Past presidents ad journal web version

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Mazel Tov! To the Past Presidents of The Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County We admire you & we thank you for all your hard work. You lead the way for future generations. “May you go from strength to strength”

Amy & Will Schafer Lindsey, Matthew & Jesse

AMY & WILL SCHAFER LINDSEY, MATTHEW &Ltd. JESSE HomeStores are independently owned and operated. ©2013 Ashley HomeStores,


Honoring Our

PAST PRESIDENTS Thursday, June 6, 2013

13 Honoring Our

PAST PRESIDENTS Thursday, June 6, 2013

Our 13 Past Presidents Alvin Rockoff, 1985-1987

When asked what major problems are facing our newly formed Federation, Alvin Rockoff stated, “We have to be able to reach out to the total Jewish community within this county to get a greater participation.�

Larry Zicklin, 1987-1989

Federation is critical for two reasons; the first is the nature of the mission to assist others both within the community and elsewhere in the world. The second is the atmosphere that is created when Jews band together to serve a communal need that transcends their own personal goals. When we engage in those activities, we build community in a way that is the envy of charitable organizations around the world.

James Stahl, 1989-1991

I applaud this Federation community as one which has continued to put to the forefront Jewish causes and concerns, thereby cementing the centrality of the organization and furthering the security of Jews here and around the world.

Susan Mandell, 1991-1993

Federation is the umbrella and the highlight of our Jewish community. We are always responsive to Jewish needs locally, nationally and overseas. By working with our synagogues and beneficiary agencies, we become a united and strong Jewish community.

Ron Grayzel, 1993-1995

We are blessed with many Jewish organizations in Middlesex County. Federation serves as a unifying force and spokesperson for the entire community with political leaders and other lay and non-Jewish communities.

Marlene Herman, 1995-1997

I hope we can continue to unite our community. We must continue to take care of the aging, the young, and the vulnerable. Where there are needs, we must partner with other agencies. As a community we can do all this together, more than we can do alone.

Roy Tanzman, 1997-1999

The Federation is the only organization that brings everything together. As the central Jewish community organization, Federation looks out for the community and the whole Jewish world.

Kenneth A. Gordon, 1999-2001

The Jewish Middlesex community is shrinking and aging. We are becoming a more elderly community and the Federation and its partner agencies, such as Jewish Family & Vocational Service, provide valuable support to our aging population.

Phoebe Wofchuck, 2001-2003

Federation offers pathways that take us out of ourselves; pathways we cannot generate ourselves; pathways that enlarge us. These pathways are what make us compassionate, innovative, nobler – they are what make us better.

L Richard Wolff, 2003-2005

As Jews, we are aware of many threats throughout the world. We cannot count on momentum to shepherd our future. We must each give from our heart and personal obligation to nurture the future of Federation and the Jewish people. A strong vibrant community is our best defense.

Philip S. Cantor, 2005-2007

The ideas of charity, justice and community are values interwoven in the fabric of Federation. Federation is the organization through which the Jewish community of Greater Middlesex can serve the needs of the Jewish community locally, nationally and throughout the world.

Lee Livingston, 2007-2010

I’ve met the most wonderful, caring, giving people in the Jewish community through my involvement with Federation. It’s at the Federation that the community can come together to respond to emergencies and needs, as well as bring people together for good things, such as PJ Library and our Special Needs programs.

Arlene Frumkin, 2010-2012

The single most significant thing about Federation is that it is an organization created, maintained and perpetuated by volunteers who determine its philosophy, objectives and programs. Anyone can join and help shape the future of our Jewish community.

How We Live Our Mission

The Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County brings together people, partners and resources to fulfill the most important needs and aspirations of our community. We care for the vulnerable locally and worldwide, forge strong connections with Israel, attract people to a more vibrant community, and inspire the next generation to embrace Jewish life.

Care for the Vulnerable

Connect with Israel

• When local families, children or seniors are in need of help, we fund Jewish social service agencies to assist.

• Our Community Relations Council advocates, lobbies and develops ties between our community and Israel.

• We make available Hebrew Free Loans to Jewish residents of Middlesex County to foster financial independence.

• We provide emergency aid to Jews in need in Israel and around the world through our support for the Jewish Agency for Israel and the American Joint Distribution Committee. • We raise funds and coordinate relief efforts in the aftermath of natural disasters such as Superstorm Sandy and the Oklahoma tornado.

We support educational first-time trips to Israel for Jewish teens and young adults through organized youth trips and Birthright Israel. We also support MASA, which subsidizes long-term study in Israel for college students.

• We organize missions to Israel for solidarity and enrichment.

Together, We do Extraordinary Things Attract People to a More Vibrant Community

Inspire the Next Generation

• We bring together Jewish residents of active adult communities to advocate for Jewish causes, volunteer and form strong ties to the larger Jewish Community.

• We support Jewish students at Rutgers Hillel by providing over 300 Shabbat dinners each week. • We educate Jewish high school students through our J. Team Teen Philanthropy Program, building a lifetime commitment to the power of charity.

• Women’s Philanthropy engages women of all ages in dynamic fundraising, cultural and educational events. • Our Greater Middlesex Jewish Cemetery Management Corporation maintains abandoned Jewish cemeteries throughout the county.

• Our PJ Library program provides a monthly gift of free, high quality Jewish books and music to over 500 children, ages 6 months to 6 years.

• We advocate for and leverage government resources to meet our most important needs.

• We invest in Jewish education through our Jewish Day Schools and afternoon Hebrew Schools.

• Create a Jewish Legacy promotes, educates and builds endowments to strengthen Jewish Middlesex for generations to come.

• Our grants make possible the life-changing experience of Jewish summer camp for children with special needs.

• Our Young Adult Division brings together young adults for social, educational and volunteer programs.

• We provide scholarships for teens to attend a leadership training program in Washington, DC.

• Our Jewish Middlesex Reads book and author program shares information, ideas and trends of relevant issues.

June 6, 2013 Dear Friends, I want to personally thank each of our distinguished honorees for your support of and commitment to the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County during the past 28 years. We are blessed to have such a prestigious group of leaders to give us strength to meet the many challenges facing our community, and we are so grateful to each and every one of you. We are honoring an extraordinary team of Past Presidents tonight, beginning with Alvin Rockoff, of blessed memory. You all have well-deserved reputations for championing Jewish causes both here at home and around the world, responding to the needs of people most in need. I have been privileged to work closely with many of our outstanding Presidents. It is an honor to lead this organization founded on your collective vision and wisdom. We are fortunate to have so many homegrown leaders who continue to serve, and we look to our future as our current President Seth S. Gross and PresidentElect Mitch Frumkin provide the vision and leadership that the people of Middlesex County need and deserve. In addition to thanking all of our Past Presidents for their extraordinary commitment to the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County, I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the families of these leaders. Without their unwavering support, none of what we have achieved so far would be possible. Finally, I want to express my sincere appreciation for our hardworking staff and dedicated volunteers for their steadfast support of Tikun Olam. Together they fulfill the mission of our Federation and see that the work of our Past Presidents continues for generations to come. We thank you for supporting the extraordinary work of the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County by being part of this very special celebration. Gratefully,

Gerrie Bamira Executive Director

June 6, 2013 It is my distinct pleasure and privilege to welcome you to the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County’s first celebration honoring leaders in our community. And what an honor it is. After 28 years, we come together to fête all thirteen of our past presidents, an evening that is long past due. These men and women have transformed our Federation from two distinct federations into a single, strong, and visionary organization that continues to grow. Our Federation, like most, is, at its core, a place where those who have time, expertise, money, and passion come together to help those who are presently in need of a helping hand up, and to inspire volunteerism and activism. While the Federation is a wondrous place where magic happens through many partner organizations who do so much and help so many, including assisting students so they can visit and learn in Israel, ensuring Kosher meals are delivered to those who would not otherwise have access to such meals, and supporting numerous education providers in Middlesex County, this magic does not happen on its own. Many people volunteer their time and donate their money to the community through the Federation and we are grateful to them. But the real miracle workers are the Federation’s leaders and none are more important than the presidents who we acknowledge tonight. Without their hard work, guidance and direction, our Federation would not have had the impact it has since it was created in its current form in 1985. I know that each has brought his or her own unique passions and skills to the Federation, with the result being that the community has become stronger each successive year. Although I have not had the opportunity work with all of the past presidents, I have had the distinct honor and privilege of working with most and learning from all. This evening is just a small token of our appreciation for all that they have done and continue to do for us. They may be past presidents, but they continued to mentor, lead, volunteer, and inspire even after stepping down. That is the measure of a true leader. I speak on behalf of the entire community in saying that we all are standing on the shoulders of giants. From this vantage point we can see far into a future where we continue to carry out the vision of our past presidents by helping those in need at home and abroad and engaging our next generation for a vibrant Jewish future. Todah Rabbah.

Seth S. Gross President

June 6, 2013 The Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County 230 Old Bridge Turnpike South River, New Jersey 08882 Dear Friends: It is a pleasure to recognize the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County as you honor the Federation’s 13 past presidents. I have no doubt tonight will be a celebration of their accomplishments and all that the Federation has achieved. In the summer of 2002, I had the great pleasure of visiting the Federation’s office in South River, and seeing first-hand the important work that all of you do. By dedicating your programs and services to serve the vulnerable and inspire volunteerism and activism, you respond to the real needs of your community. The success of the Jewish Federation is a testament to those who have faithfully led this organization and the positive impact of their commitment. I would like to thank all those who generously support the Federation and make their extraordinary work possible. Again, congratulations to the 13 past presidents, and my best wishes to the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County in the years to come.


Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

June 6, 2013 Dear Friends: I am pleased to extend greetings to everyone attending the Jewish Federation’s of Greater Middlesex County Past Presidents event. Since its inception, the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County has served the spiritual, social, educational and professional needs of individuals throughout the area. The Federation’s diverse selection of programs, services and activities has provided significant opportunities for New Jersey’s Jewish residents to celebrate their cultural identity, affirm their religious beliefs and develop the skills and knowledge needed for achievement and fulfillment. I commend the organization for its dedicated efforts to strengthen and support the Garden State’s thriving Jewish community. I would also like to congratulate tonight’s distinguished honorees who have demonstrated a long time commitment to the positive development of New Jersey’s Jewish community and are most deserving of this prestigious recognition. On behalf of the State of New Jersey, I join with all those gathered tonight in applauding their many contributions to our state. Best wishes to all for an enjoyable and memorable evening. Sincerely,

Chris Christie Governor

June 6, 2013 Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County 230 Old Bridge Turnpike South River, NJ 08882 Dear Friends: Thank you for inviting me to celebrate the extraordinary accomplishments of the thirteen past presidents of the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County. I am honored to be part of your celebration this evening. The Federation of Greater Middlesex County plays a central role in promoting Jewish heritage and ensuring a strong future for the New Jersey Jewish community. I applaud you for the dedicated work and the numerous social services you provide, demonstrating your strong commitment to Jewish values in New Jersey. I would like to congratulate each of the past presidents: Alvin Rockoff z�l, Larry Zicklin, James Stahl, Susan Mandell, Ron Grayzel, Marlene Herman, Roy Tanzman, Kenneth A. Gordon, Phoebe Wofchuck, L Richard Wolff, Philip S. Cantor, Lee Livingston and Arlene Frumkin. I am proud to acknowledge their dedicated leadership and strong support. They have shown unwavering commitment in upholding the Federation’s mission of inspiring the local and global Jewish community. Once again, I offer my best wishes to everyone here tonight and wish you continued success in the years to come. Sincerely, Frank R. Lautenberg

June 6, 2013 Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County 230 Old Bridge Turnpike South River, NJ 08882 Dear Friends, Please accept my warmest wishes as the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County gathers for the Past President’s Celebration at The Heldrich Hotel and George Street Playhouse in New Brunswick to honor 28 years of leadership of 13 incredibly dedicated presidents. Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County should be applauded for years of service to the community, caring for the vulnerable both locally and overseas, forging strong relationships with Israel, and fostering in the next generation a love of the tenets of Judaism and Jewish life. The mission of the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County is facilitated by the leadership of many people. The Presidents of this great organization willingly have taken on the challenging role of ensuring the growth of community involvement, funding for various agencies and projects including education, social and vocational services, and for programming that enriches and activates the community for the greater good. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate tonight’s honorees and their families for their years of dedicated leadership: Alvin Rockoff z”l, Larry Zicklin, James Stahl, Susan Mandell, Ron Grayzel, Marlene Herman, Roy Tanzman, Kenneth A. Gordon, Phoebe Wofchuck, L Richard Wolff, Philip S. Cantor, Lee Livingston, and Arlene Frumkin. As your United States Senator, I am committed to improving the lives of all New Jerseyans. Congratulations and best wishes for a successful and memorable event. Sincerely,

United States Senator

May 23, 2013

Ms. Geraldine Bamira Executive Director Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County 230 Old Bridge Turnpike South River, New Jersey 08882-2000 Dear Ms. Bamira: I am pleased to have the opportunity to extend my greetings and best wishes to all who are in attendance at the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County’s Past Presidents’ Celebration. This excellent organization is a valued community resource. I also want to congratulate your honorees. Alvin Rockoff z”l, Larry Zicklin, James Stahl, Susan Mandell, Ron Grayzel, Marlene Herman, Roy Tanzman, Kenneth A. Gordon, Phoebe Wofchuck, L Richard Wolff, Philip S. Cantor, Lee Livingston, and Arlene Frumkin have all made significant contributions to the betterment of the community, and I join you in saluting their achievements. Today is also a day to acknowledge the numerous contributions of the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County. I continue to be impressed by the Jewish Federation’s commitment to improving the lives of Jewish people here in the United States and abroad. The family, vocational, social and educational services that you support have improved the lives of countless people in our community and I am certain that the coming years will yield more accomplishments and milestones for your vital organization. Again, thank you for your kind invitation and for all the good work that your organization does. I look forward to continuing to work together in the future. Sincerely,

RUSH HOLT Member of Congress




ENERGY AND COMMERCE COMMITTEE: ENERGY AND COMMERCE COMMITTEE: ENERGY AND COMMERCE COMMITTEE: WASHINGTON OFFICE: WASHINGTON OFFICE: FRANK PALLONE, JR. FRANK237 PALLONE, J R. CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING 237 CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING 6 DISTRICT, NEW JERSEY H S H S 6 DISTRICT, NEW JERSEY HEALTH SUBCOMMITTEE W ASHINGTON , DC 20515-3006 M M R R WASHINGTON, DC 20515-3006 RANKING MEMBER May 22, 2013 TELEPHONE: (202) 225-4671 TELEPHONE: (202) 225-4671 E E E E ENVIRONMENT AND THE ECONOMY S S DISTRICT OFFICES: SUBCOMMITTEE DISTRICT OFFICES: T C T C S S TOLL-FREE NUMBER: COMMUNICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY The Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County (888) 423-1140 SUBCOMMITTEE TOLL-FREE NUMBER: NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE: NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE: (888) 423-1140 230 Old Bridge Turnpike 504 BROADWAY F ,W ,O F ,W ,O NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE: LONG BRANCH, NJ 07740 I A S I A S South River, NJ 08882 504 BROADWAY FISHERIES, WILDLIFE, OCEANS AND (732) 571-1140 DEMOCRATIC POLICY COMMITTEE: DEMOCRATIC POLICY COMMITTEE: LONG BRANCH, NJ 07740 INSULAR AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE 67/69 CHURCH STREET (732) 571-1140 C C C C Dear Friends: KILMER SQUARE DEMOCRATIC POLICY COMMITTEE: NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ 08901 67/69 C HURCH S TREET COMMUNICATIONS CHAIR (732) 249-8892 KILMER SQUARE Congratulations to the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County and to all of NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ 08901 your honorees. I am honored to have the opportunity to join in recognition of the (732) 249-8892 May 22, 2013 Federation and its past leadership. May 22, 2013 May 22, 2013 The Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County The Jewish Federation has a long, valued, and respected history in our state; known for 230 Old Bridge Turnpike May 22, 2013 the tireless work of its members, serving those in need, strengthening our ties to Israel, The Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County The Jewish Federation of Gr South River, NJ 08882 230 Old Bridge Turnpike 230 Old Bridge Turnpike and celebration of Jewish life. South River, NJ 08882 South River, NJ 08882 Dear Friends: The Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County Each of the past presidents, those who are still with us and those who are deceased, 230 Old Bridge Turnpike Dear Friends: Dear Friends: Congratulations to the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County and to all of your honorees. I am honored to have the opportunity to join in recognition of the Federation deserve our recognition and gratitude. Alvin Rockoff z”l, Larry Zicklin, James Stahl, South River, NJ 08882 and its past leadership. Susan Mandell, Ron Grayzel, Marlene Herman, Roy Tanzman, Kenneth A. Gordon, Congratulations to the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County and to all of Congratulations to the Jewis Phoebe Wofchuck, L Richard Wolff, Philip S. Cantor, Lee Livingston, and Arlene your honorees. I am honored to have the opportunity to join in recognition of the your honorees. I am honore The Jewish Federation has a long, valued, and respected history in our state; known for the tireless work of its members, serving those in need, strengthening our ties to Israel, Dear Friends: Frumkin have all led the Federation with distinction, bringing their unique skills to the Federation and its past leadership. Federation and its past lead and celebration of Jewish life. Federation’s ongoing mission. The Jewish Federation has a long, valued, and respected history in our state; known for The Jewish Federation has a Each of the past presidents, thoseCongratulations to the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County and to all of who are still with us and those who are deceased, deserve our recognition and gratitude. Alvin Rockoff z”l, Larry Zicklin, James Stahl, Susan Thank you to all of the past presidents for their vision and tireless leadership of this your honorees. I am honored to have the opportunity to join in recognition of the the tireless work of its members, serving those in need, strengthening our ties to Israel, the tireless work of its mem Mandell, Ron Grayzel, Marlene Herman, Roy Tanzman, Kenneth A. Gordon, Phoebe Wofchuck, L Richard Wolff, Philip S. Cantor, Lee Livingston, and Arlene Frumkin have great organization. I also send my best wishes to your current and future leadership, and celebration of Jewish lif Federation and its past leadership. all led and celebration of Jewish life. the Federation with distinction, bringing their unique skills to the Federation’s ongoing mission. and wish the Federation continued prosperity and success in your work to serve the community locally and abroad. Thank Each of the past presidents, those who are still with us and those who are deceased, you to all of the past presidents for their vision and tireless leadership of this great organization. I also send my best wishes to your current and futureEach of the past presidents, leadership, and The Jewish Federation has a long, valued, and respected history in our state; known for deserve our recognition and gratitude. Alvin Rockoff z”l, Larry Zicklin, James Stahl, deserve our recognition and wish the Federation continued prosperity and success in your work to serve the community locally and abroad. the tireless work of its members, serving those in need, strengthening our ties to Israel, Susan Mandell, Ron Grayzel, Marlene Herman, Roy Tanzman, Kenneth A. Gordon, Susan Mandell, Ron Grayze Sincerely, and celebration of Jewish life. Phoebe Wofchuck, L Richard Wolff, Philip S. Cantor, Lee Livingston, and Arlene Phoebe Wofchuck, L Richar Sincerely, EALTH






























Frumkin have all led the Federation with distinction, bringing their unique skills to the Federation’s ongoing mission. Each of the past presidents, those who are still with us and those who are deceased, deserve our recognition and gratitude. Alvin Rockoff z”l, Larry Zicklin, James Stahl, Thank you to all of the past presidents for their vision and tireless leadership of this FRANK PALLONE, JR. Susan Mandell, Ron Grayzel, Marlene Herman, Roy Tanzman, Kenneth A. Gordon, great organization. I also send my best wishes to your current and future leadership, Member of Congress Phoebe Wofchuck, L Richard Wolff, Philip S. Cantor, Lee Livingston, and Arlene FRANK PALLONE, JR. and wish the Federation continued prosperity and success in your work to serve the Frumkin have all led the Federation with distinction, bringing their unique skills to the Member of Congress community locally and abroad. Federation’s ongoing mission. Sincerely,








Frumkin have all led the Fed Federation’s ongoing missio Thank you to all of the past great organization. I also sen and wish the Federation con community locally and abro Sincerely,

The Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County is proud to serve with our community partners in our shared efforts to strengthen and enhance Jewish life in Middlesex County. Abraham’s Tent

Temple B’nai Shalom

Chabad of North and South Brunswick

Agudath Israel

Congregation B’nai Tikvah

Camp Chaveirim

Congregation Ahavas Achim

BBYO, Middlesex Chapters

Chavurat Kol Haneshama

AMIT Women

Boy Scouts Pack 5

Congregation of Clearbrook

Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple

Boy Scouts Troop 55

East Brunswick Jewish Center

Brandeis Women, Middlesex County

Temple Emanu-El

Congregation Beit Shalom

Central New Jersey Kehilot Investing in Day Schools (CNJKIDS)

Congregation Etz Ahaim

Bris Avrohom of Old Bridge

Congregation Concordia

Congregation Beth El, Edison

Chabad House of Monroe

Congregation Beth Mordecai

Chabad Jewish Center of Monroe

Congregation Beth Ohr

Chabad House of East Brunswick

Highland Park Conservative Temple – Congregation Anshe Emeth

Temple Beth El, Somerset

Chabad House Lubavitch, New Brunswick

Highland Park Minyan

Bikur Cholim Chapters

Chabad Jewish Center of South Brunswick

I.L. Peretz Community Jewish School

Congregation Ahavas Yisrael

Etz-Chaim- Monroe Township Jewish Center Hadassah Chapters, Middlesex County Hazamir Choir, New Brunswick Chapter

Jersey Tribe

Minyan Tiferet

Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva

Jewish Community Center of Middlesex County

National Council of Jewish Women, Middlesex County Chapters

Reenas Bais Yaakov

Jewish Family & Vocational Service

NCSY, Middlesex County Chapters

Jewish Historical Society of Central Jersey

Nefesh Yehudi Academy

Jewish Outreach Institute (JOI)

Netivot – The Montessori Yeshiva

Jewish-Russian Cultural Club

Congregation Neve Shalom

Jewish Social Service of New Brunswick and Highland Park

New Jersey Lesbian & Gay Havurah

Solomon Schechter Day School of Raritan Valley

NFTY, Garden Empire Region

Torah Links/Gesher

Congregation Ohav Emeth

USY, Middlesex County Chapters

Joan & Allen Bildner Center for Jewish Life

Congregation Ohr Torah

Oscar and Ella Wilf Campus for Senior Living

Kadima, Middlesex County Chapters

Oneg Group

Women’s Tefilah Group of Raritan Valley

Khal Chassidim of Highland Park

Ort Women, NJ Chapter


Kulanu C’Echad

Pre-Collegiate Learning Center

Yeshiva Tiferes Yehuda Aryeh of Carteret

Makhelat Hamercaz

Congregation Poile Zedek

Young Israel of East Brunswick

Minyan Tefillat Kol Peh

Rabbi Jacob Joseph Yeshiva

Jewish War Veterans

Rossmoor Jewish Congregation Rutgers Hillel Rutgers Jewish Xperience Yeshiva Shaarei Tzion

The Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County gratefully acknowledges the support and encouragement from these exceptional volunteers who have made this Past Presidents’ Celebration a success. Event Chair Phyllis Freed Committee Linda Block Barbara Chernak Mitchell Frumkin Joyce Glasgold Barbara Glitzer Meryl Gonchar

Seth S. Gross Lisa Hyman Barbara Littman Lanny Livingston Beth Mandell Jon Mandell

Rachel Silverstein Donald Sulam Brenda Tanzman Keith Zimmerman Tammy Zimmerman

With much deserved special thanks to Event Chair Phyllis Freed for her earnest leadership and diligence.

Marion and Norman Tanzman Leadership Fellows 2010

With joy and gratitude we celebrate our Past Presidents, their accomplishments and their leadership in creating a robust Jewish Community here at home and a strong State of Israel for us and our children. They have inspired us with their light and wisdom and commitment to our people. Thank you all, Barbara and Leonard Littman

We Are Proud of, and Love our Diamond. Adam, Seth, Lauren and Mitchell

We are proud to honor all the past presidents for their dedication and commitment to the community

The Marion and Norman Tanzman Charitable Foundation Jeffries Shein - President Roy Tanzman, Esq. - Vice President

From generation to generation. How satisfying to know that the tradition continues.

Carol and Larry Zicklin


est Wishes to the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County on your Past Presidents’ Celebration.


Sealy supports peoples’ backs on a nightly basis. Sealy also supports the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County.

Walk to Support Israel 2004

Congratulations to Roy Tanzman on a well-deserved honor We are inspired by your steadfast dedication, strong leadership, and tireless commitment to the Jewish community The Wilf Family

In Honor of My Wife


An Exemplary Woman of Valor She is a devoted and committed wife, daughter, mother, grandmother and community leader. With my love and admiration, JON

We Proudly Support the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County and Thank Their Past Presidents for Their Dedication and Service to Our Community

“Honor to those who give themselves faithfully to the needs of the community‌â€? Mazel Tov to Roy, Brenda and the entire Tanzman family for their ongoing service, devotion and commitment to the Jewish community at large. May you all go from strength to strength! With great admiration, Claire and Danny Kahane

New York Israel Day Parade 2008

Congratulations to

Phoebe Wofchuck

and the rest of the honorees! We appreciate all of your hard work

Love, Robert and Mitchell Wofchuck, Marsha and Jordan, Steven, Jillian and Rachel Heller



-Albert Einstein

A SPECIAL MAZEL TOV TO ROY TANZMAN Dad, we are so proud of you and inspired by the example that you have set through your enduring commitment to the Jewish Community and Klal Yisrael. Thank you for being a wonderful son, husband, father and gramps. With love, Mom, Dad, Mary, Brenda, Jill, Jordan,Isabel, Jacob, Joshua, Elana and Brett

JTEAM Teen Philanthropists 2011

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR FEDERATION PRESIDENTS THE CANTOR FAMILY Jane and Philip David and Faith Amidan, Devorah, Gabriella, Keren and Reuven Mollie and Barry Romy, Leni, Bernice Jenny and Mark Miles Daniel

Our Past Presidents are men and women of great distinction with endless dedication and devotion to our community. You have all done so much. Most importantly a special thanks to my husband Lee for his tireless efforts on behalf of others. Lanny Livingston

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE HONOREES Elaine and Don, Marc, Debra and Glen, Luke, Jack and Will Sulam

In Honor of Our 13 Past Presidents Alvin, Larry, James, Susan, Ron, Marlene, Roy, Kenneth, Phoebe, Richard, Philip, Lee, Arlene “Every human being has three names: The name given by parents The name assigned by others The name ones makes for oneself.” Ecclesiastes Rabbah 7:1:3 You have made and earned for yourselves many names including: Friends • Pillars • Menches • Supporters • Advisors Mazel Tov! Sandy and Steven Lenger

For all you’ve done and continue to do for the greater Jewish Community, for The Federation and for each of us, We celebrate you, we thank you, And we love you, very, very much! Jamie, Lisa, Cynthia, Adam, Angela, David, Joseph, Noah, Josh, Hannah, Sarah and Miriam

To all of the honorees With sincere gratitude for your time and effort devoted to the

Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County Thank you for building a vibrant community for us and for generations to come

Tammy and Keith Zimmerman

Best wishes to all the Past Presidents of the Jewish Federation being honored tonight. Ken and Glenda Gordon Boca Raton, Florida

We salute tonight’s honorees and the

Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County for their 28 years of hard work and dedication to the community. May you go from strength to strength! Helen and Michael Kaplan and Family Kaplan Companies

Congratulations to all the honorees for their inspiring leadership Jessica, Joseph & Leon Kroll

Mazel Tov To all the Past Presidents Thank you for your many years of hard work and dedication to the Jewish

Federation of Greater Middlesex County and to our community

Lynn, Barry, Adam and Sarah Sherman

732-613-EYES 162 Summerhill Rd. East Brunswick

(Corner of Summerhill & Racetrack Roads) M-W & F 10-6 Lic. #1354

Th: 10-7 S: 10-3

Congratulations to my fellow Past Presidents and Thank you to the Federation staff, who throughout the years, are our partners and providers of the support needed to serve the community. Lee Livingston

Congratulations to all the Past Presidents for their outstanding service to the community Jeffries and Rona Shein

Congratulations to Arlene and her 12 predecessors. Your inspirational leadership has made all the difference!

Congregation B’nai Tikvah 1001 Finnegans Lane • North Brunswick, NJ 08902 Board of Trustees & Administrator

Always proud to send Federation our best and brightest!

The Appletini Club congratulates the Federation’s Past Presidents and thanks them for their service to our community.

Aaron Rosloff & Family Alan Kane & Family Arie Behar & Family

Danny Greenberg & Family Howard Drucker & Family John Wolf & Family Keith Zimmerman & Family

Mark Sherman & Family Mitchell Frumkin & Family Neal Gittleman & Family

Roy For your leadership, dedication, and passion for the Jewish community worldwide With great admiration, Ruth & Steven Katz Deborah & Wayne Zuckerman

Mazel Tov To Roy Tanzman Your tireless efforts on behalf of Jewish Federation and the community at large is a testament of your deep commitment to your Jewish values. May G-d grant you the strength to continue all your wonderful acts of Chesed and grant you much Nachas from your entire family. Elisa and Alan Pines and Family

Our deepest appreciation to a great man, Roy Tanzman

Marlene and Michael Nissenblatt





To the 13 Past Presidents, Congratulations & Thank You for your involvement & support of the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County over the years! Mazel Tov! Monte & Linda Block 5

LEVINSON AXELROD, P.C. 2 Lincoln Highway • Edison, New Jersey


The Martin and Edith Stein Assisted Living Residence • The Lena and David T. Wilentz Senior Residence The Martin Edith Stein Assisted• Living Lena and David• T.The Wilentz Senior Residence The Martin and and Edith Stein Hospice Wilf Residence at Home •• The Wilf Transport Foundation The Martin and Edith Stein Hospice • Wilf at Home • Wilf Transport • The Foundation Regency Jewish Heritage NursingNursing Home and Rehabilitation Services Regency Jewish Heritage Home and Rehabilitation Services For additional For information the services available at The Oscar Ella Wilf for Senior Living, additional on information on the services available at Theand Oscar and EllaCampus Wilf Campus for Senior Living, or visit usoratvisit please call 800-574-5760 us at please call 800-574-5760

The Oscar and Ella Wilf Campus for Senior Living The Oscar and Ella Wilf Campus for Senior Living Congratulates Congratulates The Past Presidents of Greater Middlesex Federation.

The Past Presidents of Greater Middlesex Federation.

Mazel Tov and Best Wishes to All the Honorees and Friends Wilkin & Guttenplan, P.C. proudly supports the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County May you all continue to inspire our Community and go from Strength to Strength!

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Congratulations to the

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Roy Tanzman

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ISRAELBONDS BONDS ISRAEL Salutes the honorees for their contributions and dedication Salutesto the honorees for their contributions and dedication the community and expresses appreciation for the to the community and expresses appreciation for longstanding partnership the with longstanding partnership with


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and applauds their wonderful contributions to this vibrant community.

Congratulations to

ROY TANZMAN for being honored by the

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We are proud to support the

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Congratulations to the Past Presidents at the Jewish Federation for a job well done! SAW Enterprises Inc.

Israel’s 60th Birthday Celebration 2008

We honor ALL the past presidents for their devotion to our Community and to klal Yisrael We are especially proud of those presidents who are members of our HPCT-CAE Temple family.

Linda & Barry Diamond Renee & Stuart Feinblatt Elaine Rand Fromkin Susan & Mark Green Randy & Carl Levy

Joan & Stuart Mitnick Sima & Ben Schall Judy & Bernie Schanzer Linda & Phil Schmidt Lorraine & Abe Schwartzbard

Joanne & Stan Zimmerman

Mazel Tov to each Past President and their families. Your leadership and contributions have built and strengthened our Jewish Community and serve as an inspiration to those of us who attempt to carry on the mantle of leadership. With heartfelt congratulations and admiration, Lisa Zimmerman and Seth S. Gross




117 SEAVIEW DRIVE, SECAUCUS, NJ 07094 201-807-9292

WePresidents salute all of for the Past for We salute all of the Past theirPresidents outstanding their outstanding commitment to commitment to Federation and the Jewish community. Federation and the Jewish community Mazel Tov, Arlene and Roy ! Mazel Tov, Arlene and Roy !

Marcia and Jeff Schwartz Marcia and Jeff Schwartz

Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple expresses gratitude to all of the Past Presidents of the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County. We especially honor those who have also served Anshe Emeth with distinction: Larry Zicklin, Susan Mandell, Kenneth Gordon, Philip Cantor, and Lee Livingston. Rabbi Miller and all of Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple

Mazel Tov to our dear friend, Mr. Roy Tanzman, Esq. on this wonderful honor and to all the other Past Presidents. With continued appreciation and admiration, Captain Mark Seigel, MBA & Rabbi Osher Eisemann The School for Children with Hidden Intelligence (SCHI)

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE PAST PRESIDENTS! BORRUS, GOLDIN, FOLEY, VIGNUOLO, HYMAN & STAHL, P.C. COUNSELLORS AT LAW Personal Injury • Accidents • Trials & Litigation • Real Estate • Eminent Domain • Product Liability • Corporations • Partnerships • Limited Liability Companies Contracts • Business Transactions • Banking • Mortgages • School Law • Divorce • Bankruptcy • Wills & Estates • Estate Tax Planning • Environment Commercial Tax Appeals • Employment Discrimination • Land Use & Development • Zoning • Municipal Courts • Arbitration and Mediation

Jack Borrus • David M. Foley • Anthony B. Vignuolo • Jeffrey M. Hyman • James E. Stahl • Eileen M. Foley • Steven L. Fox Joseph G. Hughes • Jay Holub • Anthony T. Betta • Alexander J. Kemeny • Hon. Barnett E. Hoffman, of Counsel 2875 U.S. Highway #1, Route 1 & Finnegans Lane, North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902 Phone: (732) 422-1000 Fax: (732) 422-1016 E-Mail: SERVING THE COMMUNITY AND ITS FAMILIES SINCE 1962

Mazel Tov to all of our past presidents for your commitment and leadership at Federation. I’m grateful for the friendships that many of us share. Paula Masciulli

Truly, Larry, you are one in a million and I am the fortunate one who can call you my brother.

We are very proud of you and your achievements in making the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County a strong and vibrant organization. We love you, Rita and Eli

Many thanks to all the Past Presidents for their service to our community. Adrienne and Andrew Ross

Mazel Tov to the Federation and all the honorees! We have benefitted from your leadership, vision, and tireless effort to make us a stronger Jewish community.

Sherryl and Mickey Kaufman

Congratulations to Roy Tanzman on this well deserved honor. Janie & Bill Davidson

47 Brunswick Avenue Edison, NJ 08817 Tel: 732-750-1900 Fax: 732-750-2824


Federation Past Presidents know the mission continues, only the title changes. Thank you for all you do to make the world a better place. ROBERT KUCHNER Past President - Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ Partner, Accounting and Auditing Marks Paneth & Shron LLP 685 Third Avenue, New York, NY, 10017

“It is not our duty to complete the work, but neither are we free to desist from it.� Pirkei Avot

II .21

Mentors and Friends, Thank you for your leadership in the work. It is our pleasure to honor you all. Jennifer & Richard Bullock and Family

Ray Catena

The Legend in Luxury

Proud to support the

Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County 1-800-NEW-AUTO

Rachel and Michael Silverstein take pride in honoring our Past Presidents

With heartfelt appreciation for all the wonderful work of our 13 past presidents. Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for our Jewish community!

Fondly, Marilyn L. Goldsmith & Rob Kirschbaum

We at Big Tent Judaism/Jewish Outreach Institute applaud the contributions of all the Past Presidents. In special recognition of our Board Member Lee Livingston and wishing good luck to our Board Member Mitch Frumkin, a future Federation President. In appreciation of our partnership with the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County in launching our Community Concierge Program in Middlesex County. Rabbi Kerry Olitzky, Executive Director • Mitchell Shames, President

Congratulations to all of the Past Presidents of the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County

Miller’s Rentals and Sales, Inc

You are an inspiration to all! Stuart, Susan, Brandon, Garrett, Dylan, and Jesse Kohn

Congratulations To our amazing “Past President” Mom and Mom-Mom

Susan Mandell

You and your beautiful voice are an inspiration to our family. We are so lucky to have you as a role model.

We Love You, and are so proud of everything you do for the community! Wendy & Lee

Beth & Craig

Jessica & Mark

Jennifer & Judd

Max, Jake & Ben

Zachary, A.J & Carli

Hannah & Joshua

Haley, Colin & Conroy

In a spirit of deep partnership and shared commitment to Klal Yisrael, we honor all the Past Presidents of the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County, and recognize with affection and esteem, the leaders from our congregation who have served the larger Jewish Community. Marlene Herman (1995-1997) Roy Tanzman (1997-1999) Arlene Frumkin (2009-2011) May God bless you among those who dedicate themselves to the needs of the Jewish People and the building of the State of Israel. We lovingly remember, Alvin Rockoff, Founding President whose memory is a blessing and an inspiration for us all. Rabbi Eliot Malomet Rabbi Emeritus Yakov Hilsenrath Mitchel Rosen, President

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We join in honoring the 13 past presidents of the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County

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In Recognition, Gratitude & Love for the fine work of the Past Presidents Congratulations to all of the honorees! Linda & Micky Landis

Congratulations to our friend Roy and the other Past Presidents on this great honor. Ruth and Leonard Cole

To All Past Presidents Thanks for your sacrifice and leadership. Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. Betty & Irwin Keller and Family

To My Sister Marlene, You make me so proud. The work you do is so important. I love you with all of my heart! Connie and Family

Ethiopian Immigration to Israel 2007

Congratulations to our Past Presidents for their vision, service and dedication Classical Caterers Fine Kosher and Glatt Kosher Catering Evan Bernstein

Kaushik Patel - Dunkin Donuts Alliance Management QSR Operating in following locationsIselin, Perth Amboy, Woodbridge, Port Reading, Avenel, Sayreville, Rahway

Todah Rabbah to all our past presidents for their dedicated leadership. And especially to Ron Grayzel of Neve Shalom. Gerald Zelizer, Rabbi Congregation Neve Shalom Metuchen, NJ

Mazel Tov to all our Federation leaders and thank you for your inspirational commitment to our community. Congregation Ahavas Achim Highland Park, New Jersey

Mazel Tov to all of the Past Presidents Rabbi Kerry and Sheryl Olitzky

Thank you for your commitment and steadfast support. Barbara and Monroe Glitzer Congratulations to all honorees on your recognition as past presidents of the Jewish

Federation of Greater Middlesex County.

We appreciate and admire Roy Tanzman’s leadership and service to our Jewish community. Congratulations and Best Wishes to all Past Presidents. Sylvia and David Steiner

Congratulations to Lee Livingston on a well deserved honor!

You are an inspiration to us all. Arlene & Stanley Ferman

Alan Harris

Mazel Tov Ken, On this much deserved honor! We are so proud to call you our father and grandfather. Love, Ali, Ian, Gregg, Evan, Bev, Ethan & Jacob

Congratulations to all 13 Past Presidents whose accomplishments have kept our Middlesex Federation strong. Dan and I enjoyed working with: Susan, Richard, Alvin, Larry, Jim, Ron, Marlene, Roy, Ken, Phoebe, Phil, Lee and Arlene. Jane and Dan Fishkoff

Yasher Koach to the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County celebrating the achievements of the well deserving individuals who have guided the Federation for more than 25 years. A special Mazel Tov to Roy Tanzman, who serves as the President of the Board of Directors at Rutgers Hillel and to our board members Philip S. Cantor and L Richard Wolff. Your commitment to Jewish continuity is a model to emulate. Students, Staff and Board of Directors of Rutgers Hillel

In honor of our dear friend Susan Mandell Janet and Larry Kramer

You make a living by what you get,but you make a life by what you give. -- Winston Churchill

A special Mazel Tov to Roy Tanzman on this well-deserved honor Love, The Schers, Caffertys, Berks and Mom Belsky Thank you to all of the honorees for your hard work & dedication throughout the years.

Mazel Tov to all the Past Presidents Yasher Koach, Arlene! Rabbi Robert L. Wolkoff and Cantor Bruce D. Rockman Congregation B’nai Tikvah – North Brunswick

To my friend Roy and all the well deserving honorees Congratulations! Rob Davidson

Yasher Koach Roy Tanzman For all you do for the Jewish Community Sarit Catz and David Legow

Mazel Tov Roy on this well deserved honor. Your commitment and dedication to the Jewish People is inspirational. May you continue to go from strength to strength. Lori and Steve Klinghoffer

To Lee and all the Honorees Congratulations!

Mom, thank you for being such a great role model for us. We are very proud of you and love you very much! Adam, Seth and Lauren Frumkin



In honor of Lee Livingston’s vision and leadership in our Jewish Community With warm regards, Deborah Rose

It has been my privilege to serve on the Federation’s Board of Trustees for the past several years. The dedication and energy of the staff, officers, and board have been truly awe-inspiring.

Thanks for letting me be a small part of it. I wish you all even greater success with your future efforts.


See you in Israel! Abby Hochhauser


I want to thank you all for everything you do for this community, for Israel, and for Jews all over the world.

To our wonderful friend Phoebe Congratulations on your work and achievements for Federation Your forever friends Alba, Sandra, Rita, and Vera




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Mazel Tov to Arlene, a wonderful past president With love, Linda, Donald, Samantha and Zachary

In honor of Arlene Frumkin and Roy Tanzman for being such worthy and inspirational leaders in our community. Congratulations to all the Past Presidents. Bonnie Guttenplan Wherever Travel, Inc. 440 S. Main St. Milltown, NJ 08850 732-698-0200

In honor of the leadership and accomplishments

13 Past Presidents of the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County

of the

The Board of Trustees and Staff of Jewish Family and Vocational Service of Middlesex County

To our Past Presidents: May the torches you lit brighten our Jewish future! Leslie Fishbein and Zoltan Kemeny

Israel Inspires Rally 2003

The Bridge Group wishes a Mazel Tov to Richard Wolff on this well deserved honor! Your friends, The Benderly, Rebovich, Rubinstein & Shulman Families

Mazel Tov to Roy Tanzman Lonny & Gail Kaplan

Super Storm Sandy Response Day 2012

Mazel Tov! Gary and Joan Busman Mazel Roy Tanzman! Viva Cuba! Karen & Jason Cohen Joan and Barry Ellen are pleased to honor you! CONGRATULATIONS SUSAN-YOUR FRIDAY POLO GOLF GROUP

Well Wishers

Best Wishes! Senator Linda Greenstein Congratulations! Dr. and Mrs. Alan Herschman How fortunate to have had you lead us. Rhoda Juskow ARLINE & ALAN KANE SAY: MAZEL TOV AND TODAH RABAH! Thanks for heeding the call to lead! Sue & Brian Kheel Best wishes for a job well done! Sylvia and Raoul Koss Stephen and Judith Lerner DRS. CATHERINE AND ERWIN MERMELSTEIN Thomas M. Panitch, D.D.S. Honoring my daughter, Susan Mandell. Florence Ross We celebrate Susan Mandell. Barbara & Donald Rosuck LEE, YOU INSPIRE THE JEWISH COMMUNITY! ANN SALZBERG Gail and Stanley Slobodien Dr. & Mrs. Edward R. & Dorothy Thompson

Well Wishers

Best Wishes to Roy Tanzman! Valerie Boccadoro & Sandy Fink MAZEL TOV TO THE PAST PRESIDENTS! DR. LOIS SCHULMAN & JERRY KAMINSKI

Thank you.

The Jewish Federation community has time and again shown how we as a people rise to so many occasions. We live generously, groom future leaders, invest in our children, demand justice for people who cannot advocate for themselves; we fund programs and services and emergency responses, and by our example create a spirit of giving and hope. How wonderful it is that today, together, we can do so much for the Jewish community.

Mazel Tov!

To the Past Presidents of The Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County We admire you & we thank you for all your hard work. You lead the way for future generations. “May you go from strength to strength”

Amy & Will Schafer Lindsey, Matthew & Jesse

AMY & WILL SCHAFER LINDSEY, MATTHEW &Ltd. JESSE HomeStores are independently owned and operated. ©2013 Ashley HomeStores,


Honoring Our

PAST PRESIDENTS Thursday, June 6, 2013

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