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Attractions and Amusements
Birthday Party Packages
What better place to celebrate than in your favorite park? With an array of birthday party options and star attractions, there’s a party style to suit every child. For party particulars, check the listings at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parties.htm or call the sites directly.
Audrey Moore RECenter Burke Lake Park Cub Run RECenter Ellanor C Lawrence Park Frying Pan Park Green Spring Gardens George Washington RECenter Hidden Oaks Nature Center (703) 321-7081 (703) 323-1641 (703) 817-9407 (703) 631-0013 (703) 437-9101 (703) 642-5173 (703) 780-8894 (703) 941-1065
Hidden Pond Nature Center Huntley Meadows Park Jefferson District Park & Golf Course Lake Accotink Park Lee District RECenter
Mt. Vernon RECenter Oak Marr RECenter Pinecrest Golf Course Providence RECenter Riverbend Nature Center South Run RECenter Sully Historic Site (703) 451-9588 (703) 768-2525 (703) 573-0443
(703) 569-0285 (703) 922-9841 (703) 768-3224 (703) 281-6501 (703) 941-1061 (703) 698-1351 (703) 759-9018 (703) 866-0566 (703) 437-1794
FOR MORE CLASSES, SEE www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/parktakes
More Family Fun
For an old-fashioned good time that never goes out of style, you can take a turn on a carousel, climb aboard a miniature train, enjoy a cool, freshly dipped treat at an ice cream parlor and row, row, row your boat on a park lake or the Potomac River. For pricing, hours of operation and other details, call the parks listed below.
Burke Lake (703) 323-6600
Frying Pan Farm Park
Carousel, wagon rides
Lake Accotink (703) 437-9101
(703) 569-3464
Lake Fairfax
Jon boats, kayaks
(703) 471-5414
(703) 759-9018 Come to the Parks for Picnics
Chances are there’s a picnic-perfect park in your neighborhood. Parks offer exciting features for your family, company, club or church picnic. Depending upon the park, the attractions may include pedal boats, a carousel, an ice cream parlor, miniature golf, tennis, athletic fields, tour boats, train rides, swimming, volleyball and nature trails. Some special features are available year-round, others are offered seasonally. To check availability, picnic site features and to schedule your picnic, visit www.fairfaxcounty. gov/parks/picnics or call (703) 324-8732.
Belong to a Home School Group?
Turn to parks for field trip and SOL-based programs in nature, science, history, gardening and more.

To learn more, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ parks and search keyword “Homeschool.”

Clemyjontri Park
6317 Georgetown Pike, McLean (703) 388-2807
With its two-acre, fully accessible playground, Clemyjontri Park is a magical place for all children. In addition to track rides, balance beams, swings, and maze, the features include a carousel recessed to ground level and a picnic pavilion with tables that accommodate wheelchairs. Clemyjontri also operates a trackless train ride which provides children and adults with a fun ride around the front of the property.
The park is open year-round from 7 a.m. to dusk. The carousel operates daily Memorial Day – Labor Day, 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Mon.- Fri.; 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. weekends. Open weekends only in September and October, 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. The picnic pavilion may be reserved for a fee; additional picnic tables are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Cross County Trail
Extending from Lorton in the south to Great Falls in the north, the 40-mile Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail runs through the heart of Fairfax County. The trail offers recreation, exercise, opportunities for contact with nature and history, and the “green” option of walking or biking instead of driving to work, to shopping centers or to Metro stations. For GCCCT maps, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ parks/trails/cross-county-trail.
Park Trails
If you live in Fairfax County, there’s a good chance there’s a nature trail close to your backyard. Let the Park Authority’s Trail Buddy mapping tool be your guide: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/trails.