3200 - 1070 BC : This period signifies Egyptian art representing the style of painting, sculpture, crafts and architecture produced by the inhabitants of the lower Nile Valley. The art stressed on life after death.
1370 - 1340 BC : Amarna art describes the Egyptian art that was created under the control of Akhenaten.
1000 - 539 BC : Assyrian or NeoBabylonian art was utilized to communicate primitive images such as evil spirits, fertility, love, war, fear and death.
539 - 331 BC :
Persian art reflects the combination of the diverse cultures that developed in the region, now known as Iran.
323 -150 BC : This time period represents Hellenistic Art, to which belong some of the most remarkable pieces of sculpture.
6th - 5th century BC : Etruscan Art comprises of mainly figurative art in the form of wall paintings and sculpture produced in terracotta.
200 - 732 AD : Celtic, Saxon,
and Hiberno art form was marked
MIDDLE AGES 373 - 1453 AD (CE) 400 - 1453 AD : Byzantine Art
by the fusion of Anglo-Saxon and
illustrates the creative skills of the Byzantine
Celtic techniques and motifs.
Empire till the fall of Constantinople
1000 - 1140 AD : Romanesque
1140 - 1500 AD : Gothic Style of
Style of art projects an element of
art focuses on sculpture, panel painting, fresco,
abstraction, highlighting Christian
stained glass and illuminated manuscripts.
RENAISSANCE 1400 - 1800 AD (CE) 1400 - 1600 AD : Italian Renaissance projects the opening phase of Renaissance that saw the
rebirth of the classical antiquityn Renaissance projects the opening phase of Renaissance that saw the rebirth of the classical antiquity
1500 - 1600 AD: European Renaissance began in Florence and then spread to the rest of the continentnaissance began in Florence and then spread to the rest of the continent
1600 - 1700 AD: Baroque art was largely encouraged by the Roman Catholic Church.
1750 - 1880 AD : Neo-Classicism was an aesthetic movement that took inspiration from the Western classical art and culture. 1800 - 1880 AD : Romanticism commenced as an artistic and intellectual
movement that put emotion above reasoning. 1830s - 1850s AD : Realism rejected the artificiality of both classicism
and romanticism and believed in honest and accurate portrayal of the object. 1870s - 1890s AD : stressed on light being a vital decisive factor in
1900 - 1920 AD: Expressionism defined art as an emotional experience rather than physical reality.
1907 - 1914 AD : Cubism transformed European painting and sculpture with artists such as Pablo Picasso as pioneers.
1880 - 1900 AD: Post Impressionism was an extension of the era of impressionism but concentrated mainly on geometric forms.