Annual Report
to the community
Family & Children’s Services (F&CS) has led the way as a major safety net provider to ensure that low income, at-risk children, families and individuals with a variety of emotional, behavioral and family problems have a place to turn for professional help. Our expert staff provides individually tailored, evidencebased treatment services across the entire mental health continuum for children and adults. Tulsans receive help through a network of nine office locations and in more than 50 schools and community partner locations throughout the greater Tulsa metropolitan area. In 2019, F&CS helped 1 in 6 Tulsans, approximately 118,000 individuals, through over 60 programs.
Dear friends, As we do every year, we are presenting our Annual Community Impact Report for the previous year. Given the scale of disruption by the coronavirus (COVID-19). We thought it seemed appropriate to open the report with a revised letter that addresses the dramatically changed environment of Family & Children's Services (F&CS) in the spring of 2020. Reflecting on the work done in the past few months, I am deeply proud of our resilient staff for their ability to provide care in fundamentally changed ways in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Within the first two weeks of the crisis, our staff transitioned to a remote work environment using virtual technology and new telehealth platforms that could support our wide range of services. We also secured the personal protective equipment (PPE) and virus-screening materials necessary to keep our pharmacy and CrisisCare Center open without interruption. Thanks to the tireless work and unparalleled collaboration of our team, F&CS safeguarded access to all its programs and services while implementing procedures to protect the health of employees and clients from COVID-19. Our work is far from over, however. We continue to witness new barriers emerge for some of our community’s most vulnerable families. Many clients have suddenly lost their jobs and are being forced to choose between basic needs — housing, food, healthcare, et al. — while they await federal assistance. We are grateful for the dedicated philanthropic partners who have donated food, household items, and activity bags for kids, giving us more ways to stabilize families during this crisis.
June 2020
At the same time, hope and resources are needed now more than ever as concerns are raised regarding the long-term impact of the crisis on the mental health of both children and adults. Experts are urgently advising organizations like F&CS to prepare for increased needs for treatment of anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, substance abuse and PTSD resulting from the stressors this crisis presents. We are now working on several strategies to bring resources and treatment to a scale that can meet this not-so-distant demand. We have learned several important lessons during this unprecedented time. We have discovered that telehealth can greatly improve client access, remove transportation barriers, and increase family participation with tremendous results. We have also seen how employees can stay fully connected through a creative use of technology. Most of all, we have learned that the core values of F&CS are unwavering even in these most difficult times. We are profoundly grateful to our community for its enduring support. Our impact during this unparalleled crisis was possible because you — our community partners — have helped build and sustain our strength. It is our hope that this 2019 Annual Report will enlighten the community on the many ways we made a difference over the past year and inspire your support as we move forward in 2020. Sincerely,
Gail Lapidus Chief Executive Officer
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
abused & hurting children Our child abuse programs build resilience and restore a child’s wellbeing through providing therapeutic healing and developing safe, stable and nurturing relationships for parents and children.
Child abuse & Trauma services
Community need » Oklahoma ranks the 42nd worst state for overall child wellbeing. » Oklahoma ranked 50th in the nation (the worst state) for children with multiple ACEs. » Tulsa County’s child abuse and neglect rates jumped 152% in a six-year period (2011-2017) – nearly twice as high as the statewide increase.
Child Abuse and Trauma Services (CATS) provides a range of outpatient and home-based therapy services which help children who are dealing with symptoms of childhood trauma, including sexual abuse. CATS staff utilizes evidencebased practices to help children overcome serious problems such as sexualized behaviors, suicidal thoughts, self-blame, depression, aggression, anger, self-harming behaviors, fire setting, anxiety, withdrawal and strained family relationships.
Pa r e n t s u p p o r t Our comprehensive home-based parent support and training program (CHBS) is offered for parents who are at-risk of child abuse/neglect or have been reported to Department of Human Service child welfare for child maltreatment. This skill building program teaches home safety, children’s healthcare, effective parenting, increased parent-child relationships and effective budgeting and household management while building protective factors against future abuse.
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
S trengthening
children and fa m i l i e s Our children’s mental health programs heal children and our family strengthening programs equip families with the proper tools and resources to thrive.
Community needs » Oklahoma has the 2nd highest divorce rate in the nation » Oklahoma has the 10 highest ranking in the U.S. for youth with mental health disorders » Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for Oklahoma youth ages 10-24
school-based therapy Children's lives can be transformed. Those burdened by mental health challenges can recover from emotional distress, conflict with peers and teachers so they can succeed in life.
c h i l d r e n ' s m e n ta l h e a lt h c l i n i c A range of therapies improve children's behaviors and strengthen their social skills. Children learn to regulate their emotions which decreases conflict with family and peers.
c h i l d p s y c h i at r y Following a psychiatric assessment and evaluation of a child’s mental health, a child psychiatrist can reduce symptoms and improve a child’s functioning through medication management, mental health treatment and family consultation.
fa m i ly s t r e n g t h e n i n g Programs help families manage difficult life events, challenges transitions, resolve crises, enrich functioning and parenting.
Pa r e n t i n g c l a s s e s When parenting is at its best, children thrive. Effective parenting enhances a child's development, social competencies and wellbeing; while reducing behavior problems and minimizing risk of maltreatment.
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
f o r a d u lt s w i t h m e n ta l i l l n e s s We are dedicated to getting Tulsans the help they need when they need it, in a welcoming atmosphere of hope and acceptance, to overcome the symptoms of serious mental health disorders.
A d u lt m e n ta l h e a lt h s e r v i c e s
COMMUNITY NEEDS » Oklahoma is 2nd in the national for adults with mental illness. » Oklahoma ranks 46th for spending on mental health services. » Oklahoma ranks 48th in poor mental health days. » Oklahoma ranks consistently in the top five states in prevalence of psychological disorders.
Our mental health services are easy to access – often same day – with numerous walk-in clinics for first and ongoing appointments and medication available immediately from our in-house client pharmacy. Tele-psychiatry meets clients where they our through innovative technology. Care is individually tailored and can include different therapies, care coordination and case management, psychiatry and specialized treatment teams for more acute disorders. Crisis services are integrated throughout as needed.
M e n ta l h e a lt h a n d p h y s i c a l c a r e Our integrated behavioral health and primary care services, in partnership with Morton Comprehensive Health Services, improves the overall mental wellness and physical health status of people with serious mental illness.
S u b s ta n c e a b u s e a n d a d d i c t i o n We know that recovery is possible when individuals with addiction challenges receive evidence-based services.
HOMELESS OUTREACH Our homeless outreach teams assists homeless individuals with mental health care, substance abuse treatment and linkages to housing and other community resources.
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
from the criminal justice system For individuals with mental health and addiction disorders entangled in the criminal justice system, F&CS's specialized treatment programs provide diversion alternatives for recovery. These programs work in conjunction with the courts to provide participants adequate accountability and treatment resources to recover.
Women in recovery Now in its 10th year, this comprehensive day treatment alternative to incarceration for women facing prison due to substance abuse charges, continues with high success. Women in Recovery works closely with the criminal justice system and various partners to ensure participants receive supervision, substance abuse and mental health treatment, education, workforce readiness training, family reunification services and continuing care.
Community needs » Oklahoma ranks #1 for meth, #2 for alcohol and #3 for opioid in the number of people seeking help for their addiction in the U.S. » Tulsa County unintentional drug overdose death rate is higher than elsewhere. » Oklahoma has the highest incarceration rate in the nation for male and female combined. » Eighty-five percent of Oklahoma’s incarcerated women are mothers.
Women's justice team This program offers early intervention, treatment and court advocacy for women new to the criminal justice system.
Re-entry programs Prison diversion and jail-to-community re-entry programs reduce incarceration by meeting clients’ individualized needs though mental health and therapeutic approaches.
D r u g a n d m e n ta l h e a lt h c o u r t With ongoing court supervision and accountability, in lieu of incarceration eligible participants receive treatment in a highly structured program to overcome addiction.
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
l i v e s , e v e r y d ay A mental health crisis can be devastating for individuals, families, and communities. The F&CS comprehensive crisis care continuum is the first line of defense in preventing crises from spiraling out of control through assessment, intervention, treatment and referral for ongoing care.
COMMUNITY NEEDS » Oklahoma is 2nd in the nation for adults with mental illness. » Oklahoma ranks 46th for spending on mental health services. » Tulsa has the 15th highest suicide rate among U.S. cities.
COPES crisis hotline COPES (Community Outreach Psychiatric Emergency Services) is a call away for anyone feeling suicidal or in the midst of a psychiatric crisis. COPES partners with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline as Tulsa's confidential 24/7 telephone and mobile crisis line.
crisiscare center Our CrisisCare Center is open 24/7 for adults in a psychiatric emergency. The facility uniquely provides a range of specialized care for those in behavioral health crisis, including those with suicidal ideation. Staff provide clinical support and evaluation to guide the next treatment steps for the person in distress. »
Crisis is rapidly stabilized and the individual is given a warm-hand-off or referred for ongoing outpatient mental health care.
Up to 24-hours of crisis intervention, stabilization and respite may be necessary to resolve higher acuity crisis situations and may include placement of individual in a protected environment.
More intensive services can be provided to a higher risk population in our 16-bed unit for up to five days to manage their particular psychiatric condition.
Our staff will also facilitate patients needing longer term inpatient psychiatric hospitalization in the community to manage their particular psychiatric condition. Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
2+3+463352G 2+6+7151852G
2019 operating revenue Special Events & Fundraising
Tulsa Area United Way
Program Fees/Other
Private Grants & Contracts
Medicaid & Medicare
Government Grants & Contracts
total: $65,251,258
2019 expenses by program Counseling & Education Services
Early Childhood Family Support
Children’s Mental Health
Child Abuse Services
Mental Health Services
This overview reflects an unaudited financial summary for the 2019 fiscal year.
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
total: $65,251,258
community supported funding source » Tulsa Area United Way
major PUBLIC funding sources » Oklahoma Department of Human Services » Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse » Oklahoma Healthcare Authority » Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
ACCREDITATION Family & Children’s Services was re-accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA). Accreditation is an objective, independent validation of agency performance. COA accreditation involved a review and analysis of administration, management and service delivery functions against international standards of best practices. Family & Children’s Services was praised for its high-quality delivery of innovative, evidence-based programs and integrity of services and administrative practices.
CERTIFICATION We were also re-certified with distinction by the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services as a community mental health center, outpatient alcohol and drug treatment program and gambling treatment program.
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
Thank You for your support On behalf of the 118,000 lives changed by our services, thank you to our generous Family & Children’s Services donors. Your trust and belief in us has helped to heal hurting and abused children, strengthen families, and provide hope and a path to recovery for those battling mental illness and addiction. We continue our commitment to being excellent stewards of your generosity and helping the most vulnerable children and families in our community. Rest assured that you have made our corner of the world a better place.
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
Christian and Robert Leikam
$1 M il l ion+
$ 25 , 0 0 0 +
$ 5 ,000+
Luxa Enterprises
George Kaiser Family Foundation
Kathy Craft
Admiral Express Office Supply
Luxe Furniture & Design
Bette and Mike Graves
Kara and Andrew Field
Mabrey Bank
The J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation
Osage Nation
Cheryl and Matt Martin
Philip and Miranda Kaiser Family Fund
Bayless Charitable Fund
Heather Matheson
BKD Foundation
Sanford and Irene Burnstein Foundation
Elisabeth McCord
Nicole and Dustin McDaniel
Sherri and Tom Boyce
Jill and Bob Thomas
MidFirst Bank
Carey Cadieux
Kelly and Mitch Frankfurt
CareATC, Inc.
Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial
heroes $10 0,00 0 + The Anne & Henry Zarrow Foundation Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation Charles and Peggy Stephenson Family Foundation Sarah and John Graves Hardesty Family Foundation, Inc. Herman Kaiser Foundation Ida McFarlin Memorial Trust Cookie and George Kaiser Maxine & Jack Zarrow Family Foundation Ruth Nelson and Thomas Murphy Ruth Nelson Family Foundation
protectors $50 ,0 0 0 + Coretz Family Foundation Cyclonic Valve Company, Inc. Flint Family Foundation Inasmuch Foundation The Robinson Foundation Tulsa Community Foundation William S. Smith Charitable Trust
guardians $10,000+ Madison and Garrett Graves Graves McLain Mary and James Hess The Helmerich Trust Jill and Robert Thomas Charitable Fund Kathleen Koljack Magellan Midstream Partners, LP The Mary K. Chapman Foundation The Mervin Bovaird Foundation Mostyn Foundation Inc. Chris Murphy Frances Pace Jennifer and Tracy Poole QuikTrip Corporation Renee F. Neuwald Foundation Fund Stephanie and John Rupe Sarkeys Foundation Sharna and Irvin Frank Foundation Kathryn Thomas The William K. Warren Foundation
Case & Elfreda Zandbergen Charitable Foundation
Mongoose Energy
Terren and Wes Caswell Chickasaw Nation Cox Communications Lee Lobeck-Marks and David Marks David E. and Cassie L. Temple Foundation Whitney and Dan Eslicker Firstar Bank Frank Family Foundation Fund Gallagher Benefit Services Gelvin Foundation Grand Bank Hall Estill Jason Hudson Kelley and Jeremy Bryan Jo Lynn and David Jeter Joseph and Virginia Dibert Foundation Ladner Family Foundation, Frank S. and Julie M. Jennifer and John Laeger Leigh and Chuck Lamson Gail and Les Lapidus
Laureate Institute for Brain Research
Stacey and Steve Wyett
Learning Bridge Foundation Hayli and Adam Leavitt
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
Darcey and Joe Moran
Michael and Michelle Antzas
Billie and Howard Barnett
Murray Land Services
Michelle and Michael Antzas
The Barnett Family Foundation
Nicole and Jimmie Cameron
Nadel and Gussman Energy Fund
Carol and Iftikhar Anwar
Jenny and Jeremy Belford
Lisa and Dennis Cameron
Claudia Arthrell
Kelley and Jack Bentley
Jenny and Bob Norton
Arvest Bank
Cathy and John Benzinger
B-Sew Inn
Blue Sky Bank
Career Women’s Golf Association of Tulsa
Lance Parkhill
Amie and Matt Bacon
BlueStone Natural Resources
Carolyn and Patrick Carr
Tina Parkhill
Marianne and Jon Ballard
Sheryl and John Boone
Peace, Love and Cookies
The Bama Companies
Katherine and Carl Bracy
Bryan Close
Laura and Grayson Barnes
Brainerd Chemical
Frauke and Oscar Quiroga
Keevin Barnes
Bruce G. Weber Precious Jewels
Concrete Services Corporation
R.L. Hudson & Company
Barnes Law
Tricia Cadenhead and Steve
Jennifer and Craig Cooper
Ralph and Frances McGill Foundation
Mollie and J.W. Craft
Republic National Distributing Company
Dana and Rex Crumpton
Holly and Andrew Ryan
Jill and Shawn Crisp Sheri and Robert Curry
David Seres
Don Thornton Automotive Group
Lauren and Dave Sherry
Kim Doner
RWJF Special Contributions Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation
Eastern Oklahoma Ear, Nose & Throat, Inc.
Sandy and John Stava
Patty and Len Eaton
Kris Stone
Endodontic Specialists of Northeast Oklahoma
Tecolote Energy
Exceptional Leaders Lab
TODD Architecture Group
Meredith and Payvand Fazel
Tito’s Handmade Vodka
Fleet Feet Sports
Tulsa Wealth Advisors
Marian Foldberg
Angie and Doug Tye U.S. Pioneer
The Fulton and Susie Collins Foundation
United Healthcare
GAP Foundation
Zarrow Families Foundation
GasTech Engineering, LLC GE Foundation
supporters $1,0 0 0 + AAON, Inc. All Souls Unitarian Church Amy and Stephen Santee Charitable Fund Anderson Brookshire Anonymous 18
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
Cindy Giddings and Joey Arnold Great Southern Bank Stephania and Brian Grober Kristie and Roy Grossman Dana and Trent Gudgel The Guterman Family Foundation
Mary and Dean Hatch
Julie and Sanjay Meshri
Swanson Law Firm, PLLC
Susan and G.T. Bynum
Lindsey and Isaac Helmerich
Kristen and Chris Meyers
Janis Taylor
Pam and Bob Cass
Peggy Helmerich
Cindie and Aaron Milford
Melissa and Rob Taylor
Melissa and Brian Cejda
Helmerich & Payne, Inc.
Amy and Dale Mills
Susan and Bill Thomas
Shannon Chambers
Susie Hentschel
Eileen and Buford Nash
Laura and Robert Thomas
Sunny and Romel Chatterjee
HoganTaylor LLP
Top Drawer
Cherokee Nation
Amanda Howard
Aldean Newcomb and George Krumme
Total Medical Personnel Staffing
Leah and John Clayman
HUB International Mid-America
Barbara and Ed Townsend
Clayman Family Fund
Paula and Rick Huck
Oklahoma Central Credit Union
Annie Tran
Jackie Cleary and Ken Goodlow
Terry and Carl Hudgins
Natalie and Chad Osgood
Trust Company of Oklahoma
Cheryl and Mathew Hughes
The Oxley Foundation
Tulsa Area Music Teachers Assn.
Commercial Title & Escrow Services, Inc.
Hull Foundation
Papa John’s
Community Baptist Church
Indian Health Care Resource Center
Susan and Steve Pattison
Tulsa County Bar Foundation, Inc.
Pat and Lorri Quinn
Tulsa Drillers Foundation Fund
J.D. Young
Ellen Ralph
W.M. Heitgras Co.
The Dan and Judy Keenan Benefactor Fund
Jackson Technical
RAM Energy, LLC
Gayle and Bob Wagner
Cyndia and Kenneth Dasher
John and Elizabeth Stambaugh Foundation
Michelle and Russell Ramzel
Sherri and Mark White
Diane and John Randolph
Joe and Susie Willard
Kappa Delta Foundation
Rebellion Energy
Kathleen Patton Westby Foundation
Hamel Reinmiller Renaissance Hardwood Floors
William F. and Susan W. Thomas Charitable Fund
Sara and Josh Rich
Teri Williams
Faye and Marvin Robinowitz
Monica Williford and Steve Bayles
Jennifer and Aaron Kesler Kathy and Ron Key Kathryn Kindell Hayden Kiser Jenny and Lance Laubach Caron and Shawn Lawhorn Jay and Ed Lawson Mary Lhevine and George Schnetzer Trish and Richard Lieser
Christine and Dwayne Rury Saint Francis Health System Janie and Jay Sallinger Sallinger Family Fund Amy and Stephen Santee Daniel Schluter
WPX Energy Erika and Kent Wyatt Xcaliber International YourCause Z Studio
Scripps Howard Foundation Security Bank
Dawn and Justin Sheets
$ 5 00+
Heather and Rob Sher
Accent Realtors
Jaimie and David Shirley
Adam & Hayli Leavitt Fund
Matrix Service Company
Cheri and Jim Sieck
Hocine AitAkli
Maurine P. Martin Charitable Trust
The Silver Needle
Julia and Joseph Back
Melanie and Brian Smith
Dana Baldwin
Philip McGowan
Flory Sparks
Pam Bewley
Meagher Energy Advisors
Ronda and John Spears
Ortolani Brent
Mental Health Association of NYC
Stava Building Corporation
Jenna and Robert Bromley
Lisa and Vernon Stefanic
Carly and Jonathan Bush
Christine Marsh Paula Marshall The Marvin & Faye Robinowitz Donor Advised Fund
Cynthia Cooper
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
Jennifer DeSpain
Hicks Brunson Eyewear
Susan Sadler Co.
Robyn Devore
Julie Hunter
The Sneed Foundation
Cherokee Measurement & Control
Sheri and Lynn Tomlinson
Scott Choinski
Fellowship Lutheran Church
Katrine and Ramez Hakim Family Charitable Fund IV
Lindsey and Andre’ Cotton
Mary and Roy Ferguson
Koda Friends Foundation
First Baptist Church North Tulsa
Tulsa Area Human Resources Association
Kathie and John Coyle
Jacob Krehbiel
Lauralee Fortin
Dana and Larry Lebold
Utica Square
CSN Financial
Freedman Consulting
Mary and Scott Lewis
Donna Walden
Brittany and Devin Currier
Sandra and Warren Gandall
Misty Lord
Tom Williams
Stacey and James Curtis
Bonnie and David Gilbert
Rene and Phillip Maloney
Josephine Winter
Paige and Dr. Angelo Cuzalina
Sarah and Jesse Guardiola
Matrix PDM Engineering, Inc.
Linda Woodard
Diamond Dampf
Kerrie and Bryan Guderian
Ryan McDaniel
World Travel Service
Kalei Dirani
Katrine and Ramez Hakim
Midtown Wellness
Libby and Brian Worley
Susan Dittrich
Kathleen Harris
Joe Mills
Linda and Richard Young
Dog Dish
Jackie and James Headrick
Bradley Minton
The Zero Card
Courtney and Matt Dresher
Lisa and Robert Mitchell Barbara and Joe Montalbano Donna and Gil Morris Angie and Bob Muir Stevie and Brett Myers Gail and Russ Newman
Barb Drotar
advocates $ 25 0+ Lauren and Jamie Allen Judy Allen Lynne Anthony
Austin Drumm Annette and Norman Dunitz Harriet and Scott Dunitz The Dunitz Family Charitable Foundation
Thomas Arnold
EagleEye Royalty Management Co.
Lorinda Elizando
Clint Baird
Anne and David Fell
Beau Barbee
Lauren and Kent Fisher
Kristen and Brett Barnett
Anne and Chris Foster
Lori and DJ Riner
Bernard and Marcy Robinowitz Family Fund
Tammy Foust
Jenny and Josh Roby
Ashley Bode
Dr. Jim Rodgers
Katie Bollinger
Jolene Sanditen
Nancy and Larry Born
Susan Sanford
Marlene and Mike Boyd
Jenelle Schatz
Kathy Brainerd
Brenda and Michael Schiesel
Edana and Kent Brook
Heidi and Sean Shadid
Amy Brown
Jane Sneed
Nichole Bryant
Kim and Dave Stewart
Jeff Burdge
Sarah and Grant Stewart Justin Stolworthy
Caroline Crabtree and Gary Quiggle
Faith Storck
Nicole Castellese
Debra and Chris Odom Jamie and Greg Oliphant Schultze Pete Sandra and Alexander Quince Julie and Andrew Rethmeyer Amy Reynolds
Susan Crenshaw
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
Bailey Fryer Becca and Chris Fuller Stacy and Kurt Gariss Julie and Russell Gibbs Jessica Gledhill Tyler Gooch Marissa and Ryan Gorman Angie and Joe Gottron Laurie and Tom Graves Carrie and Dennis Grote Noel and John Groves J.D. Haack
William Hadley
Jantha and Steve McFarlin
Caleb Townsend
Suzanne and Roger Ames
Sherry and Frank Hansen
Mary McGraw
Ami and Byron Tucker
Ellen and William Anderson
Megan and Justin Harlan
Melanie McLaird
Michelle and Geordy Walker
Katy and Chris Anderson
Ann and Larry Harral
Landon Miller
Sydney and Zach Walker
Lindsey and Doug Anderson
Brooke and Stuart Hawley
Marissa Mitchell-Gorman
Karen Ward
Melanie and Lex Anderson
Amy and Curt Hellen
Melissa and Greg Moore
Lorraine Watson
Linda and Greg Arend
Shane Henry
Kendall and Steve Mullen
Chrystal and Brandon Webb
Jennifer and Matt Arkison
Nancy and James Hicks
Nancy Nelson
Scott Webb
Kim Ashlock
Eric Hilaire
Trudi and Ed Owen
Diane and David White
H.I. Aston
Debbie Hinch
Kay Paine
Rhonda and Bryan Whitlock
David Avelar
Kim and James Hix
Andrew Paul
Stephen Wilson
Christina and Tyrrell Axtmann
Mark Hogan
Bailey and Stephen Wolff
Kathleen Baab
Marjory Hooker
Susan Peterson
Jennifer and David Wong
Marcia and Steve Baker
Carrie and Jay House
Kathleen and Charlie Plumb
Jessica Woollard
Be Love Yoga Studio
Michele and Dave Hughes
Kelly and Jeff Polson
Jessica and Tommy York
Elizabeth Beaubien
Susan and Wade Huntsman
Mary and Ron Ray
Natalie and Austin Zellner
Sheryl and Bruce Benbrook
Judy and John Ingraham
Sharon and David Ray
Chera and Chuck Zoellner
Amy and Bruce Berkinshaw
Ashley and Tim Jackson
Denise and John Redmond
Brittany and Nick Jackson
Tammy and Joe Reeble
Myra and Ron Jeffris Jenzabar
Marcy and Dr. Bernard Robinowitz
Kimberly and Kerry Joyce
Lindsay Rogers
Sarah and David Karimian
Ron and Myra Jeffris Fund
Jacob Kilian
Jack Schaid
Julie Knauer and Elise Bernard
Amy and Jon Scoggins
Ravi Kode
Melissa and Dr. Chris Siemens
Lynette Lambert
Laura Singleton
Dedra and Seth Lapidus
Myrna and Michael Smith
Danielle Lee
Cristen Smith
Susan and Marcus Lemon
Southminster Presbyterian Church
Dava Logsdon Kara Lovell Angela and Andrew Lucas Carol and Carlisle Mabrey Dr. Raye Mahlberg Bill Major and Robert Babcock Daniel Marticello Alexandra and Michael Masters Kim and Jim McCoy Debbie and Crystal McDaniel
Germain Betances
HELPERS $ 100+ Erin Abbott Natalie and Mike Adams Diane Allen Amber Marie & Company
Marge Betley and Greg Weber Gary Betow Stacey and Bud Biram Lindsay and Ryan Bivin Carolyn and Jack Blair Meloyde Blancett Malachi Blankenship
Charles Stanford Jennifer Stanley James Starr Lori and Rob Stevens Susie and Pete Stonis Lynne Taylor and Keith Clingman Michael Thambuswamy Lisa Thompson and Paul Baures
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
Pam and Jim Bloomfield
Nancy and Dean Day
Jane and Lowell Faulkenberry
Lauren and Jack Graddy
Pat and Mel Bloomfield
Stacy and Michael Dickinson
Carolyn Finch
Abby and Adam Graves
Cindy Bottomley
Caitlin Diffee
Fleishman-Hillard, Inc.
Joan Green
Carrie Bowen
Whitney Downie and Ken Moorre
Ashley and Kyle Flores
Natalie Greer
Sandy and Dean Boyaci
Kevin Fortna
Kyra and Wayne Hamilton
Loray and Joseph Brady
Ashley and Michael Doyle
Katherine and Lynn Frame
Laura and Trent Hamilton
Abigail Brame
Nancy and Mike Dubriwny
Charm and Tom Frazier
Stacy and Ron Hardzog
Elise and Terry Brennan
Joyce Duncan
Corey Gandy
Shyla and Walter Harris
Katherine Brock
Gil and Shawna Eacret
Beryl George
Scott Haus
Megan Brown
Shawna and Gil Eacret
Mea and Blake Geubelle
Crystal Hernandez
Mary and Steve Burchett
Laura Edwards
Deborah and Richard Gibbens
Christina and Aaron Hickey
Karen and Tom Burke
Monece and Phil Eller
Jennifer Gibbens
Patty Hipsher and David Blatt
Therese and David Howard Buthod and Randy Stell
DeWayne Fabor
Sabrina Gicaletto
Sarah Hodgens
Amber Fahler
Belinda and Neil Gilpin
Robin and Tom Hoefling
Cabin Boys Brewery
Jessica and Phil Faubert
Carol Gizzi
Tina Holden
Mary and Brad Cain Alix Liiv Caplan James Caputo Vickie and Jeff Carr Bryan Carter Emily Carter Shea and Heath Casey Bill Chapman Chelsea Gallery Judith Cline Courtney and Andrew Coffey Twannia Coleman Kathy and Ron Collins Pat and Alan Conger Ellen Cook Mary and Frank Cooper Shelley and Thomas Cooper Felicia and Peter Correia Camille and Matthew Corrnett Megan and John Courtney Leslie Croteau JW Custer Jennifer Davis Meredith Davison and Richard Wansley
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
Rebecca and Nick Hollingsworth
James Patrick McCann
Carol Piggush
Terrie and Blake Shipley
David Holloway
Rachel McCarthy
Denise and Robert Piland
John Sieler
Vannessa and Lance Hoose
Beverly McCutchan
Averi and Derek Pressler
Brooke and Mitchell Sims
Steve Hoppes
Sharon and Chip McElroy
Leslie and Bob Pritchard
Morgan Smith
Alana Hughes
Kathleen McKeown
Drs. Jane Gordon Purser
Nancy and Henry Sossin
Therese and David Howard Hull
Heather McLain
Jane and Gordon Purser
Southern Agriculture
Barbara Humes
Robyn McNeill
Porscha Radcliffe
Katie Spadoro
Shannan Hurst
Laura McPartland
Stephanie and Scott Rainwater
Tamra Spence
Jennifer and Nick Jackson
Frank Medina
Rachel and Tim Ray
Justin Stolworthy
Jennifer Jackson
Liz Medrano
Stacy and George Reaves
John Stowe
Joan Ruth Green Revocable Trust
Elisabeth Menge
Melissa Revell
Robert Stracke
Michelle and Chris Meyer
Donna and Mitchell Rhyne
Patty and Bob Stuart
Valerie Johnson
Audra and Geoff Miller
Brenda and Robby Rice
Nancy Stutsman
Johnson Floor & Home
Karen and Bill Miller
Karen and Thomas Rich
Marilyn Sulivant
Kelli Jones
Nicole and Garrett Mills
Gail and Kip Richards
Joseph L. and Nancy N. McDonald Fund
Hans Morefield
Philip Roberts
Suzanne Mordhorst Revocable Trust
Janice and Bob Morgan
John Robertson
T&M Lawncare Inc.
Sarah and Colin Morgan
Margaret and Casey Robinson
Allison Tarrasch
Kevin Moyes
Margaret Rosene Robinson
Leslie and Cory Taylor
Matt Muratore
Cami Rogers
Angie Teel
Diana and Mark Nagle
Mike and Merilyn Rohling
Shelley and Casey Tevebaugh
Connie and Aaron Nance
Lindsay and Travis Rombach
Karla and Monte Thacker
Kathy and Michael Naumann
Emalie Rott
Courtnie and John Tidwell
Nancy and Don Nelson
Ashley Ryan
Trinity Employment Specialists
Janice Nelson
Wilfred Sanditen
Jodi and John Trook
Dannelle Newnam
Martha Scales
Kristy and Jake Tudor
Rachel Nicholas-Heskamp and Stephen Heskamp
Amanda Schley
Tulsa Zoo
Ashley and Chance Lastinger
Haley and Paul Schroedter
TulsaKids Magazine
Lauren and Alex Leikam
Jeana Nickles-Lorenz
Richard Schultz
Kristen Turley
Fred Lewis
Barbara and Edward Nonweiler
Jeromee Scot
Ed Van Eman
Krista Lewis
Curtis Northrup
Shirley and Robert Scott
Jose Vega
Regina Linder and Keith Lapidus
Tawna and Bobby Scott
Debbie and Randy Vinyard
Lucas Controls Company, Inc.
Meredith and Christopher O’Hare Maribel Orduna
Bobby Scott
Visions Unique Eye & Sunwear
Vickye Madewell
James Owens
Cyd Scott
Nicole and Tres Vogt
Katie and Brendon Maguffee
Candy Padley
Andrea and Eric Selby
Voy Construction, LLC
Beverly Marquardt
June Patton
Keith Selby
Dawn and Ron Walker
Jason Martin
Tammy and Phill Paul
Krista and Justin Sessions
Ron Walker
Tracy Matlock
Jennifer and Greg Peterson
Nancy and Richard Sevenoaks
Sharron and Leroy Welborn
Jennifer and Stan May
Amanda and Dan Phelps
Shades of Brown coffee & art, Inc.
Megan and Bryan Wertz
Suzanne and Jim McAuley Pat and Sam McCall
Gail Phillipo
Kathy Shaffer
Amanda and Jason Whorton
Kelly and Jeff Kendall Kendra Scott Elizabeth Kester Angel and Kendall Key Jam Khojasteh Barbara Lacey Greg LaFevers Kathy and Bill LaFortune Dr. Kathy and Bill LaFortune Janie and Kurt Lampi
Laura and Chris Whiteman
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
Steve Wilkerson
Andy Cagle
Caroline Crain
Kimberly Hill
Alma and Len Williams
Brigitte Cagle
John Crook
Jahaziel Hiriart
Linda Williams
Danielle Cameron
Alyssa Hobbs
Suzanne Wills
Stephanie Cameron
Catherine Cullem and Bruce McKenna
Kelly and Eric Wilson
Katie Carpenter
Aletha and Bruce Currie
Dawnan Hopkins
Jane Wiseman
Jessica and Chris Carter
Nancy Curry
Heather and Mark Horton
The Wolek Group
Kaci Caruthers
Cynthia Davis
Amelia Ivory
Cathy and Barry Woods
Chriss Chavez
Caron and Larry Davis
Julie James
Ashley and Mike Wozniak
Frances Chudy
Beth Dee
Lindee and Dustin Johnson
Kristan and Jackey Yocham
Amy and Bill Clark
Shawn Dellegar
Aleesha Jolly
Susan Young
Stephen Dory
Mary Ellen Jones
Brent Coussens
Brittanie Dougherty
Kent Jopling
Kathy and Steve Crabtree
Cindy and Albert Drake
Megan Kahl
Lauran Drummond
Michael Kahl
Heather Duesenberry
Stacy Kaiser
Dezeray Edwards
Robyn and Ron Kannas
Seth Erkenbeck
Robyn and Ron Kannas
Evan Fadem
Deborah Kasper
Meagan Ferguson
Marge and Dave Kauffman
Susan Fielder
Laura and Evan Key
Jacqueline Flynn
Amber and Dustin Kinard
Skip Foote
The Kirk
Stephanie Forrest
Kim Knighton
Kendall Frazier
Beverly Koger
Alex Gandall
Tammie and James Lackey
Paige Garcia
Brooke and Joshua Lade
Zachary Garrett
Peggie Langston
Margaret and Stephen Gayle
Lydia Lapidus
Andrea Gentis
Kathleen and Darren Laptad
Jessica Geras
Lora Larson
Suanne and Charles Gersdorf
Michele Lasker
James Gibbard
Lisa Lazarus
Jeannine Gibbens
Tracy Leak
Tammy Gill
Virginia Leake
Kelly and Jared Goldfarb
Sandra Lee
DiGi Graham
Stefanie and John Lee
Ann Halloran
Mandy Leemhuis
Toquyen Harrell
Kathy and Chris Lewallen
Briana Haynie
JDana and Tom Lindley
Sara Higgins
FRIENDS U NDER $10 0 Alexandra Aguilar Joshua Akins Debbie Allen Amazon Smile Clara Ard Ascent Molly and Brian Aspan Stephanie Bailey Jonna Baker Barbara Barton Cindy and Sean Barton Alan Bates Elizabeth and Chris Bernard John Bizjack Vasil Blendowski Daniella Blocker Barbara Bond Terri Branham Art Brightwell Marla and Josh Bryan Jo Buckley Whitney Burr Nancy and Gerry Burton Christine Buzzard Larry Byers
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
Hannah and Lyle Hoop
LOKL Nutrition
Dustin Rambur
Janet Thomas
Jen and Thom Bowen
Carissa Lopez
Sarah Randolph
Amy and Whit Todd
Nico Mabry
Margaret Redwine
Tony Truong
Carla Bray
Abbey Marino
Charis and William Retherford
Lily and Justin Van Kirk
Cynthia and Terry Brennan
Alejandro Martinez
Nelda Rives
Kayla and Scott Vaughn
Jessica Bridges
Jessica Martinez
Bryan Roberts and Jack Graham
Brady Walker
Celia Brown
Mary Murray’s Flowers
Carrie Rollmann
Haley Walston
Michael Brown
Laurie and Geordie Matson
Sandra Russell Smith
Tom Walter
Bruce G Weber
Elizabeth McCrary Spencer
Brian Ryherd
Dillon Waters
Sheryl Bryant
Patti and Mike Miller
Andrew Saliga
Brad White
Darrin Buchert
Sharon Moody
Cheryl Sanders
Quincy and Doug Wichman
Andrea Bunch
Elena Morales
Adria and Brad Sanditen
Lauren and David Williams
Rhiannon Cantrell
Susie Morford
Tori Santos
Chris Winspear
Tonja Carrigg
Alisa Morris
Andrea Schlanger
Emily Wood
Deb Chambers
Carol Mountford
Eric Schlezinger
Kimberly Woodard
Courtney Chandler
Amanda and Patrick Murrell
Kortlin Schmidt
Luellyn Wright
William Chapman
Mary Jo and Jack Neal
Tamara Schneider
Sue and Larry Young
Charlie’s Chicken
Shelley and Randy Nelson
Jason Shimkos
Jane Zemel
Andrea Nieves
Kelly Simmons
Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Nick Simonini
Katie Oliver
Ashli Sims
Gina Ousley
Sarah Sinkinson
Annette Overlease
Molly and Dan Sinnett
Jennifer Overmeyer
Erika and Jeff Slade
Halla Parke
Mary Ellen Slape
Judy Patrick
Jerry Smith
Andrea Pemberton
Barry Smitherman
Betsy Penturf
Danielle Solomon
Louis Perrier
Bruce Sorrell
Rory Pettit
Daniel Sperle
Marnie and Dave Phelps
Willa and Tony Steelman
Phillips 66 Corporate Citizenship
Lauren Steiner
Elise Urueta Pollock and Nick Pollock
Kay and Mike Strain
Robyn Potter Ray Poudrier Judy Pound Sean Prince Sonya Pyles
Judith and Dr. Donald Stout Kari Suttee Kendall Swenson Betty Taylor Lacey Taylor Kemper Tell Debra and Harley Thomas
IN KIND donor s Katie Abboud Abersons Lisa Acosta
Debbie Christensen Cisco-Eagle Vivian Clark-Adams Jordan Climpson Coach
All About Cha A-Max Sign Company, Inc. Andolini’s David Archibald Latreicia Armstrong Jonathan Arnold Eide Bailly Preston Beard Katie Bednar Jenny Belford Bella House Benham Design Black Optical Steve Blesch Ron Bly
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
Barry Cocurane
Elizabeth Demaree
Mark Hardesty
Barbara Kingsley
Jean Coker
Dewberry Architects
Erika Hardin
Kate Kingsley
Mary Coleman
Tim Downie
Ann Harral
Jennifer Kisawore
Kim Cox
Kristen Durbin
Peggy Haynes
Amy and Rick Koontz
Cox Business Center
East Village Bohemian Pizza
Head of Honey
George Kravis
Angela Easter
Helmerich and Payne
Kupcakz Bakery
Hank Crotchfield
Yeoette Edmonds
Sandra Hill
Amy Cruz
Einstein Bros. Bagels
la Madeleine French Bakery & Cafe
Carla Cunningham
Jean Eng
Hindls Libraries
Deborah Lagrone
Ashley and Brad Cunningham
Mandy Eubanks
Jeff and Laura Hockett
Greg Laird
Jacob Curtis
Julie Ewing
Shelly Holden
Rachel Lambert
Heather Day
Urma Falkner-Goodrich
Holland Hall Upper School
Kirsten and Ian Lang
Daylight Donuts
Capehart Family
Hot Wok
Brad Langley
Christy Deaaon
Jennifer Ferrell
Katy and Phillip Houchin
Glenn Lauchlan
Cobber Deans
Karen Finley
Meredith Howard
Linda Laughlin
Marjorie DeArmon
Firstar Bank
Tina Hull
Crystal Leatherman
Doris DeArmon
Fogue and Bates
Kirk Hurst
Kristin Liles
Kim Foster
Jeff Husen
Linda Marie Skin Care
Fresa Fusion Kitchen
IBC Bank
Donna and Herman Lipe
Frontier Field Services
Sarah Isbele
LeeAnn Liske
Lisa Gaffin
Islamic Center Of Tulsa
LeAnn Lisko
Ruth Garcia
Devre Jackson
Maritza Garcia
Allison Jacobs
Lobeck Taylor Family Foundation
Garden Deva Sculpture
Eileen Jantz
Heidi Gault
Jeffrey Evans Custom Interiors
Lindsey Geist
Erin Jennings
Coretta Gibbs
Renaldo Johnson
Laura Gorman
Cheryl Jones
Heather Gower
Beverly Jordan
Madison Graves
Mary Jordison
Aime Grierson
Raynell Joseph
Griffin Communications/Griffin Radio Tulsa, LLC/ KVOO
Bonnie Jubelirer
Mary Grissom
Kathleen’s Kids
Dennis Grote
Martha Kelley
Andy Grove
Joyce Kellione
Stephanie Guglielmo
Michael Kelly
Blaine and Tracie Haag
Kendra Scott
Sheilah Hacker
Jill Hansard
Judy King
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
Morgan Jurney
T.A. Lorton Luis Flores Law Office and Mediation Zarck Lundy Daneshu Lusk Patricia Lussier Luxe Furniture and Design Connie and John Maberry Margaret’s German Restaurant Elzadie McCane Kimberly McCoy DeAnn McWilliams Aaron Medrick Megan Stevens Productions Merritt’s Bakery MetroShoe Warehouse Michael V’s Restaurant
Military Law Group
Angela Rencher
Ashley Siddiki
Christal Strickland
Sharon Miller
Danielle Reutler
Kathy Simmons
Ruth Stringer
Miratech Corp
Rib Crib
Teri Simpson
Matt Moeller
Teresa Richardson
Angela Smith
Tommie Sweet
Ken Moore
Lynn Ring
Justin Snyder
Jonni Taylor
Lois Mount
Tiffany Robinson
Cameron Snyder
Janet and Luther Teel
Kari Murphy
Teresa Ross
Barbara Tenney
Heather Murray
Oley Roytman
SoCo Gymnastics Cheer and Tumbling
Jim Nellikunnel
Megan Ryan
Southwest Airlines
Thermal Windows
Elizabeth and Chris Neurohr
Ryco Landscape Services
Flory Sparks
Natalie Thiesen
John Newmister
Nikki Sack
Spexton Jewelry
Cammie Trammell
Anna Nguyen
Robin Sanders
Tracy Steeber
Tropical Smoothie Café
Tamara Noel
Martha Scales
Donald Stevens
Angel Trujillo
Katrina Norris-Ashby
Tricia Schittler
Paxton Stieber
Tulsa Grill Store - Hasty Bake
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Stella Seiders
Jake Stocum
Tulsa Indian Community Singers
Neely Shenloogian
Dave Strickland
Tulsa Mosquito Control
Okie Wild on Route 66
The Eye Institue
Owasso Liquor and Wine
Tulsa Voice
Papa Johns
Carol Vandiver
Pardon My French
Denise VanHosen
Candace Parham
Bill and Judy Vogle
Cindy Parker
Jody Volfson
Cynthia Parker
Mary Walker
Tricia Parker
Beth and Paul Walker
Parkhill’s Liquors & Wine South
Charlene Watts
Shane Patrick
Mark West / MPLX
Natalee Pendergraft
Mark West
Kim Petter
Lisa White
Andy Pickle
Jeff Wilbers
Jennifer Porter
Nathan and Emily Wilkom
Adam Pressnall
Kiva and Terrence Williams
Louise and Joseph Price
Julie Williams
Janet Price
Williams Sonoma
Pure Barre
Mindy Willilams
Q Clothier
Stacey Wilson
Cynthia Qualls
Dr. Meredith Woodward
Priya and Surendra Raju
Stacey and Eric Woolley
Ram Energy LLC
Shelly Younger
Cody Randall
Jane Zemel
Lynn Reiners Robert and Linda Reis
Derek Wells
in honor of
Kayla and Scott Vaughn
Bonnie Johnson
Natalie and Mike Adams
Katherine and Lynn Frame
Eileen and Buford Nash
Sheryl and Bruce Benbrook
Sarah Graves
Sarah and John Graves
Buford Nash’s Birthday (9/20)
Alexander Huckett
Amy and Stephen Santee Charitable Fund
DiGi Graham
Jamie and Greg Oliphant
Pat and Mel Bloomfield
Asher Lindsay
Cuesta Foundation
Alexander Huckett
Women in Recovery and Mimi Tarrasch in celebration of 10 great years of WIR
Sarah and John Graves
Judy Pound
Barbara Bond
Madison and Garrett Graves
Leslie Kelly’s Birthday
Aubry Walker
Anderson Brookshire
Laura and Trent Hamilton
Leslie and Bob Pritchard
Cindy Bottomley
Devin Henson
Women in Recovery
Bonnie Johnson
Amy and Curt Hellen
Stephanie and Scott Rainwater
Art Brightwell
Stava Building
Lynn Rainwater
Bonnie Johnson
Mary and James Hess
Amy Reynolds
Nancy and Gerry Burton
Richard and Dana Puckett
Naedean Reynolds
Alexander Huckett
Kimberly Hill
Sandra Russell Smith
Larry Byers
Nick and Betty Wines
Alexander Huckett
Hull Foundation
Terrie and Blake Shipley
Brigitte Cagle
Tina Parkhill
Kayla and Scott Vaughn
Alexander Huckett
Kimberly and Kerry Joyce
Ashli Sims
Vickie and Jeff Carr
Joe Hofmann
Tim and Ashley Jackson
Trish Lewellen
Stacy Kaiser
Flory Sparks
Frances Chudy
Chloe and Caroline
Matthew Sparks
Alexander Huckett
Julie Knauer and Elise Bernard
W.M. Heitgras Co.
Twannia Coleman
DeeDee Bernard
David Shadday
Darold Mansfield
Kathy and Bill LaFortune
Amanda and Jason Whorton
Brent Coussens
Marianne and Jon Ballard
Susan McCalman
Bonnie Johnson
Regina Linder and Keith Lapidus
William F. and Susan W. Thomas Charitable Fund
Cynthia Davis
The Kids of Jenks East Elementary
Kayla and Scott Vaughn
Nancy and Dean Day
Bill Major and Robert Babcock
The Wolek Group
Alexander Huckett
Gail Lapidus
Carla DeGarmo
Jane and Lowell Faulkenberry
Sharon Moody
Ashley and Mike Wozniak
Nancy Blocker
Sarah Bryant
Susan McCalman
Susan Fielder
George Kaiser
Claudia Arthrell Jean Kelley
The Barnett Family Foundation Kayla and Scott Vaughn
The Barnett Family Foundation Tina and Lance Parkhill
Stacey and Bud Biram Marjo and Bob Burk
Carly and Jonathan Bush Rob Sher
Christine Buzzard Friends of Cedar Crest Book Club
Susan and G.T. Bynum Sarah and John Graves
Pam and Terry Carter Lauren and Dave Sherry
Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation Mimi Tarrasch
Chriss Chavez Florence Chavez
Bryan Close Tina Parkhill
Kathy and Ron Collins Susan McCalman
Felicia and Peter Correia Peter Correia and Emily Chory for the upcoming birth of first child
Caroline Crain Susan McCalman
D&L Oil Tools Kayla and Scott Vaughn
Whitney and Dan Eslicker 28
Sharon Moody Nancy and Frank Bryant
Elena Morales Teresa
Amanda and Patrick Murrell Henry W. Murrell
Eileen and Buford Nash Robert Capehart
Eileen and Buford Nash Eileen and Buford Nash’s Wedding
Family & Children’s Services | 2019 Annual Report to the Community
Alexander Huckett
Taylor Holland
in memory of Joshua Akins Bonnie Johnson
Linda and Greg Arend Trish Lewellen
Claudia Arthrell Hayden Downie
Stephanie Bailey
Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Alexander Huckett
Skip Foote Nancy Blocker
Frank Family Foundation Fund Erin Patricia Kelley
Kendall Frazier Aubry Walker
Suanne and Charles Gersdorf
Bonnie Johnson
Elizabeth McCrary Spencer
James Starr
Tammy Gill
Alexander Huckett
Bonnie Johnson
Aubry Walker
Laura McPartland
Robert Stracke
Carol Gizzi
Trish Lewellen
Alexander Huckett
Alexander Huckett
Janice and Bob Morgan
The Kirk
William Hadley
Trish Lewellen
Aubry Walker
Bonnie Johnson
Eileen and Buford Nash
Trust Company of Oklahoma
Katrine and Ramez Hakim
Jean Caldwell
Alexander Huckett
Trish Lewellen
Judy Patrick
Lisa Turner
Sherry and Frank Hansen
Alexander Huckett
Bonnie Johnson
Stacey Hansen
Susan and Steve Pattison
Mary and Dean Hatch
Alexander Huckett
Bonnie Johnson
Trish Lewellen
Hannah and Lyle Hoop Bonnie Johnson
Dawnan Hopkins Bonnie Johnson
Valerie Johnson Bonnie Johnson
Joseph L. and Nancy N. McDonald Fund Hayden Downie
Robyn Kannas Bonnie Johnson
Ron Kannas Bonnie Johnson
Deborah Kasper Bonnie Johnson
Kendall-Whittier Elementary Diane Williamson
Kathryn Kindell David Kindell
Beverly Koger Alexander Huckett
Tammie and James Lackey Alexander Huckett
Virginia Leake Nancy Blocker
Dana and Larry Lebold Dan Arthrell
Susan and Marcus Lemon Alexander Huckett
Thank Yous In addition to all of our generous donors, we would also like to thank the hundreds of merchants and
Louis Perrier
Alexander Huckett
Nancy Blocker
thousands of shoppers
Chris Winspear
Rory Pettit
Bonnie Johnson
who make Care Card an
Bonnie Johnson
Luellyn Wright
Phillips 66 Corporate Citizenship
Sandra Diane Mastraccio
annual success.
Darold Mansfield
We are also grateful to
Carol Piggush
those who have donated
Alexander Huckett
Robyn Potter Aubry Walker
gently used clothing, household items and
Ray Poudrier
furniture to the Family
Bonnie Johnson
& Children's Services
Nelda Rives Aubry Walker
The Robinson Foundation Aubry Walker
Mike and Merilyn Rohling Bonnie Johnson
Eric Schlezinger Hayden Downie
Barry Smitherman Bonnie Johnson
Thrift Store. You are also helping to further the mission of F&CS. Finally, we appreciate our extensive network of community partners and volunteers who maximize our impact and effectiveness.
Locations Broken Arrow 3200 S. Elm, Suite 101 Broken Arrow, OK 74012
Central 650 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120
East 11740 E. 21st St. | Tulsa, OK 74129
Houston 1055 S. Houston Ave. Tulsa, OK 74127
Legacy plaza: west tower COMING SOON! 5310 E. 31st St. Tulsa, OK 74135
Lewis 6202 S. Lewis Ave., Suite J Tulsa, OK 74136
Osage Hills 1 W. 36th St. No., Suite 1 Tulsa, OK 74106
OWASSO 109 N. Birch, Suite 109 Owasso, OK 74055
Salvation Army 102 N. Denver Ave., Suite C Tulsa, OK 74103
Sarah and John Graves Center 2325 S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74114
918.587.9471 www.fcsok.org
board of directors Chris Murphy Board President Lauren Sherry Vice President, Resource Development Sandra Quince Vice President, Program Evaluation, Quality Assurance and Risk Rick Huck Vice President Finance Gail Lapidus F&CS Chief Executive Officer Dana Yeatman Baldwin Carl Bracy Steve Broussard Robert Burk Don Chappel Jennifer Cooper Brad Cunningham Payvand Fazel Anne Foster Sarah Graves Stephania Grober Sarah Guardiola Carl Hudgins Kimberly Joyce Ron Key Marcus Lemon Aaron Milford Gil Morris Bob Muir Tina Parkhill Steve Pattison Pat Quinn Hamel Reinmiller Joshua Roby Justin Sheets Rob Sher Clint Swanson Jill Thomas Kayla Vaughn Steve Wyett Austin Zellner
administration & operations Gail Lapidus F&CS Chief Executive Officer Allison Loehr Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel Alan Bingham Chief Human Resources Officer Jan Dietrich Chief Financial Officer Brent Harris Chief Information Officer Dee Harris Chief Communications Officer Tom Taylor Chief Development Officer
programs & services Whitney Downie Chief Program Officer, Children’s Mental Health and Family Support Ann Jenkins Chief Clinical Services Officer Krista Lewis Chief Program Officer, Adult Mental Health Medical and Crisis Services Christine Marsh Director of Child Abuse and Trauma Services Mimi Tarrasch Executive Senior Director, Women in Recovery and Women’s Justice Programs Jill Young Chief Program Officer, Adult Mental Health Outpatient Services