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Increase morale and productivity with these team-building exercises


with these team-building exercises


Successful agents and loan officers understand that relationshipsareeverythingintheworldofrealestate — and those relationships begin right in your office, alongside your colleagues. Even if you work with only the help of an assistant, a strong team dynamic canmakeallthedifferencewhenitcomestoexecuting transactions with efficiency and positive morale. What’s more, clients can sense a high-functioning teamdynamic,sothebenefitsofteam-buildingextend far beyond your office. Just as continuing education and self-development are important to professional longevity,sotooisthehealthandcomraderyofyour team.Withthatinmind,addthesethreeteam-building exercises to your arsenal as you foster positivity and growthinsideyoursphere.

Spirit of Service —Team-buildingactivitiesdon’t have to feel cheesy, or a like an afternoon at summer camp. Instead, service-based exercises can bind your officetogether,whilecommittingtoagoodcause.Anotherbonus?Intherealestateandmortgageindustries, there are plenty of related charitable organizations to whichyouandyourteamcandonateyourtime.Habitat for Humanity, an organization that builds homes for the less fortunate, is a great way to begin. You can dedicate a day to getting hands-on in the housing

world, and there’s no better bonding experience than laboring side-by-side for a cause in your industry. If building isn’t your speed, consider entering the office asateaminacharitableathleticevent,likea5Kwalk orgolftournament.Eitherway,givingbackasacollectiveisagreatwaytoserveothers,whilebuildingtrust andempathyamongthoseyouworkwith.

Office Trivia —Here’sagreatoffice-themedwayto get team members having fun and bonding with one another.Comeupwith25office-basedtriviaquestions and divide into small groups. Have the groups come up with individual team names, split questions into themedrounds,andawardprizesforthewinners.All the while, you ’ll get people collaborating and letting theirguardsdown.Thinkaboutcraftingquestionsthat everyone can chime in on, like ‘how many windows areintheoffice?’or‘ whatmonthisthemostcommon for office birthdays?’Questions that revolve around yourofficeandstaffwillmakeyourteammembersthe staroftheshow,andaddsomelightheartedworkplace funintothemix.

Just as continuing education and self-development are important to professional longevity, so too is the health and comradery of your team.

Collective Brainstorming — Sometimes team membersstagnateiftheyaren’tfeelingchallenged,or iftheyfeelthattheirvoiceisn’tbeingheard.Here’sa greatwaytocurbthatnegativity,breathenewlifeinto yourbusiness,andgetteammemberstalking.Aheadof your next meeting, dedicate 20 minutes to big-picture thinking. Ask team members to spend five minutes writingabouta‘ whatif?’idearegardingthebusiness and their careers. Encourage writers to think big, be imaginative,andtackleissuesthattheymayhavebeen facing for a while. Then, break team members into smaller groups and have them share their thoughts if they ’recomfortable.Thiswillinspirediscussion,allow employeesthechancetoflextheircreativity,andgive themachanneltoexpresstheirprofessionalambitions andideas.

Team-buildingexercisesdon’thavetorelegatedtothe realmoftrust-fallsandscavengerhunts.Themainidea is to get employees out of their routine and working together in unconventional ways. From lighthearted partygamestoservice-orientedexcursions,giveyour team room to grow as one and the results will boost moods and serve your enterprise and employees for thelongrun.



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