951-1954; Ambassador to Finland, 1954-1958; Senior Civilian Instructor, Imperial Defence College, 1958-1960; Ambassador to Yugoslavia, 1960-1964; Ambassador to Argentina, 1964-1969

CREWE, Rt. Hon. ROBERT, 1st MARQUESS OF, K.G.(1858-1945): Ambassador to France, 1922-1928 CRICHTON, Lieutenant-Colonel GERALD C.L., C.S.I., C.I.E. (1900-1969):

Counsellor, Legation, Afghanistan 1943-1946

CRIPPS, Rt.Hon. SIR R. STAFFORD, C.H.(1889-1952): Ambassador to the U.S.S.R., 1940-1942 CROFT, STANLEY E., T.D. (1917-2007):

Consul-General, Luanda, 1974-1977

CROFT, SIR WILLIAM D., K.C.B., K.B.E., C.I.E., C.V.O.(1892-1964): Deputy Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations, 1947; Chairman of the Board of Customs and Excise, 1947-1955 CROISDALE-APPLEBY, LINDSAY (1973-

Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 2010-2012; Ambassador to Colombia, 2012-

CROLL, M. LOUISE, C.B.E. (1935-

Ambassador to Costa Rica, 1992-1995


Deputy High Commissioner, Tanzania, 200 -2004


CROMARTIE, R. IAN T., C.M.G. (1929-1987): Counsellor, Embassy, Federal Republic of Germany, 1973-1975; Counsellor(Scientific), Embassy, Federal Republic of Germany, 1975-1978; Permanent Representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency, 1978-1982; Leader, U.K Delegation to the Disarmament Conference,Geneva, 1982-1987 CROMBIE, ANTHONY C., O.B.E. (1956-

CROMBIE, GEORGE E., C.M.G. (1908-1972):

Counsellor(Political), Embassy, Russia, 1999-2004; Head of Overseas Territories Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2004-2006

Deputy High Commissioner, Burma, 1947-1948; Counsellor, Embassy, Burma, 1948-1949; Deputy High Commissioner, Madras, India, 1951-1953; Head of Far Eastern Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1953-1955; Counsellor, High Commission, Canada, 1955-1958; Head of Economic Relations I Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1958-1959; Deputy High Commissioner, Malaya, 1959-1960; Counsellor, Embassy, Ireland, 1961-1965; High Commissioner to Gambia, 1965-1968

CROMBIE, SIR JAMES I.C., K.C.B., K.B.E., C.M.G.(1902-1969):Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Chief Clerk, 1944-1946; Chairman of the Board of Customs and Excise, 1955-1962 CROMER, Rt. Hon. EVELYN, 1st EARL OF, G.C.B., O.M.,, G.C.M.G., K.C.S.I., C.I.E. (1941-1917): Agent and Consul-General, Egypt, 1883-1907 CROMER, Rt. Hon. ROWLAND, 3rd EARL OF CROMER, K.G., G.C.M.G., M.B.E.(1918-1991);

Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1971-1974


CROMIE, Captain CHARLES F. (1858-1907): CROMPTON, R.A.NEIL, C.B.E. (1964-

Consul-General, Dakar, 1905-1908

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Iran, 1999-2003; Counsellor(External Affairs), Embassy, U.S.A., 2007-2011; Director, South Asia and Afghanistan, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2012-


Consul-General, Vancouver, 2005-2008

CROOK, KENNETH R., C.M.G. (1920-2012): Deputy High Commissioner, Peshawar, Pakistan, 1962-1964; Deputy High Commissioner, Dacca, Pakistan, 1964-1967; Head of Information Research Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1969-1971; Governor of the Cayman Islands, 1971-1974; Head of Science and Technology Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1975-1976; Ambassador to Afghanistan, 1976-1980 CRORKIN, COLIN, M.B.E.(1957-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Philippines, 2006-2011: Ambassador to Gambia, 2014-

CROSBIE, WILLIAM(179 -1824): Secretary of Legation, Tuscany, 1823-1824 CROSBY, JOHN M., C.M.G., L.V.O.(1940-1988):

CROSBY, SIR JOSIAH, K.C.M.G., K.B.E., C.I.E. (1880-1958):

CROSS, LINDA M., M.B.E. (1956-

Deputy High Commissioner, Tanzania, 1981-1984; High Commissioner to Belize, 1984-1987

Minister to Panama and Costa Rica, 1931-1934; Minister to Siam, 1934-1941

Ambassador to Ecuador, 2008-2012; Ambassador to El Salvador, 2012-


CROSS, Rt. Hon. SIR RONALD H., Bt., K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O. (1896-1968): High Commissioner to Australia, 1941-1945; Governor of Tasmania, 1951-1958 CROSSLEY, GEOFFREY A., C.M.G.(1920-2009):

Deputy High Commissioner, Zambia, 1967-1969; Counsellor, Embassy, Norway, 1969-1973; Ambassador to Colombia, 1973-1977; Minister to the Holy See, 1978-1980

CROSTHWAIT, TIMOTHY L., C.M.G., M.B.E.(1915-2006): Deputy High Commissioner, Ceylon, 1957-1961; Head of South Asia Department, Commonwealth Office, 1961-1962; Head of Economic Relations II Department, Commonwealth Office, 1962-1963; High Commissioner to Zanzibar, 1963-1964; Deputy High Commissioner, Malta, 1965-1966; High Commissioner to Guyana, 1966-1967; Head of Defence Supply/Defence Supply and Training Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1967-1970; Head of Aviation and Telecommunications Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1970; Ambassador to Madagascar, 1970-1975 CROSTHWAITE, SIR P. MOORE, (1907-1989): Head of Western Department, Foreign Office, 1947-1949; Counsellor, Embassy, Greece, 1949-1952; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1952-1958; Ambassador to the Lebanon, 1958-1963; Ambassador to Sweden, 1963-1966 CROW, FRANCIS E., C.M.G. (1863-1939):

Consul-General, Salonica, 1923-1927

CROWE, SIR ARTHUR DE C. (18 - 1895):

Consul-General, Havana, 1880-1892



Head of Planning Staff, Foreign and Commonwealth 1976-1978; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Permanent Representation to the European Economic Community, 1978-1981; Head of European Economic Department(External), Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1982-1984; Minister (Commercial), U.S.A., 1985-1989; Ambassador to Austria, 1989-1992; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Economic), 1992-1994; Director-General, External and Defence Affairs, European Union, 1994-2002

CROWE, SIR COLIN T., G.C.M.G. (1913-1989):

Head of Far Eastern Department, Foreign Office, 1953-1956; Charge d’Affaires, Egypt, 1959-1961; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1961-1963; Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, 1963-1964; Chief of Administration, Diplomatic Service, 1965-1968; High Commissioner to Canada, 1968-1970; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1970-1973

CROWE, SIR EDWARD E.T.F., K.C.M.G.(1877-1960): Commercial Counsellor, Japan, 1918-1924; Director of Division, Department of Overseas Trade, 1924-1928; Comptroller-General, Department of Overseas Trade, 1928-1937 CROWE, ERIC E.(1905-1952):

CROWE, SIR EYRE A.B.W., G.C.B., G.C.M.G. (1864-1925):

Counsellor, Embassy, Norway, 1948-1951; Consul-General, Frankfort, 1951-1952

Senior Clerk, Western Department, Foreign Office, 1906-1912; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1912-1920; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1920-1925


CROWE, Captain FRITZ E.H. (1849-1904): Consul-General, Lourenco Marques, 1900-1902 CROWE, SIR JOSEPH A., K.C.M.G.(1825-1896):

Consul-General, Dusseldorf, 1872-1880

CROWSON, RICHARD B., C.M.G.(1929Deputy High Commissioner, Barbados, 1968-1970; Commercial Counsellor, Indonesia, 1975-1977; Counsellor(Hong Kong Affairs), Embassy, U.S.A., 1977-1982; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Switzerland, 1983-1985; High Commissioner to Mauritius, 1985-1989 CROWTHER, FRANCIS H. (1914-1984):

Consul-General, Lourenco Marques, 1960-1963; ConsulGeneral, Amsterdam, 1963-1966

CRUICKSHANK, CHARLES G. (1914Commercial Inspector, 1971-1972 CULLEN, J. BRIAN, C.B.E. (1905-1972):

Commercial Counsellor, Sweden, 1957-1960; Commercial Counsellor, U.S.A., 1960-1965

CULLIGAN, PHILIP D.(1961- Deputy High Commissioner, Barbados, 2008CULLIMORE, CHARLES A.K., C.M.G.(1933Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission, India, 1979-1982; Deputy High Commissioner, Australia, 1982-1986; Head of Central African Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1986-1989; High Commissioner to Uganda, 1989-1993 CULLUM, SARAH:

Deputy Head of Mission, Romania, 2008-2010



CULVER, JOHN H., L.V.O. (1947-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Greece, 1991-1993; Head of News Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1993-1995; MinisterCounsellor(Trade and Transport), U.S.A., 1995-1999; Consul-General, Chicago, 1999-2003; Director, Americas and Overseas Territories, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003-2005

Ambassador to Nicaragua, 1992-1997; Consul-General, Naples, 1997-1999; Ambassador to Iceland, 2001-2004

CUMBERBATCH, ABRAHAM C. (1808-1875): Consul-General, Constantinople, 1845-1864 CUMBERBATCH, ARTHUR N., C.M.G., C.B.E.(1895-1982):

CUMBERBATCH, HENRY A., C.M.G.(1858-1918):

Commercial Counsellor, Greece, 1946-1948; Minister(Commercial), Egypt, 1948-1954

Consul-General, Beirut, 1908-1914

CUMMING-BRUCE, Hon. SIR FRANCIS E. HOVELLTHURLOW, K.C.M.G. (later 8th LORD THURLOW) (1912-2013): Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for the Dominions/Commonwealth Relations, 1946-1948; Counsellor, High Commission, India, 1949-1952; Head of Establishments Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1952-1954; Head of Commodities Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1954-1955; Deputy High Commissioner, Ghana, 1957-1958; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations, 1958; Deputy High Commisioner, Canada, 1958-1959; High Commissioner to New Zealand, 1959-1964; High Commissioner to Nigeria, 1964-1967; Governor of the Bahamas, 1968-1972


CUMMINS, HERBERT A.C., C.M.G., O.B.E. (1871-1943):

Charge d’Affaires, Mexico, 1917-1924


Consul-General, Osaka, 1998-2001


Second Permanent Secretary, Treasury, 2005-2007; Head of European and Global Issues Secretariat, Cabinet Office, 2007-2011; Permanent Representative to European Union, 2012-2013

CUNNINGHAM, SIR GEORGE, G.C.I.E., K.C.S.I., O.B.E.(1888-1964): Counsellor, Legation, Afghanistan, 1925-1926; Governor of North-West Frontier Province, 1937-1946 CURLE, SIR JOHN N.O., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1915-1997):

Counsellor, Embassy, Sweden, 1956-1958; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Greece, 1958-1962; Consul-General, Boston, 1962-1966; Ambassador to Liberia, 1967-1970 and Guinea, 1968-1970; Ambassador to the Philippines, 1970-1972; ViceMarshal of the Diplomatic Corps, 1972-1975

CURRAN, TERENCE D. (1940-) Commercial and Economic Counsellor, Singapore, 1987-1990; Head of Training Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1993; Deputy High Commissioner, Bombay, India, 1993-1996; ConsulGeneral, Toronto, 1996-2000 CURRIE, D. JAMES: CURRIE, SIR JAMES, K.B.E., C.M.G. (1907-1983):

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Algeria, 2003-2004

Commercial Counsellor, U.S.A., 1949-1952; Commercial Counsellor, Denmark, 1952-1956; Consul-General, Sao Paulo, 1956-1962; Consul-General, Johannesburg, 1962-1967


CURRIE, Rt. Hon. SIR PHILIP H.W., G.C.B. (later 1st LORD CURRIE) (1834-1906): Senior Clerk, American and Asian Department, Foreign Office, 1873-1877; Senior Clerk, Turkish Department, Foreign Office, 1877-1878; Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1878-1880; Senior Clerk, Turkish/Eastern Department, Foreign Office, 1880-1882; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1882-1889; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1889-1893; Ambassador to Turkey, 1893-1898; Ambassador to Italy, 1898-1903 CURSON, BERNARD R., C.M.G. (1913-1988): Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 1948-1950; Head of Defence Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1952-1954; Head of Economic Relations(1) Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1954-1956; Head of Information Policy Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1964-1965; Head of Information Executive Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1965-1966; Head of Information Administration Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1965-1966; Head of Information Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1970; Consul-General, Atlanta, 1970-1973 CURTIS, SUSAN: CUSDEN, VICTOR V., O.B.E. (1893-1980):

DAIN, SIR DAVID J.M., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1940-

Deputy High Commissioner, Trinidad and Tobago, 2010-

Consul-General, Luanda, 1941-1946; Consul-General, Dakar, 1931-1940

Deputy High Commissioner, Cyprus, 1981-1985; Head of Western Europe Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1985-1989; High Commissioner to Cyprus, 1990-1994; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs/Director(South Asia), 1994-1996; High Commissioner to Pakistan, 1997-2000




Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Denmark, 1982-1986; Deputy High Commissioner, Zimbabwe, 1986-1989; Head of Southern Africa/Central and Southern Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1991; High Commissioner to Zimbabwe, 1992-1995; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs/Director, (Africa and Commonwealth), 1995-1998; Ambassador to Norway, 1998-2002 Minister/Counsellor, South Korea, 2011-

DALLAS, SIR GEORGE E., Bt. (1842-1918): Senior Clerk, Western Department, Foreign Office, 1890-1896; Chief Clerk, Foreign Office, 1896-1900 DALTON, MAURICE L., L.V.O., M.B.E.(1944-

Head of Conference Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1995-1998; Head of Protocol Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-1999

DALTON, PETER G.F., C.M.G. (1914-2003): Political Adviser, Hong Kong, 1953-1956; Head of Far East Department, Foreign Office, 1956-1960; Counsellor, Embassy, Poland, 1960-1963; Consul-General, Los Angeles, 1964-1965; Consul-General, San Francisco, 1965-1967; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Information and Culture), 1967; Minister, U.S.S.R., 1967-1969 DALTON, SIR RICHARD J., K.C.M.G.(1948-

Head of Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Unit, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1992-1993; Consul-General, Jerusalem, 1993-1997; Director, Personnel, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-1999; Ambassador to Libya, 1999-2002; Ambassador to Iran, 2003-2006


DALY, JAMES, C.V.O.(1940-

DALY, MICHAEL F., C.M.G. (1931-

Consul-General, Paris, 1986-1991; Counsellor (Management), Embassy, Russia, 1992-1995; High Commissioner to Vanuatu, 1995-1997; High Commissioner to Mauritius, 1997-2000

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Brazil, 1977-1978; Ambassador to Ivory Coast, Upper Volta and Niger, 1978-1983; Head of West African Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Ambassador to Chad, 1983-1986; Ambassador to Costa Rica and Nicaragua, 1986-1989; Ambassador to Bolivia, 1989-1991

DANIEL, HAMISH ST. CLAIR, C.M.G., O.B.E.(1953Ambassador to East Timor, 2002-2003; Deputy High Commissioner, Karachi, and Director, U.K. Trade and Investment, Pakistan, 2004-2008 DANIELL, RALPH A., C.B.E. (1915-2007):

Commercial Counsellor, U.S.A., 1958-1959; Commercial Counsellor, Egypt, 1962-1967; Deputy High Commissioner, New Zealand, 1967-1972; ConsulGeneral, Chicago, 1972-1974


Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, the Netherlands, 2002-200

DARKE, J.M. JAMIE (1953-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Portugal, 2003-2006


Consul-General, Perth, Australia, 1987-1988


Consul-General Brisbane, Australia, 1974-1976



Head of Eastern Adriatic Unit/Department, 1995-1996; Counsellor(External Affairs), U.K. Permanent Representation to the European Union, 1997-1998; Head of News Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-2000; Director, European Union, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2000-2003; Director-General, European Union, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003-2004; Head of European Secretariat, Cabinet Office, 2004-2007; Permanent Representative to the European Union, 2007-2012; National Security Adviser to the Prime Minister, 2012-


Consul-General, Toronto, 2009-

DARWIN, HENRY G, C.M.G. (1929-1992):

DASHWOOD, JAMES E.B. (1833-1905):

Deputy Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1976-1984; Second Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1984-1989

Senior Clerk, Turkish Department, Foreign Office, 1872-1877; Senior Clerk, Spanish Department, Foreign Office, 1877-1881

DAUKES, Lieutenant-Colonel SIR CLENDON T., C.I.E. (1879-1948): DAUNT, SIR TIMOTHY L.A., K.C.M.G.(1935-

Minister to Nepal, 1929-1935

Counsellor, U.K. Delegation the O.E.C.D., 1975-1978; Head of South European Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1978-1981; Deputy Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 1982-1985; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Defence), 1985-1986; Ambassador to Turkey, 1986-1992; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Defence), 1992-1995; Lieutenant-Governor of the Isle of Man, 1995-2000



Ambassador to Peru, 2010-

DAVENPORT, MICHAEL H., M.B.E.(1961Commercial Counsellor, Poland, 2000-2003; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Egypt, 2004-2007; Director, Russia, Central Asia and South Caucasus, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2007-2010; Ambassador to Serbia, 2010-2014 DAVEY, GEORGE (1911-


Deputy High Commissioner, Dacca, Pakistan, 1955-1958; Head of Colombo Plan, Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1958-1959

Head of Narcotics Control and Aids Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1991; Ambassador to Fiji, 1992-1995; Deputy High Commissioner, Zimbabwe, 1996-1998; High Commissioner to Belize, 1998-2001; High Commissioner to Zambia, 2002-2005

DAVIDSON, ALAN E., C.M.G.: (1924-2003):


Head of Central Department, Foreign Office, 1966-1968; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to N.A.T.O., 1968-1971; Head of Defence Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1972-1973; Ambassador to Laos, 1973-1975 Consul-General, Shanghai, 2011Joint High Commissioner to Zambia, 2008-2012

Deputy High Commissioner, Bangladesh, 1972-1973; High Commissioner to Brunei, 1974-1978; Governor of the British Virgin Islands, 1978-1981

DAVIDSON, JOHN W.O., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1888-1973): Head of Prisoners of War Department, Foreign Office, 1945-1946; Head of Consular Department, Foreign Office, 1946-1948


DAVIDSON, SIR W. EDWARD K.C.M.G., C.B., K.C. (1859-1923): Legal Adviser, Foreign Office, 1886-1918 DAVIES, DAVID G. (1940DAVIES, EMRYS T., C.M.G. (1934-


DAVIES, HUGH L., C.M.G. (1941-

DAVIES, IAN (1956-

Deputy High Commissioner, Malawi, 1991-1994

Commercial Counsellor, China, 1976-1978; Deputy High Commissioner, Canada, 1979-1982; Inspector, 1982-1984; Deputy Permanent Representative to the O.E.C.D., 1984-1987; Ambassador to Vietnam, 1987-1990; High Commissioner to Barbados, 1991-1994 Head of Development Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1952-1954; Counsellor, High Commission, India, 1954-1956; Head of Economic Relations I Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1956-1958; Counsellor, High Commission, Canada, 1958-1961; Head of Economic Relations I Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1961-1962; Head of Economic Policy Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1962-1963; Head of Financial Policy Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1963

Commercial Counsellor, China, 1984-1987; Deputy Permanent Representative to the O.E.C.D., 1987-1990; Head of Far Eastern Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1993; Senior British Trade Commissioner, Hong Kong, 1993; Senior Representative, Sino-British Joint Liaison Group, Hong Kong, 1993-1997 Consul-General, Marseilles, 1997-2001

DAVIES, JONATHAN(JON) A.: Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Egypt, 2007-2010; Additional Director, Middle East and North Africa, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2011-



Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Poland, 2004-2008; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Iran, 2009-2010; Head of Near East and North Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2010-2012; Counsellor (Foreign and Security Policy), Embassy, U.S.A., 2013; Minister and Deputy Head of Mission, U.S.A., 2013-

DAVIES, PETER D.R., C.M.G. (1936Commercial Counsellor, the Netherlands, 1978-1982; Commercial Counsellor, Malaysia, 1982-1983; Deputy High Commissioner, Malaysia, 1983-1986; Head of Arms Control and Disarmament Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1987-1991; ConsulGeneral, Toronto, 1991-1996 DAVIES, R.H. GLYN(1942-

DAVIES, WILLIAM J., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1891-1975): DAVIS, ARCHIBALD W. (1900-1979):

High Commissioner to Namibia, 1996-1998; Ambassador to Panama, 1999-2002

Consul-General, Osaka-Kobe, 1941

Consul-General, Basra, 1946-1949; Consul-General, Seville, 1950-1953

DAVIS, SIR CHARLES T., G.C.M.G.(1873-1938): Assistant Secretary, Dominions Division, Colonial Office, 1916-1921; Assistant Under-Secretary for the Colonies(Dominions Division), 1921-1925; Permanent UnderSecretary for the Dominions, 1925-1930 DAW, SYDNEY E.H., C.M.G., C.B.E. (1897-1963):

Commercial Counsellor, Austria, 1953-195




DAY, SIR DEREK M., K.C.M.G.(1927-

DAY, MARTIN C. (1965DAY, STEPHEN P., C.M.G. (1938-

DEAN, C. ROY(1927-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery/Head of British Interests Section, Algeria, 1965-1968; Commercial Counsellor, Greece, 1968-1971; Head of East African Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1973; Head of West African Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Ambassador to Chad, 1973-1975; Consul-General, Montreal, 1975-1978; Ambassador to Morocco, 1978-1982 Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1841-1846

Secretary of Legation, Tuscany, 1816-1823; Minister to Greece, 1833-1835

Head of Personnel Operations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1969-1972; Counsellor, High Commission, Cyprus, 1972-1975; Ambassador to Ethiopia, 1975-1978; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Africa/Southern Africa and Rhodesia), 1978-1980; Deputy UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Africa and the Americas), 1980-1982, and Chief Clerk, 1982-1984; High Commissioner to Canada,1984-1987 Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Ukraine, 2012-

Counsellor, Embassy, Lebanon, 1977-1978; Consul-General, Edmonton, 1979-1981; Ambassador to Qatar, 1981-1984; Head of Middle East Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1984-1987; Ambassador to Tunisia, 1987-1992; Senior British Trade Commissioner, Hong Kong, 1992-1993 Deputy High Commissioner, Ghana, 1983-1986


DEAN, SIR PATRICK H., G.C.M.G. (1909-1994):

Head of the German Political Department, Foreign Office, 1946-1949; Counsellor, Embassy, Italy, 1949-1950; Minister, Italy, 1950-1952; Senior Civilian Instructor, Imperial Defence College, 1952-1953; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Defence and Intelligence), 1953-1956; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Defence), 1956-1960; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1960-1964; Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1965-1969


Assistant Director, European Union(Internal), Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2011-2013; High Commissioner to Barbados, 2013-


Minister, Embassy, Rome, 2009-2011; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Iraq, 2012-2013

DEAR, ROBERT E. (1955-

Deputy Head of Mission, Cuba, 1994-1997

de BUNSEN, Rt. Hon. SIR MAURICE W.W., Bt., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., C.B. (1852-1932): Secretary of Legation, Japan, 1891-1894; Charge d’Affaires, Siam, 1894-1896; Secretary of Embassy, U.S.A., 1896-1897; Secretary of Embassy, Turkey, 1897-1902; Minister, Embassy, France, 1902-1905; Minister to Portugal, 1905-1906; Ambassador to Spain, 1906-1913; Ambassador to AustriaHungary, 1913-1914; Acting Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1915-1919 de BURLET, ROBERT P. (1921-

Deputy High Commissioner, Barbados, 1974-1977


de CHASSIRON, CHARLES R.L., C.V.O.(1948Head of South America Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1987-1989; Commercial and Economic Counsellor, Italy, 1989-1994; Ambassador to Estonia, 1994-1997; Consul-General, Milan, 1997-2001; Vice-Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps and Head of Protocol Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2006 de COURCY-IRELAND, PATRICK G, C.V.O. (1933-

Head of Training Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1976-1980; Consul-General, Casablanca, 1980-1984; Consul-General, Jerusalem, 1984-1987

de COURCY LING, JOHN (1933-2005): de COURCY-PERRY, SIR GERALD R., C.M.G. (1836-1903):

Counsellor(Information), Embassy, France, 1974-1977

Consul-General, Rio de Janeiro, 1888(did not proceed); Consul-General, Antwerp, 1888-1903

de FONBLANQUE, JOHN R., C.M.G. (1943-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission, India, 1986-1988; Counsellor(Political), U.K. Permanent Representation to the European Community, 1988-1992; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Economic, Transport and Energy/Director, International Organizations), 1994-199 ; Director, Global Issues, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 199 -1998; Director, Europe, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-1999; Head of U.K. Delegation to Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, 1999-2003

de FREITAS, SIR GEOFFREY S., K.C.M.G.(1913-1982): High Commissioner to Ghana, 1961-1963; High Commissioner to Kenya, 1963-1964


de la MARE, SIR ARTHUR J., K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.(1914-1994): Head of Security Department, Foreign Office, 1953-1956; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1956-1960; Head of Far East Department, Foreign Office, 1960-1963; Ambassador to Afghanistan, 1963-1965; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Asia), 1965-1967; High Commissioner to Singapore, 1968-1970; Ambassador to Thailand, 1970-1973 DENING, SIR M. ESLER, G.C.M.G., O.B.E. (1897-1977): Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Asia/Far East), 1946-1950; Political Representative/Ambassador to Japan, 1951-1957 DENNE, CHRISTOPHER J.A., C.M.G.(1945-


DENNY, ROSS P. (1955-

Head of Consular Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1993; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Greece, 1993-1997

Economic and Commercial Counsellor, India, 2001-2003; Minister, China, 2003-2006; Director, South Asia, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2006-2008; Head of Central and Southern Africa/Southern, Central and Western Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2010-2014; Ambassador to Angola, 2014Ambassador to Bolivia, 2011-

DENSON, JOHN B., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1926-1992): Charge d’Affaires, China, 1969-1971; Counsellor, Embassy, Greece, 1973-1977; Ambassador to Nepal, 1977-1983 DENTON-THOMPSON, MERRICK A.B.(1888-1969): Consul-General, Amsterdam, 1935-1938; Consul-General, Sao Paulo, 1944-1945; Consul-General, Amsterdam, 1945-1948


DENYS-BURTON, SIR FRANCIS C.E., Bt. (1849-1922):

Secretary of Legation, Mexico, 1887-1890; Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1890-1895

DERBY, Rt.Hon. EDWARD, 17th EARL OF, K.G.,, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., T.D.(1865-1948): Ambassador to France, 1918-1920 DERING, SIR HENRY N., Bt., K.C.M.G., C.B. (1839-1906): Secretary of Legation, Argentina, 1882-1883; Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1883(did not proceed); Charge d’Affaires, SaxeCoburg, 1883-1886; Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1886-1888; Secretary of Embassy, Italy, 1888-1892; Agent and ConsulGeneral, Bulgaria, 1892-1894; Minister to Mexico, 1894-1900; Minister to Brazil, 1900-1906 DERING, SIR HERBERT G., K.C.M.G., K.C.I.E.., M.V.O. (1867-1933): Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1905-1909; Secretary of Embassy, Italy, 1911-1915; Minister to Siam, 1915-1919; High Commissioner, Bulgaria, 1919-1920; Minister to Romania, 1920-1926 DE SALIS, SIR JOHN F.C., K.C.M.G., C.V.O., COUNT DE SALIS(1864-1939): Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), Germany, 1906-1911; Minister to Montenegro, 1911-16; Minister to the Holy See, 1916-1922 De SOUSA, LOUISE A. (1968 -

Deputy High Commissioner, Kenya, 2007-2011; Head of Human Rights, Democracy and Good Governance Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2011-


DES GRAZ, SIR CHARLES L., K.C.M.G. (1860-1940):

Secretary of Legation, Persia, 1901-1903; Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1903-1905; Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), Italy, 1905-1908 and Charge d’Affaires, Montenegro, 1906-1908; Minister to Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, 1908-1914; Minister to Serbia, 1914-1920

DEW, JOHN A. (1952-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Ireland, 1992-1996; Minister, Spain, 1996-2000; Head of Latin America and Caribbean Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2000-2003; Ambassador to Cuba, 2004-2008; Ambassador to Colombia, 2008-2012

DEWAR, ROBERT S., C.M.G. (1949-

Deputy High Commissioner, Zimbabwe, 1992-1996; Ambassador to Madagascar, 1996-1999; High Commissioner to Mozambique, 2000-2003; Ambassador to Ethiopia, 2004-2007; High Commissioner to Nigeria, 2007-2011


Deputy High Commissioner, Tanzania, 1987-1991

Ambassador to Paraguay, 1991-1995; High Commissioner to Fiji, 1997-2000

DIBBLE, ROY E. (1940-

Director/Chief Executive, General Services, Foreign and CommonwealthOffice, 1996-2001

DIBLE, JAMES K.V.(1890-1976): Consul-General, Amsterdam, 1938-1939 DICKIE, HARRY E. (18 -1933):

Consul-General, Lourenco Marques, 1923-1925


Ambassador to Macedonia, 1997-2001


DICKSON, GEORGE, C.B.E. (1931Deputy High Commissioner, Jamaica, 1985-1987; ConsulGeneral, Amsterdam, 1987-1991 DICKSON, SARAH M. (1962- Ambassador to Guatemala, 2012DICKSON, SPENSER S., C.M.G.(1873-1951): Consul-General, Marseilles, 1923-1930; Minister to Colombia, 1930-1936 DICKSON, WILLIAM A. (1950-

Ambassador to Outer Mongolia, 2009-2011

DICKSON, WILLIAM J. (18 -1900): Secretary of Legation, Persia, 1882-1885; Minister Resident, Colombia, 1885-1892 DIGGINES, CHRISTOPHER E., C.M.G.(1920-1990): Deputy High Commissioner, Jamaica, 1962-1964; Head of Mediterranean Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1965; Head of United Nations, Western and Middle East Department, Commonwealth Office, 1965-1967; Head of American Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1967-1968; Head of Latin American Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1969; Commercial Counsellor, Zambia, 1969-1973; High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago, 1973-1977 DIMOND, PAUL S., C.M.G. (1944Commercial Counsellor, Japan, 1989-1993; Counsellor, Embassy, the Netherlands, 1994-1997; Consul-General, Los Angeles, 1997-2001; Ambassador to the Philippines, 2002-2004 DINWIDDY, BRUCE H., C.M.G.(1946-

Counsellor, Embassy, Federal Republic of Germany, 1989-1991; Deputy High Commissioner, Canada, 1992-1995; Head of Africa(Southern) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1995-1998; High Commissioner to Tanzania, 1998-2001; Governor of the Cayman Islands, 2002-2005


DISBROWE, SIR EDWARD C. (1790-1851): Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1814-1820; Secretary of Legation, Switzerland, 1820-1823; Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1825-1828; Minister to Wurtemberg, 1828-1833; Minister to Sweden, 1833-1835; Minister to the Netherlands, 1835-1851 DIXON, SIR CHARLES W., K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., O.B.E. (1888-1976): Assistant Secretary, Dominions Office, 1927-1940; Assistant Under-Secretary for the Dominions/Commonwealth Relations, 1940-1948 DIXON, JACK S., O.B.E. (1918-1997): Head of Treaty and Nationality Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1976 DIXON, SIR PIERSON J., G.C.M.G., C.B. (1904-1965): Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1943-1948; Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, 1948-1950; Deputy UnderSecretary for Foreign Affairs(Political), 1950-1954; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1954-1960; Ambassador to France, 1960-1965 DOBBS, JOSEPH A., C.M.G., O.B.E., T.D.(1914-2002): Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.S.R., 1965-1968; Consul-General, Zagreb, 1969-1971; Minister, U.S.S.R., 1971-1974 DOBBS, W. BERNARD J. (1925-2007): DOBLE, DENIS H.(1936-

DOBLE, JOHN F., O.B.E. (1941-

Charge d’Affaires/Ambassador to Laos, 1980-1985 Deputy High Commissioner, Calcutta, India, 1985-1987; Deputy High Commissioner, Jamaica, 1987-1991; Consul-General, Amsterdam, 1991-1996

Consul-General, Edmonton, 1985-1989; Consul-General, Johannesburg, 1990-1994; High Commissioner to Swaziland, 1996-1999


DODD, CHARLES E.S. (1891-1974):

Counsellor, Legation, Persia, 1931-1932; Counsellor, Embassy, Japan, 1934-1935; Counsellor, Embassy, Portugal, 1935-1937; Counsellor, Embassy, Argentina, 1937-1939; Minister to Panama and Costa Rica, 1939-1943


Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Afghanistan, 2009-2010


Consul-General, Sao Paulo, 2010-

DODDS, SIR JAMES L., K.C.M.G.(1891-1972): Counsellor, Embassy, Japan, 1936-1940; Minister to Bolivia, 1940-1943; Minister to Cuba, 1944-1949; Minister to Peru, 1949-1951 DODDS, JOHN(1929-

Commercial Counsellor, Malaysia, 1975-1976

DODSON, SIR DEREK S.L., K.C.M.G., M.C.(1920-2003): Head of Central Department, Foreign Office, 1963-1966; Counsellor, Embassy, Greece, 1966-1969; Ambassador to Hungary, 1970-1973; Ambassador to Brazil, 1973-1977; Ambassador to Turkey, 1977-1980 DONALD, SIR ALAN E., K.C.M.G.(1931Commercial Counsellor, Greece, 1971-1973; Political Adviser, Hong Kong, 1974-1977; Ambassador to Zaire, Rwanda and Burundi, 1977-1980, and Congo, 1978-1980; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Asia/Far East and South-East Asia), 1980-1984; Ambassador to Indonesia, 1984-1988; Ambassador to China, 1988-1991 DONALDSON, BRIAN (1946-


High Commissioner to Namibia, 1999-2002; Ambassador to Madagascar, 2002-2005

Deputy Permanent Representative, Disarmament Conference, 1999-200


DONNELLY, SIR J. BRIAN, K.B.E., C.M.G.(1945Counsellor, Embassy, Greece, 1988-1991; Head of NonProliferation Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1992-1995; Deputy Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 1995-1997; Ambassador to Yugoslavia, 1997-1999; Director, South-East Europe, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1999-2000; High Commissioner/ Ambassador to Zimbabwe, 2001-2004 DONNELLY, MARTIN E., C.M.G.(1958Director-General, Economic/Europe and Globalization, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2004-2008; Director-General, Strategic Finance, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2009-2010; Permanent Under-Secretary, Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, 2010DOREY, GREGORY J., C.V.O.(1956-

DORIA, WILLIAM: (1820-1889):

Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Pakistan, 1996-1999; Assistant Director(Operations), Human Resources Directorate, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2005-2007; Ambassador to Hungary, 2007-2011; Ambassador to Ethiopia, 2011-

Secretary of Legation, Persia, 1858-1860; Secretary of Legation, Argentina, 1860-1864; Secretary of Legation, Hanover, 1864-1866; Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1867-1868; Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1868-1873; Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1873-1877

DORMAN, RICHARD B., C.B.E.(1925Deputy High Commissioner, Sierra Leone, 1964-1966; Counsellor and Head of Chancerty, Embassy, Ethiopia, 1969-1973; Commercial Counsellor, Romania, 1973-1977; Counsellor, Embassy, South Africa, 1977-1982: High Commissioner to Vanuatu, 1982-1985


DORMER, SIR CECIL F.J., K.C.M.G., M.V.O. (1883-1979): Counsellor, Embassy, Japan, 1926-1929; Minister to Siam, 1929-1934; Minister/Ambassador to Norway, 1934-1941; Ambassador to the Polish Government, 1941-1943 DORSET, Rt. Hon. JOHN F., 3rd DUKE OF, K.G.(1745-1799): Ambassador to France, 1784-1789 DOUBLEDAY, JOHN G., O.B.E. (1920-1982):


Deputy High Commissioner, Bahamas, 1973-1976; Deputy High Commissioner, Sri Lanka, 1976-1978; Ambassador to Liberia, 1978-1980

Consul-General, Lille, 1981-1986; Deputy High Commissioner, Australia, 1986-1989; Director, Joint Overseas Trade Directorate, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1991-1994; Consul-General, San Francisco, 1994-1998

DOUGLAS, ANDREW S.(17 -1869): Secretary of Legation, The Two Sicilies, 1809-1811 and 1813-1824; Secretary of Embassy, the Netherlands, 1824-1829 DOUGLAS, GEORGE S. (later 17th EARL OF MORTON) (1789-1858): Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1812-1815; Secretary of Legation, Prussia, 1816-1823 DOUGLAS, JANET E. (1960DOW, SIR HUGH, G.C.I.E.,, K.C.S.I.(1886-1978):

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Turkey, 2011-

Governor of Sind, 1941-1946; Governor of Bihar, 1946-1947; Consul-General, Jerusalem, 1948-1951


DOWNING, HENRY J. (1919-1998):

Consul-General, Lourenco Marques, 1965-1969; Head of Claims Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1969-1971; Head of Migration and Visa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1973; ConsulGeneral, Cape Town, 1973-1977


DOYLE, PERCY W. (1804-1887):

Head of Non-Proliferation Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2001-2003; Director, Intelligence and National Security, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2009-2011; Director, Cyber Policy, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2011-2012

Secretary of Legation, Mexico, 1842-1851; Minister to Mexico, 1851-1855

DRACE-FRANCIS, CHARLES D.S., C.M.G. (1943Charge d’Affaires, Afghanistan, 1984-1987; Counsellor, Embassy, Portugal, 1987-1990; Head of West Indian and Atlantic Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1994-1997; High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, 1997-2000 DRAKE, FRANCIS (1764-1821):

Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1790-1793; Minister Resident, Venice, 1793; Minister to Genoa, 1793-1795; Envoy/Minister to Bavaria, 1800-1804

DRAKE, HOWARD R., O.B.E. (1956-

Ambassador to Chile, 2005-2009; High Commissioner to Jamaica, 2010-2013; High Commissioner to Canada, 2013-

DREW, JONATHAN, M.B.E.: High Commissioner to Mauritius, 2014DREW, PHILIPPA C., C.B. (1946-

Director, Global Issues, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2006




Counsellor(Political), High Commission, Pakistan, 2006-2008; Director, Intelligence and National Security, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2011-2012; Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 2012-

Counsellor, High Commission, Cyprus, 1965-1967; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Belgium, 1967-1970; Head of Western European Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1970-1971; Ambassador to Afghanistan, 1972-1976; High Commissioner to Jamaica, 1976-1981

DRUMMOND, Rt. Hon. SIR J. ERIC DRUMMOND, G.C.M.G., C.B. (later 16th EARL OF PERTH) (1876-1951):


Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1915-1919; Secretary-General, League of Nations, 1919-1933; Ambassador to Italy, 1933-1939

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Jordan, 2002-2004; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Syria, 2004-2007; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Saudi Arabia, 2009-2013; High Commissioner to Fiji, 2013-

DRUMMOND, SIR VICTOR A.W., K.C.M.G., C.B. (1833-1907): Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1873-1877; Secretary of Legation, U.S.A., 1877-1882; Secretary of Embassy, AustriaHungary, 1882-1885; Minister Resident, Bavaria, 1885-1903, and Wurttemberg, 1890-1903 DRUMMOND, Rt. Hon. SIR WILLIAM(c.1770-1828):

Minister to the Two Sicilies, 1801-1803; Ambassador to Turkey, 1803; Minister to the Two Sicilies, 1807-1808


DRUMMOND-HAY, Rt. Hon. SIR JOHN, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. (1816-1893): Charge d’Affaires/Minister Resident/Minister to Morocco, 1856-1886 DRUMMOND WOLFF, Rt. Hon. SIR HENRY, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. (1830-1908): Minister to Persia, 1887-1891; Minister to Romania, 1891-1892; Ambassador to Spain, 1892-1900 DRURY, ALAN H. (1952-

Deputy High Commissioner, Barbados, 2004-

DUDGEON, HENRY A., C.M.G. (1924-1984): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Cuba, 1966-1969; Head of Marine and Transport Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1970-1974; Minister/Deputy High Commissioner, Australia, 1976-1980 DUDLEY, SIR ALAN A., K.B.E., C.M.G.(1907-1971): Head of Information Policy Department, Foreign Office, 1946-1948; Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to the O.E.E.C., 1949-1950; Head of United Nations(Economic and Social) Department, Foreign Office, 1950-1953; Deputy Commissioner-General, South-East Asia, 1953-1956; Minister to Romania, 1956-1959; Minister, U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1959-1961; Assistant Under-Secretary, Department of Technical Co-operation, 1961-1964; Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Development, 1964-1968


DUFF, Rt. Hon. SIR A. ANTONY, G.C.M.G., C.V.O., D.S.O., D.S.C. (1920-2000): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Federal Republic of Germany, 1962-1965; Ambassador to Nepal, 1964-1965; Head of South Asia Department, Foreign Office and Commonwealth Office, 1965-1969; Deputy High Commissioner, Malaysia, 1969-1972;High Commissioner to Kenya, 1972-1975; Deputy Under Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Middle East/Africa), 1975-1977; Deputy Under Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Defence/Intelligence), 1977-1980, and Senior Deputy Under-Secretary, 1976-1979; Deputy Governor of Southern Rhodesia, 1979; Deputy Secretary and Intelligence and Security Co-ordinator, Cabinet Office, 1980-1988; Director-General, Security Service, 1985-1988 DUFF, SIR C. PATRICK, K.C.B., K.C.V.O.(1889-1972):

DUFF, PATRICK C., C.M.G. (1922-2000):

Deputy High Commissioner, Canada, 1941-1944; High Commissioner to New Zealand, 1945-1949

Head of West Indian and Atlantic Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1975-1980

DUFFERIN AND AVA, Rt. Hon. FREDERICK, 1st MARQUESS OF, K.P., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E.(1826-1902): Governor-General of Canada, 1872-1878; Ambassador to Russia, 1879-1881; Ambassador to Turkey, 1881-1884; Viceroy of India, 1884-1888; Ambassador to Italy, 1888-1891; Ambassador to France, 1891-1894 DUFFERIN AND AVA, TERENCE, 2nd MARQUESS OF(1866-1918): Senior Clerk, Consular Department, Foreign Office, 1907-1918



DUGDALE, ARNOLD C.(1915DUGGAN, GORDON A., C.M.G. (1937-1999):


Head of Transcaucasus and Central Asia Unit, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1994-1995; Deputy High Commissioner, Canada, 1995-1999; High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, 1999-2002; Director, Wider Europe, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2004; Ambassador to the Czech Republic, 2004-2009 Consul-General, Strasbourg, 1972-1975

Commercial and Economic Counsellor, Nigeria, 1981-1984; Consul-General, Zurich, 1984-1987; Head of Trade Relations and Exports/ Commercial Management and Exports Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1988-1989; High Commissioner to Singapore, 1991-1997

High Commissioner to Vanuatu, 1992-1995; Head of Security Department/Assistant Director, Personnel(Security)/Head of Security Strategy Unit, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1995-2001; Ambassador to Colombia, 2001-2005

DUKE, SIR CHARLES B., K.C.M.G., C.I.E., O.B.E.(1905-1978): Deputy High Commissioner, Peshawar, Pakistan, 1948; Counsellor, Embassy, Egypt, 1952-1954; Ambassador to Jordan, 1954-1956; Ambassador to Morocco, 1957-1961 DUN, PETER J. (1947-

Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Pakistan, 1990-1993; Head of Information Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-2000; Counsellor, Embassy, Germany, 2000-2002

DUNBAR, ROBERT C.M.G., M.C. (1895-1970): Head of the Treaty Department, Foreign Office, 1938-1951


DUNCAN, DAVID F.(1923-2007):

DUNCAN, SIR HAROLD H., K.C.M.G., Q.C.(1885-1962): DUNCAN, JOHN S.R., C.M.G., M.B.E.(1921-2006):

DUNCAN, JOHN S., O.B.E. (1958-


DUNDAS, ROBERT G., C.B.E. (1909-1984):

Counsellor, British Delegation to the Disarmament Conference, 1971-1974; Ambassador to Nicaragua, 1974-1976

Legal Adviser, Colonial and Dominions Offices, 1943-1945

Political Agent, Qatar, 1958-1959; Consul-General, Muscat, 1963-1965; Head of Personnel (Operations) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1966-1968; Minister (Political), Australia, 1969-1971; High Commissioner to Zambia, 1971-1974; Ambassador to Morocco, 1975-1978; High Commissioner to the Bahamas, 1978-1981

Commercial Counsellor, France, 2002-2006; Permanent Representative to the Disarmament Conference, 2006-2011; Director, Communications, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2012-2013; Governor of British Virgin Islands, 2014-

Consul-General, Lourenco Marques, 1973-1976; Counsellor (Political) and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Brazil, 1976-1977; Head of Consular Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1977-1980; Ambassador to Bolivia, 1981-1985; High Commissioner to Malta, 1985-1988

Consul-General, Salonica, 1952-1955; Consul-General, New Orleans, 1955-1958; Consul-General, Stuttgart, 1958-1961; Consul-General, Alexandria, 1961-1963; Counsellor, Libya, 1963-1966; Consul-General, Amsterdam, 1966-1969



DUNLOP, ALEXANDER G. (18 -1892):

Consul-General, Havana, 1868-1876

DUNLOP, Brigadier SIR JOHN K., K.B.E., C.M.G., M.C., T.D. (1892-1974):

Consul-General, Hamburg, 1952-1956

DUNLOP, WILLIAM L.M., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1882-1948): Head of Communications Department, Foreign Office, 1940-1947 DUNN, DAVID H. (1968-

High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, 2006-2010

DUNN, WILLIAM N. (1873-1961): Consul-General, Rotterdam, 1921-1923; Consul-General, Cologne, 1924-1927 DUNNACHIE, HUGH, M.B.E. (1944DUNNETT, DENZIL I., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1917-

Consul-General, Perth, Australia, 2000-2004

Commercial Counsellor, Spain, 1962-1967; Counsellor, Embassy, Mexico, 1970-1973; Ambassador to Senegal, Mauritania, Mali and Guinea, 1973-1976, and to Guinea-Bissau, 1975-1976

DUNROSSIL, JOHN, 2nd VISCOUNT, C.M.G.(1926-2000): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission, Canada, 1970-1974; Counsellor, Embassy, Belgium, 1975-1978; High Commissioner to Fiji, 1978-1982; High Commissioner to Barbados, 1982-1983; Governor of Bermuda, 1983-1988 DURAND, SIR H. MORTIMER, G.C.M.G., K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E. (1850-1924): Minister to Persia, 1894-1900; Ambassador to Spain, 1900-1903; Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1903-1907


DURHAM, Rt. Hon. JOHN, 1st EARL OF, G.C.B.(1792-1840): Ambassador to Russia, 1835-1837; Governor-General of Canada, 1838-1839 DURHAM, JOHN C.(1939-

Consul-General, Brisbane, Australia, 1993-1997; Ambassador to Outer Mongolia, 1997-1999

DUTTON, JAMES M. (1922-2006): Head of Constitutional and Protocol Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1963-1965; Deputy High Commissioner, Ceylon, 1966-1970; Head of Rhodesia Economic Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1970-1972 DYMOND, CHARLES E., C.B.E. (1942Commercial Counsellor, Nigeria, 1965-1966; Consul-General, Perth, Australia, 1973-1976 DYSON, JOHN A., M.V.O. (1949-

Ambassador to Montenegro, 2006-2007

EADEN, MAURICE B., C.B.E. (1923-1993): Counsellor(Administration), Embassy, Belgium, 1972-1975; Consul-General, Karachi, 1975-1979; Consul-General, Amsterdam, 1980-1983 EAST, KENNETH A., C.M.G. (1921Head of West and General Africa Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1961; Head of East and General Africa Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1961-1963; Head of Personnel Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1963-1964; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Norway, 1965-1970; Minister, Nigeria, 1970-1974; Ambassador to Iceland, 1975-1981 EASTON, Air Commodore SIR JAMES A., K.C.M.G., C.B., C.B.E.(1908-1990): Consul-General, Detroit, 1958-1968


EASTWICK, EDWARD B., C.B.(1814-1883): Secretary of Legation, Persia, 1860-1863; Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for India, 1866-1867 EASTWOOD, BASIL S.T., C.M.G.(1944-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Sudan, 1984-1987; Commercial Counsellor, Greece, 1987-1991; Director of Research and Analysis, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1991-1996; Ambassador to Syria, 1996-2000; Ambassador to Switzerland, 2001-2004

EASTWOOD, HAROLD E., C.M.G.(1889-1960): Head of Communications Department, Foreign Office, 1925-1940 EATON, MARTIN R., C.M.G. (1940Deputy Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1991-2000 EDDEN, ALAN J., C.M.G. (1912-1991): Head of Mutual Aid Department, Foreign Office, 1954-1958; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Lebanon, 1958-1962; Consul-General, Durban, 1964-1968; Ambassador to Cameroun, Central African Republic, Gabon and Chad, 1964-1968, and to Equatorial Guinea, 1969-1970; Ambassador to Lebanon, 1970-1971 EDEN, Hon. WILLIAM G. (later 4th LORD AUCKLAND) (1829-1890): Secretary of Legation, Wurttemberg, 1859-1861 EDES, J. MICHAEL, C.M.G. (1930-

Ambassador to Yemen, 1971-1973; Head of Permanent UnderSecretary’s Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1974-1977; Counsellor(Aviation and Defence), Embassy, France, 1978-1980; Ambassador to Libya, 1980-1983; Permanent Representative to the Conference on Security and Disarmament in Europe, 1983-1989; Permanent Representative, U.K. Delegation to Conventional Arms Control Negotiations, 1989-1990



Ambassador to Cambodia, 1997-2000; Ambassador to Macedonia, 2001-2004; Consul-General, St. Petersburg, 2004-2006; Ambassador to Uzbekistan, 2012-

EDGE, CHRISTOPHER J. (1953- Deputy High Commissioner, Trinidad and Tobago, 2002-2003 EDGCUMBE, Hon. GEORGE (1800-1882):

Secretary of Legation, Switzerland, 1828-1830; Secretary of Legation, Tuscany, 1831-1837; Secretary of Legation, Switzerland, 1837-1838; Secretary of Legation, Hanover, 1838-1859

EDIS, RICHARD J.S., C.M.G. (1943-2002): Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to the Disarmament Conference, 1984-1988; Head of East Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1988-1991; Ambassador/High Commissioner to Mozambique, 1992-1995; Ambassador to Tunisia, 1995-1999; Senior Civilian Instructor, Royal College of Defence Studies, 1999-2001; Ambassador to Algeria, 2001-2002 EDMOND, COLIN A.(1888-1956): Minister to Ecuador, 1946-1947 EDMONDS, JOHN C, C.M.G., C.V.O.(1921Counsellor, Embassy, Turkey, 1968-1971; Counsellor (Aviation and Defence), France, 1972-1974; Head of Arms Control and Disarmament Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1974-1977; Leader, U.K. Delegation to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Negotiations, 1978-1981


EDMONDS, ROBERT(ROBIN) H.G., C.M.G., M.B.E. (1920-2009): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Venezuela, 1962-1965; Head of American Department, Foreign Office, 1966-1967; Head of United Nations, Western and Middle East Department, Commonwealth Office, 1967-1968; Head of Southern Europe Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1969; Minister, Russia, 1969-1971; High Commissioner to Cyprus, 1971-1972; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Americas), 1974-1977 EDMONDS, WILLIAM S., C.M.G.(1882-1969):

Counsellor, Embassy, Turkey, 1928-1930; Consul-General, Morocco(Rabat), 1930-1934; Consul-General, Strasbourg, 1934-1938; Consul-General, Milan, 1938-1939; Consul-General, Genoa, 1939-1940

EDMONDS-BOWN, CEDRIC W.G. (1939Deputy High Commissioner, Barbados, 1989-1991 EDMONDSON, GEORGE D’A., C.M.G., C.V.O., O.B.E. (1904-1976):

Director-General, British Information Services, U.S.A., 1953-1959; Consul-General, Boston, 1959-1962

EDWARDES, Hon. HENRY G.(1844-1896): Secretary of Legation, China, 1883-1884 (did not proceed); Secretary of Legation, Argentina, 1885-1886; Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1886-1887; Secretary of Legation, U.S.A., 1887-1892; Secretary of Embassy, Spain, 1892 (did not proceed); Secretary of Embassy, Italy, 1892-1896 EDWARDES, Hon. RICHARD(1807-1866): Secretary of Legation, German Confederation, 1851-1859; Secretary of Legation, Spain, 1859-1864; Charge d’Affaires, Venezuela, 1864-1865; Minister to Argentina, 1865-1866(did not proceed)


EDWARDS, DAVID M., C.M.G. (1939-

EDWARDS, GEOFFREY F., C.B.E., T.D.(1917-1996): EDWARDS, JOHN C., C.M.G. (1934-

Deputy Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1900

Consul-General, Berlin, 1966-1975

Head of West Indian and Atlantic Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1981-1984; Deputy High Commissioner, Kenya, 1984-1988; High Commissioner to Lesotho, 1988-1991; High Commissioner to Botswana, 1991-1994

EDWARDS, STEWART L., C.M.G. (1914-2002): Minister(Economic), Federal Republic of Germany, 1965-1970; Assistant Under-Secretary, Department of Trade and Industry/Department of Trade, 1970-1974 EGERTON, Rt. Hon. SIR EDWIN H., G.C.M.G., K.C.B. (1841-1916): Secretary of Legation, Argentina, 1879-1881; Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1881-1885; Secretary of Embassy, Turkey, 1885; Secretary of Embassy, France, 1885-1886; Minister, France, 1886-1892; Minister to Greece, 1892-1903; Ambassador to Spain, 1903-1905 EGERTON, SIR STEPHEN L., K.C.M.G.(1932-2006): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Libya, 1972-1973; Head of Energy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1977; Consul-General, Rio de Janeiro, 1977-1980; Ambassador to Iraq, 1980-1982; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs)Middle East), 1982-1985; Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, 1986-1989; Ambassador to Italy, 1989-1992



Head of Near East and North Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1993-1994; Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1995-1997; Ambassador to Luxemburg, 1998-2000; Director, International Security, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2000-2002; Director-General, Defence and Intelligence, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2004; Deputy Secretary(Intelligence and Security), Cabinet Office, 2004-2005; Ambassador to China, 2006-2010

ELAM, J. NICHOLAS, C.M.G. (1939Deputy High Commissioner, Zimbabwe, 1980-1983; ConsulGeneral, Montreal, 1984-1987; Head of Cultural Relations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1987-1994; Ambassador to Luxemburg, 1994-1998 ELDON, SIR STEWART G., K.C.M.G., O.B.E. (1953-

Counsellor(Political), U.K. Delegation to N.A.T.O., 1994-1997; Director, Conferences, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1997-1998; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1998-2002; Ambassador to Ireland, 2003-2006; Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 2006-2010

ELDRIDGE, GEORGE J., C.M.G. (18 -1890): Consul-General, Beirut, 1863-1890 ELGAR, ALAN G., O.B.E. (1937-

ELGIN, Rt. Hon. THOMAS, 7th EARL OF(1766-1841):

Commercial Counsellor, Turkey, 1971-1975; ConsulGeneral, Frankfurt, 1975-1979; Consul-General, Cape Town, 1980-1982

Envoy to Belgium, 1793-1794; Minister to Prussia, 1795-1799; Ambassador to Turkey, 1799-1803


ELIOT, Rt. Hon. SIR CHARLES N.E., G.C.M.G.(1862-1931): Agent and Consul-General, Zanzibar, 1900-1904; Ambassador to Japan, 1920-1926 ELIOT, EDWARD, LORD (later Rt. Hon. the 3rd EARL OF ST.GERMANS, G.C.B.) (1798-1877)

Secretary of Legation, Spain, 1823-1824

ELIOT, Hon. WILLIAM (later 2nd EARL OF ST.GERMANS) (1767-1845): Secretary of Legation, Prussia, 1791-1793; Secretary of Embassy, the Netherlands, 1793-1795 ELIOT, WILLIAM, LORD (later 4th EARL OF ST. GERMANS) (1829-1881): Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1859; Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1859-1861; Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1861-1864; Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1864-1865 ELLINGWORTH, RICHARD H. (1926Head of Oil Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1969-1971; Counsellor, Embassy, Iran, 1972-1975 ELLIOT, CAROLINE(CARMA) M., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1964Consul-General, Jedda, 2004-2006; Consul-General, Shanghai, 2006-2010 ELLIOT, SIR FRANCIS E.H., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. (1851-1940): Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1890-1895; Agent and ConsulGeneral, Bulgaria, 1895-1903; Minister to Greece, 1903-1917; Deputy Controller of Foreign Trade Department, Foreign Office, 1917-1919 ELLIOT, Hon. GEORGE F.S. (1822-1901): Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1859-1866


ELLIOT, Rt. Hon. SIR HENRY G., G.C.B. (1817-1907):

Secretary of Legation, The Netherlands, 1848-1853; Secretary of Embassy, Austria, 1853-1858; Minister to Denmark, 1858-1859; Minister to the Two Sicilies, 1859-1860; Minister to Italy, 1863-1867; Ambassador to Turkey, 1867-1877; Ambassador to Austria-Hungary, 1877-1884

ELLIOT, Rt. Hon. HUGH (1752-1830): Minister to Bavaria, 1783-1786; Minister to Prussia, 1776-1782; Envoy to Denmark, 1783-1789; Minister to Saxony, 1792-1803; Minister to the Two Sicilies, 1803-1806; Governor of Leeeward Islands, 1808-1814 ELLIOTT, JONATHAN (JON) A. (1966-

Deputy High Commissioner, Uganda, 2003-

ELLIOTT, MARK, C.M.G. (1939Counsellor(Information), Embassy, Japan, 1977-1978; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embasy, Japan, 1978-1981; Head of Far Eastern Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1981-1985; Assistant UnderSecretary, Northern Ireland Office, 1985-1988; Ambassador to Israel, 1988-1992; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Middle East and Africa), 1992-1994; Ambassador to Norway, 1994-1998 ELLIOTT, T. ANTHONY K., C.M.G.(1921-1976):

Counsellor, Legation, China, 1964-1965; Political Adviser, Hong Kong, 1965-1968; Counsellor/MinisterCounsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, U.S.A., 1968-1972; Ambassador to Finland, 1972-1974; Ambassador to Israel, 1975-1976

ELLIOTT, WILLIAM, O.B.E. (1968Consul-General, St. Petersburg, 2006-2010



Counsellor(Global Issues), Embassy, Spain, 2003-2005; Ambassador to Portugal, 2007-2010; Director, Strategy, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2011-2013; Ambassador to Brazil, 2013-

ELLIS, JOSEPH S., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1907-1993):

Head of Information Services Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1962-1966; Head of News Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1967

ELLIS-REES, SIR HUGH, K.C.M.G., C.B.(1900-1974): Minister, U.K. Delegation to O.E.C.C., 1948-1952; Ambassador to the O.E.E.C., 1952-1960 ELMES, CAROLINE M.T., C.M.G.(1948-

EMERY, ELEANOR J., C.M.G.(1918-2007):

Deputy High Commissioner, Sri Lanka, 1989-1992; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Czechoslovakia, 1992-1995; Head of South Asia Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1995-1998; Ambassador to Angola, 1998-2002

Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 1950-1952; Head of South Asia Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1962-1964; Counsellor(Political), High Commission, Canada, 1964-1968; Head of Pacific and Indian Ocean/Pacific Dependent Territories Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1969-1973; High Commissioner to Botswana, 1973-1977

EMPSON, SIR CHARLES, K.C.M.G.(1898-1983): Commercial Counsellor, Egypt, 1939-1946; Minister(Commercial), Italy, 1948-1950; Minister(Commercial), U.S.A., 1950-1855; Ambassador to Chile, 1955-1958


EMPSON, TERRY(1931-2012): Head of Training Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1974; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission, Canada, 1974-1979; Head of Permanent Under-Secretary’s Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1979-1981 ENGLAND, BARRIE(1942ERROLL, VICTOR, 21st EARL OF, K.C.M.G. (1875-1928):

Head of Royal Matters Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-

Counsellor, High Commission, Germany, 1920-1921; High Commissioner, Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission, 1921-1928

ERSKINE, DAVID, 2nd LORD (1776-1855): Minister to the U.S.A., 1806-1809; Minister to Wurtemberg, 1824-1828; Minister to Bavaria, 1828-1843 ERSKINE, Hon. EDWARD M., C.B. (1817-1883): Secretary of Legation, Sardinia-Piedmont, 1852-1858; Secretary of Legation, U.S.A., 1858; Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1858-1860; Secretary of Legation, Russia, 1860; Secretary of Embassy, Turkey, 1860-1864; Minister to Greece, 1864-1872; Minister to Sweden, 1872-1881 ERSKINE, ROBERT(1874-1933): Consul-General, Genoa, 1925-1927; Consul-General, Rotterdam, 1927-1930 ERSKINE, THOMAS E. (18 -1916): Consul-General, New Orleans, 1916 ERSKINE, Rt. Hon. SIR WILLIAM A.F., G.C.M.G., M.V.O.(1871-1952):

Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1913; Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1913-1917; Counsellor, Embassy, Italy, 1917-1919; Minister to Cuba, 1919-1921; Minister to Bulgaria, 1921-1928; Minister/Ambassador to Poland, 1928-1935


ETHERINGTON-SMITH, R. GORDON A., C.M.G.(1914-2007): Counsellor, Embassy, South Vietnam, 1954-1958; Counsellor, Embassy, the Netherlands, 1958-1961; Counsellor, U.K. Commission, South-East Asia, 1961-1963; Ambassador to South Vietnam, 1963-1966; Minister and Deputy Commandant, British Sector, Berlin, 1966-1970; Ambassador to Sudan, 1970-1974 EUAN-SMITH, COLONEL SIR CHARLES B., K.C.B., C.S.I.(1842-1910):

Agent and Consul-General, Zanzibar, 1887-1891; Minister to Morocco, 1891-1893; Minister Resident, Colombia, 1898 (did not proceed)

EVANS, SIR FRANCIS E., G.B.E., K.C.M.G.(1897-1983): Consul-General, New York, 1944-1950; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign Affairs(Consular), 1951; Minister/Ambassador to Israel, 1951-1954; Ambassador to Argentina, 1954-1957 EVANS, HUBERT J.F., C.M.G. (1904-1989): Minister/Ambassador to Nicaragua, 1952-1954; ConsulGeneral, Rotterdam, 1955-1957; Ambassador to South Korea, 1957-1961 EVANS, JULIAN A. (1957-

Deputy High Commissioner, Pakistan, 2002-2003; Deputy High Commissioner, Canada, 2003-2007; ConsulGeneral, San Francisco, 2007-2011; Minister and Deputy High Commissioner, India, 2011-

EVANS, LAURENCE J., C.B.E. (1927-1991): Consul-General, Geneva, 1969-1973; Consul-General, Barcelona, 1973-1977 EVANS, DAME M. GLYNNE D., D.B.E., C.M.G.(1944-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Belgium, 1987-1990; Head of United Nations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1996; Ambassador to Chile, 1997-2000; Ambassador to Portugal, 2001-2004


EVANS, SIR RICHARD M., K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O. (1928-2012):

Head of Near Eastern Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1970-1972; Head of Far Eastern Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1972-1974; Commercial Counsellor, Sweden, 1975-1977; Minister(Economic), France, 1977-1979; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Economic), 1979-1982; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Economic), 1982-1983; Ambassador to China, 1984-1988

EVANS, STEPHEN N., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1950Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Pakistan, 1993-1996; Head of OSCE and Council of Europe Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1997-1998; Head of South Asian Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-2002; Charge d’Affaires, Afghanistan, 2002; High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, 2002-2006; Ambassador to Afghanistan, 2006-2007; High Commissioner to Bangladesh, 2008-2011 EVANS, TREFOR E., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1913-1974):

EVANS, SIR W. VINCENT J., G.C.M.G., M.B.E., Q.C. (1915-2007):


Counsellor, Embassy, Switzerland, 1957-1959; ConsulGeneral, Algiers, 1959-1962; Ambassador to Algeria, 1962-1964; Ambassador to Syria, 1964-1967; Ambassador to Iraq, 1968-1969

Deputy Legal Adviser, Foreign Office, 1960-1968; Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1975 Ambassador to Belarus, 1993-1995; Counsellor(Political and Economic), Embassy, China, 1998-2000; Ambassador to Uruguay, 2001-2005; Ambassador to North Korea, 2006-2008




Consul-General/Charge d’Affaires, Hanoi, 1972-1973; Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Greece, 1974-1978; Commercial Counsellor, France, 1978-1981; Minister, Nigeria, 1981-1984; Ambassador to German Democratic Republic, 1984-1988

Ambassador to Guatemala, 1987-1991; Consul-General, Houston, 1991-1995; High Commissioner to Mozambique, 1996-2000; Consul-General, Sao Paulo, 2000-2003

EVERSON, SIR FREDERICK C., K.C.M.G.(1910-2001): Ambassador to El Salvador, 1957-1960; Commercial Counsellor, Sweden, 1960-1963; Minister(Economic), France, 1963-1968 EWANS, SIR MARTIN K., K.C.M.G.(1928-2012):

EWART, JOSEPH(1759-1792):

Counsellor, High Commission, Tanzania, 1969-1973; Head of East African Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1977; Minister, India, 1978-1982; Senior Civilian Instructor, Royal College of Defence Studies, 1982-1983; High Commissioner to Zimbabwe, 1983-1985; High Commissioner to Nigeria, 1986-1988 Envoy/Minister to Prussia, 1788-1791

EWART-BIGGS, CHRISTOPHER E., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1921-1976): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Algeria, 1963-1965; Head of Permanent Under-Secretary’s Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1966-1969; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Belgium, 1969-1971; Minister, France, 1971-1976; Ambassador to Ireland, 1976


EYERS, PATRICK H.C., C.M.G., L.V.O.(1933Counsellor, Embassy, Federal Republic of Germany, 1977-1981; Head of Republic of Ireland Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1981-1983; Ambassador to Zaire, Congo, Rwanda and Burundi, 1985-1987; Ambassador to Algeria, 1987-1989; Ambassador to Democratic Republic of Germany, 1990; Ambassador to Jordan, 1991-1993 EYRES, SIR HARRY C.A., K.C.M.G.(1856-1944):

EYRES, HARRY M., C.M.G. (1898-1962):

Consul-General, Constantinople, 1905-1914; Minister to Albania, 1922-1926

Counsellor, Legation, Syria, 1946-1947; Counsellor, Embassy, Turkey, 1947-1948; Minister, Turkey, 1948-1951; Consul-General, Alexandria, 1951-1956

EZARD, CLARENCE N., C.B.E. (18 96-1986): Consul-General, Gdansk, 1946-1949; Minister/Ambassador to Costa Rica, 1953-1957 FABER, SIR RICHARD S., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1924-2007): Head of Rhodesia Political Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1967-1969; Counsellor, Embassy, the Netherlands, 1969-1973; Counsellor, Embassy, Egypt, 1973-1975; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Planning), 1975-1977; Ambassador to Algeria, 1977-1981 FABIAN, A. PAUL(1930FAGAN, GEORGE: (18 -1869):

High Commissioner to Tonga, 1987-1990

Secretary of Legation, Argentina, 1856-1860; Charge d’Affaires, Central American Republics, 1860-1861; Charge d’Affaires, Ecuador, 1861-1865; Charge d’Affaires, Venezuela, 1865-1869


FAIRCLOUGH, ANTHONY J., C.M.G.(1924Head of Pacific and Indian Ocean Department, Colonial/ Commonwealth Office, 1964-1968; Head of West Indian Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1970 FAIRWEATHER, SIR PATRICK S., K.C.M.G.(1936Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Greece, 1978-1983; Head of European Community(Internal) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1983-1985; Ambassador to Angola, 1985-1987; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Africa), 1987-1990; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Middle East and Africa), 1990-1992; Ambassador to Italy, 1992-1996 FAIRWEATHER, ROBERT:

Deputy Head of Mission, The Netherlands, 2008-2011

FALCONER, Liutenant-Colonel SIR GEORGE A., K.B.E., C.I.E. (1894-1981): Minister/Ambassador to Nepal, 1944-1951 FALL, SIR BRIAN J.P., G.C.V.O., K.C.M.G.(1937-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, U.S.S.R., 1977-1979; Head of Energy, Science and Space Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1979-1980; Head of Eastern Europe and Soviet Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1980-1981; Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1981-1984; Director of Cabinet, Secretary-General of N.A.T.O., 1984-1986; Asssistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Defence), 1986-1988; Minister, U.S.A., 1988-1989; High Commissioner to Canada, 1989-1992; Ambassador to Russia, 1992-1995


FALL, DAVID W., C.M.G. (1948-

FALLA, PAUL S.(1913-2003):

Head of Narcotics Control and Aids Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1988-1989; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission,Thailand, 1990-1993; Deputy High Commissioner, Australia, 1993-1997; Ambassador to Vietnam, 1997-2000; Ambassador to Thailand, 2003-2007 Head of Eastern Department, Foreign Office, 1953; Head of Levant Department, Foreign Office, 1953-1955; Head of General Department, Foreign Office, 1955-1958; Acting Director of Research, Foreign Office, 1966-1967

FALLE, SIR SAM, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., D.S.C.(1919Consul-General, Gothenburg, 1961-1963; Head of United Nations Department, Foreign Office, 1963-1964; Head of United Nations(Political) Department, Foreign Office, 1964-1967; Deputy High Commissioner to Malaysia, 1967-1968; Ambassador to Kuwait, 1969-1970; High Commissioner to Singapore, 1970-1974; Ambassador to Sweden, 1974-1977; High Commissioner to Nigeria, 1977-1978 FANE, SIR EDMUND D.V., K.C.M.G.(1837-1900): Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1879-1881; Secretary of Legation, Spain, 1881-1885; Secretary of Legation, Belgium, 1885; Secretary of Embassy, Turkey, 1885-1893; Minister to Serbia, 1893-1898; Minister to Denmark, 1898-1900 FANE, Hon. JULIAN H.C. (1827-1870): Secretary of Legation, Russia, 1856-1858; Secretary of Embassy, Austria, 1858-1865; Secretary of Embassy, France, 1865-1866; Minister, France, 1866-1868 FARNALL, HARRY de la B. R., C.B., C.M.G. (1852-1929): Acting Senior Clerk, Western Department, Foreign Office, 1899-1900; Senior Clerk, African Department, Foreign Office, 1900-1904


FARNWORTH, JUDITH M. (1966Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Ukraine, 2008-2011; Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, 2011FARQUHAR, SIR HAROLD L., K.C.M.G., M.C.(1894-1953): Consul-General, Barcelona, 1941-1945; Counsellor, Embassy, Iran, 1945-1946; Minister to Ethiopia, 1946-1948; Ambassador to Sweden, 1948-1951 FARQUHARSON, ROBERT A., C.M.G.(1925-2005): Minister, Spain, 1971-1973; Consul-General, San Francisco, 1973-1977; Ambassador to Yugoslavia, 1977-1980 FARRANT, Colonel FRANCIS (1803?-1868): Secretary of Legation, Persia, 1845-1852 FARRAR, REX G., L.V.O. (1925):

Consul-General, Osaka, 1980-1985


Consul-General, Munich, 1999-2003


FAWCETT, SIR J. HENRY K.C.M.G.(1831-1898):

Commercial Counsellor, the Netherlands, 1986-1990; Minister, Argentina, 1990-1993; Head of Latin American Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1993-1996; High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago, 1996-1999; Ambassador to Chile, 2000-2003

Consul-General, Constantinople, 1877-1893

FAWCETT, JOHN H., C.M.G. (1929Ambassador to North Vietnam, 1974-1975; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Poland, 1975-1978; Deputy High Commissioner, New Zealand, 1978-1986; Ambassador to Bulgaria, 1986-1989



Counsellor(Information), Embassy, France, 1992-1996; Head of Counter-Terrorism Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-1999; High Commissioner to Malta, 2002-2006; Ambassador to Libya, 2006-2010; Consul-General, Jerusalem, 2010-2014

FEARN, SIR P. ROBIN, K.C.M.G. (1934-2006): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Pakistan, 1976-1979; Head of South America Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1979-1982; Ambassador to Cuba, 1984-1986; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Americas), 1986-1989; Ambassador to Spain, 1989-1994 FEARNLEY, JOHN T. (1921-1986):

Economic Counsellor, France, 1964-1965; Head of International Oil/Oil Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1965-1969; Consul-General, Frankfort, 1969-1975; Consul-General, Sydney, 1975-1976

FEATHERSTONE, SIMON M. C.M.G. (1958Consul-General, Shanghai, 1994-1996; Counsellor(Political), Embassy, China, 1996-1998; Head of European Union Department(External), Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-2003; Ambassador to Switzerland, 2004-2008; High Commissioner to Malaysia, 2010FELL, JOHN R.M.(1890-1969): Minister to Paraguay, 1956-1949 FELL, RICHARD T., C.V.O. (1948Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Canada, 1989-1993; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission,Thailand, 1993-1996; Assistant Director of Personnel(Personnel Services), Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1997-2000; High Commissioner to New Zealand, 2001-2006


FELL, ROBERT, C.B., C.B.E. (1921Commercial Counsellor, India, 1961-1966; Assistant UnderSecretary, Board of Trade, 1967-1971 FELTON, IAN:

Ambassador to Guinea, 2008-2011


Counsellor and Head of Chancery, China, 1976-1977; Head of News Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1979-1982; Ambassador to Burma, 1982-1986; Ambassador to Ireland, 1986-1991; High Commissioner to India, 1991-1996

FENN, ROBERT D.R. (1962- Deputy High Commissioner, Cyprus, 2004-2008; High Commissioner to Brunei, 2009-2013 FENTON, HENRY P. (18 -1907):

Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1866; Secretary of Legation, Bavaria, 1866-1872; Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1872 (did not proceed); Secretary of Legation, the Netherlands, 1872-1890

FERGUSON, CHRISTINE J. (1957Deputy Permanent Representative, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, 2004-2006; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Austria, 2006-2009 FERGUSSON, SIR EWEN A.J., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O.(1932Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Permanent Representation to the European Economic Communities, 1972-1975; Principal Private Secretary to Foreign Secretary, 1975-1978; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Europe), 1978-1982; Ambassador to South Africa, 1982-1984; Deputy UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Middle East and Africa), 1984-1987; Ambassador to France, 1987-1993


FERGUSSON, Hon. GEORGE D. (1955Head of Republic of Ireland Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1997-1999; Head of Devolved Administrations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1999; Consul-General, Boston, 1999-2003; High Commissioner to New Zealand, 2006-2010; Governor of Bermuda, 2012FERNIE, ALISTAIR:

Counsellor(Economic and Social Affairs), U.K. Delegation to the U.N.O., New York, 2006-2008

FFRENCH, ROBERT P. (1832-1896): Secretary of Legation, Switzerland, 1868; Secretary of Legation, Spain, 1868-1872; Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1872-1873; Secretary of Embassy, Austria-Hungary, 1873-1878 FIDLER, MARTIN A.(1953-

Deputy High Commissioner, Jamaica, 2008

FIELD, E. JOHN, C.M.G. (1936Commercial Counsellor, South Korea, 1980-1983; Counsellor (Economic and Social), U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1984-1988; Minister,Japan, 1988-1991; High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, 1991-1996 FIELDING, FRANK S., O.B.E.(1918-1990):


Deputy High Commissioner, Brisbane, Australia, 1969-1972; Commercial Counsellor, Singapore, 1972-1975

Charge d’Affaires, Cambodia, 1964-1966: Director-General, External Relations, European Commission, 1982-1987

FIFOOT, PAUL R.N., C.M.G. (1928-2008): Deputy Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1984-1988 FIGG, SIR LEONARD C.W., K.C.M.G.(1923Consul-General, Milan, 1973-1977; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Public Departments), 1977-1980; Ambassador to Ireland, 1980-1983


FIGGIS, SIR ANTHONY ST.J. H., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1940- Commercial Counsellor, Spain, 1980-1982; Counsellor, Embassy, Yugoslavia, 1982-1985; Head of East European Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1986-1988; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Federal Republic of Germany, 1988-1989; Director of Research/Research and Analysis, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1991; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Protocol) and Vice-Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps, 1991-1996; Ambassador to Austria, 1996-2000; Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps, 2001-2008 FILLITER, DOUGLAS F.S. (1884-1968): Consul-General, Hamburg, 1930(did not proceed); ConsulGeneral, Hamburg, 1934-1937; Consul-General, Naples, 1937-1940 FINCH, Major JOHN P.G., O.B.E.(1898-1965): Head of Commonwealth Co-ordination Department, Foreign Office, 1947-1948; Head of Cultural Relations Department, Foreign Office, 1948-1952 FINDLAY, SIR MANSFELDT de C., G.B.E., K.C.M.G., C.B. (1861-1932): Counsellor, Egypt, 1901-1907; Minister Resident, Saxony and Saxe-Coburg, 1907-1909; Minister to Bulgaria, 1909-1911; Minister to Norway, 1911-1923 FINGLAND, SIR STANLEY J.G., K.C.M.G.(1919-2003): Deputy High Commissioner, Trinidad and Tobago, 1962-1964; Deputy High Commissioner to Rhodesia, 1964-1966; High Commissioner to Sierra Leone, 1966-1969; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(South-East Asia), 1969-1970; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Central and Southern Africa), 1970-1972; Ambassador to Cuba, 1972-1975; High Commissioner to Kenya, 1975-1979




Deputy High Commissioner, Bangladesh, 1990-1993; Consul-General, Melbourne, Australia, 1994-1998; High Commissioner to Malawi, 1998-2001

Commercial Counsellor, Singapore, 1969-1972; Head of Trade Relations and Exports Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1972-1973; Commercial Counsellor, France, 1973-1978; Consul-General, Toronto, 1978-1981; Consul-General, Los Angeles, 1981-1984

FINN, ALEXANDER (1847-1919): Consul-General, Chicago, 1907-1909 FISH, ARTHUR Y. (1905FISHER, SIR GODFREY A., K.C.M.G.(1885-1969):

Consul-General, Salonica, 1959-1965

Consul-General, Naples, 1930-1937; Consul-General, Antwerp, 1937-1940; Consul-General, San Francisco, 1941-1945

FISHER, JOHN M., C.M.G. (1915-1999): Counsellor(Information), Federal Republic of Germany, 1955-1959; Inspector, 1959-1962; Counsellor, Embassy, Thailand, 1962-1965; Consul-General, Dusseldorf, 1966-1970 FISHER, RICHARD C. (1923-1992):

Commercial Counsellor, Poland, 1973-1976; Commercial Counsellor, Italy, 1976-1979

FISHER, SIMON J. (1959 -

Consul-General, Osaka, 2009-


Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Venezuela, 2002-2005; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Hungary, 2005-2009; Ambassador to the Dominican Republic and Haiti, 2009-

FITCHETT, ROBERT D. (1961- Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Philippines, 2003-2006; Counsellor, Embassy, France, 2006-2008; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Mexico, 2008-2011


FITTON, DAVID J., C.M.G. (1955-

Counsellor(Political), Embassy, Japan, 1996-2000; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Turkey, 2001-2004; Minister, Japan, 2008-2012; High Commissioner to Jamaica, 2013-

FITZGERALD, LORD ROBERT S. (1756-1833): Secretary of Embassy, France, 1789-1791; Minister to Switzerland, 1792-1795; Envoy to Denmark, 1796-1799; Minister to Portugal, 1802-1808 FITZGERALD AND VESEY(see VESEY-FITZGERALD) FITZHERBERT, GILES E., C.M.G.(1935-

Commercial Counsellor, Kuwait, 1975-1977; Counsellor, High Commission, Cyprus, 1977-1978; Head of European Community(External) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1978-1982; Inspector, 1983; Minister, Italy, 1983-1987; Ambassador to Venezuela, 1988-1993

FITZMAURICE, SIR GERALD G., G.C.M.G., Q.C.(1901-1982): Second Legal Adviser, Foreign Office, 1945-1953; Legal Adviser, Foreign Office, 1953-1960 FLACK, BERTRAM A., C.M.G. (1924-2009):


FLEAR, TIMOTHY C.F., M.V.O. (1958-

Deputy High Commissioner, Dacca, Pakistan, 1967-1968; Inspector, 1968-1970; Head of Communications Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1973; Commercial Counsellor, Sweden, 1973-1975; Deputy High Commissioner and Minister(Commercial), Canada, 1976-1979; High Commissioner to Uganda, 1979-1980 Deputy Permanent U.K. Representative to N.A.T.O., 2008-2011

Consul-General, Rio de Janeiro, 2006-2010



FLOUD, SIR FRANCIS L.C., K.C.B., K.C.S.I., K.C.M.G. (1875-1965):


FLYNN, JOHN G., C.M.G. (1937-



Private Secretary(Foreign Affairs) to the Prime Minister, 2007-2011; Ambassador to Lebanon, 2011-

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, 1920-1927; Chairman of the Board of Customs and Excise, 1927-1930; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour, 1930-1934; High Commissioner to Canada, 1934-1938 Counsellor, Embassy, Federal Republic of Germany, 1985-1990; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, the Netherlands, 1990-1993; Head of Security Coordination Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1994-1995; Head of Drugs, International Crime and Terrorism Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1995-1996

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Brazil, 1979-1982; Counsellor, Embassy, Spain, 1982-1987; High Commissioner to Swaziland, 1987-1990; Ambassador to Angola, 1990-1993; Ambassador to Venezuela, 1993-1997 Consul-General, Salonica, 1920-1923

Secretary of Legation/Embassy, Portugal, 1823-1828; Secretary of Embassy, Austria, 1828-1832; Minister to Saxony, 1832-1858; Minister to Brazil, 1858-1859

High Commissioner to the Seychelles, 2009-2012

FORBES, SIR V. COURTENAY W., K.C.M.G.(1889-1958): Counsellor, Embassy, Spain, 1932-1934; Minister/ Ambassador to Peru, 1934-1945


FORBES-MEYLER, JOHN W., O.B.E.(1942Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Austria, 1992-1996; Ambassador to Ecuador, 1997-2000 FORBES SMITH, MICHAEL (1948-

FORD, ANTONY, C.M.G. (1944-

Deputy High Commissioner, Pakistan, 1999-2002; Ambassador to Tajikistan, 2002-2004

Counsellor, Embassy, German Democratic Republic, 1984-1987; Consul-General, San Frncisco, 1990-1994; Minister, Germany, 1997-1999; Ambassador to Austria, 2000-2003

FORD, Rt. Hon. SIR F. CLARE, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. (1828-1899): Secretary of Legation, Japan, 1865(did not proceed); Secretary of Legation, Argentina, 1865-1866; Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1866-1867; Secretary of Legation, USA, 1867-1870; Secretary of Legation, Belgium, 1870-1871 (did not proceed); Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1871-1872; Secretary of Embassy, Austria-Hungary, 1872-1873; Charge d’Affaires, Hesse-Darmstadt and Baden, 1873-1878; Minister to Argentina, 1878-1879; Minister to Brazil, 1879-1881; Minister/Ambassador to Spain, 1884-1892; Ambassador to Turkey, 1892-1893; Ambassador to Italy, 1893-1898 FORD, HUGH A., C.M.G. (1885-1966):

Consul-General, Lourenco Marques, 1931-1933; ConsulGeneral, Boston, 1933-1943

FORD, SIR JOHN A., K.C.M.G., MC.(1921- ) Head of Establishment and Organization Department, Foreign Office, 1963-1966; Commercial Counsellor, Italy, 1966-1970; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(European Integration), 1970-1971; Consul-General, New York, 1971-1975; Ambassador to Indonesia, 1975-1978; High Commissioner to Canada,1978-1981


FORD, JOSEPH F., C.M.G., O.B.E. (1912-1993): Consul-General, Hanoi, 1960-1962; Consul-General, New Orleans, 1962-1964; Counsellor, Embassy, South Vietnam, 1964-1967; Director of Research, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1967-1970 FORD, PETER W.(1947-

FORD, ROBERT W., C.B.E. (1923-2013):

FORDHAM, SIR A. STANLEY, K.B.E., C.M.G.(1907-1981):

Commercial Counsellor, Saudi Arabia, 1987-1990; Deputy High Commissioner, Singapore, 1991-1994; Head of Near East and North Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1994-1999; Ambassador to Bahrain, 1999-2003; Ambassador to Syria, 2003-2006

Consul-General, Tangier, 1967-1970; Consul-General, Luanda, 1970-1974; Consul-General, Bordeaux, 1974-1978; Consul-General, Gothenburg, 1978-1980; Consul-General, Geneva, 1980-1983

Head of American Department, Foreign Office, 1949-1951; Counsellor, Embassy, Poland, 1951-1952; Counsellor, Embassy, Sweden, 1952-1954; Minister, Argentina, 1954-1956; Ambassador to Cuba, 1956-1960; Ambassador to Colombia, 1960-1964

FORSTER, HENRY F. (1809-1863): Senior Clerk, Turkish Department, Foreign Office, 1854-1863 FORSTER, SIR OLIVER G., K.C.M.G., L.V.O.(1925-1999): Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Affairs, 1965-1967; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Philippines, 1967-1970; Counsellor, High Commission, India, 1970-1975; Minister, India, 1975; Assistant Under-Secretary and Deputy Chief Clerk, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1975-1979; Ambassador to Pakistan, 1979-1984 FORSTER, RALPH G.E., C.M.G. (1865-1931): Consul-General, Kobe, 1914-1926


FORT, DAME MAEVE G., D.C.M.G., D.C.V.O.(1940-2008): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Chile, 1984-1986; Head of West Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and Ambassador to Chad, 1986-1989; Ambassador to Mozambique, 1989-1992; Ambassador to Lebanon, 1992-1996; High Commissioner to South Africa, 1996-2000 FORTESCUE, SIR J. ADRIAN, K.C.M.G., L.V.O. (1941-2004): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Hungary, 1983-1984; Deputy Director-General, Secretariat, European Union Commission, 1994-1999; DirectorGeneral, Justice and Home Affairs, European Union Commission, 1999-2004 FOSTER, Rt. Hon. SIR AUGUSTUS J., Bt.(1780-1848): Secretary of Legation, U.S.A., 1804-1806; Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1808-1810; Minister to U.S.A., 1811-1812; Minister to Denmark, 1814-1824; Minister to Sardinia-Piedmont, 1824-1840 FOSTER, PETER M., C.M.G. (1924-2004): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Israel, 1969-1972; Head of Central and Southern Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1972-1974; U.K. Representative to the Council of Europe, 1974-1978; Ambassador to German Democratic Republic, 1981-1984 FOULDS, LINTON H., C.B.E. (1897-1952): FOWLER, DENNIS H., O.B.E. (1924-

Minister to the Philippines, 1946-1951

Head of Claims Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1980-1983


FOWLER, PETER J., C.M.G. (1936-

FOWLER, REES J., C.B.E. (1894-1955):

Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to Comprehensive Test Ban Negotiations, 1980; Counsellor, Embassy, Federal Republic of Germany,1981-1985; Head of North American Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1985-1988; Minister, India, 1988-1993; High Commissioner to Bangladesh, 1993-1996

Minister to Honduras, 1946-1949; Consul-General, Genoa, 1950-1955

FOWLER, SIR ROBERT W.D., K.C.M.G.(1914-1985): Head of South Asia Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1953-1954; Head of Central Africa and Territories Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1954-1956; Deputy High Commissioner, Pakistan, 1956-1959; Deputy High Commissioner, Canada, 1959-1962; Deputy High Commissioner, Nigeria, 1962-1964; High Commissioner to Tanzania, 1964-1965; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Affairs, 1966; Ambassador to Sudan, 1966-1967; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Affairs, 1967-1968; Ambassador to Sudan, 1968-1970 FOX, SIR HARRY H., K.B.E., C.M.G.(1872-1936): FOX, Hon. HENRY E.(later 4th LORD HOLLAND) (1802-1859):

Commercial Counsellor, China, 1918-1929

Secretary of Legation, Sardinia-Piedmont, 1832-1835; Secretary of Embassy, Austria, 1835-1837; Minister to the German Confederation, 1838-1839; Minister to Tuscany, 1839-1846

FOX, General the Hon. HENRY E. (1755-1811): Minister to the Two Sicilies, 1806-1897


FOX, HENRY S.(1791-1846):

Secretary of Legation, Sardinia-Piedmont, 1824-1826; Secretary of Legation, The Two Sicilies, 1826-1828; Minister to Argentina, 1830-1832; Minister to Brazil, 1832-1836; Minister to the U.S.A., 1836-1844

FOX, PAUL L.(1962-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Poland, 2009-2010; Head of Afghanistan Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2010-201

FOX, ROY, C.M.G.(1920-

Deputy High Commissioner, Dacca, Pakistan, 1968-1970; Commercial Counsellor, Finland, 1970-1974; ConsulGeneral, Houston, 1974-1980


Secretary of Legation, Tuscany, 1825-1828; Secretary of Legation, The Two Sicilies, 1828-1832; Secretary of Embassy, Austria, 1833-1835; Minister to the German Confederation, 1840-1848

FRANCIS, A. DAVID, C.B.E., M.V.O.(1900-1987): Consul-General, Danzig, 1949-1951; Consul-General, New Orleans, 1951-1955; Consul-General, Oporto, 1955-1958 FRANCIS, SIR PHILIP: FRANKLIN, ALBERT A.E., C.V.O., C.B.E.(1914-2002):

Consul-General, Constantinople, 1867-1877

Consul-General, Dusseldorf, 1958-1966; Consul-General, Los Angeles, 1966-1974

FRANKS, Rt.Hon. SIR OLIVER S., O.M., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., K.C.V.O.. C.B.E.(later LORD FRANKS) (1905-1992): Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Supply, 1945-1946; Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1948-1952 FRASER, SIR A. RONALD, K.B.E., C.M.G.(1888-1974):

Minister(Commercial), France, 1944-1949



Secretary of Legation, Russia, 1787-1788; Secretary of Embassy, Spain, 1790

FRASER, SIR EVERARD D.H., K.C.M.G.(1858-1922): Consul-General, Shanghai, 1911-1922 FRASER, GILLIAN, O.B.E.:

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Libya, 201 -

FRASER, HUGH(1837-1894): Secretary of Legation, China, 1874-1879; Secretary of Embassy, Austria-Hungary, 1879-1882; Secretary of Embassy, Italy, 1882-1885; Minister Resident, Chile, 1885-1888; Minister to Japan, 1888-1894 FRASER, JAMES D., C.V.O., M.B.E.(1915-1965):


Deputy High Commissioner, Bombay, India, 1960-1963; Head of Defence Supplies Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1963-1965

Counsellor(Political), Embassy, France, 1999-2002; Director, Strategy and Innovation, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2004; Director, Middle East and North Africa, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2004; Chef du Cabinet to European Union Trade Commissioner, 2004-2008; Director-General, Europe and Globalisation, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2008-2009; Permanent Under-Secretary, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2009-2010; Permanent UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 2010-

FRASER-TYTLER, LieutenantColonel SIR WILLIAM K., K.B.E., C.M.G., M.C. (1886-1963): Minister to Afghanistan, 1935-1941 FREELAND, SIR JOHN R., K.C.M.G., Q.C.(1927-

Second Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1976-1984; Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1984-1987


FREEMAN, Rt. Hon. JOHN, M.B.E.(1915-



High Commissioner to India, 1965-1968; Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1969-1971

Head of Security Co-ordination Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1992-1994; Deputy High Commissioner, Singapore, 1994-1997; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organizations, Vienna, 1997-2001; Deputy Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 2001-2004; Permanent Representative to the Disarmament Conference, 2004-2006; Ambassador to Argentina, 2011Consul-General, Munich, 2010-2012

Head of General Department, Foreign Office, 1948-1949; Counsellor, Embassy, Burma, 1950-1951; ConsulGeneral, Morocco(Rabat), 1951-1956; Ambassador to Morocco, 1956-1957; Ambassador to Luxemburg, 1957-1961

FRENCH, NEVILLE A.I., C.M.G., L.V.O.(1920-1996): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Cuba, 1972-1975; Governor of the Falkland Islands, 1975-1977; Deputy High Commissioner, Madras, India, 1977-1980 FRENCH, ROGER(1947-

FRERE, BATHOLOMEW (1776-1851):

Consul-General, Washington, 1997-2001; Counsellor (Management), Embassy, Japan, 2003-2007

Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1801-1802; Secretary of Legation/Embassy, Spain, 1802-1804 and 1808-1809; Secretary of Embassy, Turkey, 1811-1821


FRERE, Rt. Hon. JOHN H. (1769-1846):

Minister to Portugal, 1800-1802; Envoy to Spain, 1802-1804; Minister to Prussia, 1807(did not proceed); Minister to Spain, 1808-1809

FRETWELL, SIR M. JOHN E., G.C.M.G.(1930Commercial Counsellor, Poland, 1970-1973; Head of Trade Relations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973; Head of European Integration(Internal) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1976; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(European Integration), 1976-1979; Minister, U.S.A., 1980-1981; Ambassador to France, 1982-1987; Senior Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Political Director, 1987-1990 FROST, DAVID G.H., C.M.G. (1965-

FROST, MICHAEL E., L.V.O. (1941-

Economic Counsellor, France, 2001-2003; Head of European Union(Internal) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003-2006; Director, European Union, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2006; Ambassador to Denmark, 2006-2008; Director, Strategy and Policy Planning, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2008-2010; Director, Europe, Trade and International, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2010-2013

Head of Migration and Visa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1995-1997; Consul-General, San Francisco, 1998-2001


FRY, SIR GRAHAM H., K.C.M.G.(1949-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Japan, 1989-1993; Head of Far East/Far East and Pacific Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1993-1995; Director, North Asia and Pacific, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1995-1998; High Commissioner to Malaysia, 1998-2001; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Wider World), 2001-2003; Director-General, Economic, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003-2004; Ambassador to Japan, 2004-2008

FRY, SIR LESLIE A.C., K.C.M.G., O.B.E.(1908-1976): Counsellor, Embassy, Portugal, 1951-1953; Head of Eastern Department, Foreign Office, 1953-1955; Minister to Hungary, 1955-1959; Ambassador to Indonesia, 1959-1963; Ambassador to Brazil, 1963-1966 FULLER, ELEANOR M. (1953-

FULLER, SIMON W.J., C.M.G. (1943-


Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, 2007-2012

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Israel, 1986-1990; Head of Near East and North Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1993; Head of U.K. Delegation to Conference on/ Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, 1993-1999; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organizations, Geneva, 2000-2003

Commercial Counsellor, Australia, 1974-1977

Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Pakistan, 1980-1983; Ambassador to Somalia, 1983-1987; Governor of the Falkland Islands, 1988-1992; Ambassador to Kuwait, 1992-1996; Ambassador to Morocco and Mauritania, 1996-1999


FURLONGE, SIR GEOFFREY W., K.B.E., C.M.G.(1903-1984): Head of Commonwealth Liaison Department, Foreign Office, 1948-1949; Head of Eastern Department, Foreign Office, 1949-1951; Minister/Ambassador to Jordan, 1952-1954; Minister to Bulgaria, 1954-1956; Ambassador to Ethiopia, 1956-1959 FURNESS, ALAN E., C.M.G. (1937-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Indonesia, 1978-1981; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Poland, 1982-1985; Head of South Pacific Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1985-1988; Deputy High Commissioner, Bombay, India, 1989-1993; Ambassador to Senegal, Cape Verde, Guinea, Guine-Bissau and Mali, 1993-1997

FYJIS-WALKER, RICHARD A., C.M.G., C.V.O. (1927-2013): Head of Information Administration Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1970-1972; Counsellor, Embassy, Turkey, 1972-1974; Counsellor(Information), U.S.A., 1974-1978; Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, 1978-1979; Ambassador to Sudan, 1979-1984; Ambassador to Pakistan, 1984-1987 FYNES-CLINTON, DAVID O. (1909-1978): GAGE, SIR BERKELEY E.F., K.C.M.G.(1904-1994):

Consul-General, Zagreb, 1956-1957

Counsellor, Embassy, the Netherlands, 1947-1950; Consul-General, Chicago, 1950-1954; Ambassador to Thailand, 1954-1957; Ambassador to Peru, 1958-1963

GAINER, SIR DONALD St.C., G.B.E., K.C.M.G.(1891-1966): Consul-General, Munich, 1932-1938; Consul-General, Vienna, 1938-1939; Minister/Ambassador to Venezuela, 1939-1944; Ambassador to Brazil, 1944-1947; Ambassador to Poland, 1947-1950; Permanent UnderSecretary for Foreign Affairs (German Section), 1950-1951


GAISFORD, HUGH W. (1874-1954):

GALE, MALCOLM, C.B.E. (1909-1990):


GALLAGHER, F.G. KENNA, C.M.G.(1917-2011):

Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1909-1912; Secretary of Legation, Argentina, 1912-1914; Minister to the Central American Republics, 1920-1922; Consul-General, Munich, 1925-1932

Commercial Counsellor, U.S.A., 1960-1964; Commercial Counsellor, Portugal, 1964-1967; Minister(Commercial), Argentina, 1967-1969 Consul-General, Johannesburg, 2006-2010; Counsellor (Commercial), Embassy, China, 2010-

Head of European Economic Organizations Department, Foreign Office, 1960-1963; Commercial Counsellor, Switzerland, 1963-1965; Head of Western Economic Development Department, Commonwealth Office, 1965-1967; Head of Common Market Department, Commonwealth Office, 1967-1968; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Economic), 1968-1971; U.K. Permanent Representative to the O.E.C.D., 1971-1977

GALLAGHER, FRANCIS X., O.B.E.(1946Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Sudan, 1989-1992; Counsellor, Embassy, Kuwait, 1992-1994; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Denmark, 1995-1998 GALLAGHER, SIMON:

Counsellor(Economic), Embassy, Germany, 2010-


Assistant Director, Human Resources(Operations), 2008-2010; Ambassador to Portugal, 2011-

GALLIENNE, WILFRED H., C.B.E.(1897-1956)

Minister, Estonia, 1940; Consul-General, Chicago, 1942-1947; Minister to Guatemala, 1947-1954; Ambassador to Cuba, 1954-1956


GALLOP, RODNEY A., C.M.G. (1901-1948): Head of General Department, Foreign Office, 1944-1947 GALSWORTHY, SIR ANTHONY C., K.C.M.G.(1944Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, China, 1981-1984; Head of Hong Kong Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1984-1986; Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1986-1989; Senior Representative, Sino-British Joint Liaison Group, Hong Kong, 1989-1993; Assistant Under-Secretary(Assessments Staff), Cabinet Office, 1993-1995; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Defence and Intelligence), 1995-1997; Ambassador to China, 1997-2002 GALSWORTHY, SIR ARTHUR N., K.C.M.G.(1916-1986): Head of International Relations A Department, Colonial Office, 1947-1951; Head of Finance Department, Colonial Office, 1954-1956; Assistant Under-Secretary for the Colonies(Economic and Finance), 1956-1965; Deputy Under-Secretary for the Colonies/Commonwealth/Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Dependent Territories), 1965-1969; High Commissioner to New Zealand, 1969-1973; Ambassador to Ireland, 1973-1976 GALSWORTHY, SIR JOHN E., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1919-1992): Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to the European Economic Communities, 1962-1964; Economic Counsellor, Federal Republic of Germany, 1964-1967; Economic Counsellor, Embassy, France, 1967-1970; Minister(European Economic Affairs), Embassy, France, 1970-1971; Ambassador to Mexico, 1972-1977 GALVEZ, ELIZABETH A. (1951-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Romania, 1997-2001; Counsellor(Finance), U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, 2003-


GAMBLE, SIR F. HERBERT, K.B.E., C.M.G.(1907-1983):

GANDEE, JOHN S., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1909-1994):

GANDY, CHRISTOPHER T. (1917-2009):

Commercial Counsellor, Iraq, 1948-1952; Commercial Counsellor, Greece, 1952-1955; Consul-General, Los Angeles, 1959-1964; Ambassador to Bolivia, 1964-1967

Head of Administration Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1961-1964; Head of Conference, Services and Supply Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1965-1966; High Commissioner to Botswana, 1966-1969

Charge d’Affaires, Yemen, 1962-1963; Counsellor, Embassy, Kuwait, 1963-1966; Minister(Commercial), Brazil, 1966-1968

GARDENER, SIR A.JOHN, K.C.M.G., C.B.E.(1897-1985): Head of Establishment and Organization Department, Foreign Office, 1946-1949; Ambassador to Afghanistan, 1949-1951; Ambassador to Syria, 1953-1956 GARLIKE, BENJAMIN (c.1766-1815):

Secretary of Legation, Prussia, 1796-1801; Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1801-1803; Minister to Denmark, 1804-1807

GARNER, FREDERIC F., C.M.G. (1910-1993): Consul-General, Shanghai, 1954-1956; Head of Consular Department, Foreign Office, 1956-1958; Ambassador to Camboadia, 1958-1961; Ambassador to Costa Rica, 1961-1967 GARNER, JOHN D., C.M.G., C.V.O.(1931-

Deputy High Commissioner, Malawi, 1977-1980; Charge d’Affaires, Afghanistan, 1982-1984; High Commissioner, Gambia, 1984-1988; Consul-General, Houston, 1988-1991


GARNER, SIR J.J. SAVILLE, G.C.M.G.(later LORD GARNER) (1908-1983): Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for the Dominions, 1940-1943; Senior Secretary, High Commission, Canada, 1943-1946; Deputy High Commissioner, Canada, 1946-1948; Assistant UnderSecretary for Commonwealth Relations, 1948-1950; Deputy Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations, 1950-1951; Deputy High Commissioner, India, 1951-1953; Deputy Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations, 1953-1956; High Commissioner to Canada, 1956-1961; Permanent Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations/ Affairs, 1962-1968 GARNETT, BERNARD J., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1913-1977):

Inspector, 1954-1957; Counsellor, Berlin, 1957-1960; Commercial Counsellor, Greece, 1960-1963; Senior/ Chief Inspector, 1963-1966; Minister, Conference on Disarmament, 1966-1968

GARNETT, WALTER J., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1889-1958): Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations, 1949; Deputy High Commissioner, Australia, 1949-1951 GARRAN, SIR I. PETER, K.C.M.G.(1910-1991):

Counsellor, Embassy, the Netherlands, 1950-1952; Inspector, 1952-1954; Minister(Commercial), U.S.A., 1955-1960; Ambassador to Mexico, 1960-1964; Ambassador to the Netherlands, 1964-1970


Ambassador to Macedonia, 2014-


Consul-General, Amsterdam, 2003-


Counsellor(Financial/Financial and Commercial), Embassy, France, 1982-1987


GARVEY, SIR TERENCE W., K.C.M.G.(1915-1986): Head of Mutual Aid Department, Foreign Office, 1951-1952; Head of American Department, Foreign Office, 1952-1954; Counsellor, Embassy, Egypt, 1954-1956; Counsellor, Embassy, Yugoslavia, 1958-1962; Charge d’Affaires, China, 1962-1965; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Economic and Commercial), 1965-1968; Ambassador to Yugoslavia, 1968-1971; High Commissioner to India, 1971-1973; Ambassador to the U.S.S.R., 1973-1975 GASCOIGNE, SIR ALVARY D.F, G.B.E., K.C.M.G. (1893-1970); Consul-General, Tangier, 1939-1944; Political Representative In Hungary, 1945-1946; Political Representative in Japan, 1946-1951; Ambassador to the U.S.S.R., 1951-1953 GASELEE, SIR STEPHEN, K.C.M.G., C.B.E.(1882-1943): Librarian of the Foreign Office, 1920-1943 GASKELL, PAUL: GASS, SIR SIMON L., K.C.M.G., C.V.O.(1956-


Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Kuwait, 2010-2013

Head of European Union(Internal) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-1998; Deputy High Commissioner, South Africa, 1998-2001; Director, Resources/Finance, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2001-2004; Ambassador to Greece, 2004-2009; Ambassador to Iran, 2009-2011; Senior N.A.T.O. Civilian Representative, Afghanistan, 2011-2013; Political Director, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, 2013Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Oman, 2008-2013

GATES, HORACE F.A., C.M.G., M.B.E.(1903-1962); Ambassador to Nicaragua, 1954-1959; Ambassador to Paraguay, 1959-1962


GATES, MAURICE B.,, C.B.E. (1903-

GATTY, TREVOR T., O.B.E. (1930-

Head of Treaty and Nationality Department, Foreign Office, 1961-1963

Inspector, 1977-1980; Head of Migration and Visa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1980-1981; Consul-General, Atlanta, 1981-1985

GAULT, CHARLES A., C.B.E. (1908-1996):

GAUTREY, PETER, C.V.O., C.M.G.(1918-

Deputy High Commissioner, Madras, India, 1948-1949; Political Agent, Bahrain, 1954-1959

Counsellor, High Commission, India, 1960-1963;Deputy High Commissioner, Bombay, India, 1963-1965; Inspector, 1965-1968; High Commissioner to Swaziliand, 1968-1971; High Commissioner in Brunei, 1972-1975; High Commissioner to Guyana, 1975-1978

GEDDES, Rt. Hon. SIR AUCKLAND, G.C.M.G., K.C.B.(later 1st LORD GEDDES) (1879-1954):

Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1920-1924

GEE, TIMOTHY H.(1936-1998):

Consul-General, Istanbul, 1981-1985; Head of Cultural Relations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1985-1987


High Commissioner to Rwanda, 2014-

GEMMELL, RODERICK, O.B.E. (1950High Commissioner to the Bahamas, 2003-2005 GEORGE, ANDREW N. (1952-

Ambassador to Paraguay, 1998-2001; Commercial Counsellor, Indonesia, 2002; Governor of Anguilla, 2006-2009


GEORGE, SIR ANTHONY H., K.C.M.G.(1886-1944):

GEORGE, PETER J., O.B.E. (1919-2008): GEORGE, TIMOTHY J.B., C.M.G.(1937-

GERKEN, IAN, L.V.O. (1943-

Commercial Counsellor, China, 1938-1940; Consul-General, Shanghai, 1940-1941; Consul-General, Boston, 1943-1944

Counsellor, Embassy, Philippines, 1976-1979

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, China, 1978-1980; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to the O.E.C.D., 1982-1986; Head of Republic of Ireland Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1986-1990; Ambassador to Nepal, 1990-1995 Ambassador to El Salvador, 1995-1999; Ambassador to Ecuador, 2000-2003

GIBBS, Hon. SIR EUSTACE H.B., K.C.V.O., C.M.G. (later 3rd LORD WRAXALL) (1929- Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Venezuela, 1971-1973; Inspector, 1975-1977; Consul-General, Paris, 1977-1981; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Vice-Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps, 1982-1986 GIBBS, SIR FRANK S., K.B.E., C.M.G.(1895-1983): Consul-General, Tunis, 1946-1947; Consul-General, Saigon, 1947-1951; Minister to Vietnam, 1950-1951; Minister/Ambassador to The Philiippines, 1951-1955


GIBSON, JOHN P., C.B.E. (1898-19 Head of Political Department(Internal), India Office, 1941-1944; Head of Political Department(British India), India Office, 1944-1946; Head of Southern Rhodesia and Communications Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 19 -1952; Head of Communications Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1952-1954; Head of General Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1954-1956; Head of Migration and General Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1956-1959 GIBSON, ROBERT W. C.M.G. (1956-


Deputy High Commissioner, Bangladesh, 2002-2005; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Iraq, 2006-2007; Deputy High Commissioner, Karachi, Pakistan, 2008-2011; High Commissioner to Bangladesh, 2011-

Deputy High Commissioner, Mauritius, 1970-1974; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Iraq, 1974-1977

GIFFARD, SIR C. SYDNEY R., K.C.M.G.(1926Head of Eastern European and Soviet Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1971; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Israel, 1972-1975; Minister(Commercial and Economic), Japan, 1975-1976; Minister, Japan, 1976-1980; Ambassador to Switzerland, 1980-1982; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Asia and the Americas), 1982-1984; Ambassador to Japan, 1984-1986 GIFFORD, Hon. EDWARD S. (1825-1872):

Senior Clerk, Spanish Department, Foreign Office, 1868-1872

GIFFORD, MICHAEL J. (1961- Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Egypt, 2001-2004; Ambassador to Yemen, 2004-2007; Ambasador to North Korea, 2012-


GILCHRIST, SIR ANDREW G., K.C.M.G.(1910-1993): Consul-General, Stuttgart, 1951-1954; Counsellor, U. K. Commission, South-East Asia, 1954-1956; Ambassador to Iceland, 1956-1959; Consul-General, Chicago, 1960-1962; Ambassador to Indonesia, 1963-1965; Ambassador to Ireland, 1966-1970 GILL, STUART:

Consul-General, Melbourne, 2008-2012; Ambassador to Iceland, 2012-

GILLETT, SIR MICHAEL C., K.B.E., C.M.G. (1907-1971): Consul-General, Los Angeles, 1954-1957; Ambassador to Afghanistan, 1957-1963 GILLETT, SARAH, C.M.G., M.V.O. (1956Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Brazil, 1999-2001; Consul-General, Montreal, 2002-2005; Head of Protocol Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Vice-Marshall of the Diplomatic Corps, 2006-2009; Ambassador to Switzerland, 2009-2013 GILLHAM, GEOFFREY C. (1954-

Head of Management Consultancy and Inspection Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1997-1998; Commercial Counsellor, India, 1998-2001; Head of Southern Europe Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2001-2003; Director, Estates, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2004-2008

GILLIAT-SMITH, BERNARD J. (1883-1973): Consul-General, New Orleans, 1939-1940 GILLIAT-SMITH, GUY B. (1885-1933):

Consul-General, Strasbourg, 1927-1931; Consul-General, Milan, 1931-1933


GILLMORE, SIR DAVID H., G.C.M.G.(later LORD GILLMORE OF THAMESFIELD (1934-1999): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to Negotiations on Mutual and Balanced Reduction of Forces and Armaments in Europe, 1975-1978; Head of Defence Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1979-1981; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Defence), 1981-1983; High Commissioner to Malaysia, 1983-1986; Deputy UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Asia and Americas), 1986-1990; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1991-1994 GILMARTIN, HUGH, O.B.E. (1923-

Consul-General, Brisbane, Australia, 1980-1983

GIVEN, EDWARD F., C.M.G., C.V.O.(1919-2006): Counsellor, Far East Command, 1963-1967, and Head of Chancery, 1963-1965; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, U.S.S.R., 1967-1969; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Lebanon, 1969-1972; Ambassador to Cameroun and Equatorial Guinea, 1972-1975; Ambassador to Bahrain, 1975-1979 GLADSTONE, DAVID A.S., C.M.G.(1935Counsellor and Head of Chancery, British Military Sector, West Berlin, 1976-1979; Head of Western European Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1979-1982; Consul-General, Marseilles, 1983-1987; High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, 1987-1991 GLADWYN (see JEBB) GLASBY, A. IAN (1931-2009): Ambassador to People’s Republic of the Congo, 1988-1990


GLASS, SIR LESLIE C., K.C.M.G.(1917-1988):

Consul-General, Washington, 1957-1959; Director-General of British Information Services and Minister(Information), U.S.A., 1959-1961; Minister/Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1961-1965; Ambassador to Romania, 1965-1967; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1967-1969; High Commissioner to Nigeria, 1969-1971

GLASSE, THOMAS H., C.M.G., M.V.O., M.B.E.(1898-1994): Head of Protocol Department, Foreign Office, 1957-1961 GLAZE, MICHAEL J.C.(JAMES), C.M.G.(1935Consul-General, Bordeaux, 1980-1984; Ambassador to Cameroon, 1984-1987; Ambassador to Angola, 1987-1990; Ambassador to Ethiopia, 1990-1994 GLENNY, WILLIAM J., C.B.E. (1873-1963): Commercial Counsellor, Sweden, 1929-1934 GLOVER, EDWARD C., C.M.G., M.V.O.(1943-

Head of Management Review Staff, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1991-1994; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Belgium, 1994-1998; High Commissioner to Guyana and Ambassador to Surinam, 1998-2002


Deputy High Commissioner, Jamaica, 2008-2012

GLOVER, JESSICA E.(1967- Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Poland, 2010-2012 GODDEN, CHARLES H., C.B.E.(1922-

Deputy High Commissioner, Jamaica, 1976-1978; Commissioner/ Governor of Anguilla, 1978-1983

GODFREY, SIR WALTER, K.B.E.(1907-1976): Minister(Commercial), Brazil, 1952-1954; Minister (Commercial), Egypt, 1954-1956; Senior Inspector, 1957-1961; Ambassador to South Korea, 1961-1966


GODOLPHIN OSBORNE, SIR F. D’ARCY, K.C.M.G. (later 12th DUKE OF LEEDS) (1884-1964): Counsellor, Embassy, Portugal, 1928-1929; Counsellor, Embassy, Italy, 1929-1931; Minister, U.S.A., 1931-1936; Minister to the Holy See, 1936-1947 GODSON, ANTHONY(1948-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Romania, 1990-1992; Commercial Counsellor, Indonesia, 1998-20 ; High Commissioner to Mauritius, 2004-2007

GOLDIE, ROBERT G., C.B.E. (1893-1971): Consul-General, Milan, 1945-1950; Consul-General, Antwerp, 1950-1953 GOLDS, ANTHONY A., C.M.G., L.V.O.(1919-2003): Head of Joint Malaysia/Indonesia Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Offices, 1964-1965; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Italy, 1965-1970; Ambassador to Cameroon, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea, 1970-1972; High Commissioner to Bangladesh, 1972-1974; Senior Civilian Instructor, Royal College of Defence Studies, 1975-1977 GOLDSMITH, ALEXANDER (ALICK) K. (1938-

Head of Commonwealth Coordination Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1982-1984; Consul-General, Hamburg, 1986-1990


Deputy High Commissioner, Canada, 2007-2009


Consul-General, Havana, 1892-1898


GOMERSALL, SIR STEPHEN J., K.C.M.G.(1948Economic Counsellor, Japan, 1986-1990; Head of Security Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1994; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1994-1998; Director, International Security, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-1999; Ambassador to Japan, 1999-2004 GOMM, WILLIAM (17 -1792): Secretary of Embassy, The Netherlands, 1788-1790 GOOCH, ANTHONY J. (1941-

Deputy High Commissioner, Singapore, 1997-2000


High Commissioner to Australia, 1999-2005

GOODALL, SIR A. DAVID S., G.C.M.G.(1931Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to the Negotiations on Mutual Reduction of Forces and Armaments in Central Europe, 1973-1975; Head of Western Europe Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1975-1979; Minister, Federal Republic of Germany, 1979-1982; Deputy Secretary(Overseas and Defence), Cabinet Office, 1982-1984; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Defence and Intelligence), 1984-1987; High Commissioner to India, 1987-1991 GOODDEN, ABINGTON, C.B.E.(1901-1978):

Commercial Counsellor, Norway, 1950-1953; Consul-General, Seville, 1953-1960


GOODENOUGH, SIR ANTHONY M., K.C.M.G.(1941Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Pakistan, 1982-1986; Head of Personnel Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1986-1989; High Commissioner to Ghana and Ambassador to Togo, 1989-1992; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Africa), 1992-1995; High Commissioner to Canada, 1996-2000 GOODERHAM, PETER O., C.M.G.(1954-

GOODFELLOW, MARK A. (1931-1999):


Counsellor(Economic and Social), U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1996-1999; Counsellor(Politico/Military), Embassy, U.S.A., 1999-2003; Permanent Representative to the Political and Security Committee, European Union and Western European Union, 2003-2004; Director, Middle East and North Africa, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2004-2007; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organizations, Geneva, 2008-2012

Commercial Counsellor, Nigeria, 1984-1986; Ambassador to Gabon, 1986-1990 Deputy High Commissioner, Sri Lanka, 2008-2011; Ambassador to Cambodia, 2011-2014

GOODISON, SIR ALAN C., K.C.M.G., C.V.O.(1926-2006): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Kuwait, 1969-1971; Head of Training Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1972; Head of Southern European/South Eastern European Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1976; Minister, Italy, 1976-1980; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(South Asia and United Nations Organization), 1981-1982; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Europe), 1982-1983; Ambassador to Ireland, 1983-1986



Consul-General, Rio de Janeiro, 1928-1934; Consul-General, Zurich, 1934-1939

GORDON, BRIAN W., O.B.E. (1926-

Consul-General Bilbao, 1969-1973; Commercial Counsellor, Venezuela, 1980-1981

GORDON, DONALD M.cD., C.M.G.(1921-1985): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, South Africa, 1963-1965; Counsellor, Embassy, South Vietnam, 1967-1969; Head of South East Asian Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1969-1972; Deputy High Commissioner, Malaysia, 1972-1975; High Commissioner to Cyprus, 1975-1979; Ambassador to Austria, 1979-1982 GORDON, GEORGE J.R. (1812-1902):


GORDON, JOHN K. (1940-


Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1843-1853; Charge d’Affaires, Uruguay, 1853-1954; Minister to Switzerland, 1854-1858; Minister to Hanover, 1858-1859; Minister to Wurttemberg, 1859-1871

Head of Drugs and International Crime Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996; Ambassador to Algeria, 1996-1999; Ambassador to Ivory Coast, Niger, Liberia and Burkina Faso, 2001-2004; High Commissioner to Uganda, 2005-2008 Permanent Representative to U.N.E.C.O., 1983-1985; Head of Nuclear Energy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1986-1988

Ambassador to South Yemen, 1989-1990; Hugh Commissioner to Guyana, 1990-1993; Ambassador to Yemen, 1993-1995


GORDON, Rt. Hon. SIR ROBERT, G.C.B.(1791-1847): Secretary of Embassy, the Netherlands, 1813-1815; Secretary of Embassy, Austria, 1815-1826; Minister to Brazil, 1826-1828; Ambassador to Turkey, 1829-1831; Ambassador to Austria, 1841-1846 GORDON, ROBERT A.G., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1952-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Poland, 1992-1995; Ambassador to Burma, 1995-1999; Head of South-East Asia Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1999-2003; Ambassador to Vietnam, 2003-2007

GORDON-LENNOX, LORD NICHOLAS C., K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.(1931-2004): Head of News Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1974; Head of North American Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1974-1975; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, France, 1975-1979; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Information and Culture/Public Departments), 1979-1984; Ambassador to Spain, 1984-1989 GORDON-MACLEOD, DAVID S.(1948-

High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, 2003-2006

GORDON-SMITH, DAVID G., C.M.G.(1925Deputy Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1976 GORE, MICHAEL E.J., C.V.O., C.B.E.(1935-

Deputy High Commissioner, Malawi, 1984-1987; Ambassador to Liberia, 1988-1990; High Commissioner to the Bahamas, 1991-1992; Governor of the Cayman Islands, 1992-1995

GORE, PHILIP Y. (later 4th EARL OF ARRAN, K.P.) (1801-1884):

Secretary of Legation, Argentina, 1830-1834

GORE, Captain the Hon. ROBERT (1810-1854):

Charge d’Affaires, Argentina, 1851-1852


GORE-BOOTH, Hon. SIR DAVID A., K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O. (1943-2004): Commercial Counsellor, Saudi Arabia, 1980-1983; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1983-1987; Head of Policy Planning Staff, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1987-1989; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Middle East), 1989-1993; Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, 1993-1996; High Commissioner to India, 1996-1998 GORE-BOOTH, SIR PAUL H., G.C.M.G., K.C.V.O. (later LORD GORE-BOOTH) (1909-1984): Head of United Nations(Economic and Social) Department and Refugee Department,Foreign Office, 1947-1948; Head of European Recovery Department, Foreign Office, 1948-1949; Director-General, British Information Services, U.S.A., 1949-1953; Ambassador to Burma, 1953-1956; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Economic and North America), 1956-1960; High Commissioner to India, 1960-1965; Permanent UnderSecretary for Foreign Affairs (and Commonwealth Affairs), 1965-1969 GORHAM, ROBIN S.(1939-

Deputy High Commissioner, Zambia, 1983-1986; Head of West Indian and Atlantic Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1988-1991; Deputy High Commissioner, Nigeria, 1991-1994; Head of Protocol Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1994-1998

GORING-MORRIS, REX, O.B.E. (1926-1988): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Thailand, 1978-1979; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Sweden, 1979-1982


GORST, SIR ELDON F., K.C.B. (1861-1911): Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1904-1907; Agent and Consul-General, Egypt, 1907-1911

GOSCHEN, Rt. Hon. Sir W. EDWARD, Bt., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. (1847-1924): Secretary of Legation, China, 1885-1887; Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1888-1890; Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1890-1893; Secretary of Embassy, U.S.A., 1893-1894; Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1894-1898; Minister to Serbia, 1898-1900; Minister to Denmark, 1905-1908; Ambassador to AustriaHungary, 1905-1908; Ambassador to Germany, 1908-1914 GOSLING, SIR AUDLEY C., K.C.M.G.(1836-1913): Consul-General, Buda-Pest, 1879-1881; Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1881-1885; Secretary of Legation/Embassy, Spain, 1885-1888; Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1888-1890; Minister Resident, Central American Republics, 1890-1897; Minister Resident/Minister to Chile, 1897-1901 GOSLING, CECIL W.G. (1870-1944):

Minister to Bolivia, 1910-1916; Consul-General, Gothenburg, 1916-1919; Consul-General, Frankfort, 1920-1924

GOSSELIN, SIR MARTIN LE M. H., G.C.V.O., K.C.M.G. (1847-1905): Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1885 (did not proceed); Secretary of Legation, Belgium, 1885-1892; Secretary of Embassy, Spain, 1892-1893; Secretary of Embassy, Germany, 1893-1896; Minister, France, 1896-1898; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1898-1902; Minister to Portugal, 1902-1905


GOUGH, HUGH, 3rd VISCOUNT, K.C.V.O. (1849-1919): Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1887-1888; Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1888-1894; Secretary of Embassy, U.S.A., 1894-1896; Secretary of Embassy, Germany, 1896-1901; Minister Resident, Saxony and Coburg, 1901-1907 GOUGH, JUDITH (1972-

Ambassador to Georgia, 2010-2013

GOULD, SIR BASIL J., C.M.G., C.I.E.(1883-1956): Counsellor, Legation, Afghanistan, 1926-1929 GOULD, EDWARD B., I.S.O.: Consul-General, Alexandria, 1897-1909 GOULD, GERARD F., C.B. (18 -1883): Secretary of Legation, Argentina, 1866-1869; Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1869-1870; Secretary of Legation, Switzerland, 1870-187 ; Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1873; Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1873-1876; Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1876-1878; Agent/Minister Resident, Serbia, 1878-1881 GOULD, MATTHEW S., M.B.E.(1971-

GOULD, ST. JOHN B. (1968-

Counsellor(Political), High Commission, Pakistan, 2002-2003; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Iran, 2003-2005; Counsellor(Foreign and Security Policy), Embassy, U.S.A., 2005-2007; Private Secretary(Foreign Affairs) to the Prime Minister, 2007; Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 2007-2010; Ambassador to Israel, 2010-

Counsellor(External Affairs), U.K. Permant Representation to the European Union, 2010-

GOULD-DAVIES, NIGEL J.: Ambassador to Belarus, 2008-2009



Head of Personnel Services Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1980-1982; Head of News Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1982-1984; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Permanent Representation to the European Economic Community, 1984-1987; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Defence), 1988-1992; Ambassador to Turkey, 1992-1995; Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 1995-2001

GOULDING, SIR MARRACK I., K.C.M.G.(1936-2010): Counsellor, Embassy, Portugal, 1977-1979; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York,1979-1983; Ambassador to Angola, 1983-1986; Under-Secretary, United Nations Organization, 1986-1997 GOULTY, ALAN F., C.M.G. (1947-

GOWAN, DAVID J., C.M.G. (1949-

Head of Near East and North Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1987-1990; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Egypt, 1990-1995; Ambassador to Sudan, 1995-1999; Director, Middle East and North Africa, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2000-2002; Ambassador to Tunisia, 2004-2008

Commercial Counsellor, Russia, 1992-1995; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Finland, 1995-1999; Minister, Russia, 2000-2003; Ambassador to Serbia and Montenegro, 2003-2006

GOWER, Rt. Hon. GEORGE G., EARL GOWER(later 1st DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K.G.) (1758-1833): Ambassador to France, 1790-1792


GOWLLAND, G. MARK, M.V.O. (1943-1994):

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Algeria, 1983-1986; Inspector, 1986-1990; Counsellor (Political), Embassy, Italy, 1990-1994

GOZNEY, SIR RICHARD H.T., K.C.M.G., C.V.O.(1951Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1990-1993; High Commissioner to Swaziland, 1993-1996; Head of Security Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-1997; Assistant Under-Secretary(Foreign Affairs), Cabinet Office, 1998-2000; Ambassador to Indonesia, 2000-2004; High Commissioner to Nigeria, 2004-2007; Governor of Bermuda, 2007-2012 GRADY, TERENCE, M.B.E. (1924Ambassador to Gabon, 1980-1982 GRAFFTEY-SMITH, SIR LAURENCE B., K.C.M.G., K.B.E.(1892-1989):

Consul-General, Albania, 1939; Minister to Saudi Arabia, 1945-1947; High Commissioner to Pakistan, 1947-1951

GRAHAM, SIR JOHN A.N., Bt., G.C.M.G.(1926Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Kuwait, 1966-1969; Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1969-1972; Counsellor/Minister-Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, U.S.A., 1972-1974; Ambassador to Iraq, 1974-1977; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1977-1979; Ambassador to Iran, 1979-1980; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Middle East), 1980-1982; Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 1982-1985 GRAHAM, KATHLEEN M., C.B.E.(1903-19

Consul-General, Amsterdam, 1960-1963


GRAHAM, Rt. Hon. SIR RONALD W., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. (1870-1949): Counsellor, Egypt, 1907-1910; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1916-1919; Minister to the Netherlands, 1919-1921; Ambassador to Italy, 1921-1933 GRAHAM, WALTER G.C., C.B.E.(1906-1995): Minister to Korea, 1952-1954; Ambassador to Libya, 1955-1959 GRAHAME, Rt. Hon. SIR GEORGE D., G.C.V.O., K.C.M.G.(1873-1940):

Counsellor, Embassy, Italy, 1916-1917; Counsellor, Embassy, France, 1917-1918; Minister, Embassy, France, 1918-1920; Ambassador to Belgium, 1920-1928; Ambassador to Spain, 1928-1935

GRAINGER, JOHN A., C.M.G. (1957Deputy Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003GRANT, ANN (1948-

GRANT, SIR JOHN D.K., K.C.M.G.(1954-

Counsellor(Economic and Social), U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1992-1996; Head of Africa(Equatorial) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-1998; Director, Africa and the Commonwealth, Foreign and the Commonwealth Office, 1998-2000; High Commissioner to South Africa, 2000-2005

Counsellor(External Relations), U.K. Permanent Representation to the European Union, 1994-1997; Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1997-1999; Ambassador to Sweden, 1999-2003; Permanent Representative to the European Union, 2003-2007


GRANT DUFF, SIR ARTHUR C., K.C.M.G. (1861-1948):

Secretary of Legation, Mexico, 1902-1905; Secretary of Legation, Belgium, 1905-1906; Charge d’Affaires, HesseDarmstadt and Baden, 1906; Minister Resident, Cuba, 1906-1909; Minister Residen, Saxony and Saxe-Coburg, 1909-1914; Minister to Peru and Ecuador, 1920-1923; Minister to Chile, 1923-1924; Minister to Sweden, 1924-1927

GRANT DUFF, SIR EVELYN M. K.C.M.G. (1863-1926): Secretary of Legation(Counsellor), Persia, 1903-1906; Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), Spain, 1906-1910; Minister to Venezuela, 1910 (did not proceed); ConsulGeneral, Buda-Pest, 1911-1913; Minister to Switzerland, 1913-1916 GRANT WATSON, HERBERT A., C.M.G.(1881-1971): Counsellor, Embassy, Portugal, 1925-1928; Minister to the Central American Republics, 1928-1933; Minister to Cuba, 1933-1935; Minister to Finland, 1935-1937; Minister to Cuba, 1937-1939 GRANT WATSON, ROBERT (1834-1892):

GRANVILLE, Rt. Hon. GRANVILLE, 1st EARL, G.C.B.(1773-1846):

Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1870-1872; Secretary of Legation, Japan, 1872-1873; Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1873-1874; Secretary of Legation, U.S.A, 1874-1876; Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1876; Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1876-1879

Ambassador to Russia, 1804-1806 and 1807; Ambassador to the Netherlands, 1824; Ambassador to France, 1824-1828, 1831-1835 and 1835-1841


GRANVILLE, Rt. Hon. GRANVILLE, 3rd EARL, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O.(1872-1939): Secretary of Legation, Belgium, 1908-1911; Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), Germany, 1911-1913; Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), France, 1913-1917; Minister to Greece, 1917-1921; Minister to Denmark, 1921-1926; Minister to the Netherlands, 1926-1928; Ambassador to Belgium, 1928-1933 GRATTAN, SIR EDMUND A. (18 -1890): Consul-General, Antwerp, 1883-1888 GRAVES, SIR HUBERT A., K.C.M.G., M.C.(1894-1972): Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1946-1951; Minister to Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, 1951-1954; Ambassador to South Vietnam, 1954-1955 GRAVES, SIR ROBERT W., K.C.M.G., O.B.E.(1858-1934): Consul-General, Salonica, 1903-1907 GRAY, DAVID (17 -1816):

Secretary of Legation, Saxony, 1791-1806

GRAY, EDWARD F.(1871-1960): Consul-General, Boston, 1922-1931 GRAY, J. CHARLES R., C.M.G. (1953Head of Eastern Adriatic Unit/Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1992-1993; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Indonesia, 1993-1996; Counsellor(External Affairs), Embassy, U.S.A., 1997-2002; Head of Middle East Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2004; Ambassador to Morocco, 2005-2008; Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps, 2008-


GRAY, SIR JOHN W.D., K.B.E., C.M.G..(1936-2003):

Commercial Counsellor, Saudi Arabia, 1978-1980; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Saudi Arabia, 1980-1982; Head of Maritime, Aviation and Environment Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1982-1985; Ambassador to Lebanon, 1985-1988; Permanent Representative to the O.E.C.D., 1988-1992; Ambassador to Belgium, 1992-1996

GREATBATCH, SIR BRUCE, K.C.V.O., C.M.G., M.B.E. (1917-1989): Deputy High Commissioner, Kenya, 1963-1969; Governor of the Seychelles, 1969-1973 GREAVES, JEFFREY(1926-

Consul-General, Alexandria, 1978-1981

GREAVES, SIR JOHN B., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1890-1977): Commercial Counsellor, U.S.A., 1946-1947 GREEN, ALAN S., O.B.E., M.V.O.(1941GREEN, SIR ANDREW F., K.C.M.G.(1941-

GREEN, SIR JOHN (18 -1877): GREEN, SIR WILLIAM KIRBY M. , K.C.M.G. (1836-1891):

Ambassador to Costa Rica, 1997-1999

Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1982-1985; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Saudi Arabia, 1985-1988; Head of Security Co-ordination Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1988-1991; Ambassador to Syria, 1991-1994; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Middle East), 1994-1996; Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, 1996-2000

Agent and Consul-General, Wallachia and Moldavia, 1859-1874

Charge d’Affaires, Montenegro, 1879-1886; Minister to Morocco, 1886-1891


GREENE, Rt. Hon. SIR W. CONYNGHAM, G.C.M.G., K.C.B.(1854-1934): Secretary of Legation, Persia, 1893-1896; Minister to Switzerland, 1901-1905; Minister to Romania, 1905-1911; Minister to Denmark, 1911-1912; Ambassador to Japan, 1912-1919

GREENHILL, BASIL J., C.B., C.M.G.(1920-2003): Deputy High Commissioner, Peshawar, Pakistan, 1952-1953; Deputy High Commissioner, Dacca, Pakistan, 1958-1960; Head of Nigeria Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1960-1961; Counsellor, High Commission, Canada, 1961-1964; Head of West and General Africa Political Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1965-1966 GREENHILL, SIR DENIS A., G.C.M.G., O.B.E. (later LORD GREENHILL OF HARROW) (1913-2000): Counsellor, U. K. Delegation to N.A.T.O., 1955-1957; Counsellor, U.K. Commission, South-East Asia, 1956-1959; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, , Embassy, U.S.A., 1959-1962; Minister, U.S.A., 1962-1964; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(United Nations Organization and Eastern Europe), 1964-1966; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Defence and Intelligence and Information and Culture), 1966-1968; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1969-1973 GREENHILL OF HARROW (see GREENHILL) GREENLEAVES, HERBERT L., C.B.E.(1897-1975): Consul-General, Lyons, 1955-1960 GREENSHIELDS, ROBERT M. (1933Economic Counsellor, Kenya, 1981-1985


GREENSTOCK, SIR JEREMY Q., G.C.M.G.(1943Commercial Counsellor, Saudi Arabia, 1983-1987; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, France, 1987-1990; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Western and Southern Europe and Deputy Political Director), 1990-1994; Minister, U.S.A., 1994-1995; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Middle East and Eastern Europe), 1995-1996; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Political Director, 1996-1998; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1998-2003; Special Representative in Iraq, 2003-2004 GREENSTREET, MICHAEL J. (1939-

Deputy High Commissioner, Ghana, 1991-1994; Commercial Counsellor, Thailand, 1994-1998

GREENWAY, JOHN D., C.M.G. (1896-1967): Counsellor, Embassy, Iran, 1941-1942; Head, Dominions Intelligence Department. Foreign Office, 1942-1944; Counsellor, Embassy, Brazil, 1944-1946; Minister to Panama, 1946-1950; Minister to Iceland, 1950-1953 GREENWOOD, J. RUSSELL, M.V.O.(1924-1993): Consul-General, Osaka, 1973-1977 GREG, SIR ROBERT H., K.C.M.G. (1876-1953):

GREGAN-CRAUFURD, SIR JAMES, Bt. (1761-1839): GREGORY, JOHN D., C.B., C.M.G.(1878-1951):

Minister to Siam, 1921-1926; Minister to Romania, 1926-1929

Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1793-1798

Head of the Northern Department, Foreign Office, 1919-1925; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1925-1928



Consul-General, Casablanca, 1990-1995; Deputy High Commissioner, Sri Lanka, 1995-1998


GREVILLE, ALGERNON F. (1798-1864):

Consul-General, Paris, 2000-2004; Consul-General, Perth, Australia, 2004-2005

Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1834-1835

GREVILLE, SIR GEORGE, K.C.M.G.(1851-1937): Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1892-1896; Consul-General, Buda-Pest, 1896; Minister Resident, Siam, 1896-1900; Minister to Mexico, 1900-1905 GREY, ALAN H., O.B.E.(1925GREY, HUGH K., C.B.E., I.S.O. (1897-19

Ambassador to Gabon, 1982-1985

Head of Communications Department, Foreign Office, 1951-1958

GREY, SIR PAUL F., K.C.M.G. (1906-1990): Head of South-East Asia Department, Foreign Office, 1947-1949; Counsellor, Embassy, Portugal, 1949-1951; Minister, U.S.S.R., 1951-1954; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Information and Culture), 1954-1957; Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, 1957-1960; Ambassador to Switzerland, 1960-1964 GREY, Hon. WILLIAM G. (1819-1865): Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1853-1858; Secretary of Legation, Prussia, 1858-1859; Secretary of Embassy, France, 1859-1865 GRIER, PATRICK A., O.B.E. (1918-1999): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Switzerland, 1974-1978 GRIFFIN, SIR L. CECIL L. C.S.I., C.I.E.(1900-1964): Counsellor, Legation, Afghanistan, 1942-1943


GRIFFITH, OWEN G., C.B.E., M.V.O.(1922-2001): Deputy High Commissioner, Malawi, 1973-1975; Inspector, 1976-1978; High Commissioner to Lesotho, 1978-1981 GRIFFITH, PHILIP, C.B. (18 -1887): Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1837-1852; Secretary of Legation, U.S.A., 1852-1854; Charge d’Affaires and Consul-General, New Granada(Colombia), 1854-1865 GRIFFITHS, G.F.:

Head of Finance Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1993

GROSS, SOLOMON J., C.M.G. (1920-2012): Deputy High Commissioner, Ghana, 1966-1967; Minister, South Africa, 1969-1973; Assistant Under-Secretary, Department of Industry, 1974-1980 GROSVENOR, Hon. THOMAS F., C.B. (1842-1886):

GUCKIAN, NOEL J., C.V.O., O.B.E.(1955-

Secretary of Legation, China, 1879-1883; Secrretary of Legation, Belgium, 1883-1885; Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1885-1886

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Oman, 1994-1997; Counsellor, Libya 1998-2002, and Deputy Head of Mission, 1999-2002; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Syria, 2002-2004; Consul-General, Northern Iraq, 2004-2005; Ambassador to Oman, 2005-2011

GUDGEON, STANLEY H., C.B.E.(1896-1966): Consul-General, Lisbon, 1944-1945; Consul-General, Sao Paulo, 1945-1948; Minister/Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, 1948-1954 GUEST, MELVILLE R.J. (1943-

Commercial Counsellor, Japan, 1986-1989; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Sweden, 1990-1993; Head of South Pacific Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1993-1994; Head of South-East Asia Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1994-1996


GUHA, PRIYA V. (1973GURNEY, SIR HUGH, K.C.M.G., C.V.O. (1878-1968):

Consul-General, San Francisco, 2011-

Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1914-1918; Counsellor, Embassy, Japan, 1919-1922; Counsell, Embassy, Spain, 1922-1926; Consul-General, Tangier, 1926-1933; Minister to Denmark, 1933-1935; Ambassador to Brazil, 1935-1939

GURNEY, MARTYN P.C., C.M.G., M.V.O.(1861-1930): Consul-General, Marseilles, 1901-1919; Consul-General, Antwerp, 1919-1923 GURNEY, TIM, O.B.E.(1955-

Deputy Governor, Bermuda, 1998-2003; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Afghanistan, 2003-2005; Deputy High Commissioner, Australia, 2005-2008

GURNEY, WENTWORTH M., O.B.E.(1889-1954): Consul-General, Naples, 1945-1947 GUY, FRANCES M. (1959-

Ambassador to Yemen, 2001-2004; Ambassador to Lebanon, 2006-2011

GUY, JOHN W., O.B.E. (1941-

High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, 1991-1994; Consul-General, St. Petersburg, 1996-2000


Consul-General, Barcelona, 2009-


Deputy High Commissioner, Ghana, 2002-2005; Head of Africa(Equatorial) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2005-2008; Deputy High Commissioner, Lagos, Nigeria, 2010-2011; Additional Director, Africa, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2011-


GYBBON-MONYPENNY, H. REGINALD D., C.B.E. (1895-1988): Consul-General, Tunis, 1943-1944; Consul-General, Frankfort, 1946-1951; Consul-General, Jerusalem, 1951-1953; Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, 1953-1955 GYE, ERNEST F., C.M.G. (1879-1955): Head of the Consular Department, Foreign Office, 1918-1933; Consul-General, Tangier, 1933-1936; Minister to Venezuela, 1936-1939 HABBERJAM, BARBARA:

Counsellor(Trade) and Director, U.K. Trade and Investment, France, 2006-2011; Minister-Counsellor(Economic) and Director, U.K. Trade and Investment, Russia, 2012-

HADOW, SIR R. MICHAEL, K.C.M.G.(1915-1993): Head of Levant Department, Foreign Office, 1958-1959; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, France, 1959-1962; Head of News Department, Foreign Office, 1962-1965; Ambassador to Israel, 1965-1969; Ambassador to Argentina, 1969-1972 HADOW, SIR ROBERT H., K.B.E., C.M.G., M.C. (1895-1963):

Counsellor, Embassy, Argentina, 1940-1944; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1944-1948; Consul-General, Los Angeles, 1948-1954; Consul-General, San Francisco, 1954-1957

HAGGARD, SIR GODFREY D.N., K.C.M.G., C.V.O., O.B.E. (1884-1969): Charge d’Affaires, Cuba, 1921-1924; Consul-General, Rio de Janeiro, 1924-1928; Consul-General, Chicago, 1928-1932; Consul-General, Paris, 1932-1938; ConsulGeneral, New York, 1938-1944


HAGGARD, SIR WILLIAM H.D., K.C.M.G.(1846-1926): Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1885-1887; Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1887-1890; Minister Resident, Ecuador, 1890-1894; Consul-General, Tunis, 1894-1897; Minister Resident, Venezuela, 1897-1902 Minister to Argentina, 1902-1906; Minister to Brazil, 1906-1914 HAIGH, A. ANTHONY F., C.M.G. (1907-1989): Counsellor, Embassy, Belgium, 1949-1952; Head of Cultural Relations Department, Foreign Office, 1952-1962 HAILES, DANIEL(c.1751-1835):

Envoy to Poland, 1788-1792; Envoy to Denmark, 1792-1794; Envoy to Sweden, 1796-1800


Counsellor(Political, Economic and Public Affairs), Embassy, U.S.A., 2008-2012; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Afghanistan, 2012-2013; Director, Africa, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2013-

HAINES, SIR CYRIL H., K.B.E. (1895-1988): Head of Claims Department, Foreign Office, 1949-1954 HAINING, THOMAS N., C.M.G. (1927-2005): Ambassador to Outer Mongolia, 1979-1982 HAINWORTH, HENRY C., C.M.G.(1914-2005):

HALE, H. E. JOHN O.B.E. (1915-1978):

Head of Atomic Energy and Disarmament Department, Foreign Office, 1958-1961; Minister, Austria, 1963-1968; Ambassador to Indonesia, 1968-1970; Permanent Representative to the Disarmament Conference, Geneva, 1971-1974

Head of Commodities Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1972; Commercial Inspector, 1972-1973; Consul-General, Stuttgart, 1973-1977; Consul-General Sao Paulo, 1977-1978


HALEY, PHILIP W.R.C., M.B.E. (1917-1987): Consul-General, Hanover, 1973-1975 HALFORD-MACLEOD, AUBREY S., C.M.G., C.V.O.(1914-2000): Counsellor, Embassy, Japan, 1953-1955; Counsellor, Embassy, Libya, 1955-1957; Political Agent, Kuwait, 1957-1959; Consul-General, Munich, 1959-1965; Ambassador to Iceland, 1966-1970 HALIFAX, Rt.Hon. EDWARD, 1st EARL OF, K.G., O.M., G.C.S.I.,G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E., T.D.(1881-1959): Viceroy of India, 1926-1931; Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1940-1946 HALL, ALFRED C., C.B.E. (1917-2006):

HALL, ANDREW R., O.B.E. (1950-


HALL, DAVID J., C.M.G. (1942-

Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Nigeria, 1972-1975; Deputy High Commissioner, Madras, India, 1975-1977

Deputy High Commissione, Kolkata, India, 2003-2006; Ambassador to Nepal, 2006-2010 Secretary of Legation, Switzerland, 1826-1828; Secretary of Legation, Wurtemberg, 1828-1831

Commercial Counsellor, U.S.A., 1988-1991; Assistant UnderSecretary, Department of Trade and Industry, 1991-1999, and Director, Overseas Trade, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1997-1999; Director, Policy, Resources and Personnel/Central Services, British Trade International, 1999-2001

HALL, FRANCIS W. (1918-2000): Consul-General, Alexandria, 1971-1978 HALL, GEORGE E., C.M.G. (1925-1980):

Counsellor, Embassy, Portugal, 1969-1972; Consul-General, Sao Paulo, 1972-1977; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Americas), 1977-1979; Ambassador to Brazil, 1979-1980


HALL, H. PETER, C.M.G. (1913-1986):

Head of Pacific and Indian Oceans Department, Colonial Office, 1955-1962; Head of Establishment and Organization Department, Colonial Office, 1965-1966; Assistant UnderSecretary for Commonwealth Affairs(Dependent Territories General, 1966-1967; West Indies and Hong Kong, 1967-1968); Assistant Under-Secretary, Ministry of Defence, 1968-1973

HALL, SIR PETER E., K.B.E., C.M.G.(1938-

Counsellor(Political and Economic), Embassy, Venezuela, 1977-1978; Director-General, British Information Services, U.S.A., 1978-1983; Director of Research, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1983-1986; Assistant Under-Secretary(Assessments Staff), Cabinet Office, 1986-1988; Ambassador to Yugoslavia/Serbia, 1989-1992; Ambassador to Argentina, 1993-1997


Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Romania, 2007-2008; Head of Counter-Proliferation Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2012-

HALL, W.JOHN (1934-

Economic Counsellor, Brazil, 1979-1981; Consul-General, Sao Paulo, 1981-1983

HALL HALL, ALEXANDRA M. (1964Head of Human Rights, Democracy and Good Governance Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2004-2006; Counsellor(Political), High Commission, India, 2006-2007; Ambassador to Georgia, 2013HALL HALL, SIR HERBERT, K.C.M.G.(1879-1964):

Consul-General, Lourenco Marques, 1921-1923; Inspector-General of Consulates, 1923-1939

HALL-PATCH, SIR EDMUND L., G.C.M.G.(1896-1975): Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Economic), 1944-1946; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Economic), 1946-1948


HALLETT, EDWARD(TED) C. (1947Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Ireland, 2003-2006 HAMILTON, CHARLES A. (1948HAMILTON, FREDERIC DOUGLAS(1815-1887):

Deputy High Commissioner, Uganda, 2005-2008

Secretary of Legation, Wurttemberg, 1853-1859; Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1859; Secretary of Legation, German Confederation, 1859-1862; Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1862-1867; Charge d’Affaires/ Minister Resident, Ecuador, 1867-1883

HAMILTON, HAMILTON C.J. (1779-1856): Secretary of Legation, Wurtemberg, 1816-1825; Secretary of Embassy, France, 1825-1833; Minister to Argentina, 1834-1836; Minister to Brazil, 1836-1846 HAMILTON, JOHN A. de C., C.M.G.(1896-1973):

HAMILTON, TERRICK (1781-1876):

Counsellor, Legation, Lebanon, 1941-1942; Counsellor, Embassy, Egypt, 1947-1956

Secretary of Embassy, Turkey, 1821-1824

HAMILTON, Rt. Hon. SIR WILLIAM, K.C.B.(1731-1803): Minister to the Two Sicilies, 1764-1800 HAMILTON, WILLIAM A.B., C.M.G.(1909-1982): Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations and Director of Establishments and Organization), 1949-1959; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations(Western and General), 1962-1967 HAMILTON, WILLIAM R. (1777-1859):

Minister to the Two Sicilies, 1822-1825

HAMLEY, DONALD A., C.B.E. (1931Commercial Counsellor, Venezuela, 1973-1977; ConsulGeneral, Jerusalem, 1980-1984


HAMMETT, HAROLD G. (1906-1999);

Deputy High Commissioner, Peshawar, Pakistan, 1964-1966

HAMMOND, Rt. Hon. EDMUND (later 1st LORD HAMMOND) (1802-1890): Senior Clerk, Russian and Turkish Department, Foreign Office, 1841-1854; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1854-1873 HAMMOND, GEORGE (1763-1853):

Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1790; Secretary of Legation, Spain, 1790-1791; Minister to the U.S.A., 1791-1795; Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1795-1806 and 1807-1809

HAMPDEN-TREVOR, Rt. Hon. JOHN(later 3rd VISCOUNT HAMPDEN(1748-1824): Minister to Bavaria, 1780-1783; Minister to SardiniaPiedmont, 1783-1799 HAMPSHIRE, SIR G. PETER, K.C.M.G.(1912-1981):


Head of South Asia Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1951-1953; Deputy High Commissioner, Dacca, Pakistan, 1953-1955; Head of Colombo Plan Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1955-1956; Counsellor, Embassy, Argentina, 1957-1960; Head of Western and Middle East Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1961; Assistant UnderSecretary for Commonwealth Relations(Foreign Affairs Division), 1961-1962; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations(Establishments and Organization), 1962-1964; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Deputy Chief of Administration, 1965-1966; High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago, 1966-1970

Consul-General, Lubumbashi, 1970-1972; Ambassador to Costa Rica, 1972-1979, Honduras, 1975-1978 and Nicaragua, 1976-1979



Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Federal Republic of Germany, 1968-1970; Head of Aviation and Telecommunications Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1970-1971; Counsellor, Embassy, Belgium, 1971-1975

HANCOCK, SIR PATRICK F., G.C.M.G. (1914-1980): Head of Central Department, Foreign Office, 1953-1954; Head of Western Department, Foreign Office, 1954-1955; Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary,1955-1956; Head of Western Department, Foreign Office, 1956-1959; Ambassador to Israel, 1959-1963;Ambassador to Norway, 1963-1965; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(European Economic), 1965-1968; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Economic), 1968-1969; Ambassador to Italy, 1969-1974 HAND, GRAHAM S. (1948-

HAND, JESSICA M. (formerly PEARCE) (1957-

HANHAM, LEONARD E. (1921-1998):

Head of Human Rights Policy Unit/Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1992-1994; Deputy High Commissioner, Nigeria, 1994-1996; Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1998-2001; Ambassador to Algeria, 2002-2004

Ambassador to Belarus, 1996-1999; Counsellor (Management), Embassy, Russia, 2004-200 ; Consul-General, Istanbul, 2008-2012

Consul-General, Lisbon, 1975-1978; Consul-General, Amsterdam, 1978-1980

HANKEY, Hon. HENRY A.A., C.M.G., C.V.O.(1914-1999): Head of American Department, Foreign Office, 1956-1962; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Lebanon, 1962-1966; Ambassador to Panama, 1966-1969; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Americas), 1969-1974


HANKEY, ROBERT, 2nd LORD, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.(1905-1996): Counsellor, Embassy, Poland, 1945-1946; Head of Northern Department, Foreign Office, 1946-1949; Minister, Spain, 1949-1951; Minister to Hungary, 1951-1953; Ambassador to Sweden, 1954-1960; Permanent Representative to the O.E.C.D., 1960-1965 HANKINSON, SIR WALTER C., K.C.M.G., O.B.E., M.C. (1894-1984): Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for the Dominions, 1937-1939; Principal Secretary, High Commission, Canada, 1939-1941; Deputy High Commissioner, Australia, 1943-1948; High Commissioner to Ceylon, 1948-1951; Ambassador to Ireland, 1951-1955 HANNAM, MICHAEL P.V., C.B.E. (1920-2007): Senior British Trade Commissioner, Hong Kong, 1965-1969; Counsellor, Embassy, Libya, 1969-1972; Economic and Commercial Counsellor, 1972-1976, and Deputy High Commissioner, Kenya, 1973-1976; ConsulGeneral, Jerusalem, 1976-1980 HANNAY, SIR DAVID H.A., G.C.M.G.(later LORD HANNAY OF CHISWICK, C.H.) (1935Chef du Cabinet to Vice-President of European Commission, 1973-1977; Head of Energy, Science and Space Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1977-1979; Head of Middle East Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1979; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(European Community), 1979-1984; Minister, U.S.A., 1984-1985; Permanent Representative to the European Communities, 1985-1990; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1990-1995 HANNEN, SIR NICHOLAS J. (1842-1900):

Consul-General, Shanghai, 1891-1897


HANNIGAN, ROBERT P., C.M.G. (1965Director-General, Defence and Intelligence, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2010HARBORNE, PETER G. (1945-

HARDIE, MICHAEL J., O.B.E. (1938-2008):

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Hungary, 1988-1991; Inspector, 1992-1995; Ambassador to Slovakia, 1995-1998; High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago, 1999-2004

Counsellor(Management), High Commission, India, 1990-1993; High Commissioner to Gambia, 1993-1995

HARDING, SIR EDWARD J., G.C.M.G., K.C.B.(1880-1954): Assistant Secretary, Dominions Division, Colonial Office, 1921-1925; Assistant Under-Secretary for the Dominions, 1925-1930; Permanent Under-Secretary for the Dominions, 1930-1940; High Commissioner to South Africa, 1940-1941 HARDING, SIR G. WILLIAM, K.C.M.G., C.V.O.(1927-

Counsellor(Information), Embassy, France, 1970-1974; Head of Republic of Ireland Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1974-1977; Ambassador to Peru, 1977-1979; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Central and South America), 1979-1981; Ambassador to Brazil, 1981-1984; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Asia and the Americas), 1984-1986

HARDINGE, Rt. Hon. SIR ARTHUR H., G.C.M.G., K.C.B. (1859-1933): Agent and Consul-General, Zanzibar, 1894-1900; Minister to Persia, 1900-1906; Minister to Belgium, 1906-1911; Minister to Portugal, 1911-1913; Ambassador to Spain, 1913-1919


HARDINGE, Rt. Hon. SIR CHARLES. K.G., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E., G.C.V.O., I.S.O. (later 1st LORD HARDINGE OF PENSHURST) (1858-1944): Secretary of Legation, Persia, 1896-1898; Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1898-1903; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign Affairs, 1903-1904; Ambassador to Russia, 1904-1906; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1906-1910; Viceroy of India, 1910-1916; Permanent Under-Secretary for for Foreign Affairs, 1916-1920; Ambassador to France, 1920-1922 HARDINGE OF PENSHURST (see HARDINGE) HARDMAN, JAMES A., M.B.E.(1929HARE, PAUL W., L.V.O. (1951-

Consul-General Strasbourg, 1975-1979

Commercial and Economic Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Venezuela, 1994-1997; Head of NonProliferation Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1997-2001; Ambassador to Cuba, 2001-2004

HARFORD, FREDERIC D., C.V.O. (1862-1931): Secretary of Legation, Argentina, 1902-1906; Charge d’Affaires, Hesse-Darmstadt and Baden, 1906-1911; Minister Resident/Minister, Venezuela, 1911-1916 HARLECH, Rt. Hon. DAVID, 5th LORD, K.C.M.G.(1918-1985): Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1961-1965 HARLECH, Rt. Hon. WILLIAM, 4th LORD, K.G., G.C.M.G. (1885-1964): High Commissioner to South Africa, 1941-1944 HARPER, MONICA C., C.M.G. (1944-

Consul-General, Lille, 1998-2004


HARPHAM, SIR WILLIAM, K.B.E., C.M.G.(1906-1999): Commercial Counsellor, Switzerland, 1947-1950; Head of General Department, Foreign Office, 1950-1953; Minister, U.K. Delegation to the O.E.C.D., 1953-1956; Minister, Japan, 1956-1959; Minister(Economic), France, 1959-1963; Ambassador to Bulgaria, 1964-1966 HARRINGTON, Lieutenant-Colonel SIR JOHN L., K.C.V.O., C.B. (1865-1927): Agent and Consul-General/Minister, Ethiopia, 1900-1909 HARRIS, ANTHONY D., C.M.G., L.V.O.(1941Inspector, 1982-1983; Counsellor, Embassy, Egypt, 1986-1990; Head of Information Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1993; Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, 1994-1998 HARRIS, COLIN G., C.M.G. (1912-1992):

HARRIS, Admiral the Hon. SIR EDWARD A.J., K.C.B. (1808-1888):

HARRIS, GEORGE(1816-1857): HARRIS, MARTIN F., O.B.E. (1969-

Commercial Counsellor, Austria, 1957-1962; Commercial Counsellor, Japan, 1962-1966; Commercial Counsellor, Norway, 1967-1969

Charge d’Affaires, Chile, 1853-1858; Minister to Switzerland, 1858-1867; Minister to the Netherlands, 1867-1877 Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1852

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Ukraine, 2003-2008; Ambassador to Romania, 2010-2014



Commercial Counsellor, U.S.A., 1983-1988; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission, Nigeria, 1988-1990; Deputy High Commissioner, Nigeria, 1990-1991; Head of East Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1991-1992; Head of Africa(Equatorial) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1992-1994; Ambassador to South Korea, 1994-1997; Consul-General , New York, 1999-2004


HARRISON, FRANCIS A.K. (1914-2003):

Head of Office Services and Transport Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1982-1986; Head of Migration and Visa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1986-1989

Head of Constitutional Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1954-1956; Deputy High Commissioner, Peshawar, Pakistan, 1956-1959; Head of Middle East/Western and Middle East Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1959-1961; Head of Central Africa Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1961; Deputy High Commissioner, New Zealand, 1961-1964; Head of West and General Africa Political Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1964-1965

HARRISON, SIR GEOFFREY W., G.C.M.G., K.C.V.O. (1908-1990): Counsellor, Embassy, Belgium, 1945-1947; Minister, U.S.S.R., 1947-1949; Head of Northern Department, Foreign Office, 1949-1951; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Western Europe), 1951-1956; Ambassador to Brazil, 1956-1958; Ambassador to Iran, 1958-1963; DeputyUnder-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Middle East and Africa), 1963-1965; Ambassador to the U.S.S.R., 1965-1968 HARRISON, HERBERT W.B. (18 -1905):

Charge d’Affaires, Central American Republics, 1904-1905


HARRISON, JOHN C., L.V.O. (1937Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission, Nigeria, 1981-1984; Head of Consular Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1985-1989; Deputy High Commissioner, Pakistan, 1989-1993; High Commissioner to Mauritius, 1993-1997 HARRISON, RONALD C.G. (1933-



Consul-General, Sao Paulo, 1987-1990; Consul-General, Naples, 1990-1993

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Poland, 1995-1998; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 2000-2003; Head of United Nations Organization/International Organizations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003-2005; High Commissioner to Zambia, 2005-2008; Head of Zimbabwe Unit, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2008-2009; Governor of Anguilla, 2009-

Secretary of Legation, Argentina, 1877-1879; Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1879-1882; Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1882 (did not proceed); Minister Resident, Colombia,1882-1884; Minister Resident, Central American Republics, 1884-1890


Consul-General, Paris, 1912-1914

HARROD, JEAN, M.B.E. (1954-

Deputy High Commissioner, Australia, 2005-2006

HART, GUY W.P., O.B.E. (1931-

Ambassador to Outer Mongolia, 1987-1989; High Commissioner to the Seycelles, 1989-1991


HART, SIR ROBERT, Bt., G.C.M.G.(1835-1911): HART, ROGER D., C.M.G. (1943-

Minister to China, 1885 (did not proceed)

Consul-General, Rio de Janeiro, 1986-1990; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Mexico, 1990-1993; Head of Nationality, Treaty and Claims Department, 1993-1995; Ambassador to Angola, 1995-1998; Ambassador to Peru, 1999-2003

HARTLAND-SWANN, JULIAN D.N., C.M.G.(1936Ambassador to Outer Mongolia, 1977-1979; Counsellor, Embassy, Belgium, 1979-1983; Head of South East Asia Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1983-1985; Consul-General, Frankfurt, 1986-1990; Ambassador to Burma, 1990-1995 HARVEY, ALAN F.R., O.B.E. (1919-2006): Commercial Counsellor, Italy, 1973-1976; Consul-General, Perth, Australia, 1976-1978 HARVEY, C. PAUL D., C.M.G.( 1956HARVEY, SIR OLIVER C., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., C.B. (later lst LORD HARVEY OF TASBURGH) (1893-1968):

Deputy High Commissioner, Kenya, 2000-2004

Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1936-1939 and 1941-1943; Minister, France, 1939-1940; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Western and Central Europe),1943-1946; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Political), 1946-1948; Ambassador to France, 1948-1954


HASKELL, D. KEITH, C.M.G., C.V.O.(1939-2012):

Consul-General, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 1978-1981; Head of Nuclear Energy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1981-1983; Head of Middle East Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1983-1984; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Federal Republic of Germany, 1985-1988; Ambassador to Peru, 1990-1995; Ambassador to Brazil, 1995-1999

HASLAM, CHRISTOPHER P. de L. (1943Ambassador to Micronesia, Marshall Islands and Palau, 2000-2003 HASWELL, CHARLES C.D.(1956HATFULL, MARTIN A. (1957-

HAVARD, SIR GODFREY T., K.C.M.G.(1885-1952): HAWKINS, JOHN M. (1960-

Commercial Counsellor, China, 2000-2004

Head of Commonwealth Coordination Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-1998; Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Italy, 1998-2002; Minister, Japan, 2003-2008; Ambassador to Indonesia, 2008-2011

Consul-General, Beirut, 1934-1941 Commercial Counsellor, Spain, 2000-2004; Consul-General, Dubai, 2004-1008; Ambassadot to Qatar, 2008-2012

HAWLEY, SIR DONALD F., K.C.M.G., M.B.E.(1921-2008): Political Agent, Dubai, 1958-1962; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission, Nigeria, 1965-1967; Commercial Counsellor, Iraq, 1968-1971; ConsulGeneral, Muscat, 1971; Ambassador to Oman, 1971-1975; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Consular), 1975-1977; High Commissioner to Malaysia, 1977-1981


HAY, DAME BARBARA L., D.C.M.G., L.V.O., M.B.E. (1953-


Consul-General, St. Petersburg, 1991-1992; Ambassador to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, 1995-1999; Consul-General, St. Petersburg, 2000-2004; Consul-General, Istanbul, 2004-2009; Consul-General, Los Angeles, 2009Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Spain, 2006-2009; Director, Consular Services, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2009-

HAY, Lieutenant-Colonel SIR W. RUPERT, K.C.I.E., C.S.I. (1893-1962): Counsellor, Legation, Afghanistan, 1935-1936 HAY-CAMPBELL, T. IAN, L.V.O.(1945-


HAY NEWTON, FRANK J.S., M.V.O.(1843-1913): HAYDAY, ANTHONY V. (1930-

Deputy High Commissioner, Zimbabwe, 1998-2001; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Norway, 2001-2005

Consul-General, Tunis, 1891-1894; Consul-General, Beirut, 1894-1907

Consul-General, Algiers, 1897-1909

Deputy High Commissioner, Calcutta, India, 1981-1985; Consul-General, Cleveland, 1985-1987; Ambassador to Madagascar, 1987-1990


HAYDON, SIR W.R. (ROBIN) K.C.M.G.(1920-1999):

HAYES, PETER R. (1963-

Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1965-67; Head of News Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1967-1971; High Commissioner to Malawi, 1971-1973; Chief Press Secretary to the Prime Minister, 1973-1974; High Commissioner to Malta, 1974-1976; Ambassador to Ireland, 1976-1980 Consul-General, Washington, 2004-2005; Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 2005-2007; High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, 2008-2010; Head of Counter-Proliferation Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2012; Director, Overseas Territories, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2012-

HAYMAN, SIR PETER T., K.C.M.G., C.V.O., M.B.E.(1914-1982): Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to N.A.T.O., 1952-1954; Counsellor, Embassy, Yugoslavia, 1955-1958; Counsellor, Embassy, Iraq, 1959-1961; DirectorGeneral, British Information Services, U.S.A., 1961-1964; Deputy Commandant, British Sector, Berlin, 1964-1966; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Eastern Europe/United Nations Organization), 1966-1969; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Economic/Middle East and Americas), 1969-1970; High Commissioner to Canada, 1970-1974 HAYTER, SIR WILLIAM, K.C.M.G.(1906-1995):

Head of Southern Department, Foreign Office, 1945-1946; Head of Services Liaison Department, Foreign Office, 1946-1948; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Defence and Intelligence), 1948-1949; Minister, France, 1949-1953; Ambassador to the U.S.S.R., 1953-1957; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Political), 1957-1958

HAYWARD, CHRISTOPHER C. (1939Head of Nationality, Treaty and Claims Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1995-1996


HAYWOOD, NIGEL R., C.V.O. (1955-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of U.K. Delegation to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1996-2000; Assistant Director(Personnel Management), Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2000-2003; Ambassador to Estonia, 2003-2008; Consul-General, Basra, 2008-2009; Governor of the Falkland Islands, 2010-2014

HEAD, Rt. Hon. ANTONY, 1st VISCOUNT, G.C.M.G., C.B.E., M.C.(1906-1983): High Commissioner to Nigeria, 1960-1963; High Commissioner to Malaysia, 1963-1966 HEAD, WILLIAM G., C.B.E. (1899-19




Head of Food and Development Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 19 -1952; Deputy High Commissionet, New Zealand, 1952-1955; Head of Protocol and Nationality Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1956-1957 Consul-General Casablance, 2002-2005

Commercial Counsellor, Venezuela, 1976-1980; Head of Energy, Science and Space Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1980-1983; High Commissioner to the Bahamas, 1983-1986; Minister, Nigeria, 1986-1989; Senior Trade Commissioner, Hong Kong, 1989-1992; Ambassador to Brazil, 1992-1995 Consul-General, Munich, 2012-

Consul-General, Le Havre, 1903-1907; Consul-General, San Francisco, 1907-1911; Consul-General, Hamburg, 1911-1914; Consul-General, Paris, 1914-1919 Deputy High Commissioner, New Zealand, 1994-1996


HEATH, JOHN M., C.M.G. (1922-2009):

Head of Establishment and Organization Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1966-1969; Commercial Counsellor, Federal Republic of Germany, 1969-1974; Consul-General, Chicago, 1975-1979; Ambassador to Chile, 1980-1982

HEATH, SIR MARK E., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1927-2005): Head of Commodities Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1970-1971; Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to the O.E.C.D., 1971-1974; Head of West Africa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Ambassador to Chad, 1975-1978; Inspector, 19781980; Ambassador to the Holy See, 1980-1985 HEATHCOTE-SMITH, CLIFFORD B.B., C.B.E.(1912-2003): Political Adviser, Hong Kong, 1947-1950; Commercial Counsellor, Turkey, 1956-1960; Commercial Counsellor, Denmark, 1960-1964; Commercial Counsellor, U.S.A., 1964-1965; Deputy High Commissioner, Madras, India, 1965-1968; Commercial Inspector, 1969-1972 HEATHCOTE-SMITH, SIR CLIFFORD E., K.B.E., C.M.G. (1883-1963): HEBBLETHWAITE, SIDNEY H., C.M.G.(1914-1987):

HEDDY, BRIAN H.(1916-2007):

Consul-General, Alexandria, 1924-1943

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Sweden, 1958-1962; Counsellor, Embassy and Head of Chancery, Burma, 1962-1965; Counsellor (Information), U.S.A., 1965-1968 Consul-General, Lourenco Marques, 1963-1965; Head of Nationality and Consular Department, Commonwealth Office, 1966-1967; Head of General and Migration Department, Commonwealth Office, 1967-1968; Head of Migration and Visa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1971; Consul-General, Durban, 1971-1976



High Commissioner to the Bahamas, 1999-2003

HELM, SIR A. KNOX, G.B.E., K.C.M.G.(1893-1964): Counsellor, Embassy, Turkey, 1942-1946; Political Representative/Minister to Hungary, 1946-1949; Minister to Israel, 1949-1951; Ambassador to Turkey, 1951-1954; Governor-General of the Sudan, 1955-1956 HEMANS, SIMON N.P., C.M.G., C.V.O.(1940-

Deputy High Commissioner, Kenya, 1981-1984; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, U.S.S.R., 1985-1987; Head of Soviet Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1987-1990; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Africa), 1990-1992; Ambassador to Ukraine, 1992-1995; High Commissioner to Kenya, 1995-1997

HENDERSON, ANDREW D.F. (1952Head of Parliamentary Relations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Relations Office, 1998-1999; ConsulGeneral, Jedda, 2000-2003; Consul-General, Sao Paulo, 2003-2006; Ambassador to Algeria, 2007-2010; ConsulGeneral, Johannesburg, 2011HENDERSON, EDWARD F., C.M.G.(1917-1995): HENDERSON, HECTOR B. (1895-1962):

Political Agent/Ambassador, Qaatar, 1969-1974

Consul-General, Dakar, 1945-1951

HENDERSON, SIR IAN L., K.B.E., C.M.G.(1901-1971): Commercial Counsellor, Czechoslovakia, 1946-1949; Minister/Ambassador to Paraguay, 1949-1953; Consul-General, Rotterdam, 1953-1954; Ambassador to Panama, 1954-1960 HENDERSON, SIR JAMES T., K.B.E., C.M.G. (1901-1993): Counsellor, Embassy, Sweden, 1946-1949; Consul-General, Houston, 1949-1953; Minister to Iceland, 1953-1956; Ambassador to Bolivia, 1956-1960


HENDERSON, JOHN H., O.B.E. (1873-1950):

Commercial Counsellor, Italy, 1925-1926

HENDERSON, SIR J. NICHOLAS, G.C.M.G., K.C.V.O. (1919-2009): Head of Northern Department, Foreign Office, 1963; Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1963-1965; Minister, Spain, 1965-1969; Ambassador to Poland, 1969-1972; Ambassador to Federal Republic of Germany,1972-1975; Ambassador to France, 1975-1979; Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1979-1982 HENDERSON, SIR MALCOLM S., K.C.M.G.(1905-1981): Commercial Counsellor, Portugal and Consul-General, Lisbon, 1947-1952; Consul-General, Hanover, 1954-1955; Ambassador to Luxemburg, 1955-1957; Ambassador to Uruguay, 1957-1961; Ambassador to Austria, 1961-1965 HENDERSON, SIR NEVILE M. G.C.M.G.(1882-1942): Counsellor, High Commission, Turkey, 1920-1924; Minister, Egypt, 1924-1928; Minister, France, 1928-1929; Minister to Yugoslavia, 1929-1935; Ambassador to Argentina, 1935-1937; Ambassador to Germany, 1937-1939 HENDERSON, VICTOR J., C.M.G.(1941HENDRIE, BARBARA:


HENDRY, IAN D., C.M.G. (1948-

Ambassador to Yemen, 1997-2001 Counsellor(Economic and Social Affairs), U.K. Delegation to the U.N.O., New York, 2009-2013

Consul-General, Lille, 1986-1990; Consul-General, Dubai, 1990-1994; Ambassador to Uruguay, 1994-1998

Deputy Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1999-2005


HENLEY, Rt. Hon. MORTON F., 1st LORD, G.C.B.,(1752-1830): Minister to Bavaria, 1776-1779; Minister to Denmark, 1779-1782; Minister to Saxony, 1783-1791; Minister to Prussia, 1791-1793; Minister to Austria, 1793-1799 HENNESSY, DENIS W., O.B.E. (1912-1990):


Consul-General, Hanover, 1964-1969; Counsellor (Administration), Embassy, Federal Republic of Germany, 1969-1972

High Commissioner to Uganda and Ambassador to Rwanda, 1973-1976; Consul-General, Cape Town, 1977-1980; Governor of Belize, 1980-1981

HENNIKER(-MAJOR), Hon. SIR JOHN P.E.C., K.C.M.G., C.V.O., M.C. (later 8th LORD HENNIKER) (1916-2004): Head of Personnel Department, Foreign Office, 1953-1960; Ambassador to Jordan, 1960-1962; Ambassador to Denmark, 1962-1966; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Africa), 1966-1967 HENNINGS, JOHN D., C.M.G. (1922-1985):

HENSBY, FREDERICK C., O.B.E.(1918-1982):


Head of Development Policy and West and East African Economic Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1963-1966; Counsellor, Rhodesia, 1966-1968; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission, India, 1968-1972; High Commissioner to Jamaica and Ambassador to Haiti, 1973-1976; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Conferences), 1976-1978; High Commissioner to Singapore, 1978-1982

Head of Consular Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1976-1977 Consul-General, Washington, 2012-


HEPPEL, RICHARD P., C.M.G. (1913-1986): Counsellor, Legation, Vietnam, 1953-1954; Ambassador to Cambodia, 1954-1956; Minister, Austria, 1956-1959; Head of South-East Asia Department, Foreign Office, 1959-1960; Head of Consular Department, Foreign Office, 1961-1963; Consul-General, Stuttgart, 1963-1969 HEPTINSTALL, LESLIE G. (1919-1996): HERBERT, SIR ARTHUR J., G.C.V.O.(1855-1921):

Deputy High Commissioner, Lahore, Pakistan, 1964-1965

Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1897-1900; Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1900-1902; Consul-General, Buda-Pest, 1902-1903; Charge d’Affaires, HesseDarmstadt and Baden, 1903-1905; Minister to Norway, 1905-1911

HERBERT, Rt. Hon. SIR MICHAEL H., G.C.M.G., C.B. (1857-1903):



Secretary of Legation, U.S.A., 1892-1893; Secretary of Legation, the Netherlands, 1893-1894; Secretary of Embassy, Turkey, 1894-1897; Secretary of Embassy, Italy, 1897; Minister, France, 1898-1902; Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1902-1903

Commercial Counsellor, Burma, 1957-1961; ConsulGeneral, Marseilles, 1961-1965; Inspector, 1965-1966; Counsellor (Hong Kong Affairs), Embassy, U.S.A., 1967-1970; Consul-General, Osaka-Kobe, 1971-1973; Counsellor(Hong Kong Affairs), Embassy, U.S.A., 1974-1977

Deputy High Commissioner, Chennai(Madras), India, 1999-2003


HERRIES, EDWARD, C.B. (1821-1911):

HERTSLET, SIR E. CECIL, K.B.E.(1850-1934):

HERTSLET, SIR EDWARD, K.C.B.(1824-1902):

Secretary of Legation, Switzerland, 1854-1858; Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1858; Secretary of Legation, Belgium, 1858-1861; Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1861-1864; Secretary of Legation, Italy, 1864-1875

Consul-General, Le Havre, 1896-1903; Consul-General, Antwerp, 1903-1914; Consul-General, Zurich, 1915-1917; Consul-General, Antwerp, 1918

Librarian of the Foreign Office, 1857-1896

HERVEY, HENRY A.W., C.B. (1832-1908): Senior Clerk, American(U.S.A.) and Asiatic Department, Foreign Office, 1877-1880; Senior Clerk, Western Department, Foreign Office, 1887-1890; Chief Clerk, Foreign Office, 1890-1896 HERVEY, LORD HERBERT A.R.(later 5th MARQUESS OF BRISTOL) (1870-1960): Minister to Colombia, 1919-1923; Minister to Peru and Ecuador, 1923-1929 HERVEY, Captain JOHN A., LORD(1757-1796):

Minister to Tuscany, 1787-1794

HERVEY, LIONEL C.(1784-1843): Secretary of Legation, Bavaria, 1815-1820; Secretary of Embassy, Spain, 1820-1823 HERVEY, SIR ROGER B.R., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1934-

Counsellor, Embassy, the Netherlands, 1979-1982; Minister, Spain, 1982-1986; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Protocol) and Vice-Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps, 1986-1991; Ambassador to Mexico, 1992-1994


HERVEY, LORD WILLIAM, C.B.(1805-1850):

HEWITT, GAVIN W., C.M.G. (1944-

Secretary of Legation, Spain, 1830-1839; Secretary of Embassy, France, 1843-1850

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Mission to the United Nations Organizations, Geneva, 1987-1991; Head of South East Asia Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1992-1994; Ambassador to Croatia, 1994-1997; Ambassador to Finland, 1997-2000; Ambassador to Belgium, 2001-2003

HEYN, ANDREW R., O.B.E. (1962Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Ireland, 2005-2009; Ambassador to Burma, 2009-2013 HEYTESBURY (see A’COURT) HIBBERT, SIR REGINALD A., G.C.M.G.(1922-2002): Charge d’Affaires, Outer Mongolia, 1964-1966; Counsellor, Far East Command, 1967-1969; Political Adviser to, Far East, 1970-1971; Minister, Federal Republic of Germany, 1972-1975; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Europe), 1976-1976; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Europe and Political Director), 1976-1979; Ambassador to France, 1979-1982 HICKEY, STEPHEN B. (1979-

HICKMAN, JOHN K., C.M.G. (1927-2001):

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Syria, 2010-2011; Counsellor(Political), High Commission, South Africa, 2011-2012; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Egypt, 2013-

Consul-General, Bilbao, 1967-1969; Counsellor/Deputy High Commissioner, Singapore, 1969-1971; Head of SouthWest Pacific Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1974; Counsellor, Embassy, Ireland, 1974-1977; Ambassador to Ecuador, 1977-1981; Ambassador to Chile, 1982-1987



Deputy High Commissioner/Consul-General, Auckland, 1973-1978

HICKSON, MICHAEL, L.V.O. (1938Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Venezuela, 1991-1994 HILDYARD, SIR DAVID H.T., K.C.M.G., D.F.C.(1916-1997): Commercial Counsellor, Mexico, 1960-1965; Head of Economic Relations Department, Foreign Office, 1965-1968; Minister, U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1968-1970; Ambassador to Chile, 1970-1973; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organizations, Geneva, 1973-1976 HILL, LORD A. MARCUS C. (later Rt.Hon. LORD SANDYS) (1798-1863): Secretary of Legation, Tuscany, 1824-1825 HILL, CHARLES E. (1963-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Oman, 2004-2008; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Norway, 2009-

HILL, SIR CLEMENT L., K.C.M.G., C.B.(1845-1913): Senior Clerk, African Department, Foreign Office, 1894-1900; Superintendent of African Protectorates, Foreign Office, 1900-1905 HILL, CLIFFORD F. (1930-1979): Head of Cultural Exchange Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1974-1977; Consul-General, Durban, 1977-1979 HILL, MARTIN H.P. (1961-

Deputy High Commissioner, Sri Lanka, 1998-2001; Commercial Counsellor, Thailand, 2002-2005; Economic Counsellor, Canada, 2006-2009; Deputy High Commissioner, Canada, 2009-2011; Head of CounterProliferation Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2011-2012


High Commissioner to Vanuatu, 2000-2005


HILL, P. JEREMY O. (1954-

Head of Southern Europe Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1999-2001; Ambassador to Lithuania, 2001-2003; Ambassador to Bulgaria, 2004-2007

HILLER, GEORGE F., C.M.G., D.S.O.(1916-1972): Head of Eastern Department, Foreign Office, 1959-1963; Counsellor, Far East Forces, Singapore, 1963-1965; Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to N.A.T.O., 1965-1968; Commercial Counsellor, Belgium, 1968-1972 HILLIER-FRY, W. NORMAN, C.M.G.(1923Counsellor, British Delegation to the Disarmament Conference, 1968-1971; Consul-General, Hamburg, 1974-1979; Ambassador to Afghanistan, 1979-1980; High Commissioner to Uganda, 1980-1983 HILLYER, REGINALD A.N. (1897-1956):

Minister Resident, Haiti, 1939-1943

HILSON, MALCOLM G.,O.B.E. (1942High Commissioner to Vanuatu, 1997-2000 HIME, MARTIN, C.B.E. (1928-

Deputy High Commissioner, Bangladesh, 1979-1982; ConsulGeneral, Cleveland, 1982-1985; Consul-General, Houston, 1985-1988



Deputy High Commissioner, Tanzania, 1978-1981; ConsulGeneral, Dubai, 1981-1985; Head of Information Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1985-1987; Ambassador to Kuwait, 1987-1990; High Commissioner to Zambia, 1990-1993; Ambassador to Jordan, 1993-1997

Consul-General, Brisbane, Australia, 1997-2001; High Commissioner to Guyana and Ambassador to Surinam, 2002-2006


HITCH, BRIAN, C.M.G., C.V.O.(1932-2004):


HOAR, GARETH K.(1965HOARE, SIR REGINALD H., K.C.M.G.(1882-1954):

Head of Marine and Transport Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1974-1975; Commercial Counsellor, Algeria, 1977-1980; Consul-General, Munich, 1980-1984; Minister, Japan, 1984-1988; High Commissioner to Malta, 1988-1991

Head of Africa(Equatorial) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003-2005; Minister, France, 2005-2008; Director, European Political Affairs, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2008-2010; Director, Africa, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2010-2012; Ambassador to Japan, 2012Consul-General, Melbourne, Australia, 2012-

Counsellor, Legation, China, 1923-1924; Counsellor, Embassy, Turkey, 1924-1928; Counsellor, High Commission, Egypt, 1928-1929; Minister, Egypt, 1929-1931; Minister to Persia, 1931-1935; Minister to Romania, 1935-1941; Head of the Political Intelligence Department, Foreign Office, 1941-1943

HOARE, Rt.Hon. SIR SAMUEL J.G., Bt., G.C.S.I., G.B.E., C.M.G. (late 1st VISCOUNT TEMPLEWOOD)(1880-1959): Ambassador to Spain, 1940-1944 HOBART, EDWARD A.B.(1971HOBDEN, REGINALD H., D.F.C.(1919-2008):

Consul-General, Dubai, 2012-

Counsellor, High CommissionTanzania, 1968-1969; Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Pakistan, 1970-1975; High Commissioner to Lesotho, 1976-1978


HOBSON, SIR HENRY A., K.B.E. (1893-1968): Consul-General, Havana, 1940-1945; Consul-General, Barcelona, 1945-1950; Consul-General, New York, 1951-1953 HOCKENHULL, ARTHUR J.W., O.B.E.(1915-2002): Counsellor, High Commission, Malaysia, 1964-1968; Consul-General, Houston, 1969-1974 HODGE, SIR JAMES W., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1943-


Commercial Counsellor, Japan, 1982-1986; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Denmark, 1986-1990; Head of Security Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1994; Minister, China, 1995-1996; Ambassador to Thailand and Laos, 1996-2000; Consul-General, Hong Kong, 2000-2003

Head of Services Planning and Resources Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1992-1996; Consul-General, Chicago, 1996-1999

HODGSON, SIR ROBERT M., K.C.M.G., K.B.E.(1874-1956): Commercial Counsellor, U.S.S.R., 1919-1924; Charge d’Affaires, U.S.S.R., 1924-1927; Minister to Albania, 1928-1936 HOGGARD, ROBIN R. C.M.G.(1956-

Counsellor(Management), Embassy, Japan, 1998-2003; Head of Research Analysts, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2004-2007

HOGGER, HENRY G., C.M.G. (1948Counsellor and Head of Chancery/Deputy Head of Mission, Jordan, 1989-1992; High Commissioner to Namibia, 1992-1996; Head of Latin America/Latin America and Caribbean Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-2000; Ambassador to Syria, 2000-2003


HOGWOOD, SUSAN E., M.B.E. (1952Ambassador to Rwanda and Burundi, 2001-2004 HOHLER, HENRY A.F, C.M.G. (1911-2001): Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.S.R., 1950-1951; Head of Northern Department, Foreign Office, 1951-1956; Minister, Italy, 1956-1960; Ambassador to South Vietnam, 1960-1963; Minister, France, 1963-1965; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Americas and Central Europe), 1967-1968; Ambassador to Switzerland, 1968-1970 HOHLER, SIR THOMAS B., K.C.M.G.(1871-1946):

Secretary of Legation, Mexico, 1910-1917; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1917-1918; Minister, Turkey, 1918-1919; High Commissioner/Minister to Hungary, 1919-1924; Minister to Chile, 1924-1927; Minister to Denmark, 1928-1933


Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Venezuela, 2009-2013


Consul-General, Montreal, 2009-



HOLE, EDWYN C., C.B.E. (18 -1976): HOLE, JOHN BOGER (18 -1892):


Deputy High Commissioner, Bangladesh, 1987-1990; Consul-General, Auckland, 1990-1996

Commercial Counsellor, Italy, 1979-1981; Consul-General, Edmonton, 1981-1985; Consul-General, Naples, 1986-1990

Consul-General, Salonica, 1938-1941

Senior Clerk, Russian and Turkish Department, Foreign Office, 1865-1872

Consul-General, Alexandria, 1981-1982


HOLLAND, H. ROBERT C. (1957HOLLIDAY, LEONARD G., C.M.G. (1910-1980):

Deputy High Commissioner, Barbados, 2002-2004

Commercial Counsellor, France, 1948-1950; Commercial Counsellor, Switzerland, 1950-1954; Counsellor, Embassy, Sweden, 1954-1956; Ambassador to Laos, 1956-1958; Head of Mutual Aid Department, Foreign Office, 1958-1960; Head of European Economic Organizations Department, Foreign Office, 1960; Ambassador to Bolivia, 1960-1964; Ambassador to Morocco, 1965-1969

HOLLOWAY, MICHAEL J., O.B.E. (1957Ambassador to Panama, 2011-2013 HOLLOWAY, REGINALD E., C.M.G.(1932-

Inspector, 1979-1981; Consul-General, Toronto, 1981-1985; Senior British Trade Commissioner, Hong Kong, 1985-1989; Consul-General, Los Angeles, 1989-1992

HOLMAN, SIR ADRIAN, K.B.E., C.M.G., M.C.(1895-1974): Counsellor, Embassy, Iraq, 1940-1942; Counsellor, Embassy, Iran, 1942-1944; Minister, France 1944-1946; Political Representative/Minister to Romania, 1946-1948; Minister/Ambassador to Cuba, 1949-1954 HOLMER, PAUL C.H., C.M.G. (1923-2006):

Deputy High Commissioner, Singapore, 1966-1969; Head of Security Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1969-1972; Ambassador to Ivory Coast, Upper Volta and Niger, 1972-1975; Deputy Permanent Repesentative to N.A.T.O., 1976-1979; Ambassador to Romania, 1979-1983

HOLMES, BARRY T.(1933-2004): Commercial Counsellor, Finland, 1980-1985; ConsulGeneral, Atlanta, 1985-1992


HOLMES, SIR JOHN E., G.C.V.O., K.B.E., C.M.G. (1951-


Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission, India, 1991-1992; Economic and Commercial Counsellor, India, 1992-1995; Head of European Union Department(External), Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1995; Private Secretary(Foreign Affairs) to the Prime Minister, 1996-1999, and Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, 1997-1999; Ambassador to Portugal, 1999-2001; Ambassador to France, 2001-2006; Under-Secretary for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, United Nations Organization, 2007-2010 Ambassador to Honduras, 1995-1998

HOLMES, SIR STEPHEN L., K.C.M.G., M.C.(1896-1980): Senior Secretary, High Commission, Canada, 1936-1939; Assistant Secretary, Dominions Office, 1939-1943; Deputy High Commissioner, Canada, 1944-1946; UnderSecretary, Board of Trade, 1946-1947; Second Secretary, Board of Trade, 1947-1951; Deputy Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations, 1951-1952; High Commissioner to Australia, 1952-1956 HOLMES, TIMOTHY C. (1951-


Economic and Commercial Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, South Korea, 1994-1997; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, the Netherlands, 1997-2002; Consul-General, Sydney, Australia, 2004-2008

Assistant Director of Personnel(Personnel Management), Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-1998; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Ireland, 1998-1999; Director, Personnel, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1999-2002; Ambassador to Mexico, 2002-2005; Director, Migration, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2005-2007; Ambassador to Spain, 2007-2009


HOLT, J.DAVID F. (1938-

Deputy High Commissioner, Trinidad and Tobago, 1994-1997

HOLT, Captain SIR VYVYAN, K.B.E., C.M.G., M.V.O. (1896-1960): Consul-General, Seoul, 1948-1949; Minister to Korea, 1949-1952; Minister to El Salvador, 1953-1956 HOLTBY, CHRISTOPHER B., O.B.E.: Ambassador to Estonia, 2012HONE, MICHAEL S., O.B.E. (1936-):

Ambassador to Iceland, 1993-1996


Ambassador to Slovenia, 2014-

HOOD, SAMUEL, 6th VISCOUNT, G.C.M.G.(1910-1981): Counsellor, Embassy, France, 1948-1951; Head of Western Organizations Department, Foreign Office, 1951-1956; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Western Europe and America), 1956-1957; Minister, U.S.A., 1957-1962; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Political/Europe and United Nations Organization), 1962-1969 HOOK, NEIL K., M.V.O. (1945-

HOOPER, SIR ROBIN W.J., K.C.M.G., D.S.O., D.F.C. (1914-1989):

Ambassador to Turkmenistan, 1995-1998; High Commissioner to Swaziland, 1999-2001; Consul-General, Osaka, 2001-2005

Head of Personnel Department, Foreign Office, 1950-1953; Counsellor, Embassy, Iraq, 1953-1956; Head of Permanent Under-Secretary’s Department, Foreign Office, 1956-1960; Assistant Secretary-General, N.A.T.O., 1960-1966; Ambassador to Tunisia, 1966-1967; Ambassador to South Yemen, 1968; Deputy Secretary(Foreign Affairs), Cabinet Office, 1968-1971; Ambassador to Greece, 1971-1974



Commercial and Economic Counsellor, Thailand, 1978-1981

HOPE, SIR C. PETER, K.C.M.G., T.D.(1912-1999): Counsellor, Federal Republic of Germany, 1953-1956; Head of News Department, Foreign Office, 1956-1959; Minister, Spain, 1959-1962; Consul-General, Houston, 1963-1964; Minister, U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1965-1968; Ambassador to Mexico, 1968-1972 HOPE, LAURENCE F., O.B.E. (1918-1997):

HOPE, MARCUS L.H., O.B.E. (1942-

HOPE-JONES, RONALD C., C.M.G.(1920-2000):


Commercial Counsellor, Nigeria, 1969-1972; ConsulGeneral, Gothenburg, 1972-1975; Consul-General, Seattle, 1975-1976

Counsellor, Embassy, Lebanon, 1984-1985; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Switzerland, 1985-1989; Commercial Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Indonesia, 1989-1992; Head of Western Europe Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1992-1995; Ambassador to Zaire and the Congo, 1996-1998; Consul-General, Montreal, 1998-2002

U.K. Representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency, 1964-1967; Head of Atomic Energy and Disarmament/Disarmament Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1967-1970; Head of North African Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1970-1971; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Brazil, 1972-1973; Ambassador to Bolivia, 1973-1977 Ambassador to Bosnia Herzegovina, 1995-1996


HOPKINSON, HENRY L. d’A., C.M.G. (later Rt. Hon. 1st LORD COLYTON) (1902-1986): Minister, Portugal, 1943-1944; Minister, Italy, 1944-1946 HOPSON, SIR DONALD C., K.C.M.G., D.S.O., M.C., T.D. (1915-1974): Counsellor, Embassy, Argentina, 1955-1957; Head of Information Research Department, Foreign Office, 1958-1962; Ambassador to Laos, 1962-1965; Charge d’Affaires, China, 1965-1968; Ambassador to Venezuela, 1969-1973; Ambassador to Argentina, 1973-1974 HOPTON, NICHOLAS D.(1965-

Counsellor(European Union and Economic), Embassy, France, 2003-2007; Head of International Organizations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2008-2011; Ambassador to Yemen, 2012-2013; Ambassador to Qatar, 2013-

HOPWOOD, CHARLES A., C.B. (1847-1922): Acting Senior Clerk, Eastern Department, Foreign Office, 1896-1900; Senior Clerk, Western Department, Foreign Office, 1900-1906; Senior Clerk, Consular Department, Foreign Office, 1906 HORN, ALAN B., C.V.O. (1917-1992):

HORN, HELEN M., M.B.E. (1961-


Ambassador to Madagascar, 1963-1967; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Poland, 1967-1970; ConsulGeneral, Istanbul, 1970-1973

Ambassador to Guinea, 2003-2004; Consul-General, Brisbane, Australia, 2004-2005

Consul-General, Perth, Australia, 1997-2000; Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Malaysia, 2000-2003

HOUGH, WILLIAM (1884-1962):

Consul-General, Istanbul, 1930-1937; Commercial Counsellor, Spain, 1939-1940


HOUSSEMAYNE DU BOULAY, SIR ROGER, K.C.V.O., C.M.G. (1922Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, France, 1971-1973; Resident Commissioner, New Hebrides, 1973-1975; Vice-Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps and Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1975-1982 HOUSTON-BOSWALL, SIR WILLIAM E., K.C.M.G., M.C. (1892-1960): Counsellor, Embassy, Iraq, 1938-1940; Counsellor, Embassy, Japan, 1940-1941; Political Representative, Bulgaria, 1944-1946; Minister to the Lebanon, 1947-1951 HOWARD, SIR DOUGLAS F., K.C.M.G., M.C.(1897-1987): Head of the Southern Department, Foreign Office, 1941-1945; Counsellor, Embassy, Spain, 1945-1947; Minister and Charge d’Affaires, Spain, 1947-1949; Ambassador to Uruguay, 1949-1953; Minister to the Holy See, 1953-1957 HOWARD, Hon. EDMUND B.C., C.M.G., L.V.O.(1909-2005) Counsellor, Embassy, Italy, 1961-1965; Consul-General, Genoa, 1965-1969 HOWARD, Rt. Hon. SIR ESME W, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., C.V.O. (later 1st LORD HOWARD OF PENRITH)(1863-1939): Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), U.S.A. , 1906-1908; Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), Austria, 1908-1909; Consul-General, Buda-Pest, 1909-1911; Minister to Switzerland, 1911-13; Minister to Sweden, 1913-1919; Ambassador to Spain, 1919-1924; Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1924-1930


HOWARD, SIR HENRY, G.C.M.G., K.C.B.(1843-1921): Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1885; Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1885-1887; Secretary of Legation, China, 1887-1890; Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1890-1894; Minister, France, 1894-1896; Minister to the Netherlands, 1896-1908; Minister to the Vatican, 1914-1916 HOWARD, SIR HENRY F., G.C.B.(1809-1898):

HOWARD, Hon. HENRY G. (1818-1879):

HOWARD, Hon. JAMES K. (1814-1882):

Secretary of Legation, the Netherlands, 1845-1846; Secretary of Legation, Prussia, 1846-1853; Minister to Brazil, 1853-1855; Minister to Portugal, 1855-1859; Minister to Hanover, 1859-1866; Minister to Bavaria, 1866-1872

Secretary of Legation, the Netherlands, 1846-1848; Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1848-1851; Secretary of Embassy, Austria, 1851-1853; Secretary of Embassy, France, 1853-1858

Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1840-1841

HOWARD DE WALDEN, CHARLES, 6th LORD, and 2nd LORD SEAFORD, G.C.B. (1799-1868): Minister to Sweden, 1832-1833; Minister to Portugal, 1833-1846; Minister to Belgium, 1846-1868 HOWARD OF PENRITH (see SIR ESME HOWARD) HOWARD SMITH, CHARLES, C.M.G.(1888-1942): Head of the Communications Department, Foreign Office, 1922-1925; Head of the League of Nations and Western Department, Foreign Office, 1929-1933; Principal Establishment Officer, Foreign Office, 1933-1939; Minister to Denmark, 1939-1940; Minister to Iceland, 1940-1942



HOWDEN, JOHN, 2nd LORD, G.C.B.(1799-1873):

Head of Consular Department/Division, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1993-1997; Minister, France, 1997-2002; Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, 2003-2007

Minister to Brazil, 1847-1850; Minister to Spain, 1850-1858

HOWE, SIR ROBERT G., G.B.E., K.C.M.G.(1893-1981):Counsellor, Embassy, China, 1934-1937; Head of the Far East Department, Foreign Office, 1938-1940; Minister to Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, 1940(did not proceed); Minister to Ethiopia, 1942-1945; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Middle East), 1945-1947 HOWELL, MICHAEL E., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1933-

HOWELL, WILLIAM G.R., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1904-1956):

Consul-General, Berlin, 1981-1983; Consul-General, Frankfurt, 1983-1986; High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, 1986-1989; High Commissioner to Mauritius, 1989-1993

Commercial Counsellor, Argentina, 1947-1950; Commercial Counsellor, Sweden, 1950-1953; Consul-General, Barcelona, 1953-1955

HOWELLS, CHRISTOPHER J. (1933-1984): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Poland, 1972-1975; Head of Security Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1975-1978; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to N.A.T.O., 1978-1981; Head of Treaty and Nationality Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1981-1983


HOYER MILLAR, SIR FREDERICK R.(DERICK), G.C.M.G., C.V.O. (later 1st LORD INCHYRA) (1900-1989): Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1941-1942; Head of the Western Department, Foreign Office, 1944-1947; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Defence), 1947-1948; Minister, U.S.A., 1948-1950; Deputy/ Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 1950-1953; High Commissioner/Ambassador to Federal Republic of Germany, 1953-1957; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1957-1962 HUCKIN, VICTOR H. ST.J. (1880-1943):


Consul-General, New Orleans, 1923-1927; Consul-General, Naples, 1927-1930; Consul-General, Buenos Aires, 1930-1937 Deputy Head, U.K. Delegation to Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1992-1996; Head of OSCE/Council of Europe Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-2001; Head of Overseas Territories Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2001-2004; Governor of Anguilla, 2004-2006; Governor of the Falkland Islands, 2006-2010

HUDSON, SIR JAMES, G.C.B. (1810-1885): Secretary of Legation, U.S.A., 1838-1843; Secretary of Legation, the Netherlands, 1843-1845; Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1845-1850; Minister to Brazil, 1850-1851; Minister to Sardinia-Piedmont/Italy, 1852-1863 HUGH-JONES, SIR WYNN N., SIR HUGH JONES), L.V.O. (1923Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission, Canada, 1968-1970


HUGHES, ALBERT H., O.B.E. (1919-1985): Consul-General, Washington, 1964-1968; Head of Finance Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1971; Consul-General, Amsterdam, 1971-1974; Ambassador to El Salvador, 1975-1977 HUGHES, E. JOHN (1947-

Head of Aviation and Maritime Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1993; Counsellor, Embassy, Norway, 1993-1997; Ambassador to Venezuela, 2000-2003; Ambassador to Argentina, 2004-2008

HUGHES, IAN N. (1951-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Mexico, 2000-2003; Deputy High Commissioner, Mumbai, India, 2003-2005; Ambassador to Guatemala, 2006-2009: High Commissioner to Sierra Leone, 2009-2013; Ambassador to South Sudan, 2013-

HUGHES, JOHN T.. O.B.E. (1919-

HUGHES, PATRICK J. (18 -1903): HUGHES, PETER J., O.B.E. (1953-

Head of Information Services Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1959-1962; Head of Information Policy Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1962-1963; Head of Cultural Relations Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1963-1966

Consul-General, Shanghai, 1884-1891

Deputy High Commissioner, Sri Lanka, 2001-2005; Ambassador to North Korea, 2008-2011; High Commissioner to Belize, 2013-

HUGHES-HALLETT, LESLIE, C.M.G., O.B.E.(1887-1966): Minister Resident/Minister, Ecuador, 1941-1945; Minister to Guatemala, 1945-1946


HUIJSMAN, NICOLAAS B.J., C.M.G.(1915-1995):

Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for the Colonies and Commonwealth Relations, 1962-1964; Head of West Indian and Atlantic Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1972-1974

HULSE, CHRISTOPHER, C.M.G., O.B.E.(1942Counsellor(Political), Embassy, Greece, 1983-1988; Head of Eastern Europe/Central European Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1988-1992; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organizations, Vienna, 1992-1997; Ambassador to Switzerland, 1997-2001 HUM, SIR CHRISTOPHER O., K.C.M.G.(1946-


Head of Hong Kong Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1986-1989; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1989-1992; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Northern Asia), 1992-1994, (Northern Asia and Pacific), 1994-1995; Ambassador to Poland, 1996-1998; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Chief Clerk, 1998-2001; Ambassador to China, 2002-2006

Counsellor, Embassy, Turkey, 1988-1990; Economic Counsellor, Japan, 1990-1994; Head of African Department(Southern), Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1994-1995; Minister, Japan, 1995-1999; Ambassador to South Korea, 2000-2003; Ambassador to Indonesia, 2004-2008

HUMPHRYS, Lieutenant-Colonel SIR FRANCIS H., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., K.B.E., C.I.E. (1879-1971): Minister to Afghanistan, 1922-1929; High Commissioner/ Ambassador to Iraq, 1929-1935


HUNT, ALAN C., C.M.G. (1941-


Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Norway, 1983-1987; Counsellor/Charge d’Affaires, Argentina, 1987-1990; Head of Management Review Staff, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1991; Consul-General, Dusseldorf, 1991-1995; Senior Civilian Instructor, Royal College of Defence Studies, 1995-1996; Director, Overseas Trade and Investment Promotion, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-1997; High Commissioner to Singapore, 1997-2001 Ambassador to Lithuania, 2011-

HUNT, SIR DAVID W.S., K.C.M.G., O.B.E.(1913-1998): Private Secretary(Foreign Affairs) to the Prime Minister, 1950-1952; Deputy High Commissioner, Lahore, Pakistan, 1954-1956; Head of Central African and Territories Department, Commonwealth Relations Office,1956-1959; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations(Political Division), 1959-1960; Deputy High Commissioner, Nigeria, 1960-1962; High Commissioner to Uganda, 1962-1965; High Commissioner to Cyprus, 1965-1967; High Commissioner to Nigeria, 1967-1969; Ambassador to Brazil, 1969-1973 HUNT, MARY E., O.B.E. (1935HUNT, PETER L., C.M.G. (1945-

HUNT, SIR REX M., C.M.G. (1926-2012):

Consul-General, Paris, 1991-1995

Minister-Counsellor, Chile, 1993-1996; Consul-General, Istanbul, 1997-2001; Consul-General, Los Angeles, 2001-2005

Counsellor, Embassy, South Vietnam, 1974-1975; Commercial and Economic Malaysia, 1976-1977; Deputy High Commissioner, Malaysia, 1977-1979; Governor/Civil Commissioner of the Falkland Islands, 1980-1985


HUNT, ROLAND C.C., C.M.G. (1916-1999): Head of Far East Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1955-1956; Deputy High Commissioner, Malaya, 1957-1959; Head of Economic Relations II Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1961-1962; Deputy High Commissioner, Pakistan, 1962-1965; High Commissioner to Uganda, 1965-1967; Assistant UnderSecretary(South Asia and Atlantic), Commonwealth Office, 1967-1968; Assistant Under-Secretary(Americas), Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1970; High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago, 1970-1973 HUNTER, SIR ALISTAIR J., K.C.M.G.(1936-

Head of Personnel Services Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1976-1980; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Federal Republic of Germany, 1980-1985; Assistant Under-Secretary, Overseas Trade, Department of Trade and Industry, 1985-1988; Consul-General, Dusseldorf, 1988-1991; Consul-General New York, 1991-1996

HUNTER, JOHN M., C.B., M.C. (1920-2006): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Czechoslovakia, 1963-1965; Head of Consular Department, Foreign Office, 1966-1967; Counsellor, Embassy, Argentina and Consul-General, Buenos Aires, 1970-1971; Head of Latin American Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1973 HURRELL, SIR ANTHONY G., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1927-2009): Assistant Under-Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Development, 1974-1975; Assistant Under-Secretary, Cabinet Office, 1976-1977; Assistant UnderSecretary, Duchy of Lancaster, 1977; Assistant UnderSecretary, Overseas Development Agency, 1978-1983; Ambassador to Nepal, 1983-1987 HURRELL, IAN M., L.V.O. (1914-1989):

Ambassador to Costa Rica, 1968-1972


HURST, SIR CECIL J.B., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., Q.C. (1870-1963): HURST, LEONARD H., C.B.E. (1889-1981):

Legal Adviser to the Foreign Office, 1918-1934

Consul-General, Rabat, 1936-1940; Consul-General, Istanbul, 1942-1947; Consul-General, Tunis, 1947-1949

HUTCHEON, SIR ALEXANDER B., K.B.E., C.M.G. (1891-1956): Head of the Consular Department, Foreign Office, 1938-1943; Inspector-General, 1943-1947; Senior Foreign Office Inspector, 1947-1950 HUTCHINSON, PATRICIA M., C.M.G.(1926-2008): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Sweden, 1969-1972; Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to the O.E.C.D., 1973-1975; Consul-General, Geneva, 1975-1980; Ambassador to Uruguay, 1980-1983; Consul-General, Barcelona, 1983-1986 HUTCHISON, SIR JOHN C., K.B.E. (1890-1965):

Counsellor(Commercial), China, 1940-1948; Minister (Commercial), China, 1948-1949; Charge d’Affaires, China, 1949-1951

HUTSON, JOHN W., O.B.E. (1929Commercial Counsellor, Iraq, 1971-1972; Inspector, 1972-1974; Head of Communications Operations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1974-1976; Commercial Counsellor, U.S.S.R., 1976-1979; Consul-General, Frankfurt, 1979-1983; Consul-General, Casablanca, 1984-1987 HYLAND, SUSAN M.(1964 -

Head of Human Rights, Democracy and Good Governance Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2006-2011; Counsellor(Political), High Commission, Pakistan, 2011-

HYSLOP, JAMES T., O.B.E. (1914-1997): Consul-General, Detroit, 1971-1976


IBBOTT, ALEC, C.B.E. (1930-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Sudan, 1979-1982; Ambassador to Liberia, 1985-1988; High Commissioner to Gambia, 1988-1990

ILLMAN, JOHN, C.M.G. (1940-2011):

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Algeria, 1986-1990; Consul-General, Marseilles, 1990-1994; Ambassador to Peru, 1995-1999

IMRAY, SIR COLIN H., K.B.E., C.M.G.(1933Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Pakistan, 1973-1977; Commercial Counsellor, Israel, 1977-1980; Deputy High Commissioner, Bombay, India, 1980-1984; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Deputy Chief Clerk and Chief Inspector, 1984-1985; High Commissioner to Tanzania, 1986-1989; High Commissioner to Bangladesh, 1989-1993 INCHYRA (see HOYER MILLAR) INGHAM, CHRISTOPHER J., C.M.G.(1944-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Romania, 1991-1995; Economic Counsellor, Spain, 1995-1999; Ambassador to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, 1999-2002

INGLIS, SIR A. PERCY, M.V.O., I.S.O.(1841-1932): Consul-General, Paris, 1900-1911 INGRAM, E. MAURICE B., C.M.G., O.B.E. (1890-1941): Counsellor, Embassy, China, 1929-1934; Counsellor, Embassy, Italy, 1935-1937; Head of the Southern Department, Foreign Office, 1937-1939; Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Economic Warfare, 1939-1941 INNES, PETER M. (1941-

Consul-General, Melbourne, 1998-2001




IRVINE, WILLIAM D. (18 -1867):

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Syria, 1999-2002; Deputy High Commissioner, Chennai, India, 2003-200

Counsellor(Commercial) and Director U. K. Trade and Investment, Saudi Arabia, 2011-2013

Secretary of Legation, U.S.A., 1858-1862

IRVING, SIR STANLEY G., K.B.E., C.M.G.(1886-1970): Commercial Counsellor, Argentina, 1931-1939; Commercial Counsellor, France, 1939-1940; Commercial Counsellor, Spain, 1941-1942; Commercial Counsellor, Portugal, 1942-1943; Minister to Panama and Costa Rica, 1943-1946 ISAACSON, SIR ROBERT S., K.B.E., C.M.G.(1907-1972):

JACK, STUART D.M., C.V.O. (1949-

Commercial Counsellor, Greece, 1948-1952; Commercial Counsellor, U.S.A., 1952-1955; Minister(Commercial), France, 1955-1959; Minister(Commercial), Brazil, 1959-1963; Ambassador to Guatemala, 1963; Ambassador to Switzerland, 1964-1968

Inspector, 1989-1992; Consul-General, St. Petersburg, 1992-1995; Head of Reaserch and Analysis, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-1999; Minister, Japan, 1999-2003; Governor of the Cayman Islands, 2005-2009


JACKLING, SIR ROGER W., G.C.M.G. (1913-1986):


Commercial Counsellor, the Netherlands, 1951-1953; Minister(Economic), Federal Republic of Germany, 1955-1957; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1967-1959; Assistant Under-Secretary for ForeignAffairs (Economic/European Economic), 1959-1963; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1963-1967; Deputy UnderSecretary for Foreign Affairs(Economic), 1967-1968; Ambassador to Federal Republic of Germany, 1968-1972 Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Argentina, 2007-2008

JACKSON, FRANCIS J. (1770-1814):

JACKSON, FREDERICK H., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1918-1994):

Secretary of Legation, Prussia, 1789-179 ; Secretary of Embassy, Spain, 1791-1795; Ambassador to Turkey, 1796-1799; Minister to France, 1801-1802; Minister to Prussia, 1802-1806; Minister to the U.S.A., 1809-1810

Counsellor and Deputy Head, U.K. Delegation to the European Communities, 1967-1969; U.K. Representative, International Atomic Energy Agency, 1969-1975; Consul-General, Dusseldorf, 1975-1978

JACKSON, SIR GEOFFREY H.S., K.C.M.G.(1915-1987): Minister/Ambassador to Honduras, 1956-1960; ConsulGeneral, Seattle, 1960-1964; Ambassador to Uruguay, 1969-1972; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1973 JACKSON, GEORGE(1785-1851): Secretary of Legation, Prussia 1807 and 1813-1815 JACKSON, G. NOEL, C.M.G., M.B.E.(1913-1999):

Consul-General, Basra, 1955-1957; Consul-General, Lourenco Marques, 1957-1960; Counsellor, Libya, 1960-1963; Ambassador to Kuwait, 1963-1967; Ambassador to Ecuador, 1967-1970


JACKSON, SIR J. EDWARD, K.C.M.G.(1925-2002):



JAMES, SIR CYNLAIS M. (KENNETH), K.C.M.G. (1926-2013):


JAMES, JOHN (17 -1818):

Political Adviser, British Military Government, Berlin, 1969-1973; Head of Defence Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1973-1975; Ambassador to Cuba, 1975-1979; Head of U.K. Delegation to Mutual Reduction of Forces and Armaments Negotiations, 1980-1982; Ambassador to Belgium, 1982-1985

Commercial Counsellor, Argentina, 1981-1982; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Sweden, 1982-1987; Commercial Counsellor, South Korea, 1987-1991; Ambassador to Bolivia, 1991-1995; Ambassador to Costa Rica, 1995-1997 Secretary of Legation, Sardinia-Piedmont, 1795-1799; Minister to Sardinia-Piedmont, 1799-1806

Counsellor, Embassy, South Vietnam, 1969-1971; Head of West European Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1975; Minister, France, 1976-1981; Ambassador to Poland, 1981-1983; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Europe), 1983; Ambassador to Mexico, 1983-1986

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, South Africa, 1986-1988; Economic and Commercial Counsellor, India, 1988-1992; Charge d’Affaires, Iran, 1993-1997; High Commissioner to Kenya, 1997-2001 Secretary of Embassy, the Netherlands, 1815-1816


JAMES, Rt. Hon. SIR J. MORRICE C., G.C.M.G., C.V.O., M.B.E. (later LORD SAINT BRIDES) (1916-1989): Head of Defence Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1949-1951; Head of Establishment Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1951-1952; Deputy High Commissioner, Lahore, Pakistan, 1952-1954; Deputy High Commissioner, Pakistan, 1955-1956; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations(Foreign Affairs Division), 1957-1958; Deputy High Commissioner, India, 1958-1961; High Commissioner to Pakistan, 1961-1966; Deputy Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Affairs (Africa), 1966-1967; Deputy Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Affairs(Political Affairs, Defence, Far East and Middle East), 1967-1968; Permanent UnderSecretary for Commonwealth Affairs, 1968; High Commissioner to India, 1968-1971; High Commissioner to Australia, 1971-1976 JAMES, R. MICHAEL(1934-

Deputy High Commissioner, Guyana, 1970-1973; Deputy High Commissioner, Ghana, 1980-1983; Deputy High Commissioner, Singapore, 1984-1987; Deputy High Commissioner, Barbados, 1987-1989

JAMIESON, GEORGE, C.M.G: Consul-General, Shanghai, 1897-1899 JAMIESON, KENNETH D., C.M.G.(1921-2006):

Commercial Counsellor, Venezuela, 1963-1967; Head of Export Promotion Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1970; Minister, U. K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1970-1971; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1971-1974; Ambassador to Peru, 1974-1977; Senior Directing Staff, Royal College of Defence Studies, 1977-1979



Ambassador to Albania, 1999-2001; Head of Organization for Security and Coopperation in Europe and Council of Europe Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2001-2004


Consul-General, Alexandria, 1986-

JARDINE, JOHN F.J.(1926-1990): Consul-General, Johannesburg, 1973-1978; Assistant Under-Secretary, Department of Trade, 1978-1980, Department of Industry, 1980-1983, Department of Trade and Industry, 1983-1985, Department of Employment, 1985JARRETT, ANNE (1960JARROLD, NICHOLAS R. (1946-


Consul-General, Montreal, 2005-2009

Counsellor and Head of Chancery/Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy, Cuba, 1989-1991; Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Belgium, 1992-1996; Ambassador to Latvia, 1996-1999; Ambassador to Croatia, 2000-2004 Deputy High Commissioner, Jamaica, 1981-198

JASPER, ROBIN L.D., C.M.G. (1914-2004): Deputy High Commissioner, Lahore, Pakistan, 1949-1952; Counsellor, Embassy, Portugal, 1953-1955; Head of Western and United Nations Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1955-1957; Head of Economic Relations II Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1957-1958; Head of Information Policy Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1958-1960; Deputy High Commissioner, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1960-1964; Head of Nationality and Consular Department, Commonwealth Relations/Commonwealth Office, 1965-1967; Consul-General, Naples, 1967-1971


JAY, SIR MICHAEL H., G.C.M.G.(later LORD JAY OF EWELME) (1946Financial and Commercial Counsellor, France, 1987-1990; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(European Community), 1990-1994; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Economic), 1994-1996; Ambassador to France, 1996-2001; Permanent UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 2002-2006 JAY, Hon. PETER(1937-

Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1977-1979

JEBB, SIR H.M. GLADWYN, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., C.B. (later 1st LORD GLADWYN) (1900-1996): Head of Economic and Reconstruction Department, Foreign Office, 1942-1946; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(United Nations Affairs), 1946-1948; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Political), 1949-1950;Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1950-1954; Ambassador to France, 1954-1960 JENKINS, SIR JOHN, K.C.M.G., L.V.O. (1955-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Kuwait, 1995-1998; Ambassador to Burma, 1999-2002; Head of South-East Asia Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2003; Consul-General, Jerusalem, 2003-2006; Ambassador to Syria, 2006-2007; Director, Middle East and North Africa, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2007-2009; Ambassador to Iraq, 2009-2011; Ambassador to Libya, 2011; Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, 2011-


JENKINS, SIR MICHAEL R.H., K.C.M.G.(1936-2013):

JENKINS, PETER R., C.M.G. (1950-

Chef du Cabinet to European Commissioner for Regional Policy, 1975-1977; Head of European Integration Department(External), Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1977-1978; Deputy Secretary-General, European Commission, 1981-1983; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Europe), 1983-1985; Minister, U.S.A., 1985-1987; Ambassador to the Netherlands, 1988-1993

Minister-Counsellor, Brazil, 1992-1995; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organizations, Geneva, 1996-2001; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organizations, Vienna, 2001-2006

JENKINS, RICHARD T., O.B.E. (1943Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Ukraine, 1994-1997; Ambassador to Georgia, 1998-2001 JENKINSON, Hon. CHARLES C.C. (later Rt.Hon. 3rd EARL OF LIVERPOOL, G.C.B.) (1784-1851): Secretary of Legation, Austria, 1804-1807 JENKINSON, ERIC, C.V.O., O.B.E.(1950-

High Commissioner to Gambia, 2002-2006; High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago, 2007-2011

JENNER, GEORGE F.B., C.M.G. (1840-1924): Consul-General, Havana, 1879 (did not prceed); Secretary of Legation, Mexico, 1884-1887; Secretary of Legation, Argentina, 1887-1892; Minister Resident, Colombia, 1892-1897; Minister Resident, Central American Republics, 1897-1902 JENNINGS, COLIN B.(1952-

Deputy High Commissioner, Cyprus, 1992-1996



JERNINGHAM, Hon. GEORGE S.S., C.B. (1806-1874):

Commercial Counsellor, Spain, 2004-2007; Managing Director, U.K. Trade and Investment, 2007-2010; Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, 2010-

Secretary of Legation, the Netherlands, 1833-1836; Secretary of Legation, Sardinia, 1836-1837; Secretary of Legation, Portugal, 1837-1839; Secretary of Legation, Spain, 1839-1849; Secretary of Embassy, France, 1850-1853; Minister to Sweden, 1853 (did not proceed); Minister to Wurttemberg, 1854-1859; Minister to Sweden, 1859-1872

JERNINGHAM, Hon. WILLIAM G.S.(1812-1874): Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1850-1857; Charge d’Affaires /Minister Resident, Peru, 1857-1874 JERRAM, SIR C. BERTRAND, K.C.M.G.(1891-1971): Commercial Counsellor, Poland, 1936-1937; Commercial Counsellor, Spain, 1937-1939; Commercial Counsellor, Argentina, 1939-1945; Minister(Commercial), Argentina, 1944-1945; Minister/Ambassador to Sweden, 1945-1947; Minister to Austria, 1948-1949; Ambassador to Chile, 1949-1951 JERROM, THOMAS C. (DAVID) (1911):


Head of International Relations/International Relations and General Department, Colonial Office, 1957-1966; Head of International and General Department, Commonwealth Office, 1966-1968; Head of Pacific and Indian Ocean Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1969

Deputy High Commissioner, Trinidad and Tobago, 1972-1975; Head of Finance Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1975-1979; Consul-General, Cleveland, 1979-1982; Consul-General, Chicago, 1982-1985; Governor of the Falkland Isles, 1985-1988; Consul-General, New York, 1989-1991


JOCELYN, Hon. WILLIAM N., C.B.(1832-1892):

Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1868-1873; Secretary of Legation, Switzerland, 1873-1874; Secretary of Embassy, Turkey, 1874-1878; Charge d’Affaires, Heese-Darmstadt and Baden, 1878-1892

JOHN, ROBERT M.(1924-1980): Commercial Counsellor, Poland, 1965-1967; Consul-General, Osaka-Kobe, 1967-1971; Minister(Commercial), Brazil, 1971-1972; Ambassador to Panama, 1974-1978; Consul-General, Bordeaux, 1978-1980 JOHNSON, DAVID J. C.M.G., C.V.O.(1938-2000):



Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Pakistan, 1985-1989; Head of Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe Unit, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1992; High Commissioner to Guyana, 1993-1998

Deputy High Commissioner, Barbados, 1972-1974; Counsellor, High Commission, Nigeria, 1975-1978; Head of West African Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Ambassador to Chad, 1978-1980; High Commissioner to Zambia, 1980-1984; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Africa), 1984-1986; High Commissioner to Kenya, 1986-1990 Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Belgium, 2011-

Deputy High Commissioner, Ghana, 2008-2012; Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, 2012-


JOHNSTON, SIR CHARLES H., Head of Japan and Pacific Department, Foreign Office, 1951; G.C.M.G.(1912-1986): Head of China and Korea Department, Foreign Office, 1951-1953; Counsellor, Embassy, Federal Republic of Germany, 1954-1955; Head of Western Department, Foreign Office, 1955-1956; Ambassador to Jordan, 1956-1960; Governor/High Commissioner of Aden/ South Arabia, 1960-1963; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Economic), 1963-1965; High Commissioner to Australia, 1965-1971 JOHNSTON, GORDON M., O.B.E.(1941-

JOHNSTON, SIR HENRY H., G.C.M.G., K.C.B.(1858-1927): JOHNSTON, SIR JOHN B., G.C.M.G., K.C.V.O. (1918-2005):

Ambassador to Slovenia, 1992-1997; Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Sweden, 1997-1998

Consul-General, Tunis, 1897-1899

Principal Private Secretary to the Colonial Secretary, 1953-1956; Head of Far East Department, Colonial Office, 1956-1957; Head of Defence and Western Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1957-1959; Deputy High Commissioner, South Africa, 1959-1961; High Commissioner to Sierra Leone,1961-1963; High Commissioner to Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1963; High Commissioner to Southern Rhodesia, 1964-1965; Assistant Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Affairs(Asia), 1966-1967, (Information and Culture), 1967-1968; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Asia), 1968-1969; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Africa and Information), 1969-1971; High Commissioner to Malaysia, 1971-1974; High Commissioner to Canada, 1974-1978


JOHNSTON, PATRICK M., C.B.E. (1911-1981):


Head of Commonwealth Liaison Department, Foreign Office, 1949-1951; Ambassador to Cameroun, 1960-1961; Ambassador to Nicaragua, 1962-1963; Consul-General, Casablanca, 1963-1969 Head of Security Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2002-2004; Counsellor (Political), U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 2004-2008; Director, International Security, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2008-2011; Ambassador to Sweden, 2011-

JOHNSTONE, Hon. SIR ALAN V., G.C.V.O.(1858-1932): Secretary of Legation, 1895-1900; Charge d’Affaires, Hesse-Darmstadt and Baden, 1900-1903; Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), Austria-Hungary, 1903-1905; Minister to Denmark, 1905-1910; Minister to the Netherlands, 1910-1917 JOHNSTONE, PETER, C.M.G. (1944-

JOINT, SIR E. JAMES, K.C.M.G., O.B.E.(1902-1981):

JONES, BARRIE S., L.V.O. (1940-

JONES, D. ALAN (1953-

Consul-General, Edmonton, 1989-1991; Commercial Counsellor, Indonesia, 1995-1998; Governor of Anguilla, 2000-2004

Consul-General, Leopoldville, 1938-1941; Commercial Counsellor, Belgium, 1944-1949; Minister (Commercial), Argentina, 1948-1951; Minister (Commercial(Italy), 1951-1955; Ambassador to Colombia, 1956-1960

Consul-General, Brisbane, Australia, 1988-1993; Deputy High Commissioner, Zambia, 1993-1998 Deputy High Commissioner, Tanzania, 1996-2000; High Commissioner to Sierra Leone, 2000-2003; High Commissioner to Belize, 2004-2007


JONES, EDGAR S., C.B.E. (1909-1992):

Head of Finance Department, Foreign Office, 1957-1968

JONES, Captain HENRY M., V.C. (1831-1916):

Minister Resident, Siam, 1889-1894; Minister Resident, Peru, 1894-1898


Commercial and Economic Counsellor, Belgium, 1996-1999; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Belgium, 1999-2000; Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands, 2000-2002

JONES, NERYS H. (1973-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Greece, 2009-

JONES, NOEL A.S.(1940-1995):

Ambassador to Kazakhstan, 1993-1995


Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Italy, 2002-2007; Director, Migration, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2009-2011; High Commissioner to Ghana, 2011-2014

JONES, RAYMOND E.(1919-2006): Deputy High Commissioner, Adelaide, Australia, 1967-1971; Consul-General, Genoa, 1976-1979 JONES, RAYMOND F., O.B.E. (1935-

High Commissioner to the Solomon Islands, 1991-1995

JONES, RICHARD H.F. (1962- Ambassador to Albania, 2003-2006; Consul-General, Basra, 2007-2008; Counsellor(Political), U.K. Delegation to the European Union, 2008-2011; Ambassador to Switzerland, 2012JONES, TIMOTHY A. (1962-

Consul-General, Lille, 2006-2008

JONES, WILFRED, C.M.G. (1926- Deputy High Commissioner, Malawi, 1975-1977; Head of Nationality and Treaty Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1979-1981; High Commissioner to Botswana, 1981-1986



Envoy to Persia, 1807-1811

Head of European Community(External) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1989-1993; Minister, Spain, 1993-1996; Deputy Political Director, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-1997; Director, European Union, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1997-1998; Political Director, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-2001; Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 2001-2003; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 2003-2007

JOPSON, SIR R. KEITH, K.C.M.G., O.B.E.(1898-1957); Director, Foreign Division, Department of Overseas Trade, 1939-1940; Commercial Counsellor, U.S.A., 1941-1945; Ambassador to Colombia, 1953-1955; Ambassador to Uruguay, 1955-1957 JORDAN, Rt. Hon. SIR JOHN N., G.C.M.G, GC.I.E., K.C.B. (1852-1925): Consul-General/Minister Resident, Korea, 1896-1906; Minister to China, 1906-1920 JORDAN, STANLEY R. (1894-19 :

JOSHI, BHARAT S. (1969JOY, A. ANTHONY (1936-2013):

Commercial Counsellor, Turkey, 1940-1943; Minister to Saudi Arabia, 1943-1945 High Commissioner to Cameroon, 2009-2013

Inspector, 1985-1986; Counsellor(Finance and Administration), High Commission, India, 1986-1990; Consul-General, Vancouver, 1990-1993; Consul-General, Rio de Janeiro, 1993-1995


JOY, DAVID, C.B.E.(1932-

JOY, MICHAEL G.L., C.M.G., M.C.(1916-1993):

JOY, RUPERT H.N.(1963-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Poland, 1978-1982; Counsellor, Argentina, 1982-1984; Head of Mexico and Central American Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1984-1987; Ambassador to Honduras and El Salvador, 1987-1989; Consul-General, Barcelona, 1989-1992

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Ethiopia, 1959-1962; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Sweden, 1962-1964 Head of South American Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2005-2008; Ambassador to Uzbekistan, 2009-2012

JOYCE, ALEC H., C.I.E., C.B.E. (1894-1982): Head of Information Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1948-1954 JUDD, JOHN B.T.(1909-1983): Head of Commonwealth Liaison Department, Foreign Office, 1951-1953; Consul-General, Basra, 1957-1961; Consul-General, Zagreb,1961-1964 JUPP, CLIFFORD N., C.M.G. (1919-1989):

Commercial Counsellor, Yugoslavia, 1963-1966


Counsellor(Political, Economic and Public Affairs), Embassy, U.S.A., 2012-

KAY, JOLYON C.(1930-

Economic Counsellor, Saudi Arabia, 1974-1977; ConsulGeneral, Casablanca, 1977-1980; Counsellor(Scientific), Embassy, France, 1980-1981; Commercial Counsellor, France, 1981-1984; Consul-General, Dubai, 1985-1990

KAY, NICHOLAS P., C.M.G. (1958-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Spain, 2002-2006; Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2007-2010; Ambassador to Sudan, 2010-2012; Director, Africa, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2012-2013


KAY, SYDNEY E., C.B.E. (1888-1978):

Consul-General, Lourenco Marques, 1933-1939; ConsulGeneral, Milan, 1939-1940; Commercial Counsellor, Portugal, 1940-1942; Consul-General, Marseilles, 1944-1948

KEALY, ROBIN A., C.M.G. (1944Deputy High Commissioner, Trinidad and Tobago, 1978-1981; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Iraq, 1987-1990; Commercial Counsellor, France, 1990-1995; Head of Aviation and Maritime Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1995-1997; Consul-General, Jerusalem, 1997-2001; Ambassador to Tunisia, 2002-2004 KEEBLE, SIR H.B. CURTIS, G.C.M.G.(1922-2008):

KEEBLE, THOMAS W. (1918-1994):

Head of European Economic Organizations Department, Foreign Office, 1963-1965; Commercial Counsellor, Switzerland, 1965-1968; Minister(Commercial), Australia, 1968-1971; Minister, Australia, 1971; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Economic and Commercial), 1971-1973; Ambassador to German Democratic Republic, 1974-1976; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Chief Clerk, 1976-1978; Ambassador to the U.S.S.R., 1978-1982

Head of Defence and Western Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1959-1960; Deputy High Commissioner, Ghana, 1960-1963; Head of Economic General Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1963-1966; Minister(Commercial), Argentina, 1966-1967; Minister, Spain, 1969-1971; Head of United Nations(Economic and Social) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1972; Head of United Nations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1972-1974


KEEFE, DENIS E.P.P. (1958-

KEELING, EDWARD A. (1885-1975):

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Czech Republic, 1998-2002; Head of China and Hong Kong Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003-2004; Head of Far Eastern Group, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2004-2007; Ambassador to Georgia, 2007-2010; Minister, Russia, 2010-2014; Ambassador to Serbia, 2014-

Counsellor, Embassy, Brazil, 1931-1932; Minister to Venezuela, 1932-1936; Consul-General, Tangier, 1936-1939


Consul-General, Genoa, 1900-1918

KELLAS, ARTHUR R.H., C.M.G. (1915-2007): Counsellor, Embassy, Iran, 1958-1962; Counsellor, Embassy and Head of Chancery, Israel, 1964-1965; Ambassador to Nepal, 1966-1970; Ambassador to South Yemen, 1970-1972; High Commissioner to Tanzania, 1973-1974 KELLY, SIR DAVID V., G.C.M.G., M.C. (1891-1959):

KELLY, IAIN C.M.(1949-


Counsellor, High Commission, Egypt, 1934-1937; Minister, Egypt, 1937-1938; Head of the Egyptian Department, Foreign Office, 1938-1940; Minister to Switzerland, 1940-1942; Ambassador to Argentina, 1942-1946; Ambassador to Turkey, 1946-1949; Ambassador to the U.S.S.R., 1949-1951 Ambassador to Belarus, 1999-2003; Ambassador to Uzbekistan, 2007-2009

Consul-General, Rio de Janeiro, 1990-1993; Consul-General, Naples, 1993-1997

KEMBALL, CHRISTOPHER G., C.M.G., C.V.O. (1899-1969): Head of Consular Department, Foreign Office, 1948-1956; Consul-General, Amsterdam, 1956-1960


KEMP, SIR KENNETH M. (1883-1949):

Legal Adviser, India Office, 1938-1948; Legal Adviser, Colonial and Dominions Offices, 1947-1948

KEMP, OLIVER, C.M.G., O.B.E. (1916-1996): Ambassador to Togo, 1962-1965; Deputy Head, U.K. Delegation to the European Communities (Luxemburg), 1965-1967; Ambassador to Mongolia, 1967-1968 KENDALL, SIMON:

Consul-General, Munich, 2008-2010

KENNARD, SIR HOWARD W., G.C.M.G., C.V.O.(1878-1955): Counsellor, Embassy, Italy, 1919-192 ; Minister to Yugoslavia, 1925-1929; Minister to Sweden, 1929-1931; Minister to Switzerland, 1931-1935; Ambassador to Poland, 1935-1941 KENNEDY, SIR CHARLES M., K.C.M.G., C.B.(1831-1908): Senior Clerk, Commercial and Sanitary Department, Foreign Office, 1872-1894 KENNEDY, SIR FRANCIS, K.C.M.G., C.B.E.(1926-

Consul-General, Atlanta, 1973-1978; Counsellor, High Commission, Nigeria, 1978-1979; Minister, Nigeria, 1979-1981; Ambassador to Angola, 1981-1983; ConsulGeneral, New York, 1983-1986

KENNEDY, HORAS T., O.B.E. (1917-1997): Commercial Counsellor, Poland, 1967-1970; Consul-General, Barcelona, 1971-1973 KENNEDY, JOHN(17 -1845): Secretary of Legation, the Two Sicilies, 1832-1844; Secretary of Legation, U.S.A., 1844-1845 KENNEDY, SIR JOHN G., K.C.M.G.(1836-1912):

Secretary of Legation, Japan, 1878-1881; Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1881-1885; Secretary of Embassy, Italy, 1885-1888; Minister Resident, Chile, 1888-1897; Minister to Romania, 1897-1905


KENNEDY, SIR ROBERT J., K.C.M.G.(1851-1936): Secretary of Legation, Persia, 1888-1893; Minister to Montenegro, 1893-1906; Minister Resident/Minister to Uruguay, 1906-1912 KENNEDY, THOMAS J., L.V.O.(1957-

Consul-General, Bordeaux, 2002-2006; Ambassador to Costa Rica and Nicaragua, 2006-2011

KENT, MARK A.G.(1966-

Ambassador to Vietnam, 2007-2010; Ambassador to Thailand and Laos, 2012-

KENYON, IAN R.(1939-

Head of Nuclear Energy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1983-1986; Inspector, 1986-1988; Deputy Leader, U.K. Delegation to the Disarmament Conference, 1988-1993

KER, K.R. WELBORE, C.B.E. (1913-1984):

Consul-General, Hanover, 1961-1964; Counsellor, Embassy, Portugal, 1967-1969; Consul-General Cape Town, 1970-1973

KERMODE, SIR DERMOT W., K.C.M.G.(1898-1960): Ambassador to Indonesia, 1950-1953; Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, 1953-1955 KERR, Rt. Hon. SIR ARCHIBALD J.K. CLARK, G.C.M.G. (later 1st LORD INVERCHAPEL) (1882-1951): Counsellor, High Commission, Egypt, 1923-1925; Minister to the Central American Republics, 1925-1928; Minister to Chile, 1928-1930; Minister to Sweden, 1931-1935; Ambassador to Iraq, 1935-1938; Ambassador to China, 1938-1942; Ambassador to the U.S.S.R., 1942-1946; Ambasssador to the U.S.A., 1946-1948


KERR, DESMOND M., O.B.E. (1930-1998):

Deputy High Commissioner, Bangladesh, 1976-1979; High Commissioner to Swaziland, 1979-1983; Head of Claims Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1983-1987


Principal Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1981-1984; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, U.S.A., 1984-1987; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(European Community), 1987-1990; Permanent Representative to the European Union, 1990-1995; Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1995-1997; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1997-2002


Deputy High Commissioner, Nigeria, 2000-2001


Ambassador to Macedonia, 2007-2010; Minister, China, 2012-

KEY, EDWARD E., M.V.O. (1917-1976):

Consul-General, Tangier, 1972-1974; Consul-General, Jerusalem, 1974-1976

KEYSER, LIONEL E.(1878-1955): Consul-General, Zurich, 1924-1930; Consul-General, Rotterdam, 1930-1933; Consul-General, Marseilles, 1934-1937 KIDD, JOHN C.W. (MATTHEW)(1957-

Counsellor(Political), Embassy, Germany, 1998-2001; Head of Whitehall Liaison Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2001-2004; Deputy Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 2004-2008; High Commissioner to Cyprus, 2010-2014


KIDSTON, GEORGE J., C.M.G.(1873-1954):

Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1914; Secretary of Legation, Belgium, 1914-1915; Head of the Eastern Department, Foreign Office, 1919-1920; Minister to Finland, 1920-1921

KILLEARN, Rt. Hon. MILES, 1st LORD,G.C.M.G., C.B., M.V.O. (1880-1964) Head of the Central Department, Foreign Office, 1922-1926; Minister to China, 1926-1934; High Commissioner/Ambassador to Egypt, 1934-1936 KILLICK, SIR JOHN E., G.C.M.G. (1919-2004):

KILLICK, PAUL V. ST.J., O.B.E.(1916-1998):

KIMBER, GURTH, C.M.G. (1906-1978):

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, U.S.A., 1963-1968; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(European Economic Integration),1968-1970; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Defence, Intelligence and Planning), 1970-1971; Ambassador to the U.S.S.R., 1971-1973; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Europe), 19731975; Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 1975-1979

Consul-General, Tangier, 1970-1971; Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, 1972-1975

Assistant Secretary, Dominions Office, 194 -1946; Official Secretary, High Commission, Australia, 1946-1950; Head of Trade Development Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1950-1952; Deputy High Commissioner, Bombay, India, 1952-1953; Head of South Asian and Middle East Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1954-1955; Head of Defence Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1955-1956; Counsellor, Embassy, Ireland, 1956-1960; Head of United Nations Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1960-1962; Deputy High Commissioner, Australia, 1962-1965




Head of Resource Planning Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1997-2000; Ambassador to Lebanon, 2000-2003; Ambassador to Belgium, 2003-2007

KING, ALFRED H., C.B.E. (1896-1956):

Consul-General, Hamburg, 1945-1948; Consul-General, Buenos Aires, 1952-1956

KING, SIR ARTHUR H.W., K.B.E. (1889-1966):

KING, CECIL E., C.M.G. (1912-1981):

KING, HILARY W., C.B.E. (1919-2003):

Consul-General, Lisbon, 1940-1944; Commercial Counsellor, Argentina, 1944-1946; Minister (Commercial), Brazil, 1946-1951

Head of Permanent Under-Secretary’s Department, Foreign Office, 1952-1953; Inspector, 1953-1956; ConsulGeneral, Hamburg, 1956-1961; Ambassador to Cameroun, 1961-1963; Minister(Trusteeship Affairs), United Nations Organization, New York, 1963-1965; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Information and Culture), 1965-1967; Ambassador to the Lebanon, 1967-1970

Commercial Counsellor, U.S.S.R., 1959-1962; Ambassador to Guinea, 1962-1965; Counsellor, Embassy, Poland, 1966-1968; Head of United Nations(Economic and Social) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1971; Consul-General, Hamburg, 1971-1974

KING, JULIAN B., C.M.G. C.V.O. (1964Counsellor and Head of Chancery, U.K. Delation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 2003-2004; Permanent Representative to European Union Political and Security Committee and Western European Union, 2004-2007; Chef du Cabinet to European Union Trade Commissioner, 2008-2009; Ambassador to Ireland, 2009-2012; Director-General, Northern Ireland Office, 2012-


KING, SIR NORMAN, K.C.M.G. (1880-1963):

Consul-General, Barcelona, 1926-1938; Consul-General, Marseilles, 1938-1940

KINNEAR, IAN A.C.(TIM), C.M.G. (1923-2008): Chief Secretary/Deputy Governor, Bermuda, 1971-1974; Senior Trade Commissioner, Hong Kong, 1974-1977; Consul-General, San Francisco, 1977-1982 KINOSHITA, SUSAN M., O.B.E. (1961-

KIRCHNER, PETER J., M.B.E. (1920KIRK, GEOFFREY W., C.M.G. (1907-1975):

Counsellor(Commercial) and Director, U.K. Trade and and Investment, Japan, 2010-

Consul-General, Berlin, 1978-1979

Commercial Counsellor, the Netherlands, 1953-1960; Ambassador to El Salvador, 1960-1967

KIRK, SIR JOHN, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. (1832-1922): Agent and Consul-General, Zanzibar, 1880-1887 KIRK, MATTHEW J.L.(1960-

Ambassador to Finland, 2002-2006

KIRKBRIDE, SIR ALEC S., K.C.M.G., C.V.O., O.B.E., M.C. (1897-1978): Minister to Jordan, 1946-1951; Minister/Ambassador to Libya, 1951-1954


KIRKPATRICK, SIR IVONE A., G.C.B., G.C.M.G.(1897-1964): Head of the Central Department, Foreign Office, 1939-40; Minister, Germany, 1944-1945; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign Office(Information and Culture), 1945-1948; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(Western Europe), 1948; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Political), 1948-1949; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs(German Section), 1949-1950; High Commissioner to Federal Republic of Germany, 1950-1953; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1953-1957 KISCH, JOHN M., C.M.G. (1916-1992):


KITSON, SIR GEORGE V., K.B.E.(1899-1980):


Head of Production and Marketing B Department, Colonial Office, 1956-1961; Head of Mediterranean Department, Colonial Office, 1961-1964; Head of Malta Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1964-1965 Deputy High Commissioner, Tanzania, 2009-2012; ConsulGeneral, Boston, 2012-

Head of Far East Department, Foreign Office, 1946-1947; Deputy High Commissioner, Bombay, India, 1947-1950; Counsellor, U.K. Commission, South-East Asia, 1951-1952; Consul-General, Milan, 1952-1958 Ambassador to Greece, 2013-

KNATCHBULL-HUGESSEN, SIR HUGHE M., K.C.M.G. (1886-1971): Counsellor, Embassy, Belgium, 1926-1929; Minister to Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, 1930-1934; Minister to Persia, 1934-1936; Ambassador to China, 1936-1938; Ambassador to Turkey, 1939-1944; Ambassador to Belgium, 1944-1947 KNIGHT, WILLIAM L.C., C.M.G.(1889-1955):

Consul-General, Tunis, 1937-1940; Consul-General, Basra, 1942-1946; Consul-General, Salonica, 1946-1949


KNIGHT-SANDS, CATHERINE (KATE): Ambassador to Montenegro, 2009KNIGHT SMITH, IAN (1938-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Switzerland, 1993-1997

KNOTT, G. JONATHAN(1966- Councellor(Commercial) and Deputy Head of Mission, South Korea, 2008-2012; Ambassador to Hungary, 2012KNOX, SIR GEOFFREY G., K.C.M.G.(1884-1958):

Counsellor, Embassy, Turkey, 1926-192 ; Counsellor, Embassy, Spain, 1931-1932; Minister to Hungary, 1935-1939; Ambassador to Brazil, 1939-1941

KNOX, SIR THOMAS G., K.C.M.G.(1824-1887):

Agent and Consul-General, Siam, 1875-1879


Consul-General, Dusseldorf, 1907-1914

KOHAN, ROBERT M. (1883-1967):

Consul-General, New Orleans, 1934-1937; Consul-General, Buenos Aires, 1937-1942

KOPPEL, PERCY A., C.M.G., C.B.E.(1876-1932): Head of the News Department, Foreign Office, 1921-1925; Head of the Dominions Information Department, Foreign Office, 1926-1932 KRAUS, JOHN A.(1966-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Portugal, 2007-2010

KUENSSBERG O’SULLIVAN, JOANNA K.(1973 Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Portugal, 2010-2014; High Commissioner to Mozambique, 2014KYDD, IAN D. (1947-

Counsellor(Management), Embassy, Russia, 1995-1998; ConsulGeneral, Vancouver, 1998-2002; Counsellor (Management), High Commission, India, 2003-2006



Deputy Permanent Representative to the O.E.C.D., 1998-2000; Deputy High Commissioner, Kenya, 2003-2007; Deputy High Commissioner, Pakistan, 2008-2009; Deputy High Commissioner, Malaysia, 2010-

LABOUCHERE, SIR GEORGE P, G.B.E., K.C.M.G.(1905-1999): Counsellor, Embassy, China, 1946-1948; Counsellor, Embassy, Argentina, 1948-1950; Counsellor, Austria, 1950-1951; Minister, Austria, 1951-1953; Minister to Hungary, 1953-1955; Ambassador to Belgium, 1955-1960; Ambassador to Spain, 1960-1965 LAING, J. STUART (1948-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Czechoslovakia, 1989-1992; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Saudi Arabia, 1992-1995; Head of Joint Assistance (Central Europe) Department, 1995-1998; High Commissioner to Brunei, 1998-2002; Ambassador to Oman, 2002-2005; Ambassador to Kuwait, 2005-2008

LAING, W.J. SCOTT(1914-2003): Commercial Counsellor, Belgium, 1955-1957 LAIRD, EDGAR O. (MICHAEL), C.M.G., M.B.E.(1915-1992): High Commissioner in Brunei, 1963-1965; Deputy High Commissioner, Kaduna, Nigeria, 1965-1969; Head of Hong Kong and Indian Ocean Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1970-1972; British Representative, West Indian Associated States, 1972-1975


LAITHWAITE, SIR J. GILBERT, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., K.C.I.E., C.S.I.(1894-1986): Assistant Under-Secretary for India, 1943; Deputy UnderSecretary for Burma, 1945-1947; Deputy UnderSecretary for India, 1947; Deputy Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations, 1948-1949; Ambassador to Ireland, 1949-1951; High Commissioner to Pakistan, 1951-1954; Permanent Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations, 1955-1959 LAMARQUE, WALTER G., M.B.E.(1913-1979):

Deputy High Commissioner, Enugu, Nigeria, 1960-1963; Head of Africa Economic Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1963; Head of East Africa Economic Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1963-1964

LAMB, SIR ALBERT T. (ARCHIE), K.B.E., C.M.G.(1921Political Agent, Abu Dhabi, 1965-1968; Inspector, 1968-1970; Home/Senior Inspector, 1970-1973; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Chief Inspector, 1973-1974; Ambassador to Kuwait, 1974-1977; Ambassador to Norway, 1977-1981 LAMB, Rt.Hon. SIR FREDERICK J., G.C.B. (later 1st LORD BEAUVALE and 3rd VISCOUNT MELBOURNE) (1782-1853): Secretary of Legation, The Two Sicilies, 1811-1813; Secretary of Embassy, Austria, 1813-1815; Minister to Bavaria, 1815-1820; Minister to the German Confederation, 1820-1824; Minister to Spain, 1825-1828; Ambassador to Portugal, 1828; Ambassador to Austria, 1831-1841 LAMB, SIR HARRY HARLING, G.B.E., K.C.M.G.(1857-1948):

Consul-General, Salonica, 1907-1913


LAMB, SIR LIONEL H. K.C.M.G. (1900-1992): Charge d’Affaires, China, 1951-1953; Minister to Switzerland, 1953-1955 LAMB, ROBIN D. (1948-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Kuwait, 2001-2003; Ambassador to Bahrain, 2003-2006

LAMBERT, SIR ANTHONY E., K.C.M.G. (1911-2007): Counsellor, Embassy, Sweden, 1949-1952; Counsellor, Embassy, Greece, 1952-1958; Minister to Bulgaria, 1958-1960; Ambassador to Tunisia, 1960-1963; Ambassador to Finland, 1963-1966; Ambassador to Portugal, 1966-1970 LAMBERT, SIR EDWARD T., K.B.E., C.V.O.(1901-1994): Consul-General, Geneva, 1949-1953; Consul-General, Paris, 1953-1959 LAMBERT, SIR JOHN H., K.C.V.O., C.M.G. (1921Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Sweden, 1964-1967; Head of United Nations(Political) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1967-1970; Commercial Counsellor, Austria, 1971-1974; Minister and Deputy Commandant, British Sector, Berlin, 1974-1977; Ambassador to Tunisia, 1977-1981 LAMING, RICHARD V., C.B.E. (1887-1959): LAMONT, DONALD A.(1947-

LANDALE, RUSSELL T. (1911-1984):

Commercial Counsellor, the Netherlands, 1943-1948 Political Adviser and Head of Chancery, British Military Government, Berlin, 1888-1991; Ambassador to Uruguay, 1991-1994; Head of Republic of Ireland Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1994-1997; Governor of the Falkland Islands, 1999-2002; Ambassador to Venezuela, 2003-2006

Consul-General, Amsterdam, 1969-1971



LANE, DAVID N., C.M.G. (1929-

Ambassador to Albania, 2001-2003; Head of CounterProliferation Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003-2006; Ambassador to Greece, 2009-2013

Counsellor, U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, 1971-1972; Head of Information Administration Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1972-1974; Counsellor, Embassy, Turkey, 1975-1978; High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago, 1980-1985; Ambassador to the Holy See, 1985-1988

LANGLEY, SIR WALTER L.F.G., K.C.M.G., C.B.(1855-1918): Senior Clerk, Far East Department, Foreign Office, 1902-1907; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1907-1918 LANGRIDGE, RICHARD J., C.V.O.(1932-2009):


LARCOM, ARTHUR, C.B. (1847-1924):

Inspector, 1976-1979; Ambassador to Madagascar, 1980-1984; Deputy High Commissioner, Sir Lanka, 1985-1989; Consul-General, Bordeaux, 1990-1992

Deputy High Commissioner, Guyana, 1980-1983

Counsellor(Political), U.K. Permanent Representation to European Union, 2006-2010; Director, Americas, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2010-2012

Senior Clerk, American Department, Foreign Office, 1899-1910

LARKINS, LAURENCE B.S., C.M.G., O.B.E.(1891-19 53): Commercial Counsellor, Chile, 1945-1948; Commercial Counsellor, the Netherlands, 1948-1951


LARMOUR, SIR EDWARD N. (NICK ), K.C.M.G.(1916-1999): Head of Malaya Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1958-1959; Head of Establishment/Personnel Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1959-1961; Counsellor, High Commission, Australia, 1961-1964; Deputy High Commissioner, Nigeria, 1964-1967; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Deputy Chief of Administration, 1968-1970; High Commissioner to Jamaica, 1970-1973; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Dependent Territories), 1973-1975; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Dependent Territories), 1975-1976

LASCELLES, SIR DANIEL W., K.C.M.G.(1902-1967): Counsellor, Legation, Syria, 1943-1944; Counsellor, Embassy, Iran, 1944-1945; Minister, Greece, 1945-1947; Head of the Egyptian Department, Foreign Office, 1947-1948; Minister/Ambassador to Ethiopia, 1948-1951; Ambassador to Afghanistan, 1953-1957; Ambassador to Japan, 1957-1959 LASCELLES, Rt. Hon. SIR FRANK C., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O.(1841-1920):

LASKEY, SIR DENIS S., K.C.M.G., C.V.O.(1916-1987):


Agent and Consul-General, Bulgaria, 1879-1887; Minister to Romania, 1887-1891; Minister to Persia, 1891-1894; Ambassador to Russia, 1894-1895; Ambassador to Germany, 1895-1908

Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1956-1959; Minister, Italy, 1960-1963; Assistant Under-Secretary(Foreign Affairs), Cabinet Office, 1964-1967; Minister, Federal Republic of Germany, 1967-1968; Ambassador to Romania, 1969-1971; Ambassador to Austria, 1972-1975 Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Libya, 2010-2011


LAURENCE, SIR PETER H., K.C.M.G., M.C.(1923-2007):

Head of Personnel(Training and General), Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1966-1967; Political Adviser and Head of Chancery, British Sector, Berlin, 1967-1969; Commercial Counsellor, France, 1970-1974; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Chief Inspector, 1974-1978; Ambassador to Turkey, 1980-1983

LAVER, PATRICK M. (1932-2006): Economic Counsellor, South Africa, 1973-1974; Head of Rhodesia Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1975-1978; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, France, 1979-1980; Director of Research, Foreign and Commonwealth Office,1980-1983 LAVER, WILLIAM S., C.B.E. (1909-1988): Politicial Agent, Bahrain, 1951-1952; Economic Counsellor, Yugoslavia, 1954-1958; Commercial Counsellor, Norway, 1958-1962; Ambassador to the Central African Republic, Gabon and Chad 1962-1966, and to the Republic of the Congo, 1962-1965 LAVERS, RICHARD D. (1947-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Chile, 1990-1993; Ambassador to Ecuador, 1993-1997; Head of Permanent Under-Secretary’s Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1997-1999; Head of Research Analysts, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1999-2001; Ambassador to Guatemala, 2001-2006, to El Salvador, 2003-2006, and to Honduras, 2004-2006

LAW, SIR W. ALGERNON, K.C.M.G., C.B.(1856-1943): Senior Clerk, Commercial and Sanitary Department, Foreign Office, 1902-1912; Controller of Commercial and Consular Affairs, Foreign Office, 1912-1914; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1914-1916


LAWFORD, VALENTINE G., M.V.O. (1911-1991):

Counsellor, U.K. Delegation, United Nations Organization, 1946-1949; Counsellor, Embassy, Iran, 1949-1950

LAWRENCE, CHRISTIAN W. (1858-1920): Secretary of Legation, Sweden, 1879-1883; Minister Resident, Ecuador, 1883-1890 LAXTON, ROWAN J.(1961-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Afghanistan, 2002-2003; Director, South Asia, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 200 -2009

LAYARD, Rt. Hon. Sir A. HENRY, G.C.B.(1817-1894): Minister to Spain, 1869-1877; Ambassador to Turkey, 1877-1880 LAYARD, RAYMOND DE B. M., C.M.G.(1859-1941): LAYDEN, ANTHONY M. C.M.G. (1946-


Consul-General, Kobe, 1909-1913

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Oman, 1987-1991; Ecnomic and Commercial Counsellor, Denmark, 1991-1995, and Deputy Head of Mission, 1994-1995; Head of Western Europe Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1995-1998; Ambassador to Morocco, 1999-2002; Ambassador to Libya, 2002-2006 Joint Ambassador to Armenia, 2012-

Consul-General, Berlin, 1964-1966; Consul-General, Hanover, 1969-1973


LEAHY, SIR JOHN H.G., K.C.M.G.(1928-

Head of Personnel Services Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1969-1970; Head of News Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1973; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, France, 1973-1975; Assistant UnderSecretary, Northern Ireland Office, 1975-1976; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Culture and Information), 1977-1979; Ambassador to South Africa, 1979-1982; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Africa and the Middle East), 1982-1984; High Commissioner to Australia, 1984-1988


High Commissioner to Mauritius, 2010-2014


Consul-General, Boston, 1908-1919

LE BRETON, DAVID F.B., C.B.E.(1931Commissioner, Anguilla, 1974-1978; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Kenya, 1978-1981; High Commissioner to Gambia, 1981-1984; Head of Commonwealth Co-ordination Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1984-1986; Head of Treaty and Nationality Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1986-1987 LE BRETON, PAUL J.W. (1941LECHE, SIR JOHN H., K.C.M.G., O.B.E. (1889-1960):

LEDGER, CLAUDE K., C.B.E.(1888-1974):

Deputy High Commissioner, Singapore, 1990-1991

Counsellor, Embassy, Argentina, 1933-1937; Counsellor, Embassy, Spain, 1937; Minister, Spain, 1937-1939; Minister to the Central American Republics, 1939-1945; Ambassador to Chile, 1945-1949

Consul-General, Strasbourg, 1940; Consul-General, Lourenco Marques, 1940-1944; Consul-General, Leopoldville, 1944-1946; Consul-General, Strasbourg, 1946-1948


LEDWARD, RICHARD T.D., C.M.G. (1915-1963) Counsellor, Embassy, Japan, 1955-1956; Political Adviser, Hong Kong, 1956-1959; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A, 1960-1963 LEDWIDGE, SIR W. BERNARD J., K.C.M.G.(1915-1998): Counsellor/Political Adviser, Berlin, 1959-1961; Head of Western Department, Foreign Office, 1963-1965; Minister, France, 1965-1969; Ambassador to Finland, 1969-1972; Ambassador to Israel, 1972-1975 LEE, CECIL G.A.(1894-19

Consul-General, Seville, 1943-1945; Consul-General, Gothenburg, 1945-1947; Consul-General, Rio de Janeiro, 1951-1952

LEE, GEORGE R., C.V.O., C.B.E. (1923-1995): Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Switzerland, 1978-1983 LEECH, SIR STEPHEN, K.C.M.G.(1864-1925):

Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1904-1905; Secretary of Legation, Norway, 1905-1907; Secretary of Legation(Counsellor), China, 1907-1909; Minister to Cuba, 1909-1919


Inspector, 1984-1987; Counsellor(Administration), U.K. Delegation to the United Nations Organization, New York, 1987-1990

LEEPER, A.W. ALLEN, C.M.G.(1887-1935): Head of the League of Nations and Western Department, Foreign Office, 1933-1935


LEEPER, SIR REGINALD W.A., G.B.E., K.C.M.G. (1888-1968): Head of the News Department, Foreign Office, 1935-1939; Head of the Political Intelligence Department, Foreign Office, 1938-1941; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1940-1943; Director, Political Warfare Executive, 1941-1943; Ambassador to Greece, 1943-1946; Ambassador to Argentina, 1946-1948 LEISHMAN, FREDERICK J., C.V.O., M.B.E.(1919-2006):

Consul-General, Hamburg, 1961-1962

le JEUNE D’ALLEGEERSHECQUE, SUSAN J., C.M.G. (1963Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Venezuela, 1999-2002; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Colombia, 2002-2005; Consul-General, Washington, 2005-2007; Director, Human Resources, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2007-2011; Ambassador to Austria and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organizations, Vienna, 2012LELLO, W.B.(BARRY) (1931-2012): Commercial Counsellor, Egypt, 1984-1988 LENOX-CONYNGHAM, GEORGE W. (1796-1866):

Senior Clerk and Superintendant of Treaty Department, Foreign Office, 1834-1841; Chief Clerk, Foreign Office, 1841-1866

LE QUESNE, SIR C. MARTIN, K.C.M.G.(1917-2004): Charge d’Affaires/Ambassador to Mali, 1960-1964; Head of West and Central Africa Department, Foreign Office, 1964-1968; Ambassador to Algeria, 1968-1971; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Africa), 1971-1974; High Commissioner to Nigeria, 1974-1976


LE ROUGETEL, SIR JOHN H. K.C.M.G., M.C.(1894-1975): Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.S.R., 1940-1941; Counsellor, Embassy, China, 1941-1942; Head of the General Department, Foreign Office, 1942-1944; Political Representative to Romania, 1944-1946; Ambassador to Iran, 1946-1950; Ambassador to Belgium, 1950-1951; High Commissioner to South Africa, 1951-1955 LESLIE, DAME A. MARIOT, D.C.M.G.(1954Head of Environment, Science and Energy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1992-1993; Head of Policy Planning Staff, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-1998; Minister, Italy, 1998-2001; Ambassador to Norway, 2002-2006; Director, Defence and Strategic Threats, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2006-2007; Director-General, Defence and Intelligence, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2007-2010; Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 2010-2014 LESLIE, EDWARD H.J., C.M.G., M.V.O.(1880-1966): Head of the Contraband Department, Foreign Office, 1918-19 L’ESTRANGE, LAURENCE P.F., O.B.E.(1912-1990): Commercial Counsellor, Nigeria, 1967-1969; Ambassador to Honduras, 1969-1972 LE TOCQ, ERIC G., C.M.G. (1918-1996):

Head of Central African Department, Commonwealth Relations Office, 1961-1962; Deputy High Commissioner, Uganda, 1962-1964; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, High Commission, Australia, 1964-1967; Head of Atlantic Department, Commonwealth Office, 1968; Head of East African Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1971; High Commissioner to Swaziland, 1971-1975; Brtish Government Representative in the West Indies Associated States, 1975-1978


LETTSOM, WILLIAM G. (1805-1887): Secretary of Legation, Mexico, 1854-1855; Charge d’Affaires, Mexico, 1855-1858; Charge d’Affaires, Bolivia, 1858 (did not proceed); Charge d’Affaires, Uruguay, 1859-1869 LEVER, GILES(1968-

LEVER, SIR PAUL, K.C.M.G. (1944-

Deputy High Commissioner, Nigeria, 2011-2014; Ambassador to Vietnam, 2014-

Chef du Cabinet to Vice-President of European Community Commission, 1981-1985; Head of United Nations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1985-1986; Head of Defence Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1986-1987; Head of Security Policy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1987-1990; Head of U.K. Delegation to Conventional Arms Control Negotiations, 1990-1992; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Defence), 1992-1994; Deputy Secretary(Overseas and Defence) and Chairman, Joint Intelligence Committee, Cabinet Office, 1994-1996; Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(European Union and Economic), 1996-1997; Ambassador to Germany, 1997-2000

LEVER, SIMON J. (1963-

Consul-General, Marseilles, 2001-2004

LEVESON-GOWER, ARTHUR F.G.(1851-1922): Secretary of Legation, Greece, 1895-1898; Secretary of Legation, the Netherlands, 1898-1905 LEVI, ANDREW P.R.(1963-

LEWEN, JOHN H., C.M.G. (1920-2008):

Head of Aviation, Maritime and Energy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003-2004; Counsellor (Economic), Russia, 2005-2007

Consul-General, Jerusalem, 1967-1970; Inspector, 1970-1973; Ambassador to Mozambique, 1975-1979

LEWINGTON, RICHARD G. (1948Ambassador to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, 1999-2002; Ambassador to Ecuador, 2003-2006


LEWIS, ANN W., C.M.G. (1940-

Head of Cultural Relations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-2000

LEWIS, ERNEST G. (TOBY), C.M.G., O.B.E.(1918-2007): Governor of the Falkland Islands, 1971-1975; Head of Gibraltar and General Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1975-1977 LEWIS, IAN R. (1943-

Consul-General, Bilbao, 1998-200


Counsellor(Commercial), Malaysia, 2007-2011; Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Philippines, 2011-

LEWTY, D.IAN(1943-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Sudan, 1987-1989; Inspector, 1989-1992; Head of Migration and Visa Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1992-1995; Ambassador to Bahrain, 1996-1999

LIDDELL, Rt. Hon. HELEN L. (later BARONESS LIDDELL OF COATDYKE (1950High Commissioner to Australia, 2005-2009

LIESCHING, SIR PERCIVALE, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., K.C.V.O. (1895-1973): Official Secretary, High Commission, Australia, 1936-1938; Assistant Under-Secretary for the Dominions, 1939-1942; Second Secretary, Board of Trade, 1942-1946; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Food, 1946-1948; Permanent Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations, 1949-1955; High Commissioner to South Africa, 1955-1958 LIFE, VIVIEN F. (1957-

Head of Climate Change and Energy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2010-2012; Ambassador to Denmark, 2012-



Commercial Counsellor, India, 2003-2006; Head of Far Eastern Group, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2006-2009; Ambassador to the Philippines, 2009-2013; Director, Asia Pacific, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2013-

LINCOLN, SIR ANTHONY H., K.C.M.G., C.V.O.(1911-1993): Head of German General Economic Department, Foreign Office, 1950-1952; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Denmark, 1955-1958; Ambassador to Laos, 1958-1960; Minister to Bulgaria, 1960-1964; Ambassador to Venezuela, 1964-1969 LINDLEY, Rt. Hon. SIR FRANCIS O., G.C.M.G., C.B., C.B.E.(1872-1950):

LINDSAY, IAIN F., O.B.E. (1959-

Secretary of Legation, Norway, 1912-1915; Counsellor, Embassy, Russia, 1915-1918; High Commissioner/ Minister to Austria, 1919-21; Minister to Greece, 1921-1922; Minister to Norway, 1923-1929; Ambassador to Portugal, 1929-1931; Ambassador to Japan, 1931-1934

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Romania, 2003-2007; Ambassador to Bahrain, 2011-

LINDSAY, Rt. Hon. SIR RONALD C., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., C.V.O.(1877-1945): Secretary of Legation, the Netherlands, 1911-1913; Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.A., 1919-1920; Minister, France, 1920-1921; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1921-1924; High Commissioner/ Ambassador to Turkey, 1924-1926; Ambassador to Germany, 1926-1928; Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1928-1930; Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1930-1939



LING, NORMAN A. (1952-

Counsellor(Technology), Embassy, France, 1982-1986; Director of Research, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1986-1989; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Director of Communications and Technical Services/Information Systems, 1989-1996; Consul-General, New York, 1996-1999 Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Turkey, 1993-1997; Head of Aviation, Maritime, Science and Energy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1997-2001; High Commissioner to Malawi, 2001-2004

LINGEMAN, ERIC R., C.B.E. (1898-1966): Commercial Counsellor, Greece, 1945-1946; Commercial Counsellor, Turkey, 1946-1947; Minister(Commercial), Japan, 1949-1950; Minister(Commercial), Italy, 1950-1951; Ambassador to Afghanistan, 1951-1953; Ambassador to Uruguay, 1953-1955 LINGHAM, Brigadier JOHN, C.B., D.S.O., M.C.(1897-1976): LINK, JOAN I., L.V.O.(1953-

LINTON, ALAN H.S., L.V.O. (1919-2003):

LINTOTT, SIR HENRY, K.C.M.G.(1908-1995):

Consul-General, Dusseldorf, 1952-1954 Head of Services Planning and Resource/General Services Management Department/Resource Management Group, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-2001; Head of Conflict Issues Group, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2004-2007

Deputy High Commissioner, Jamaica, 1975-1976; ConsulGeneral, Detroit, 1976-1979

Deputy Under-Secretary for Commonwealth Relations, 1956-1963; High Commissioner to Canada, 1963-1968


LISTER, Hon. SIR REGINALD, K.C.M.G., C.V.O.(1865-1912): Secretary of Legation, Denmark, 1902-1904; Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), Italy, 1904-1905; Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), France, 1905-1906; Minister, Embassy, France, 1906-1908; Minister to Morocco, 1908-1912 LISTER, SIR T. VILLIERS, K.C.M.G.(1832-1902): Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, 1857-1858, 1865-1866 and 1868-1870; Senior Clerk, Spanish Department, Foreign Office, 1872-1873; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1873-1894 LISTON, Rt. Hon. SIR ROBERT, G.C.B.(1742-1836):

LITTLE, JOHN E.R., O.B.E. (1913-1998):

Minister to Sweden, 1789-1793; Ambassador to Turkey, 1794-1796; Minister to the U.S.A., 1796-1800; Minister to Batavian Republic, 1802-1803; Minister to Denmark, 1803-1804; Ambassador to Turkey, 1812-1820

Consul-General, Basra, 1962-1965; Consul-General, Salonica, 1965-1970; Counsellor(Administration), Embassy, Belgium, 1970-1972

LITTLEJOHN COOK, GEORGE S. (1919-1998): Head of Information Executive Department, Foreign Office, 1964-1966; Head of Guidance and Information Policy/Guidance Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1966-1968; Head of Guidance Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1968-1969; Counsellor, Embassy,Thailand, 1969-1971 LIVERPOOL(see JENKINSON) LIVESEY, TIMOTHY P.N. (1959-

Counsellor(Information), Embassy, France, 1996-2000


LIVINGSTON, HENRY B., C.B.E. (1895-1968): Consul-General, Los Angeles, 1945; Consul-General, Marseilles, 1950-1951; Minister to Costa Rica, 1951-1952 LLEWELLYN-JONES, BENEDICT, O.B.E.(1976High Commissioner to Rwanda and Ambassador to Burundi, 2011-2014 LLEWELLYN SMITH, SIR MICHAEL J., K.C.V.O., C.M.G.(1939-

Counsellor, Embassy, Greece, 1980-1983; Head of Western European Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1984-1985; Head of Soviet Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1985-1987; Minister, France, 1988-1891; Ambassador to Poland, 1991-1996; Ambassador to Greece, 1996-1999

LLOYD, ANDREW, C.M.G., M.B.E.(1964-

Head of Africa(Southern) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2003-2006; Director, Africa, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2006-2008; Director, Corporate Services, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2008-2011; High Commissioner to Nigeria, 2011-2012

LLOYD, DAVID A., O.B.E. (1940-

Ambassador to Slovenia, 1997-2000


Charge d’Affaires, Bolivia, 1851-1853


LLOYD, JOHN O., C.B.E. (1914-1982):

Counsellor, U.K. Commission, South-East Asia, 1958-1960; Inspector, 1960-1963; Consul-General, Osaka/Kobe, 1963-1967; Consul-General, San Francisco, 1967-1970; Ambassador to Laos, 1970-1973

LLOYD THOMAS, HUGH, C.M.G., C.V.O.(1888-1938): Minister, France, 1935-1938 LOCKER, J.W.D., O.B.E.:

Deputy High Commissioner, Madras, India, 1949-1951


LOCKHART, STEPHEN A., C.M.G.(1905-1989):

Consul-General, Leopoldville, 1957-1960; Consul-General, Zurich, 1960-1962; Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, 1962-1965

LOCKTON, GUY P., M.B.E. (1936Consul-General, Jedda, 1986-1989; Consul-General, Lyons, 1992-1996 LOCOCK, SIDNEY (1834-1885):

Secretary of Legation, Japan, 1865-1868; Secretary of Legation, the Netherlands, 1868-1872; Secretary of Embassy, Turkey, 1872-1874; Minister Resident, Central American Republics, 1874-1881; Minister Resident, Serbia, 1881-1885; Minister to Brazil, 1885 (did not proceed)


Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Iraq, 2007; Ambassador to Finland, 2010-2014

LOFTUS, Rt. Hon. LORD AUGUSTUS W.F.S., G.C.B. (1817-1904): Secretary of Legation, Wurttemberg, 1852-1853; Secretary of Legation, Prussia, 1853-1858; Minister to Austria, 1858-1860; Minister to Prussia, 1860-1862; Minister to Bavaria, 1862-1866; Ambassador to Prussia, 1866-1868; Ambassador to the Minister to the North German Confederation, 1868-1871; Ambassador to Russia, 1871-1879; Governor of New South Wales, 1879-1885 LOGAN, SIR DAVID B.C., K.C.M.G.(1943-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Norway, 1982-1986; Head of Personnel Operations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1986-1988; Minister, U.S.S.R./Russia, 1989-1992; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Central and Eastern Europe), 1992-1994; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs(Defence), 1994-1995; Minister, U.S.A., 1995-1997; Ambassador to Turkey, 1997-2001


LOGAN, SIR DONALD A., K.C.M.G.(1917-2009):

Ambassador to Guinea, 1960-1962; Head of Information Executive Department, Foreign Office, 1962-1964; Counsellor(Information), France, 1964-1970; Ambassador to Bulgaria, 1970-1973; Deputy Permanent Representative to N.A.T.O., 1973-1975; Ambassador, U.K. Delegation to United Nations Conference on Law of the Sea, 1976-1977

LOGIE, DONALD M.(18 -1867): Consul-General, Constantinople, 1864-1867 LOMAS, ERNEST G., O.B.E. (1878-1947):

Consul-General, Tunis, 1930-1934; Consul-General, Salonica, 1934-1938

LOMAX, SIR JOHN G., K.B.E., C.M.G., M.C.(1896-1987): Commercial Counsellor, Spain, 1940-1941; Commercial Counsellor, Switzerland, 1941-1943; Commercial Counsellor, Turkey, 1943-1946; Minister(Commercial), Argentina, 1946-1949; Ambassador to Bolivia, 1949-1956 LONDON, HUGH S.(1884-1959): Consul-General, Marseilles, 1930-1934; Minister Resident, Ecuador, 1935-1937; Consul-General, New Orleans, 1937-1938; Consul-General, Paris, 1938-1940 LONDONDERRY, LieutenantGeneral Rt. Hon. CHARLES, 3rd MARQUESS OF, K.G., G.C.B.(1778-1854): Minister to Prussia, 1813-1814; Ambassador to Austria, 1814-1822 LONG, ALASTAIR D. (1977-

Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Oman, 2013-



Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Syria, 1978-1980; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organizations, Geneva, 1980-1983; Head Of Near East and North Africa Department. Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1983-1985; Assistant UnderSecretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Deputy Chief Clerk and Chief Inspector, 1985-1988; Ambassador to Switzerland, 1988-1992; Ambassador to Egypt, 1992-1995; Ambassador to Hungary, 1995-1998


Head of Far Eastern Group, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2009-2012; Minister, Japan, 2012-

LONGHURST, WILLIAM J.(1967- Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Serbia, 20072011; Ambassador to Cambodia, 2014LONGRIGG, ANTHONY J., C.M.G.(1944-

Counsellor, Embassy, U.S.S.R., 1987-1991; Economic Counsellor, Spain, 1991-1995; Head of South Atlantic and Antarctic Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1995-1997; Minister, Russia, 1997-2000; Governor of Montserrat, 2001-2004

LONGWORTH, JOHN A., C.B. (18 -1875): Agent and Consul-General, Serbia, 1860-1875 LONGWORTH, PETER C.M.G.(1942-



Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Denmark, 1987-1991; Economic and Commercial Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, South Korea, 1991-1994; Consul-General, Johannesburg, 1994-1998; High Commissioner to Zimbabwe, 1998-2001

Ambassador to Armenia, 2008-2012; Deputy Permanent Representative to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, 2012Consul-General, New York, 2011-


LORAINE, Rt. Hon. SIR PERCY L., Bt., G.C.M.G. (1880-1961):

Minister to Persia, 1921-1926; Minister to Greece, 1926-1929; High Commissioner, Egypt, 1929-1933; Ambassador to Turkey, 1933-1939; Ambassador to Italy, 1939-1940

LOTEN, GRAEME N. (1959- Ambassador to Rwanda and Burundi, 1998-2001; Ambassador to Mali, 2001-2003; Ambassador to Tajikistan, 2004-2009 LOTHIAN, Rt. Hon. PHILIP, 11th MARQUESS OF, K.T., C.H.(1882-1940): LOW, BRIAN B., C.B.E. (1937-


LOWDON, JOHN, C.M.G. (1881-1963):

LOWE, JOHN E.C., L.V.O., M.B.E.(1907-1998):

Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1939-1940

Ambassador to Estonia, 1991-1994; High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, 1994-1997 Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Algeria, 2004- ; Deputy High Commissioner, Bangladesh, 2010-

Consul-General, Cologne, 1927-1934; Consul-General, Rio de Janeiro, 1934-1937; Consul-General, Algiers, 1937-1940

Consul-General, Basra, 1965-1967


Commercial Counsellor, 2003-2006 and Deputy Head of Mission, Saudi Arabia, 2004-2006; Counsellor (Commercial), High Commission, India, 2010-


Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Argentina, 2009

LOWTHER, Rt.Hon. SIR GERARD A., Bt., G.C.M.G., C.B. (1858-1916): Secretary of Legation, Japan, 1894-1898; Consul-General, Buda-Pest, 1898-1899; Secretary of Embassy, U.S.A., 1899-1901; Minister to Chile, 1901-1905; Minister to Morocco, 1905-1908; Ambassador to Turkey, 1908-1913


LOWTHER, SIR H. CROFTON, G.C.V.O., K.C.M.G.(1858-1939): Secretary of Legation, Brazil, 1901-1906; Secretary of Embassy(Counsellor), Japan, 1906-1909; Minister to Chile, 1909-1913; Minister to Denmark, 1913-1916 LOWTHER, Hon. WILLIAM (1821-1912): Secretary of Legation, Two Sicilies, 1852-1856; Secretary of Legation, Russia, 1858-1859; Secretary of Legation, Two Sicilies, 1859 (did not proceed); Secretary of Legation/ Embassy, Prussia, 1859-1867; Minister to Argentina, 1867-1868 LUCAS, Hon. IVOR T.M., C.M.G.(1927-

LUCE, SIR WILLIAM H.T., G.B.E., K.C.M.G.(1907-1977):


Counsellor and Charge d’Affaires, High Commission, Aden, 1968-1969; Deputy High Commissioner, Kaduna, Nigeria, 1969-1971; Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, Denmark, 1972-1975; Head of Middle East Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1975-1979; Ambassador to Oman, 1979-1981; Ambassador to Syria, 1982-1984

Governor of Aden, 1956-1960; British Resident, Persian Gulf, 1961-1966 High Commissioner to Malta, 2012-

LUMLEY, Rt. Hon. SIR JOHN, G.C.B. (later 1st LORD SAVILE) (1818-1896): Secretary of Legation, U.S.A., 1854-1858; Secretary of Legation, Spain, 1858-1859; Secretary of Legation, Russia, 1859-1860; Secretary of Embassy, Turkey, 1860; Secretary of Embassy, Russia, 1860-1866; Minister to Saxony, 1866-1867; Minister to Switzerland, 1867-1868; Minister to Belgium, 1868-1883; Ambassador to Italy, 1883-1888


LUSH, CHRISTOPHER D., C.M.G.(1928-2012):

Head of Aviation and Telecommunications Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1971-1973; Counsellor, Embassy, France, 1974-1978; Counsellor, Embassy, Austria, 1978-1982; Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, 1983-1986

LYALL, WILLIAM C., M.B.E. (1921-2004):


Consul-General, Genoa, 1969-1973; Counsellor (Administration), Federal Republic of Germany, 1974-1978

Deputy High Commissioner, South Africa, 1996-1998; Head of European Union(Internal) Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1998-2000; Director, Africa, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2000-2003; High Commissioner to Pakistan, 2003-2006; Political Director/Director-General for Political Affairs, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2007-2009; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organization, New York, 2009-

LYNCH, PAUL F.(1963-

Consul-General, Osaka, 2005-2007; Consul-General, Houston, 2007-2011

LYNE, KEVIN D.(1961-

Ambassador to Montenegro, 2007-2009


Deputy High Commissioner, Trinidad and Tobago, 1997-2000; High Commissioner to Solomon Islands, 2004-2008


LYNE, SIR RODERIC M.J., K.B.E., C.M.G.(1948-

Counsellor and Head of Chancery, Embassy, U.S.S.R., 1987-1990; Head of Soviet Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1990-1992; Head of Eastern Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1992-1993; Private Secretary(Foreign Affairs) to the Prime Minister, 1993-1996; Permanent Representative to the United Nations Organizations, Geneva, 1997-2000; Ambassador to Russia, 2000-2004

LYONS, Admiral SIR EDMUND, G.C.B. (later 1st LORD LYONS) (1790-1858): Minister to Greece, 1835-1849; Minister to Switzerland, 1849-1851; Minister to Sweden, 1851-1853 LYONS, RICHARD, 1st VISCOUNT, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., P.C. (1817-1887): Secretary of Legation, Tuscany, 1856-1858; Minister to Tuscany, 1858; Minister to the U.S.A., 1858-1865; Ambassador to Turkey, 1865-1867; Ambassador to France, 1867-1887 LYSCOM, DAVID E. (1951-

Counsellor(Science, Technology and Environment), Embassy, Germany, 1991-1995; Head of Environment, Science and Energy Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1996-1998; Ambassador to Slovakia, 1998-2001; Permanent Representative to the O.E.C.D., 2004-2008

LYSTER-BINNS, BENJAMIN(BEN) E.N.(1965Ambassador to Uruguay, 2012LYTHGO, WILBUR R., O.B.E. (1920-2002):


Head of Office Services and Supply Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1966-1968; Consul-General, Washington, 1968-1971; Consul-General, Cleveland, 1971-1973

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