Federation Star - January 2014

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Celebrating Jewish Life in Collier County, Israel and the World

Federation Star Published by the Jewish Federation of Collier County serving Naples, Marco Island and the surrounding communities

www.JewishNaples.org INSIDE THIS ISSUE:

7A Community Focus 12A Tributes 13A Jewish Interest 20A Focus on Youth 22A Commentary 23A Rabbinical Reflections 24A Synagogues 25A Organizations 29A Business Directory 30A Community Calendar 31A Community Directory 1B Jewish Happenings 9B Men’s Cultural Alliance 10B Women’s Cultural Alliance 18B Israel & the Jewish World

20A Naples Jewish teens involved in BBYO

11B Jane Hersch recognized by Jewish Federation

January 2014 - Teveth/Shevat 5774



Vol. 23 #5

Jewish Federation of Collier County cordially invites you to its 2014 Community Celebration Event Honoring

Rosalee and Jerry Bogo In recognition of ten years of dedicated service to our Federation and Community

Please join us for a Special Evening of Recognition, Fundraising and Entertainment

Saturday, February 8, 2014 Wyndemere Country Club Festivities begin at 6:00pm

12B Our Torah Crowning Ceremony

Special Guest Speaker

Alison Lebovitz Co-Chair of National Young Leadership Cabinet of the Jewish Federations of North America

14B Chanukah Celebration

Cocktail Reception Recognition and Honors Dinner Comedy Show Join us in the Lounge for Dessert and After-Party

If you have not received your personal invitation in the mail by the end of December, please call 239.263.4205.

Jewish Federation of Collier County Inc. 2500 Vanderbilt Beach Rd., Ste. 2201 Naples, FL 34109

Prsrt Std US Postage Paid Permit #419 Ft Myers FL

Our biggest issue ever! Be sure to see 17 pages of Jewish Happenings as well as Israel & the Jewish World items in section B.


Federation Star January 2014


As one year ends, another begins – perhaps Judge Norman Krivosha President


s you read this article in the January 2014 edition of the Federation Star, we should be just days away from the end of 2013, or if you receive your copy a little late, we should just be into the new year. As I reflected upon the end of the year and what it meant, I got to wondering why we have an “end of

the year” and put it on December 31. Why we have an “end of the year” may be a little easier to explain. Why we put it on December 31 may be a little more complicated. In much of the world, December 31 is not exactly the ideal time to celebrate – what with the cold and snow. And even for those of us in the southern climate or those living below the equator, it is even more difficult to get into the year-end mood. I remember being in Perth, Australia, on New Year’s Eve and it just did not seem right. As a result, I took a little time and did a little research on the subject. A year is the orbital period of the Earth

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moving around the sun, though not always the exact same amount of time. In the temperate and sub-polar regions we have seasons – spring, summer, fall and winter. In the tropical and subtropical regions such as Naples, we usually have only two seasons, dry and wet. But even all of that doesn’t explain December 31. If we started counting the Earth’s movement around the sun on July 1, we could have the end of the year on June 30, a much more convenient time for all. Moving the end of a year to some other date would not be so unusual. After all, we do that all of the time for a fiscal year. Even though a fiscal year usually has twelve months, it can begin and end at almost any time. In Canada and India the fiscal year begins on April 1; in the United Kingdom it begins on April 1 for computing corporate tax and governmental financial statements, but on April 6 for personal taxation. And here in the United States our fiscal year begins on October 1. And for us Jews, a calendar is even less certain, so it would seem. The Hebrew calendar is a luni-solar calendar, and because of the roughly eleven-day difference between twelve lunar months and one solar year, the length of the Hebrew calendar varies in repeating a 19-year Metonic cycle of 235 lunar months, with an extra month added in seven years of every 19-year cycle. Moreover, we celebrate the Jewish New Year on the seventh

Jewish month of the year and not the first month. While not so common today, older Jews often celebrated their birthdays on the Jewish date and not the secular date, and it varied as much as a month from time to time. And even today we still observe the anniversary of a loved one’s passing on the Jewish date and not the secular date, which again varies from year to year. So perhaps the only thing really important is that we all agree in advance to the same system whatever it is, and we could set the end of the year whenever we wanted. Why have an end of the year anyway. I have concluded it is more a matter of the mind than anything else. That is, it is important psychologically to be able to have an ending and a new beginning. That is really what we Jews do with the High Holy Days. By ending a year, we are able to take inventory of our personal life. We can review the past year and sort out the good from the bad. We can keep the memories of the good times and try to forget the bad. We can make new goals and hopes for the coming year, trying to improve how we live in the new year. If we were fortunate and had a good year, either financially, or physically or emotionally, perhaps we should make a commitment to share some of the goodness with those less fortunate. Your Jewish Federation of Collier County can be a place where

continued on page 3A


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3A Federation Star January 2014 JEWISH FEDERATION

January 2014 Federation Star


Federation adds value David Willens JFCC Executive Director


014. A very happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful New Year to all! As a people, Israelis are not exactly content to keep things status quo! It’s no exaggeration to say that Israel is still the land of idealists – chock full of people working to make the world a better place. During my trip to Israel last year, I came across so many exceptional individuals who are striving to build stronger, more meaningful communities that should serve as an inspiration to us all. They individually and collectively remind us how much we in America and Israel have to gain by feeding off of our respective energy. As one expert told me, “Knowledge is Israel’s biggest export.” It is one export we, in the Diaspora, need to import…more than ever! Israel is not a mere obligatory paragraph in our Federation’s mission statement, it is our extended family. There’s a direct line from how Israelis are “repairing the world” to how we are embracing change for a better Jewish future here in our community. It’s in our collective interest to make that line as short as possible.

To that end, our mission of the Jewish Federation of Collier County – to enhance and enrich the quality of Jewish life in our community, in Israel and around the world – is guided in our continuing transformation by a few core principles: ÎÎ We are a Jewish agency ÎÎ We cannot be all things to all people ÎÎ In order to continue to be successful, we need to know what business we are in ÎÎ Our key driver is strategic, smart impact in our Jewish community and in Israel First and foremost, we cannot have an organized Jewish community without Jews. Thus, we are endeavoring to connect Jews with “Judaism” in a variety of ways. You have just received your 2014 Connections magazine and Community Directory – just two of the ways we promote Jewish connections. Live music, cultural events, films, Israel, speakers, holiday celebrations, and interfaith work are some of the other mediums we incorporate. We are very proud of our Women’s Cultural Alliance and Men’s Cultural Alliance groups and the many programs and activities they offer. Consider the Federation a bit like the Jewish Food Channel. If you come with a passion for culture, a zest for learning and caring, and add to it a sprinkling of Jewish identity/ pride, and then a seasoning of love

for Israel, you then have a taste of what’s behind our Federation programming. Our programming is as much about creating a positive Jewish identity as it is about the mediums/ venues we choose or use for engagement. Anyone can be a Jewish chef. There are no limitations… And Federation has not forsaken those Jews who are most vulnerable or at risk. The dollars we raise are allocated to fund social services and humanitarian relief efforts locally, in Israel and in 70 countries globally. Even with a vast array of technology at our fingertips (or perhaps partially as a result), people feel increasingly disconnected from one another and from broader frameworks of community. In a world of immediate gratification and infinite choice, so many people today are just lost and don’t know where they belong. Yet, one of the most important things we at Federation see in our cultural arts,

Israel-based and youth opportunities is that those who participate feel a part of something greater and bigger than themselves. This is our role and value in the st 21 century – bringing Jewish community to Jews wherever they live; bringing Israel to our community regardless of religious beliefs; and helping those most in need. To summarize, Federation adds value by identifying where there are key needs/gaps; identifying key opportunities and effective solutions to these challenges; convening partners/ leaders/donors to address these issues; and ensuring return on philanthropic investment. We aim to be the most effective Jewish mechanism to ensure meaningful and strategic impact in our community. If you would like more information, please contact me at 239.263.4205 or david@jewish naples.org.

Judge Norman Krivosha...continued from page 2A you can make a difference in others’ lives. Your Federation provides necessary funding for many local agencies such as Jewish Family & Community Services, the temples and synagogues in the community, the Holocaust Museum, and Hillel at FGCU to name just a few. If you are already a past contributor to the Federation, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and merely ask that if indeed it was a good year for you, you con-

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sider increasing your contribution in the coming year. And if you have not before contributed to the Federation, we hope you will do so in the coming year, helping to make this “home” a better place to live for many. Your help is so badly needed. Helene joins me in wishing you all a very healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. May the coming year bring you all much joy.

Federation Star January 2014



Happy New Year Phyllis Seaman Federation VP & Campaign Chair


s I am writing this article, we are in the last four weeks of our 2013 Campaign. We have been working with the help of some very energetic, seasoned board members to achieve our goal of One Million Dollars. These last few weeks of the year are the time when most of us allocate our donations to the charitable organizations we support. Obviously, I hope the Jewish Federation of Collier County is at the top of your list. I am pleased to say we have received some new and some return donors making very generous donations. Many of you have responded to my suggestion of increasing your gifts 10-20%. Our deepest gratitude goes for that response. Our year-end total cannot be calculated until the first week of January, since many donors send their gifts on December 31. I do know that we are better than $50,000 ahead of last year at this time. Hopefully, the February issue of the Federation Star will have a banner headline of the Federation reaching its goal. Last month I wrote about an

article in The Wall Street Journal on giving and having a pleasurable response after doing so. More recently, the Journal had an article entitled “Handsome Is As Handsome Gives.” This latest article also stated the strong correlation of happiness and giving. It mentioned studies on men giving – loosening their wallets and becoming more attractive to women. Other studies at Stanford University and the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, tracking nearly 2,000 older Americans for nine years, found that dedicated volunteers among the group were over 50% more likely to have survived through the studies than nonvolunteers in identical health. Other studies have shown that women give more than men, married people more than singles, and religious Americans of all faiths give more than people with no religion. American generosity is exceptional. So, as I’ve been saying in past articles...PLEASE GIVE AND GIVE GENEROUSLY! You’ll look and feel really good. How can you not consider giving with these statistics? To those of you who have supported our 2013 Campaign and our Jewish community here, nationally, in Israel and around the world – Thank You. For those of you who haven’t made your gift, you still have a few more days. We are the STRENGTH OF A PEOPLE, THE POWER OF COM-

MUNITY. No gift touches more lives. Now all of you can start planning your giving to support the 2014 Campaign. I’m looking forward to seeing you at all our events for 2014: ¡¡ January 13 – Major Donors & Lion of Judah Cocktail Dinner ¡¡ February 8 – Community Event Honoring Rosalee & Jerry Bogo ¡¡ February 19 – Evy Lipp People of the Book Cultural event with

Bruce Feiler A reminder to all our Lions of Judah: Registration is now open for the Lion of Judah National Conference in New York City, September 7-10, 2014, at the Marriott Marquis Hotel. I have already registered and would love to have a group from Collier County showing our Pride. Please get in touch with me or the Federation office at 239.263.4205 for additional information.

WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BRCA? WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2014 7:00 p.m. Jewish Federation Community Room 2500 Vanderbilt Beach Road, Ste. 2201

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JEWISH FEDERATION 5A Federation Star January 2014

Looking at Israel in a new light By Jeff Margolis


f most of what you know about the history of Israel came from the films Exodus or Cast a Giant Shadow, you are in need of an update. The Israel Advocacy Committee of Collier County is proud to present ISRAEL 101, a series of discussions and films about Israel yesterday, today and tomorrow. The first of the three programs will take place on Thursday, January 16 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. The topic will be the “Geography and Historical Evolution of Israel.” The second program, scheduled for Thursday, February 20 will address the topic

of “Zionism and Restoring the Jewish Homeland.” The third program, “The British Mandate and the War of Independence,” will take place on Thursday, March 20. All programs will be held in the Community Room of the Jewish Federation of Collier County, 2500 Vanderbilt Beach Road. These programs are free and open to the public. All participants will also receive a packet of materials to complement the programs. For more information or to register, please email Steve Brazina at sbrazina@ aol.com.

We would like to remind you that we close our 2013 Annual Campaign on December 31. We depend upon contributions from all members of the community in order for us provide you with the many social, cultural, educational and fundraising activities that benefit our community; while helping Jews in need all over the world. You can make a secure online donation at www.jewishnaples.org, clip the form on page 15B of this issue and mail us your contribution, make a gift of stocks/securities, or call us at 239.263.4205. Thank you for making your gift to the Federation TODAY!

January 2014 Federation Star


Think you know the facts about Israel? Take this quiz and find out. 1. In terms of area, which U.S. state is about the size of Israel? a. New Jersey b. Iowa c. Montana d. New York

11. The city of Tel Aviv was founded in a. 1948 b. 1939 c. 1898 d. 1911

2. The area of Israel has been conquered and re-conquered many times in history. Before Israel’s independence, who ruled the territory? a. Palestinians b. Syrians c. British d. French

12. Who said: “We have always said that in our war with the Arabs we had a secret weapon – no alternative.” a. Abba Eban b. Chaim Weizmann c. Menachem Begin d. Golda Meir

3. What percentage of Israel’s population is not Jewish? a. 1% b. 10% c. 20% d. 75% 4. The “Green Line” refers to a. The boundary of Israel’s forests b. A coalition of Muslim states in the Middle East c. The 1949 armistice line between Israel and Jordan d. None of the above 5. Israel has greeted immigrants from nearly 100 countries. Which three nations have the most immigrants come from? a. U.S., Australia, UK b. Egypt, India, Iran c. USSR/Russia, Romania, Poland d. Germany, Morocco, Syria 6. The Mossad was originally created to a. Manage illegal immigration b. Spy on the British c. Assassinate Arab terrorists d. Guard the prime minister 7. Which of these people were NEVER asked to be president of Israel? a. Albert Einstein b. David Ben-Gurion c. Chaim Weizmann d. None of the above 8. How many parliamentarians are in the Israeli Knesset? a. 75 b. 120 c. 250 d. 435 9. How many Jews were there in the country when the state was declared? a. 650,000 b. 1,020,000 c. 250,000

d. 1,500,000 10. What percent of the original Mandate for Palestine comprised the Jewish state in the 1947 UN Partition Plan? a. 20% b. 50% c. 13% d. 40%

13. What is an Israeli Merkava? a. fighter jet b. A tank c. A bicycle d. A locally-manufactured car 14. When was the term “Palestinians” first used to describe Arabs only? a. 1880s b. Early 20th century c. 2nd century d. 1960s 15. Prior to World War I, Palestine was ruled by a. The Ottoman Empire b. Great Britain c. Syria d. None of the above 16. The majority of residents of Jerusalem since the late 1860s have been a. Christians b. Moslems c. Jews d. Armenians 17. The largest number of Palestinian refugees live in a. Jordan b. West Bank c. Gaza d. Syria 18. The largest number of refugees as a result of the ArabIsraeli War of 1948 were a. Palestinians who fled Israel b. Christians who fled Israel c. Jews who fled Arab countries d. Jews who fled Europe 19. The radical Islamic group Hamas took over the Gaza Strip in a. 2007 b. 1967 c. 1973 d. 2005 20. How many terrorist attacks were there against Israel from September 2000 to December 2005? a. 7,454 b. 25,770 c. 1,084 d. 135

How well did you do? See the answers on page 8B.


Federation Star January 2014

Tax tips


e thank you for your support of the Jewish Federation of Collier County. It’s that time of the year when you may be considering your charitable contributions. We would like to remind you that you have until December 31, 2013 to use the IRA charitable rollover provision to make a gift to the Federation, and receive

certain tax benefits. Who can take advantage of the IRA charitable rollover? What is the maximum gift? If you have an IRA, and you and/ or your spouse are 70 ½ or older, you each can make a tax-free charitable distribution of up to $100,000 from your IRAs directly to a public charity, such as the Jewish Federation,


through December 31, 2013. What are the benefits? Your IRA charitable rollover transfer to the Jewish Federation counts towards your minimum required annual withdrawal from your IRA. By taking advantage of this opportunity, the funds you transfer to the Jewish Federation will not be included in your taxable income. In

some cases, lowering your taxable income may place you in a more favorable tax bracket, and using IRA assets for the charitable rollover can also reduce your overall taxable estate. Please note that while your taxable income will be lowered, the distribution to the Jewish Federation will not be eligible for a charitable tax deduction.

EVY LIPP PEOPLE OF THE BOOK CULTURAL EVENT Celebrating 10 years of bringing noted authors to our Federation Members PROUDLY PRESENTS Bestselling Author and Journalist

BRUCE FEILER WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2014 – 7:30PM Temple Shalom – 4630 Pine Ridge Road – Naples Since 2001, Bruce Feiler has been one of the country’s preeminent writers and speakers about the role of religion in contemporary life. In Walking the Bible, Feiler unlocks the mysteries of some of the Bible’s most memorable events. Abraham recounts his personal search for the shared ancestor of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Where God Was Born describes his year-long trek visiting biblical sites through the front lines of Israel, Iraq, and Iran, and America’s Prophet is the groundbreaking story of the influence of religion in American life. All four were New York Times bestsellers. He is also the writer/presenter of the PBS miniseries “Walking the Bible” and the forthcoming “Sacred Journeys with Bruce Feiler.” Currently, Feiler is a family columnist at The New York Times. His latest book, The Secrets of Happy Families (Feb. 2013), is a bold playbook for families today. It collects best practices for modern-day parents from some of the world’s most creative minds, including top designers in Silicon Valley, elite peace negotiators, the creators of “Modern Family,” and the Green Berets. Bruce Feiler has written for numerous publications, including The New Yorker, New York Times Magazine, and Gourmet, where he won three James Beard Awards. He is a frequent commentator on ABC, NBC, NPR, CNN, and Fox News. A graduate of Yale and Cambridge universities, he has also written books about Japan, England, and his year as a circus clown. A native of Savannah, Georgia, he now lives in Brooklyn, with his wife, Linda Rottenberg, and their identical twin daughters.

BECOME A PATRON OF THE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK – Patron sponsorship is $1,000 over and above your annual Federation pledge. Patrons enjoy a pre-event dinner with Mr. Feiler and reserved seating. Contact David Willens at 239-263-4205.


SEATING IS LIMITED – RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED Clip and Mail ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Make checks payable to: JEWISH FEDERATION OF COLLIER COUNTY Mail to: 2500 VANDERBILT BEACH RD, SUITE #2201, NAPLES, FL 34109-0613 This is my/our reservation for the PEOPLE OF THE BOOK event Name(s) _______________________________________________________________________________________  I/We are Members of the Federation  I/We would like to become Members Number of reservations: _____________________

Phone: ______________________________________

Enclosed is my/our membership donation for the PEOPLE OF THE BOOK event $ ______________________

The current and previous editions of the Federation Star are now available on your iPad and mobile! Go to issuu.com and search for “Federation Star”.

7A January 2014 Federation Star COMMUNITY FOCUS Jewish Federation of Collier County 2500 Vanderbilt Beach Road, Suite 2201 Naples, Florida 34109-0613 Phone: (239) 263-4205 Fax: (239) 263-3813 www.jewishnaples.org Email: info@jewishnaples.org Officers President: Judge Norman Krivosha Vice President: Dr. Karen Ezrine Vice President: Dr. Morton Friedman Vice President: Phyllis Seaman Recording Secretary: Kevin Aizenshtat Assistant Secretary: Alvin Becker Treasurer: Jerry Sobelman Assistant Treasurer: Jerry Bogo Immed. Past President: Rosalee Bogo

Board of Trustees Harvey Brenner Stephen Coleman Alan Gordon Neil Heuer Linda Hyde Wallie Lenchner Ben Peltz Joel Pittelman Dr. Ronald Roth Dr. Tracey Roth Arlene Sobol Michael Sobol Berton Thompson Dr. Joel Waltzer Dr. Daniel Wasserman Beth Wolff Barry Zvibleman

Past Presidents Gerald Flagel, Dr. William Ettinger, Ann Jacobson, Sheldon Starman, Bobbie Katz

Board Members Emeritus Ann Jacobson Hans Levy Shirley Levy

Synagogue Representatives Cantor Donna Azu Roger Blau Rabbi Ammos Chorny Yale T. Freeman Stuart Kaye Rabbi Edward Maline Rabbi Adam Miller Suzanne Paley Rabbi James Perman Dr. Arthur Seigel Rabbi Sylvin Wolf Rabbi Fishel Zaklos

Executive Director David Willens

Staff Jill Saravis, Community Program Coord. Iris Doenias, Administrative Assistant Deborah Vacca, Bookkeeper Federation is the central Jewish community-building organization for Collier County, providing a social service network that helps Jewish people in Collier County, in Israel and around the world. As the central fundraising organization for Jewish communal life in our area, strength is drawn from organized committees of dedicated volunteers. Programs include: • Annual Campaign & Endowment fund • Community Relations Committee • Educational & cultural programs • Long Range Planning for expected community growth • Publication of the Federation Star, our monthly newspaper; Connections, our annual resource guide; and Community Directory • Women’s Cultural Alliance • Women’s Division • YAD – Young Adult Division • Youth Activities Committee – sponsoring youth education and scholarships for Jewish Summer Camp and the Israel Experience

January 2014 Federation Star


JFCS Senior Center to offer first program in January Dr. Jaclynn Faffer JFCS President/ CEO he first official program to be offered by the JFCS Senior Center will take place on Wednesday, January 22. Seniors will be served a hot lunch and get information about the programs that will take place at the Center. Initially opening for one day a week, JFCS projects that the Senior Center will progress to offer programs twice a week beginning in late February or early March, and then move to a five-day-a-week operation. Initial programs to be offered will include a weekly hot lunch, the Computer Skills Lab and the Café. Community partners, such as the Collier County Sheriff’s Office, Collier Area Transportation (CAT), the Collier County Department of Social Services, and the Alzheimer’s Support Network will have office space available so that their representatives can meet with seniors. The goal is to provide a “one-stop shop” for seniors in our community. Programs that are intellectually stimulating and fun will be offered after lunch. If you are interested in being part of the Center or volunteering, please give us a call at 239.325.4444. JFCS provided 70 fully cooked Thanksgiving dinners to individuals and families in our community who struggle with food insecurity. A


special “Thank You” to Maxine and Harvey Brenner for spearheading this campaign in our community. Another “Thank You” to Tracey Albert and her groups of friends at Temple Shalom for putting together beautiful, and much needed, baskets of gift cards and gifts for 23 families with children and 10 single women in our community who needed some extra-special help to enjoy the holiday. Invitations to “Planting Seeds for Better Tomorrows.” the JFCS 2nd Annual Fundraising event. are in the mail. Taking place in the Grand Lobby of Artis— Naples on Tuesday,

January 14, the event will celebrate the increasing impact JFCS has in our community. For more information, please contact me at jfaffer@jfcsswfl.org or 239.325.4444. And as always, thank you for supporting JFCS and helping us help so many!

Harvey & Maxine Brenner

Major Federation events in 2014 Monday, January 13: Major Gifts/ Lions of Judah event

Saturday, February 8: Community Celebration Event

Hosts for this elite evening are Bobby and Jack Myers. Guest speaker is Michael Siegal, chairman of the Jewish Federations of North America. Northern Trust has graciously stepped forward to sponsor this fundraiser. The Federation will take that opportunity to honor Rosalee and Jerry Bogo for ten years of dedicated leadership to our organization and community. This dinner will be held at the recently remodeled and redecorated Wyndemere Country Club. To top it off, the program – a night of comedy – will provide plenty of healthy laughter.

year’s speaker may not be an immediately Wednesday, February 19: This recognized celebrity like former presenters Alan

10th Annual Evy Lipp People of the Book Cultural Event

Dershowitz or Ted Koppel, but rest assured that Bruce Feiler, author of Walking the Bible, is a most significant writer, speaker and thought-provoker.

Friday, April 11:

After a few years of having no activity specifically for the Women’s Division, 2014 marks its comeback year. Under the leadership of co-chairs Nancy Greenberg and Carolyn Roth, this fundraiser luncheon for the 2014 campaign – women only – will be held at beautiful Grey Oaks.

Women’s Division Luncheon

The Federation Star will feature more information on each of these events as the dates approach.



Federation Star January 2014

Moorings Park at Grey Oaks poised to break ground AMERICAN TECHNION SOCIETY - NAPLES CHAPTER

Welcomes Dr. Ayelet Fishman Professor of Biotechnology and Food Engineering

Speaking on


SAFER PRODUCE THANKS TO TECHNION RESEARCH Thursday, January 16, 2014 12:30 pm The Club - Pelican Bay $20/person Reservations are required. Call Lisa Rivero at 561-832-5401 or email rivero@ats.org Dr. Ayelet Fishman earned her bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in biotechnology and food engineering from the Technion. She was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Connecticut. Presently, she is a visiting professor in the Department of Food Science at the University of California, Davis. The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology is a major source of the innovation and brainpower that drives the Israeli economy, and a key to Israel’s renown as the world’s “Start-Up Nation.” Its three Nobel Prize winners exemplify academic excellence. Technion people, ideas and inventions make immeasurable contributions to the world including life-saving medicine, sustainable energy, computer science, water conservation and nanotechnology. The Joan and Irwin Jacobs Technion-Cornell Innovation Institute is a vital component of Cornell NYC Tech, and a model for graduate applied science education that is expected to transform New York City’s economy. American Technion Society (ATS) donors provide critical support for the Technion—more than $1.9 billion since its inception in 1940. Based in New York City, the ATS and its network of chapters across the U.S. provide funds for scholarships, fellowships, faculty recruitment and chairs, research, buildings, laboratories, classrooms and dormitories, and more.

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or retirees, quality of life is determined by the freedom to enjoy an active lifestyle and the security of knowing their longterm needs will be met. Moorings Park at Grey Oaks is poised to break ground on Phase I of an exciting new community that offers a holistic approach to living well in an enclave of garden homes that provides the highquality continuum of care and lifestyle programs of a renowned retirement community along with the amenities of Grey Oaks Country Club. A Sports Membership at Grey Oaks Country Club is included with each Moorings Park at Grey Oaks residence. Phase I includes construction of 32 garden home residences in four buildings with four floors over parking and two residences per floor. The Moorings Park at Grey Oaks campus will feature three exquisite gardens, one of which provides a green space adjacent to the communi-

ty’s clubhouse, the Center for Healthy Living, an Extended Congregate Care Licensed Assisted Living Center and Memory Care Center. Mediterraneaninspired architecture will present exquisite courtyards, spacious lanais and balconies. Splendid garden homes feature two-bedroom plus den, two-and-ahalf bath floorplans offering a maintenance-free lifestyle. Each floorplan includes a private elevator vestibule, an entry courtyard, spacious great room, kitchen and breakfast area, wet bar, vaulted ceilings, master suites, beautiful master baths, and lanais and balconies with outdoor kitchens. Reservations for residences at Moorings Park at Grey Oaks are now being accepted. Visit the Moorings Park at Grey Oaks Sales Center within the Grey Oaks Sales Center, call 239.919.1711 or visit www.Moor ingsParkGO.org.

The Naples Jewish Caring Support Group By Phyllis Lazear


hen some of my friends and I watched illness attack our loved ones, we found ourselves isolated by the job of caregiving. Some of us became surviving spouses and that left an empty spot filled with grief and loneliness. We craved the closeness we once had with family and friends. Where could we find companionship where it was safe to discuss our distress and find the encouragement we needed? It was then that we joined the Naples Jewish Caring Support Group and found compassionate friends who shared so much with us. Some of us had to make life-changing decisions and it felt good to talk things through in this safe and friendly environment. All this we could do because we knew that confidentiality was paramount to our group. We are our in our fifth year now and the group has helped us to accept

the stress of being a caregiver or a lonely survivor of that journey. We help each other overcome uncomfortable and unwanted feelings, such as anger and frustration, that are the normal human reactions to undesired change. The upbeat attitude and acceptance we find in our bi-monthly meetings comfort us and give us the confidence we need. Our meetings are held the second and fourth Monday of each month from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Temple Shalom has kindly offered the use of its chapel. This is a free service to the entire Jewish community. After our meetings many of us go out for lunch. For more information, please call me at 239.352.2907.

Next meetings: January 13 & 27 PLEASE Support Our Advertisers! They help make the FEDERATION STAR possible.

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9A January 2014 COMMUNITY FOCUS Federation Star

January 2014 Federation Star


Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU seeks 2014 Breaking the Glass Ceiling Award nominations


he Jewish Museum of FloridaFIU, the only museum dedicated to telling the story of 250 years of Florida Jewish heritage, arts and culture, is proud to announce its search for nominations for its Breaking the Glass Ceiling Awards. This annual award is presented to women who have broken the proverbial glass ceiling in professional fields that are normally dominated by men. Nominees are also judged based upon activities in the Jewish and civic communities and serving as role models for other women. The deadline for nominations is Friday, January 17 at 5:00 p.m. “While there have been outstanding strides made by Jewish profes-

sional women throughout the state, it is important that we continue to recognize these women as an inspiration to others to aim for the stars,” said Jo Ann Arnowitz, director of the Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU. “We encourage the Florida community to nominate women who they feel are worthy of this honor. Each year, we receive a fascinating assortment of nominations of women from all over the state in diverse professions, from fire fighters to forensic artists.” The Breaking the Glass Ceiling Award was established by the museum in 1995. To date, more than 75 outstanding winners have been honored with this distinction, from a wide variety of fields such as medicine,

Finding a job is tough enough. You don’t need to do it alone. f you’re over the age of 50, finding employment may be the most difficult challenge you will ever face. To succeed you need the right tools and expert guidance. On Thursday, January 23 from 10:00 a.m. to noon, Jewish Family & Community Services is offering a seminar, “Getting Hired: A Job Search Workshop,” led by Jane Evans, employment consultant for more than 30 years. The seminar will cover all aspects of finding a job, including the job search, resume writing and how


to interview. Mrs. Evans will be available post-seminar to offer continued guidance both through email and in-person follow-up consultation. The seminar is limited to 15 participants. The cost is $10 and covers the seminar, materials any follow-up consultations. Please register by mailing a check (payable to Jewish Family & Community Services) to 5025 Castello Drive, Naples, FL 34103. For further information or to pay by credit card, call the JFCS office at 239.325.4444.

banking, accounting, academia, politics, law, aviation, journalism, sports and entertainment. The 2014 Breaking the Glass Awards ceremony will take place at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 30, featuring the honorees discussing the obstacles they faced and how they broke through the glass ceiling. “The event is always an uplifting experience,” said Tamra Sheffman, who has been chair of the committee almost since its inception. “We especially encourage students to attend this program, as it is such an inspiration to hear these women’s personal stories of their often rocky paths to success.” To submit a nominee for the award, visit www.jewishmuseum. com and download the nomination guidelines and application form, or contact Membership Director Nancy Cohen at 786.972.3164 or member ship@jewishmuseum.com. About the Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU: The Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU is the only museum

dedicated to telling the story of 250 years of Florida Jewish heritage, arts and culture. The museum is housed in two adjacent lovingly restored historic buildings, at 301 Washington Avenue on South Beach, that were once synagogues for Miami Beach’s first Jewish congregation. The museum’s focal point is its core exhibit, MOSAIC: Jewish Life in Florida, 1763 to Present, and its temporary history and art exhibits that change periodically. Now on display: Growers, Grocers & Gefilte Fish: A Gastronomic Look at Florida Jews & Food through October 5, 2014, and Graphic Details: Confessional Comics by Jewish Women through February 16, 2014. A Collections and Research Center, several films, Timeline Wall of Jewish History, museum store and Bessie’s Bistro complete the experience for visitors of all ages and backgrounds. The museum is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums. For more information, call 305.672.5044 or visit www.jewishmuseum.com.

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10A Federation Star January 2014

Jerusalem Post Crossword Puzzle JNF hosts Doctors for Israel

Society event in Naples


ver 20 Jewish National Fund (JNF) supporters gathered at a JNF Doctors for Israel Society event at the home of Dr. Mark and Anne Rubin on November 17. The event was focused around JNF partner, LOTEM-Making Nature Accessible. JNF-LOTEM Liaison Alisa Bodner spoke to the group on the organization’s efforts that offer outings, nature clubs and creative workshops in outdoor settings to over 30,000 children and adults in Israel each year who are visually and hearing impaired, physically and intellectually challenged, emotionally disturbed,

By David Benkof, DavidBenkof@gmail.com

or at risk of physical and emotional abuse. JNF Naples Board of Directors member Dr. Mark Rubin also spoke about his family’s support of JNF since early childhood and the need to inspire his children, who were in attendance, and the next generation, in the importance of Israel’s growth and prosperity. JNF’s Doctors for Israel Society is a network that provides healthcare professionals the opportunity to support Israel and make a difference through an exclusive community committed to JNF. For more information, please visit jnf.org/doctorsforisrael.

Solution on page 23A Dr. Joel & Wendy Grossman with Dr. Jerry Kumin

Across 1. “Lotty’s ___ Tablecloth (Jewish Heirloom Stories)” 5. Conservative camp since 1947 10. Yiddishe ___ 14. High holiday preparation month 15. American Yiddish poet Greenblatt 16. Jerem. alternative 17. Pioneer of graphic novels (“A Contract with God”) 19. Historian Levin (“While Messiah Tarried”) 20. Urges forward 21. Lawmakers 23. Floppy-eared dog 25. Jewish American Heritage Month 26. “Golden Boy” playwright Clifford 29. Cynthia Ozick’s Holocaust short story “The ___” 33. Small bay 37. Wisconsin Jewish camp 38. Champion figure skater Cohen 39. Eilat sight 40. “Etz Chayim ___” (Hebrew for “it is a tree of life”) 41. Violated the Ninth Commandment 42. “___ in the Prussian Forest” (Holocaust poem) 44. Some Atlanta Jewish Times employees (abbr.) 45. Ramon and Halimi 46. ___ Stooges 47. Drudge and Stone 49. Oscar-winner Buttons (“Sayonara”) 51. Plains Indian 56. “___ on Hebrew Themes” (Prokofiev work in C-minor) 61. Triptik, notably 62. Kabbalah Center devotee Moore 63. “A Fish Called Wanda” Oscarwinner 65. Garcetti or Cantor 66. ___ is a curved line 67. “Man on the ___” (Andy Kaufman biopic) 68. Smith & ___ (vaudeville comedy duo) 69. ___ of humor (Seinfeld specialty) 70. Slaloms Down 1. Jerry or Shari 2. Walk with ___ (hobble) 3. Part of an apology

4. Barkin of “The Big Easy” 5. Taken in, as by a Federation 6. Jolson and Capp 7. Land ___ (Golan Heights problem) 8. “One God Clapping: The Spiritual Path of ___ Rabbi” 9. ___-esh-Sharif (Temple Mount) 10. “Let’s Make a Deal” host 11. Suffix with peek 12. Lenny Bruce’s comedian mother Sally 13. Workers for Robert Morgenthau 18. Scandal-plagued Spitzer 22. “Dream a Little Dream of Me” singer Mama ___ 24. HaMotzi word 27. Bara in “Salome” 28. Shabbat activity for a Spanish Jew 30. From Haifa to Hanoi 31. “___ Harry Met Sally...” (Rob Reiner film) 32. Bar mitzvah boys 33. “The peacemaker’s time ___ hand!” (“Light One Candle” lyric) 34. Bible from Joshua to Chronicles 35. Holocaust denier, e.g. 36. “The Adding Machine” playwright 43. Amanda of “Syriana” 45. “Red Cavalry” author Babel 48. “Shamanic ___ in Modern Kabbalah” (Jonathan Garb book) 50. “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” composer 52. Hamsas 53. Self-evaluating question for the self-help crowd 54. “Trip to ___” (1968 Susan Sontag book) 55. Begins on Broadway 56. Israeli negotiator Eran, who held out the prospect of a Palestinian state 57. Former Portland mayor Katz 58. Holocaust philosopher Fackenheim 59. Civil libertarian Cassin 60. Actress ___ Rachel Wood (“Across the Universe”) 64. In 2013, it targeted groups with “Israel” in their names

Daryl Sissman, Anne Rubin, Fern Jaffe

Dr. Rebecca Kosloff and Tyler Korn

JNF-LOTEM Liaison Alisa Bodner and Dr. Mark Rubin

COMMUNITY FOCUS 11A January 2014 Federation Star

January 2014 Federation Star


Can We Kvell!?


yler B. Korn, Esq. recently received the Irving and Cherna Moskowitz Award from the Zionist Organization of America at the ZOA’s 115th Annual Justice Brandeis Award Dinner in New York City. Last year’s recipient of the award was Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r. Stephen C. Weisberg has been chosen as one of ten men in the community to receive the Champions for Learning MEN OF DISTINCTION honors for 2014. Stephen Weisberg has had a lifelong passion for learning and a desire to help others, especially children, live healthy, fully active lives. Since retirement from his medical practice, he has lived primarily in Naples and become an active community volunteer. Steve has served in multiple organizations including The Neighborhood Health Clinic, Greater Naples Leadership, and as founder and leader of the Naples Men’s Discussion Group. His involvement with the Education Foundation–Champions for Learning has included co-chairing the first community forum on education, “Getting Ahead;” serving on selection committees for the Golden Apple; co-chairing the Success Team; as a member of the Selection Committee for Take Stock in Children; and as a mentor of a Take Stock student for the past four years. A recognition event will take place in February.



Southwest Florida Chapter Presents Wall Street Journal’s 2013 Pulitzer Prize Winner

Bret Stephens “America in Retreat and Israel Alone”

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The Jewish Congregation of Marco Island and The Jewish Congregation of Marco Island The Jewish Congregation of Marco Island and and

The 2014 Saul I. Stern Cultural Series The 2014 Saul Stern Now in I. our 20ththCultural Year! Series The 2014 Saul I. Stern Cultural Series Now in our 20th Year! Now in our 20 Year! Steven Emerson International Expert Steven Emerson International Expert on Terrorism and National Security Steven Emerson International Expert on Terrorism and NationalPrime Security Advisor to Presidents, on Terrorism and NationalPrime Security Advisor toand Presidents, Ministers World Leaders Advisor toand Presidents, Prime th Year Ministers World Leaders Opens the 20 of the Series: Ministers and World Leaders th Opens the 20th Year of the Series: Opens 20A POLITICAL Year of the Series: – “IS ISLAM A THREAT OR the JUST MOVEMENT INSIDE THE WORLDOR OFJUST THE A MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD” “IS ISLAM A THREAT POLITICAL MOVEMENT – “IS ISLAM A THREAT OR JUST A POLITICAL MOVEMENT – INSIDE THE WORLD OF THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD” INSIDE THE WORLD OF THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD”

Included are clips from the award-winning Included are clips from the award-winning documentary by Steven Emerson Included are clips from the award-winning documentary Steven Emerson “GRANDby DECEPTION” documentary Steven Emerson “GRANDby DECEPTION” “GRAND DECEPTION” WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2014 7:30PM WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2014 7:30PM WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2014 7:30PM

SPONSORED BY ANDREA AND TERRENCE McCREANOR OF MORGAN SPONSORED BY ANDREA ANDSTANLEY TERRENCE McCREANOR SPONSORED BY ANDREA AND TERRENCE McCREANOR Tickets: members $20 non-members $25 OF MORGAN STANLEY OF MORGAN STANLEY 991 Winterberry Drive, Marco Island 239-642-0800 Tickets: members $20 non-members $25 Tickets: members $20 Marco Island 239-642-0800 non-members $25 991 Winterberry Drive, 991 Winterberry Drive, Marco Island 239-642-0800

Admission: $20 Mr. Stephens is the deputy editorial page editor responsible for the international opinion pages of The Wall Street Journal. He also writes “Global View,” the paper’s weekly foreign-affairs column, and is a member of the Journal’s editorial board. He is a regular panelist on The Journal Editorial Report, a weekly political talk show broadcast.

Seats for this event will be sold out quickly so RSVP today to Jerry Sobel at jerrysobel@aol.com or 914-329-1024


12A Federation Star January 2014


Tributes to the Federation Campaign To: The Friedson Family In loving memory of Janet Friedson From: The Willens Family To: From:

Eloyse & David Fisher In memory of David’s beloved sister, Patsy Fisher Phyllis & Michael Seaman Sunie & Lee Levin

To: From:

Joan Thompson Wishing you a speedy recovery. Our thoughts are with you. Phyllis & Michael Seaman

To: From:

Gracia Kuller & Family In memory of your beloved husband, Merrill Kuller David Willens Phyllis & Michael Seaman Sunie & Lee Levin Dorothy & Irving Litt Ellen & Dr. Gary Gersh Sheila & Alvin Becker Marilyn Weinstein

Let us remember the children of the Holocaust

Tributes require a minimum donation of $18.

To: Dee & Dick BittmanBy Abe Price, Holocaust To: survivor Marcelle Aizenshtat-Bigel & Jon Bigel In your honor. We are very proud of you. Mazel Tov on the engagement of your From: Jen & Ed Levy daughter Heather & Michael From: Phyllis & Michael Seaman To: Andy Millstein Our thoughts and prayers are with you To: Corky & Dr. Alan Kaplan From: Phyllis & Michael Seaman In honor of your hospitality and friendship To: Joel Pittelman From: Phyllis & Michael Seaman In honor of your 70th birthday From: Joan & Marc Saperstein To: Corky & Dr. Alan Kaplan Congratulations on your 50th wedding To: Nancy & Harold Kaplan anniversary; and best wishes for Mazel Tov on the engagement of your continued good health son Michael & Gretchen Adelson From: Sheila & Alvin Becker From: Phyllis & Michael Seaman

The Jewish Federation of Collier County extends: • Condolences to Judith Kane Sager & Family on the passing of her beloved husband, Gerald Sager • Condolences to Gracia Kuller and Family on the passing of her beloved husband, Merrill Kuller • Condolences to Michelle Levine-Troupp & Family on the passing of your beloved husband, Rabbi Leonard B. Troupp • Condolences to Joseph Askenazi & Family on the passing of his beloved wife, Zila Askenazi • Condolences to David Levin & Family on the passing of his beloved wife, Molly Levin • Condolences to James & Millie Sernovitz & Family on the passing of James’ father, Ted Sernovitz

ConneCt with your Jewish Community

SIGN UP FOR THE FEDERATION’S WEEKLY COMMUNITY eNEWSLETTER! Get the latest information on upcoming community events and cultural activities, news from Israel and lots more.

Send an email to info@jewishnaples.org or visit www.jewishnaples.org.


facebook.com/jfedsrq JewishFederationofCollierCounty

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JEWISH INTEREST 13A Federation Star January 2014

Stars of David

By Nate Bloom, Contributing Columnist Editor’s note: Persons in BOLD CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jewish parent and were not raised in a faith other than Judaism – and don’t identify with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. Converts to Judaism, of course, are also identified as Jewish. Levine is Sexiest/His Bris Pack In November, People magazine named rock musician and The Voice coach ADAM LEVINE, 34, its sexiest man alive for 2013. 1998 winner HARRISON FORD, 71, whose late mother was Jewish, is the only other tribe member to be named “sexiest” since 1985, when the award began. Here’s the Jewish “411” on Levine: Levine, who identifies as Jewish, has been secular as an adult. His father is Jewish, while his mother is the daughter of a non-Jewish mother and a Jewish father (his maternal grandfather descends from English Jews and maybe some Sephardim). His Jewish step-mother is the mother of Levine’s two younger half-siblings. Levine told a UK Jewish paper that he was raised with only a little Jewish religious observance and, in light of that, he decided to decline his father’s offer to give him a bar mitzvah ceremony. He said he felt it was a serious ceremony that evidenced a spiritual commitment he hadn’t been prepared for. He thought it wrong that many of his Jewish peers had a bar mitzvah because they wanted a big party and gifts. By the way, Harrison Ford once seriously said that he wasn’t tattooed so he could be buried in a Jewish cemetery. Trust me: While Jewish religious law seriously frowns on tattoos, it is a persistent myth that Jewish cemeteries refuse burial to the tattooed. So, in case you were wondering and worrying – the “very tattooed” Levine could be buried in a Jewish cemetery. Not long after People honored Levine, his music manager, JORDAN FELDSTEIN, 35, the brother of actor JONAH HILL, 29, wed Francesca Eastwood (November 17), the daughter of Clint Eastwood, 83, before an Elvis impersonator. Reports say that they both were probably drunk while taking their vows and, on November 25, the bride moved to have the marriage annulled. An interesting 2012 interview with Levine describes his relationship with Feldstein. Details magazine says that Levine has a Los Angeles-based “Bris Pack of Jewish showbizzers” who have been almost lifelong friends. They have nicknames, and Levine’s is “the Bear Jew,” after a fierce Jewish commando in the movie Inglourious Basterds. Adam’s father was best friends during childhood with Jonah and Jordan’s father, and Adam refers to Feldstein, his manager, as “family.” Funny footnote: Back in 2004,

Clint Eastwood cried “Kinehora!” when a reporter queried him about the Oscar chances of his movie Mystic River. He then laughed and explained it was a Jewish expression meant to ward off a jinx. Maybe he should say it every time he sees Francesca. Super Jewish Women Israeli actress GAL GADOT, 28, was much in the news last month. Gadot is best known for co-starring in the original Fast and Furious movie (2009) and Fast and Furious Five (2011). The tragic auto accident death (November 30) of Fast and Furious movie series costar Paul Walker led media outlets to ask Gadot about his death. She, of course, expressed her shock and sadness about Walker’s death. Then, on December 4, she got some very good news. She beat out scores of other actresses for the coveted role of Wonder Woman in a sequel to Man of Steel, the hit 2013 Superman movie. The sequel will also feature Batman (played by Ben Affleck). Gadot’s resume and life history reads like the bio of a Jewish super woman. Born and raised in Rosh Hayin, a town of about 38,000 in central Israel, she grew up in what she describes as a very Jewish/Israeli family environment. In 2004, when she was 19, she won the Miss Israel pageant and represented her country at the Miss Universe competition. She continued to model, part time, as she performed her twoyear military service (2005-2007); she was a sports trainer for the military. In 2007, she got an Israeli film role and, since then, she has guested on several American TV shows. But wait! She’s also an avid high-performance motorcycle rider and a mother. She wed an Israeli businessman in 2008 and they had a girl in 2011. Gadot follows four other Jewish women who have played comic-book superheroes in movies or on TV (no others have had military training, however). Here’s my list: HELEN SLATER, now 49, title role in Supergirl (1984); ALICIA SILVERSTONE, now 37, Batgirl in Batman and Robin (1997); DINA MEYER, now 44, as Batgirl/the Oracle in the 2002 TV series, Birds of Prey; and SCARLETT JOHANSSON, now 29, as Natasha Romanoff/ the Black Widow in several films, including The Avengers (2012).

January 2014 Federation Star


HotWorks.org Presents the 13th Bi-Annual

Estero Fine Art Show

January 4 & 5, 2014 At Miromar Outlets

Larry Fox, Sculpture

Juried Fine Art & Fine Craft Show

Free Admission & Free Parking – Saturday & Sunday, 10am-5pm Daily Located at Miromar Outlets www.Miromar.com I-75 & Exit 123 Corkscrew Road/Miromar Outlet Blvd. HotWorks.org Sponsor of the Institute for the Arts & Education, Inc., a 501c3 non-profit organization

Also a Youth Art Competition for Grades K-8!

Interested in Your Family’s History? Ten years of doing a Jewish celebrities column has turned Nate Bloom (see column at left) into something of an expert on finding basic family history records and articles mentioning a “searched-for” person. During these 10 years, he has put together a small team of “mavens” who aid his research. Most professional family history experts charge at least $1,000 for a full family tree. However, many people just want to get “started” by tracing one particular family branch.

So here’s the deal: Email Nate at middleoftheroad1@aol.com, tell him you saw this ad in the Federation Star, and include your phone number (area code, too). Nate will then contact you about doing a “limited” family history for you at a modest cost (no more than $100). No upfront payment.

Be sure to see Section B for Jewish Happenings and Israel & the Jewish World items.

14A Federation Star January 2014


Speeches and intentions By Paul R. Bartrop, PhD, Professor of History, Director, Center for Judaic, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies, FGCU

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here are many questions that remain unresolved when discussing Adolf Hitler. Did he have a master plan for obtaining power? Was he certain that his threats would work against Britain and France in the 1930s? Did he always intend to invade Poland or Russia? Did he want to control the world? Why did he declare war on the United States? Dr. Paul Bartrop (More recently, a book has asked if he was, in fact, physically or psychologically ill throughout his rule in Germany, and whether or not this had an impact on his decision-making.) Where the “Jewish Question” is concerned, of course, one question has trumped all others for decades: Did he always intend to carry out the annihilation of the Jewish people? During the 1980s, this question generated considerable debate among historians, who divided themselves into two streams of thinking. Those who became known as “Intentionalists,” on the one hand, argued that the Holocaust was primarily centered in the person of Adolf Hitler, his anti-Semitism, and his commitment to bringing to realization a world free of Jews. They cite Hitler’s many public speeches vilifying the Jews and promising them harm, as well as his own writing in Mein Kampf. To these scholars, Hitler always intended to exterminate the Jews, right from the very beginning. Opposing them were those who came to be known as “Functionalists,” who argued that the Holocaust was not the result of a planned, carefully organized and orchestrated agenda because of Hitler’s overwhelming anti-Semitism but, rather, an evolving and sometimes even chaotic program of death and destruction which really began to assert itself after the invasion of Soviet Russia in June 1941 (“Operation Barbarossa”). Prior to this, they argued, it was done by low-level bureaucrats in a somewhat haphazard – even inefficient – manner. While there is no space here to analyze the arguments in depth, something that can be recalled is a speech Hitler gave, 75 years ago this month, in which he made clear his intention – at least rhetorically. When addressing the Reichstag on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of his appointment to office in 1933, Hitler made a long speech celebrating the achievements of his government and stating where he wished to go in the future. Included in this speech were some of the most pointed remarks he had made publicly about the “Jewish Question” for quite some time. He noted, for example, that it was “a shameful spectacle” to see how “the whole democratic world is oozing sympathy for the poor tormented Jewish people,” but nonetheless steadfastly refused to take in the

Jews whom Hitler wanted to offload. Rehearsing a number of arguments relating to the two-facedness of the democracies, the “historical” exploitation of the German people by “the Jews,” and the fact that under his government this state of affairs had now ended, Hitler then made a statement that has gone down in history as the clearest expression of his genocidal intentions: “In the course of my life I have very often been a prophet, and have usually been ridiculed for it. During the time of my struggle for power, the Jewish race received my prophecies with laughter when I said that I would one day take over the leadership of the State, and with it that of the whole nation, and that I would then among many other things settle the Jewish problem. Their laughter was uproarious, but I think that for some time now they have been laughing on the other side of their face.” He continued with words that carry a chilling portent: “Today I will once more be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!” This was the first time that Hitler had made any public announcement relating to the future annihilation of what he termed the “Jewish race.” Clearly, at this time he regarded the eradication of the “Jewish race” as forming part of the Nazi agenda, even if it was only at this time a matter of his oratory and bluster. Moreover, this was not just a oneoff statement made for effect. Hitler was to repeat his prophecy six times in public: on January 30, in 1941 and 1942 (again reprising the anniversary of his ascent to power), and on February 15, 1942, September 30, 1942, November 8, 1942, and February 24, 1943. The speech made 75 years ago this month was stated openly, and was intended to be picked up for all to hear. Sadly, few people in Europe or the United States took much notice, as it remained just as difficult for Jews to obtain refugee entry as before. Immigration quotas around the world did not budge one iota. And, as subsequent events were to show, when war came just nine months later, Hitler was able to start moving towards a process that would mobilize the Nazi effort to carry out his long-sought agenda. He might not have been aware of how that would happen – in 1939, nobody could have foreseen what was to come – but his speech placed everyone on notice that there was much more to his address than just rhetorical flourish. It was, perhaps, an expressed desire awaiting fulfillment. Dr. Paul Bartrop is Professor of History and the Director of the Center for Judaic, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies at FGCU. He can be reached at pbartrop@fgcu.edu.

JEWISH INTEREST 15A Federation Star January 2014

January 2014 Federation Star



Tobi Kahn, sought-after star of the art scene, to have solo exhibition at Harmon-Meek Gallery


orld renowned contemporary master painter and sculptor Tobi Kahn will showcase his newest collection of paintings at Harmon-Meek Gallery in Naples, January 20-24. Kahn’s work has been shown in over 40 solo exhibitions and over 60 museum and groups shows since he was selected as one of nine artists to be included in the 1985 Guggenheim Museum exhibition, New Horizons in American Art. Works by Kahn are in major museum, corporate and private collections. Born in New York in 1952, Kahn is a graduate of Tel Aviv University in Israel, has an Honorary Doctorate from the Jewish Theological Seminary for his work as an artist and educator, and is a former Fine Arts Instructor at New York’s School of Visual Arts. He also designed the art curriculum for several high schools in the New York area and co-founded and facilitates the Artists’ Beit Midrash at the Skirball Center of Temple Emanu-El. Kahn lectures extensively at universities and public forums internationally on the importance of visual language and art as healing. For thirty years, Kahn has been steadfast in the pursuit of his distinct vision and persistent in his commitment to the redemptive possibilities of art. In paint, stone and bronze, he has

explored the correspondence between the intimate and monumental. He creates evocative landscapes that blend the world of nature and the spiritual world. His work has been a lifelong quest to distill memory into elemental images that allow the past to be transformed by imagination.

Tobi Kahn in his studio

Kahn often pulls from memories of the exotic places he has traveled. His palette is often a combination of strong reds, gold leaf, slate grey, sand and various blues. The fluid shapes he creates and the layering of gesso give the work their uniquely Kahn texture and imagery. The primordial shapes in his paintings suggest such diverse subjects as the desert regions of Israel and the fairway of Myrtle Beach.

The internationally-acclaimed artist has works in the collection of many of our country’s major institutions including the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum – New York; Jewish Museum – New York; Museum of Fine Arts – Houston; and Brandis University – Waltham, Massachusetts, to name a few. Kahn’s most famous and most notable commissioned works include: the Holocaust Memorial Garden for the Jewish Community Center in San Diego, California; Gan Hazikaron: Garden of Remembrance for the JCC of the Palisades, New Jersey; and The Twelve Tribes and Creation of the World, for the Jewish Family Congregation in South Salem, New York. A museum exhibition of over a decade of his work, Tobi Kahn: Metamorphoses, curated by Peter Selz, traveled to eight museums from 1997 through 1999. In May 2003, an exhibition of his Sky and Water paintings opened at the Neuberger Museum of Art in Purchase, New York. The catalogue includes essays by Dede Young, who curated the

exhibition, and Donald Kuspit. In 2004, Paradisus, a solo exhibition of Kahn’s paintings of flowers, curated by Mark White, opened at the gallery of Oklahoma State University. The show then traveled to the Century Club in New York. In 2008, Kahn was commissioned to create the art and ritual objects for the sanctuary of Congregation Emanu-El B’ne Jeshurun, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Opened in Fall 2009, Kahn’s work consists of eight wall-scale paintings and the sanctuary’s ceremonial art, including the eternal light, mezuzah, and panels for the ark doors. In October 2009, “Tobi Kahn: Sacred Spaces for the 21st Century,” a solo traveling exhibition of Kahn’s ceremonial and liturgical art, opened at MOBIA in New York City. The book, Tobi Kahn, Sacred Spaces for the 21st Century, edited by Ena Giurescu Heller and published by D Giles Limited, London, accompanied the exhibition. Tobi Kahn, one of the most sought-after stars of the art scene today, will have his third solo exhibition at the Harmon-Meek Gallery, located at 599 Ninth Street North, Suite 309, in Naples. Hours are 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, January 20 through 24.

16A Federation Star January 2014


Technion – the engine of Israel

Zachor – we will remember By Jeff Margolis

By Bernard A. Lublin, M.D.


t was 1912. Thirty-six years before Israel was born. Believers in a homeland for Jews knew that engineers would be needed. There would be roads to build, water conduits and purification systems to develop; power generation and an electric grid would be needed. But Jewish men and women had been excluded from technical and science education throughout Europe and Russia. A group of three men in their 20s came together, producing a document describing the closed scientific universities of Europe, and the need for a technical institute for the Jewish pioneers in Israel. The three men were Martin Buber of Vienna, Berthold Feiwel of Berlin, and political writer Chaim Weizmann. Initial funds were from the estate of Russian tea merchant Kaloynmous Wissotzky and from American philanthropist Jacob Schiff – who had been deeply moved by the poverty and destitution of Jews living in their ancient and future homeland. An architect was hired. It happened that the architect

played cello in a string quartet with Albert Einstein. Materials were gathered: lime from France, cement from Germany, plumbing installations from Europe; dynamite (to drill an adequate well) was imported after a special permit was obtained. In 1912, the year of the sinking of the Titanic and a rare total solar eclipse, the cornerstone of the new Technion was laid. Now, the Jews knew they would have the civil engineers, the mechanical engineers, and the electric engineers to guide the building of the necessary infrastructure. In 1923, Albert Einstein planted a now-famous (and still standing) first palm tree at Technion. In 1924, Technion enrolled its first class of 17 students, including one woman, who majored in civil engineering and architecture. And Albert Einstein became the first Chairman of the Technion Society. This is the first in a series of articles about Technion.

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hey came to the American West from all over the world – from Israel, Canada and New Zealand. Some came with walkers, others with canes or in wheelchairs. They came, children of the Holocaust, many with their children and grandchildren to commemorate, to celebrate and to remember. More than 475 men and women recently came to Henderson, Nevada, to attend the 25th annual conference of the World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust and Descendants and the Generations of the Shoah International. Every one of them had a story. Each individual had someone to thank or bless for their survival. Sadly, most of them lost family members to the Nazi atrocities. One woman, who now resides in San Francisco, was hidden in a convent in Belgium along with 60 other Jewish girls. They were educated and even taught English. They were never coerced into conversion. Another woman, now living in New York, was one of the first Jewish children to be born in Sosua, Dominican Republic, a Jewish refuge in the Caribbean nation provided by dictator Rafael Trujillo. We also met a gentleman who now lives on the east coast of Florida. He was one of a thousand boys who were in Kinderblock 66, part of Buchenwald, and was protected by an adult French communist who was also a prisoner. The son of one of the survivors has produced a documentary film, Kinderblock 66, that we hope to show in Naples next year. Those who attended the conference had an opportunity to hear from several compelling speakers. One of the most poignant speeches was made by Eli Rosenbaum, a Harvard trained attorney and the director of the United States Justice Department Office of Special Investigations. For the past 20-plus years, he has been America’s foremost Nazi Hunter, tracking down


over one hundred former Nazis who had made their way into the United State illegally, mainly by lying on their immigration applications. While these individuals cannot be prosecuted for their crimes in U.S. courts, they can be deported. Even though a number have been convicted, often there are no countries willing to accept them. The survivors at the conference showed their appreciation for Rosenbaum’s efforts by giving him a standing ovation. Michael Birenbaum, noted Holocaust scholar, acclaimed author, and university professor, addressed the conference as part of the Kristallnacht commemoration. This year was the 75th anniversary of what is now referred to as “The Reich Pogrom.” Birenbaum, currently the Director of the Sigi Institute in California, stressed the importance of remembering those horrific events and teaching about them to the younger generations lest anyone forget those events. The conference concluded with a celebration of dancing and camaraderie. Even though many of the participants are aging, they agreed to meet next year in Berlin to once again commemorate the tragedy of the Shoah and to celebrate life. Two area residents represented Southwest Florida at the conference: Ida Margolis, chair of GenShoah of Southwest Florida, and Felicia Anchor, former chair of the Tennessee Holocaust Commission. Both women are children of Holocaust survivors. A Holocaust survivor once remarked that there is not enough paper in the entire world nor are there enough pens to tell all of the stories of the Holocaust. But as long as we have people who are willing to write their memoirs, share their stories on film and continue to value the importance of these annual conferences, then we will have the resources to make “Never Again” a reality.

Jewish War Veterans meeting


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Please join us at our next meeting, Sunday, January 19 at 9:30 a.m. at the Federation offices, 2500 Vanderbilt Beach Rd., Ste. 2201, Naples.

The Federation Star is a monthly nonprofit newspaper supported by generous readers, committed advertisers and the Jewish Federation of Collier County.

January JEWISH INTEREST 17A Federation Star 1 12/11/13 PTravelFedStarAlaska12-09-13Mech_Layout 4:52 PM Page 12014

January 2014 Federation Star



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Wilma Boyd — CEO

18A Federation Star January 2014


Racial hatred survives the embers of the Holocaust By Philip K. Jason, Special to the Federation Star The Tenth Witness, by Leonard Rosen. Permanent Press. 288 pages. $29.


et in 1978, the second Henri Poincaré Mystery is actually a prequel to the award-winning All Cry Chaos (2010). It relates the events that change the young Frenchman from an ambitious engineer working frantically to establish a viable business into an Interpol agent. It is a dark, painful story about the aftermath of the Holocaust and the racial hatred that enflamed a continent. Phil Jason We meet Henri and his partner Alec as they put specially designed structures in place to assist a shipwreck salvage operation. Their contract has taken them to the Wadden Sea at the edge of Holland, working for the giant insurance company that insured the sunken ship and hopes to recapture its losses. The steel used in this operation was ordered from Kraus Steel, a post-war industrial giant that has sprung out of a wartime enterprise that supplied steel needed for the Nazis war effort. It is Henri’s fate to run across the lovely, intelligent Liesel Kraus, who enjoys spending time as a tour guide in this part of Holland that is near a Straus family estate. She and her brother Anselm are heirs to the Straus

fortune, though Liesel is mostly ocbeen without his concern. cupied with community relations and Though warned away charitable projects. from looking into the famAnselm is interested in maximizily’s past, and even physiing income, and this means developcally attacked, Henri cannot ing technologies to recycle steel from keep himself from pursuing sunken vessels. Such operations, the truth. He seeks out docand others, take advantage of lax uments in various archives regulations in third-world countries, that bring him closer and allowing Kraus Steel to use what is closer to the horrors of virtually slave labor and horrendous Otto’s operation. Moreover, he seeks working conditions to exact huge out the witnesses who are still alive profits. in order to substantiate their veracity. As Henri’s guarded engagement Perhaps they signed the document with Liesel’s family develops, he finds only to save their own lives. reason to suspect some kind of crimiHe has an additional motive. nal (war crime) complicOne of the names on the ity of the Straus steel list is familiar to him: enterprise with Nazi raJacob Zeligman, a man cial repression, abuse and who was a friend of murder. He has doubts Henri’s “Uncle Isaac.” about what went on in Isaac Kahane was a Jewthe combined Straus facish neighbor and friend tory and slave labor camp of Henri’s parents who at Drütte, officially the played a special role in Reichswerke Hermann young Henri’s life. It Göring munitions factory. now seems as if Isaac, Leonard Rosen He questions the glorious too, was a survivor of the biography of Otto Straus that daughter Drütte’s slave labor operation that enLiesel shares with him. riched the Krause family. Henri needs Something just isn’t right – espeto bring justice to those who once cially that part about the ten Jewish tortured this beloved family friend. witnesses who testified under oath Finding the tenth witness, the that, given the wartime circumstances only one left as others are murdered and the workings of Hitler’s regime, during Henri’s pursuit, is his main Otto was a fair and even generous man hope of achieving his goal. who made their lives much less painOn several occasions, Henri’s ful and arduous than they would have dangerous mission brings him into

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contact with an Interpol agent, Serge Laurent, who has spent years working a parallel investigation. They are helpful to one another, and it’s no secret, given Mr. Rosen’s earlier novel, that Henri eventually becomes an Interpol agent. The Tenth Witness is a gloriously literary thriller. The author’s handling of dialogue, interpersonal relationships, Henri’s powerful attraction to Liesel and his equally powerful revulsion at her family’s activities (both in the past and the present), the splendidly drawn settings (including Buenos Aires), and the clockwork plotting all contribute to a high-level achievement sure to bring Leonard Rosen more acclaim and more readers. With great sensitivity and skill, Mr. Rosen brings each reader closer to a personal understanding of the undying power of racial hatred – a beast that he suggests lies within us all to a greater or lesser degree. Philip K. Jason is Professor Emeritus of English from the United States Naval Academy. He reviews regularly for Florida Weekly, Jewish Book World, Southern Literary Review, and other publications. For more of Phil’s insights and reviews, as well as literature/publishing links, visit his website at www.philjason.wordpress.com.

January JEWISH INTEREST 19A Federation Star 1 12/11/13 PTravelFedStarEurope12-09-13Mech_Layout 4:52 PM Page 2014 1

January 2014 Federation Star



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Wilma Boyd — CEO

20A Federation Star January 2014


Rising young star: Victoria Meyer By Jean L. Amodea


aving already accomplished more than others her age at 17, Victoria Meyer is primed for academic success. The local high school senior stands apart from her peers as she is sailing through her last year taking classes at Florida Gulf Coast University. After attending Seacrest Country Day School for three years, Meyer enrolled in Gulf Coast High School as a senior. However, due to her high academic standing, she applied for and was accepted into the Accelerated Collegiate Experience (ACE) program at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU). Offered through the Florida public school system, the early college admission program allows qualified students to pursue advanced studies while completing requirements for

their high school diploma. However, Meyer will still attend graduation services with her high school class in the spring of 2014. “With the ACE program, I can get into my subjects more rigorously and with more passion. Through my current humanities course, I will have completed reading 50 literary classics from Homer’s Iliad to the Torah, New Testament and even the Koran,” said Meyer. Other activities at FGCU afford Meyer the opportunity to teach English as a Second Language (ESL) classes through the Students for Community Literacy student organization. “I love teaching. Through this program, we teach the FGCU custodial staff and hope to expand the program to involve the public. Since I am passionate about the Spanish language, and have studied in Spain last summer as part of an immersion program, it is a way for me to keep up my language skills and help others,” said Meyer. An accomplished varsity athlete during her freshman to junior years at Seacrest, Meyer excelled in cross country, track and field, and basketball. Victoria Meyer (at right) and friend Aly Hirschhorn at La Caleta, a beach in Cadiz, Spain, where Meyer studied last summer “I enjoy the camara-

derie of team sports and have learned so much about what it means to be a team player both on and off the field,” she said. Meyer is still actively involved in fitness and works out at CrossFit gym where she does intensive circuit training that she said requires focus. While mentally and physically demanding, Meyer enjoys the challenge and being around likeminded fitness enthusiasts and the culture of sports. Meyer attends High Holy Day services at Temple Shalom with her family that includes one sibling, 19-year-old AJ, who attends Notre Dame. Vice president of the BBYO BBG last year, Meyer is the current president of BBG (girls’ chapter), and is involved with creating leadership opportunities for others as well as projects such as an adoption of a family for Chanukah with fundraising activities. “For me, being Jewish means being a part of a community of people who share values. I have been blessed to not have experienced any adversity in my life, so far, and I am so fortunate to be surrounded by supportive parents and grandparents,” Meyer said. As for her future, career choices,

Victoria Meyer mugs for a photo with her father Eric and brother AJ

and advice for others her age, Meyer has sound counsel. “This is a very exciting time in my life and I have so much more to learn before I can settle on a possible career choice. I will wait and see in which direction I should go. The best advice I could give to others is to pursue whatever it is you are passionate about and to just ‘bring it’ every day,” she added. Jean Amodea, a former school principal from New Jersey is a freelance writer for the Naples Daily News and its community publications as well as director of Peter Duchin Music of Naples/Entertainment Direct. She also performs with her husband Ron’s dance band, jazz ensemble and Caribbean quartet. Reach Jean at jeanamodea@earthlink.net.

Want to see your “Rising young star” featured in the Federation Star? Send an email to jeanamodea@earthlink.net with the details.

More Naples Jewish teens get the chance to be involved in BBYO


rue to its mission of involving more Jewish teens in more meaningful Jewish experiences, BBYO, the world’s leading pluralistic Jewish youth organization, is increasing its membership in Naples. BBYO North Florida Region’s programming is teen-led and designed to reflect the interests of the teens involved. Diverse chapter and regional school-year programs and summer experiences at camp, on campus and around the world offer teens ways to meet peers, explore new ideas, connect with their Jewish heritage, and learn about Israel. An upcoming BBYO convention on January 31 welcomes teens in 8th through 12th grade to meet new friends across Central Florida, engage in teen-led programming, sing with Jewish song leader Eric Hunker, and spend a weekend away at a camp in Central Florida. Busing is provided for Naples teens. For more information, please contact Lory Conte at LConte@bbyo.org.

This exciting convention and new programming brings revitalized energy to the region and the surrounding Jewish community. “This is an exciting time for the Jewish community of Naples,” said

participate in community service as well as fun, social and Jewish enrichment programming. Currently over 30 teens participate in Naples BBYO Connect, and the program has grown by 17% across North America in the past year. A d d i t i o n a l l y, Naples BBYO benefits from BBYO’s Friends and Alumni Network (FAN), a localized program for parents, alumni and friends to connect and support the community’s local Joel Zishuk, Zoe Van Slyke and Tamara Zishuk attended BBYO’s Regional Kallah convention, program. November 8-10 at Cedarkirk Camp near Tampa For more information about BBYO North Florida Skylar Haas, Naples BBYO Program Associate. “Our growth means that Region, please contact Lory Conte, even more teens will benefit from the Program Director, at 407.621.4032 or LConte@bbyo.org. BBYO experience by finding a place About BBYO to be themselves, fit in and shine.” BBYO is the leading pluralistic BBYO Connect, BBYO’s program for students in grades 6-8 in Jewish teen movement aspiring to Naples, offers a fun and safe enviinvolve more Jewish teens in more ronment to form new friendships and meaningful Jewish experiences. For

90 years, BBYO‘s leadership programs, the Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA, high school fraternity) and the B’nai B’rith Girls (BBG, high school sorority), have been providing exceptional leadership programs and identity enrichment experiences, shaping the confidence and character of more than 400,000 alumni who are among the most prominent figures in business, politics, academia, the arts and Jewish communal life. Now, BBYO’s network of Jewish teens, alumni, parents, volunteers and philanthropists serves as the Jewish community’s most valuable platform for delivering to the post-Bar/Bat Mitzvah audience fun, meaningful and affordable experiences. With year-round activities in hundreds of local communities and inspiring world-wide travel experiences, BBYO’s broad program menu enables teens to explore areas of leadership, service, civic engagement, Israel education and Jewish values. For more information on BBYO, please visit www.bbyo.org.

The current and previous editions of the Federation Star are now available on your iPad, tablet and mobile! Go to issuu.com and search for “Federation Star”.

FOCUS ON YOUTH 21A Federation Star January 2014

January 2014 Federation Star


Preschool of the Arts update By Ettie Zaklos, Preschool Director


t is already 2014 and here at Preschool of the Arts and Chabad of Naples we are looking towards the future. Our preschoolers have really blossomed and emerged from their shells. Our littlest children have adjusted nicely, are comfortable in their home away from home, and are talking up a storm. Our two-year-olds have formed close bonds with their peers and practice being good friends with good manners on a daily basis. Our three-year-olds are busy learning their letters and numbers and making class books. Our pre-kindergarteners are learning sight words and some of them are already reading! As always,

each child gets to experience cooking, music, My Gym, yoga, art and a Shabbat party on a weekly basis. January’s exciting events include Gardening Day in honor of Tu B’ Shevat, and a tour of the Naples Post Office by our Pre-K class. We are planning another Parents Night Out, where the children come to Preschool of the Arts in the evening and enjoy pizza dinner, playing on the playground, games and even a movie. This gives our parents a much-needed break and gives children an opportunity to come to school in pajamas and have “almost-a-sleepover.” It is very gratifying when the local press (Naples Daily News) notices our

efforts and valuable contributions to the community by doing a wonderful article on the activities of our preschool children. It’s nice to be recognized and to have our achievements shared by their readership. This month we are opening registration to returning families for our popular Summer of the Arts program as well as our Fall 2014 program. Families who are new to Preschool of the Arts should call our office for a tour at 239.263.2620. Registra-

Mini Monet performance

tion for those families will begin in February. And last, but not least, we thank the donors of the Jewish Federation of Collier County for their generosity. We truly appreciate the support that you have given to us. Thanks to Federation board members Rosalee Bogo, Phyllis Seaman and Kevin Aizenshtat for touring our facility. For more information, please contact me at naplespreschoolofthearts@ gmail.com or 239.263.2620.

Cute Cassat performance

Temple Shalom Preschool update By Seyla Cohen, Preschool Director


brand new year! With the holidays behind us, it’s that time of the year when the children at Temple Shalom Preschool begin to settle into their familiar surroundings. Here at TSP, their home-away-fromhome, students enjoy returning to their classrooms, their comfort zone. Parents and students seem to sigh with relief when the hustle and bustle of end-of-the-year activities are behind them. It feels good to calm down and revert back to a more routine lifestyle with more defined schedules. Children strive on structure so returning to a more predictable routine does them well. TSP is proud of our focus on mitzvot and tikkun olam. We ended the year with our annual Trike-A-Thon to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and raised over $1,200! This weeklong program teaches children riding toy safety. Each day a different lesson is taught by teachers through illustrated adventures. The program culminated at the end of the week when preschool children rode their bikes and practiced the rules they learned while their parents

were cheering for them. One of the goals of Temple Shalom Preschool is to teach the children, from an early age, the importance of mitzvot, giving back to society. Mitzvah is defined as a religious duty or obligation and one of the commandments of Jewish religious law. Essentially, it means performing an act of kindness. Trike-A-Thon is just one of many mitzvah activities participated in throughout the school year by both children and parents of the preschool. The curriculum helps us instill in children the importance of tikkun olam. Through donors’ generosity, children are able to help desperately ill children at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital by raising money for research and treatments. We are all anticipating Mitzvah Day on Sunday, January 26. This is an annual event in which temple and preschool families help give back to the Naples community. As in the past, we will be helping homeless children of Collier County by collecting toiletries and providing them with much needed necessities. Another favorite activity is baking doggie biscuits for the

Humane Society. The children love to make the biscuit dough and shape it and decorate it for the animals they love. In addition, preschoolers will be visiting nursing homes in the area, providing entertainment! Such deeds give meaning to values so important to instill in children at a tender age. Mitzvah Day brings joy, satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment to both parents and children. In January we welcome our newest students – our Lil’ Cubs – little ones who missed the cut-off and turned two after October. We are so excited that they have begun their first school experience. Through the help and tender loving care of Miss

Jane and her assistant Christy, our new Lil’ Cubs class is thriving and kids begin to learn all about independence. It’s hard at first to leave Mommy and Daddy, but once they catch on to the routine, they become our newest endearing family members. Wishing all a very happy, healthy and successful New Year.

Sign up for The PJ Library and you’ll receive a FREE, high-quality children’s book or CD each month. The PJ Library will enrich your family’s life with Jewish stories and songs – and it’s absolutely FREE for families with children from six months up to eight years of age in Collier County.

The PJ Library is brought to the Collier County community by Jewish Family and Community Services of Southwest Florida, Inc. For more information, call 239.325.4444.


22A Federation Star January 2014

Mind the gap on Iran: A time to reassure allies and rebuild trust By David Harris, Executive Director, AJC, November 24, 2013


srael appears to have come up with the short end of the stick in the just-announced Iran deal. While President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry are going to great lengths to say that Israel ought to feel safer, at least for the life of the six-month agreement, Israel’s top leaders clearly don’t agree. In fact, official American and Israeli views couldn’t be further apart right now. Washington believes that while the deal entails risks, it offers the first chance in years to move Iran in a more constructive and peaceful direction. The administration further challenges its critics to suggest an alternative path that would not lead inevitably to war. Jerusalem, on the other hand, asserts this accord is an error of historic dimensions, likely to turn into a permanent arrangement that enshrines Iran’s right to enrich uranium and keeps intact the $100 billion-plus nuclear architecture that Tehran has been steadily constructing. Obviously, only time will tell which side is closer to the truth. Meanwhile, despite repeated American claims of unprecedented cooperation on the Iran issue between Washington and Jerusalem, it is evident there were limits. Israel must now take into account that the U.S.-held backchannel talks with the Iranians over many months, and barely, if at all, kept it in the loop as those talks proceeded. It’s also not clear how much the Saudis, Kuwaitis, Emiratis and other American allies were in the know, or, for that matter, our closest European partners. Moreover, Israel – and the Gulf nations – must grapple with the fact that their oft-expressed concerns about the direction of the Genevabased negotiations went largely unheeded, despite their belief that the U.S. considered them vital partners whose perspective was worth taking into account. Having effectively been told to keep quiet and trust Washington, they must now feel quite abandoned. Former senior State Department official Nicholas Burns may have captured this realpolitik view best in the New York Times (November 23), saying: “It’s in the American national interest to try to make this negotiation work. If it’s not in the Israeli interest or Saudi interest, so be it.” Yet, how can Israel – and the Gulf nations – roll over and play dead when what happens affects them far more

than any of the P5+1 nations? After all, it is Israel that has been the most frequent target of Iran’s antiZionist and anti-Semitic venom. It is Israel whose very existence has been questioned by Iran’s current leaders. It is Israel that has felt the long arm of Iran through Iranian-backed Hezbollah. And it is Israel that Iran seeks to wipe off the world map. Yet those who wish the Israeli prime minister to stop speaking up conveniently distort his government’s position. First, had it not been for Israel’s perseverance, there might not have been the global attention to Iran’s nuclear program we see today. Second, if Iran was on the ropes because of crippling sanctions, this was in no small measure because Israel pressed for escalating measures, and called especially for targeting specific sectors of the Iranian economy. These efforts were, shall we say, not always universally popular in some P5+1 countries. Third, Israel has not called for war against Iran. Those who suggest otherwise are reframing the Israeli position to serve their own interests. Rather, Israel has consistently said that, precisely to stop Iran’s nuclear program without a military strike, two elements are essential – tough sanctions and a credible threat of the use of force. As it watches the sanctions being somewhat relaxed post-Geneva, that remains Israel’s position, while, rhetoric to the contrary notwithstanding, the credible threat of force erodes. Israel’s position recalls Winston Churchill’s decades earlier. The British leader wrote: “One day President Roosevelt told me that he was asking publicly for suggestions about what the war should be called. I said at once, ‘The Unnecessary War.’ There never was a war more easy to stop than that which has just wrecked what was left of the world from the previous struggle.” In other words, Churchill believed the Nazis only understood strength. Yet, in the years leading up to the outbreak of war in 1939, when he was out of power, they encountered eagerness, at times bordering on desperation, for a deal. Netanyahu doubtless views the Iranian regime similarly – it will only respond to a determinedly stiff spine, not a bout of bonhomie and acts of goodwill as advance payment from its adversaries. Meanwhile, what lessons do the Saudis and other Gulf nations draw from the latest developments?

For daily news stories related to Israel & the Jewish world, visit www.jewishnaples.org.

Their options seem quite stark. They could band together in a secret alliance of convenience with Israel, and see where that gets them against their most despised enemy, Iran. Or they could use their wealth to go nuclear by turning to, say, Pakistan, triggering precisely the arms race that everyone fears in the Middle East. Or they could try to cut their own deal with Iran, improbable as that may seem. Or they could seek to diversify their foreign policy, relying less on the U.S. and more on others, including – gulp! – Russia and China. Or they could opt to place their full trust in Washington, but that seems increasingly difficult for them to do. After all, the U.S. handling of Egypt and Syria hasn’t exactly heightened the confidence of Gulf nations in

America’s grasp of regional issues and policy direction. So maybe we are at the proverbial fork in the road, and perhaps Ambassador Burns captured it best: America has its own national interest. If it doesn’t converge with nations we’ve called allies till now, even on issues of existential importance to them, so be it. For many, though, it would be a tough pill to swallow. That’s why I hope Washington will use the coming days and weeks to reaffirm that Jerusalem and our Gulf friends, and the essential quality of American alliances, do continue to matter – and remain a fundamental tenet of America’s national interest. For more information, visit www. ajc.org.

The Iranian deal

By Gene Sipe, VP Southwest Chapter ZOA


here does not appear to be a question in any Western mind that Iran intends to weaponize its nuclear product. They have repeatedly stated their intent and openly pursued this goal. With a nuclearweaponized Iran, Israel is not the only country in the region that is fearful of their continued existence. Allowing this to occur will unquestionably set off a mad dash for every local sheikdom in an ideological or oil-related business dispute with the Ayatollahs to pursue their own nuclear ordinance. Nonetheless, this will be precisely the ultimate outcome in the event of a failure to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons capability. At a juncture where Iran is feeling the effects of UN sanctions to a point of publicly acknowledging the desire for them to cease and desist, we must ask: What is the benefit to the U.S., to Israel or to the other Middle Eastern states in supporting the current deal the U.S. has brokered with Iran? As the agreement currently stands, Iran will be able to continue construction of its Arak plutonium reactor (suspending, but not terminating, heavy water-related projects and not being required to dismantle the site); keep all its centrifuges (not dismantle a single one; continue to enrich uranium to 5% enrichment for the next six months – enough, given Iran’s recent hugely expanded number of centrifuges, now numbering over 18,000, to become a “break-out” nuclear state at a time of its choosing); retain half of its existing stocks of 20% enriched uranium (ostensibly, to use nuclear fuel for peaceful uses); and maintain without any limitations its UN Security Council-prohibited intercontinental ballistic program, which already enables Iran to strike Israel and Europe and, within a few years, to strike the U.S. As the details of the “interim

deal” with Iran were slowly publicized, it became apparent that Iran would receive relief from continued trade sanctions and release of significant funds with no sacrifice of their continued enrichment program or a penalty for any increase in production. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has consistently presented the U.S. administration, the United Nations, the EU and the free press with the inevitable results of a world with a nuclear-armed Iran. His efforts have been met with threats of EU boycotts, UN anti-Israeli resolutions, and the U.S. strong-arm pressure to compromise Israel’s safety and security. The ZOA stands as the sole Zionist organization that has, and continues to openly voice opposition to the manner in which this situation is being addressed. The ZOA has also expressed “deep disappointment at and are perplexed by” the response of those Zionists who are willing to accept this deal which is in contradiction to the position of Israel’s own leadership. This position also threatens the resolve of Israel’s supporters in Washington. When they see large blocks of American Jewry adopting a position of appeasement, how can they maintain their own resolve? This is a time most critical for the Jewish community and pro-Israel organizations to speak as one, and loudly let our friends on both sides of the political spectrum know that Iran cannot be allowed to have nuclear weapons capability. We need to ask Washington to pass veto-proof additional sanctions against Iran. These sanctions can only be credible if they do not contain any presidential waiver. It is critical for everyone to be proactive. If you do not have a list of your representatives, please contact your local chapter of the ZOA at info@zoaswfl.org.

Opinions and letters printed in the Federation Star do not necessarily reflect those of the Jewish Federation of Collier County, its Board of Directors or staff, or its advertisers.

23A January 2014 RABBINICAL REFLECTIONS Federation Star

My hopes and prayers for the New Year 2014 Rabbi Edward M. Maline, D.D.


ay the threat of nuclear confrontation with Iran be lessened. May future negotiations with the Iranians include the release of Americans held hostage and imprisoned there. May discussions include the requirement that Iran cease supporting terrorism through aid to Hezbollah, Syria and Hamas – the enemies of Israel. May they cease their derogation of the Jewish people and of the land of Israel. May the Egyptian people experience the democracy toward which they aspired and for which they sacrificed so much. May the Congress of the United

States recognize their responsibility to work for the American people more than for their own re-election. May the government of Syria acknowledge that they have lost legitimacy in their violent repression of protesters and dissidents. May the “Palestinians” ultimately come to understand that it is only through negotiations with Israel and acceptance of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish nation that statehood will be achieved. May the new leader of North Korea begin engagement and dialogue with the West to better the plight of his people and reduce tensions in the Korean Peninsula and the world. These are my hopes and prayers to make the New Year 2014 truly “new” and a year of peace, tranquility and serenity for America and for all the world. “Ken yehee ratzon,” thus may it be. Amen.

January 2014 Federation Star


A drum major for justice Rabbi Adam F. Miller


ach January, America honors the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. A central figure in the Civil Rights movement, Dr. King inspired the nation with his vision. Just a few months ago marked the fiftieth anniversary of his memorable “I Have a Dream” speech. Those words continue to echo through the generations, still capable of causing spine-tingling chills when we hear them spoken. A larger than life figure, Dr. King remained humbly aware of his role in the Civil Rights movement. Not long before his death, Dr. King was asked about his legacy. Reflecting for a moment, Dr. King answered, “Say that I was a drum major for justice. Say that I was a drum major for peace. I was a drum major for righteousness…” The drum major is the leader of a marching band who sets the standard for the rest of the band. Martin Luther King Jr. understood his place as the drum major for justice. It was not his cause alone, rather he was the leader. He had to guide the people on their journey to equality, while serving as a role model for those around him. Many in the Jewish community joined with Dr. King on his path toward equal rights. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel marched alongside Rev. King, remarking afterward, “When I marched in Selma, my legs were praying.” Several rabbis and community leaders were arrested in St. Augustine, Florida, for promoting civil rights and sitting at the same table as a young African-American boy in a restaurant. And, the president of the NAACP at the time was noted

Jewish philanthropist Kivie Kaplan. Today, there are many individuals in the Jewish community who have picked up the baton to serve as drum majors for justice. Among them are: Rabbi David Saperstein, Executive Director of the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism; Rabbi Jill Jacobs, Executive Director of T’ruah: the Rabbinic Call for Human Rights; and this year’s scholar-in-residence at Temple Shalom, Ruth Messinger, President of American Jewish World Service (AJWS). AJWS is the world’s leading Jewish organization dedicated to ending poverty and protecting human rights around the world. Ruth joined AJWS in 1998, and became a global figure as the leading voice in the campaign to end genocide in the Darfur region of the Sudan. Figurative baton in hand, her efforts inspired millions, and brought the genocide to the attention of the world with the memorable “Save Darfur” campaign and iconic green wristbands. More recently Ruth has led the fight against global hunger, and is now beginning to address the issue of women’s rights in developing nations. During this month in which we honor one of the great social justice visionaries of the 20th century, I invite you to hear the message from one of today’s leading lights. Thanks to the generosity of Shirley and Henry Kraus, Ruth Messinger will be speaking on the evenings of Friday, January 24 and Saturday, January 25. Her focus will be on our responsibility as Jews to repair our world through acts of tikkun olam. It is our chance to learn how we can take the message of Dr. King, and share his dream of freedom, equality and hope with all people. May our legs continue to pray, as we follow the drum majors for justice.

Jerusalem Post Crossword Puzzle Solution to puzzle on page 10A

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Include your name, full address and daytime phone. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. We reserve the right to edit for length and/or accuracy. Letters do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Jewish Federation of Collier County, the Federation Star or its advertisers. We cannot acknowledge or publish every letter received.

24A Federation Star January 2014


Chabad Jewish Center OF NAPLES

www.chabadnaples.com / 239-262-4474

Chabad Jewish Center of Naples update


here was no doubt in anyone’s mind that Chanukah was being celebrated in Naples, as our unbelievable 103-car parade headed through the streets at sunset, menorahs on each car blazing with light, and seasonal music filling the air. Astounded bystanders waved and called out “Happy Chanukah.” Meanwhile, back at Chabad’s campus, the preschool children, with the help of resident artist Maurice Tordjman, had created a mammoth menorah studded with sea life. Assisted by Naples Mayor John Sorey, the candles were lit and more fun began as the children and hundreds of people enjoyed games, and latkes and donuts were consumed to a background of live music. Shabbat Community Dinners On Friday, January 17 we will offer

one of our beautiful Shabbat Community Dinners where the whole family can relax with friends and enjoy a delicious, traditional presentation filled with warmth, fine food, song and companionship. This is one in a series of incredibly successful family events that has to be booked well in advance as it is so well attended. Women’s Circle Six exciting and stimulating programs are held at Chabad of Naples Jewish Community Center, from awardwinning movies to good health and contemporary thought. The program on Thursday, January 16 will truly be an exciting evening for both men and women, who may enjoy education expert and distinguished guest speaker Devorie Kreiman’s inspirational talk on the

Are you looking for delicious kosher food? Chabad of Naples has partnered with the well-known Aroma Kosher Market and Catering of Cooper City, Florida, to bring kosher food to you. Please call the Chabad office at 239.262.4474 for an order form and instructions. Aroma Market delivers orders to the Chabad of Naples, 1789 Mandarin Road, once a week.


power of faith, “Guiding My Heart to Joy.” The event, which begins at 7:00 p.m., is sponsored by Katherine and Michael Cohen in loving memory of Harriet Winer Cohen. Coffee and dessert will be served. An historic evening with Anne Frank’s stepsister Join us on Monday, February 24 for an evening with Anne Frank’s stepsister and childhood friend, Mrs. Eva Schloss of London, UK. Chabad Naples invites you to come for a memorable evening, a unique opportunity to enter the world of Anne Frank. Like her stepsister, Eva was hidden in Holland, but was betrayed, captured and sent to the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. Hear her firsthand account of the discovery and publication of Anne Frank’s famed diary. Share insights into the life and times of Eva Schloss and Anne Frank. This event will take place at The Ritz-Carlton Tiburon. Ongoing Programs Flying Challahs: Freshly-baked challahs are distributed weekly to families in our community. Call in your suggestion, and a Flying Challah will be delivered. Weekly Services and Kids’ Program: Join us each Shabbat for weekly uplifting services, and bring

the kids to the incredible children’s program at the same time. Kiddush for the family and a social gathering follow services. Partner Project: Our Partner Project has grown to 285 partners since its inception. Choose your own participation level to help us continue to thrive. This year, our goal is 336 partners. For more information or to receive your Partner Package, call 239.262.4474 or visit www.chabadnaples.com. First Mikvah in Naples: Be a part of a stunning, elegant, state-of-theart women’s mikvah, often seen as the cornerstone of Jewish life and the continuity of a community. Contact us for more information, private tours, a look at the construction plans and site, and opportunities for dedications and memorials that are being offered. Hebrew School: Introduce your children to their heritage and ensure their meaningful participation. There are varied stimulating programs that include projects, activities and discussions providing insights into contemporary Jewish life. On Wednesday, December 18, East coast Rabbi Rabin will conduct a large-screen program followed by a practical lesson and activity. Hebrew School is held on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Registration is still open.

www.bethtikvahnaples.org / 239-434-1818

Beth Tikvah update By Stuart Kaye and Rosalee Bogo, co-Presidents


s you know from the advertisements in the December and this issue of the Federation Star, Beth Tikvah is now the founder of the Naples Jewish Film Festival to be held on the first, third, fourth and fifth Mondays in March at 7:00 p.m. at the Norris Center. Visit http://naplesjewishfilmfestival.org for details. See you at the movies. On a two-month experimental basis, Beth Tikvah will start Friday night services at 6:15 p.m. as of January 3. Adult Education Rabbi Chorny offers two courses on Tuesdays. Jewish Perspectives, which includes exploration of contemporary issues often examined through the lens of Jewish teachings, meets at 12:15 p.m. Liturgical Hebrew, designed to make people comfortable with the siddur, meets at 4:00 p.m. Each runs 75 minutes. Conservative Judaism, also led by Rabbi Chorny, is keyed to chapters in the The Observant Life, an amazing compendium of information and insight valuable to Jews of all stripes. The course generally meets at 8:00

p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. Lecture series begins “The Voyages of the Jewish People in the 20th Century” with popular lecturer, author and historian Gerald Ziedenberg takes place on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. This three-part series begins on January 9 with “The Jews of Mauritius,” the incredible saga of 1,500 Jewish refugees who fled from the Nazis in 1940. They endured shipwrecks, storms, starvation and epidemics. Captured by British Mandate authorities, they were exiled to Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. No charge. Donations welcome. We will have two presentations by Dr. June Sochen, Distinguished Professor Emerita of History from Northeastern Illinois University. For the first one, on Monday, January 20 at 7:30 p.m., she will share the lectern with educator and tour guide (and sister) Joyce Schrager. The topic is “Challenges Facing the U.S. Today.” $5 per person donation suggested. Professor Sochen’s many books include Consecrate Every Day: The

Public Lives of Jewish American Women (1880-1980) and From Mae to Madonna: Woman Entertainers in 20th Century America. Book Group Our Book Discussion Group continues on Monday, January 27 at 7:30 p.m. as we explore Leonard Rosen’s thriller The Tenth Witness. “Rosen relies on literary background and considerable research to portray Henri’s confrontation with the nature of evil and his developing detective talents in investigating both dead Nazis and living ones. Another winner.” – Library Journal. Scholar-in-Residence Weekend On January 31 - February 2, Prof. David Golinkin, President and Professor of Jewish Law at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, will be Beth Tikvah’s Scholar-inResidence. For twenty years, Rabbi Golinkin served as Chair of the Va’ad Halakhah (Law Committee) of the Rabbinical Assembly, which writes responsa and gives halakhic guidance to the Masorti (Conservative) Movement in Israel. Rabbi Golinkin is the author

or editor of forty books, and he has published over 190 articles, responsa and sermons. Representative titles are Rediscovering the Art of Jewish Prayer, The Status of Women in Jewish Law and The Student Struggle against the Holocaust. He is a true titan of international Conservative Judaism and World Judaism. For more information, contact the synagogue office at 239.434.1818. Religious Services Schedule As of January 3, Friday services begin at 6:15 p.m.; Saturday services begin at 9:30 a.m. and conclude with a Kiddush Luncheon. Sunday morning minyan runs from December through March at 9:00 a.m. We convene Yahrzeit minyanim upon request. Please join us at any service. Our participatory worship services and most other events are held at 1459 Pine Ridge Road just west of Mission Square Plaza. For more information, call 239.434.1818, email bethtikvahnaples@aol.com or visit www.bethtikvahnaples.org. You can reach Rabbi Chorny directly at 239.537.5257.

For a continuously updated community calendar, visit the Federation’s website at www.jewishnaples.org.

25A January 2014 SYNAGOGUES Federation Star/ ORGANIZATIONS naples jewiSh cONGREGATION

January 2014 Federation Star


www.naplesjewishcongregation.org / 239-234-6366

Naples Jewish Congregation update By Suzanne L. Paley, President


here are many different New Year celebrations throughout the calendar year, yet the sentiment and wishes are all the same – for happiness, good health, peace and prosperity. It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating Rosh Hashanah and, now, four months later, the secular New Year is upon us with all the bells and whistles and merry making. Hopefully you are coming along well with the promises you made to yourself in September. At Naples Jewish Congregation we have several events and activities coming up. On Tuesday, January 7, Sisterhood members will meet at Art Gallery Old Naples 2 in Crayton Cove at 11:00 a.m. Owner, artist and teacher, Karen Stone, will give a minipresentation about pastels. This will be followed by lunch at The Dock. Our Torah service will move to the second Friday in January – Janu-

ary 10 – instead of the first Friday night as usual. This is a change for January only; there will still be a service on January 3. Rabbi Wolf continues his Adult Enrichment classes on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. These are held at the Federation offices from 10:30 a.m. to noon. NJC is offering a great trip to the Jewish Museum of Florida in Miami on Wednesday, January 15. The trip also includes entrance to the Holocaust Museum and lunch at Bessie’s Bistro for the cost of $79 per person. You can contact Sue Blum for more information at 239.513.9501. On Thursday, January 16 at noon, the Men’s Club will hold its monthly luncheon meeting at the Pelican Marsh Golf Club. The Sisterhood Book Club will meet on Monday, January 20 at noon for lunch and discussion at the Per-

kin’s Restaurant on Pine Ridge Road. The book for January is The Sunflower by Simon Wiesenthal. Please contact Thelma Sandberg at 239.513.1638 or sandbergth@aol.com if you are interested in attending. Sunday, January 26 is our annual Open House and Welcome Back BBQ sponsored by the Men’s Club. This event is open to prospective members at no charge and to all of our members for $15 per person. It will be held from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation on Napa Woods Way, where we gather for all of our services. Come and see what we are all about, meet Rabbi Wolf and Cantorial Soloist Jane Galler, hear our choir sing, and meet many of our members with whom you may find common interests. The men will be doing the grilling and their wives will bring all the side dishes to fill your plates. RSVP to Peter Weissman


at 239.352.4395 or stormx2407@aol. com. For information about Naples Jewish Congregation or any of the activities and events, visit www. naplesjewishcongregation.org or you may contact the following people using “Temple” on your email’s subject line: Rabbi Sylvin Wolf – sylvinwolf@ comcast.net, 239.234.6366 Suzanne Paley – President – suzanne.paley@comcast.net, 239.776.7559 Peter Weissman – Membership Chair – stormx2407@aol.com, 239.352.4395 Harriet Adelstein – Sisterhood – harrietadel@gmail.com, 239.732.0966 Harvey Sandberg – Men’s Club – sandbergth@aol.com, 239.513.1638 I wish you a very happy and healthy New Year.

239-353-5963 / 239-354-9117

National Council of Jewish Women update By Linda Wainick, co-President


t our November meeting, we were fortunate to have Amy Snyder, Executive Director of the Holocaust Museum & Education Center of Southwest Florida, as our speaker. Amy spoke about the impact the museum has in the community. The State of Florida mandates teaching about the Holocaust in the school system. Only five states have legislation requiring Holocaust education (CA, FL, IL, NJ, NY). The museum is authorized by the state to provide training to teachers, and creates age-appropriate programs that will be appropriate at any level. It also provides resources for the programs, including teaching Holocaust programs or referrals to survivors. In 1997-1998, two Golden Gate Middle School teachers had a seventhgrade project about the Holocaust, which led to the creation of the museum in 2001. The museum tries to make history personal for everyone who comes to the museum. Amy spoke of a wonderful group of survivors and liberators who live in our community. There is an oral visual history project, for which 70 men and women are recording their stories.

Among the innovative programs is one which works with after-school programs in Immokalee based on the children’s book Brundibar (whose author died in Auschwitz), which is a story about bullying. Currently in progress is a program called Drawing on History. The recently restored boxcar on loan to the museum, has traveled to six counties. Suggestions are made on how to use the boxcar, and schools are asked to provide feedback from the children. 65% of the education programs are for middle school students. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful resource in our community and thank Amy for bringing this information to us. The Women’s Annual Chanukah Celebration was held at Temple Shalom with refreshments provided by Hadassah, the Naples Jewish Congregation Sisterhood, and NCJW. Cantor Danna Azu, Jane Galler and the children of Temple Shalom Preschool entertained us. This annual event is chaired by Bobbie Katz. Proceeds benefit Jewish Family & Community Services of Southwest Florida. JFCS President/CEO Dr. Jaclynn Faffer spoke about the organization. Once again, NCJW partnered with JFCS to provided Chanukah

Jewish Historical Society of Southwest Florida

The Jewish Historical Society of Southwest Florida is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the preservation of the Jewish history of this region. Currently, the organization is seeking individuals interested in serving on the Board of Directors. For more information, email jhsswf@gmail.com.

baskets to elders in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Volunteers delivered to over 100 people. Lap robes, made by the NCJW knitters, were also distributed. Thank you to our volunteers. We are continuing to collect travel-sized toiletries for homeless children in our own community. You may bring them to our meetings, and they will be given to Susan Daugherty, Executive Director at Temple Shalom, who is organizing the program.

Please join us on Tuesday, January 21 at 11:30 a.m. at the Vineyards. Our guest will be from the Neighborhood Health Clinic, which serves the working poor. A cadre of medical professionals donate their time and expertise to make this a successful resource in our community. Reservations can be made by sending a check ($22 for members; $25 for nonmembers) to Carolyn Greenberg, 6095 Manchester Place, Naples, FL 34110.

Read the current and previous editions of the Federation Star online at www.jewishnaples.org.


26A Federation Star January 2014 ORT AMERICA – GULF BEACHES CHAPTER

www.ort.org / 239-649-4000

ORT saves lives; you can, too, by supporting ORT programs By Helene Dorfman Fuchs


rom Lithuania to Israel, Argentina to the United States, ORT is literally “saving lives,” according to the “ORT Saved My Life” exhibit currently on display in Boca Raton. Photographs and stories from nearly two-dozen graduates spanning the 1930s to the present highlight ORT’s impact on generations of students. “We have built skills for five generations and have millions of graduates,” Leah Siskin, ORT Florida Region advancement director, said recently. Founded in hard times, when Jews were barred from owning land or practicing professions, ORT has persevered for more than 130 years. In Russia back then, ORT taught such trades as carpentry and dressmaking. Mastering these and other basic skills held out the promise to these impoverished Jews that they could make a living for themselves and their families with pride and dignity. In keeping with the times, ORT courses today focus on technology instead of trades. But their premise and promise remain the same: teach skills that allow students to get decent jobs, support families, and eventually become contributors to their communities. One example is the ORT Technology Center in Vilnius, Lithuania. It is situated in the Shalom Aleichem Jewish School (grades 1-12), which was founded with the help of the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation. The center provides computer literacy courses for adults and courses in computer science, computer graphics, programming and web design, office technology, and a comprehensive Jewish syllabus.

The center marks the resumption of ORT’s activities in Lithuania after a break of more than 50 years. ORT began working there in 1920 and flourished until World War II, when its final activities in the Kovno Ghetto ended with the ghetto’s liquidation in July 1944. In 2004, ORT signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science. The agreement commits both parties to collaborate on teaching the latest technologies in education, while also upgrading vocational qualifications for teachers, and using information technologies to incorporate the principles of tolerance among young people. Meanwhile, back in Naples, you can become an integral part of this worldwide educational effort. Join Gulf Beaches Chapter or renew your membership. Support the chapter’s principal fundraiser on Thursday, January 23, when the 2nd annual luncheon and tour of a private art collection will take place. Hosts Larry and Rita Sibrack, collectors for 20 years of contemporary glass and ceramic sculpture, will share their knowledge with ORT members and guests. Their eclectic collection includes works from masters in glass – Dale Chihuly, Dan Dailly, Toots Zynsky, Livio Seguso, Yoichi Ohira and Martin Blank – while their ceramics represent artists such as Patti Warashima, Susan Beiner, Zyga, Shimuzu, Chris Antemann and Akio Takimura. Larry, whose “passion” for art is reflected in his volunteerism, is a docent at the Baker Museum, on the board of the Friends of Art, Artis— Naples, and on the national board of the Art Alliance for Contemporary Glass. He is a dermatologist in private

naples jewiSh Social Club

practice in Connecticut and clinical associate professor of dermatology at Yale. Rita is retired as a manufacturer’s rep in gift and glass wares. The event is open to the public,

but space is limited. The cost is $100 per person, with proceeds benefitting ORT programs worldwide. To reserve your place, call 239.434.9495.

ORT America (Organization for Rehabilitation through Training) Did you know that: ¡¡ ORT supports 300,000 students annually in 56 countries by providing technical education that emphasizes employable skills? ¡¡ ORT’s most famous (and least publicized) mission was to educate Holocaust victims in DP camps so they were able to move on with their lives? ¡¡ ORT America has four college campuses in the U.S., including two in New York and one each in Chicago and Los Angeles, that serve the most vulnerable communities? ¡¡ ORT America is active in Southwest Florida? Please attend Gulf Beaches Chapter events and support ORT’s educational mission. Help ORT raise funds to save lives through education. To join/renew/transfer, please contact ORT America Gulf Beaches Chapter President Marina Berkovich at 239.566.1771, or Membership Chair Marebe Crouse at 239.263.4959. Please visit www.ortamerica.org for a virtual ORT experience.

2014 Calendar of Events • Thursday, January 23 at 11:30 a.m.: 2nd annual private-art collection viewing at a private residence. • Friday, February 7 at 7:00 p.m.: ORT Shabbat at Beth Tikvah Synagogue, 1459 Pine Ridge Rd., Naples. Speaker: Rabbi Ammos Chorny. • Sunday, February 16 at 11:00 a.m.: ORT special brunch at the Jewish Federation of Collier County offices. • Thursday, March 13 at 1:00 p.m.: “Just Desserts”* at the Jewish Federation of Collier County offices. Speaker Ellaine Rosen will talk about “Jewish Artists of the Paris School.” • Wednesday, March 19 at 1:00 p.m.: ”Just Desserts”* at the Rosen Studio and Gallery, 2172 J & C Blvd., Naples. Host: Richard Rosen. • Monday, March 24 at 1:00 p.m.: “Just Desserts”* at the Jewish Federation of Collier County offices. Speaker Dottie Magen will talk about “Caravaggio, the Artist and the Man.” * This new series features elegant desserts followed by outstanding programs on a variety of art topics. It is being held on three different days of the week in order to accommodate busy schedules. Note: All members are invited to attend ORT board meetings, which are held on the first Friday of every month at 11:30 a.m. in the Jewish Federation of Collier County boardroom.

bhbnaples@gmail.com / 239-566-1126

Connecting Jewish people from Naples, Marco Island, Fort Myers and Estero By Arnold Bresnick, President


he Naples Jewish Social Club announces its last annual Gala Dinner Dance, to take place at Longshore Lake Country Club, Naples, on Sunday January 26. Please plan to attend our closing and farewell to this gala celebration. We will be honoring past officers who have dedicated their efforts to make the Club the success it became. This will be a celebration of the Social Club for its 25 years of service to the Southwest Florida community. The cost is $40 per member and $65 for nonmembers. Confirm your reservations by January 9 with payment to NJSC c/o Sondra Greer, 935 Tropical Bay Court, Naples, FL 34120.

The Annual Gala will be a major celebration as our last event, so please come join us for our closing ceremonies. Chanukah celebration Our recent annual Chanukah Dinner Dance, held at Heritage Bay Golf and Country Club, was a lovely event. Our members along with other attendees thoroughly enjoyed listening to the Chanukah narrative presented by Philip Jason, and the scrumptious food and wonderful potato latkes. The dancing was terrific and a good time was had by all. Sondra and Tom Greer demonstrated their skill at ballroom dancing. We extend many thanks to Sondra Greer for planning this lovely event.

Mahjongg Since the Social Club is closing down after the January Gala, mahjongg will continue on its own as an independent activity. Mahjongg is played every Thursday at the Longshore Lake Clubhouse. Play begins at 11:30 a.m. with lunch served at 12:30 p.m. The afternoon ends at 3:30 p.m. The game is played with experienced players only. Contact Sondra Greer at 239.353.4468 for more information. For all other information, contact Arnold Bresnick, President, at 239.566.1126 or bhbnaples@gmail. com, or Harvey Chodock, Vice President, at 239.949.4927 or harvey chodock@earthlink.net.

Closing of the Social Club For several years, attempts to revitalize the Board of Directors have failed. No new volunteers have come forward to take the reins of the Social Club. Consequently, the current members of the board, most of whose terms expire at the end of our fiscal year, have voted to terminate the Club. For more information, please see the article in the November issue of this newspaper.

To reach the editor of the Federation Star, send an email to fedstar18@gmail.com.


January 2014 Federation Star


www.jwi.org / 239-498-2778

JWI partners with SDT & ZBT in getting smart about dating Millie Sernovitz JWI Past International President


ccording to the National Institutes of Health, women in collegiate sororities are more at risk for violence within the context of a dating relationship than the general population of college women. This troubling reality of college life provides the backdrop for “SafeSmart Dating,” the new co-ed program to confront dating abuse that Jewish Women International has created in partnership with sorority Sigma Delta Tau (SDT) and fraternity Zeta Beta Tau (ZBT). The program was piloted at the University of Pennsylvania in November and will be piloted this winter at George Washington University and Indiana University. It is then expected to expand to other campuses nationwide where SDT and ZBT have a presence.

Tailored specifically to Greek life on college campuses, this program challenges the young people who attend to think critically about what makes a relationship healthy, unhealthy and/or abusive, and helps them understand the power and control dynamics of abusive relationships. The workshop sessions look at how sexual assault fits within the context of dating abuse and show students how they can take a positive role as active bystanders on their campuses. All of the exercises included in the program promote men as allies and are LGBT friendly. To maximize participation in exercises and discussions, attendees split into small, co-ed groups of about 8-10. SDT and ZBT consultants, who receive training from JWI, facilitate the sessions, with the help of student leaders who guide discussions in their peer groups during the program. This highly interactive program is groundbreaking and will really get young people talking about complex and sensitive areas such as the intersection of alcohol and sexual consent.


By looking at these issues in a co-ed setting, potentially a population can be created of both women and men who understand the nature of healthy relationships. Last year, in anticipation of the program, JWI developed a survey that fraternity and sorority members completed. Survey data and quotes from respondents are used throughout the workshop, adding both context and credibility to the issues that are presented. Other scenarios, including the story of Yeardley Love, a University of Virginia college student who was murdered in 2010 by her exboyfriend, are also included to trigger discussions about recognizing the types of abuse, the difficulty in leaving abusive relationships, and the importance of talking to friends about witnessed abuse. An alarming fact of college life is the prevalence of sexual assault: one in five college women experience attempted or completed rape before they graduate. Yet, many don’t realize that in the majority of cases, the victim

knows the perpetrator either socially or romantically. The workshop will explore the difference between consensual and non-consensual sexual activity and emphasize that sexual assault is never the victim’s fault, no matter how they were dressed or how drunk they were. One of the hoped-for outcomes of the program is to create a population of active bystanders who are willing and able to speak up when they see that friends are in abusive relationships or in danger of assault. Workshop participants will discuss intervention scenarios and watch a short video in which young adults describe their college experiences of dating abuse and sexual coercion. To learn more about the JWI’s “SafeSmart Dating” or other JWI endeavors locally and nationally, please contact Millie Sernovitz at 239.498.2778 or millie@sernovitz. com. Also, please visit the JWI website at www.jwi.org or its companion website for Jewish Woman magazine at www.jwmag.org.

www.humanisticjewishhavurahswfl.org / 239-398-3935

“Religion, Spirituality and Humanism” Paula Creed President


n Sunday, January 19, the Humanistic Jewish Havurah will host Jack Sechrest, whose topic will be “Religion, Spirituality and Humanism: A view from 1933 and the Humanist Manifesto I.” He will define “religion” and spirituality” to see what could make Humanism religious and spirituality naturalistic. The meeting begins at 2:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Jewish Federation of Collier County, 2500 Vanderbilt Beach Road, Naples. Reservations are being accepted by Dena Sklaroff at denas27@aol.com or 239.353.0909. Jack Sechrest, a co-founder and chairman of the Humanists of West Suburban Chicagoland, a chapter of the American Humanist Association, served on the Board of the AHA in 2005-2006. He holds a MA in History

from Northern Illinois University. He is a cogent, articulate and humorous lecturer who brings an interesting point of view deserving of serious contemplation. Humanistic Jews have two important overlapping identities. They are Jews, a part of the Jewish people, members of an ancient kinship group, bound together by a social destiny with all other Jews. They are also connected to all other humanists – whatever their kinship attachments and whatever their ethnic origin. For some humanistic Jews, their Jewish identity is the strongest emotional bond. For other humanistic Jews, their intellectual and moral commitment to humanism is more powerful than their tie to Jewishness. Both groups value their Jew identity – but in differing degrees. Humanistic Judaism embraces both commitments. Humanistic Jews share a Jewish agenda with other Jews. Holidays, Israel, anti-Semitism, and the study of Jewish history are some of the items on this list of common activity. We also share a humanist agenda with other humanists. Humanist philosophy, ethical education, and the defense of

the secular state are some of the items on this second list. Neither excludes the other. They are both necessary. Humanism comes in two varieties. One, religious humanism, adopts the congregational structure of organized religion, examples being the Ethical Culture Society, the Unitarian movement in North America and Humanistic Judaism. The second is secular humanism, which is usually non-religious. Prominent examples of the latter are the American Atheists and the American Humanist Association. For many people, there are two kinds of reality: 1) the ordinary, material, physical world, which is experienced by means of the five senses and is comprehensible by the use of reason; and 2) spiritual reality, which can be experienced only by nonsensory faculties, such as intuition or faith, or by means of trance-states induced by meditation, fasting, hypnosis or drugs. To the extent that spirituality refers to that which is mystical and non-rational, it is beyond the scope of humanist interest. There is a distinction to be made between theistic

(mystical) and naturalistic spirituality. Naturalistic spirituality is the thoughtful love of life; it is the emotional side of our cognitive and behavioral lives. It has the potential of helping us actualize our full potential as human beings. Appreciation of the grandeur of nature and of human creativity, the sense of wonder at the birth of a child, the thrill of achievement, the glory of Beethoven, love, compassion – an infinite variety of natural experiences that do not require any supernatural element – these are spiritual experiences in the humanistic sense. These experiences make life beautiful, rich, adventurous, significant and fulfilling. *** On Sunday, February 2, come along with the Humanistic Jewish Havurah and, at group rate prices, enjoy the matinee performance of Gulfshore Playhouse’s The God Game. Dinner and conversation will follow at a nearby eatery. Visit our website for more details or call Elaine Freedman at 239.947.3007.

Be sure to see section B for Jewish Happenings as well as Israel & the Jewish World items.

28A Federation Star January 2014

ORGANIZATIONS www.hadassah.org / 239-676-3052


Hadassah update Shelley Skelton President


he final page in the Roman calendar of the year 2013 is upon us. Most people will talk about the year having come to a close. Perhaps we should think of it not as coming to a close, but as a memory, packed with all things good and maybe some things not so good, but nevertheless, a memory. Memories remain with us and give us pause to think about the future, hoping to improve upon what needs improvement and maintaining that which does not. As we look back at our accomplishments, there are so many Hadassah moments of which to be proud that have become a significant part of our lives, and moments that have made an impact on the lives of so many others. From forty students of the Jerusalem Academy of Music spreading cheer at Hadassah Hospital with a classical approach to flash dancing, to technological breakthroughs in knee replacement, to graduates of HadasJan2014-Federation-halfPg-9.75X7.5_Layout sah’s International Master’s of Public 1

2014 Calendar of Events

Health Program thanking Hadassah for enabling them to promote health and development in their homelands, to the grand opening and dedication of The Sarah Wetsman Davidson Tower in Jerusalem – the list goes on and on and we are filled with the memories of these remarkable accomplishments. We look forward to playing a leading role in future endeavors. Careful planning, tremendous cooperation and great imagination brought us to where we are today. We ARE empowered women, united and forming a chain that is strong enough to withstand pressure. We must help educate Hadassah members, Associates and supporters about Hadassah’s history. We have formed lifetime friendships and we share in our commitment to create a more productive and rewarding life. Our memories from the past year are numerous: The program presented by the Collier/Lee Hadassah Associates entitled “Coffee and Tea, Hadassah and Me,” was an informative and interesting evening which included dessert and good fellowship, was well attended and enjoyed by all. Our memorable grass roots benefit of the year, “The Borscht Belt Bash,” took place on February 10 honoring Muriel and Irv Berzon, Karen and Ed 12/16/13 Page 1 Ezrine 2:27 and PM Lynn Weiner. Reminiscent

XX Tuesday, January 21: Luncheon and Installation of Officers, at The Country Club of Naples; Dr. Rafael Haciski speaking on Women’s Health Issues: Misconceptions De-Mystified; Winners of Epicurean Adventures announced (winners need not be present). XX Monday, January 27: Annual Mah Jongg and Card Party at Cypress Woods Golf & Country Club; luncheon buffet will be served; fun and prizes; 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. XX Sunday, March 9: Hadassah will bring the highly-acclaimed New York musical Warsaw: A Story in Song to Temple Shalom in Naples; and to Temple Beth El in Fort Myers on Saturday, March 8; both productions will begin at 7:00 p.m. of days of old in the Catskills, guests shared in the fun, food, prizes and music. On March 3, a brunch was held for new, prospective and transferred members, and on March 17, another brunch was held in honor of our Crowns of Esther. A luncheon/ meeting was held in April, as was an Evening Group Progressive Dinner. Shabbat Under the Stars, one of our most popular events, took place in May. There were interesting Knowledge and Nosh luncheons, well planned and well attended. There were Evening Group activities and Daytime Study Group discussions. There were educational programs, such as “What’s In Your Genes?” relative to the importance of genetic testing. There were “fun”draisers, notably what has become our annual

Mah Jongg and Card Party. A new and special event called Hike for Health was so successful that another was planned for the month of November. Notably, we were honored to be host to Hadassah National President, Marcie Natan, guest speaker at the 14th Annual Recognition of our Major Donors and Keepers of the Gate, at a Champagne Reception and Luncheon on December 15. Time and space preclude listing every event or notable occasion of which we took part in during the past year. Suffice to say it is a “Year to Remember,” and how delighted and proud we are to include it in our personal and collective memories. We look forward with great anticipation to another spectacular year, with the Florida premier of the highly-acclaimed Warsaw: A Story in Song as one of the highlights.

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January 2014 Federation Star


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30A Federation Star January 2014


Get the Service you Deserve January 2014 – 5774 SUNDAY lighting MONDAY Candle times:

January January January January January 5

3: 10: 17: 24: 31:


10:00am NCJW Bd Mtg 9:00am BT Minyan 9:00am BT Religious School 2:00pm HDH Bd Mtg 9:30am JCMI Rabbi Lecture 5:30pm JCMI Bingo 1:00pm HM Student Art Show Opens 4:00pm HM Quarterly Survivor Series

10:00am TS-S Bd Mtg 12:15pm BT Torah Study 1:00pm JCMI Dupl Bridge 1:30pm CJD Steering Cmte 4:00pm BT Liturg Hebrew 4:00pm JFCC Exec Cmte



9:00am BT Minyan 9:00am BT Religious School 9:30am JCMI Rabbi Lecture 9:30am TS Sunday School 10:30am NJC Adult Enrichment 11:00am JCMI Deli Fest 7:00pm BT Comedy Fundrsr




2 1 NEW YEAR’S DAY 11:00am JCMI Mah Jongg

5:30 5:35 5:40 5:46 5:51








11:30am ORT Board Mtg 5:30pm HJH Potluck Dinner 7:30pm BT Services 7:30pm NJC Torah Services & Choir 7:30pm TS Services 8:00pm JCMI Services

8:30am TS Torah Talk 9:30am BT Services 9:30am JCMI Services 10:00am CHA Services 10:00am TS Services 8:00pm BT Mix/Mingle



11:00am JCMI Mah Jongg 11:30am CHA-M Meeting 3:00pm HM Exec Cmte Mtg 1:00pm JCMI Bridge 7:30pm BT Ziedenberg Lect 1:30pm Israel Affairs Mtg 4:30pm BT Hebrew School 4:30pm CHA Hebrew School 4:30pm TS Hebrew School 7:00pm MCA Program

7:30pm BT Services 7:30pm NJC Services 7:30pm TS Services 8:00pm JCMI Services

9:30am BT Services 9:30am JCMI Services 10:00am CHA Services 10:00am TS Services





11:00am JCMI Mah Jongg 12:00pm NJC Mens Mtg 1:30pm TS-S Book Bag 5:00pm BT Board Mtg

5:30pm CHA Community Shabbat 7:30pm BT Services 7:30pm NJC Services 7:30pm TS Services 8:00pm JCMI Services

9:30am BT Services 9:30am JCMI Services 10:00am CHA Services 10:00am TS Services


10:30am TS Naples Jewish Caring Support Group 11:00am HM Lunch Lect 5:30pm JCMI Bingo 6:00pm JFCC Major Gifts/ Lions Event

10:00am Jewish Genealogy 11:00am JCMI-S Bd Mtg 11:30am TS-S Luncheon 12:15pm BT Torah Study 1:00pm JCMI Dupl Bridge 4:00pm BT Liturgical Hebrew 5:30pm JFCS Fundraiser







12:00pm NJC-S Book Club 1:00pm HDH Study Group 5:30pm JCMI Bingo 7:30pm BT Lecture

10:45am HDH Mem Lunch 11:30am NCJW Gen Mtg 12:15pm BT Torah Study 1:00pm JCMI Dupl Bridge 4:00pm BT Liturgical Hebrew 7:30pm JFCC Board Mtg

11:30am CHA-M Meeting 1:00pm JCMI Bridge 4:30pm BT Hebrew School 4:30pm CHA Hebrew School 4:30pm TS Hebrew School 7:00pm JFCC BRCA Prog

11:00am JCMI Mah Jongg 11:00am ORT Fundraiser 6:00pm JNF Tree of Life Dinner 7:30pm BT June Sochen Lecture

6:00pm BT Eat/Learn 7:30pm BT Services 7:30pm NJC Services 7:30pm TS Services 8:00pm JCMI Services

9:30am BT Services 9:30am JCMI Services 10:00am CHA Services 10:00am TS Services 12:00pm TS SIR 7:30pm TS SIR






9:00am BT Minyan 9:00am BT Religious School 9:30am JCMI Rabbi Lecture 9:30am TS Mitzvah Day 10:30am NJC Adult Enrichment 1:00pm HM Intl Hol Rem 6:00pm NJSC Gala

10:30am HDH Mah Jongg & Card Party 10:30am TS Naples Jewish Caring Support Group 5:30pm JCMI Bingo 7:30pm BT Book Group

12:15pm BT Torah Study 1:00pm JCMI Dupl Bridge 4:00pm BT Liturgical Hebrew 7:00pm TS Board Mtg 7:00pm ZOA Bret Stephens

11:30am CHA-M Meeting 11:00am JCMI Mah Jongg 1:00pm JCMI Bridge 5:30pm TS Rosh Chodesh 4:30pm BT Hebrew School 4:30pm CHA Hebrew School 4:30pm TS Hebrew School 5:30pm CHA Storytime 7:30pm JCMI Cultural Series

19 9:00am BT Minyan 9:00am BT Religious School 9:30am JCMI Rabbi Lecture 9:30am JWV meeting 2:00pm JCMI Jewish Film Festival 2:00pm HJH Comm Mtg 4:30pm HM GenShoah

9:30am HJH Bd Mtg 11:30am NCJW Fundraiser 11:30am CHA-M Meeting 1:00pm JCMI Bridge 4:30pm BT Hebrew School 4:30pm CHA Hebrew School 4:30pm TS Hebrew School 6:00pm BT Tu B’Shevat 6:00pm Klezmer Concert

31 9:00am WCA Bd Mtg 7:30pm BT Services 7:30pm NJC Services 7:30pm TS Services 8:00pm JCMI Services

Throughout the year, some holidays fall within the normal work week. The Federation office will be closed in observance of those holidays which are listed in all CAPITAL LETTERS.

Key: • AJC: American Jewish Committee • ATS: American Technion Society • BT: Beth Tikvah • CHA: Chabad Jewish Center of Naples • CHA-M: Chabad Men’s Club • CJD: Catholic/Jewish Dialogue • HDH: Hadassah • HJH: Humanistic Jewish Havurah • HM: Holocaust Museum of Southwest Florida • JCMI: Jewish Congregation of Marco Island

Federation Star Publication Policy The Federation Star is a subsidized arm of the Jewish Federation of Collier County (JFCC). Its purpose and function is to publicize the activities and programs of the “Federation,” and to publicize the ongoing activities of the established and recognized Jewish organizations within Collier County. The mission of the JFCC is to reach out and unite all Jews of the greater Collier County area. While offering opinions and points of view do, and will continue to, exist about many issues of importance to Jews, the Federation Star will confine itself to publishing ONLY items that report the facts of actual events of concern to Jews and will only offer commentary that clearly intends to unite all Jews in a common purpose or purposes. Critical or derogatory comments directed at individuals or organizations will NOT be published in the Federation Star.

• JCMI-M: JCMI Men’s Club • JCMI-S: JCMI Sisterhood • JCRC: Jewish Community Relations Council • JFCC: Jewish Federation of Collier County • JFCS: Jewish Family & Community Services • JNF: Jewish National Fund • JWV: Jewish War Veterans • MCA: Men’s Cultural Alliance • MDA: Magen David Adom • NCJW: National Council of Jewish Women (Adopted by the Officers and Board of Trustees of the Jewish Federation of Collier County 1/98) To avoid misunderstandings, controversies and destructive divisions among our people, the Officers and Board of Trustees of the “Federation” have adopted the following publication policy: Advertisements: All advertisements, regardless of their sponsor, shall be paid for in full, at the established rates, prior to publication. The contents of all advertisements shall be subject to review and approval of the Federation Board or its designee. Commercial advertisers may make credit arrangements with the advertising manager, subject to the approval of the Federation Board. Regular Columns: Regular columns shall be accepted only from leaders (Rabbis, Presidents, Chairpersons) of established and recognized Jewish organizations within Collier County and the designated Chairpersons of the regular committees of the Jewish Federation of Collier County.

• NJC: Naples Jewish Congregation • NJC-M: Naples Jewish Congregation Men’s Club • NJC-S: Naples Jewish Congregation Sisterhood • NJSC: Naples Jewish Social Club • ORT: Organization for Rehabilitation/Training • TS: Temple Shalom • TS-M: Temple Shalom Men’s Club • TS-S: Temple Shalom Sisterhood • WCA: Women’s Cultural Alliance • ZOA: Zionist Organization of America

Special Announcements: Special announcements shall be accepted from established Jewish organizations within Collier County and may, at the discretion of the Federation Board, be subject to the conditions applicable to paid advertisements, as set forth above. News Items: Only those news items pertaining to matters of general interest to the broadest cross-section of the Jewish Community will be accepted for publication. Note: Items of controversial opinions and points of view, about political issues, will not be accepted for publication without prior approval of a majority of the Federation Officers and Trustees. All persons and organizations objecting to the actions and rulings of the Editor or Publications Committee Chairman shall have the right to appeal those rulings to the Officers and Board of Trustees of the JFCC.

Federation membership

According to the By-Laws of the Jewish Federation of Collier County, members are those individuals who make an annual gift of $36 or more to the UJA Federation Campaign in our community. For more information, please contact the Federation at 239.263.4205.

January 2014 COMMUNITY DIRECTORY 31A Federation Star TEMPLE SHALOM OF NAPLES (Reform) 4630 Pine Ridge Road, Naples, FL 34119 Phone: 455-3030  Fax: 455-4361 Email: info@naplestemple.org www.naplestemple.org Rabbi Adam Miller Cantor Donna Azu James H. Perman, D.D., Rabbi Emeritus Yale T. Freeman, President Susan Shechter Daugherty, Exec. Dir. Caren Plotkin, Religious School Dir. Seyla Cohen, Preschool Director Peter Lewis, Organist/Choir Director Shabbat Services: Shabbat Eve - Friday 7:30 p.m. Shabbat - Saturday 10:00 a.m. • Sisterhood • Men’s Club • Adult Education • Havurot • Youth Groups • Religious School • Judaic Library • Hebrew School • Pre-School • Adult Choir • Social Action • Outreach

Naples’ only Judaica Shop

CHABAD NAPLES JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER serving Naples and Marco Island 1789 Mandarin Road, Naples, FL 34102 Phone: 262-4474 Email: info@chabadnaples.com Website: www.chabadnaples.com  Rabbi Fishel Zaklos Dr. Arthur Seigel, President Ettie Zaklos, Education Director Shabbat Services Shabbat - Saturday 10am • Camp Gan Israel • Hebrew School • Preschool of the Arts • Jewish Women’s Circle • Adult Education • Bat Mitzvah Club • Friendship Circle • Smile on Seniors • Flying Challah • Kosher food delivery The Federation Star is published monthly, September through July, by the Jewish Federation of Collier County. 2500 Vanderbilt Beach Road Suite 2201 Naples, FL 34109-0613 Phone: 239-263-4205 Fax: 239-263-3813 E-mail: info@jewishnaples.org Website: www.jewishnaples.org Volume 23, No. 5 January 2014 52 pages USPS Permit No. 419 Publisher: Jewish Federation of Collier County Editor: Ted Epstein, 239-249-0699 fedstar18@gmail.com Design: Federation Media Group, Inc. Advertising: Jacqui Aizenshtat 239-777-2889 February Issue Deadlines: Editorial: January 3 Advertising: January 7 Send news stories to: fedstar18@gmail.com

January 2014 Federation Star





991 Winterberry Drive Marco Island, FL 34145 Phone: 642-0800  Fax: 642-1031 Email: mgr.jcmioffice@embarqmail.com Website: www.marcojcmi.com

Services are held at: The Unitarian Congregation 6340 Napa Woods Way Rabbi Sylvin Wolf Ph.D, DD 234-6366 Email: sylvinwolf@comcast.net www.naplesjewishcongregation.org

1459 Pine Ridge Road Naples, FL 34109

Rabbi Edward M. Maline, DD Hari Jacobsen, Cantorial Soloist Roger Blau, President Shabbat Services Friday 8:00 p.m. Torah Study and Saturday Services • Sisterhood • Men’s Club • Brownstein Judaica Gift Shop

Suzanne Paley, President Jane Galler, Cantorial Soloist Shabbat Services Friday evenings at 7:30 p.m. May - August: services once a month Sisterhood • Men’s Club Adult Education • Adult Choir Social Action • Community Events

Fruit Jews You were the apple of your teacher’s eye . . . drew some plum assignments during your career. That was then. This is now . . . and you’re raisin the problem of your currant situation. Are you going coconuts trying to prune the tax bite on your estate? With a passion, some time, somehow you have to determine what to do with the fruits of your labors. Well, there are some peachy estate planning and tax avoidance techniques available, while doing some berry nice charitable giving at the same time. Wine not do a grape deed by making a lifetime gift or bequest to the Endowment Fund of the Jewish Federation? Now’s the time to . . . pick a date and . . . give a fig! For more information on charitable giving, call Eecutive Director David Willens at 239.263.4205.


(just west of Mission Square Plaza)

Phone: (239) 434-1818 Email: bethtikvahnaples@aol.com Website: www.bethtikvahnaples.org Rabbi Ammos Chorny Stuart Kaye & Rosalee Bogo, co-Presidents Phil Jason, Vice President Sue Hammerman, Secretary Shabbat Services Friday evenings at 7:30pm Saturday mornings at 9:30am Youth Education - Adult Education Community Events

Jewish Organizations to Serve You in Collier County (All area codes are 239 unless otherwise noted.)

Jewish Federation of Collier County Phone: 263-4205  Fax: 263-3813 Website: www.jewishnaples.org Email: info@jewishnaples.org • Federation President: Norman Krivosha • Executive Director: David Willens

American Technion Society • Chapter Dir: Jennifer Singer, 941-378-1500

Collier/Lee Chapter of Hadassah • President: Shelley Skelton, 676-3052

Holocaust Museum & Education Center of Southwest Florida • President: Joshua Bialek, 263-9200

Humanistic Jewish Havurah of Southwest Florida • Paula Creed, 495-8484

Israel Bonds • Reva Pearlstein, 800-622-8017 • Tyler Korn, 354-4300

Jewish Family and Community Services of Southwest Florida Phone: 325-4444 • Chairperson: Richard A. Goldblatt • President/CEO: Dr. Jaclynn Faffer

Jewish National Fund • West/Central FL Office, 800-211-1502 Uri ext 8910, Beth ext 8911

Please note our email addresses: David Willens, Executive Director – david@jewishnaples.org Jill Saravis, Community Program Coord. – jill@jewishnaples.org Iris Doenias, Administrative Assistant – iris@jewishnaples.org Deborah Vacca, Bookkeeper – deborah@jewishnaples.org General information requests – info@jewishnaples.org Federation Star advertising – jacqui1818@gmail.com Ted Epstein, Editor, Federation Star – fedstar18@gmail.com

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facebook.com/jfedsrq JewishFederationofCollierCounty

Jewish War Veterans Post 202,Collier Co. Chapter • Commander, Gil Block, 304-5953 • Senior Vice Commander, M/Gen. Bernard L. Weiss, USAF Ret. 594-7772

Naples Friends of American Magen David Adom (MDA) • SE Reg Dir: Marc Glickman, 954-457-9766

Naples Jewish Social Club • Co-President: Arnold Bresnick, 566-1126 • Co-President: Harvey Chodock, 949-4927

National Council of Jewish Women • Co-President: Bobbie Katz, 353-5963 • Co-President: Linda Wainick, 354-9117

ORT - Gulf Beaches Chapter • President: Marina Berkovich, 566-1771

Women’s Cultural Alliance • President: Jane Hersch, 948-0003

Zionist Organization of America • President Southwest Florida Chapter: Jerry Sobel, 597-0855

03.03.14 THE ZIG ZAG KID 2013 Award Winning Movie opening the upcoming Toronto and Boston Film Festivals. A witty, spirited, and action-packed comedy about an almost-Bar Mitzvah boy, Nono, who longs to be a good detective like his father. Two days before his Bar Mitzvah, in trouble again, he is sent off to his uncle's. You will laugh out loud at what awaits Nono! Dutch film in English and Dutch with English subtitles.



Growing up in a Palestinian refugee camp, 14-year-old Ali learns to hate Jews. Arrested and desperate, Ali must seek out the trust and forgiveness of his Jewish enemy to avoid deportation. German film with English subtitles.

03.24.14 ORCHESTRA OF EXILES The extraordinary back-story of the formation of what was to become the Israeli Philharmonic, highlighting the heroic feats of its founder Bronislaw Huberman who ultimately saved 1,000 lives. Features perspectives from music icons Pinchas Zuckerman, Zubin Mehta, Itzhak Perlman and Joshua Bell. Israeli/American film in English.



In this epic romance, a Polish partisan and a German-Jewish woman forge an unshakable bond in the dark shadow of the Holocaust. After a daring escape from a Nazi death camp, Tomasz and pregnant Hannah are forcibly separated, each convinced the other has died. The events of 1944 Poland are crosscut with 1976 Brooklyn, where an older Hannah has a realization that her lost love may be alive. Based on actual events. German film in English and German with English subtitles.

COUNT US IN! I/We look forward to joining with the following level of support (check the option you would like): Subscriber - $100 per person

• One ticket to each of the 4 movies • Private Dessert Reception Opening Night Screen • Recognition as a Subscriber

Director - $1,000

• All of the “Subscriber” perks for 4 guests • Individual Screen Ad

Festival Friend - $500


• All of the “Subscriber” perks for 2 guests • Special Screen Recognition as a Festival Friend

Executive Producer - $1,500+

• All of the “Subscriber” perks for 6 guests • Featured as a sponsor in advertising • Privilege to make live introduction for one movie

All supporters will be recognized in an April ad in the FedStar







info@NaplesJewishFilmFestival.org | Phone: 239.434.1818


Celebrating Jewish Life in Collier County, Israel and the World

Federation Star Published by the Jewish Federation of Collier County serving Naples, Marco Island and the surrounding communities



January 2014 - Teveth/Shevat 5774


Vol. 23 #5

Jewish Happenings

Florida premier of musical honoring Warsaw Ghetto heroes coming to Naples and Fort Myers


Uprising was the largest revolt by Jews in German-occupied Europe and a symbol to the indomitable human spirit. The Collier/Lee Chapter of Hadassah and the Catholic/Jewish Dialogue of Collier County will be bringing a professional New York cast to our area for the Florida premier of Warsaw: A Story in Song. This musical drama has already been performed to sellout audiences at numerous venues in New York and New Jersey, including the New York Musical Theater Festival and the Museum of Jewish Heritage, where the show has received rave reviews. Past venues, information about the show, and some of the songs from the musical can be found on www.warsawthemusical.com. Based on true events, Warsaw tells the story of a young Jewish man, Roman, trapped inside the Warsaw Ghetto and separated from his Catholic fiancée, Ana. “With a richly harmonic and soaring score, we watch their struggle to reunite against overwhelming odds as Roman struggles to support his family amidst a crumbling ghetto and Nazi occupation. He is inspired to join a small group Boheme Opera’s performance of Warsaw at Patriots Theater at the of resistance fighters Trenton War Memorial in Trenton (photo credit: Jennifer Ievolo) in their struggle for

musical about an episode of Holocaust history sounds a bit strange to many people. So did a musical about a 1905 pogrom in a small Russian shtetl. And so did a musical based on a 1,500-page novel that was written in 1862 and centered on the life of a convict and rioting in France in 1832. By now, however, most people have heard of both Fiddler on the Roof and Les Miserables, and know that when handled with sensitivity and accompanied by a richly harmonic score, even a difficult topic can result in a remarkable, moving musical drama. This is the case with the highlyacclaimed musical drama Warsaw: A Story in Song, that is based on the events of the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising when a brave group of Jews rose up to protest Nazi deportation of the Jewish community to concentration camps. The Warsaw Ghetto

freedom and dignity.” matinee are $25 general admission The cast that is scheduled to perand $10 for students. Proceeds from form will include actors who have the matinee will help support the appeared in Broadway shows such as Catholic/Jewish Dialogue of Collier Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Fiddler on the Roof and Les Miserables. A number of the New York actors scheduled to appear have ties to Florida, including Naples and Fort Myers. There will be only three performances of this show in our area, and a sellout is exDirector Jamibeth Margolis (at right) with local actors scheduled to pected at each venue. appear in Warsaw: (from left) Alex Crisci, Charles Bergell, Mark Sanders The two evening performances will take place on Saturday, County and the Holocaust Museum March 8 at 7:00 p.m. at Temple Beth & Education Center of Southwest El, 16225 Winkler Road, Fort Myers, Florida. Sponsorships are also availand on Sunday, March 9 at 7:00 p.m. able. at Temple Shalom, 4630 Pine Ridge Hadassah program co-chairs Ida Road, Naples. The general admission Margolis and Rhonda Brazina are price for these performances is $36; thrilled that audiences in Naples and student admission is $10. There are Fort Myers will have the opportunity sponsorships available that will into see this important, inspirational clude preferred seating and a dessert and uplifting show. They are also so reception with the cast following the pleased to be working with members show. These two evening performancof the Catholic/Jewish Dialogue es will benefit the extraordinary work who have been so supportive of this project. of Hadassah and Hadassah Medical For information about the show, Organization. tickets and sponsorship opportunities, In addition, a matinee will be call Ida Margolis at 239.963.9347, performed at St. Ann Catholic Church, rd email Rhonda Brazina at rfbraz@aol. 985 3 St., Naples, on Sunday, March 9 at 1:00 p.m. Ticket prices for the com or see the ad on page 11B.

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Federation Star January 2014

Temple Beth El Presents

World Renowned Rabbi and Best Selling Author

H a r ol d Kushner Knowing Your Life has Made a Difference

January 12, 2014 January 7:30 p.m.12, 2014 7:30 p.m. Temple Beth El

Temple Beth El

Lecture $35 LectureTickets Tickets: $35 in advance, $40 at the door Having spent thirty years as a rabbi serving a congregation, Harold Kushner knows how to bring the Scriptures alive in many fresh ways. His emphasis on God’s forgiveness leads to an emphasis on the acceptance of our own and others’ flaws. Kushner also demonstrates a knack for guiding us through suffering and loss with advice that is wise and reassuring. This best-selling author suggests that we see ourselves as supporting actors in other people’s movies - not being in the spotlight, but doing things that shape and drive the plot forward. •

Named among“50 people who have made the world a better place in 50 years”

Author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People, “one of the 10 most influential books of recent years”

Selected as national Clergyman of the Year

Received six honorary doctorates

Medal recipient for “contribution to the exaltation of the human spirit”

Books translated into 14 languages

Join Rabbi Kushner for a Special, pre-Lecture Dinner January 12 at 5:00 p.m.

Pre Lecture Dinner at Crown Colony Golf & Country Club, Fort Myers

Dinner Tickets $125 • Seating is limited Purchase tickets by calling 239.433.0018 x 101 or purchase online at TempleBethEl.com. PReSenteD By

Temple Beth El

16225 Winkler Road Fort Myers, FL 33908


Featured Cantors at From Bimah to Broadway By Cantor Donna Azu


ith a little help from my friends, From Bimah to Broadway, presented at Temple Shalom on Sunday, February 23 at 7:00 p.m., promises to be a joyous concert featuring a unique blend of musical styles including liturgical, classical and popular songs from around the world. That evening you will be treated to gorgeous and sometimes humorous renditions from Broadway to Israeli songs, from secular to religious music, from Jewish to not so Jewish, presented by the some of the best Cantorial voices from around the country! In addition to myself, performers include Cantors Carrie Barry, Aaron Kaplan, Daniel Mutlu and Star Trompeter. Here’s a little information about each one: Cantor Carrie Barry had the distinction of being a National Merit Scholar and attended Vassar College where she received her Bachelor of Arts in Religion with both General and Departmental Honors. Upon graduation, Cantor Barry entered our Reform Movement’s seminary, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music, in New York City. She spent her first year of study at the College-Institute campus in Jerusalem and during the remaining four years of Cantorial training, she spent a portion of her time serving congregations in New Jersey and Illinois as a student cantor. Cantor Barry is currently serving as Cantor at Temple Beth Torah in Wellington, Florida. Cantor Aaron Kaplan began his Cantorial studies at Hebrew Union Col­lege School of Sacred Music in 2004 where he was hon­ored to be the recipient of the Congregation EmanuEl of the City of New York Scholarship Award for his entire Cantorial education at HUC. He has received many oth­er awards, including the Jacob and Malvina Lutwak Canto­rial Memorial Prize and The Women of Reform Judaism Cantorial Prize. He has sung in con­certs in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and in various ven­ues in America. He has performed as a chorister alongside Cantor Yit­zhak Meir Helfgott and the New York Philharmonic at the Metropolitan Opera House.

Cantor Daniel Mutlu received a Bachelor’s Degree in Vocal Performance from the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. He also earned a Masters in Sacred Music from the Hebrew Union CollegeJewish Institute of Religion in New York City and was ordained as a cantor in 2008. Cantor Mutlu has sung with the Park East Synagogue choir under the direction of Azi Schwartz, Mordechai Sobol and Matthew Lazar, both at Sabbath services and concerts at Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully Hall, Avery Fisher Hall and the Metropolitan Opera House. He may be heard on the Naxos 8-disc set of The Complete Haydn Masses. He is featured in the recording as a tenor soloist with the Trinity Choir and Rebel Baroque Orchestra. Most recently, Cantor Mutlu was a featured soloist and chorister on the Grammy-nominated album, Israel in Egypt, with the Trinity Choir conducted by Julian Wachner. In 2011, he was called to serve Congregation Beth Israel in Houston, Texas. In Houston, Daniel has sung as a soloist with the Houston Symphony, the Houston Bach Society, the Houston Chamber Choir and Ars Lyrica. Cantor Star Trompeter is the Cantor of Temple Beth El of Northern Westchester, in Chappaqua, New York. A native of Roanoke, Virginia, Cantor Trompeter attended the University of Virginia, receiving a BA in Music and French language and literature. A classically trained singer, she earned a Master of Music degree with a concentration in Opera from the New England Conservatory in Boston. While there, she performed in operas both at the Conservatory and at Harvard University. Before attending Hebrew Union College, Cantor Trompeter lived and worked in San Francisco, where she sang with a Gilbert and Sullivan Troupe in the Bay Area and interned at Congregation Emanu-El of San Francisco. Cantor Trompeter was ordained from the Hebrew Union College, School of Sacred Music, in 2010. I hope you’ll join me and these fine Cantor’s on Sunday, February 23 at 7:00 p.m. at Temple Shalom. See the full-page ad on page 5B.

Israeli and International Folk Dancing on Thursdays Where: When: Why: Teacher:

Fleischmann Community Center, 1900 Fleischmann Road, Naples, opposite Coastland Center Mall Thursday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Exercise, relaxation, socializing, learning, good health and fun Richard Eddy, member International Dance Council (CIDUNESCO) and Florida Folk Dance Council Cost: Only $5 per session Questions: Richard Eddy at 703.303.4719; Fleischman Community Center at 239.213.3020 Come join our beginners group for dancing to classic music featuring both traditional and new Israeli and international folk dances. Richard has been dancing for about 14 years in Europe and the U.S. He has studied under many international teachers and choreographers, including Meir Shem-Tov, Rafi Ziv, Matti Goldschmidt, Mona Goldstein, Israel Shiker, Roberto Bagnoli, Paola Pagliani, Lucrezia LoBianca and Andi Kapplin.

January 2014 Federation Star


Board of dirECtors

Planting Seeds For Better Tomorrows An Evening to Celebrate Jewish Family & Community Services of Southwest Florida’s Ever Expanding Impact in Our Community

in Our Community

Ever Expanding Impact of Southwest Florida’s

You are cordially invited

Jewish Family & Community Services

– Alf decided to join us for cocktails and hors d’oeuvrers to immigrate to as we stroll among the flowers in the Caribbean Garden Canada, bringto join us for our 2nd Annual at the Naples Botanical Garden. ing his parents Fundraising Event along. Date: January 15, 2013 He told enjoy an evening of Philanthropy, Time: 5:30 until 8pm jokes on the boat art, cocktails d’oeuvres. from Europe to Where: and Napleshors Botanical Garden 4820 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112 help pay for the Alf Kwinter family’s passage Cost: $200January per person 14, 2014 Date: Tuesday, when they did not have enough points Program: Carol Weisman, President of Board Builders, to travel Business Class. Time: 5:30 8:00 pm trainer and consultant internationally known to speaker, author, Raised in a Yiddish-speaking willWhere: discuss herArtis—Naples book, raising Charitable Children. home in Toronto, Alf attended King Cocktail attire Edward Public School and Harbord 5833 Pelican Bay Blvd. Collegiate. His parents grieved when Planting Seeds for Better Tomorrows is generously Sponsored by he abandoned a career in comedy for Cost: $225 per person law school, graduating from University of Toronto Law in 1970. Speaker: Kim Lear, Generational A founding partner of Singer, Expert at BridgeWorks to join us for cocktails and hors d’oeuvrers Kwinter, Alf is certified as a Specialist as we stroll among the flowers in the Caribbean Garden in Civil Litigation by the Law Society “Four Generations of at the Naples Botanical Garden. of Upper Canada and is a past director Family and Philanthropy” of The Advocates’ Society. Date: January 15, 2013 His first love, however, is comedy Time: 5:30 until 8pm and he has performed in synagogues EvEnt Chairs Cocktail Attire PrEsidEnt / Where: Naples Botanical Garden across Canada – from St John’s NewMyra and Mort Friedman 4820 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FLDr. Jaclynn Faff 34112 foundland to Vancouver, B.C. Marv and Carol Lader Cost: $200 per person Enjoy a laugh- and music-filled Event Chairs Program: Carol Weisman, of Board Builders, evening. $25 per person includes Board ofCarol dirECtors MarvinPresident and Lader internationally known speaker, author, trainer and consultant great desserts. Call Shelley or Bob at Susan raising and Dr. Nathaniel Ritter discuss her book,Myra Charitable Children. 239.793.6286. Millie Sernovitz,will Chair Friedman Stuart

An Evening to Celebrate

Planting Seeds For Better Tomorrows


unday, January 12 at 7:30 p.m. brings “Yiddishkeit Night” featuring Yiddish-English raconteur extraordinaire Alf Kwinter and the Naples Klezmer Revival Band. Fancy desserts following. The Naples Klezmer Revival Band was founded by Stu Warshauer in 1999 so that interested individuals in Southwest Florida could get together and play Jewish music for their own enjoyment. Trained as a classical violinist, Stu pursued a business career until bitten by the Klezmer bug in the 1980s. He became the Klezmer fiddler with the Cincinnati Klezmer Project from its inception in 1993.

PrEsidEnt / CEo

Yiddishkeit Night at Beth Tikvah

EvEnt Chairs

for an amazing discovery. The producers of this film not only wanted to tell the facts of Winton’s story, they also wanted to show how his courageous acts continue to motivate people to do good. His story, now known all over the world, has made such an impression that 120,000 children in the Czech Republic have signed a petition to award Winton the Nobel Peace Prize. Steve Brazina, program chair and secretary for GenShoah of Southwest Florida, is presenting this film at Temple Shalom on Tuesday, February 4 at 7:00 p.m. Reservations are required and a $5 donation at the door is requested. RSVP to Ida Margolis at ida.margolis2@gmail.com or 239.963.9347.

Dr. Jaclynn Faffer


icky’s Family, the story of the British Schindler, Sir Nicholas Winton, has received standing ovations from audiences throughout the world. This 2011 award-winning documentary has been called “pure inspiration,” and often leaves audiences both smiling and crying at the same time. Winton, now 104 years old, organized the rescue of 669 Czech and Slovak children just before the outbreak of World War II. Winton did not speak about these events with anyone for over a half century, and his story may have been forgotten if not

Myra and Mort Friedman Marv and Carol Lader

Story of British Schindler evokes tears and ovations


You are cordially invited

The Naples Klezmer Revival Band

Soon after moving to Naples, he felt the need for a Klezmer “fix.” The band has become a “fix”ture in our community. But what about Alf? Born in Vienna in 1945, by 1947 – finding that the cultured life of the city did not meld with his other interests

Cocktail attire Edwin Ezrine, DDS, Vice-Chair Bruce Golubock Planting Seeds for Better Tomorrows is generously Sponsored by Susan Ritter, Treasurer Michael R. Greenberg Ellen Wollman, Secretary Bobbie Katz, Past Board Chair Richard A. Goldblatt, Immediate Deborah Kohler discuss his recent article, “Did the RSVP Marvin to Dr. Lader Jaclynn Faffer Armenian Genocide Inspire Past Hitler?” Chair (Middle East Quarterly, Winter 2013, (239) 325-4444 jfaffer@jfcsswfl.org Nancy Colodny Joel or Miller 27-35). Feinstein The commemorationKathy and lecture will be held at FGCU’s Edwards BarbaraHall, Flagel, Lifetime Board Member

International Holocaust Remembrance Day


o mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day this year, Florida Gulf Coast University’s Center for Judaic, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies will be hosting Professor Hannibal Travis, from Florida International University’s School of Law. The acclaimed author of the major study Genocide in the Middle East: The Ottoman Empire, Iraq, and Sudan (2010), Dr. Travis will present a lecture entitled “Prior Warning of the Holocaust,” in which he will

room 112, on Sunday, January 26 at 2:00 p.m. For further information, contact Paul R. Bartrop, PhD, Director of the Center for Judaic, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies, at pbartrop@fgcu. edu or 239.590.7239.


David Jennif Sheryl Linda Debby

5025 Castello Drive • Suite 101 • Naples, Florida 34103 Telephone (239) 325-4444 • Fax (239) 330-7947



Federation Star January 2014


International personality Gil Tamary to speak at Jewish National Fund Tree Of Life™ Award Dinner


ashington Bureau Chief for Israel’s Channel 10 News, Gil Tamary, will be the keynote speaker at Jewish National Fund (JNF)’s Tree of Life™ Award Dinner at TwinEagles Country Club on Thursday, January 23. Tamary, known as a top news reporter across Israel, has worked for Israel Broadcasting Authority, Israel Public Radio, and as anchor and chief editor of Good Morning Israel. He covers a wide range of Middle East issues from the U.S. and conducts exclusive interviews with many dig-

nitaries and political figures, including Senator, and many more. presidents, secretaries of state, the Also known for his reporting on the Israeli economy, Tamary used to head of the World Bank and others. Tamary’s reporting serve as International Editor has spanned from the of Forbes - Israel magazine and Economic Editor for IsCamp David Accords in 2000 where he conducted rael TV and the IDF radio. The Naples Tree of an exclusive interview with President Clinton, Life™ Award Dinner will covered the 9/11 terrorist honor local philanthropist Janet Guttman Cohen with attacks and the war in Iraq – to exclusive interviews JNF’s prestigious Tree of Gil Tamary with President Bush, Secretary of Life™ Award, a humanitarian award State Condoleezza Rice, President given in recognition of outstanding Barack Obama when he served as community involvement, dedica-

tion to the cause of American-Israeli friendship, and devotion to peace and security of human life. The dinner will take place at TwinEagles Country Club at 11725 Twineagles Blvd. in Naples. RSVP is required by January 9 online at jnf. org/naplestol or by contacting the JNF office at RSVPNorthFL@jnf.org or 800.211.1502. For more information including sponsorship opportunities, please contact Beth Glickman Morris at bmorris@jnf.org or call 800.211.1502 x891.

Upcoming ZOA presentations and events By Gene Sipe, VP, Southwest Chapter ZOA


he Southwest Florida Chapter of the ZOA is delighted to host a lecture presentation by Bret Stephens, the 2013 Pulitzer Prize winner and Editor of The Wall Street Journal. Stephens will be speaking on Tuesday, January 28 at 7:30 p.m. at Temple Shalom, 4630 Pine Ridge Road, Naples. The cost is $20 per person. RSVP early as we anticipate a tremendous turnout. Send your name and number of attendees to info@ zoaswfl.org. The Muslim anti-Semitism presentation in November was extremely well received. Dr. Andrew Bostom

was greeted by a crowd of nearly 100 attendees. His presentation clearly documented the history of Muslim anti-Semitism from the early 16 th century to the current texts as taught by their clerics today. Dr. Bostom graciously answered so many questions after the lecture that the Q&A became a presentation itself. We will also be presenting these two programs at Chabad Jewish Center of Naples: Tuesday, February 18 at 7:30 p.m.: Film Presentation & Discussion, “Hate Speech on Campus” by StandWithUs Tuesday, March 18 at 7:30 p.m.:


off Fifth st u J , y a w d a ro -B Off BLITHE SPIRIT/Cody Nickell & Beth Hylton



Daniel Pipes, President of the Middle East Forum and Publisher of the Middle East Quarterly Journal We encourage everyone to share the important message of supporting Israel and Zionism. One way to do that is to bring a friend to these programs. Our goal is that the high caliber of our programming will inspire and

promote the most informed Zionists in south Florida. Chapter dues are only $25 per year and help us continue this fine programming. If you would like to become a member or have not yet paid your 2014 dues, please mail your check, payable to ZOA, to Jerry Sobel, 4003 Upolo Lane, Naples, FL 34119.

NJC Open House


he Naples Jewish Congregation Welcome To & Welcome Back Open House will be celebrated with BBQ fare on Sunday, January 26 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Join us at 6340 Napa Way (the Unitarian Universalist Church). There is a $15 fee for members,

but no charge for prospective members. Come and meet, eat, mingle, and learn about the opportunities and advantages within our Reform congregation. RSVP to Peter Weissman at 239.352.4395 or stormx2407@aol. com.

Stay connected at www.jewishnaples.org

The Jewish Deli Fest at Jewish Congregation of Marco Island 991 Winterberry Drive Marco Island, FL 34145 Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:30AM – 6:00PM

BERNIE’S DELI – Come and enjoy a New York-style deli sandwich of kosher style corn beef, pastrami or salami with homemade coleslaw, potato salad & beverage. Perhaps you would prefer a nice bowl of homemade chicken soup with matzo balls or bean barley soup. Oh, the memories and tastes of yesteryears! BUBBIE’S BAKERY – Enjoy and select mouth-watering pastries for dessert, “made with love” by our own Sisterhood members.

A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE Adam McNulty and Claire Brownell

This is a community event. You can either eat in or take out your Deli delights. Save the date and have fun with your family and friends of Collier County. For more information, call our office at 239-642-0800 or visit our website at www.marcojcmi.com. Sponsored by

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January 2014 Federation Star


Federation Star January 2014



HOLOCAUST MUSEUM & ED CTR OF SWFL www.holocaustmuseumswfl.org / 239-263-9200

“I thought my life was hard” – this year’s theme for Student Art Show Amy Snyder Executive Director


s January ushers in the new year, we would like to take a minute to thank all those who have supported the Museum this past year. Whether through attendance at our programs, bringing friends and family on a tour, or with financial support, you all have contributed to the stability and growth of the Museum and its programs. Many thanks for your consistent and

generous support. January also brings a full calendar of engaging events at the Museum: John Mann will be sharing his experience at our second installment of the Quarterly Survivor Series on Sunday, January 5; Elliott Katz kicks off the third annual Lunchtime Lecture Series on Monday, January 13; and the month marks our 4th Annual Student Art Show, leading up to International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Monday, January 27. Each year, teachers donate student art to the Museum at the conclusion of their Holocaust/WWII unit and this art often covers many aspects of the Holocaust. However, for the Student Art Show, we create a specific theme

on which students base their creations. In the past, we have asked students to illustrate poems from Terezin, create a portrait of a Holocaust hero, or create a piece that exemplifies hope in the midst of sorrow. This year, students were asked to create artwork based on theme “I thought my life was hard,” exploring the contrast of our lives today and those impacted by the Holocaust through statements like: “I’m starving or I’m having a bad hair day.” Everyday experiences that may seem like such hardship to us in that moment, when viewed through the lens of the Holocaust experience, can be a powerful teaching tool. Understanding this contrast can teach us to

be more grateful for what we do have, more compassionate toward those in need, and more respectful of those who lived through the tragedies. This year, as we commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day, our hope is that students see and understand how our lives are connected with those who came before us, and the lessons we can learn from them are more powerful than anything that can be learned from a textbook. We invite you to visit the Museum in January to view the student art and meet the students on Monday, January 27 at an evening reception. For more details, please visit www.holocaust museumswfl.org.

Screenings of Nicky’s Family and The Long Way Home among many public GenShoah programs By Ida Margolis


enerations of the Shoah of SW Florida (GenShoah) will be presenting two awardwinning documentaries. These programs, along with many others are open not only to children of Holocaust survivors (the Second Generation), but also to all those who are interested in the mission of this group which is: promotion of Holocaust education, preservation of memories of the Holocaust, connection of members of the Second Generation to one another, and support of the Holocaust Museum and Education Center of Southwest Florida. At 5:00 p.m., after the 4:30 p.m. GenShoah business meeting on

Sunday, January 19, Steve Brazina, program chair and secretary of GenShoah, will present a special public screening of the award-winning, insightful and gripping film The Long Way Home – the often-untold story of Jewish Holocaust survivors who are moved, after WWII, into Displaced Persons’ camps. The award-winning documentary by Moriah Films shows how after delays, more physical hardship, and years of uncertainty, the survivors are finally permitted to begin new lives in Israel and the U.S. Brazina will facilitate a discussion following the film. There is no cost for this event, which will be held at the Holocaust Museum.


Since the release of the documentary Nicky’s Family, GenShoah received requests to show this awardwinning film. Thanks to the efforts of Brazina, the community will have the opportunity to see the emotional story of Sir Nicolas Winton, his rescue of 669 children just before the outbreak of WWII, and the projects that followed. The film will be shown at Temple Shalom on Tuesday, February 4 at 7:00 p.m. A $5 donation per person at the door is requested. Future GenShoah programs that are open to the public include a talk by Cami Green Hofstadter on “The Jews of Scandinavia During the Holocaust.” This program will be presented at the Holocaust Museum at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 16.

A special program that will be of great interest to many will be held on Sunday, March 2 at 4:00 p.m., when psychiatrist and author Marlene Steinberg will speak on “Life’s Traumas: How People Survive and Heal from Traumatic Experiences.” Dr. Steinberg will share insights about key ways people survive and heal from traumas. This event will be held at Chabad Naples and a $5 donation will be requested at the door. Reservations are required for all events. To RSVP, for more information about GenShoah, or to sign up for GenShoah email notifications, send your email address to ida. margolis2@gmail.com or call me at 239.963.9347.

meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of December, January, February, March and April at 10:00am at Temple Shalom 4630 Pine Ridge Road, Naples You don’t have to speak Yiddish to enjoy. You just have to enjoy hearing it spoken, read or sung.

Come Schmooze and Enjoy!

Steve Brazina and Ida Margolis with Dr. Ken and Goldie Wetcher, speakers at the November 17 GenShoah meeting

For a continuously updated community calendar, visit www.jewishnaples.org.

January 2014 Federation Star



THE 2014







THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 2014 • 6:00 PM TwinEagles Golf and Country Club • 11725 Twineagles Blvd. • Naples, FL 34120 Guest Speaker:

Gil Tamary, Washington Bureau Chief for Israel’s Channel 10 News Gil Tamary, Israel’s top news reporter and Chief Editor of “Good Morning Israel,” covers a wide range of Middle East issues from the U.S. and conducts exclusive interviews with major political figures, including presidents, secretaries of state, the head of the World Bank and others.

Registration and sponsorship information is available online at jnf.org/naplestol or by contacting the JNF office at RSVPNorthFL@jnf.org or 800.211.1502. For more information, please contact Beth Glickman Morris at bmorris@jnf.org or 800.211.1502.

JNF.ORG • 800.211.1502


Federation Star January 2014

JEWISH HAPPENINGS Think you know the facts about Israel? Answers to quiz on page 5A.

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1. a. New Jersey 2. c. British 3. c. 20% 4. c. The 1949 armistice line between Israel and Jordan 5. c. USSR/Russia, Romania, Poland 6. a. Manage illegal immigration 7. b. David Ben-Gurion 8. b. 120 9. a. 650,000

10. c. 13% 11. d. 1911 12. d. Golda Meir 13. b. A tank 14. d. 1960s 15. a. The Ottoman Empire 16. c. Jews 17. a. Jordan 18. c. Jews who fled Arab countries 19. a. 2007 20. b. 25,770

If you disagree with the answers above or scored less than 80%, please attend the Thursday, January 16 session of ISRAEL 101 to discuss these questions further and learn about the geography & historical evolution of Israel. See ad below for more information.

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“Serving the Jewish Community for Over 14 Years” Traditional Jewish Services

The Federation Star is a monthly nonprofit newspaper supported by generous readers, committed advertisers and the Jewish Federation of Collier County.


January 2014 Federation Star


Temple Shalom events open to the community For more information on these events, call the temple office at 239.455.3030.


emple Shalom invites you to attend “Introduction to Judaism.” This 8-week course begins Wednesday, January 8 at 6:30 p.m. The course provides a taste of Judaism: the history, the culture, the beliefs and the practices. You will learn about the holidays, Shabbat, theology, rituals; from circumcision to bar mitzvah to weddings, Jewish attitudes on death, and the different branches of Judaism. Together as a class we will form a learning community. This is an ideal class for those considering conversion, married to or dating a Jewish person, or curious to learn what Judaism is about. There is no charge and all are welcome. Registration is requested. *** The Temple Shalom Sisterhood Book Bag meets on Thursday, January 16 at 1:30 p.m. This month’s selection is The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer. The summer that Nixon resigns, six teenagers at a summer camp for the arts form what seems to be a lifelong friendship. The Interestings explores the ways that class, power, money, success and friendship can shift and tilt precipitously over the course of

a life. Read, talk, nosh! Book Bag is open to all! There is no charge. *** Scholar In Residence: Temple Shalom proudly welcomes Ruth W. Messinger as the 2014 Scholar-inResidence on January 24-25. Ruth is the President of American Jewish World Service (AJWS) and is considered a national leader in the movement to end the genocide in Sudan. As such, she has been called upon several times to advise President Obama about creating a sustainable path toward peace in that country. In recognition of her leadership, she has served on the Obama administration’s Task Force on Global Poverty and Development and currently sits on the State Department’s Religion and Foreign Policy Working Group. She lectures widely on diverse social and global justice issues and is currently a member of the Leadership Council of Repair the World and the Executive Committee of the Jewish Social Justice Roundtable. *** On Sunday, January 26 you are invited to join the Temple Shalom family as we put our hands, our heads

and our hearts together for Mitzvah Day! ¡¡ We’ll welcome back Meals of Hope and try to beat the 50,000 meals we packaged last year. Please remember that we have to pay for the food we package, and 100% of your donation is spent on the food. ¡¡ Homeless students in Collier County public schools: Let’s make sure these kids have what they need to be successful. Collecting school supplies and toiletry items. ¡¡ Help our furry friends by donating pet food, toys, blankets, towels, leashes, etc., to be distributed to various animal shelters. ¡¡ The Shelter for Abused Women and Children: New, unwrapped items for women and children. Please join with us. Be part of a day that will touch your life and change the life of others for the better. Support this day in every way you can. Activities begin at 9:30 a.m. *** The Temple Shalom Rosh Chodesh Group…a Women’s Gathering meets at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday,

January 30. Facilitators Cantor Donna Azu and Jane Perman lead a wide variety of activities and discussions that center around issues of importance to Jewish women. This diverse and welcoming group is comprised of women who gather on a monthly basis to celebrate the new month and their lives as Jewish women; to learn and to share as a community. There is no cost, and all are welcome. *** Save the date…for the concert of the season! “Standing Room Only!” That’s the street buzz for Temple Shalom’s Sunday, February 23 concert. Four ordained cantors from around the United States will join Cantor Donna Azu for a concert titled From Bimah to Broadway. These professionallytrained voices – two male, three female – will run the gamut from liturgical pieces to Yiddish favorites, Israeli folk songs, pop, opera and on to Broadway standards. Doors open at 6:15 p.m.; curtain up at 7:00 p.m. Theatre or cocktail attire appreciated. Please see the ad on page 5B for ticket information.

Sports and culture top MCA’s January calendar By Jeff Margolis


he MCA of Collier County is pleased to announce a special event. Thanks to the efforts of President Steve Brazina, we have been able to invite author and lecturer John Rosengren to speak in Naples. Rosengren is author of one the most definitive books about the life of baseball legend Hank Greenberg. Hero of Heroes is the biography of the Detroit Tigers slugger, who remains one of the iconic Jewish sports legends in America. This event will take place on Wednesday, January 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the Jewish Federation of Collier County. Space

is extremely limited. Contact Steve Brazina at sbrazina@aol.com ASAP for reservations. Copies of Rosengren’s book will be available for purchase. So step up to the plate and join the MCA for this exciting event. Speaking of sports, it’s not too late to sign up for the MCA’s second annual Night at the Everblades. Join your MCA friends and family on Saturday night, January 18 at Germain Arena as the Florida Everblades clash with the Orlando Solar Bears. Tickets are $20 and include a tee-shirt. Email me at

MEN’S Cultural Alliance Membership Form Please check: r New

r Renewal

r I want to be listed in the MCA membership roster For more information, email Steve Brazina at sbrazina@aol.com Please make your check payable to: Jewish Federation of Collier County and mail with this form to: MCA Jewish Federation of Collier County 2500 Vanderbilt Beach Rd, Ste. 2201 Naples, FL 34109

jamcounsel2@gmail.com for details and reservations. The next regularly scheduled MCA luncheon program will take place on Thursday, January 16. Our featured speaker will be Kathleen Van Bergen, CEO and President of Artis— Naples. The luncheon will be held at the Olde Cypress Country Club. This program is open to MCA members. Be sure to get your reservations in

early. Join us for what promises to be an informative insight at to what’s happening at Artis—Naples (formerly known as The Phil). For more information, contact Meir Kehila at mkehila@aol.com. Keep up with all of the happenings and group activities with the MCA eblast. If you are not on the list, email Dan Kamm at Daniel.Kamm@ gmail.com.

Read the current and previous editions of the Federation Star online at www.jewishnaples.org.

Membership: $56 or $64 (includes name badge) minimum

donation for the year, and includes Federation membership. Additional donation to the Federation is voluntary and encouraged. Name as you’d like it to appear on badge: ____________________________ In Southwest Florida: r full-time r part-time (from _______ to _______) Name: ________________________________________________________ Spouse or Partner Name, if applicable: _____________________________ Local Address: ________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: _____ Zip Code ____________ Email: ________________________________________________________ Florida home phone:___________________________________________ Cell phone: __________________________________________________ Northern Address: _____________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: _____ Zip Code ____________ Northern home phone: _________________________________________

10B Federation Star January 2014 WOMEN’S CULTURAL ALLIANCE

JEWISH HAPPENINGS www.WomensCulturalAlliance.com / 239-948-0003

“Playing Outside” with WCA By Susan Pittelman, WCA Publicity Chair


the gorgeous moon. We loved it.” “We had a wonderful time and are looking forward to future sailings.” Thank you to Captains Helene Gordon, Susan Pittelman, Merle Crystal, Ellen Katz and Lisa Freund for this event. In January, the Navy will be hiring a fleet of sailboats for a half day of sailing and fun! In February, nearly 50 WCA members will be taking a cruise to Useppa, where they will visit a historic museum, enjoy a delicious lunch, and take in the beauty of the island. A kayaking adventure is being planned for March. Warning: if you haven’t signed up for the WCA Navy, you are going to miss the boat! Bird Watching with WCA Our WCA Bird Watchers enjoyed sunny weather on their first outing in October at Eagle Lakes Community Park, and they are looking forward to another day of bird watching near the end of January. Under the guidance of WCA member Susan Sissman and her husband Arthur, the group spotted 36 species. The list of birds that the WCA Bird Watchers saw on October 18 was submitted to the website eBird. org, the data collection site for the Ornithology Department of Cornell University. Biking with WCA On November 24, a perfect Naples Sunday morning with sunshine and a cool breeze, the WCA Biking Group had its first ride of the new season. Under the guidance of group leaders Lisa Freund WCA Crew Members (top row) Susan Pittelman, Merle Crystal, and Nancy Garfinkle, Nina Iser, (bottom row) Lisa Freund and Helene Gordon 12 biking enthusiasts getting ready to welcome everyone aboard the Double Sunshine rode 12 miles through for the WCA Navy “Welcome Back Sunset Cruise”

hile our friends and neighbors up north are huddled inside their homes trying to stay warm, WCA members are able to enjoy the warm and sunny outdoors! WCA members can participate in several special interest groups and attend numerous events that take advantage of the beautiful weather in Southwest Florida! WCA Navy The WCA Navy was formed last season to provide outings for WCA members who love boating. A large steering committee, under the direction of Admirals Nina Iser, Ellen Katz and Susan Pittelman, is helping to chart the course for this very special interest group. The WCA Navy kicked off the new season in November with a Welcome Back Sunset Cruise on the Double Sunshine that was enjoyed by over 80 people. Comments included, “What a wonderful event! Food, drinks, sunset, company, weather and

Women’s Cultural Alliance Membership Form Please check one: r New r Renewal

For more information: Linda Simon, lgsimon2947@yahoo.com

Please make your check payable to: Jewish Federation of Collier County and mail with this form to: WCA Jewish Federation of Collier County 2500 Vanderbilt Beach Rd, Ste. 2201 Naples, FL 34109

Pelican Bay. At the end of their ride, they enjoyed brunch together at the home of Lisa and Sid Freund. The Biking Group will schedule a ride per month on Sundays throughout the season. Tour of the Naples Botanical Garden In mid-January, WCA members will have the opportunity to tour the beautiful Naples Botanical Garden, which offers seven gardens representing countries and regions from subtropical locations in Asia, Brazil, the Caribbean and Florida. There are wonderful walking paths and reflecting pools – and glorious colors abound! The tour, being planned by Lenore Greenstein, Linda Sumner, Roberta Ury and Leslie Wasserman, will begin with a short lecture/overview. Participants will then break into groups, each led by a docent who will educate participants as they walk through at least two of the gardens. WCA members will be given an overview of the gardens that they pass but won’t have time to tour – an incentive to return again and again! After the tour, everyone will enjoy lunch at the nearby Windstar Country Club. Tours of the Conservancy of Southwest Florida In October, about 20 WCA members visited the Conservancy of Southwest Florida. They toured the new Dalton Discovery Center and enjoyed its hands-on exhibits, learned about how a filter marsh deals with the polluted

runoff from the Coastland Mall, and visited the von Arx Wildlife Hospital where injured animals are treated. The women even saw a baby raccoon being fed by hand! Many of the participants had never been to the Conservancy before and greatly enjoyed the tour and appreciated the dedicated and knowledgeable tour guides. WCA will be holding a second tour on January 24 planned by Paula Handloff. WCA has planned several other tours that will take advantage of the sunshine in Southwest Florida, including an all-day trip to Fairchild Gardens and American Orchid Society in Coral Gables on February 11. WCA members will also have the option of taking either a morning or afternoon tour of the Audubon Society’s Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary on February 18. Participants will enjoy an easy walk along the boardwalk where they can see all kinds of birds, plants, trees and, perhaps, even an alligator or two! If you are a member of WCA, you are eligible to register for any of these activities. If you aren’t a WCA member, consider joining today by completing the Membership Form below. You will meet new people, enjoy diverse activities, and be eligible to take advantage of these and other wonderful opportunities to spend time outside in beautiful sunny Southwest Florida.

1,000 members!

Want to know more about WCA? Visit our website at www.WomensCulturalAlliance.com.

Membership: $60 for the year includes all programming and Federation membership. r My information below contains new items.

In Southwest Florida: r full-time r part-time (from ________ to ________) Name: ________________________________________________________ Spouse or Partner Name, if applicable: _____________________________ Local Address: ________________________________________________ Community: __________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: _____ Zip Code ____________ Email: ________________________________________________________ Florida home phone:___________________________________________ Cell phone: __________________________________________________ Northern Address: _____________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: _____ Zip Code ____________ Northern home phone: _________________________________________


January 2014 Federation Star


Jane Hersch recognized by Jewish Federation


ane Hersch received special recognition from David Willens, Executive Director of the Jewish Federation of Collier County, at the Women’s Cultural Alliance (WCA) Welcome Back Luncheon on November 14. In making a presentation to Jane Hersch, David Willens, speaking on behalf of the JFCC and the Women’s Cultural Alliance, said: “This organization called the Women’s Cultural Alliance could not have gotten off the ground in the manner that it did without Jane Hersch.

Putting together all of the committees and activities that are offered, not to mention the Summer Branches which have been established, takes a very special kind of talent and organizational skill. It is in this spirit of appreciation that on behalf of the Jewish Federation of Collier County and the 1,000 members of the Women’s Cultural Alliance, I recognize Jane Hersch, President of the WCA, for all that she has done for the WCA and our Federation.” After serving as WCA President for four years, Hersch resigned from her position in mid-November. During her tenure, WCA grew to a membership of 1,000 members. The WCA Board of Directors and WCA membership thank Jane Hersch for all that she has personally done to build a thriving organization that enhances the lives of women in Southwest Florida. The board is committed to continuing to provide programming that will Jane Hersch and David Willens at the WCA Welcome Back Luncheon (photo by Gwen Greenglass) delight its members.

Catholic/Jewish Dialogue Catholic/Jewish Dialogue of Collier County of Collier County Readers Thinkersgroup group Readers & & Thinkers Presents Presents

“THE LONG WAY HOME” HOME” “THE LONG WAY An award-winning film and discussion

An award-winning film and discussion on of the theState Stateof ofIsrael. Israel. onthe theestablishment establishment of

Sunday, 12, 2:00 2:00--4:00 4:00p.m. p.m. Sunday, January January 12,

Jewish of Collier CollierCounty County Jewish Federation Federation of 2500 Road,Suite Suite2201, 2201,Naples Naples 2500Vanderbilt Vanderbilt Beach Beach Road, RSVP at908.763.0495 908.763.0495 RSVPto: to: Peter Peter McCabe McCabe at or or pmccabe@ambs-nj.com pmccabe@ambs-nj.com


 

  A highly acclaimed, stirring musical drama based on the heroic story of the

1943 Warsaw Ghetto uprising – featuring a professional New York cast

 Florida Premiere presented 

by the Collier/Lee Chapter of Hadassah and Catholic/Jewish Dialogue of Collier County  

 


   MATINEE Performance – 1:00 p.m.

Mah Jongg at the Jewish Congregation Marco Island for advanced beginners, intermediates and advanced players on Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Reservations are a MUST. Call Shirley Posner at (239) 389-7872.

Jewish War Veterans meeting

EVENING Performance – 7:00 p.m. Temple Shalom 4630 Pine Ridge Rd. – Naples General Admission – $36 Student with ID – $10

Proceeds from the matinee will be used to support the Catholic/Jewish Dialogue of Collier County and Holocaust Museum & Education Center of SW FL

Proceeds from the evening performance will be used to support the work of Hadassah including Medical Care and Research at Hadassah Medical Organization

Sponsorships, which will help bring this event to SW Florida are available for both performances. Evening Performance Sponsorships include Dessert Reception with Cast. SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Platinum Level – $500: Two tickets in Platinum section, dessert reception with the cast, souvenir CD Gold Level – $360: Two tickets in Gold section and dessert reception with the cast Silver Level– $118: One ticket in Silver section and dessert reception with the cast For information and Sponsorships, please contact at ida.margolis2@gmail.com or 239-963-9347. All sponsors will have their names listed in the program.

Clip and Mail ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TICKET INFORMATION: Tickets will be mailed.  

Please join us at our next meeting, Sunday, January 19 at 9:30 a.m. at the Federation offices, 2500 Vanderbilt Beach Rd., Ste. 2201, Naples.

St. Ann Catholic Church 985 3rd St. S – Naples General Admission – $25 Student with ID – $10

MATINEE Tickets – Send check payable to Jewish Federation of Collier County to: P.O. Box 413005, PMB216, Naples, FL 34101 EVENING Performance Tickets – Send check for payable to Hadassah to: Hadassah, 6017 Pine Ridge Rd., Suite 203, Naples, FL 34119

Name: ________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________ ***Indicate Performance Choice – MATINEE (1 p.m.) __________ OR EVENING (7 p.m.) __________ __________ Matinee General Admission @ $25 each __________ Matinee Student (w/ ID) @ $10 each

Enclosed is my check for $ ___________________________

__________ Evening General Admission @ $36 each __________ Evening Student (w/ ID) @ $10 each Check #_____________________

12B Federation Star January 2014


Temple Shalom’s Our Torah Crowning Ceremony By Debra Antzis, Our Torah Chairperson


n Sunday, December 8, Temple Shalom of Naples celebrated the completion of its new Torah Scroll in a Crowning Ceremony attended by more than 300 members. The scroll, which was scribed in Israel and in Naples by a Torah scribe, with participation by over 900 members of the temple and the greater Naples and Collier County community, took a year to write and was the focus of the Temple’s Our Torah – Scribing Our Future project. Project volunteers helped make

Neil Heuer lifts the new Torah

the scribing experience even more meaningful by helping participants practice prior to their scribing, and celebrating the experience with food and drink. In addition, scribers had the opportunity to record their impressions of their scribing experience, to learn from volunteer educators about the passage of the Torah in which they had scribed, and to help create a wimple in which to wrap the scroll prior to its being placed in the temple’s Ark for the first time. In addition to the actual scribing, the Our Torah project included adult and Religious School classes focused on the Torah. Every child in the temple’s Religious School and Preschool had the opportunity to spend time with the scribe and learn about his work. Temple Shalom undertook the scribing of this new scroll as an extension of its celebration of its 50th anniversary year in 2012, to reinforce its members’ connections to each other, and to the lessons embodied in the Torah. At the Crowning Ceremony, following a musical performance by our Religious School children, the

final two words of the Torah, “Kol Yisrael” (all of Israel) were scribed by temple members, old and new. One letter was scribed by the family of Marley Van Dam, the first child who will read from the new scroll at her Bat Mitzvah. Another letter was scribed together by important figures in the temple’s history. Other letters were scribed by the temple schools’ parents association, its Religious School and Preschool teachers, by Janet and Howard Solot, who were great supporters of the Project, and by the Our Torah committee members. The final letter in the Torah, the

lamed, was scribed by the Sissman family, selected by lottery from the individuals present. In further celebration of the completion of the scroll, members carried the scroll around the temple sanctuary seven times, wrapped it in the ninety-foot wimple, and dressed and crowned it prior to placing it in the Ark. Thanks to all who participated, whether by volunteering, scribing or financially supporting the project.

Rabbi Adam Miller, Cantor Donna and Steve Azu wrap the new Torah in its wimple

Board President Yale Freeman carries the new Torah around the sanctuary

March 16-18, 2014

New Orleans

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TribeFest is an entertaining, interactive and educational celebration that will draw over 1,500 Jewish young adults (ages 22-45) from across North America. TribeFest will reflect the vibrant setting of its host city, New Orleans, offering meaningful, fun, and top-quality content. Through presentations by dynamic leaders in politics, entertainment, music, art, food, religion and other aspects of Jewish life, TribeFest will offer attendees many ways to connect to their own Judaism and how they see themselves as part of the community.

Wanna go?

Interested in your family’s history?

Do you have a similar photo in your home? Who are these people? Are they related to you? Do you know where your forebears came from? Why do you want to know? How do you find out? Do your grandchildren know who these people are? Why should you or they care? Researching your family genealogy can help you find the answers to all these questions. And the answers to questions you don’t even know to ask yet. Want to find out how to get started? Come to the next meeting of the Jewish Genealogy SIG (Shared Interest Group) at the Jewish Federation of Collier County offices (2500 Vanderbilt Beach Road, Suite 2201, Naples) on Tuesday, January 14 at 10:00 a.m.

Contact JessiWillens sheslow at 941.343.2109 Contact David at 239.263.4205 or or jsheslow@jfedsrq.orgto todiscuss discussthe thedetails. details. david@jewishnaples.org


The children of the Religious School sing My Letter in the Torah


Seating is limited. RSVP to genresearch13@yahoo.com. You will receive an acknowledgement that you have a reservation. Bring a notebook and pen with you to the meeting.

January 2014 Federation Star



First Senior Center to open in Collier County


erving as a focal point for older adults in the community, Jewish Family & Community Services (JFCS) of Southwest Florida will open Collier County’s first Senior Center, offering a full range of activities and programs. JFCS is a non-sectarian human service agency serving Collier and southern Lee Counties. Currently under construction, the new facility will provide a central access point for social and supportive services in the area. The 4,000+-square-foot space, designed by architect James Knafo of Naples, will open adjacent to the existing JFCS offices at 5025 Castello Drive in Naples, and fulfills the organization’s mission to support senior citizens and their caregivers by providing a wide range of emotionally and intellectually stimulating programs. “Compared with their peers, participants in senior centers have

higher levels of health, social interaction and life satisfaction,” reported JFCS President and CEO Dr. Jaclynn Faffer. “Research shows that older adults who participate in senior center programs can learn to manage and delay the onset of chronic disease and experience measurable improvements in their physical, social, emotional and mental well-being.” In the capacity as Chair of the Collier County Leadership Coalition on Aging (LCA), Faffer facilitated the Florida Gulf Coast University Needs Assessment of Seniors, justifying the significant need for a senior center in Collier County. According to LCA, there was an estimated total population of 328,134 living in the county in 2011. Of that population, 27.2% were over age 65. According to the National Council on Aging, 70% of senior center participants are women and half of them live alone. “The new Senior Center will

James Knafo, Edward Achel, Dave Rutstein, Dr. Jaclynn Faffer, Estelle Price, Susan Ritter, Ellen Wollman, Richard Goldblatt, Stuart Price, Barbara Levine, Nancy Colodny, Rena Rutstein (Photo credit: Charlie McDonald Photography)

Shalom Gardens

at Palm Royale Cemetery

be a huge asset for Collier County,” reported A. Scott Hansen, Senior Portfolio Manager and Managing Director of BMO Private Bank in Naples, a board member of JFCS and one of the project’s major sponsors. “Our community is fortunate to have the leadership and vision of JFCS as it opens this inaugural center, which will serve as a model for the development of future senior centers in our county.” Featuring a café with an open space and adjacent “warming kitchen,” participants can relax and chat while enjoying coffee and refreshments. A “Lunch and More” program, a weekly congregate meal, will be followed by special programming to provide stimulating conversations. A computer skills center will be staffed and guided by volunteers to instruct seniors how to access research information from appropriate websites and help them understand technology so that they can communicate in the electronic world of today, Faffer noted. In addition, Collier County’s nonprofit agencies will deliver important information on Medicare, senior safety, and health in two offices specifically designated for Community Partners, where such non-profit agencies as the Collier County Sheriff’s Office, the Alzheimer’s Support Network, and SeniorChoices will extend additional community support. Forming partnerships with local

cultural organizations, the Senior Center will offer life-long learning opportunities through lectures and instruction on a wide variety of topics.

Scott Hansen and Dr. Jaclynn Faffer

Professionally staffed, the Senior Center’s activities will be volunteerdriven and afford many opportunities for community members to “give back” through volunteerism. The date for a grand opening event will be announced when construction nears completion. Sponsorships and naming opportunities are currently available. Jewish Family and Community Services of Southwest Florida is a non-sectarian human service agency supporting individuals and families of all ages by providing a wide range of social services, including mental health counseling, case management, financial assistance and crisis intervention. More information may be obtained at www. jfcsswfl.org.

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14B Federation Star January 2014


Community Chanukah Celebration at the Mercato

Photos courtesy Ted Epstein





It only takes a few minutes to strengthen the future of our people — instilling identity and pride Hillels, Jewish camps andofschools, and—more. Meanwhile, theHillels, needy, the Itthrough only takes a few Birthright, minutes to strengthen the future our people instilling identity andyou’ll pride help through It only takes a few minutes to strengthen the future of our people — instilling identity and pride through Hillels, aged andJewish the vulnerable the many other innovative programs Federation supports. Birthright, camps and thanks schools, to and more. Meanwhile, you’ll help the needy, the aged and the vulnerable Birthright, Jewish camps and schools, and more. Meanwhile, you’ll help the needy, the aged and the vulnerable thanks to the Volunteer. many other innovative Federation supports. The moment is now: Donate. Volunteer. Get Donate. Getprograms involved. thanks to the many other innovative programs Federation supports. The moment is now: Donate. Volunteer. Get involved. Your link to getting started: JewishFederations.org www.jewishnaples.org 239.263.4205 involved. Your link to getting started: JewishFederations.org THE STRENGTH OF A PEOPLE. THE STRENGTH POWER OF OF COMMUNITY. A PEOPLE. THE POWER OF COMMUNITY.

JewishFederations.org JewishFederations.org jfederations @jfederations jfederations @jfederations

It only takes a few minutes to strengthen the future of our people — instilling identity and pride throug Birthright, Jewish camps and schools, and more. Meanwhile, you’ll help the needy, the aged and the vu thanks to the many other innovative programs Federation supports. The moment is now: Donate. Volun involved. Your link to getting started: JewishFederations.org FS0114 Everything Federation does is made possible through the generous donations from members of the community. Please consider making a gift today! JewishFederations.org THE STRENGTH OF A PEOPLE.





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16B Federation Star January 2014


Chanukah – Chabad Naples style

The Jewish Congregation of Marco Island in conjunction with the Jewish Federation of Collier County presents The 2014 Saul I. Stern Cultural Series – now in its 20th year!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 7:30 p.m.

STEVEN EMERSON is an internationally-recognized expert on terrorism and national security. He is Executive Director of the Investigative Project, the largest data and intelligence on Islamic and Middle Eastern terrorist groups. He is advisor to presidents and prime ministers.

Saturday, February 22, 2014, 7:30 p.m.

THE NAPLES PHILHARMONIC BRASS QUINTET returns with a delightful variety of music – classical and popular. A fantasy of pastries follows the program with a sampling from Starbucks.

Sunday, March 2, 2014, 7:30 p.m.

RABBI MARVIN TOKAYER presents “The Jews of China, Japan and India.” Upon his discharge as Air Force Chaplain in Japan, Rabbi Tokayer served for eight years as the rabbi for the Jewish community of Japan. He wrote 20 books in Japanese and is a noted scholar of the Jews of the Far East.


For more information, call the Synagogue Office at 239.642.0800. Please send this form and payment to the Jewish Congregation of Marco Island, 991 Winterberry Dr., Marco Island, FL 34145. Please send me tickets for the following Cultural Series programs: ____ $75 Patron, series ____ $50 Series for members ____ $60 Series for non-members ____ $20 Single tickets for members ____ $25 Single tickets for non-members ____ Enclosed is my check payable to JCMI Please mail my tickets to the address below:

For those wishing single event tickets: # of tickets:____ Steven Emerson # of tickets:____ The Naples Philharmonic # of tickets:____ Rabbi Marvin Tokayer ____ Please charge my credit card: Credit Card #_______________________________________ exp. ____/____

Name_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip______________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________

January 2014 Federation Star



Artist Jodi Crespi: Designs as limitless as your imagination!


ward-winning artist Jodi Crespi is the creator of P.J. ART TAGS. They are militarygrade stainless steel dog tags that are hand-painted with lead-free and nickel-free non-toxic paints. Every tag is embellished with three-dimensional artwork that has been affixed by hand, and then sealed and clear-coated. Each tag comes with a 30-inch chain. The three-dimensional, one-ofa-kind Art Tags creatively display a person’s special interests, desires, hopes and aspirations. They make great personal gifts and conversation pieces. During the summer of 2011, Miami TV station WSVN, Channel 7’s Deco Drive, produced a television show that spotlighted Jodi and her unique Art Tags. Deco Drive named Jodi’s Art Tags “The product for the 2011 holiday season,” and Jodi was

named one of the Top Artists in South Florida. Jodi’s greatest pleasure is designing Art Tags for special needs or causes. She has designed them for the fight against breast cancer, for the fight against autism and for other fundraisers. To commemorate

the ten year anniversary of 9/11, the Metro Dade Fire Department commissioned Jodi to create Art Tags for all their firefighters. She has also created Art Tags for Van Halen, Kool & the Gang, and other celebrities. Jodi’s motto is: Designs as limitless as your imagination! Jodi and her P.J. ART TAGS will be on display January 4 and 5 at the Estero Fine Art Show at Miromar Outlets. The show is open both days from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. It is a juried show that showcases artists from around the globe and includes Live Artist Demonstrations, Live Entertainment, Jurors’ Awards of Excellence and a Youth Art Competition that displays original art created by 5- to 12-year-olds. Miromar Outlets is located at I-75 (Exit 123) and Corkscrew Road in Estero. Admission and parking are

free. The show is produced by Hot Works, LLC. For more information about the show, call 941.755.3088 or visit www. HotWorks.org. For more information about Jody Crespi and her P.J. ART TAGS, visit www.pjarttags.com.

See You At The Movies

Jewish Congregation of Marco Island in cooperation with the Jewish Federation of Collier County presents The Sidney R. Hoffman Memorial


Bagels & Lox 1:30 PM

Fifty years ago a book was published that set off a storm in the Jewish community around the world, EICHMANN IN JERUSALEM---A REPORT ON THE BANALITY OF EVIL. It was written by a young and brilliant Jewish philosophy teacher, named Hannah Arendt, a refugee from Nazi Germany. Arendt was hired by THE NEW YORKER magazine to go to Israel and report on the Eichmann trial. She wrote that Eichmann was not the monster she expected but rather a mediocre bureaucrat, an ordinary man who became a brutal killer. But she also claimed that the Jewish Councils that reported to the Nazis in Germany, in Lodz, Vilna, Bialystok, and Ukraine helped rather than resisted their occupiers to round up more Jewish victims. This new film which has critics raving revives the debates and the era. Did Arendt sympathize with Eichmann and demonize Jewish victims? Come see this fascinating and compelling drama and decide for yourself. 113 minutes German and English with English subtitles

GOD’S FIDDLER: YASCHA HEIFETZ Florida Premiere Sunday afternoon, February 9, 2014 Film 2:00 PM

Today you will see the only film biography of the world’s most renowned violinist, a documentary on the life and artistry of the 20th century’s virtuoso violinist, Yascha Heifetz. From home movies and family photos going back to childhood in Lithuania, you first see the Jewish child and later glimpse the man, amidst the American scene, growing into the first truly modern violin virtuoso, the man about whom Itzhak Perlman said: “When I spoke with him I thought, I can’t believe I am talking with God.” You will thrill at the filmed performance clips of this wonderful artist. Beautiful film and music: not to be missed. 87 minutes English Reception following the film

WHEN COMEDY WENT TO SCHOOL Florida Premiere Sunday afternoon, March 9, 2014 Film 2:00 PM

WHEN COMEDY WENT TO SCHOOL is a fun film telling the story of the rise of the Jewish men and women who got started in the boot camp for comedy, the Borscht Belt, in the Catskill Mountains of New York State. Jackie Mason, Jerry Lewis, Henny Youngman, Woody Allen, Joan Rivers, Lenny Bruce, and even Jerry Seinfeld, all honed their comedic acts in that upstate New York vacation destination for Jewish families in the mid-20th Century. Grossingers, The Concord, Kutsher’s and the other resorts lifted comic geniuses out of the teeming slums of New York’s Lower East Side and pushed them to stardom. You will laugh and be delighted. 83 minutes English Delicious Noshes after the film.

All films will be shown at the Jewish Congregation, 991 Winterberry Drive, Marco Island

Clip and Mail ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Make checks payable to JCMI Jewish Film Festival, 991 Winterberry Drive, Marco Island, FL 34145-5426

Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________________________________________ Individual Films: _____________ @ $25 each _____________________________________________________ (please specify film)


18B Federation Star January 2014



There’s been nothing like it in human history. A small and ancient people loses its land and forgets how to speak its language; wanders defenselessly for hundreds, thousands, of years throughout the world with its God and its sacred books; meets with persecution, violence, dispossession, banishment, mass murder; refuses to give up; refuses to surrender its faith; continues to believe that it will one day be restored to the land it lost; manages in the end, by dint of its own efforts, against all odds, to gather itself from the four corners of the earth and return to that land; learns again to speak the language of its old books; learns again to bear arms and defend itself; wrests its new-old home from the people who had replaced it; entrenches itself; builds; fructifies; fortifies; repulses the enemies surrounding it; grows and prospers in the face of all threats. (Hillel Halkin, Mosaic)


In southern Lebanon and the Beka’a Valley in eastern Lebanon, Hizbullah is pointing over 80,000 rockets and missiles at Israel, representing a new level of threat to the Israeli home front. The scale of Hizbullah’s offensive arsenal has been made possible by Iranian funding, arms shipments, and use of Syria as a transit route. In Israel, a military response to this challenge is being prepared, designed to quickly deliver a devastating knock-out blow to Hizbullah. The IDF plans to implement a combination of unprecedented air power capabilities and a swift ground maneuver to eliminate Hizbullah as a fighting force for years to come. This approach is predicated on new intelligence resources, and an air force strike power – which has not yet been used to full capacity – that enables fighter jets to destroy hundreds of targets a day with precision-guided bombs. The ground forces have been preparing for a new conflict with

Hizbullah by drilling a blitz invasion of southern Lebanon and the destruction of Hizbullah infrastructure using a massive combination of tanks, infantry, artillery and the engineering corps. (Yaakov Lappin, Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies - Bar-Ilan University)


As an Israeli diplomat, Dore Gold has sat down with Palestinian negotiators in search of that elusive solution to the Middle East conflict. But the shifting tides of geopolitical power brought Mr. Gold to China recently, where he found himself hosting a Sabbath dinner with guests not traditionally invited to this Jewish gathering: Chinese officials. That Mr. Gold, a former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, was in Beijing explaining the Hebrew prayer for wine and the need for defensible borders to Chinese military brass reflects a growing desire by Jerusalem to bring a rising China over to Israel’s side of the negotiating table on Iran and the Palestinians. He was joined in Beijing by retired Gen. Uzi Dayan, a former deputy chief of staff for the Israel Defense Forces and a former national security adviser. Together they spent several days meeting with Chinese military officers, becoming the first Israelis to speak at the Academy of Military Science of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. The Israelis came prepared with materials translated into Chinese, vital for an audience largely unfamiliar with the details of Israel’s security requirements. That meant framing the situation in ways the Chinese could understand, like a map of 263-milelong Israel juxtaposed on a map of China. At one meeting a Chinese official asked Gold: “Who is Israel with, the United States or us?” “I was very clear in my discussions with the Chinese that the United States and Israel are allies,” Gold said. “But nothing

Create a Jewish Legacy I give, devise and bequeath… Create a legacy to benefit the Jewish Federation of Collier County and our overall Jewish community in your will or trust. Call 239.263.4205. "I did not find the world desolate when I entered it. And as my parents planted for me before I was born, so do I plant for those who will come after me." -The Talmud

in international affairs says you can only be friendly with one state.” (Dan Levin, New York Times)


Flight Lt. George (Buzz) Beurling, Canada’s deadliest air ace in the Second World War, earned the nickname “the Falcon of Malta” after his eagle eyes and quick trigger finger sent a record number of attacking German and Italian pilots spinning to the ground in flames. Hailed in Canada for racking up 31 aerial dogfight kills, he’s also a hero in Israel after signing up to fight in that country’s 1948 War of Independence. In 1948 he was sought out by the Arabs, who offered him large amounts of money to train their pilots, but he turned them down because his sympathies lay with Israel, though he was not Jewish. The Israelis were reluctant to take him on, however, because he had been approached by the Arabs. Former RCAF ace Sydney Shulemson, who was locating planes and recruiting pilots for the fledgling Israeli Air Force at the time, said that Beurling quoted Bible passages when he asked him why he wanted to fly for the emerging state. He replied he believed the Jewish people were supposed to go back to Israel. “He wanted to be part of it,” Shulemson said. George Beurling was finally accepted and was to teach tactics to Israeli recruits. One of his first duties was to ferry a new aircraft to Israel from Italy. The plane burst into flames shortly after getting airborne on May 20, 1948. The Canadian government asked his family if they wanted to return him to Canada at their expense. They opted to go with a heartfelt offer from Israel saying it would be their honor to inter the pilot in their country because he was an “inspiration.” He was laid to rest in Haifa and is still honored by the Israeli military decades after his death. (Nelson Wyatt, Canadian Press)


On the chalky lower slopes of the Hebron Hills, in an area that gets less rainfall than most parts of Texas, Yatir forest – a man-made forest of more than 4 million trees – and the vineyards it surrounds are potent symbols of Israel’s battle with nature. With science, technology and a good amount of chutzpah, the arid country has figured out how to squeeze enough water from a parched landscape to sustain a nation. As spreading deserts, growing populations, and pollution make water an increasingly precious commodity around the world, Israeli companies are investing, relocating and seeking partnerships in Massachusetts to build a U.S. platform from which to launch their global ambitions State officials and entrepreneurs see collaboration with Israel as an opportunity to build another world-class technology sector, one that will create potable water from the ocean; nurture crops with treated sewage; manage water quality with software; and mine for water in much the same way precious gems are unearthed. If water consumption continues to grow at its current pace, demand will outstrip available resources by 40% within the next 20 years, according to a study by the global consulting firm McKinsey & Co. (Erin Ailworth, Boston Globe)


The Israeli medical team in the Philippines has restored the eyesight of four local residents, aged 40 to 74, who were blind as a result of pterygia – growths in the eyes. “Many locals had this disease, but those who are poor couldn’t afford surgery,” said Lt.-Col. Dr. Erez Tsumi. “The patients, who all of a sudden could see after the operation, were so excited – it’s a miracle happening before your very eyes.” (Yoav Zitun, Ynet News)


In central Africa, the Kaliro School and Orphanage is located miles away from the nearest electric lines. Innovation: Africa, an Israeli organization that specializes in bringing power to the powerless in Africa, set up a solar energy system for the school, which enabled the school to run evening programs and give children greater opportunities to learn. For the past five years, Innovation: Africa has been bringing not only solar power, but also clean water, food and medical care to more than 500,000 people in Ethiopia, Tanzania,

continued on next page

ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD continued from previous page Malawi and Uganda. Its projects also provide 20,000 liters of clean water a day thanks to solar water pumps. Moreover, solar energy units provide refrigeration for hospitals, which for the first time can store medicines safely. Thanks to those solar-powered refrigerators, over 300,000 people have been able to receive vaccines for diseases rampant in the African interior, where medical care is almost nonexistent. The Israeli organization received the UN’s Innovation Award in Nairobi last month for its work in rural Africa. (David Shamah, Times of Israel)


Construction of the border fence between Israel and Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula has been completed, Israel Channel 2 TV reported recently. 230 km. of the fence were built in two years, while the remaining 15 km. took a year and a half due to difficult terrain. (Jerusalem Post)


Israelis are once again among the happiest people in the world. The annual World Happiness Report, a 156-nation survey published by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, slotted Israel as the 11th happiest country. Denmark, Norway and Switzerland led the pack. The U.S. scored just 17th on the poll, Canada took the sixth spot, and Togo was in last place. The report ranks happiness based on a ‘life evaluation score’ – a number between 0-10 – that measures aspects such as life expectancy, family and job security, freedom to make life choices, and lack of government corruption. The index was a collaborative effort of the University of British Columbia, the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, the London School of Economics, and Columbia University’s Earth Institute. Israelis ranked the happiest in the region as compared to neighboring populations like Egypt (130), Jordan (74), Iran (115) and Lebanon (97). The 2013 World Happiness Report hopes to guide policymakers to take the well-being of citizens into account when making decisions. “There is now a rising worldwide demand that policy be more closely aligned with what really matters to people as they themselves characterize their wellbeing,” Jeffrey D. Sachs, director of Columbia University’s Earth Institute said in a statement. (Viva Sarah Press, ISRAEL21c)


The Kameda Medical Center in Kamogawa City bought two systems worth $100,000, developed by Israeli company IceCure Medical Inc., to study their effectiveness in destroying cancerous lung tumors. The IceCure Medical system is based on the IceSense3, which was used to treat fibroadenoma breast tu-

mors by injecting liquid nitrogen into the tumor. The system destroys the benign breast tumors without damaging the surrounding healthy tissues. The IceSense3 has already been approved in the U.S. and Europe. (Japan Daily Press)

January 2014 Federation Star




According to the Startup Genome Project, Israel has the No. 2 startup ecosystem in the world. It has more startups per capita than anywhere else, and it has 61 companies on NASDAQ – more than Europe, Japan, Korea and China combined. (Forbes)


Cyprus is seeking to exploit its own natural gas discoveries, but to make the export of liquefied natural gas (LNG) financially lucrative, Cyprus also needs to receive gas from Israel’s Leviathan field. As an export option for Israel, Cyprus is a strategic ally that would serve as a gateway to Europe. A Cyprus-based group that includes the Public Power Corporation of Greece plans to implement the EuroAsia Interconnector project, a subsea power cable linking Israel, Cyprus and Greece. That agreement, inked in August, provides for trilateral cooperation on the protection of natural gas fields. Annual Israeli-Greek joint military exercises have included defending offshore natural gas platforms. (Allison Good, Daily Beast)


The way research in the exact sciences is conducted nowadays, researchers are attracted to clusters of scientists working in their area of interest regardless of national boundaries. It is not easy for Israel to compete with the ample resources available for research and facilities at American universities and it is natural that many talented Israeli scientists are drawn to research groups engaged in their areas of interest in the U.S. The fact that percentage-wise the number of Israeli scientists at American universities is the largest only indicates that the Israeli educational system graduates each year a very large number of highly talented and proficient scientists. (Moshe Arens, Ha’aretz)


BrightSource, a U.S.-based solar power company whose roots began in Israel 30 years ago with the firm Luz, is about to flip the switch on a massive 377-megawatt solar thermal farm in the California desert. At the start of 2014, BrightSource will begin building a solar thermal energy plant in Israel that will produce 121 megawatts in the Negev Desert by 2016. (Karin Kloosterman, ISRAEL21c)

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Fed Cup VI Save the date:

May 4, 2014 at TwinEagles



A golf event for all skills & ages to benefit young Jewish children and teens to experience Jewish Summer Camp and travel to Israel.

For more information about the event and hole sponsorships contact Kevin Aizenshtat at kevin@gcipnaples.com.

20B Federation Star January 2014

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Moorings ParkÂŽ is a nationally accredited, non-profit, Medicare certified community and the only A+ S&P and Fitch rated continuing care retirement community in the country. All dimensions, specifications and prices are subject to change without notice. All images are conceptual renderings and developer reserves the right to make modifications without prior notice.

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