Enviromental problems in the atmosphere

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The Earth's Atmosphere The atmosphere surrounds

our planet. It is made up of different gases. Nitrogen and oxygen are the most abundant. The Earth's

atmosphere is held in place by the Earth's gravity. It has 4 layers.

Troposphere The troposphere is very thin but contains 80% of the total mass of the atmosphere . This is where metereological phenomena occur. We live in this layer.

Stratosphere It is about 30 km thick.

There is an increase in

temperature from -70ยบC at its higher limit.The ozone layer is here.


It is about 40% km thick. It contains. Clouds of ice and dust.

Termosphere or ionosphere The termosphere or ionosphere is te highest and the thickest layer. Its temperature increases to 1000 ยบC due to X-rays and gamma rays from the Sun.

Importance of the Atmosphere 1. The Atmosphere contain oxygen which is necessary for living beings. 2. The temperature of the Earth depends on the atmosphere. 3. There is a layer of a gas called ozone which protects us from some of the radiation which is dangeruos for living beings.

Air Quality... You need air to stay alive. If you breathe dirty air, you probably will develop health problems and become ill. Plants and animals need can clean air too. The problem of air pollution started with the burning of coal in homes and factories. Dirty air is called ' polluted air'.

Why is breathing so important? In the lungs, the oxygen passes from the air into your blood. The oxygen is carried in the blood all round your body. You need oxygen so that you can use the energy in the food you eat.

What is today's air pollution like? The fuel we use releases a lot of pollution in the air. The cars create a lot of bad gases, which create air pollution .These gases can be very dangerous for children.There is less pollution from coal, but today's modern world still creates air pollution. Transport is not the only reason why we have air pollution. This air pollution that they make is the main cause of acid rain.

What are these bad gases? â—? Gases from vehicles: - Carbon monoxide. - Nitrogen oxides. - Hydrocarbons. - Particulates. â—? Gases from factories: - Nitrogen Oxides. - Sulphur dioxide.

Air pollution inside homes Pollution inside homes is called indoor air pollution. One of the main causes of indoor air pollution is smoking. Smoking can be very dangerous for health.

Breathing in air , which

contains other people's

smoke, can cause you the same health problems.

What is acid rain? Rain is very important for life. Rain brings us the water we need but, acid gases from factories, cars and homes make pollution in the air, so the rain is becoming dangerous for the life. This is ACID RAIN.

How do we measure acidity? We mesure the acidity with a special scale the

pH. If we measure a low pH means something is acid. If we measure a

high number something is alkali.

Acid Rain formation The acid rain is made of gases. When the factories doesn't filter the gases, they mix with the clouds and it can cause rain – or snow, sleet, fog, mist or hail – to become more acidic.

How bad is acid rain? - You can recognise a lake dead from acid rain. They look clean because only tiny plants and animals can survive.

- Water we drink from taps can be contaminated by acid rain, which can damage the brain.

- Acid rain takes away minerals from the soil plants cannot grow without them and die. - Acid rain can also ruin buildings because the acid eats into metal and stone.

What are the main gases that cause acid rain?

When we burn fuels sulphur and nitrogen are released into the air and they go high up in the sky. They come from power stations and volcanoes.

This air pollution can be carried over

long distances. The acid rain in Sweden is caused by air pollution in Britain.

The natural Greenhouse effect Some of the gases of the atmosphere keep the warmth in the Earth and not letting them escape into space, this is called �The Greenhouse effect� But the layer is getting stronger and hotter...

The Greenhouse gases Water vapour

Occurs naturally in the atmosphere Produced naturally when people and

Carbon Dioxide animals breathe.Plants and trees absorb carbon dioxide to live. Methane

Comes from cattle as they digest their food.

Nitrous oxide

This is produce by rotten plants.


It occurs naturally in the atmosphere

The effects for the planet WEATHER: with more heat trapped on Eart,the planet will become warmer,which means the weather all over Earth will change. WATER:




world, there is a big demand for water and many regions there is not enough water.

In danger! Plants and animals:

The weather and temperature changes, the homes of plants and animals will be affected. Many animals and plants can not cope with changes and could die. People:

The changes in climate will affect

everyone, but some populations will be at greater risk.

What is the Ozone layer? It is the layer that protect us from UV rays, But we destroy it with our invents, like sprays and CFC gases

Why is this layer so important? 1. The Ozone layer protect us from the UV rays. 2. It avoids the oxygen to run away from Earth. 3. Life is possible in the Earth thanks this layer.

How do we destroy the Ozone layer? We destroy the ozone layer because we invent things like cars, sprays... But we need the Ozone layer to live in the Earth because it protects us.

How can we protect the Ozone layer? To help the Ozone layer we can do these things: 1.Don't use sprays 2.Use the public transport 3.Don't abuse about water and electricity 4.Don't abuse about paper and wood 5.Don't make pollution

Can we help the enviroment? Energy is produced to generate electricity and to keep us warm. Most energy is produced by the burning of fossil

fuels, like coal, oil and gas, which release carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.There are many things we can do to help reduce air pollution and global warming.

What can you do outdoor? - Ask your parents to avoid using the car for very short journeys if possible, as this creates pollution. You can use buses and trains instead of cars. You can also walk or cicle, as it does not create any pollution.

We can also help prevent pollution from our own homes

- Tuning off lights when they are not needed and not wasting electricity. - Ensure that gas appliances are working correctly. - Most of the rubbish we throw away can be recicled.

What are the governments doing? Governments troughout the world have already taken action for different environmental problems.

They hope to reduce the amount of emissions of gases produced by man, which are caused by our use of energy.

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