Federico Conti - Architecture Portfolio
Federico Conti - Architecture Portfolio
CURRICULUM VITAE Federico Conti Born in Cesena, FC, Italy, on 28/09/1988 arch.federicoconti@gmail.com federico.conti4@studio.unibo.it +393480455097
2007 - 2013 Master Degree in Architecture Department of Architecture - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna 107/110
June 2014 - Now Intern Architect Arch. Delio Corbara
2007 High School Diploma Liceo Scientifico “A.Righi”, Cesena, FC, Italy
RELATED EXPERIENCE 2012-2013 Tutor for the International Students Department of Architecture - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna 2011-2012 Erasmus Program Faculty Of Architecture - Department of Fine Arts and Design IUE - Izmir University Of Economics, Izmir, Turkey 2010 - 2011 Parametrical Design Course (Autodesk Revit Architecture) Department of Architecture - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
LANGUAGES Italian (Native) English (Fluent) Turkish (Basic)
OPERATING SYSTEM AND SOFTWARE MAC OS WINDOWS Autodesk (Autocad, Revit Architecture) Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) Graphisoft ArchiCad Google SketchUp Rhinoceros Microsoft Office
February - April 2014 Collaborator for the Architectural Competition Urban redevelopment of central areas of Codroipo (Special Mention) Prof. Arch Francesco Gulinello January 2014 Qualifying Exam for Architecture and Planning Enabled to the professional practice of Architecture and Planning Official professional qualification released by the Order of Architects Department of Architecture - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna March - June 2012 Internship o2a - Luigi Orioli, Debora Venturi web: http://www.o2a.it/en/ June- September 2012 Waiter Ristorante Green Paddock - Ippodromo di Cesena June- September 2011 Waiter Locanda La Poggianina, Cesena
REFERENCES Elena Mucelli Professor at Department of Architecture, Cesena, Italy e-mail: elena.mucelli@unibo.it web: http://www.unibo.it/docenti/elena.mucelli Clarissa Mendez Lecturer at Clemson University’s School of Architecture, USA e-mail: cmendez@clemson.edu web: http://www.clemson.edu/caah/faculty-staff/facultyBio.html?id=1794
INTERESTS Architecture Master Swimming, Fitness Playing guitar
GRADUATION THESIS Jesolo: Leisure Park and Aquatic Center Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna Department of Architecture A.A. 2012-2013
Project Area
“Parco Pineta” - Gonçalo Byrne
YEAR_2013 THEME_Leisure Park and Aquatic Center LOCATION_Jesolo, Venice, Italy The project is located in Jesolo, in one of the most interesting areas of the new urban plan of the city, redacted in 1993 by Kenzo Tange. In recent times, the architect Goncalo Byrne designed the residential area “Parco Pineta”, leaving another portion of the site, addressed to become a public park, unsolved. The aim of the project is the creation of a leisure park which emphasizes the main natural elements, the pine grove and the water, and the particular elevation profile of the area. The original topography of the area is transformed through two different processes: the first one is a process of subtraction, the excavation, the second one is an addition, the platform. The excavations generate a sequence of canals and water pools, a reminescence of the landscape of the Laguna of Jesolo. The platforms identify the three thematic areas of the project: culture, sport and entertainment. Since the city of Jesolo was once known as Equilio, one of the twelve island of Venice, these three platforms surrounded by water are, conceptually, three artificial thematic islands.These islands recall the original nature of the island Equilio, that has been changed into the modern Jesolo by radical human interventions. The island of culture is organized around a pre-existing historical building, reconverted into a museum of culture. A new building includes a museum of navigation and the offices of the new marina. A covered square is designed to host a public market, with the main purpose of selling the products coming from the new vegetable gardens of the park. The tower is a landmark for the sailors which points out on the new marina bay. The island of sport is the main part of the project and includes the Aquatic Center, a building dedicated to the aquatic sports. The island of entertainment is featured with an open-air theatre, a pavilion for public events and a cafeteria.
The Leisure Park
Pine grove
The Artificial Islands III
I Culture
museum - market
aquatic center
open air theatre open air pavilion
The Island of Culture
The Island of Sport
The Island of Entertainment
A-A Section
B-B Section
C-C Section
The Aquatic Center is the point of conjuction of two different aquatic worlds: the natural one, on the outside, and the artificial one, on the inside. It is a place for sports at all levels, from the first approach to water from the professional discipline of swimming. It is a center for leisure, where people find peace through ablution. It is a public facility, which first of all responds to people’s wish to meet and get to know each other. The Aquatic Center is composed by different volumes with a precise formal and functional feature. The entire structure appears to rest atop a podium that contains the athlete’s entrance, the reception, the offices, the swim-shop, and all the plant rooms of the complex. However, this podium is an element of the landscape capable of mediating between the two levels of the park: the level zero and the level of the platforms. The main volume includes the Olympic Swimming Pool and the spectator seating. The secondary volume contains the Training Pool and the Child Swimming Pool, while a third volume hosts a Gym and a SPA. The large plate that protrudes on the main volume consists of some collective spaces like the Cafeteria and the terrace, which offers a spectacular view of the surrounding landscape. The facades of the building are made of glass panels with different levels of transparency and opacity according to the different needs of the internal space, and the upper plate of the building is screened by a steel grid.
WATER Owen Williams, Wembley Empire Pool, 1934
JØrn Utzon, Copenaghen Swimming Pool, 1979 Villanova - Artigas, FAU-USP, 1968
JØrn Utzon, Copenaghen Swimming Pool, 1979
Dominique Perrault, Berlin Swimming Pool, 1999
Zaha Hadid, London Aquatic Center, 2012
Zaha Hadid, London Aquatic Center, 2012
Stefano Boeri, House of the Sea, 2009
South Elevation
North Elevation
West Elevation
A-A Section
East Elevation
B-B Section
1:5000 Model
1:1000 Model
1:500 Model
TEAM_Prof. Arch Francesco Gulinello, Prof. Arch. Elena Mucelli Arch. Lorena Pulelli, Arch. Federico Conti, Arch. Giacomo Corda, Arch. Luca Pazzaglini, Arch. Enrico Fornari, Arch. Luca Morgagni YEAR:_2014 THEME:_Redevelopment of the historical center of Codroipo LOCATION_Codroipo, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy The project works on few precise signs; on the one hand, the re-thinking of those public spaces which contribute to give the city its identity and on the other hand, the definition of the urban block conceived as a moment of synthesis between urban morphology and building type, connecting the public and the private. Through the ridefinition of the system of the open spaces, precised by the individuation of squares, courts and gardens, the project aims to give a new image to the city of Codroipo. By restoring the public identity of the square, the historical centre of Codroipo will become a “urban container� for events and socialization. The project focuses on four different areas: 1)The Market Square_The existing storage building is demolished and replaced by a new one, that will host offices and spaces for public associations. The paving of the square is re-designed and a tecjnlogical network is installed, in order to supply energy and water for the rides of the traditional fair, which takes place in this square once a year. 2)The Park_The park of Codroipo is an important resource for its inhabitants. The project proposes a spiral system of permeable fence, built in corten steel, which contributes to define the space and, at the same time, to gradually discover the park. 3)The Residences_The new residences are designed to evoke the most peculiar type of block of the city of Codroipo: the open court. The internal and external facades have a different design, which gives the building an introvert character, more open on the inside court than on the street. 4)The Town Council Hall_The new building, intended to host the new Town Council Hall at the ground floor and an art gallery at the first floor, is phisically and functionally connected to the adjacent municipality offices. This building, designed as a plastic shape which protrudes on the public square, will become the new symbol of Codroipo.
Luoghi urbani
THE PROJECT AREAS 1 - The market square 2 - The park 3 - The residences 4 - The Town Council Hall
1 2
The historical core
rincipio insediativo
The singular elements
The open courts
Tessuto: gli elementi isolati
Tessuto: le corti aperte
hi urbani
The park
Il parco
Il mercato
Spazi del tempo libero
1 2
3 4
c iclo-pedon al e
ac c e s s i b i l i t à spazi attrezzati
V i a b i l i t à
t r a s p o r t i
mercato parco giochi
luna park
3 4
V i a b i l i t à
info point
uffici civici
The market square
È il luogo , la c i t t di à Codroipo con la sua storia e la sua memoria, a suggerirci il tema su il progetto: la modificazione , intesa come presa di coscienza dell'importanza dell'esiste strumento in grado di conferire relazioni tra nuovo ed esistente. Il progetto ricerca nella storia del luogo i materiali su cui fondare le sue regole, è con ess di stabilire un sistema di relazioni e connessioni che tengano insieme lo spazio costruito aperto , nel tentativo di conferire alla c i t t un à senso nuovo. Il progetto lavora su pochi segni, da un lato, la reinterpretazione dei luoghi urbani della c i t t i àntesi come s p a dall'altro, la definizione dell'isolato urbano inteso come momento di sintesi di morfologia tipologia edilizia, tra spazio pubblico e privato, nel quale tipo e forma urbana trovano un sintesi e di reciproca co-esistenza , e dove l'uno non è dato senza l'altro. Attraverso la r del sistema degli spazi aperti, precisato attraverso l'individuazione di piazze, corti e progetto vuole restituire un'immagine nuova alla c i t t àdi Codroipo e offrire, al te l'occasione per ripensare allo spazio della piazza come luogo fisico di scambio e di restituire ai cittadini, conferendo c o s ìu n ' i d e n tnuova i t à al luogo; la “ p i a z zèa intesa ” com favorisca l'occasioni di s o c i a l ie t la à creazione di nuove relazioni, come “ c o n t e n i t d e l l a c i t t à .
il luogo , la c i t t di à Codroipo con la sua storia e la sua memoria, a suggerirci il tema su cui fondare progetto: la modificazione , intesa come presa di coscienza dell'importanza dell'esistente, come umento in grado di conferire relazioni tra nuovo ed esistente. progetto ricerca nella storia del luogo i materiali su cui fondare le sue regole, è con esso che tenta stabilire un sistema di relazioni e connessioni che tengano insieme lo spazio costruito e lo spazio rto , nel tentativo di conferire alla c i t t un à senso nuovo. Il progetto lavora su pochi ma precisi ni, da un lato, la reinterpretazione dei luoghi urbani della c i t t i àntesi come s p a z i - i d e ne, t i t à l'altro, la definizione dell'isolato urbano inteso come momento di sintesi di morfologia urbana e ologia edilizia, tra spazio pubblico e privato, nel quale tipo e forma urbana trovano un momento di tesi e di reciproca co-esistenza , e dove l'uno non è dato senza l'altro. Attraverso la ridefinizione sistema degli spazi aperti, precisato attraverso l'individuazione di piazze, corti e giardini, il getto vuole restituire un'immagine nuova alla c i t t àdi Codroipo e offrire, al tempo stesso, ccasione per ripensare allo spazio della piazza come luogo fisico di scambio e di incontro da tituire ai cittadini, conferendo c o s ìu n ' i d e n tnuova i t à al luogo; la “ p i a z zèa intesa ” come luogo che orisca l'occasioni di s o c i a l ie t la à creazione di nuove relazioni, come “ c o n t e n i t degli o r e ”eventi l la c i t t à .
a b ilità
The square
La piazza
bike rent ristoro
skate park
c i c l o - p e d o n a l e
RESIDENCES_View from the street
RESIDENCES_First Floor Plan
RESIDENCES_West Elevation
RESIDENCES_View from the court
Residential Commercial Offices
5 10
Administration Town Council Hall Art Gallery
RESIDENCES_North Elevation
The underground parking lot
TOWN COUNCIL HALL_View from the street
pareti mobili
volumi temporanei
ASSOCIATIONS BUILDING_View from the market square
pareti mobili
Mobile walls
Temporary pavillions
Mobile walls
Area mercato
0 Piano terra
reti tecnologiche
Technological Network
STUDIO_architectural design 1 YEAR:_2008 THEME_single family house LOCATION_historical centre brick walls, Cesena, Italy This single-family house, located in the historical centre of Cesena, rises from the pre-existing brick walls, built around the 1300 A.D. The intention was to make the building fit volumetrically with the near buildings, but to break with their historical image, to critically underline that “hole� in the history of the site. The white volume over the walls emphasizes this critical dialogue and it is the matrix of a succession of geometrical operations which will transform it from a simple parallelepiped to a livable building. Firstly, a simple volume is added to the matrix in order to make it fit with the adjacent building and it becomes a projection of the internal space to the outside. Thereafter, parts of the matrix have been removed to create livable voids, as refuges from the outside and, at the same time, as its closest points of contact. In this way, the entrance on the main street becomes a portal which points out on the importance of entering the house, which cannot be deprived of its sacral intimacy. On the second floor, the void creates a loggia which connects the public side of the house (the elevation on the main street) with the private one (the elevation on the garden). The loggia is an oblivion between the public and the private sphere, and the house is the paradox of them. The main rooms on the three floors of the house are connected by a triple height space, which let the light flow through as they are one. The internal design is simple and austere, furnitures are one with the walls and there is nothing that can contaminate the purity of the light reflecting itself on the simple wooden shapes. Stone reminds us of the contact with the earth as like as wood reminds us of what comes into from the earth: the house is the pure vision of these elements in a blank space.
Ground Floor Plan
Double or triple height spaces, to unify the rooms vertically and let the light flow through as they are one.
First Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan
Overhangs make the internal space stretch out to find a dialogue with the outside.
The void becomes livable, as a refuge from the outside and, at the same time, as its closest point of contact.
STUDIO_architectural design 1I YEAR:_2009 THEME_urban planning of a residential area on the seaside; housing design The design process starts from the idea of making a connection between the natural park and the beach and, more generally, of trying to strenghten the vision and the perception of the existing natural elements: water, sand and green areas. For this purpose, the ground gloor of the residential skycratcher, placed where the visual connection between the park and the seaside is stronger, is permeable: it is the filter between the two natural areas and, at the same time, their point of connection. A geometrical grid has been generated from the skycratcher, used as an imperceptible layer to give order to the volumes placement and rationalize the poetic relation between solids and empty spaces. The grid orders the design of the park, where an artistic combination of green, sand, and water areas takes place, in a combination of pure geometric forms inspired by the works of the italian contemporary artist Mario Radice. The different areas are placed in order to give a visual connection with the natural element they represent, in a sort of communication between the natural world and the artificial process of embodying it in an organized space. Finally, the grid has been used to place the volumes of the residential area, conceived as a polyphinic space in which different elements are linked with each others and create an unique group: a city within the city. The houses have been designed starting from the same simple volume, in a staggered addition of it which generates two different combinations, that change according to the specific needs of the buildings. The blocks are disposed according to the temporal sequence of living: rooms flow into each other with the rythm given by the timeline of the family.
The different areas are placed in order to give a visual connection with the natural element they represent, in a sort of communication between the natural world and the artificial process of embody it in an organized space.
The grid, used as an imperceptible layer to give order to the volumes placement and rationalize the poetic relation between solids and empty spaces.
A staggered addition of the same simple volume will generate an original combination that could change according to the specific needs of the building.
Unit A
Unit B
First Floor Plan
The blocks are disposed according to the temporal sequence of living: rooms flow into each other with the rythm given by the timeline of the family.
Ground Floor Plan
STUDIO_urban design YEAR:_2010 THEME_design of a multipurpose complex in a big empty area of a city on the adriatic sea LOCATION_Bellaria, Italy The design area is located between two important touristic cities on the adriatic sea (Bellaria and Igea Marina) and it represent a huge “break� in the urban grid and a meaningless zone in the actual contest. It also offers a lot of stimulating challenges to design a new urban center which could become important for the coastal touristic economy as well as for a revaluation of the city of Bellaria. The analysis of the area showed that one of the most critical element is the railway which literally separates the two sides of the city. Following some examples, such as the High line of New York, the proposal is to move the railway along the external borders of the city and changing the existing railway into a public green corridor and a new bus line which would connect all the cities of the adriatic coast. The project also propose a renewal of the pre-existing holiday camp and its natural park, which would be directly connected with the green corridor and could become a new cultural center. The big empty area will become a multipurpose center and it will include: a commercial center, a residential area along the riverfront and a detached-house area inside the new public park, a sport and wellness resort and a public school, which will be easily connected to the new bus line. Finally, the costal strip will be enlarged to reach the same dimension of the other cities and a new walkway on the sea will be the climax of a promenade which starts from the multipurpose center and offers new interesting views of Bellaria.
STUDIO_architectural design 1V YEAR:_2011 THEME_campus of Fine Arts: Faculty of Architecture, Library, Auditorium LOCATION_dismissed industrial area, Bologna, Italy The aim of the project is to establish a strict connection between the new intervention and the historical development of the city. The campus has to be a new cultural engine which takes its power from the long urban history of Bologna. For this purpose, the Peter Eisenman’s concept of “scaling� has been studied and synthetized and it has become the strategical key to design the masterplan. In fact, the different historical layers of the city (the grid of the romanical city, the medieval urban structure and the latest renewal) have been superimposed and scaled to the project area, and the result is a new grid from which the building are raised up. The pre-exhisting buildings of this dismissed industrial area, have been renewed and adapted to their new functions and are linked with the new buildings by a system of squares and paths which can be associated to the romanic grid of the city, which strenghten the dialogue between old and new, past and present. The faculty of architecture is a quadripartite cloisters which refers to the traditional convents of Bologna. It is an austere and monumental building, an intimate space which opens itself to the internal courtyards. The stone-made towers identify the public spaces, the meeting room of the faculty, whereas the glass block on the entrance facade embodies the faculty hall. The library has been conceived as a monumental staircase: the different platforms are placed at different height level to adapt to the natural declive of the site. At the lower level of the staircase, a large glass facade offers a panoramic view of the park and the promenade ends at the highest level with an overhang which is strechting out towards the city. The auditorium is composed of two parts: the stone-made case, which contains the foyer and the services, and the concrete core which contains the conference hall.
5 2
1-Campus Hall 2-Faculty of Architecture 3-Library 4-Auditorium 5-Faculty of design
3 4
Bologna, Historical center, Roman Centuriatio
Centuriatio on the project area
The court, a silent and intimate space which stimulates mediation and in which, sometimes, you can feel the quiet and the purity of a monastery.
Ground Floor Plan
Ground Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan
The perception of the space changes at different height levels; the building becomes a momumental staircase, adapted to the topography of the site.
The square, a defined, but not confined, empty space where people experience the spirit of a city; the most important public place where the city life has it climax.
A building can be conceived as a case which embodies a core, protecting its value and gradually preparating the visitor to get into it.
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
STUDIO_architectural design III YEAR:_2010 THEME_design of a covered market in an historical center LOCATION_Rimini, Italy The intervention takes place near the Tempio Malatestiano, in the historical center of Rimini.The pre-exhisting covered market is the result of a design process which didn’t consider nor the urban grid nor the specific needs of the market and, for these reasons, it must be replaced with a new one. The new covered market has been designed starting from the pre-existing buildings: they dictated the dimension of the grid from which the building is raised up. The result is a building composed by different pavillions which are grouped in two parts, one for the fruit and vegetables market and one for the fish market. This two parts are connected with a covered passage which also connects the public square in front of the market with a pre-existing street on the other side. The envelope of the market is composed by brick walls, which remind to the historical building of Rimini; steel panels and large glass facades, which remind to the traditional covered market built with glass and steel; vertical glass brise soleil to avoid too much sunlight to penetrate in the building and damage the products.
Architecture is the artistical transposition of natural elements into the artificial world, the synthesis and the embodiment of their beauty inside pure and simple forms.
Federico Conti - Architecture Portfolio