2 minute read
Adenauer, Konrad, Federal German Chancellor, 1949-63 Amrehn, Franz K, Bürgermeister (Mayor) of West Berlin, 1955-63
Barrett, Stephen, Second Secretary (Deputy Political Adviser), BMG Berlin, 1959-62 Behrendt, Heinz, head, Office of Inter-German Trade, GDR Ministry of Foreign and Inter-German Trade, 1961 Brandt, Willy, Regierender Bürgermeister, West Berlin, 1957-66 Brentano, Heinrich von, Chairman CDU/CSU Group, Bundestag, 1949-55 and 1961-64
Caccia, Sir Harold, British Ambassador, Washington, 1956-61 Carstens, Karl, State-Secretary, 1960-66; Deputy Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1961-66 Chauvel, Jean, French Ambassador, London, 1955-62 Clay, Gen Lucius D, Personal Representative of the US President, with rank of Ambassador, Berlin, 1961-62 Couve de Murville, Maurice, French Foreign Minister, 1958-68
Delacombe, Maj-Gen Rohan, GOC, Berlin (British Sector), 1959-62 Dibelius, Otto, Evangelical Bishop of Berlin-Brandenburg, 1945-66 Döpfner, Cardinal Julius, Roman Catholic Bishop of Berlin, 1957-61 Dowling Walter C, US Ambassador, Bonn, 1959-63 Duff, A. A, First Secretary, later Counsellor, British Embassy, Bonn, 1960-64 Durbrow, Elbridge, Deputy US Representative to the NATO Council of Ministers, Paris, 1961
Erhard, Professor Ludwig, Federal German Minister of Economic Affairs, 1949-63; Vice-Chancellor, 1957-63
Gaulle, Gen Charles de, French President, 1959-69 Grotewohl, Otto, Member, SED Politburo, 1946-64; GDR Prime Minister, 1949-64
Henderson, J. N, Assistant, Soviet Section, Northern Department, Foreign Office, 1959-63
Home, 14th Earl of, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1960-63
Johnson, Lyndon B, US Vice-President, 1961-63
Kennedy, John F, US President, 1961-63 Khrushchev, Nikita, First Secretary of Central Committee of the CPSU, 1953-64; Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, 1958-64 Kohler, Foy D, Assistant US Secretary of State (European Affairs), 1959-62 Kressmann, Willy K E, Bürgermeister, Berlin-Kreuzberg, 1949-62
Ledwidge, W Bernard, Political Adviser (Counsellor), British Political Branch, Berlin, 1956-61 Lemmer, Ernst, Federal German Minister for All-German Affairs, 1957-62 Leopold, Kurt, Head of the Berlin bureau of the Trust Office for Interzonal Trade, 1953-65
McDermott, Edward A, Deputy Director, US Office of Civil and Defense Mobilisation, the White House, 1960-61 McDermott, Geoffrey, Minister and Deputy Commandant, BMG Berlin, 1961-62 Macmillan, Harold, Prime Minister, 1957-63
Roberts, Sir Frank, British Ambassador, Moscow, 1960-63 Rumbold, Sir Horace, Minister, British Embassy, Paris, 1960-63 Rusk, D Dean, US Secretary of State, 1961-69
Shuckburgh, Sir Evelyn, DUS, FO, 1960-63 Smirnov, Andrei A, Ambassador, Bonn, 1957-66 Steel, Sir Christopher, British Ambassador, Bonn, 1957-63 Stikker, Dirk U, Netherlands Permanent Representative to NATO and to Council of OEEC, Paris, 1958-61
Ulbricht, Walter, General Secretary, SED, 1950-71; GDR Chairman of the Council of State, 1960-73
Watkinson, Harold A, Minister of Defence, 1959-62