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Productivity boosters Get more done every day
from May 2022 Midwest
Productivity boosters — Getmoredone every day
Maybeyou ’rejuststartingoutintherealestateindustry or your career is already established, but you ’ ve hit a plateau. Whatever the case may be, it’s always good to stepbackandre-evaluateyourbusinesspracticesandfind ways to improve or increase productivity. Oftentimes it takes stepping out of your comfort zone and going throughsomechallenginggrowthphasestopropelyouto the next level in your business. Ever heard the saying, “Ashipintheharborissafe,butthat’snotwhatashipis built for?” Don’t be afraid to take chances and make changes. Here are some ways you can shake things up andincreaseyourproductivity:
Build a Team — If you ’re an individual agent, ask yourself: are you able to give your clients the very best servicebyhandlingeveryaspectofbusinessbyyourself? Sure, you ’re an expert at finding the perfect fit for your client and negotiating a deal, but what about marketing, lead generating, or maintaining social media accounts? Each can require quite a bit of time and expertise, now mightbeagoodtimetoletgoandletothersusetheirtalentssoyoucanfocusonwhatyoudobest.

Be the King or Queen of Follow-up — It’s not only critical to follow up with potential clients or industry professionals to expand your database, it’s equallyimportanttokeepintouchwiththecontactsyou already have. Reach out to them even if it’s just to say helloandupdatethemonwhat’shappeninginthemarket. It’s a great way to stay on their radar. If an opportunity arises or a property comes on the market, they ’ll think ofyoufirst.

Prioritize Your Day — Do you ever feel as though you constantly have your nose to the grindstone only to discoveryouhaven’treallyaccomplishedmuch?Schedulingtimeforspecifictasksthroughoutthedayismuch lessdauntingandcanbeextremelybeneficialinboosting efficiency.Setasideanhourortwointhemorningforreturningphonecallsandemails,thenbedonewithit.Your nextblockoftimecanbededicatedtolistingappointments, showings,ormeetingswithclients.Endthedaybyfinishing up paperwork, researching marketing strategies, or makingyourto-dolistforthenextday.It’samazinghow much can be accomplished when you have a plan and sticktoit.
Use Social Media to Your Advantage — With several billion active users on Facebook every
Oftentimes it takes stepping out of your comfort zone to propel you to the next level in your business.
month, you simply cannot afford to not utilize it. However,makesureyou ’reusingitefficientlytogetthemost outofyourposts.Postingoncertaindaysoftheweek— or even specific times of day — can garner more likes andshares.Andremember,qualityoverquantityiswhat you should aim for when posting. Share things that will beusefultoyourclients,suchasalinktoyourmostrecent blog post on how to pack for a move, or photos and informationaboutanupcomingopenhouse.
Further Your Education — Think of your business as a software program that requires updates. Just as technology advances and programs need a little tweaking here and there, your business also needs to evolve with the current market trends and changes in the industry. Participating in continuing education in areas such as negotiating, home inspections, and real estatelawensuresyourclientspeaceofmindandkeeps youaheadofthecompetition.Obtainingdesignationsis another way to make yourself stand out in the crowd. Becoming a Certified Relocation Professional makes senseiftheareayouserveisahavenforretireesorhas alargemilitarypopulation.TheGREENDesignation is beneficialinplaceswhereclientsaremoreenvironmentally conscious. Network with colleagues to see what trends are on the horizon, then take action to be at the forefrontofthosechanges.
Take a Day Off —Itmightseemcounter-productive totaketimeoffwhenyou ’retryingtogrowyourbusiness, butitcanactuallybejustwhatyouneedtoachievesuccess. Time away from work can improve your mental state,performance,andproductivity.Youalsoruntherisk ofeventuallyburningoutwhenthere’salackofwork-life balance.Somakethedecisiontoturnoffnotificationson yourphone,packabag,andheadoutfortheweekendto re-energizeandgetyourcreativityflowingagain.
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