When Jon Vea Vea first set foot on his Cobble Cobble country around ten years ago, he walked the weathered earth his ancestors had walked before him and had an overwhelming sense of fulfillment. His story now had a beginning and an ending and as long as the sky was above him and the earth below, he was finally whole.
The incredible journey sparked a flow of words, an outpouring of emotion in the form of lyrics and Jon composed a body of work he travelled across Queensland. The tour titled “Music From My Soul” included a heartfelt song “Through My Grandfather’s Eyes” and tells of his loss and reconnection to his late grandfather, a love song to his people.
Jon is a born storyteller. A singer songwriter with velvety, rich tones in his voice and an uncanny way of connecting with his audience. As frontman for his band, cleverly named Cobblestone, a nod to his family who make up the group, he sings a mixture of Aussie classics and music that evokes memories and nostalgia for his listeners.

With a kind heart and an acceptance of all people, no matter how their life’s circumstances have le a mark on the world, he believes that everyone has a story to tell. Jon is an ardent advocate for cultural understanding and yearns for healing and reconciliation of all Australians. His warmth and authenticity echoes through his vocal chords and beckons the listener to dig deep and feel a sense of belonging, joy and happiness.
It is this peaceful nature that has guided Jon to write his current collection of storytelling lyrics in an upcoming show called “Rekindle the Campfires”, a narrative of events of Indigenous Australians and the westerners who first arrived on the First Fleet and struggled in their own journey. His compassion and empathy for all rings through the lyrics and evokes a sense of humanity and oneness.
Jon is the salt of the earth, a seasoned poet who weaves his magic through music and welcomes a uniting of all people, and through the eyes of his grandfather, he holds his head high, proud of his own story.
Rekindle the Campfires
Sat 27 May | 5pm - 7pm
The Tree House, Urangan
Sun 4 Jun | 2pm - 4pm
Brolga Theatre Foyer, Maryborough
Fri 21 Jul
BEMAC Brisbane
Supported by the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF), a partnership between the Queensland Government and Fraser Coast Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.

Fiona Foley, Janjari 2022 video still. Courtesy of the artist. On display at Hervey Bay Regional Gallery throughout 2023.
This guide shares a taste of Council’s arts, culture and heritage program and was correct at time of printing. To keep up to date with the latest information visit our website.
We welcome contributions from our creative community. For more information email ArtsCulture@frasercoast.qld.gov.au
Fraser Coast Scene is distributed free as a marketing and engagement initiative of Fraser Coast Regional Council. It’s about promoting Council’s programs and services by sharing stories of our arts and cultural community and their connection to Council’s spaces.
Contents are subject to copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or part without written permission.
Fraser Coast Regional Council acknowledges to the east, the Butchulla (Badtjala) and to the west, the Kabi Kabi (Gubbi Gubbi) People, their connection to Country (land, sea and sky) and recognises the many places of cultural, spiritual, social and economic significance in the community. We pay respects to their Elders – past, present and emerging. We also acknowledge other First Nation Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islander people, who reside in the Fraser Coast region.
www.ourfrasercoast.com.au /ourfrasercoast
Opera Queensland - Lady Sings the Maroons
Wed 3 May | 7PM
Opera Queensland takes a deep dive into the Queensland songbook to celebrate some of Australia’s most loved artists.

Othello - NT Live

Mon 8 May | 1PM
Thu 11 May | 7PM
Screening. An extraordinary new vision for one of Shakespeare’s most enduring tragedies.
Morning Melodies - A Hard Knock Life
Thu 1 Jun | 11 AM
Join Jonathon Welch as he sings a selection of songs and ballads that have shaped his musical career.
Grand Kyiv Ballet of Ukraine
Sat 3 Jun | 7.30PM
From the trauma and heartbreak of war in their country, to the major cities of stages of Australia. This is the Grand Kyiv Ballet of Ukraine.
Rekindle the Campfires
Sun 4 Jun | 2PM
Jon Vea Vea and his band ‘Cobblestone’ share a narrative of the events of both Indigenous Australians and the westerners who settled here and struggled in their own journey.

WHAT’S ON | MAY 2023
5 Walker Street, Maryborough 4122 6060
Box Office Open Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 4pm
Cosentino ‘Decennium’
Tue 9 May | 7.30PM Australia’s world-renowned entertainer and International Magician of the Year, Cosentino, is returning to perform his brand new, 90 minute live show.

Kings of Country Rock Tour

Sat 13 May | 8PM
An epic musical salute to America’s number one country rock legends: The Eagles and Creedence Clearwater Revival.
The ProducersMacabre Theatre Co.

Fri 19 May & Sat 20 May
Max Bialystock, a failing producer, and his accountant, Leo Bloom, scam a group of elderly women out of their nest eggs.
Best of Enemies - NT Live

Mon 5 Jun | 1PM Sun 11 Jun | 4PM
Screening. In 1968 America, as two men fight to become the next president, all eyes are on the battle between two others.
Echoes of Pink Floyd
Fri 23 Jun | 8PM
Signs of Life will take the listener on a voyage bringing back those heady years of 1988, with the best songs from the Delicate Sound of Thunder tour.

Brolga Live @ Poona
Join us in Poona for three hours of live music & fun in the Winter sun.
Poona Community Hall
Sat 17 Jun | 2-5PM
POONA166 Old Maryborough Rd, Hervey Bay 4197 4206
FREE ENTRY Open Tuesday to Friday: 10am - 4pm
Weekends: 10am - 2pm.

The Dingo Project: Wongari
Originally curated for Ngununggula in the NSW Southern Highlands, The Dingo Project: Wongari shift s the focus of Djon Mundine’s curatorial project to Butchulla country and the Wongari of K’gari.

Fiona Foley: Janjari
A major new work by internationally renowned Badtjala contemporary artist Dr Fiona Foley.
Art Prize Info Session
Sat 6 May | 11 AM
Learn how to put your best foot forward when entering an art prize with tips and advice from HBRG staff.


Fernando do Campo: To companion a companion
With one foot in the field and the other in the archives, Fernando do Campo focuses on ‘companioning’ as an artistic strategy, researching the knotted histories of urban multispecies encounters through listening, painting, archiving and plural histories.
Top le : Mia Boe, Satisfaction of one’s own reflection, 2021, synthetic polymer on linen. Top right: Fiona Foley, Janjari 2022 video still, courtesy of the artist. Bottom le : Fernando do Campo, Pishing in the archive, 2021, single channel HD video (production still).
311 Kent St, Maryborough 4190 5818
FREE ENTRY Open Tuesday to Friday: 9.30am - 3.30pm
Weekends: 9.30am - 2pm.

Spectrum of Life: A Retrospective
Peter Hughes
Experience the evolution of current and past works.
Marilyn Murray
Featuring miniature artworks focusing on the rich heritage of Maryborough.

Simply Stitches
Maryborough Heritage City Embroiderers
Showcasing a range of styles, stitches and embroidery techniques.

14 APR - 4 JUN
Meet the Bells: A Wallum Journey
Joolie Gibbs
A selection of large and small 2D works depicting the Wallum environment.
WORKSHOP: Creating Polyester Plate Lithographs
Sun 7 May | 10AM
Join professional printmaker
Dr Jenny Sanzaro-Nishimura to learn how to create Polyester Plate Lithograph prints. Spaces are limited and registration is required.

Butchulla Warriors’ Memorial
A selection of photographs and castings to celebrate the opening of the monument in Queens Park.
Artist in residenceMaryborough Heritage City Embroiderers
Wed 3, 10 & 17 May | 1PM-3PM
Marilyn Murray
Sat 6 May | 11 AM
Print Studio
Weekly Wed & Sat | 10AM-2PM
Life Drawing
Saturdays | 10AM-12PM
Images (clockwise from top le ): Peter Hughes Chinese Wuhan; Lynne Pearl Embroidery; Joolie Gibbs Meet the Bells; Dr Jennifer Sanzaro Polyester Plate Lithograph Print; Marilyn Murray Town Hall.