5 simple ways to save water in your home

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5 simple ways to save water in your home Much has been said and written about the significance of conserving water. The importance of water can be gauged from the fact that one cannot survive even a single day without water. People living in areas with an adequate water shortage would be the first ones to acknowledge the significance of water conservation. Every drop of water is essential and wasting water is a grave moral and civic offence. Still in our day to day life we may be guilty of wasting water unknowingly. Here are five ways to make sure you do not let the water run and maximize your water savings for a better tomorrow. Turn off the tap while brushing: What would a small amount of water saved by me make any difference? The answer is an overwhelming yes. Considering that families of four individuals turn off their tap while brushing their teeth, the amount of water saved can be used for bathing one full adult or washing one car. It is a good idea to not only stop the flow of water while brushing but also create awareness especially with children. It is a fundamental effort everyone can make. When washing your hands: Wastage of water unknowingly does not stop with brushing, precious water is wasted when washing hands. Make sure you keep access to your soap nearby so as to lose minimum time when washing your hands. When washing your hands keep an eye on the tap and do not allow the tap water to flow without use. Making small adjustments to your day-to-day usage can save precious water. Bucket bath a better way to save water: The best way to make sure you do not waste water while having a bath is to consider that buckets are far cheaper than showers. In case you are addicted to your shower and cannot think of replacing your shower with a normal tumbler bath, make sure to install special low flow showerheads. A lot of people let the shower water flow needlessly while they decide the right time to enter the flowing stream. Make sure your shower is used judiciously and no water is wasted. Save water when watering lawn: Many residents like to water their garden or lawn, but they are not aware of the wastage of precious water. While there is no denying the fact that plants have an equal right to water

just as humans do, make sure to water your garden only when needed. Needlessly watering your garden not only wastes water, but can also inhibit the growth of the plants. To save water when watering lawn or garden, either you can use recycled water or you can water early morning and late evenings when the air is cool and the wind is usually at its calmest. While watering during hot or windy day or in the day or afternoon, it require 10-15 percent higher water to achieve a similar effect. Check all leaking Pipes and Faucets: Keeping a periodic check on all pipes and bathroom and kitchen faucets is a good way to make sure there is no water leakage. Just a quick glance each day may be sufficient to make sure you catch any leakage instantly and not waste precious time to allow the water leak through. In case of an early diagnose, chances are that you will plan to plug the leakage much quicker thereby saving precious water.

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