2 minute read
Achieving Balance
Achieving Balance: Virtual Yoga and More
YOGA INSTRUCTOR AND FORMER LIBRARIAN, Lisa Kushner, has been teaching yoga virtually at the Paddison Memorial Branch Library since 2013. Kushner retired from the Forsyth County Public Library system in 2014 as the supervisor of technical services.
She’s found the transition from librarian to yoga teacher fairly easy because both roles involve nurturing.
“I don’t think you can be an exceptional librarian, or teacher, unless you care about the client,” she said. “I’ve forged relationships in both areas and know I’ve made a difference in people’s lives.”
Kushner’s classes went virtual last year and have continued in that format. (See box for the full schedule of yoga classes at FCPL.) Yoga and tai chi classes are one of the more visible ways that the library system has tried to support mental health during the pandemic. The library is also holding a Lounging With the Library discussion on mental health in May. (See facing page.) For Kushner, the library is the perfect setting to introduce people to yoga. “The response was great, and one class turned into a monthly, then a weekly class,” she said. “I still have some students who’ve been with me since the beginning. My goals are to teach people that anyone can do yoga and feel better as a result – not just in their bodies but their minds and hearts as well.” Doing yoga through a public library offers people several advantages, Kushner said. The library is open to everyone and most people feel comfortable there. Classes are free. She keeps her classes fairly gentle, Kushner said. She chooses poses that are accessible to most people and looks for ways to make every
Free virtual and outdoor yoga classes are offered at the Lewisville, Walkertown and Paddison Memorial branches.
Paddison offers classes on select Thursdays each month at 9 a.m., with upcoming classes on May 13, June 10 and July 8.
Lewisville offers classes on two Fridays each month at 9 a.m., with upcoming classes on May 7 and 21, June 4 and 18, July 2 and 16 and Aug. 6 and 20.
Walkertown has an outdoor yoga class on May 20 at 3:30 p.m.
To find future yoga classes, just visit the branch pages on our website and follow the link in the yoga webstory.
student feel successful in some way. Her classes are more popular with students who are new to yoga. Someone who is looking for a stronger workout would be better served by a studio or gym, Kushner said.
“If you can breathe, you can do yoga and benefit from it,” Kushner said. “Whether you need to improve your balance, build strength, increase flexibility, calm your mind, focus your attention or exercise your brain, yoga can help.” I| S
— JULIE CROUSE, branch supervisor
Recommended Books and a DVD
“Every Body Yoga” by Dianne Bondy and Jessamyn Stanley “Light on Life” by B.K.S. Iyengar “Deep Listening” by Jillian Pransky “Waking: a Memoir of Trauma and Transcendence by Matthew Sanford
Yoga for the Rest of Us, Peggy Cappy, DVD