A BAMBOO JOURNEY - Between art installation and architecture

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Between art installation and architecture

Imagined by Federico Antonelli

I’m Federico, a curious guy among others; excited by learning, I wonder with amazement what surrounds me; I question and pretend a lot from myself always looking for positive challenges.

I discovered architecture and engineering as a way of understanding and reinterpreting reality by providing opportune spaces for human activities and interactions.

Architecture excites me because it is present, it is tangible, but it is also made of thinking and abstraction. I think about architecture as the expression of love for the human specie and its realm.

Engineering interests me because it leads the transition from the ideal to the realization. It is key for making the change.


Polytechnic University of Milan - MSc in Building and Architectural Engineering - 110 / 110

Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla (ETSA) - Erasmus Program

Liceo Scientifico E.Medi - Scientific High School


CED Ingegneria (Bergamo) - Building engineering and construction management

Cpiua Architetti (Senigallia) - Architect

Antonio Barrionuevo Arquitectos (Sevilla) - Internship



Italian - Senigallia (AN) federico.antonelli.954@gmail.com

+39 3397049126

WWF Observation Cabins - YAC Competitions - Team

Pedestrian and cyclist connection between San Fernando y Chiclana across the Canal of Sancti-Petri - AB Arquitectos

Re-qualification of urban edges in the northern estuary of river Odiel en Huelva - AB Arquitectos


Italian - Mother tongue

English - C1

Spanish - B2

BambooU Online Course: design and build with bamboo, planting, harvesting and treatment methods.

BambooU, IBUKU

BIOdesign: Global Classroom about the introduction of bio-informed sciences into the design. Polytechnic of Milan with Drexel University

Responsive Urban Environments: the case studies of Milan and Philadelphia. Polytechnic of Milan with Drexel University

Project of an ecological auto constructed aggregation space for young people in Dakar with the principles of collaborative prototipation. African Fabbers School, CODESIGNLAB, ARUP

Software Skills



Photoshop Indesign Illustrator


Free-hand drawing

SAP 2000, Grasshopper


Innovation, environment, bamboo, art, cinema, literature, technology, photography, drawing, hand-made construction, recycling, Couchsurfing, traveling

TEDx Lake Como 2018

Milano Open House



Soft Skills

Self-learning approach, teamwork, problem solving, flexibility, curiosity, adaptability

Competition Workshop Volunteering
10.2020/06.2021 06.2020/09.2020 02.2018/05.2018 05.2021 05.2018 05.2018 03.2021 - 05.2021 04.2020 - 05.2020 09.2018 03.2019 08.2014/04.2020 09.2017/07.2018



Individual project 2021


Bamboo building course

The preliminary structural design for the Fiaso Bamboo Training Centre is developed in collaboration with the NGO Grow Colorful Ghana for the rural community of the Bono East Region, Ghana. Various buildings make up the complex, where experts and members of the community teach bamboo construction in a public, entertaining, and dynamic learning.

The project intends to show the usage of bamboo as a sustainable construction material, promoting livelihood opportunities for rural youth through bamboo skill development. The center provides local people with access to technical support, knowledge, and training needed to make good use of their bamboo resources.

The seminar room and workshop area, developed in the preliminary structural design, are vital elements of the center. It is the place where learning, experimentation, tutoring, relations happen strengthening community engagement and public participation.

Final model realized with bamboo culms, bamboo leaves and splits, glue, rope - Scale 1:50 BONO EAST REGION, GHANA
Perspective View
Floor Plan +1.4m
Floor Plan + 3.4m

Longitudinal Section

Each arch is built with two types of sections to optimize the weight/strength ratio and enable the joinery.

The diamond section is made of 4x15cm diameter culms. It enables to withstand and unload the weights on the plinth foundation.

The composite section is made of 2x15cm diameter longitudinal culms and reinforced on the sides with a series of 10cm diameter culm segments.

A theory of lidi bundle arches defines the ondulated profile of the building, supporting the ends of the poles.

The façade is rhythmically defined by a series of 10cm diameter vertical poles with a spacing of 1,5m which support the lidi bundle arches.

The curtain wall solution employs panels of longitudinal poles sections with 10/15cm diameter joined together.

Engineering of the main arched structure Engineering of the solution for the façade Exploded Axonometry View Facade Options Sketches
Roof Plan


This collection shows a series of project experiences in which bamboo, chosen for its remarkable mechanical and morphological characteristics, is imagined as a construction material for temporary architectures and artistic installations.

For experts in the field and for institutions, bamboo is already a strategic resource. Getting society emotionally involved in “touching” bamboo artifacts can stimulate discussion on bamboo culture and consequently the use of bamboo in various sectors, expanding the pool of supporters.

The design approach instead is based on the integration between the disciplines of art, architecture, craftsmanship, all necessary to interface with a heterogeneous and natural material such as bamboo.

The pavilions are developed with the help of Rhinoceros and Grasshopper software for parametric modeling: through the integration of advanced digital tools it will be possible to better control the complex digital modeling of bamboo structures, otherwise difficult.

Catenary Pavilion Parabolic Structure Pavilion Sine Wave Pavilion Random Crossing Pavilion Wavy Shell Pavilion

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