◀ Read more stories STAY INSPIRED! This guide shares a taste of Council’s arts, culture and heritage program and was correct at time of printing. To keep up to date with the latest information visit our website. We welcome contributions from our creative community. For more information ArtsCulture@frasercoast.qld.gov.auemail DRAWN TO IMPERFECTION ARTIST PROFILE: GINA DAVEY COVER IMAGE: Fireman’s helmet, part of the Maryborough fire-fighting collection that Council is returning to the Maryborough Fire Station. Photo: Amanda Kratzmann. www.ourfrasercoast.com.au/ourfrasercoast

But a few visits to the Mary Poppins and SteamFest festivals, and the now-closed Janet’s Art Books, convinced her that the Mary River city was the right place for her life and her art – and she’s never looked back.
Gina Davey has felt two constant aches throughout her life – a persistent kinship with her English roots and an unswerving yearning to be an artist.
Fraser Coast Scene is distributed free as a marketing and engagement initiative of Fraser Coast Regional Council. It’s about promoting Council’s programs and services by sharing stories of our arts and cultural community and their connection to Council’s spaces.
Contents are subject to copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or part without written permission.
“Ever since I was a child, I never felt like I belonged – until I came to Maryborough. Then I felt at home,” she says. “It was also here that I found my love of portraiture, which really is my thing.”
“All of a sudden I was 36 and I thought, ‘I haven’t had my art career yet’,” says Gina, now 63.
Story: Christina Ongley | Photo: Cody Fox
“It’s usually because the light hits them in a certain way and it just grabs me,” she says.
The visual artist – who works mostly with oil, charcoal and mixed media – first enrolled in art college at 15, but life, family and a series of misfortunes got in the way for a couple of decades.
Both have ebbed away since deciding to call Maryborough home 12 years ago.
“I’m fascinated by light, shade and colour, and people’s unique features – skin tones, ears, noses.
I always find it horrible to think that people believe they have to conform to a certain look. I’m drawn to imperfection – it’s more interesting.”
Fraser Coast Regional Council acknowledges to the east, the Butchulla (Badtjala) and to the west, the Kabi Kabi (Gubbi Gubbi) People, their connection to Country (land, sea and sky) and recognises the many places of cultural, spiritual, social and economic significance in the community. We pay respects to their Elders – past, present and emerging. We also acknowledge other First Nation Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islander people, who reside in the Fraser Coast region.
Much of her skill and style developed while she isolated herself on a property in Kingaroy for a few years with a dogged determination to paint.
These days it’s not uncommon to find her stalking interesting-looking strangers at local festivals and asking them to sit for her.
Gina now counts among her achievements several solo and joint exhibitions, and a painting of former federal Member for Wide Bay Warren Truss that was entered into the famed Archibald Prize.

Fri 14 Oct | 7.30PM
Rock’n Through the Ages

The Musical® is a celebration for women who are on the brink of, in the middle of, or have survived “The Change”.
Swan Lake - The Royal Czech Ballet
Join existencetheconcertMirusiainternationalQueensland’sstarsopranoforthisjoyousfeaturingsomeofmostbelovedsongsintoday.
Tue 4 Oct | 2pm & 7.30PM
Fri 7 Oct | 7.30PM
Peter Williams Medium Live
Menopause The Musical®

Fri 14 Oct | 7PM
After sell out performances across Australia and overseas, popular psychicmedium and author of the book Searching Spirit, returns to the stage once again.

The Royal Czech Ballet will visit Australia for the first time with Swan Lake...the most loved classical ballet of them all.

This Is the greatest musical/ visual show from the 50’s, 60’s, & 70’s that sparks the memories of days gone by, a must see for all of us Baby Boomers.
Mirusia - Songbird

Thu 6 Oct | 7.30PM
Sat 15 Oct | 7.30PM
The story of how this culturally significant venue impacted the youth of Queensland and beyond for over 5 decades. Cloudland was no ordinary venue.
Cloudland the Musical
Inspired by a hot flush and a bottle of wine, Menopause

Thu 20 Oct | 11AM
A beautifully observed, humorous, and poignant play telling the stories of Queensland cane cutters and Melbourne barmaids.

Thu 13 Oct | 7.30PM
Tue 11 Oct | 5.30PM
Approaches questions of euthanasia and assisted dying in an unsentimental fashion, along with the complexities of family.

Sumer of Seventeenththe Doll
5 Walker Street, Maryborough 4122 6060
Jack Absolute Flies Again - NT Live

Aldridge Got Talent will celebrate the entire Aldridge Creative Arts department and showcase our engaging program!
Everything Went Fine
- MRAC Cinema Night
Mon 17 Oct | 1PM
Under the milky way tonight...
Wed 12 Oct | 6.30PM
Swinging jazz, powerful soul and cheeky kitsch featuring Melissa Western and her world class band.

Lead singer of reformed The Seekers, Karen Knowles honours Olivia Newton John, Judith Durham and Archie Roach in a heartfelt concert.

Pilot Jack flies home to win the heart of his old flame, Lydia, but will her guardian Mrs Malaprop approve?
Sat 29 Oct | 7.30PM
Box Office Open Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 4pm
Thu 20 Oct | 7PM
Morning Melodies - 1954 Ella, Etta & Eartha
Aldridge Got Talent 2022

Join Lidia Godijn from the Hervey Bay Spinners Weavers and Fibre Artists and HBRG Assistant Curator exhibitionMillhouseLlewellynforaguidedtour. and Ceramic: Hand Built
Closed Mondays.
JamFactory Icon Kunmanara Carroll: Ngaylu NyanganyiNgura Winki (I cansee all those places) Captivating paintings and ceramics merge
Sat 29 Oct | 2PM Get your hands dirty with friends at the gallery.
This Mental Health Week feed your mind, body and soul with yoga in the Gallery at HBRG. talk demonstrationsand Colours of Australia
Bill Henson: the light fades but the gods remain
Weekends: 10am - 2pm.
FREE ENTRY Open Tuesday to Friday:
deep knowledge of country

Two key series by Bill Henson, one of Australia’s most eminent exploringartists,thesuburb of Glen Waverley where he grew up.

166 Rd, Hervey Bay 4197 4206 10am -
Tue 11 Oct | 9AM
Wed 26 Oct | 10.30AM
In Residence: Hervey Bay Spinners Weavers and Fibre Artists
Sat 8 Oct | 10.30AM
Showcasing the work of members of Hervey Bay Spinners, Weavers and Fibre Artists inspired by the theme Colours of Australia. a with a beautifully intricate yet style. TALKS

Art and Yoga
Old Maryborough
Meet members of the Hervey Bay Spinners, Weavers and Fibre Artists group and see them in action as they work in the foyer.
EXHIBITIONS: UNTIL SUN 6 NOV Creative Generations North Coast Region High School Students Until Sun 6 Nov Print Studio WEDNESDAYS & SATURDAYS 10AM-2PM Life Drawing Classes SATURDAYS 10AM-12PM WORKSHOPS TALKS AND DEMONSTRATIONS CREATIVE SPACE EXHIBITIONS Twenty22 St CollegeMary’s NIGHT:OPENING Fri 7 Oct | 6PM FND & Me Mark Grimsley Sat 8 Oct - Sun 30 Oct Golden Years of Clay Wide AssociationBurnettBayPottersInc. NIGHT:OPENING Fri 23 Sep | 6PM Artist in conversation with Mark Grimsley Sat 8 & Wed 12 Oct | 10AM Mark shares his experiences with FND and PTSD and how photography has helped his mental health. Printspace - Drypoint printing workshop Sat 8 Oct | 10AM Work with an experienced printmaker to discover how drawings can become prints using the drypoint process. 311 Kent St, Maryborough 4190 5818 FREE ENTRY Open Weekdays: 9.30am - 3.30pm Weekends & Public Holidays: 9.30am - 2pm

Explore the heritagelisted, former bank, and enter a world where fantasy and fact thecharactersdisplays,Delveintertwine.intointeractivemeetquirkyanddiscoverartofstorytelling. in the birthplace of her author PL Travers Antiques Advice Mon 17 Oct | 1PM Join Senior CoordinatorMuseumsAngelato learn more about how to care for your antique and heirloom items. Jack-O’-Lantern Carving Demonstration Sun 16, 23 & 30 Oct | 10AM Learn the history of Hallowe’en as you watch a jack-o’-lantern demonstration.carving 4123 7221 Kent & Richmond Streets, Maryborough www.ourfrasercoast.com.au /ourfrasercoast