Integrity Launch Issue

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ISO 9001:2008 has officially entered the Committee Draft stage, according to the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The Committee Draft stage is the first consultation in the development of any ISO standard.

4. Welcome Message

The ISO 9001 standard faces many months of consultation, drafting, review and approval. The revised standard is scheduled to be published in 2015.

8. Lookout! - Health Effects

ISO 9001 is the definitive standard for Quality Management Systems and is used by millions of organisations globally. ISO 9001 also forms the basis of many other management system standards such as ISO 22000 the standard for food safety management.

5. In the News

9. Quality - ISO 9001 Revisions 10. Environment - Shale Gas 11. Health & Safety - New Code 12. Food Safety - Supply Review



13. Spotlight - US Food Fraud 14. Workshop - HACCP

Whilst being the de-facto standard for food safety management, HACCP or Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point can be successfully implemented in any industry.

18. Features - Kitemark is 110! 19. Editorial - Product Safety

The HACCP standard is so flexible that it can be used in any industry where control is needed. HACCP systems identify hazards, and then implement measures and controls to reduce or eradicate the risk. It is a simple methodology that can have an immediate impact on quality and safety. The workshop provides a detailed step-by-step approach on the development, implementation and management of a HACCP system.


20. People - Federation CEO 21. Federation - Introduction 22. Publications - Great Reads 23. Events - Must Visit!

FEATURES - Sustainia100

Sustainia100 is a guide to 100 innovative sustainable solutions from around the world that presents a range of diverse readily-available projects, initiatives and technologies at the forefront of sustainable transformation. The 2013 edition of Sustainia received 500+ submissions from 79 countries for this year’s guide. The final 100 solutions are already operational in two thirds of the world’s countries – including Kenya, India, Mexico and South Africa. The Sustainia100 guide reflects sustainable innovation from the traditional technological hubs, and spotlights areas that are usually under-represented.



The Federation of Management Systems is an independent organisation that promotes management systems to individuals, organisations, governments, industries, academia, and associations, to improve business performance, increase sustainability and reduce risk. The Federation encourages the development, implementation and utilisation of management systems through the improved knowledge and understanding by its members and partners. The Federation recognises the skills, efforts and knowledge of management system professions, and serves as a focal point for members to develop their capabilities, increase their knowledge, and network with like-minded individuals.

Publication Details INTEGRITY, the eNewsletter of the Federation of Management Systems is published four times per year. Readers can access INTEGRITY via the Federation’s website, the Federation’s LinkedIn page, and by email request. Each issue of INTEGRITY will be published to over 1.05m readers.



WELCOME WELCOME Dear reader, Welcome to this launch issue of the Federation of Management Systems’ newsletter. We aptly titled our newsletter – INTEGRITY – noun: adherence to moral and ethical principles. INTEGRITY is to be published online 4 times a year, and will be freely available to everyone via the Federation website ( ) and by email subscription. The purpose of INTEGRITY is to: • Issue advice on key management system issues, new requirements in management system standards, and emerging regulations that may affect our work. • Provide news and information on the latest issues within the management systems arena, and present the latest industrial data. • Impart useful knowledge, and raise the understanding and awareness of management systems. We will focus on those requirements that tend to cause confusion, problems or nonconformities. We will also highlight potential solutions and methodologies – tricks of the trade. We encourage all of our readers to provide feedback ( ) on the articles; tell us what you like, or maybe dislike, and tell us what you would like to see in the newsletter. Also, we would like to hear from you if you’ve got a story to tell; our editorial team will work with you to get your story published in INTEGRITY. Let me take this opportunity to introduce the Federation of Management Systems. We are a global, independent, not-forprofit organisation that promotes the effective development, implementation and utilisation of management systems, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 22000, etc. The Federation is effectively managed by the Board of Trustees who oversees the executive management and ensures that members’ interests are prioritised and met. Read more about the Federation on page 19. We are the only trade federation dedicated to all of the key management systems; a key point since many management system professionals have a responsibility for more than one management system, e.g. quality and environment. We hope that you enjoy reading INTEGRITY and find the content useful - feel free to circulate the publication using the weblink ( ), or link the publication to your own website. Yours sincerely

Anthony Wilkinson Chief Executive - Federation of Management Systems


IN THE NEWS ISO 9001:2008 Revision Time ISO 9001:2008 has recently entered the Committee Draft stage, according to the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The Committee Draft stage is the first consultation in the development of any ISO standard. ISO 9001:2008 is the authoritative standard for quality management system requirements: it is used by millions of organisations globally. ISO 9001 also forms the basis of many other management system standards, such as ISO 22000:2005 the ISO standard that specifies the requirements for food safety management. The ISO 9001 standard is being developed as part of a planned review process which occurs every 5 years. The next version of ISO 9001 is due for publication at the end of 2015, at which time all existing users will have a 2-year transition stage for the implementation of the new, or revised, requirements. At the end of the transition period, ISO 9001:2008 will be then declared obsolete. During the Committee Draft stage all of the ISO member bodies that have chosen to contribute to the ISO 9001 standard development have a period of time in which to form, prepare and submit any comments relating to the draft. In some cases the ISO member bodies may decide to seek input from industry and the public. In the UK, BSi have published the draft amendments and all of the received comments on their website. We take a closer look at some of the proposed changes to ISO 9001:2008 on page 9

The Economic Value of Accreditation A report commissioned by the UK government states that the direct benefits derived from the accreditation of certification, measurement and inspection services, adds over £600 million to the UK economy per year. The report highlights the direct benefits of accreditation such as the acceptance of product, compliance, and a willingness to pay higher prices. The report shows that over 50% of respondents considered that accreditation presented a marketing advantage, around 20% reported benefits related to quality and efficiency, and over 16% felt that accreditation was a customer requirement. The report acknowledges that the significant benefits of accreditation weren’t measured, i.e. error reduction, waste reduction, trade facilitation, accident reduction, etc. The overall contribution to the UK economy from accreditation is likely to be many £billions.




IN THE NEWS UK Worker Deaths on the Decrease Official statistics show that the number of workers killed in UK last year fell by 14%. Data released by the UK Health and Safety Executive reveals that 148 workers were fatally injured between April 2012 and March 2013, compared with 172 in the previous year. The overall rate of fatal injury has dropped to 0.5 per 100,000 workers, below the five-year average of 0.6. UK has had one of the lowest rates of fatal injuries to workers in Europe consistently for the last eight years. ADVERT 5 The new figures also show the rate of recorded fatal injuries in several key industrial sectors from 2011/12:


• 39 fatal injuries in construction – decrease of 19%. • 29 fatal injuries in agriculture – decrease of 17%. • 10 fatal injuries to waste workers – increase of 100%. Across UK, from 2011/12: • 118 fatal injuries in England – decrease of 10%. • 22 fatal injuries in Scotland – increase of 14%. • 8 fatal injuries in Wales – decrease of 58%.

Rising Trend in Food Testing According to a recently published report, ‘Food Safety Testing Market: Global Trends and Forecast to 2018’, the global food safety testing market has been forecast to grow from $9.26 billion at the end of 2012, to $14.03 billion by 2018; an increase of 7% year on year. In 2012, pathogen testing dominated the food testing market; food contamination by pathogens, toxins, GMO products, pesticides, and other impurities such as food allergens and chemical residues, is steadily driving the demand from more testing. Key players dominating the food safety testing market include SGS, Bureau Veritas, Intertek Group Plc, Exova, and DNV. These companies focus on mergers, acquisitions, and customer-driven services, including innovative rapid testing methods, to capitalise on their market position.







Air Quality Failings

New Security Standard

Food Law Code Review

Air quality standards are still regularly exceeded in Europe, despite the limits having been established more than a decade ago.

BSI has published a new standard to help organizations understand and manage their exposure to emerging cyber security risks - P.A.S. 555: Cyber security risk – Governance and management.

The Food Standards Agency is seeking views of stakeholders on proposed changes to the Food Law Code of Practice. The review will be of interest to ALL food businesses.

According to the Information Security Breaches Survey 2013 carried out by UK Government, having robust cyber security management helps protect business, its reputation and the bottom line. PAS 555 offers a framework that defines good cyber security practice.

The existing Code of Practice gives guidance and sets out the criteria that local authority food law regulatory services need to follow.

The most problematic pollutants are particulate matter, nitrogen oxides and ozone, which continue to affect people’s health and life expectancy. A report, ‘Air implementation pilot – The lessons learnt from the implementation of the air quality legislation at urban level’, is the result of collaboration between the EEA and 12 key cities which participated in the project. Hans Bruyninckx, EEA Executive Director, said: “We are risking human health...when the clean air legislation is not implemented.” The project found that almost all cities kept emissions inventories listing the pollutants released, but each used a different method. Cities are providing information to the public as specified by the legislation, mostly through air quality websites. In general, the cities make little use of the media, social media and technologies like smartphone applications, the report says.


The Code requires regular and periodic revision so that it reflects current enforcement practices and supports local authorities in ensuring that the delivery of their control obligations is effective, consistent, and proportionate. The FSA is inviting comments on its proposals to amend the Food Law Code of Practice. The changes include: - increasing the consistency in scoring by updating and clarifying the descriptors used to assign risk scores, - improving the effectiveness of enforcement by redistributing the inspection frequency which will allow enforcement to focus on non-compliant businesses, thus avoiding costly and inefficient overlaps by enabling the transfer of enforcement powers to one single authority.




Added Risks from New Technologies

Meat Adulteration Review Report

“Late Lessons from Early Warnings”, was a ground breaking report detailing new technologies that were subsequently found to be harmful.

Professor Pat Troop has completed her independent review of the Food Standards Agency’s response to the adulteration of processed beef products with horse and pork meat and DNA.

Late Lessons 2 includes 20 case studies, with serious implications for society. The case studies show that warnings were ignored until damage to health and the environment was inevitable. Technologies are now taken up quicker than before, this means risks may spread faster, outstripping society’s capacity to respond to these effects in time to avoid harm.

Professor Troop’s recommendations include: - improved intelligence across the food industry, - FSA to strengthen its major incident plan, - clarity of the role of Government departments in large, complex incidents, - use of codes of conduct.

Environment Continues to Affect Health According to the report Environment and human health published by the European Environment Agency and the Joint Research Centre, the environment continues to affect human health in many different ways. Pollutants, noise and most other forms of environmental degradation can be harmful, the report underlines the benefits of access to natural environments for physical and mental wellbeing. There is large disparity in the environmental conditions across Europe, which is often reflected in the different levels of health and life expectancy, according to the report. People with low social status often live in the harmful environments, with negative effects on health. Their condition may be further influenced by other factors, including socio-economic status, lifestyle habits and general health. As people live longer, the main causes of premature death and disability have become non-communicable ’lifestyle’-related conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, and cancer. These problems could be linked to the local environmental conditions, but more research is needed to fully understand their longer term effects on people and health.


QUALITY Proposed Changes to ISO 9001:2008 As ISO 9001:2008 enters the Committee Review process we take a look at some of the proposed changes, and consider the likely impacts. Service sector – the ongoing attempts to differentiate between the service and manufacturing sectors are to be tackled in the latest draft of ISO 9001. Originally, ISO 9000 (or BS 5750 as it was then) was written to mainly cover products, although some reference was later made to services. However, some organisations in the service sector have struggled in the interpretation of the requirements. The latest draft of ISO 9001, replaces “products” with “goods and services”. In reality the revised wording doesn’t seem to resolve the issue, and it might add to the confusion. “Products”, in the context of ISO 9001, are generally considered to be tangible. By changing the term “products” to “goods and services”, insurance policies and similar products, are immediately excluded since they don’t fit into either category. This key requirement of the new ISO 9001 standard still needs to be rethought; “products and services” might be a suitable solution. Organisation – a stronger focus on the organisation is included in the latest draft of ISO 9001. A proposal to include two new requirements referring to the organisation and the needs and expectations of interested parties, expects the organisation to determine the “interested party” requirements that might impact on the quality management system. This is a logical development of ISO 9001 that requires the organisation to consider such issues as stakeholders, end-users, regulators, etc. However, the proposal falls short of being effective since there is no requirement to meet those needs that have been identified – since this is outside the scope of the standard. Process – a process approach to the quality management system has been promoted for some time. The latest proposals include a clause specifying a process approach; this new clause specifies those characteristics considered essential in the adoption of the process approach. Measuring – this requirement for the provision and control of all measuring devices remains unchanged in the latest draft of ISO 9001. This is pretty disappointing since measurement is the crux of many quality management systems, and the existing requirements seem to be woefully lacking. Certainly, there should be a requirement to calibrate measurement devices (there isn’t one proposed currently). Documentation – the latest proposed draft of ISO 9001 removes the terms “documents” and “records” and replaces them with the new term “documented information”. Unfortunately, it doesn’t answer the question – what needs to be documented and recorded? Frequently the requirements for documents and records are misunderstood or misinterpreted; this review is an opportunity to clarify the requirements for documents and records. Also, the term “documented” is defined as “to furnish with a written or printed paper that bears the original, official, or legal form of something ” Usually quality management systems are documented on paper; the evolution of IT solutions, the use of software and computer-based systems should perhaps be reflected (or promoted) in the new ISO 9001 requirements.




ENVIRONMENT Artful Waste The European Environment Agency (EEA) is launching a new competition Waste•smART for artistic depictions of waste in Europe.


Each European citizen generates approximately half a tonne of household waste each year. A lot of this so-called waste is actually a useful resource, but only two fifths is recycled, according to a recent analysis. The report shows that citizens of some countries recycle more than 60% of household waste, whilst recycling is almost non-existent in other countries. Another report showed that Europe’s wasteful lifestyle means that we need to import a large proportion of raw materials from elsewhere. On average, each person in Europe generates around 160kg of packaging waste per year.

Shale Gas joy? The UK Government has reported that England has massive reserves of shale gas – around 1,300 trillion cubic feet of it. That’s more energy than has ever been extracted from the North Sea. Potentially, this news has great economic importance which may secure the future UK energy supplies for many years. The timing of the announcement couldn’t be better; after news that energy reserves are dwindling and will be unsustainable by mid-century. Of course there are the usual down-sides to any exploratory findings - let’s face it; wind farms still have their fair share of hostile foes due to their visual impact. Fracking, the process of “mining” shale gas brings warnings of water contamination, earthquakes, subsidence, etc. If windmills are unsightly, then shale gas rigs aren’t going to be made welcome. Perhaps the main source of strategic opposition is that the exploitation of shale gas does not fit in the UK’s plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The UK’s climate-change targets are legally binding, so the discovery of massive reserves of fossil fuels is not necessarily good news. Shale gas will require major investment to get going, and investors will need to be patient before getting a return. No one yet knows how much of the gas is accessible, or how much it will cost to extract and refine. Shale gas can be cleaner than coal and so could be used as a transition fuel displacing inferior energy sources; it might have a role in transport and could even be used for power generation. However, the Government has blocked a decarbonisation target for the power sector, which has already made things far worse for shale gas. If shale gas is to be used to provide energy, it requires a very clear policy. Done properly, the UK shale gas could be a positive find – economically and environmentally. Right now there is no policy, and the shale gas debate looks set to go on and on and onT.


HEALTH & SAFETY UK Government Eases H&S Burdens The latest stage of the UK Government’s commitment to debunking health and safety myths, and slashing burdensome rules, has seen Ministers outline plans to make it as easy as possible for employers to take on students seeking work experience, for example. ADVERT 15 Employers have been hampered by thinking that they have to conduct special risk assessments for young people, and repeating the same assessment for every young person they give a chance of work experience, even though the circumstances were exactly the same. To give employers peace of mind, the Association of British Insurers will also be reassuring them that they don’t have to take out special insurance policies to cover students on work experience.

New Inspection Code Local authorities in UK have been banned from conducting unnecessary health and safety inspections under a new code. The Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) statutory National Enforcement Code for local authorities will instead target proactive council inspections on higher risk activities in specified sectors or when there is intelligence of workplaces putting employees or the public at risk. It will see tens of thousands of businesses removed from health and safety inspections which are not justified on a risk basis, including most shops and offices. Checks will continue on poor performers and at sites where there are higher risk activities, such as cooling towers where the life-threatening Legionella bacteria can develop, and buried liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) gas pipes which can create an explosion if corroded. Minister for Employment Mark Hoban commented: “We need health and safety that protects people where there are real risks but doesn’t stifle businesses. There are too many examples of local councils imposing unnecessary burdens by inspecting low risk businesses. This new code should put a stop to this by putting common sense back into the system.” HSE Chair Judith Hackitt said: “Real improvement in safety performance will come from targeting those who put their employees at greatest risk. Local inspectors have a very important role to play in ensuring the effective and proportionate management of risks by businesses, and the new code is designed to guide them to do this. It sets out how targeting should be achieved, providing certainty for both businesses and regulators. HSE will be working with local authorities to ensure the code is successfully implemented.” The new code has been backed by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), Mary Boughton, the chairwoman of its health and safety committee, said: “The FSB supports the principles behind the enforcement code for health and safety at work. We believe that it is important to ensure that all local authority health and safety inspections are risk-based and proportionate to ensure that lowrisk, compliant businesses are able to concentrate on growth. If low risk businesses believe they are being unreasonably targeted they will be able to complain to an independent panel, which will investigate and issue a public judgement. The HSE will continue to work with those authorities who fail to meet the new codes and standards.”




FOOD SAFETY Food Chain Review Professor Chris Elliott, Director of the Global Institute for Food Security at Queen’s University Belfast, is to lead an independent review into the integrity and assurance of food supply networks. ADVERT 16 ADVERTISING SPACE

The aim of the review will be to advise the UK Government and industry on issues which impact upon consumer confidence in the authenticity of food products, including any systemic failures in food supply networks and systems of oversight with implications for food safety and public health; and to make recommendations. The public and all those involved in food supply are invited to give their views. The review will take around 9 to 12 months to complete. Professor Elliott will publish an interim report in 2013 and a final report by Spring 2014.

Recent Food Alerts (SUBJECT - PRODUCT - ORIGIN) S. enteritidis - chilled chickens - Poland Cadmium and lead - ceramic cup - China Doxycycline - frozen chicken - Poland Iodine - dried seaweed - China Mercury - frozen swordfish - Spain Salmonella spp. - maltodextrin - France Undeclared nuts - pesto - Italy Iodine - dried seaweed - South Korea Hepatitis A virus - frozen berry mix - Italy Salmonella spp. - sesame paste - Turkey Fumonisins - fine cornmeal - UK Metal pieces - thyme - France Aflatoxins - basmati rice - Pakistan Moulds - Croissant - Spain Listeria monocytogenes - cheese - France Undeclared milk - cookies - Netherlands PAA from plastic spoon - China Rye ergot - spelt - France PAH - rapeseed oil - Netherlands Undeclared milk - sweets - Finland Ecoli - frozen deer meat - Austria Wood - frozen baguettes - Germany Salmonella spp. - black pepper - Brazil Aflatoxins - pistachio nuts - Turkey Norovirus - frozen raspberries - Poland Aflatoxins - maize - Ukraine Cadmium - spinach - Belgium Glass fragments - sour cherries - Hungary Salmonella spp. - black pepper - Brazil Mercury - food supplement - China Arsenic - food supplement - China Undeclared egg - gravy mix - Australia Foodborne outbreak - eggs - Spain Mercury - frozen escolar - Vietna A complete list of the European RASFF food notifications can be found at: event=notificationsList&StartRow=1

Jamie’s Ministry Closed TV chef Jamie Oliver’s flagship Ministry of Food centre has been closed down for the 'safety and welfare of the public'. The centre - opened by the multi-millionaire celebrity cook five years ago as part of his hit TV show Jamie’s Ministry of Food aimed at teaching people to cook - failed a spot health and safety inspection. Staff on site were ordered to collect their belongings and leave immediately. The action was taken after a health and safety inspection on Monday. Authorities are being tight lipped about specifics of what could have forced the site into an immediate shutdown. The local authority said the issue is nothing to do with food safety. The focus of the investigation now being carried out by Rotherham council centres on whether the premises are fit for purpose and if it meets the licensing arrangements of the Jamie Oliver Foundation. A council spokesman said: “As the welfare of the staff and the public is our main priority, the shop has been closed to enable a full survey of the premises to be carried out. This is to ensure that the building continues to be suitable and that it complies with the licensing requirements” She added: “There is no issue with food safety and all minor repairs have been attended to. After five years of operation we need to ensure that the current building continues to be suitable and appropriate for the way forward for future operations of the Ministry of Food.” The Jamie’s Ministry of Food website added: “Rotherham Borough Council are working with the Jamie Oliver Foundation so that the Centre can reopen at the earliest opportunity.” Staff said previously they had complained to the local council about faulty equipment and that the unit wasn’t ‘fit for purpose’. Similar centres were opened around the country but the first one in Rotherham town centre, now run by a charity and the local council, has been closed.



Widespread Seafood Fraud in US The horse meat scandal, which was highlighted across Europe recently, wasn't the only serious food-related issue. Oceana has uncovered widespread seafood fraud across the United States, according to a new report. In one of the largest seafood fraud investigations in the world to date, DNA testing confirmed that one third (33%) of the 1,215 fish samples collected by Oceana from 674 retail outlets in 21 states were mislabelled, according to FDA guidelines. "Purchasing seafood has become the ultimate guessing game for U.S. consumers," said Beth Lowell, campaign director at Oceana, in a news release. "Whether you live in Florida or Kansas, no one is safe from seafood fraud. We need to track our seafood from boat to plate so that consumers can be more confident that the fish they purchase is safe, legal and honestly labelled." Oceana found seafood fraud everywhere it tested, including mislabelling rates of 52% in Southern California, 49% in Austin and Houston, 48% in Boston (including testing by the Boston Globe), 39% in New York City, 38% in Northern California and South Florida, 36% in Denver, 35% in Kansas City (MO/KS), 32% in Chicago, 26% in Washington, D.C., 21% in Portland (OR) and 18% in Seattle. Oceana's study targeted fish with regional significance as well as those found to be frequently mislabelled in previous studies such as red snapper, cod, tuna and wild salmon. Of the most commonly collected types of fish, snapper and tuna had the highest mislabelling rates across the country at 87% and 59%, respectively. While 44% of the retail outlets visited sold mislabelled fish, sushi venues had the worst level of mislabelling at 74%, followed by the other restaurants at 38% and then grocery stores at 18%. "Some of the fish substitutions we found are just disturbing," said Dr. Kimberly Warner, report author and senior scientist at Oceana, in the release. "Apart from being cheated, many consumers are being denied the right to choose fish wisely based on health or conservations concerns." The report's other key findings include: • Mislabelling was found in 27 of the 46 fish types tested (59%). • Only seven of the 120 red snapper samples (that’s just 5.8%) collected nationwide were actually red snapper. • Between one-fifth to one-third of the halibut, grouper, cod and Chilean sea bass samples were mislabelled. • 84% of the white tuna samples were actually Escolar, a species that is banned in some countries due to its link with food poisoning.




WORKSHOP Implementing HACCP in ANY industry Whilst being the de-facto standard for food safety management, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) can be successfully implemented in any industry. Here we explain how to develop, implement and manage a HACCP system.

Introduction Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, or HACCP as it’s more commonly called (pronounced hassap), is the primary standard for the control of food safety. The standard can be applied at any stage in the food supply chain from primary production to consumption – from farm to fork. The HACCP standard is so flexible that it can be used in any industry where control is needed; the process of developing a HACCP system is beneficial to any organization. HACCP systems identify hazards, and then implement measures and controls to reduce or eradicate risk. It is a simple methodology that can have an immediate impact on quality and safety. These guidance notes provide a detailed step-by-step approach on the development, implementation and management of a HACCP system.

History HACCP was devised in the 1960s by NASA, USAF, Pillsbury (Dough) and others to ensure safe food for the US space programme. Their goal was to produce food that wasn’t contaminated by pathogens, toxins, chemicals or other physical hazards that could cause food-related illness or injury to the astronauts. Traditional end-product testing was replaced by the HACCP system to provide high levels of assurance. 50 years later, HACCP is largely unchanged and is still the basis for every food safety management system in the world.

The HACCP Principles 1 - Conduct a hazard analysis 2 - Determine the Critical Control Points (CCPs). 3 - Establish critical limit(s). 4 - Establish a system to monitor control of the CCP. 5 - Establish the corrective action to be taken when monitoring indicates that a particular CCP is not under control. 6 - Establish procedures for verification to confirm that the HACCP system is working effectively. 7 - Establish documentation concerning all procedures and records appropriate to these principles and their application.



Benefits The obvious benefit of a HACCP system is the control and assurance it provides. Importantly, HACCP also identifies the organisation as the party responsible for the quality and safety of the product; there is no doubt that HACCP requires the organisation to take control. Additionally, HACCP requires that records be kept to prove conformity, this too is a massive benefit when reviewing systems and providing evidence of compliance. Commitment The effective implementation of HACCP requires the understanding, commitment and involvement of management and personnel: it needs a multidisciplinary approach. This multidisciplinary approach should include, when appropriate, the relevant expertise in production, health & safety, technology, environment, engineering, etc, according to the particular processes, products and industry. The development and implementation of HACCP is compatible with the implementation of other management systems, such as ISO 9001, and can be developed at the same time. Applying HACCP A note of caution: unless ALL of the principles are applied in-full, the HACCP system will not be effective. Experience tells us that occasionally organisations omit hazards from their analysis (Principle 1). There are many reasons or this – complexity, time, money, lack of understanding; failing to correctly identify and/or analyse a hazard makes the other 6 principles worthless and the HACCP system ineffective. The objective of the HACCP system is to produce safe quality products by focusing control on the Critical Control Points (CCPs). HACCP should be applied to each process or product separately; it’s not possible to “borrow” or copy a HACCP system from somewhere else and expect it to work. The HACCP system should be fully reviewed and the necessary changes made immediately any product or process is altered. To develop and implement a HACCP system, the principles should be applied according to the following sequence of tasks: 1. Assemble your HACCP team The HACCP team will develop a HACCP plan, and complete the necessary tasks. The team leader should ensure that the appropriate process and product knowledge and expertise is available for the development of an effective HACCP plan. Expert advice should be obtained from other sources if the required knowledge is not available. Start by identifying the scope of the HACCP plan. The scope should clearly describe which processes or products are included in the HACCP plan.




WORKSHOP 2. Describe the product A full description of each product should be drawn up, including the relevant quality and safety information such as: composition, physical/chemical structure, packaging, durability, storage conditions and method of distribution. 3. Identify the intended use The intended use should be based on the expected uses of the product by the end user or consumer. Does the product need to be assembled, or any special skills to be used, for example? 4. Construct a flow diagram A process flow diagram should be drafted by the HACCP team, which should cover all the steps in the process including manufacturing, measuring, treating, testing, storing, inspecting, packaging, transporting, etc. The process should include every task or operation from the procurement of raw materials to the use or consumption of the product. 5. Confirmation of the flow diagram The HACCP team needs to review and confirm the actual process against the process flow diagram. The review can be conducted by the HACCP team or independently. The review has to consider any special working conditions such as overtime working, bespoke products, etc. With the first 5 stages of the HACCP plan completed, we now introduce the 7 HACCP principles. 6. Conduct a hazard analysis – principle 1. List all the potential hazards associated with each step of the process. Then conduct a hazard analysis, and consider any measures required to control the identified hazards. Note: Hazards can be defined as any feature of the product that might affect quality or safety. The HACCP team should: • list all of the hazards that may be expected to occur at each process step from procurement, raw material storage, manufacture, and distribution until the point of use or consumption. • conduct a hazard analysis to identify which hazards are of such a significance that their elimination or reduction to acceptable levels is essential to the production of a safe quality product. • consider what control measures, if any, are in-place and can be applied for each hazard. More than one control measure may be required to control a hazard, and more than one hazard may be controlled by a control measure. The hazard analysis must be documented in the HACCP plan. 7. Determine the Critical Control Points (CCPs) - principle 2. The identification of the CCPs is essential to the effective control of product safety and quality. To determine the validity of a CCP, a decision tree can be used (see Fig 1); this promotes both a logical and consistent approach. Training or guidance in the correct use and application of the decision tree is recommended. If a hazard has been identified and no control measure exists, then the product or process should be modified to include a control measure. The Critical Control Points must be documented in the HACCP plan. 8. Establish critical limits - principle 3. Critical limits must be specified and validated if possible for each Critical Control Point. Limiting criteria might include measurements of size, shape, temperature, time, visual appearance and colour. The critical limits must be selected to match each CCP and ensure that the previously identified hazards are not present. The critical limits must be documented in the HACCP plan.

WORKSHOP 9. Establish a monitoring system for each CCP - principle 4. Monitoring is the planned measurement or inspection of a CCP in relation to its critical limits. The monitoring procedures must be able to detect loss of control at each of the CCPs, and allow adjustments to be made to ensure control of the process and product. If the monitoring is not continuous, then the frequency of the monitoring must be sufficient to ensure continuous control of the CCP. All records associated with monitoring CCPs must be signed by the person(s) doing the monitoring. 10. Establish corrective actions - principle 5. Corrective actions must be developed and documented for each of the CCPs to deal with any anticipated deviations when they occur. The actions must ensure that the CCP can be and has been brought under control. Actions taken must also include clear disposition of the affected product – hold, scrap, rework, recycle, etc. Corrective action and product disposition procedures must be documented in the HACCP plan. 11. Establish verification procedures - principle 6. Verification by auditing, measuring, testing, and assessment, should be used to determine if the HACCP system is working correctly. The product must be assessed at prescribed intervals. Verification procedures must be documented in the HACCP plan. 12. Establish Documentation and Record Keeping - principle 7 Accurate record keeping is essential to the success of a HACCP system. All HACCP procedures must be documented. Record keeping procedures must be documented in the HACCP plan.

Figure 1




110 Years of BSI Kitemark For well over a century the trust mark recognized by over 72% of British consumers has stood the test of time and continues to grow into new areas. The BSI Kitemark provides a clear and independent confirmation of quality, it started life in the early 1900s standardizing tramway rails. Soon after, it told the world that General Electric’s lights were safe and trustworthy, and in the 1960s became the first ever mark to make seatbelts safe. Today it does the same for a whole range of products including users of riding hats, electric plugs, smoke detectors and condoms. The BSI Kitemark was first registered by BSI on the 12th June 1903 – the same year in which the Tour de France was first raced. Since its inception the Kitemark has grown into one of Britain’s most important and most recognised quality marks.

100 Sustainable Solutions

UK HSE Announces Consultation

Sustainia100 is an annual guidebook and website that showcases 100 innovative solutions from around the world and presents readily available projects, initiatives and technologies that are at the forefront of sustainable transformation.

Health & Safety Executive of UK (HSE) has announced public consultation to repeal or revoke twelve legislative measures.

The newly-published 2013 edition of Sustainia received over 500+ submissions from 79 countries, which are being utilised in 128 countries.

This consultative process seeks views on the Health and Safety Executive’s proposals to remove legislative measures (two Acts and ten Regulations) which the HSE believes are either redundant or out of date. It is proposed that the following legislation be removed:

The final 100 solutions are deployed in almost 70% of the world’s countries – including Kenya, India, Mexico and South Africa, making the Sustainia100 guide reflect innovation from the traditional western hubs as well as parts of the world that are normally not well covered by sustainable innovations. Identifying 100 innovative, sustainable solutions in 10 key sectors, spanning from energy, transportation to fashion, food and education, the latest Sustainia100 provides investors, developers, leaders, politicians, and consumers in-depth insights to the most innovative and promising projects and technologies within their field. The Sustainia100 guide can be viewed or downloaded at

• Factories Act 1961, • Offices, Shops & Railway Premises Act 1963, • Factories Act Modification Regulations 1938, • Factories Act 1937 Regulations 1948, • Factories Act 1961 - Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963 Regulations 2009 • Factories Act 1961 Regulations 1975 • Factories Act 1961 Regulations 1983 • Factories Act 1961 Regulations 1974 • Factories Act 1961 Regulations 1976 • Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963 Regulations 1974, 1975, and 1976 The full consultation documents can be seen on the HSE website -

EDITORIAL The Cost of Poor Product Safety The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reports that the cost of product-related injury and death worldwide currently exceeds USD 1 trillion per year. Product safety is of paramount importance now, more than ever. We need to be sure that the gadgets we listen to, the toys our kids play with, or the shampoo we use, won’t do us any harm. Most of our consumer goods are manufactured outside our country of residence. The free market has created added concerns – justifiable concerns over what we’re purchasing. Fraud is possibly the biggest culprit; the counterfeiting of goods is estimated at 5% to 7% of the global economy. Product safety relies upon good design processes. Standards protect the public from unreasonable risks of injury or death caused by consumer goods in a bid to create a safer world for all. A new standard providing guidelines for consumer product safety is about to have a significant and positive effect on suppliers, products and consumers. ISO 10377:2013, Consumer product safety – Guidelines for suppliers, provides designers and retailers, with practical guidelines on how to assess and manage risk to supply safe products to the consumer.

ISO 10377 is aimed at all firms, and offers risk assessment and management techniques for safer consumer products. In fact, focus groups used a draft of the standard in meetings with SME suppliers to help identify key requirements and assess its usefulness. The standard is divided into four main sections: • General principles: promoting a quality culture across the organization, striving for continual improvement, better staff training, record management and document control, and establishing product monitoring and traceability processes. • Safety aspects of design: addresses design technical specifications, tolerable risk through hazard identification, risk assessment and reduction/elimination, and warnings and instructions on any residual risks to the end user. • Safety in production: promoting basic safety principles across the supply chain, with a focus on manufacturing, design validation, product prototypes, material procurement, tooling, controlling product specifications and assemblies, testing samples and auditing production runs. • Safety in the marketplace: specifies the responsibilities incumbent on the importer, distributor and retailer to ensure that the product ordered continues to meet all the safety requirements. ISO 10377 will affect all suppliers and all types of products, irrespective of their origin.





In this launch issue of INTEGRITY we devote the entire PEOPLE section to the Chief Executive of the Federation of Management Systems. Anthony J Wilkinson is a successful business manager with 20+ years of experience developing and strengthening world-class companies in manufacturing, business support and service sectors. Anthony has a proven track record in management systems, business management and corporate development in highend global environments; working with market leaders across many industries. An intelligent, practical and dependable individual utilising a proactive and analytical approach with a clear focus on results. Anthony’s specialties include management, quality, CRM, leadership, safety, development, training, assessing, Belbin, world class, sustainability, projects, planning, consultancy, strategy, ISO, Excellence, Governments, and MS Office. Having left school with an above average education, Anthony completed an apprenticeship in engineering design before returning to full-time education studying computers and business studies. Following very successful careers in quality management, project management, product development, and personal development, Anthony established Westwood Associates, a management consultancy offering business and process improvement in 1997. Anthony has conducted 100s of assessments and audits, delivered 100s of training courses, and supported around 150 organisations in developing their management systems. He has written many guides on a range of topics, including quality management and food safety management. Anthony approaches every role with a passion; the Board of Trustees were impressed by Anthony’s vision for the future of the Federation of Management Systems.

Dear colleague, The launch of INTEGRITY marks a significant milestone in the history of the Federation of Management Systems. The newsletter has been written and published to cover the needs of management system professionals, people just like you and I who need to be kept up-to-date with developments in standards, legislation and methodologies. As reported on Page 9, ISO 9001:2008 is facing the scheduled review, we would appreciate your comments on the amendments. We welcome input from all our readers; we’re particularly keen to hear from anyone who has a story to tell - a case study or a success story perhaps. We hope to hear from you soon.


THE FEDERATION The Federation of Management Systems (FMS) is an independent organisation that promotes management systems to individuals, organisations, industry, society, academia, governments and associations, to improve business performance, to increase sustainability and to reduce risk. The Federation encourages the effective development, implementation and utilisation of management systems through improved knowledge and understanding by its members and partners. The Federation recognises the knowledge, skills, and efforts of management system professions, and serves as a focal point for members to develop their capabilities, increase their knowledge, and network with like-minded individuals. All members of the Federation of Management Systems must promote the highest level of standards and ethics in their dealings with customers, suppliers, employers, employees, assessors, regulators and the business community. Each member commits, in writing, to abide by the Code of Conduct at all times; any violations of the Code of Conduct will be taken seriously and treated rigorously. The Federation is dedicated to supporting people and organisations who use management system standards, such as ISO 9001, to manage quality, health & safety, sustainability and risk. The Federation promotes the role of the management system professional and acknowledges their absolute commitment and dedication to a key element of modern business – the management system standards. Federation of Management Systems membership is open to individuals and organisations who are actively involved in developing, supporting, training, assessing, implementing, managing, improving, maintaining, and utilising management systems. Grades of membership have been configured to ensure maximum benefit to all. From individual students to large organisations, you will find a grade and price to suit your requirements. The Federation boasts 5 grades of individual membership - from student to fellow. Each grade has an extensive range of benefits, such as recognition, access to information, special discounts, and networking opportunities. Individual members can gain cash credits towards their subscription fee by referring new members. Corporate members can select from three levels of membership to suit their requirements and budget. Each level of membership offers access to a package of benefits, such as free advertisements; each level of membership is priced to provide cost-effective support to world-class organisations.




PUBLICATIONS Good to Great: Why some companies make the leap and others don’t Jim Collins Very rarely do we come across a book that really inspires us to do something. Collins’ book explains how different companies inadvertently did the same things and achieved greatness. It’s a good business model that can be applied to any organisation. Collins' research was conducted over five years and focused on 11 companies that met his team's criteria for 'Good to Great'. Those 11 companies went from fairly average performance to outperforming the market and sustaining it for 15 years. The research, and the book, shows a model that these 11 companies adhered to (although they were unaware of it at the time) that should be possible to replicate in any other organisation to achieve greatness. That is the appeal of this book and Collins’ approach, that is the real possibility that by following this model, will lead you from good to great.

Safety at the Sharp End: A Guide to Non-Technical Skills - Rhona Flin, Paul O'Connor and Margaret Crichton This is essential reading for every manager in every organisation. The book mainly deals with the management of safety, but could be easily applied to other disciplines, from a human perspective. Through the use of case studies, incidents and situations, the role of humans is put under the spotlight. The book is structured around chapters on 7 'non-technical' skills; there are then 3 more general chapters on identifying, training and assessing nontechnical skills. A well written book that introduces the 'Human Factors' into errors across a number of areas. For example, situation awareness is identified as a category and sub-divided into further elements which include, gathering and interpreting information A very well researched work with many real world references and examples.


EVENTS Quality Expo, 10 – 12 September, Chicago, US.

Quality Expo is a leading quality show and conference that provides hands-on access to the newest tools and broadest array of technologies to help ensure quality, reduce costs, streamline processes, and deliver the value customers expect. ADVERT 26 See the Latest Products: gauges, quality software, calibration, CMMs, data collection, electronics test, and non-contact inspection. Meet over 300 industry suppliers: automotive/aerospace, electronics, fabrication, industrial machinery, medical/surgical instruments, plastics/rubber, etc..


Stay current in your field with the latest technical training for manufacturing professionals. The Quality Expo Conference features key sessions covering quality management, principles, tools and practices.

Combating Legionella, 17 – 18 September, Birmingham, UK

In the UK there are approximately 300 cases of Legionnaire’s disease reported annually, with 14% of those cases becoming fatalities and leaving many more suffering from the crippling effects. The Combating Legionella conference is a unique forum where you can gain essential updates on regulation and litigation best practice and debate the challenges facing risk assessments and compliance in the UK. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to network with key industry leaders, regulators and clients about the future of Legionella prevention and treatment. Attending regular training is essential to keep yourself up to date on legislation, litigation and best practice for Legionella control. Key benefits of attending Combating Legionella 2013:

• Updates on the latest regulation and standards, • Presentations providing real experiences of Legionella prevention, • Case Study examples of water treatment in housing and buildings.

Lab Innovations, 6 - 7 November 2013, Birmingham, UK

In 2012, the laboratory industry featured highly in national and international press. With constant pressure in the public eye, it is important for laboratory buyers to see the latest innovations to encourage growth within this evergrowing industry. Lab Innovations provides a forum for laboratory buyers and suppliers to meet. Lab Innovations 2012 proved itself to be the industry event for visitors to see the latest technology providing cost-cutting solutions, increasing productivity and higher ROI for their business. Lab Innovations is a two day focused sales event giving you the opportunity to meet and do business with end-users and senior decision makers from the UK’s leading industry, education and research laboratories. 95% of exhibitors found Lab Innovations 2012 to be a worthwhile event with over 1000 industry professionals and 70 exhibiting companies coming together to network, gain knowledge and do business.



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