1 minute read
Heritage Museum
Romain Busby
Someone who has been involved with the Heritage Museum has just published a delightful book, “A Life Well Lived”, and although I haven’t read all of it yet, it appears Pat Flynn (QSM) is a remarkable woman!
From her involvement as Mayoress to serving on various Committees, teaching at most of the local schools, a small-bore rifle shooter to boot, she is a legend! She has seen the Heritage grow and is realistic enough to know that it needs to concentrate on what Featherston is known for. That is the World War 1 Training Camp and the Internment Camp during World War 2. Both entities served and employed locals and the businesses that provided goods and services during those times. While we no longer have jewellers or drapery stores in town, we do have a wonderful Museum (or two) that serve not only us but the visitors to town.
Pats book is a delight of a time in New Zealand history that reflects everyday life for someone born in 1924. The added attraction for Pat is that her father Francis Twiss trained at the Featherston Camp. Almost a full circle for Pat. If you would like a copy of the book, please contact Pat directly.
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