1 minute read
1.3 Raising awareness of the dental profession
Figure 1: FDI Vision 2020 Framework for Optimal Oral Health

Source: FDI Vision 2020
The World Dental Federation (FDI), which serves as the principal representative body for more than one million dentists worldwide, undertook this analytical work to identify the examples of inter-professional collaborative practice and IPE in oral health globally. The goal of the study was not to be overly prescriptive, but to provide cases on a range of practices that vary in their rationale and in their organizational, legal and operational structures, and to explore their implications for the future role and position of the dentist.
This report provides several examples of inter- as well as intra-professional collaboration for optimal oral health and describes a variety of practices available around the globe. Emphasis is placed on the influence of the different practice arrangements on the role of the dentist as a leader of a dental team. Selected case studies are discussed more indepth to demonstrate the range of different collaborative practice arrangements based on personal experiences of the experts who were willing to collaborate with FDI and contribute to the report.
The report starts with the background literature review to provide the context for the cases. The description of the cases encompasses examples of intra- and inter-professional collaboration in oral health and IPE. The cases are followed by the discussion section and conclusions.
More specifically, building on the momentum of FDI Vision 2020 and subsequent expert consultations, the purpose of this report is threefold: (i) Provide the best available evidence to FDI National Member Associations (NDAs) regarding the changes taking place in the dental profession around the world; (ii) Expand the dialogue on inter-professional education and collaborative practice in oral health; (iii) Facilitate the NDAs’ policy and advocacy work for the planning of a future oral health workforce capable of providing holistic, multifaceted, person-centered care for optimal oral health.