Family & Children's Services Annual Report 2017

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2017 Annual Report to the Community

Bridging the Gap

Family & Children’s Services • 2017 Annual Report to the Community


Dear Friends, Oklahoma is winning a race no one would ever willingly cheer for — a race to the bottom of diminished well-being of our children and adults as compared to most other states. The impact of shrinking safety net funding and disinvestment in core state-supported services for the poor, sick and vulnerable in our community is reported widely in NUMEROUS SOCIAL INDICATORS that worsen each year. In statistical terms, Tulsa sees very high rates of poverty, divorce, mental illness, suicide, child abuse, trauma, adverse childhood experiences, family violence, lack of insurance, school failure, incarceration and poor physical health. In human terms, more and more individuals are suffering, troubled and without hope. The gap grows wider between needs and access to affordable services to improve well-being and quality of life. This annual report highlights examples of what we do best — EMBRACE INNOVATION by implementing new processes, technology, partnerships and programs to BRIDGE THE GAP between needs and service availability. We’ve done this by marshaling a strong board of directors, dedicated staff, loyal volunteers, donors and funders, along with engaged community partners, who all work in concert to ensure the highest quality of behavioral healthcare and family services are available to even more Tulsans. This past year, we CARED FOR MORE THAN 120,224 of those most in need. We’re proud of this accomplishment. Their stories are ours to share with you as we partner to improve the quality of life for our fellow Tulsans. Thank you for all that you do for F&CS and all those we serve. In gratitude,

Gail Lapidus, CEO 2


Social Indicators 1st in female incarceration in the U.S.

1st in multiple adverse childhood experiences 3rd highest divorce rate 4th worst for mental health expenditures 5th highest for youth with mental health disorders 7th highest uninsured rate 8th highest suicide rate 9th highest poverty rate 14th worst overall child well-being Family & Children’s Services • 2017 Annual Report to the Community



in multiple adverse childhood experiences One in six Oklahoma children have four or more adverse childhood experiences (ACE), the highest number in the country. Child Abuse and Trauma Services uses many state-of-the art, evidence-based treatments to help children. 4

PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Child Abuse & Trauma Treatment Services (CATS) Comprehensive Home-Based Services *SafeCare Accredited Site *Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Psychotherapy *Intensive Safety Services (ISS)

*new or expanded services

Highest standards SafeCare — an evidence-based model that emphasizes a nurturing, safe and healthy home environment for children — works effectively with parents at risk for child abuse or neglect. SafeCare accreditation validates that F&CS provides the highest fidelity to the treatment model, an essential element to reduce the risk factors for child abuse and neglect, strengthen the parent-child relationship and increase home safety.


We abused and traumatized children.

Keeping children home A new service added to Child Abuse and Trauma Services is Intensive Safety Services, which helps families involved with OKDHS Child Welfare. Therapists involve families with making changes in their lives to reduce the risk and need for the children to be placed in OKDHS custody. Forty-eight families successfully made changes to keep children in their home with services.

For kids who have been suffering from trauma for a long time, Eye Movement Reprocessing Therapy helps them see results fast. This gives them hope that things can and will improve, and it keeps them engaged during sessions. ~Nicole, Child Trauma Therapist

success story Elizabeth’s story When Elizabeth was only 8 years old she was abducted and molested by a stranger. Thankfully, the system worked and police found her. F&CS’s Trauma Unit was notified to begin working with Elizabeth and her family. To ease the burden, treatment was provided in her home. A year later, she is doing well in school, has adjusted and is no longer afraid to leave the house. Family & Children’s Services • 2017 Annual Report to the Community



highest for youth with mental health disorders Oklahoma has the fifth highest ranking in the U.S. for youth with mental health disorders. Delays and missed opportunities for diagnosing and treating mental health or substance use disorders often lead to crises.



*Children’s Stabilization Team *Youth Suicide School Specialist Children’s Outpatient Mental Health & Psychiatry Parenting and Divorce Classes

*School-Based Mental Health Treatment

*Wraparound Services for

Children with Serious Emotional Disorder Behavioral Health Services for Head Start

*new or expanded services

Schools rely on F&CS Of the 56 schools in five school districts served by F&CS, six are new. Our 42 mental health counselors provided mental health treatment for 3,152 children who would have otherwise gone without. Last year, F&CS mental health staff also provided support and grief counseling to two school districts when crises struck. Our new Youth Suicide Prevention School Specialist provided Question Persuade Refer (QPR) suicide prevention training and resources.

We and COPES for Kids Calls

47% Crisis services increased More children received COPES mobile crisis care, which saved lives and stabilized families. But children are still suffering and follow-up, outpatient care is often not accessed. To reverse this trend, COPES’ new children’s follow-up and crisis stabilization programs were initiated to provide warm hand-offs to home-based care. This ongoing stabilization for children who have experienced a crisis provides support and improves a child’s and family’s well-being.

help hurting children strengthen families.

For the first time in two years, I have stayed out of the psychiatric hospital for six months thanks to the new F&CS Wraparound Families program. My care coordinator came to my house and helped me and my family with multiple services. She even got me back into school in a special classroom that can handle my problems. I also made new friends when I joined a basketball team.

~Kenneth, F&CS client

success story Passing from failing Tyler was failing school, depressed and isolated from friends. After a failed suicide attempt, F&CS was able to provide medication and therapy to help Tyler identify and resolve an earlier traumatic loss. It wasn’t long until he developed better coping skills and found his depression gone. Now Tyler hangs out with family and friends and is making As in school. Family & Children’s Services • 2017 Annual Report to the Community



Tulsa adults have a serious mental illness One in five adults has a mental health condition and one in 25 has a serious mental illness. Bipolar illness, schizophrenia, major depression, PTSD and other major anxiety disorders contribute to disability and social and economic difficulties. 8


COPES for Kids/Teens Health Homes Psychiatry and Pharmacy COPES and CrisisCare Center Outpatient Therapy Case Management and Care Coordination Assertive Community Treatment Homeless Services Jail Diversion *Medication Adherence Initiative *Community Response Team *Mental Illness Tools

*new or expanded services

Partnering with first responders Mental health 911 calls were answered through an innovative, new, first responder program — the Community Response Team (CRT). This collaboration between Tulsa police, fire and COPES helps connect citizens to better mental health resources upon first contact. F&CS also helped develop and launch a mobile app that helps all first responders quickly identify mental health symptoms and available resources while in the field.


We provide to adults with serious mental illnesses.



Rx accessibility booms A record number of clients have been served and client outcomes improved through our pioneering, on-demand access to psychiatry services and our free pharmacy for the uninsured, which provided $21 million in free meds to clients in need. Increased use of our Medication Assisted Treatment program and long-acting injectables provided new pathways to recovery.

When I was 23, I started seeing shadow people during the day. Little did I know that I was experiencing first-episode psychosis. Thanks to F&CS, I got help through their early psychosis program. I have good days and bad days, but I’m functioning well at work and at life because of my support system.

~Samuel, F&CS client

success story COPES with CRT Janet called 911 when she heard loud voices, and the Community Response Team (CRT) was dispatched (see story on page 8). The COPES therapist quickly realized that Janet was experiencing a psychiatric crisis. They created a safety plan so that Janet could stay in her home. She was referred to F&CS outpatient care for ongoing mental health care. Family & Children’s Services • 2017 Annual Report to the Community



in female incarceration Drugs and drug-related crimes are some of the top reasons women enter the state’s criminal justice system. In Tulsa County, the rate for sending women to prison has decreased, in part, because of the work of Women in Recovery, an outpatient alternative for eligible women facing prison sentences for drug-related offenses. 10

PROGRAMS AND SERVICES COPES for Kids/Teens Women in Recovery *Women’s Justice Team David L. Moss Discharge Planner Parenting in the Jail Court Services Gambling Services Drug and Mental Health Court

*new or expanded services

Women’s Justice Team keeps first-time offenders out of prison Expanding the Women’s Justice Team brought more resources to close the gap by offering services to female offenders and helping those struggling to meet probation requirements.

We provide a path to from addiction.

recovery Pay for Success contract addresses female incarceration Governor Mary Fallin announced that the state of Oklahoma and F&CS entered into the groundbreaking Pay for Success contract aimed at reducing Oklahoma’s nationleading female incarceration rate by securing public-private investment in the Women in Recovery prison diversion program.

After traveling a dark road lined with drugs and alcohol, I was facing an accessory-to-burglary charge. My participation in Drug Court changed everything. It’s given me the tools to manage cravings and trust others. ~Tyler, Drug Court Graduate

success story Amya’s story Amya’s childhood was interrupted when her mother, Casey, was arrested for drug trafficking. Instead of a long prison sentence, Casey was accepted into Women in Recovery where she received treatment, education, job training and family reunification services. Today, Casey is working, has conquered her drug addiction and is back with her family. Family & Children’s Services • 2017 Annual Report to the Community 11

2017 Expenses by Program

2017 Operating Revenue Government Grants & Contracts*

$29,309,004 (53%)

Mental Health & Addiction Services $29,220,075 (53%)

Medicaid & Medicare

$17,938,824 (33%)

Child Abuse Services

$9,226,941 (17%)

Private Grants & Contracts

$3,509,536 (6%)

Pharmacy for Mental Health

$8,914,770 (16%)

United Way

$1,704,903 (3%)

Children's Mental Health Services

$3,658,460 (7%)

Program Fees/Other

$1,678,320 (3%)

Early Childhood Family Support

$3,249,678 (6%)

Fundraising & Special Events

$1,203,770 (2%)

Counseling & Education Services

$1,074,434 (2%)





This overview reflects an unaudited financial summary for the 2017 fiscal year. *Oklahoma Department of Human Services, Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Financial summary and continued excellence. ACCREDITATION



F&CS is accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA). Accreditation is an objective, independent validation of agency performance. COA accreditation involves a review and analysis of administration, management and service delivery functions against international standards of best practices.

F&CS is certified with distinction from the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services as a community mental health center, outpatient alcohol and drug treatment program, and gambling treatment program. We are also certified with SafeCare, an evidencebased, parent-training curriculum for parents of children ages 0-5.

F&CS is a proud partner agency of the Tulsa Area United Way and holds memberships in the National Council for Behavioral Health, Mental Health Corporations of America and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. These memberships keep us on the forefront of pioneering the most innovative practices in the industry.

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Care Card New Young Professionals Advisory Council develops next generation leaders Twenty-four strong, the F&CS Young Professionals Advisory Council (YPAC) was established with a three-part mission: to spread awareness about F&CS, involve young professionals through volunteer opportunities and foster F&CS future leaders. 14

Care Card celebrated another year of caring, saving shoppers 20 percent at more than 200 local stores and restaurants. Every dollar from the purchase of 1,900 Care Cards benefited the agency.

Holiday Assistance Holiday Assistance donations soared, brightening the holidays for 429 of our neediest families and 1,500 children.


Brainiac Ball

White Party 10

The smartest soiree in Tulsa, Brainiac Ball combines brains and benevolence to bring hope to those who need it most in our community. Sponsors and guests came together to help us raise more than $650,000.

White Party No. 10 celebrated a decade of growth by rocking the rooftop of The Vault with more than 700 attendees, all dressed in white, who helped us raise nearly $300,000.

extends our reach.

F&CS launches thrift store The Family & Children’s Services Thrift Store, 724 S. Utica Ave., opened this year selling “Goods for Good.” The store helps to support agency services, provides work opportunities for Women in Recovery and other F&CS program graduates, and supplies household items and clothing to our neediest clients. Together donors and shoppers have made the new store a huge success. Family & Children’s Services • 2017 Annual Report to the Community 15


for your support. Providing the highest quality of behavioral healthcare and family services was only possible with the support of our corporate partners, foundation friends and individual supporters. On behalf of more than 120,224 lives changed in 2017, thank you for your generous support of Family & Children’s Services. For a complete listing of all of our supporters, in-kind donors, tributes and memorial gifts, please visit our website at All information in this publication was accurate at time of printing. 16

Annual Contributions & Gifts

F&CS donors are listed for calendar year 2017.



George Kaiser Family Foundation Tulsa Area United Way

Sanford P. and Irene F. Burnstein Foundation Hardesty Family Foundation Helmerich Trust Philip and Miranda Kaiser Family Fund Morningcrest Healthcare Foundation Jill and Robert Thomas



$100,000 + Common Bond Foundation Sarah and John Graves George Kaiser Herman Kaiser Foundation Ida M. McFarlin Memorial Trust

Protectors $50,000+

Cyclonic Valve Company, Inc. Home Builders Association Charitable Foundation Inasmuch Foundation Ruth K. Nelson and Tom Murphy Robinson Foundation Saint Francis Health System William S. Smith Charitable Trust Tulsa Community Foundation Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation Maxine and Jack Zarrow Family Foundation


Guardians $10,000+

Bank of America Bank of Oklahoma Edward E. and Helen Turner Bartlett Foundation Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma Mervin Bovaird Foundation H.A. and Mary K. Chapman Charitable Trust Cimarex Energy Co. Frederic Dorwart, Lawyers Flint Family Foundation Sharna and Irvin Frank Foundation Bette and Mike Graves House Law Office Lee Lobeck-Marks and Dr. David Marks Nadel & Gussman Energy Fund Valerie and Brad Naifeh Cindy and Bob Peterson Jennifer and Tracy Poole

QuikTrip Corporation Renee F. Neuwald Foundation Fund Stephanie and John Rupe Sarkeys Foundation SemGroup Corporation Charles and Peggy Stephenson Family Foundation Don Thornton Automotive Group Williams

Patrons $5,000+

Stephanie and Jack Allen The Bama Companies BlueStone Natural Resources Pam and Terry Carter Erin and Don Chappel Cherokee Nation CommunityCare Kathy Craft Foundation Crestwood Midstream Partners EyeCare Associates of Tulsa Firstar Bank GlobalHealth Holdings Grand Bank Madison and Garrett Graves Helmerich Foundation Tawni and Kip Herburger Carrie and Jay House Joseph and Virginia Dibert Foundation Kathleen Kolijack Frank S. and Julia M. Ladner Family Foundation

Laureate Institute for Brain Research Jay and Ed Lawson Luxa Enterprises Mabrey Bank Maurine P. Martin Charitable Trust Ralph and Frances McGill Foundation Meshri Family Foundation Microsoft Chris Murphy Murray Land Services Oklahoma Bar Foundation Osage Nation Jolene Sanditen Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation Senior Star Services Lauren and Dave Sherry Southpaw Sports Consulting Donna Swank Kathryn Thomas TMA Systems United Healthcare U.S. Pioneer Vicki Vaniman and Chris Bendel William K. Warren Foundation Case and Elfreda Zandbergen Foundation Zarrow Families Foundation Dr. Robert Zoellner & Associates

Supporters $1,000+

Addison Group All Souls Unitarian Church AmerisourceBergen Corporation Anonymous Carol Anwar Becky and Dolin Argo Arvest Bank Mary Athens Fritz Baily Architects Marianne and Jon Ballard Krista and Charlie Bendana Kristin and Jim Bender Cathy and John Benzinger Pam Bewley Jennifer and Byron Bighorse Blue Sky Bank Katherine and Carl Bracy Elise and Terry Brennan Irene and Sanford Burnstein Lisa and Dennis Cameron CareATC Career Women’s Golf Association of Tulsa Catalyst Benefits Group Frances and Kevin Cavanah Chickasaw Nation Patty and Jerry Cline Fulton and Susie Collins Foundation Commerce Bank Community Baptist Church Conner & Winters, LLP Jennifer and Craig Cooper

Family Family&&Children’s Children’sServices Services• 2017 • 2017Annual AnnualReport ReporttotothetheCommunity Community 17

Annual Contributions & Gifts Cox Communications Cuesta Foundation Sheri and Robert Curry Rebecca and Charles Dees Deloitte Services Tiffany and Michael DeShazer Eastern Oklahoma Ear, Nose & Throat, Inc. Diane and Alex Eaton Patty and Len Eaton Elephant Trunk Farmer’s Insurance - Novera Agency Ferguson Buick GMC Fleet Feet Sports Flintco Anne and Christopher Foster GableGotwals GE Foundation Stephania and Brian Grober Dana and Trent Gudgel Isaac Helmerich Helmerich & Payne, Inc. Jennifer Hess and Aaron Kesler Hillcrest Healthcare System Hogan Assessments HUB International Mid-America Judy and Glenn Hudgens Integrity Pest Management Jackie Cooper Imports Joel Coggins Construction Kaleidoscope Foundation Kathy and Ronald Key Kathryn Kindell Andrew Kinslow and Russell Kirkpatrick Hayden Kiser 18

Leigh and Chuck Lamson Gail and Les Lapidus Hayli and Adam Leavitt Trisha and Mark Lewellen Trish and Richard Lieser LJS Revocable Trust lululemon Jessica and Matt Mardis Matrix Service Company Linda and Philip McGowan Kathleen McKeown and Gary Betow McNellie’s Group Tim Merrick MetroShoe Warehouse MidFirst Bank Darcey and Joe Moran Mutual of America Eileen and Buford Nash Aldean Newcomb and George Krumme Gail and Russ Newman Oklahoma Central Credit Union ONE Gas Jennifer and Brian Paine Pardon My French Parkhill’s South Liquors & Wine Parkhill’s Warehouse Liquors and Wine Mary and Chuck Patterson Susan and Stephen Pattison Peace, Love and Cookies Ann and Don Pettus Megan and Joe Quickle Sandra and Alexander Quince Quota International of Tulsa

Ellen Ralph RAM Energy, LLC Diane and John Randolph Alan Ratzlaff Revsuppliance Faye and Marvin Robinowitz Jim Rodgers Lois Romano Rovi David and Sophie Rubin Foundation Sallinger Family Fund Sanders Nursery Scripps Howard Foundation Security Bank David Seres Nancy and George Shahadi Dawn and Justin Sheets Heather and Rob Sher Cheri and Jim Sieck The Silver Needle Andrea and Sean Smith Flory Sparks Grady Stephens Kim and Scott Sutton Lyndsey and Clint Swanson Julie and Larry Tarwater Kathy Taylor and Bill Lobeck Dr. Lynne Taylor and Keith Clingman Richard Teubner William F. & Susan W. Thomas Charitable Fund T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving Total Medical Personnel Staffing Barbara Townsend

Tulsa Area Music Teachers Assn. Tulsa County Bar Association Tulsa Drillers Tulsa World Doug Tye Valley National Bank Heather and Marc Van Hooser Kayla and Scott Vaughn Torre and Robert Waldo Tracy and Mike Watkins Bruce G. Weber Precious Jewels Kathleen Patton Westby Foundation WPX Energy Stacey and Steve Wyett Xcaliber International

Nurturers $500+

Natalie and Mike Adams Amanda Adwon Hocine AitAkli Nicole and Grant Allen Nancy and Les Austin B-Sew Inn Dana Baldwin Richard Barney Marilynn and Mike Bartel Jenny and Jeremy Belford Jan and Eric Bohne Sheryl and John Boone Nancy and Larry Born Susan and Steve Braselton Mary Ellen Bridwell Kelley and Jeremy Bryan

Robert Bull Nina and Robert Butkin Pam and Bob Cass Clayman Family Fund Carey and Mike Cole Elizabeth Colvin Commercial Title & Escrow Services Rema Conger Cindy Cooper Syndia and Bill Cupps Stacey and James Curtis Jana Dalke Corene DeMaranville Jackie DiPillo Dog Dish Jeffery Dorsey Nancy and Mike Dubriwny Martha and Jeff Endsley Michael Esmond The Farm Shopping Center Mary and Roy Ferguson First Baptist Church North Tulsa Marian R. Foldberg Trust Cristy and John Foster Linda and Sentell Fox Donna and Michael Freeman Ana and John Gaberino Stephanie and Mark Galles Sandra and Warren Gandall Lou Ann and David Gibson Bonnie and David Gilbert Jessica Gledhill Beth and Keith Goddard Tracey and Robert Hargrave Jenny and Jono Helmerich

Timothy and Jessica Helms Hicks Brunson Eyewear Kim and James Hix Terry and Carl Hudgins SR Hughes Julie Hunter Indian Health Care Resource Center Island Nation Betsy and Gerry Jackson David Jones Gloria and Paul Kallenberger Kendra Scott Paulette and Richard Knepper Adriane and Phil Lakin Dedra and Seth Lapidus Dana and Larry Lebold Susan and Marcus Lemon Mary and Scott Lewis Mary Lhevine and George Schnetzer Heather Martin Ryan McDaniel Rhonda and Greg Miller Amy and Dale Mills Joe Mills Karen and Avi Mintz James Monroe Brandi Moore Donna and Gilbert Morris Mary and Patrick O’Brien OK Members First Federal Credit Union Oklahoma Library Association Frances Pace Valerie and Steven Perry

Philcrest Hills Women’s Tennis Association Janet and Duane Phillips Kathleen and Charlie Plumb Alan Ramseyer Mary and Ron Ray Rachel and Tim Ray Lynne and Brian Rayment Kyle Revard Sara and Josh Rich Julianne and Tony Romanello Holly and Andrew Ryan Saxum Strategic Communications Christina Scalzo and William Shieh Dr. Chris Siemens and Melissa Siemens Susan Singh Jennifer Smith Mark Smith Sneed Foundation Lori Sparkman Deena Stacy and Dr. Stan Stacy Patty and Craig Steen Sarah and Grant Stewart Ann and Michael Stone Susan Sadler, Fine Jewelry Design Janet and Luther Teel Sheri and Lynn Tomlinson Dr. TJ Trad Sandy Trimble Barbara and Preston Van Hanken Gayle and Bob Wagner Barbara Walker Marge Betley Weber and Greg Weber Rusty Wilcox

Josephine Winter Linda and Richard Young Frank Zaio The Zero Card Phillip Zoellner

Advocates $250+

Teri and Mark Abbott Adwon Properties Lauren and Jamie Allen Jennifer Allen Linda Allen Thomas Arnold Allison Bacon Billie and Howard Barnett Diane and Nathan Baxter Meredith Grossi and Cassidy Begnoche JoAnne and James Bottomley Boy Scout Troop 81 Susie and John Boyce Mike Boyd Brandy and Joshua Breedlove Norman Bryant Stephanie Cameron Bonnie Canada Lydia Carlson Scott Carr Emily Cary Vicky and Tom Casey Jia Castor Chevron Chevron Humankind Christa Clancy

Sara and Doug Clark Amanda Clinton Laura and Keith Colgan Alyson Craig and Dr. Kyle Craig Ryan and Sarah Darby Cyndia and Kenneth Dasher Vanessa and Larry Davied Robin Davis Sharon King Davis Greg Delaune Ben Denton JR Due Amanda and Robert Duenner Dunitz Family Charitable Foundation Lorinda Elizando Debi and Bill Emery Deirdre and Tim Epperley Erbacher Family, LLC Evangelical Lutheran Church of Our Savior Melissa Fell Fellowship Lutheran Church Sharon and Scott Fletcher Twila Flynn Sarah and Matt Franzen JoAnn and Travis Frizell Dee and Matt Fulghum Cindy Giddings Linda Goldenstern Revocable Trust Melissa Minton and Daniel Graves Hallie Griffin Sarah Hansel and Michael Cooke Stacy and Ron Hardzog Amy and David Herrold Cheryl Hill

Julie and Wesley Holmes Mallory and Mike Holmes Kirsten Horne Paula and Rick Huck Judy and John Ingraham Lindsey and Brian Jensen Kramer Johnson Cheryl Jones Kent Jopling Sylvia and Moe Karimian Tani and Kevin Kelley Tana and Steven Killman Ravi Kode Hannah and Wink Kopczynski Barbara Lacey Brandy and Greg Laird Sandra and Dobie Langenkamp Lindsey LaZaroff Lisa F. Lazarus Charitable Fund Sidney W. and Mary Lieberman Fund Tzeitel Looper Stephanie and Craig Loseke James Lovely Angela and Andrew Lucas Allison and Vijay Madduri Laura Mandini Terry and Andy Marcum Marmi Shoes Beverly Marquardt Samanthia Marshall Cheryl and Matthew Martin Jennifer and Stan May Tracey and Hayden McCalman Kim and Jim McCoy Nicole and Dustin McDaniel

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Annual Contributions & Gifts Joy and Mark McGill Deb and Greg McKinstry Michele McManus Lori and John Meinders Michelle and Chris Meyer Karen and Steve Mitchell Valerie and Trevor Montgomery Suzanne Mordhorst Revocable Trust Regina and Berry Mullennix Kathy Neal and Rob Johnston Shelley and Randy Nelson Jennifer Nightengale Stacy Nyikos and Rainer Kohrs Donna and Jim Ogez Steven Oliver Julie and Stephen Parkhurst Trisha Parks Rusty Patton Tammy and Phill Paul Dayna Peacock Meredith and David Peebles Mark Perkins Drew Peterson Susan Peterson Dedra and Mark Phillips Charity Pollak Kelly and Jeff Polson Desire’ and Danny Powell Cori and Jessie Powell Talmadge Powell Dana and Julius Puma Pat and Lorri Quinn Heather and Chris Rector Tammy and Joe Reeble Julie and Andrew Rethmeyer 20

Laura and Bob Revella Harriet and Adam Robinson Jenny and Josh Roby Leslie Rubman Tom Russell Rusty Sanders Jean and Wilfred Sanditen Suzanne Schreiber Stacy Schusterman and Steven Dow Lindsey and Sean Scotney Kristin and Kurt Seifried Brian Shore Louise Short Mteesa Shouse Shanese and Clay Slaton Melanie and Brian Smith Charlsie and Denton Smith Abby and Spencer Smith Carolyn and Jim Snively Ronda and John Spears Laura Stauffer Ben Stewart Robert Stewart Yasuro and Hisako Tachibana Eileen and Peter Tamura Melanie and Tom Tate Michael Thambuswamy Laura and Robert Thomas Lisa Thompson Candice and Brandon Tinlin Marinda and Chebon Wacoche Margaret and Dan Walker Lorraine Watson Joshua Weber Cathie and Brad Wechsler

Whitney Wehmeyer Joey Wignarajah Cathy and Brett Williams Lynsey and Michael Wilson Tiffany and Stephen Wilson Tricia and Brooke Winter Taniya Wright Angela and Matt Wrobleski Emily and Jason Yang Megan and Donald Zetik

Helpers $100+

100 Men that Give a Damn Eve Adams Shawn Alexander Brie and Tad Alford Diane Allen Marcia and Robert Allen Amazon Smile Amber Marie & Company Suzanne and Roger Ames Ellen and William Anderson Lynne Anthony Jennifer and Matt Arkison Cindi and Mike Augustine B-Sew Inn - OKC Kathi Baab Citally and Sandro Baggiani Jenger and Michael Baker Marsha and Steve Baker Fran and Craig Barton Barbara Bates Beck Design Rick Bennett

Debbie Smith Berlin and Steve Berlin Laurie and Bob Berman Tiffini and Todd Berman John Philip Betley Michelle and Ross Bishop Lindsay and Ryan Bivin Patty Hipsher and David Blatt Sarah Bliss Jade Bohling Tiffany and David Boncaldo Kevin Boomer Kerri and John Bowen Dale and Tim Brandon Sheryl and Ron Bridgewater Mary Cantrell and Jason Brimer Lana and Brent Bruington Cara and Brant Bruner Elizabeth and Jared Burden Marjorie and Alex Burr Susan and Eric Burr Jennifer Flexner and John Bury Steven Butterfield Kaylor and Cole Carlton Julie Caruthers Amanda Caseboldt Yolanda Charney Shelia and Larry Cheatham Dayna Christ Lesa and Paul Clark Leah and John Clayman Bryan Close Tami and David Cobb Ginger and Robert Coffey Miramar and Rick Cohn Kathy and Ron Collins

Patty and Tim Colwell Claire Combs Chris Conn Jaime and Trey Cooper Mary and Frank Cooper Felicia and Peter Correia Howard Cotner Jayme Cox Lauren and Wesley Cox Kathie and John Coyle Aletha and Bruce Currie Vonnie Currie Karen and Barry Davis Laini Davis Ashley and John Day Heather and Kevin Dick Nicole and Daniel Dickle Kay Dixon Kimberly Doenges Shari and Craig Dolinsky Sally and Bob Donaldson Erica Dorwart Chuck Doyle Josie and Tim Driskill Drysdales, Inc. Meghan DuBois Emily Duensing Rachael and Clint Duffy Gil and Shawna Eacret EagleEye Royalty Management Co. Norma Eagleton Heather Earl Shea and Richard Eby Elizabeth Echols Valerie and Joe Edgeller

Tiffany and Lee Egdorf Lara Elias-Campbell and Keith Campbell Monece and Phil Eller Carisa Ramming and Matt Elliott Issac Ellis Houda Elyazgi Marjorie and Kenneth Erdmann Seth Erkenbeck Margaret and John Erling LeighAnn and Stanton Espinosa Euro-Mart Anne and David Fell Joanne Ferguson Jim Ferrell Wendy and Josh Fidler Mark Fiegener Terri and Bill Fikes First Presbyterian Church Leia Christophersen-Fleury and David Fleury Ashley Flores Jeff Foster Sara and Jeff Fox Allie and Tyler Frakes Shelly and Andy Franks Crystal and Ronnie Fujikawa Terri Fuller Jane Galehouse Cheryl and Leon Galehouse Pamela Galehouse Kami and Nick Gallus GAP Foundation Jane and Mike Gassett Sabrina Gicaletto Erin Giles

Michelle Ginsburg Pam Glaser Betty Golden Cathy and Gary Golden Susan and Tom Golliver Teresa Gordon Patty and Matt Gorges Ginny Graham Janet Graham Nancy and Kenneth Greer Ivy and Brad Griffey Rebecca Griggs J.D. Haack Marilyn Hall Laura and Trent Hamilton Sherry and Frank Hansen Shyla Harris Stephanie and Zach Harris Chad Harsha Sharon Hart Leslie and Michael Harvey Candy Hatch Brooke and Stuart Hawley Jackie and Jim Headrick Krupa Hegde Janell and Rik Helmerich Susie Hentschel Ross Heyman Janet and David Hicks Phil Hill Mary Ann Hille Kelly and Robert Hines Roselinda and Clay Hodgens Sarah Hodgens Margaret and Curtis Holdridge

Becky and Jim Holloman Diana Holmes Dr. Diane Horm Therese and Howard Hull Barbara Humes Kelley Hunton Jeffrey Jackson Kathy Henry and Jaimie Jamieson Jo Lynn and David Jeter Joan Ruth Green Revocable Trust Ronnie Jobe Denease and Jeff Johns Miles Johnson Patti and Craig Johnson David Karimian Kathleen Kastelic Erich Keil Albert Kelly Kelly and Jeff Kendall Jean and James Kerlin Elise Kilpatrick Danica Kincaid Michelle and Matt King Alice Kirkpatrick Julie Knauer Richard Koenig Dave Kollmann Peter Kozicz Carolyn and Cecil Kusler Ian Lang Sonja Langlee Regina and Keith Lapidus Michele Lasker Dr. Holbrook Lawson and Rick Holder Lisa Lazarus

Danielle Lee William Lee Krista and Fred Lewis Donna Lingren Monica and Bill Lissau Kasey and Roger Littlefield Jennifer and Ron Lobato Karen Long and Jack Morton Sue and Ron Looney Mireida Lopez Amanda and Blake Lovelace Blake Loveless Debbie and Pat Loveless Kristine Lovely Lucas Controls Company, Inc. Jessica Lukens Christopher Lynch Gwen and Steve Malcolm Michael Maris Lisa and Adam Marshall Cindy Marshall Amanda and Eric Marshall Victoria McArtor Pat and Sam McCall Jeannie and Joe McDaniel Nancy McDonald Mary McGraw Pat McGuire Aaron McKey Melinda McKinney Natalie McNight Holly and Austin Meek Brenda and Jason Meek Jill and Jim Millaway Patti and Mike Miller

Ryean Miller Donna and Don Millican Margaret Monsour Phillip Montanez Jeff Moore Lisa and Dave Morey Kendra Morrison Mary Beth Morrissey Kevin Moyes Angie and Bob Muir Ted Mundt Diane and Frank Murphy Diana and Mark Nagle Mary Jo and Jack Neal Sally and John Neas Malisa and Steven Nell Andra and Roy Nelson Nancy and Don Nelson Aleacia and Rocky Newby Amy and David Newsome Robert Nigh Curtis Northrup Kristen and James O’Connor Steven Olsen On A Whim Becky and Wayne Osmond Leslie Paris Killie Parkman Carole Pertofsky James Pesch Phillips 66 Corporate Citizenship Sarah and Jay Phoenix Carolyn Pickens Vince Pironti Judith Pollard

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Annual Contributions & Gifts Sarah Poston Cathy Prevett Gary Quiggle Mara and Jeremy Rabinowitz Hannah and Andrew Ralston Michelle and Russell Ramzel Christy Rawlings Angie and Todd Ray David Ray Denise and John Redmond Gail and Kip Richards Harriet and Jim Roberson Brian Rogers Kathy Rogers Ronald and Myra Jeffris Fund Heidi and David Ross John Rothrock Carol Sallinger Mimi Sandberg Sarah and Jim Savage Jenelle Schatz Andrea Schlanger Pete Schultze Lynn Schusterman Shirley Scott and Dr. Robert Scott Andrea and Eric Selby Keith Selby Douglas Sepkowitz Nancy and Richard Sevenoaks Kathy Shaffer Mary and Bob Shell Helen Shell Diane and Hastings Siegfried Mary Sigler Lisa and Delio Silvestri 22

Marlow and Scott Sipes Jeffery Slupski Dr. Johna Kay Smasal Theresa Smith Gentra and Jim Sorem Nancy and Henry Sossin Rick Spellman Tamra Spence Dawne and Robert Stafford Meredith and Jerod Stanton Jim Stephens Whitney McKellar-Stevens and Sean Stevens Linda Stilley Kay and Mike Strain Tanner Sturm Nancy Stutsman Allan Suzor Laura Tanner Allison Tarrasch Cheri Tatum Carolyn Taylor Melissa and Rob Taylor Landon Thomas Shannon Thompson Wendy and Tod Thompson Evelyn and Duane Thornton Ravi Thukaram Jennifer Tisdale Amy and Whit Todd Eliza and Harry Tolliver Summer and Brian Travis Cheryl Trout Kristy Tudor Cheryl Ulmer United Way of Salt Lake

Lavinita and Hanne Vaka Marjean and Ed Van Eman Kathy and Arlin Vancuren Hilary and Camilo Velandia Emily Waggoner Ruth and Bruce Waits Sydney and Zach Walker Linda and Mike Wallace Margie Warren Stephanie and Jeff Weagley Chrystal and Brandon Webb Jill Webb Jean Weber Kathy and Bob West Beverly and John White Diane and David White Dr. Mark Whitney Steve Wilkerson Kathy Williams Deb and Mark Wilmoth Susan and Chris Wilson Janet and Phil Wilson Jane Wiseman Becky and Mark Woeppel Di and Dave Wong Bette Wozobski Abeda Yar Jaime and Jason Yelle Jill and David Young Jane Zemel Shawn Marie and Chris Zenthoefer


UNDER $100 Anne and Brent Adams

Cindy Austin Krista Barnes Marla and Joe Barnes Nicole Bator Chase Beasley Diana Becerra Kroll Aaron Beck Ana Berry John Bizjack Sidney Blackfox Jeanne and William Boedeker Emily and Derrick Brandenburg Brittany Brault Tim Brittingham Sydney Brown Marla and Josh Bryan Rosemary Burgher Sally Bushong-Schultz Shasha Campbell Carolyn and Patrick Carr Amelia Castleberry Chara and Kevin Cate Sally Catron Chris Caughron Melissa and Brian Cejda Beverly Cherry Valarie Collins Harding Sarah Colpitts Shelley and Thomas Cooper Miranda Cruttenden Catherine Cullem and Bruce McKenna Sloan Davis Sarah Dean Margaret and Casper Den Harder Tosha Depew

Rowan Dirks Sarah Duncan Lindsay Edgar Dezeray Edwards Anna Einsig Ros Elder Karen Ellis Sylvia and Michael Embry Evan Fadem Jonathan Field Emily Flagg Joshua Fowler Lawrence Fox Julie Frank Ciera Freeman Lydia and Kyle French Paige Garcia Margaret and Stephen Gayle Andrea Gentis Emily Givan Stephanie and Daniel Gomez Betty Gruenberg Marcela Guerrero Desiree Guiney Lars Gwartney Andrew Habiger Aba Hammond Jeremy Hardacre Scott and Roberta Haus Gabe Hayes Heidi Hays The Hershey Company Hi Juice Domonique Hilaire Blake Hinson

Blanca and Jahaziel Hiriart Leca Holder Suzy and Michael Holt Mary Huckabee Gregory Hucker Emily Hughey Stephanie and Joshua Ihler Susan and David Inhofe Mindy and Riley Jackson Grant Jenkins Katrina Jones Lisa Jones Myrna Jones and Steve Cranford Kip Jordan Rabbi Frank Joseph and Laurie Joseph Marge and Dave Kauffman Kala Kinyon Sandra Klein Jennifer and Nathan Koppel Patti and Tom LaPlant Hank Latimer Mary Anne and Ceylon Lewis Alice Lieberman Mary Lieberman and Michael Heil Crystal Lienhart Mary Jane and Gary Lindaman Tess Mack Mary Grace and Dustin Marshall Bailey Martindale Jessica Martinez Hannah Massoth Melanie McCarroll Angelika McClister Joy McGuire Mercedes Millberry-Fowler

Aaron Miller Josh Miller Teresa Miller Marissa Mitchell - Gorman Colin Morgan Sofia Nagda Katie and Grant Najera Daiva and Dax Neal Hampton Newsome Andrea Nieves Oklahomans for Equality Maribel Orduna Jamey and Sam Ory Sheli and Mark Palmer Ashley Parrish Whitley Patterson Betsy Penturf Rosemary Philpott Jourdan Pittman Jordan Plummer Heather Snoke-Pohl and Bert Pohl Nicholas Pollock Janice and Jerry Potash Karen and Kyle Potts Steven Ptak Jenifer Queen Priya and Surendra Raju Kylie Ray Beth Raymond Stacy and George Reaves Brina Reinstein Nicole Rice Desiree Robinson Brandy Robles Dianne Rodehaver

Sara and Jake Roster Brian Ryherd Desiree Saczynski James Sage Andrew Saliga Jennifer and Dain Samuelson Judy and Tony Sanders Connie Schlecht Ginny Seeley Alison Sevy James Sherin Julie Sletto Aasen Gaither Smoot Deaton Danielle Solomon Daniel Sperle Kasey St. John Kendra Stacy Willa and Tony Steelman Becca Sterling Mark Sterling Jim Stone Kellie and Kenny Stone Virginia and Denny Strickland Robert Stroud Jessica Stubbs Swanson Law Firm Jean Tate Kimberly Taylor Melissa and Rob Taylor Mary Lee Thessen Amanda Thompson Sam Tisdale Lindsey and Cass Tucker Jeromie Tucker Teresa Valero and Ghayth Coussa

Lily and Justin Van Kirk Jamie Vang Rhonda Wagnon Dillon Waters Linda Weatherly Josh Westerman Sherri and Mark White Jacob Wilhoit Kelly Williams Alma and Len Williams Timothy Wilson Jessica Withington Andrew Witter Autumn Worten Kathleen Yoshida Sue and Larry Young

In Kind

EVENTS & HOLIDAY ASSISTANCE 36 Degrees North A Gathering Place Abersons Accent Construction Services Advanced Orthopedics of Oklahoma American Airlines Andolini’s Dolin Argo B-Sew Inn Laura Bailey Bank of Oklahoma Barstream Joey Baumgartner Abir Bhan

Lindsay Bivin BKD Angela Blacet Black Optical Bloomingdale’s Ron Bly Laura Bode Eric Bohne Jessica Bowman Boxworks Brendan Bradshaw Lucie Bradshaw Steve Bradshaw Lindsey Bristow Alexandra Bromley Bronco Manufacturing Angie Brooks Caryn Brown Kody Brown Kim Bryden Marjo and Robert Burk Kelly Butler Jodi Campbell Canterbury Lane Interiors & Gifts Carpet One Floor and Home CenterPoint Energy Erin and Don Chappel Cisco-Eagle Kathryn Clark Coach Colors of Etnika Conner & Winters, LLP Cordell & Cordell, PC Coulter & Company Creative Concepts

Family & Children’s Services • 2017 Annual Report to the Community 23

Annual Contributions & Gifts CSN Financial Ann Darnaby Vanessa Davied Deloitte Services Hannah Dow Diane Eaton Elizabeth Echols Mallory Edwards Rana Elmburg Elynx Technologies Elysium Belly Dance Enercon Services Explorer Pipeline F&CS Psychiatry Dept. Mary Fitzgerald Fogue & Bates Tara and Lance Frye GableGotwals Gap - Woodland Hills Mall Garden Deva Sculpture Cari Gibson Lou Ann Gibson Stacy Gill Kelly Greenough Stephania Grober Sarah Guardiola Connor Haag Haley Boutique Hank Harbaugh Hard Rock Hotel Kurt Harris Voice Over Productions Natalie Heinrich Helmerich & Payne, Inc. Jessica Hess-York Hicks Brunson Eyewear 24

Gerald Hilsher Jessalyn Hinson HoganTaylor LLP Meridith Howard Ida Red The Inviting Place Island Nation J. Spencer Jewelry & Gifts Eileen Jantz JKP Staffing & Search Chad Johnson Victor Jordan JTR Group Jules Boutique Nicole Karn Kendra Scott Aaron Kesler Knight Plumbing KPMG L & L Construction L-3 Communications League of Women (YWCA) Learning Express Toys Dana Lee Jessica Leriche Leslie Elliott Interiors Little Black Dress Liv a Little Gift Boutique Living Kitchen Farm & Dairy Luxa Enterprises Julee Mabrey Ann Macyda Magellan Midstream Partners Leslie Maltby Pat Manar

MarkWest Energy Partners Mary Murray’s Flowers Matrix Service Company McClure Law Office McDaniel Technical Services, Inc. Ashley McNamara Mecca Coffee Co. Steve Metzger MixCo Bar Monroe & Keele, P.C. Moody’s Jewelry Bob Muir Muse Intimates Nabholz Construction Nielsen’s Gifts Northeastern Oklahoma Wrestling Officials Association Oak Farms Dairy On A Whim OTC Equipment OU MSW Student Association Pardon My French Tina and Lance Parkhill Rusty Patton Robert Pezold Rob Phillips Ed Polk Polo Grill Provisions Pure Barre QuikTrip Corporation Sandra Quince Desaree’ Raburn RAM Energy, LLC Alan Ramseyer John Randolph

Lora Ray Republic National Distributing Company Montanna Redden Reed Community Center Martin Reidy Hamel Reinmiller Debi Renfro Revved Fitness Joan Robson Josh Roby Jim Rodgers Vanessa Rogers RunnersWorld Tulsa Alan Schmitz Stacy Schusterman Natalie Sears Kristin and Kurt Seifried Amy Sell SemGroup Corporation Shannon & Shannon Orthodontics Rob Sher William Shieh Melissa Siemens The Silver Needle Skin Renewal Emily Smith Julie Smith Theresa Smith Southwest Airlines Southwestern Payroll Service Specific Systems St. Bernard of Clairvaux Chris St. Clair Grady Stephens Stonehorse Café

Summer Snow Gifts & Decor Superior Overhead Door TCBA Children & Law Comittee Whit Todd Tulsa Ballet Tulsa County Judges & Staff - 3rd Floor Tulsa Glassblowing Studio Tulsa Opera TulsaPeople Magazine Tulsa Port of Catoosa Tulsa Symphony Tulsa Tech - Peoria Campus Marilyn Turmelle Nancy Van Doren Bhavisha Vashee-Patel Christina Vaughn Bill Vogle Alison Wade Torre Waldo Bruce G. Weber Precious Jewels Vicky Weidner Wild Birds Unlimited Nature Shop Jacob Wilhoit Williams Leslie Yardy Elida Yeaquo

Special thanks to all those who have donated goods to our agency and to the F&CS Thrift Store. They are too numerous to include here, but have our heartfelt gratitude.

Honor & Memory Gifts Donor

In Honor Of

B-Sew Inn - OKC

Mary and James Hess

Kristin and Jim Bender

Hayli & Adam Leavitt

Pam Bewley

Alexis Yazel

Sarah Bliss

Women in Recovery

Pam and Terry Carter

Lauren Sherry

Sally Catron

Dr Melissa Weiss

Vonnie Currie

Matthew Currie

Emily Duensing

Allison Bakamjian

Ros Elder

Judy Blackwell

Joanne Ferguson

Mark Lewellen

Terri and Bill Fikes

Cindy & Jeff Root

Beth and Keith Goddard

Trish & Dick Lieser

Debbie and Leo Jardot

Shirley Levin

Erich Keil

Keil, Kirby, Murphy & Kanics families

Danica Kincaid

Julia Butkin

Mary Lhevine and George Schnetzer

Donald Seidel | David Nierenberg & Jamal Siddiqui

Terry and Andy Marcum

Lee Woodward

Pat McGuire

Tom Taylor

Eileen and Buford Nash

Robert & Diana Capehart | Thetis Masterson | Buford’s birthday

Carole Pertofsky

Gail Lapidus

Saxum Strategic Communications

George Kaiser Family Foundations

Grady Stephens

F&CS PACT team

Rhonda Wagnon

Mary Lhevine & George Schnetzer

Linda and Mike Wallace

Marjorie Durbin

Di and Dave Wong

Matthew Wong

Frank Zaio

Anniee Zaio

Family & Children’s Services • 2017 Annual Report to the Community 25

Honor & Memory Gifts Donor

In Memory Of

Fran and Craig Barton

Chris Walker

Robin Davis

Ryan Roush

Nancy and Kenneth Greer

Marhorie Durbin

Hillcrest Healthcare System

Trey Hamsley

Michele Lasker

Jerry Lasker

Jay and Ed Lawson

Danny Zeligson

Terry and Andy Marcum

Danny Zeligson

Becky Osmond, Dakota Custer, Leslie Officer

Drake Wilmot

Don Pettus

Chris Boyle

Brandy Robles

Debbie Irwin and Fallon Painter

Mary and Bob Shell

Chris Walker

Helen Shell

Chris Walker

Flory Sparks

Matthew Sparks

Barbara Walker

Chris Walker

Tricia and Brooke Winter

Pastor Russell Bennett

Legacy Society We are grateful to our Legacy Society members — forward-thinking donors who have included F&CS in their estate planning through a simple bequest or other planned gift. They ensure the sustainability of our work and support future generations of Tulsa children and families. Mary Athens Dana Baldwin 26

Gary Betow Kathy Collins

Gail Lapidus Marcus Lemon

Susan McCalman Gil Morris

Adam Robinson Laura Stauffer

Board of Directors

Administration and Operations

Tina Parkhill, Board President

Gail Lapidus, Chief Executive Officer

Joshua Roby, Vice President, Resource Development

Marge Betley, Chief Development and Communications Officer

Trent A. Gudgel, Vice President, Program Evaluation, Quality Assurance and Risk (PEQAR)

Alan Bingham, Chief Human Resources Officer

Chris Murphy, Vice President, Finance

Brent Harris, Chief Information Officer

Dana Yeatman Baldwin Carl E. Bracy Steve Broussard Don Chappel Jennifer Cooper Anne Foster Sarah B. Graves Stephania Grober Rick Huck Carl Hudgins Ron Key Marcus W. Lemon Gilbert L. Morris Bob Muir Stephen Pattison Sandra Quince T. Pat Quinn III Hamel B. Reinmiller Justin Sheets Rob Sher Lauren Sherry Clint Swanson Jill Thomas Kayla Vaughn Steve Wyett

Jan Dietrich, Chief Financial Officer Mary Hydrick, Chief Revenue Cycle Manager Dee Harris, Director of Communications

Programs and Services Whitney Downie, Chief Program Officer, Children’s Mental Health and Family Support Ann Jenkins, Chief Clinical Services Officer Krista Lewis, Chief Program Officer, Adult Mental Health Medical and Crisis Services Jill Young, Chief Program Officer, Adult Mental Health Outpatient Services Mimi Tarrasch, Executive Senior Director, Women in Recovery Claudia Arthrell, Director of Professional Services Angela Adamy, Director of Quality Christine Marsh, Director of Child Abuse and Trauma Services

650 S. Peoria Ave. | Tulsa, OK 74120 | 918.587.9471 | Family & Children’s Services • 2017 Annual Report to the Community 27

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