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Buyer beware — Common pitfalls to avoid when purchasing a home
from March 2023
Buying a home is not only a large financial investment, it’s also a significant emotional investment With so much at stake, the process deserves your undivided attention. To ensure that buying a home goes as smoothly as possible, it’s wise to learn from the mistakes of others, and avoid common home buying errors. Here is a list of six common pitfalls to avoid when purchasing a home
Falling for a Home Before Your Finances Are in Order
Nearly all ReAlTORs® will give you the same advice when it comes to beginning your search for a new home or your first home That advice w i l l b e : m a k e s u r e y o u h a v e y o u r m o r t g a g e p r ea p proval in place. This will prevent you from falling for a home outside of your budget, thereby safeguarding you from disappointment. It will also save you time, as your ReAlTOR® will be able to find the greatest selection of homes that meet your needs, within your price range.
Attempting to Buy a Home Without a REALTOR® Representing You
Many people do buy homes without the advocacy of a buyer’s agent However, it’s not recommended for first-time or relatively inexperienced buyers. This is because there are so many moving parts in a real estate transaction, that even small missteps can lead to missing out on the perfect home. Because ReAlTORs® spend every day immersed in the process of buying and selling homes, they are a veritable treasure trove of information. From knowledge of various neighborhoods, to premium negotiating skills, to advocating for various improvements or concessions, having a reputable buyer’s agent working on your behalf is in your best interest
Buying the Most Expensive Home You Can Afford There’s
something to be said for exercising a little financial restraint when it comes to buying a home. In other words, it’s not necessarily in your best interest to buy a home that totally maxes out your spending power. Instead, consider keeping a bit of money on hand, for things like upgrades, or unplanned expenses such as having to replace a furnace or hot water heater.
Buying a Home You Don’t Like
In effort to secure a foothold in the real estate market, many firsttime home buyers purchase homes that they just really don’t like. This should be avoided at all costs. That’s not to say that your first home must be your dream home, but you should find more things you love about it, than things you dislike about it Buying a home, just because you can, or feel like you need to, can lead to buyer’s remorse and/or resentment. Make sure that you can truly see yourself living in a home, and enjoying it before you make an offer.
Purchasing a Home When You Plan to Move Again
Soon life happens, and there is no way to fully anticipate every possible scenario, such as having to move because your job suddenly transfers you. However, if you know for certain that you’re planning to move within a relatively short period of time, it’s not in your best interest to buy a home, only to live in for a very short time. Doing so can lead to losing money, particularly if the market declines in the short time you’re in the home, or if you’ve purchased with a no money down loan
Buying Without a Home Inspection Different states have different laws on housing inspections. However, no matter where you live, you should never miss the opportunity to have a full inspection conducted to confirm the home you’re planning to purchase is foundationally, electrically, and structurally sound. Buying a home without having a full understanding of potential problems is unwise in all cases. Insist upon a home inspection before you buy.
Buying a home should be an exciting experience, not an emotionally or financially exhaustive endeavor. In effort to enjoy the process, it is smart to engage the services and expertise of a licensed real estate agent, who can answer any and all questions you have, negotiate on your behalf, safeguard you from potential delays and missed opportunities, and educate you along the way. With an ally working on your behalf, the process of finding and buying a home can be a lot of fun, and there’s a good chance you’ll make a friend along the way.
You might say that sierra sanders was meant for success in real estate. “My grandmother had her license, my mom and dad both had their licenses, and my uncle has his license, so growing up I always felt like it was a family thing,” she shares. “When I was a kid, if there was an open house in our neighborhood, my mom and I would always go check it out.”
After sierra moved to san Francisco, she began helping her dad manage apartment buildings and realized her affinity for the business was more than just family ties. she found that she liked the management side of real estate and she was good at it, too sierra works hard to make the home-buying journey a happy one for every client. she knows that her buyers are often experiencing big life changes like marriage or a growing family, and she prides herself on keeping the homebuying process as easy and simple as it can be. she also appreciates that sellers have a lot on the line, because they often can’t make the move forward without being able to sell. eventually, sierra would like to get more involved with clients who are getting ready to make the transition from tenant to homeowner “Whether it’s next year or in a couple of years, whatever the timeline looks like for someone, I’d like to be their coach ” With so much experience and knowledge to share, sierra certainly has a lot to offer these clients
As she managed the buildings, she watched as tenants worked toward becoming homebuyers and became interested in being a part of that process In 2014, sierra earned her real estate license and moved into sales, specializing in condos, which are a common choice for first-time buyers.
As the sales manager for King Realty Group, sierra still gets plenty of opportunities to flex her managerial skills as well she helps the team create goals and development plans, arranges meetings, and tracks sales to make sure individual and group goals are being met. While team members are all very independent, sierra helps them to identify potential areas for growth.
Outside of work, sierra loves being in nature. she and her husband often bike or ski in Tahoe and take long bike rides around san Francisco. They also love exploring the many wonderful local restaurants