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Ronnie Billodeaux, Ed Robichaud and Steve Williams

Ronnie Billodeaux, Ed Robichaud and Steve Williams

Over the winter, Ronnie Billodeaux, Ed Robichaud and Steve Williams, volunteer wagon ride drivers at Frying Pan Farm Park, joined forces to repair and expand picnic facilities at the park. The men sacrificed weekdays and weekends to ensure the site’s picnic tables were ready in time for the start of the spring birthday party and picnic rental season. Frying Pan’s picnic tables had fallen into poor condition, but it would have cost thousands of dollars to replace them. The volunteer trio saved the park the replacement costs and doubled the number of picnic tables available through their hard work deconstructing, reconstructing, and adding new tables. They disassembled the old tables, discarded unusable wood, and salvaged any hardware that could be reused. Using their own tools, they cut new boards, reassembled tables with the salvaged hardware, and built 10 new tables with new hardware.

Steve Williams not pictured

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