NOVELS VS MOVIES Penning down thoughts and ideas into prose and poetry has been present since time immemorial. The medium of text is celebrated for its intricacies, allowing the reader a newfound freedom to imagine their worlds. Another medium, albeit more recent, is the moving pictures or cinema as referred in the modern times. While reading involves one of the primary sense organs, the eyes, and the mind in tandem to decipher the texts, sometimes alien due to rare usage; cinema, on the other hand, is easier to interpret. Using sight and sound to understand actions portrayed doesn't employ the mind as much as reading. However, both have contributed a fair share to the development of society as a whole. Without the advent of technology, it was the books and novels that captured details, narrated tales and spoke volumes, passing down information, among generations, classes, races, countries and diversity. As cinema grew, storytelling became shorter and to many,
more fun. The differences between the two media and the dependence on each other was what accumulated a massive audience, that drooled to escape into the fictional world. Novels and movies serve the same purpose, at the end of the day: to help us escape the mundane reality that is our everyday experience, to transport us to worlds that are enticing, spellbinding and unlike anything we have ever seen before. However, this goal is achieved in fairly different ways and this is precisely what sets the media apart. In the case of novels, the written medium allows for a more open-ended experience, with the writer painting a picture in the reader's mind using just the power of their vocabulary. Grandiose castles, looming spectres, a host of characters - a canvas that comes alive with colours through the author's effortless expertise.