1 minute read

Leslie Painter

Leslie Painter

Leslie Painter has been a volunteer at Frying Pan Farm Park for more than a decade, and as secretary of the Friends of Frying Pan Farm Park Board, she has provided a wealth of technological support for the Board and park staff.

An avid horsewoman, she also teaches equestrian sessions, helps manage shows at the park, and is quick to volunteer when any work needs to be done -- from serving meals to cleaning the barn to running major events. She has made a major impact on the

Friends’ fundraising efforts by increasing participation and managing the paperwork and responses to the group’s many donors.

Painter uses the computer and all its tools to get work down properly and with appropriate attention to detail. She teaches interns and other volunteers, too. She has provided volunteer support at times when park staff is short-handed and was a regular contributor to communications during the COVID-19 shutdown. She also launched Frying Pan’s Yard Sale events to huge success.

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