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Veldeman Bedding
Industrieweg-Noord 1155 B-3660 Opglabbeek T +32 (0) 89 36 66 60 @ info@veldeman.com W www.velda.net
Export: Kris Nouwen Kris.nouwen@veldeman.com
SOLID AND ELEGANT BOXSPRINGS Veldeman Bedding has build a solid reputation in the past couple of years with the box spring collections Velda Metropolitan, Velda Classic and Versus. The sober styling, attention for detail and the wide rage of decorative fabrics are appreciated by the consumer. The numerous dealers and bedding companies see the high quality finishing, the quick delivery and the reliable service as true trademarks for Velda. This year the emphasis has been on the technological developments of Fly and Finesse. Fly stands for innovative Belgian design which shows that a box spring can be both sturdy and elegant. Because of the floating construction the maintenance is easy. The Finesse does justice to its name and marks the start of a new generation of comfort. This stands for exceptional design and smart technology. This is not a box spring, this is a dream…