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Mainers Feeding Mainers
Distribution Highlights from Calendar Year 2022
• 10,500 families accessed food through a school partner program
• 2.9 million pounds of local produce and $1.5 million invested into Maine’s economy through Mainers Feeding Mainers
• 80% of the 29 million distributed meals included Foods to Encourage, which are categorized as nutritious, like whole grains and lean proteins, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables
• 310,588 meals of culturally relevant foods distributed through 355 unique partners statewide
• 3,750 participants in 142 Cooking Matters nutrition education courses and tours
• 250,000 meals accessed through more than 140 health care partner sites
Last year, our local food purchasing program, Mainers Feeding Mainers— which partners with local farmers in all 16 counties to provide healthy, fresh produce to Mainers facing hunger—grew to include 90 farm partners and entered its 13th growing season. We also expanded our partnership with farmers from communities of color and have 15 growers who provide the fresh, nutritious, and culturally relevant food that their communities need to thrive.
At Aroostook County School Farm, 40 student workers helped to provide 40,000 pounds of apples to neighbors experiencing food insecurity in Aroostook County. “I think it’s great because all our produce is being used. It’s not going to waste. So, I think it’s great we can give back to our community and other communities with our produce,” said Kamryn, a student volunteer at Aroostook County School Farm.
Recite Me
Launched in February of last year, visitors to our websites will now find RECITE ME , an accessibility toolbar that provides an inclusive online experience, enabling website visitors to access the Food Bank’s content barrier-free. Our websites are now ADA-compliant with translations across one hundred languages making it easier for neighbors experiencing hunger to locate community pantries and meal sites, while also connecting with the Food Bank’s vast array of resources.