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A quality model for Brazil C

eará is a reference in Brazil when the subject is education. The state has 18 municipalities among the 20 Brazilian cities with the highest scores in the Brazilian Education Opportunity Index, the Ioeb 2021. This index shows the educational development conditions of children and young people. It encompasses data from Kindergarten to High School from all the educational networks in the municipality: state, municipal, and private. It is a biennial public index that analyzes and compares how each municipality, state, Federal District, and Brazil as a whole, is contributing to the educational success of its citizens.

Ceará already has seven universities (three state, three federal and one private), as well as the Federal Institute of Ceará. The State University of Ceará (Uece), the State University Vale do Acaraú (UVA) and the Regional University of Cariri (Urca) are part of the higher education institutions under state responsibility and linked to the Secretary of Science, Technology and Higher Education (Secitece).


In the Federal sphere, the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará (IFCE) headquartered in Fortaleza, stands out. The institution was created under Law. N º 11.892, of December 29, 2008, through the integration of the Federal Center of Technological Education of Ceará with the Federal Agrotechnical Schools of Crato and Iguatu. Linked to the Ministry of Education, it is an autarchy of legal nature, with administrative, patrimonial, financial, didactic-pedagogical, and disciplinary autonomy, equal to the federal universities. It has a strong presence in the research and extension areas, with a special focus on the technical and technological areas. Besides Fortaleza, it is present in 34 other cities in Ceará.

Expansion of Higher Education

Ceará will have seven new headquarters for the three state universities in the interior, jumping from 16 to 23 municipalities, a 44% increase in the availability of state higher education, the largest expansion in state public higher education in history. In addition, new courses are being created for five existing campuses, such as Medicine in Crateús, Quixeramobim and Crato, as well as Agronomy in São Benedito. Another highlight of the announcement was the confirmation of 693 vacancies in a public contest for permanent teachers.

Largest scientific production in history

Scientific production in Ceará had, in 2020, a growth of 16.7% in the number of scientific articles publications in international English-language journals compared to 2019. In all of Brazil, the growth of this type of publication was only 5 ,1%. The information is from the Web of Science, a nonprofit organization that catalogs and tracks the production of researchers around the world.

All Ceará universities have increased their scientific production in the last five years. The highlight is for state public universities: the Regional University of Cariri (Urca) increased by 79%, the State University of Ceará (Uece) grew by 26.5% and the State University Vale do Acaraú (UVA) maintained stability in the number of international publications.

C-Jovem Program

C-Jovem training program for public school students aims to train 100,000 students over the next five years, focusing on the development of technologies, such as 5G Infrastructure, Android Development and Cloud Computing.

The pilot project began with the implementation of the program in the state public school system and so far, has trained around 200 teachers, who are passing on their knowledge to 4,358 students in technical courses on topics such as Computer Networks and Computing Science in 109 State Vocational Education Schools.

It works through action cells, where each one is composed of a coordinator who supports young tutors from higher education. These, in turn, support high school students. The program will be implemented through an extension project of Higher Education Institutions and will last for one year, including an immersion period in partner companies so that the student can use the knowledge in practice.

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